How to change or reset the password from Apple ID account (icloud). Draft account in ICloud: recommendations for beginners What to do when password for iCloud is forgotten

When you just purchased the second iPhone 7 or Apple ID with a high leakage risk, it is recommended to change the iCloud account. To change another iCloud account on the iPhone, you must first know the method for deleting an ICOUD account. And then you should know other information associated with the ICloud account, such as email, password, username, settings and more.

What should be the best methods for changing the ICLOUD account on the iPhone, iPad or other devices? To fully use the iOS device, you can find a complete manual for changing the ICloud account.

Part 1: How to delete iCloud account on iPhone

Solution 1: Delete ICloud account with password

Regardless of the reasons why you need to change the account on the iPhone, you must first know how to delete an ICLOUD account. If you still remember the password of the ICLOUD account or not, you can find the solution to delete the original ICloud account for another.

Step 1: Go to "Settings"\u003e ICLOUD, scroll down to find "Delete an account" or "exit."

Step 2: Click the Delete button to delete the iCloud account on the iPhone.

Once you delete the ICloud account, you can change the iCloud account using the new in "Settings"\u003e "icloud". When you save the source data of ICloud, you must decide whether you want to merge information.

Solution 2: Delete ICloud Account without password

When you receive a used iPhone with an unknown ICLOUD account, it should be disappointing. As for this case, you will not directly change the iCloud account. Tipard iPhone Eraser. This is the best solution to delete all data on the iPhone, as shown below.

If you need to remove all iPhone tracks, you can use the iPhone Eraser to get rid of all the information, including the ICloud account. Just download and install the program, and then run it on your computer.

Connect the iPhone to the computer, and then you can select the erase level to delete the ICloud account. Select "Low" mode to overwrite the iPhone data once to get rid of the original ICLOUD account.

After that, you can click the Start button to delete all files, including ICLOUD account. When the whole process is completed, you can get a completely new iPhone without any traces of the original user.

Part 2: How to change iCloud account on iPhone

After deleting an ICloud account you need to know the method of changing the ICloud account. In fact, you can change the iCloud account with different Apple identifiers, email, password, username, etc. Just read the detailed process as shown below.

Method 1: How to change the iCloud account ID on iPhone

Step 1: Start the iPhone, and then go to the website from Safari.

Step 2: Go to "Apple Identifier Management" section to enter the current Apple ID with password and identifier.

Step 3: Select "Apple ID and Main Email Address" in the "Edit your Apple ID" section.

Step 4: And then on the editable field you can change the iCloud account with the new email identifier.

Step 5: After confirming and confirming the authentication, return to Safari and exit the system.

Step 6: Go to "Settings"\u003e ICLOUD to display the ICloud account. Then select "Delete from my iPhone".

Step 7: Log in with the new Apple ID to disable "Find My iPhone" on the iPhone.

Step 8: Open Safari, go to the website and log in with the new Apple ID to combine the iCloud source account data.

Method 2: How to change the iCloud account username

Step 1: Access to "ICLOUD" from "Settings" as well as the previous process. And then click on your name.

Step 2: Press the name and surname to change the user name icloud. Moreover, you can also add your profile.

Step 3: As soon as you finish the process, you can click the "Finish" button in the upper right corner.

Method 3: How to change ICloud Email account

Step 1: Go to "Settings"\u003e

Step 2: Select "Contact Information" from Apple ID, and then click "Add another email" to change the ICLOUD email address.

Step 3: Enter the new ICLOUD account that you never used. After changing the ICloud account email, you must check the email address.

Method 4: How to change the password of the iCloud account

Step 1: Go to "Settings"\u003e ICloud, to which you can click on your ICLOUD account name.

Step 2: Click "Password and Security" to click "Change Password ...".

Step 3: After that, you need to provide the right answers to the security questions that you have previously specified.

Step 4: Now you can enter the current password, a new password and confirm the new password to change the password of the ICloud account.

Method 5: How to change the settings of the ICLOUD account

Step 1: Just perform similar steps to access "ICLOUD" from "Settings".

Step 2: Select "Payment Menu" to configure payment information, textural address and other settings for ICloud.

Step 3: When changing the payment method, you can click "Change payment method" to confirm.


When you need to change the password, email address and other information about iCloud account, you can enter an iCloud account on the iPhone so that everything is easily changed. What if you want to change the ICLOUD account, which you do not know, the article also contains a detailed process if you purchased a used iPhone with an ICloud account. If you have more requests for changing the ICloud account, you can freely provide additional information in this article.

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Apple ID is a unique username that everyone needs to be among the potential customers of the ICLOUD service that Apple's devices are supported. It should be noted that this platform is needed to make various purchases on the AppStore and iTunes Store. An equally important is the fact that users of American gadgets via Apple IDs can in the online mode of ordering the goods of the manufacturer's company, as well as contact, if necessary, apple technical support.

The reasons for which the owner of the iPhone wants to change his ID may be somewhat. Most often, users have to change the username after purchasing a used device, when the new owner simply does not know the unique name previously assigned to the gadget. It is not difficult to create a new ID, it is only important to remember about several fundamental intricacies, from which the success of the ventilation directly depends.

First of all, the iPhone or iPad consumer should know that Apple ID can be changed directly from the device, which significantly reduces the time spent on the implementation of the procedure. YOWERA There is no need to additionally register on the manufacturer's website. Data in the phone or tablet in memory will not disappear, photos, contacts and previously installed applications will be saved. In addition, to create a new identifier, the owner's credit card will not need.

A quick way to change the username in Apple Apple

So, if the device user purchased the device previously used to the destination and knows the ID of the old owner, but wants to change the previous identifier in his iPhone, the instructions below are followed.

Some iPhone users can neglect their direct advantages for a long time that lies in the ability to download and install on the gadget new software products located in the AppStore.

For the acquired device to bring not only joy, but also benefits, it should be understood with the principle of changing the username in the manufacturer's program.

Creating a new account

If, for example, there is a need for the first time to create an Apple ID on the iPhone 5S, the user must register by creating a new unique name in the developer's program. When buying a new device, you should not neglect the Apple ID setup, since it is precisely it has a strategically important value.

Change account

If necessary, change the former Apple ID on your iPhone, you need to enter data that allows you to use ICloud services. Modern gadgets, in particular, iPhone, have at least two places in which you can enter the relevant data. More convenience, the user will provide passage at the following address: Settings -\u003e ICloud. After the application window appears, the previous account will appear on the screen, the previous account will appear, in case of ignorance of an existing password, no well-known tricks will allow you to leave the account. In view of this circumstance, acquiring the supported gadget, it makes sense to learn from the former owner a password from the account, otherwise it will not be released in the future. If the password is known, you should scroll through the window that opens to the "Get out" button and click on it.

The third step to help change the account is registration in the iCloud application. If, by a happy random, the data entry field in iCloud turned out to be empty, you simply need to lead your personal data into it and click on the "Login" team. You should not wait for the lightning response of the program, since the recording check can sometimes take more than a minute.

So, if you change the id on iPhone, you can get free access to such a modern "drive" information as a cloudy storage. It is worth noting that for its users ICloud reserves 5 GB. Through ICloud, you can save copies of information blocks on the iPhone. An important advantage is the ability to quickly synchronize any data, for example, contacts and calendars, between several typical devices that were created by the American manufacturer's company.

Among other things, those who decide to change the Apple ID on the iPhone will be subject to a function that allows you to find the phone at the loss or theft. The activation of this application is the most strategically important thing that helps the owner even remotely block the gadget, remove all personal data from it, and track its location on the world map.

Advantages of application icloud

After the user managed to create or change the Apple ID to the iPhone, it will be able to unlimited use the ICloud service, purchasing goods at the iTunes Store and AppStore web stores. As described earlier, American-made phones and tablets possess two places that need to introduce a personal account. After all the actions described above are implemented, you should again go to the gadget settings and select the iTunes Store and AppStore programs. The instruction describing the second step of actions will be able to change everything, the users again will not use specialized passwords, it will have to get out of the previous account and enter new credentials.

The manipulation made allows you to change the former account registered by the former owner to a new one who was able to create the current owner of the device. Through the Apple Id entered, you can buy goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore. It is important to know that the acquisitions performed will be recorded and saved directly under the personal name of the user. Thanks to this, once a purchased product will not have to acquire several times in the case of its loss, and applications for which the agreed amount will be paid will be constantly in the use of the owner.

In view of this circumstance, the user appears the ability to enter in the ICloud program not only its personal data, but also of others. Some such behavior may seem strange and unlawful, because the introduction of someone else's name of the user makes it possible to download all that was previously acquired by the previous owner. To date, there are many services on the unbursts of the World Wide Web, which for a certain fee (relatively small) allow everyone to use specialized general accounts, in particular, accounts that have an impressive base of various purchased programs.


Apple's American manufacturer's gadgets attract users from around the world their popularity, opportunities and extensive functionality. Almost every modern person wishes to have a world-famous device that provides its owner a lot of opportunities and advantages. All the delights of the iPhone or Aipad designed by American programmers-programmers and iPad allows the creation of a unique account that should be on each device. As it became clear from the above material, create or change the ID is quite simple, for this it will take quite a bit of time and strength.

Greetings every permanent user and just passing the guest! I thought about the theme of your article for a long time, because he heard her from a good friend. More precisely, he helped him decide how to change the iCloud on the iPhone. And now I invite you to discuss all those who are interested in this problem.

iCloud has become a frequent guest on the devices of our citizens, just to learn it well only a few (read about the use of the service). How to change the account in ICloud from the first time units will be able to figure out. But there are still many similar questions:

  • "How to change iCloud on iPhone 5?";
  • "How to change iCloud on iPhone 4?";
  • "How to change ICLCUD on the iPad?".

The main features of icloud.

Since the conversation is about still not quite currently members of ICloud, I want to move away a little from the topic and remember what it is necessary for this storage.

The creators tried to create such a place where each of the users can place all the data from different devices with single access. An example is: a photo made on the iPhone will immediately appear on the iPad, and on Mac (if you have). Just connect to the network and the case is done.

Apple iCloud can synchronize the following information:

  • music;
  • all applications;
  • books and TV shows;
  • all photos and video from the iPhone or iPad camera;
  • settings available on iPad or iPhone;
  • contacts (about restoring contacts can be read);
  • documentation;
  • iOS desktop settings;
  • all types of messages;
  • games.

Very valuable this storage for lovers to play games. Imagine: You just played in the iPhone, put on a pause, switched to another room, remembered and continued our game already on the iPad.

Important moment

There are times when it really needs to be changed about yourself (that is, about the user) that hid in the operating system. In such a situation, you must first know how to change iCloud.

Is it possible to change iCloud? Of course, yes, only note that it is impossible to make adjustments to the account name with the following completion:

  • @;
  • @;
  • @

Important! If you decide to remove the account from the phone, create a new one and the question is resolved, you are mistaken. All your data will simply disappear from the phone, but will continue to remain in the iCloud system (on the cloud storage server).

What can be changed in Apple ID?

Account is an ID ID. In addition to the identifier itself, going to the Apple ID Management page, you can change the following data:

  • password (read the password recovery);
  • e-mail addresses (optional);
  • security Question;
  • date of birth;
  • e-mail (backup).

We proceed to solving the problem "How to change the ICloud account?". We start to act:

Changing the ICLOUD account has occurred successfully. Use on health.

I hope you figured out how to change icloud. Now these simple actions can be performed with eyes closed. Each newcomer slowly turns into an experienced user. The same situation will happen to Swami. Soon your friends will turn to you for help with similar questions:

  • "How to change iCloud on iPhone 4S?";
  • "How to change iCloud on iPhone 5S?".

Do not be afraid to try and experiment! And I will be happy to support you with help and advice!

Downloading popular movies, songs and books on Apple products, the user will most likely be aware of the icloud's branded cloud storage. By connecting it on the iPhone, you can, in particular, access files loaded from other authorized devices. But sometimes it is necessary to get out of your account or change it; How to do - try to figure it out.

What will happen if you get out of iCloud?

But before you try to change, it will not hurt to find out what functions are lost as a result of deavodilization. Coming out from Aiklaud on the iPhone, the user will no longer be able to:

  • get on your device access to notes, contacts, electronic documents and multimedia files loaded into the cloud from other devices;
  • using the phone to unload photos, clips and another media system, as well as save backup copies of important data in the virtual space;
  • find a lost or stolen iPhone using the Find My iPhone service.

Important:all listed features are not taken away by the user's user. To get access to the cloud storage on the phone again and run file synchronization, it is enough to enter the former account - or.

In addition, if the iphone owner plans to change the attached account, at its disposal will be the cloud - it is possible to use it exactly in the same manner, as you need to switch from one account to another.

How to get out of iCloud on the iPhone?

To get out of the iClaud on the iPhone, you will need:

  • Log in to "Settings" Iphon, taping on the "gear" in the list of applications, and go to your account by clicking on the header with the avatar and the username.
  • In order to fully eliminate the loss of important data during deavodilization - to open the ICloud subsection.

  • And move all the synchronization sliders with the cloud to the "Disabled" position - this concerns photos, contacts.

  • These built-in applications.

  • Synchronization of files and messengers. In some cases, the user will have to enter a password from Aiklaud, which coincides with the Apple ID, in others, it will be enough to tap the slider.

  • Return to the account menu, scroll the page to the end down, click on the "Exit" button and confirm your intention.

  • That's all - the iphone owner successfully released from iCloud, without resorting to third-party equipment and without establishing suspicious applications.

How to change iCloud on iPhone?

Change Aikeood on iPhone is not more difficult than - in fact, the owner of the device will use the same username and password, and authorization in the main account will automatically provide an opportunity to go under a new account in the cloud storage.

Thus, after the tap on the "Out" button, it is enough to enter the data of your profile in the fields that appeared on the same page, click "Log in / Sign in" and wait for the completion of authorization.

Important:if synchronization with aiklaud, before going out of the previous account, it was disabled as described above, the user will have to turn on the necessary functions on the iPhone again - it is done, as it is easy to guess, in the iCloud subsection.

Let's sum up

Exit on iPhone from ICloud deprives the user to synchronize with other devices authorized under the current account, their contacts, notes, photos and other media files. To exit the aiklaud, it is enough to disable synchronization and click on the "Exit" button in the profile menu. And to change the iCloud - immediately after decavorization, enter the login and password from the other Apple ID in the appropriate fields.

Greetings! Today's article From the series "This should know every owner of the smartphone from Apple." I would even say, just obliged. Why? Because to be able to correctly change the Apple ID or iCloud account in the iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if you don't need it now, I'll ever need it ... believe my little personal experience. Believe-believe it will not be superfluous! :)

In general, as a rule, until time, the user does not even think about this operation. After all, the smartphone works? Works! No problems arise? It seems to be no! Then why bother with some settings? But nothing is forever and can happen a variety of cases. What kind? Examples mass.

  • Sale device.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone became known to your Apple ID, password, icloud - a sure way to protect yourself, to completely change the account.
  • Just start life iPhone from pure sheet :)

In general, it is clear that the case is necessary. So let's learn to completely exit Apple ID and ICLOUD accounts tied to iPhone, and to enter new data. Forward!:)

Important! It must be understood that for those people who for any reason knows (does not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method is not suitable, they should be received.

How to change iCloud in iPhone

Since ICloud is a more important account (here and the "Find iPhone" function, etc.) then let's start with it. Briefly on items:

  1. Open settings.
  2. We are looking for the ICloud menu item and go to it.
  3. Scroll the screen to the bottom and see the "Exit" string.
  4. Click and meet the first warning: "If you exit an account, all photos of photo stream and iCloud Drive stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone." What does it mean? This means that when changing the ICLOUD account, the above data related to it is deleted from the iPhone. It is not necessary to worry, in the "cloud" they will remain and you can access them from We agree with this.
  5. The warning pops up the second - "All ICloud notes will be removed from the iPhone." Actual for those who used the application's notes and with a cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, it is necessary to understand that they are not entirely deleted, access to them will remain using the site.
  6. Another question is "What do you want to do with calendars given by Safari, contacts and reminders?" I choose - leave on this iPhone. In the case of anything, you can delete themselves later.
  7. We are offered to enter the password from ICloud - do it. All, we came out of the account on this iPhone.
  8. We enter new data - icloud replaceable.

2 ways to change apple id

Now you can change the second identifier on the iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already exit an output from ICloud (how to do it - it is written above), you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean "like from the factory." Naturally, it will not remain any information! Next, simply an Apple ID account and indicate it straight.
  • Or change the Apple ID through the menu. What is convenient, in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones will remain on the device, etc. Downloaded by previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations occur solely in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to paint the process of replacing accounts for the iPhone in the most detailed as possible, it may well be that something remained incomprehensible. Can? Sure! Therefore, you do not hesitate and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S.S. Okay, it is possible and without "likes" - this is me, kidding :) Although, frankly, I would have it would be very nice to see such activity from you. Thank you!