How to use the enhanced search for Google. Advanced Search Yandex and Google Advanced Search Google

Every day we are looking for something in Google. I probably, about 200 times a day I'm looking for something in Google. I check any information, I learn something new, instantly I find the answer to my question. The question arose - drove into the search string - got the result. What could be easier? But sometimes there are difficulties in finding specific information. Several tricks will help you always find the desired.

We have repeatedly wrote about Google search secrets. I decided to check which tricks work so far, and refresh them a little in your memory.

Search for a specific phrase

Sometimes it is necessary to find the phrase exactly in the form in which we introduce it. For example, when we are looking for lyrics, but we know only one phrase from it. In this case, you need to conclude this phrase in quotes.


Google is an excellent search engine. And often it is better than the built-in search site. That is why more rational to use Google to search for information on some site. To do this introduce site: Putin made.

Word Search in Text

If you need, in the text of the results found all the words of the query, enter before it allinText:.

If one query word should be in the text, and the rest is in any other place of the page, including the header or URL, put before the word intext:, And write the rest before.

Word Search in Header

If you want all the requests of the request to be in the title, use the phrase allintitle:.

If only part of the query must be in the title, and the rest is in another place of the document or page, put intitle:.

Word Search in URL

To find pages that your request is registered in the URL, enter allinurl:.

Specific location

If you need news on a certain subject of a specific location, use location: To search for Google news.

Search with some kind of missed words

You need to find a proposal in the document or in the article, but you only remember the words at the beginning and at the end. Enter your request and specify how much approximate words were between those words that you remember. It looks like this: "At Lukomorye Around (5) Dubus Tom."

Search if you forgot some word or digit

Forgot some word from saying, songs, quotes? No problem. Google will still help him find it. Put the starrel (*) on the site of the forgotten word.

Search sites that refer to the site you are interested in.

This item is useful to owners of blogs or sites. If you are interested in who refers to your site or even on a certain village, then it is enough to enter link: Site.

Exclude results with unnecessary word

Imagine the situation. You decided to go to rest on the island. And you don't want to Maldives at all. To google does not show them in the search results, you just need to introduce "rest on the islands -maldiva." That is, before the word Maldives put minus.

You wish to find all your competitors. Or you really like the site, but there is not enough material on it, but you also want more. We enter related: admire the result.

Search "or or"

There are situations where you need to find information regarding two people right away. For example, you want to laugh at the Vova, but did not solve, on which - Zelensky or some more. Just enter "Vladimir Zelensky | Zhirinovsky", and you will get the result you need. Instead of the symbol "|" You can enter English OR.

Search for different words in one sentence

To find links between objects or simply to find the mention of two personalities, the "&" symbol can be used together. Example: Freud & Jung.

Search for synonyms

If you are the same lazy, like me, then you lack patience to google several times in different synonyms of one word. For example, cheap firewood. The symbol "~" can significantly simplify your life. We write "~ cheap firewood" and we obtain the results according to the "cheap", "inexpensive", "affordable" and so on.

Search in a certain range of numbers

A very useful search secret for Google, if you need to find, for example, the events that occurred in certain years, or prices in a certain range. Just put two points between numbers. Google will search in this range.

Search for a defined format files

If you need to find some document or simply a file of a particular format, then you can help Google. Enough add at the end of your request fileType: doc.and instead dOC Substitute the format you need.

10 more useful functions

1. Google can work a good calculator. To do this, simply enter the desired operation in the search string.

2. If you want to know the meaning of the word, and not just watch pages on the topic, add to the word define or "value".

3. You can use the search engine as a converter values \u200b\u200band currencies. To invoke a converter, type a request with the translation, for example, "centimeters to meters".

4. With Google, you can learn weather and time without having to go to sites. Dial the requests "Weather" Interesting City "", "Time" Interesting City "".

5. To see the results and schedule of sports team matches, simply type in the search engine its name.

6. To translate a word to any language, write in the search bar "Translate the" Word "into English (any other) language."

7. On request "Sunrise" The City of Interest "" Google shows the time of sunrise and sunset (for the latter - the corresponding request).

8. cache: - Very reinforcing site search function in Google's Kesche. For example, when the newsmen delete news. They can be read thanks to Google.

9. If you enter the flight number in the search bar, Google gives full information about it.

10. To see the table with the quotes of a particular company, simply enter the request "Shares" of the company you are interested in ", for example" Apple shares ".

If you have your ways to more efficiently use Google and find the required information faster, share tips in the comments to this article.

In the service documents (Google Docs) there is a new feature that allows you to find information about words from the text and add fragments from the Web to the text. The Extended Search Tool (Research Sidebar) can be enabled from the Tools menu (Tools) or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + R (CMD + OPT + R on Mac). You can also select the word or several in the text and select "Advanced Search" ... '"(in single quotes there will be a selected fragment).

The best results of web search, image search, facts, cards, reviews and famous quotes are displayed on the extended search panel. Selecting the corresponding icon in the drop-down list will limit the search area by images or quotes.

When you attach a mouse to the search result, a panel with three buttons is displayed, allowing you to view the pages sketch (preview), insert a link or quote. For example, if you select the word "Google" in the text, press Ctrl + Alt + R, bring the mouse to the top result and click "insert a link" - the highlighted word will become a hyperlink leading to the Google home page.

By limiting the image search area, we get the panel filled with pictures blocks, and these blocks can be dragged into text. To search and add to the document Quote Google uses a specialized search engine.

When looking for a well-known personality, places, ideas, etc. Google will give a brief description of the desired search results.

We all use the Internet for work, study, to search for the necessary information. And, consequently, we all actively use search engines, which are developed by various companies with a different form of ownership for a variety of algorithms. However, there is something in common that Yandex, and Bing, and Google offer, - advanced search. We will try to analyze this question. What is and what is the Google "Advanced Search" function mean for an ordinary user?

So, suppose we need information corresponding to our key request, let it be "Weather in Tokyo". Having gained this phrase in the search engine, we will get a list of Russian-speaking resources, where we can check this very weather. At the same time, if we use the Google Function "Advanced Search", we will be able to give a browser to find, for example, all relevant requests in English (or Japanese, Chinese) language. In addition, there is a function that allows us to find information for a certain period of time. So, if we are interested in the weather in Tokyo in the last week, we can ask the search for the most recent news. If our task is to describe annual changes, we can search for all suitable results for the month, quarter, year.

The advanced Google search is useful and in the event that we are looking for photos for a material or picture on our topic. Here we can search not only by keywords. Advanced search in "Google Images" can filter pictures and photos with a certain size in pixels or megabytes, by type (drawing, clipart, photo, portrait), in time of change or addition - over the past 24 hours, per day, per week.

Of course, it is worth using the search tools that the "Advanced Google Search" option provides in the event that we are looking for books or documents. Remember that the company is constantly expanding its resource opportunities. Each document that turns out to be in the Google base becomes a source for further work with it.
In addition, all new services are constantly emerging - from all the famous and beloved Gmail to virtual libraries, museums, training projects. On the latter it is worth stopping separately.

In addition, the advanced Google search works for the user's own documents, as well as for those to whom access is provided, there is an opportunity to go Google-Academy to find materials for study and scientific work. Here the search engine will sort the data on popularity - on the cite of publications, it will calculate the average frequency for each language, it will help to automatically issue a quote for use in your scientific work (in the abstract or dissertation) in compliance with the bibliography rules. If we are looking for news in the expanded search - the search engine will help us get to the source.

With the fact that algorithms are constantly being improved, new opportunities appear for many professionals. Advanced Google search becomes an indispensable tool of work: here you can specify not only filters according to or phrases, but also with the presence of certain numbers, by updating date, license. You can set the search security and search for information only on sites, where we will not come together for what could offend our taste or feelings. You can search for similar pages or make a search filtering by file types (for example, if we are interested only in text documents or tables). Google Function "Advanced Search" is now at the bottom of the page under the results of the standard search on request.

To improve search results, search engines offer the "Advanced Search" option. Many users, releasing this option, spend time to watch not one thousand irrelevant pages to find the information you need. Do not ignore the additional properties of search engines, use the expanded search, save your time, increase your work efficiency.

Basic Tips (Google Work)

Some users do not have the concept of the existence of many search engine functions.

Default search:Google search is installed on the default network. To establish the criteria for the necessary information, use the desired option.

Default search (Normal search):with the usual search, the search engine is looking for pages containing requested keywords.

Using the Operator "AND" (Union "and"):when searching by default, the search engine will search for all the requested words, for which it is not necessary to connect their union " and» (« and.»).

Service words:words as "as" or "where", as well as unambiguous characters are automatically excluded from among the requested. All this is done to accelerate the search. Any necessary word can be added to the number requested by the "+" sign, which you need to put immediately for the main keyword.

Choosing keywords:seriously attribute to the selection of keywords. Try to pick up the most significant keywords.

Use as you can more Search terms to narrow the search area (specialize search).

Operator "-" (minus):to exclude a certain word from among the requested, put the sign "-" before it. This will help to avoid irrelevant results when requesting a word with several values.

Tilde "~":tilde «~» used to search for synonyms of the keyword, as well as to make the search more complete. Sign «~» it is set before the keyword whose synonyms you want to find. Tilde can be used immediately before several keywords.

Quotes:conclusion in quotes the words in the sequence you need. The search engine will show only those pages that contain words in quotes facing in a given sequence.

Capital (title) letters:Google does not distinguish the register in which words are written. Therefore, any characters written in words, except or, will be recognized as lowercase. So do not waste time for changing the register to write letters.

Alternation of the foundations:in the search results, keywords can appear both in the form of the sole and in the form of a plural, regardless of which form they were entered into the query string.

Search directory:if you can't find the desired keywords, use the search engine directory.

Extended Google Search Operators

Operators are special words that exist in Google, which can be used to search for specific information. The use of special operators allows you to increase the relevance of the search results. Extraction of such results is available only by the Special Google Mechanisms. These operators are entered in the query string and help the user will significantly save time and effort.

  • Link: To find out the number of resources (detect what resources) referring to your site, use the operator link:.The operator is entered in the query string in front of your URL.

    For example:

    Related: This operator is used to search for pages associated with meaning.

    For example:

    Operator Or.: Used to search, minimally one of the keywords.

    For example: great or Good or Excellent

    Operator "+" Used to search for pages containing the requested term.

    Note that this operator is used twice - at the beginning and at the end of the phrase. This is the conditional page search syntax that refers to the site.

    Operator "-" Used to eliminate any word from among the requested.

    For example: when requesting youname-Flash., the search engine will give references to site pages containing "YourName", but not containing the word Flash..

    FileType: If you need to find a specific type file containing the necessary information, you can use this operator.

    For example: youname FileType: PDF

    Similarly, unnecessary type files can be excluded from the search results, for this you need to apply the operator filetype In combination with the operator " - ».

    Allintitle The operator is used when you want to find the requested keyword in the page header text. In the search results, only those pages will appear in the title of which the necessary word is found.

    For example: Allintitle: YourName

    AllinText: The search engine gives a list of pages, mostly the text of which is found as requested keyword.

    Similarly, a search is carried out using the Operators Allinurl: and Allinanchor: which helps to find a keyword in the URL or text-anchor of the web page.

    Intitle: Used to search for certain words contained in the title on the web page. Any word that follows the key will be found in the text of the web page.

    For example: Intitle: YourName Optimization

    Cache: When Google indexes pages, it creates a copy of each of them. The operator is used to view the saved (placed in the cache) pages.

    For example: Cache:

    To further browse the contents placed in the cache, you need to enter the desired keyword from this page in the query string.

    For example: Cache: Web

    Info: This operator extracts information about specified references.

    For example: info:

    Define: This operator issues the definition of the requested word. All words scored after the operator are considered as one.

    site: The operator is used to search for information on a specific site.

    For example: Keyword Site: The results will appear links to site pages containing keyword keyword.

    This operator can be used in combination with the "-" operator in order to exclude a page containing a specific word from the results.

    mac? Q: To find information related to Mac , You need to enter the following address in the query line and the selected keyword

    For example:\u003dKeyword.

    linux? Q.: All related to Linux can be found using the Linux operator? q. To do this, you need to enter in the address line and the necessary keyword, for example:\u003dKeyword

In a similar way, other operators can also be used, which also help optimize the search and obtain results, mostly responsible for your request:

  •\u003dKeyword for finding infomation related to UNIX;
  •\u003dKeyword for search concerning Microsoft;
  •\u003dKeyword to find US counterfeit information.

Basic search capabilities Google

Images (pictures / images):click on the inscription images to go to the image search page. Enter the desired image theme in the query row. The results found on the network appear as pages layouts (folded images). Click on your picture you like, and it will boot in the lower half of the browser.

Groups:this service existed even before Email's correspondence has gained widespread. For communication, people sent their comments on certain, intended websites. Usenet was one of these sites. Google acquired Usenet Co all his archives reaching millions of pages. Now all this and millions of new pages are Google Groups. Registered users get access to the selected topics, can read the comments of experts and exchange letters. This is a huge forum revealing all sorts of topics.

News:this service offers the latest news. You are available 4500 information resources.

Google Catalog: Detailed directory of all web resources consisting of 16 categories divided into subcategories.

Expanded search capabilities

Google offers many instruments and advanced search features. The main ones are:

  • Calculator: Can be used for mathematical calculations.
  • Information for tourists: flight schedule, weather information, etc.
  • Translator web pages: transferring a page language into English.

Google Development (New Google offers)

  • Google Deskbar. : this device offers a flexible search without opening auxiliary windows.
  • Search by location (geographical location):the implementation of the search limited by the geographical position.
  • Google Sets. : Required search device, which offers options for phrases with your keywords. In the results of the search, synonyms and close in meaning keywords are issued.
  • Viewer (Google Observer):a device similar to the media player. The player interface appears at the top of the browser, the search results are scrolled at average speed. In fact, you can view the results pages in the player window.
  • Quick challenge:using certain keyboard buttons facilitates moving on the search results page.

The following devices came out of the development list and received the status of permanent services offered by Google.

  • Google Glossary:at your request, the search engine gives the pages on which the keyword is found, and its definition.
  • Google News: The greatest device for the latest news on the topics you are interested in. Choosing keywords, you can order news on a specific topic that will be sent to you by e-mail immediately as soon as the search engine indexes a page containing such words.
  • Froogle. If you want to buy something, the Extended Froogle directory will satisfy your request. Here you can find products in the following categories: Clothes & Accessories, Arts & Entertainment, Motor vehicles, All for baby, books, Music & Video, Business and Production, Computers, Electronics, Gourmet, Caring for Health, Home and Garden, All For office, sports, games and toys. Categories of this list are subdivided into subcategories. Froogle - online store catalog, offering a wide range of diverse products.

Google also offers many other means and features of a full search.

I showed an example of using not quite a regular search in Google. The way is so interesting that I often use it to search for a specific file, or for example, to search for backups of sites or simply repository "Eashable" users. Additional parameters are most often used in SEO and hackers. Just so, for myself I used only a filter in the region - which, oddly enough, is not as an additional parameter.

For example, this method partially finds. How the Google himself finds them, this is another question 🙂

The remainder of the post was copied with the SEONINJA blog. And so, this list contains popular Google search engine operators, as well as useful address string parameters.

Request Line Operators

Operator Sample request Description
fileType: promotion Optimization FileType: Doc Search for files only specified type (by file extension)
site: black List of Site: Search within the site or domain (with subdomains)
inurl: inurl: Promotion Search for Pages with the word in the address (URL), with the Russian language works fine
allinurl: allinurl: Website Promotion Search for a few words in the URL of Pages
intext: intext: Promotion Search word in the text ( ) pages
allinText: aLLINTEXT: promotion for free Search for a few words in the text ( ) pages
intitle: intitle: "Free Promotion" Search a word or phrase (in quotes) in the title ( ) pages</td> </tr><tr><td>allintitle:</td> <td>allintitle: Warranty Promotion</td> <td>Search for a few words in the title of the page ( <title> In HTML and its counterparts in other types of documents)</td> </tr><tr><td>inanchor:</td> <td>iNANCHOR: »SEO Analysis»</td> <td>Search for a few word or phrase in link texts ( <a>) </td> </tr><tr><td>allinanchor:</td> <td>allinanchor: SEO Promotion</td> <td>Search for a few words in the antics ( <a>) </td> </tr><tr><td>dateRange:</td> <td>ePASSPORTE DATERANGE: 2454833-2454863</td> <td>Search in pages indeced in the specified period of days (you need to specify Julian dates)</td> </tr><tr><td>related:</td> <td>related:</td> <td>Find similar (according to Google) Pages</td> </tr><tr><td>info:</td> <td>info:</td> <td>Show information about the page (if it is indexed)</td> </tr><tr><td>link:</td> <td>link:</td> <td>Show a list of pages that refer to the specified document (URL)</td> </tr><tr><td>cache:</td> <td>cache:</td> <td>Show version of document saved in Google Cache</td> </tr><tr><td>define:</td> <td>define: idiosyncrasy</td> <td>Definition (value) phrase or word.</td> </tr></tbody></table><h2>Explanations and comments</h2> <p><b>fileType:</b></p> <p>You can limit the type of the desired document, such as FileType: DOC for Word, FileType: XLS for Excel, FileType: PDF for PDF, FileType: PPT for PowerPoint.</p> <p>Convenient operator if you want to find a sample of any treaty or presentation, check list, blank for the document. On the contrary, if you do not want to share with all humanity with your materials - do not insert links to your documents, otherwise they will be indexed and accessible to search. Alternatively, close the critical types of files using robots.txt (disallow: /*.doc $).</p> <p>Google knows nothing about the real type of document, it is only focused on the file / document file. The operator has EXT synonym, that is, FileType: PDF and EXT: PDF make the same thing. Important: Do not put the gap between the colon and the extension!</p> <p>With this operator, you can find anything within one site or the site partition ( <i>google Site:</i>). If you do not specify the request itself, Google will show a list of all indexed pages on the site or domain with domains, or in the site section - you specify in the Site parameter. As a search area, you can use even a domain zone (.ru,, .gov and so on). The gap after the colon is not necessary too.</p> <p>Search for a specific word in the address of the page. Suitable, for example, for the search for the same type applications, such as directories ( <i>inurl:</i>) According to a predetermined name of the script. There is no space too.</p> <p><b>allinurl:</b></p> <p>It looks like an inurl statement, but looking for pages with several words in the address. Like the previous operator, for a meaningful search by words in RuNet is less suitable than for an English-speaking segment - the Russian language is used in the addresses, and the methods of Perevoda v Latinicu are more than one, especially for complex words.</p> <p>Search the word in the text of the document, inside the Body tag. Curious in combination with other operators, for example <i>intitle: SEO -INBODY: SEO</i> Let's give a list of pages with poor optimization, at least on the word SEO.</p> <p><b>allinText:</b></p> <p>Search for several words in texts indexed by Google pages. The principle is the same as allinurl, only the search area is different.</p> <p><b>intitle:</b></p> <p>Search by page titles. The principle of operation, I suppose is already understandable. It is curious to look for not only HTML by tag title, but also by the heading of the Vords file ( <i>intitle: Bomb FileType: Doc</i>), which is in the properties of the document (file - properties).</p> <p><b>allintitle:</b></p> <p>The same as intitle, but searches for a few words. For example: <i>aLLINTITLE: SEO DUMBEST MISTAKE</i>.</p> <p><b>inanchor:</b></p> <p>Another area to detect the desired word (or phrases, if in quotes) - the link text, he anchor, he is an anchor. Consides both outgoing links and links leading to the page.</p> <p><b>allinanchor:</b></p> <p>The same INANCHOR, only for several words. Search <i>wordPress Theme Allinanchor: Free Download</i>Theoretically, will find us a page with free topics for WordPress.</p> <p><b>dateRange:</b></p> <p>The operator limits the search area only by those documents that have been changed or added to the Google index during the specified period of time. The problem is that the gap should be indicated in Julian dates, for example, DateRange: 2455440-2455445 is a search from the 1st to September 6, 2010. Translate Gregorian dates to Julian "days from the beginning of time" can be. A less exotic way to specify the date range - select the 'More Search Tools' link in the search results, there is a set of popular ranges, as well as the ability to specify your own.</p> <p><b>related:</b></p> <p>Search for similar pages. The parameter to this operator will be the address (URL) of the page that is presented in the index. Result - a list of similar pages in the Google Index.</p> <p>Request Info: will show if there is a page in the index, it will help to find out whether it is present in the Google Kesche, see the list of referring pages and mentions - in short, this is a good startup request that somewhat depreciates the operators Related, Link, Cache.</p> <p>The LINK operator allows you to get a list of pages that refer to the page you are interested in, the address of which must be specified after the colon. The problem is that Google does not allow filtering links from any site, that is <i>link: -site:</i> It will not work, as well as on the contrary - you can not see the links from any particular site. In addition, this operator shows not all indexed links.</p> <p>Cache operator shows the latest start-up copy of the page in the Kesche, and also shows the date of storage of the page.</p> <p>Educational and entertainment operator, looking for a value, interpretation, defining words specified in the query or expression. Useful to eliminate gaps in erudition and education: <i>define: SMITE.</i></p> <h2>Parameters in the query row</h2> <p>Operators can be used to create effective requests, but there are things that can be obtained easier (or exclusively) by substitting parameters in a string with Google's issuing address.</p> <p>The parameters are transmitted as a variable variable \u003d value, separated by ampersand (&) and begin after the address of the search page, after the question of the question. The order of parameters is not important. The basic address for search will be <i> or</i> For Runet <i>. </i></p> <table border="1"><tbody><tr><th>Parameter in URL</th> <th>Example</th> <th>Description</th> </tr><tr><td>q.</td> <td>\u003dPutin+ Kalina</td> <td>The simplest request, the desired words are listed through +. This is the only necessary parameter.</td> </tr><tr><td>nUM.</td> <td>\u003dkalina&num\u003d100</td> <td>Set the number of results per page. By default, Google gives only 10 results, then frankly little.</td> </tr><tr><td>start.</td> <td>\u003dShukha&start\u003d990</td> <td>Show the issuance, starting with the position specified in the parameter</td> </tr><tr><td>filter.</td> <td>\u003dMOKRY&Filter\u003d0.</td> <td>Enable the display of search results that Google eliminates the default, due to their strong, in his opinion, look out. Similarly, clicking the reference "Repeat The Search with The Omitted Results Included" on the last issue of issuing.</td> </tr><tr><td>pWS.</td> <td> \u003d secring&pws\u003d0</td> <td>Turn off the "Personalized Search". Request with addition <i>& pws \u003d 0</i> Turns off all personalization and is looking for the same for all users, excluding the "plume" of visited sites, previous queries, etc.</td> </tr><tr><td>sAFE</td> <td>\u003d-desert&safe\u003doff</td> <td>Turns off (OFF) or includes (ON) Safe Google Search. The filter is removed from the search results "adults" pages. It is curious, did the site fell under him.</td> </tr><tr><td>strip.</td> <td>\\u003d1</td> <td>The parameter is specific for requests to Google Cache. Addition <i>& strip \u003d 1</i> Removes from displaying pictures, styles, scripts that cache does not store, that is, without this parameter, the browser is anewly referred to the site directly.</td> </tr><tr><td>imgtype</td> <td>\u003dCheese&imgtype\u003dFACE</td> <td>It works only for the form of pictures in Google Images. 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