How to create a group on VK: step-by-step instructions and which type of community is best to choose. How to create communities on VKontakte Open a community in VKontakte

    Good day, dears!

    Many people ask me the question of how to create a group in VKontakte and correctly fill it and design it so that it inspires trust and a desire to buy right now. Today I will answer this question.

    Creating a VKontakte group takes place in several stages, which are interconnected. Now I will tell you a few tricks that will have a positive impact on your group. And my advice is to immediately put the advice into practice so as not to put it off for a long time.

    How to create a VKontakte group

    Create a group

    Go to “My Groups” and click “ Create a community»:

    Now we name the group according to your key query, for example “ Eyelash extensions in Perm" and select the type of community " group" You can read more about why we choose “group” in this article.

    That's it, the group has been created. Select the theme, location, configure the export and display of blocks:

    How to create a VKontakte group for business

    Now I will highlight the main points that you need to consider when creating a group.


    Adaptation to the search query is important

    Brevity and no unnecessary symbols (to the point)

    The title must hit the target


    What we sell, what services we provide (tasty description and USP)

    Why should they choose you (who are you, how are you different from your competitors)?

    Full contacts (phone, website, email, Skype, opening hours, address)


    Designer (bright and attractive), the main thing is that it reflects the essence of the group

    Menu for navigation

    Banner design + wiki layout


    It is mandatory to have an avatar for your account, this increases trust

    Availability of contacts under each photo and in the album title


    Surveys (1-2 per week + call for comments)

    Discussions (questions for admins, interesting topics)

    Promotions (once a month)

    Content (information)

    No more than 50% commercial posts, always with a photo

    Posting entertaining posts (humor, interesting articles, pictures)

    Useful content (tips on products/services sold), infographics


    Increasing customer loyalty, they begin to trust more, as a result, sales increase

    Create the necessary topic in discussions and let them write on the wall

    Give customers discounts/gifts for reviews

    Albums of the group

    Photos of goods must be of good quality, as well as a detailed description of the characteristics

    Prices must be indicated under each photo.

    Terms of purchase

    Specify who/where to pay and forms of payment

    How and where delivery is carried out

    What guarantees do you give (cash on delivery, possibility of exchange...)

    Now you have found out how to create a group in contact and make it an effective platform for selling your goods or services, which inspires trust among visitors and arouses the desire to immediately make a purchase.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promotion on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase it.

    Compliance with all the above points will increase the conversion of your group several times. Each of them influences the visitor's trust, and together they increase the impression of the group. But, friends, never stop there, always experiment!

The process of creating a group or public on this social network is extremely simple, and in this article we will look at it step by step. Of course, creating a group is just the beginning, because later you will need one, but this is an excellent starting step.

So let's begin. Click on the “My Groups” item in the right menu and in the window that opens, click on the “Create Community” button.

In the pop-up dialog you need to indicate the name of your future community and its type. The “group” view is usually used when you want to create a community in which users will primarily communicate with each other. If you want to focus specifically on your own posts, and not on dialogue with users, then it is better to choose the “public page” community type. For this article we will focus on the “group”. After entering, click on the “Create Community” button.

The group has been created and its settings page opens in front of us. They mean the following:

Field Description
Name Everything is clear here, this is what we indicated in the previous step.
Page address In this field you can specify the address where your group will be available. You can come up with something nicer than the default value. The only difficulty is that the address you choose may be busy, so sometimes you have to get creative. Take this field very seriously, because this will be your permanent address at which subscribers and clients will contact you (and remember).
Community Description Here you can enter information describing the topic of your group or what your company does. Don't spend a lot of time on this field, it's not that important, so keep it short.
Community Topics You can indicate what topic your group or business belongs to. In most cases, this can only be approximated.
Website If your company has a website, you should list it here. It will be displayed on the group's main page.
Location It makes sense to indicate only if your company has a physical office or your group has strict regional boundaries.
Wall There are several types. Type 1: disabled - the stream of news or posts simply will not be available in the group. Type 2: open - any subscriber of the group can write in your news. Type 3: limited - only the administration can write, and any subscriber can comment. Type 4: closed - only the administration can write and comments are disabled.
Photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, discussions, materials These switches control the corresponding types of sections. They have three states. State 1: Off - This type of content will not be accessible or displayed. State 2: open - the corresponding type of content can be added by all subscribers. State 3: closed - adding this type of content is available only to the administration.
Group type Controls the visibility of the group for users who are not yet members of the group. There are three types. Type 1: open - any visitor can subscribe to your group. Type 2: Closed - Before a visitor can gain access to your group, you will have to approve their application to join. Type 3: private - the visitor will not even have the opportunity to submit a request to join and the group will only be accessible by your personal invitation.

Now that we've set up the group, it's time to upload an avatar for it. To do this, click "Upload photo".

In the pop-up window, select the desired image. This could be your company logo or any other cute image.

Finally, select what the group logo miniature will look like and save the changes. Done, our group received a logo!

That's all, your new group has been created and you can now publish posts! Where can I get them? And this service will help you with this!

The VKontakte community allows you to solve many problems, but the primary one is uniting people on a specific topic. In this article, we’ll talk about how to create a “VKontakte” community, consider what you should do, what it’s absolutely not recommended to do, and touch on the topic of free promotion of such a community. So, let's go!

How to create a VKontakte community?

First, you should decide on the name or title of this community (naming). We strongly recommend that you do not use your brand name or store name in the community name. It is important to have the most similar news focus, but not commercial at all. For those who are engaged in business and are interested in creating a VKontakte group, I would like to advise the following. If your direction in business is to sell panties, you should not create a group “community for panties” or similar nonsense. It’s better to think about how to attract the audience’s attention and at the same time hint at the product range of your store. But the main thing is to make it not a commercial, but an informational basis for your community.

If you are wondering how to create a VKontakte community, then you should choose the type of community: public page, group or event. Let's move directly to solving your issue and create a community.

First of all, go to your profile on the VKontakte social network. Then go to the “Groups” section in the left menu. On the page that opens, in the upper right corner you will find the “Create a community” link. Then enter the name of your group, as we said above - naming. Just below the field in which you entered the name, there will be a switch; it should be set to the “Group” position. After this, you just need to click on the “Create Community” button and you will become the owner of your own “VKontakte” group.

You now know how to create a VKontakte community. However, finally, I would like to mention the problems that can be solved with the help of such groups. Of course, the first task is earning money. Promoted VKontakte groups are able to earn good money from advertising. PR ranks second on the list of goals for which communities are created.

But your VKontakte community is worth nothing and will bring nothing if there are no visitors to it. And for this it is worth thinking about how the promotion of VKontakte groups is carried out. Before promotion, it is worth adding a certain amount of material to the group so that the users who come can stick around. You can submit an ad to Yandex Direct, Google Adsense or other contextual advertising services. In addition, PR of your group in groups with a similar thematic focus will bring good results. Naturally, all these methods are paid, and you may have to spend a fair amount of money. Sending out invitations to a group on your own is a thankless task; firstly, you can send no more than 40 of them per day, and secondly, more than half of the people will reject them. But this method also has its place, especially if the group has valuable information. Also, the business owner probably has his own website with good traffic; an excellent way to promote a VKontakte group would be to group.

As you can see, creating a VKontakte group is a simple undertaking from a technical point of view, but quite labor-intensive in terms of promotion.

Today not everyone still knows , since more than 5 thousand people are looking for the answer to this question every month. Creating your own group takes no more than five minutes. It is absolutely free and available to every registered user of this social network. So you are far from the first and certainly not the last who is interested in the question of how to create a group. At first glance, everything is simple and does not take much time. But contact has its own characteristics and pitfalls, and that’s what we’ll talk about...

I will reveal some interesting points that not everyone knows about, and some do not even pay attention to them. In general, a very detailed and informative article awaits you.

Before creating your community, make sure that your page is linked to a mobile phone number. Today, every new user enters a mobile phone number during registration. But when I created my page, this didn’t exist yet. So, just in case, check this, because you will not be able to register your own group without this link.

How to create a VKontakte group yourself - step-by-step instructions with tips!

Log into your account and click on the “My Groups” button. This will open a new page that will show all the groups you are a member of. Next, in the upper right corner, click on the “Create Community” button.

A new window will appear in front of you in which you will need to select a name for your group and indicate its type. By default, the checkbox is in the first window, and since we want to create a group in contact, we simply enter the name and click on the button just below “Create a community.”

A public page is suitable for those who wants to make a kind of business card on the Internet. As a rule, such pages are created by those who promote on social media. networks your company or brand. This could be the page of a nightclub or restaurant. If you just want to gather friends for the weekend then do the event.

Now we have come to the final stage, which is not so simple. A page for our community settings will open in front of us. It is very important to specify all the settings correctly initially, this will help you avoid problems in the future.

Read carefully how to fill out all the fields correctly.

  1. So let's start with the name, if you change your mind, you can still rewrite it. Change for your health, and remember choosing the right name for your group is extremely important. I wrote about this in more detail in the article.
  2. Standard page address, which is generated automatically no good. With such an address they will definitely not find you or remember you. We change it, just write in this column what you like. But remember, the address you choose may already be taken.
  3. Be sure to include at least something in the description column. Your future visitors should know in more detail what the group is about.
  4. Everything is clear with the theme, you need to select from the list.
  5. It is possible to specify a site. This will help attract additional visitors to it. There are usually a lot of clicks from social networks. For those who don’t know or don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, just skip this window.
  6. Location is determined automatically, and additionally indicate a more detailed address.
  7. It is very important to set up the wall correctly. If you open it, anyone can write and comment there. On a limited wall, only you can add information, but everyone can comment. Well, if you decide to close the wall, then only you will be able to write on it, but no one will be able to comment on these entries. But for example, anyone can repost any of your posts on VK, regardless of the settings.
  8. Photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, discussions, materials - if you open them, then all group members will be able to add this information. In case of closure - only you.
  9. Well, the last type of group. Anyone can join the open one, but the closed one only after your confirmation and approval.

When all the settings are set, click on the “Save” button at the very bottom and enjoy your new group. Next, I would recommend uploading a photo so that the community is recognizable and beautiful. Well, then start adding new materials, messages and useful information.

You may be interested in the question, know that it is possible and the new group can only help. With its help you can earn good money, but for this it must be popular, active and naturally have many subscribers.

There is no Internet user who has not heard of the social network VKontakte. This is quite simple to explain - VKontakte allows you not only to communicate with friends, find like-minded people, watch videos and listen to music, but also create your own communities. Any VKontakte user can create their own community on a specific topic. Let's figure out how to create VKontakte communities?

How to create a VKontakte community?

The first thing we need to create a community is to enter your username and password and log in to your page. Next we go to the tab – "Groups".

At the top right of the page you will see a “Create a Community” tab. . After you click on it, a menu will appear in front of you:

The task before you is to decide on the exact name of the community and the category into which it can be classified. We will create a group with you. To do this, enter the name and click “create a community.”

So, we need to fill in the following menu items:

  1. Group name. The information tab contains a field "Group name." We decided on it earlier, but we can always change it to something else.
  2. Page address. Contains a link to your community.
  3. Community Description. You should be responsible when filling out this field. There are not only a number of users who like to read the description of the group, but also search engines. Thanks to your description, new users will be able to find groups from such search engines as Yandex and others. So, let's create a community description.

Here is an example made in a couple of seconds. Be as responsible as possible when filling out this field!

  1. Community topic. Why do we need to fill in this field? Each VK community has a specific topic, which is taken into account when searching. If we decide to create a group “”, it is not advisable to choose the topic “Cooking” or “Sports”. The ideal option is “Entertainment”.
  2. Website. If you have a website, you can provide a link to it. All users in your group will be able to switch to it after your visit. We do not have a website, so we will leave this field blank.
  3. Location. In the location, you can specify the country, city, and even the street where they are located.
  4. Wall. As we remember on the wall, group administrators can create any messages. In some groups, users themselves can leave posts.

There are several options "Walls": off, open, limited and closed. We choose the limited option. In this case, only group administrators can write and post on the wall, and any participant can comment on them.

  1. Videos. Video recordings can also be open, restricted, or turned off. Just as in the previous case, we choose the limited option. This includes audio recordings, documents, discussions and photographs.

So, in our community, only we can add any information, and other users can only comment on it.

  1. Group type. The last field is “Group Type”. Any user can join an open group. Private - you can invite users or confirm applications. And you can join a private group only after your invitation.

Our new group will be open. We don’t need the remaining tabs yet - click "Save".

This is what our group looks like:

Now our task is to fill the group and attract new users to it. Don't think that this is a fairly simple job. To begin with, you can invite all your friends to your community, but it is unlikely that at least 50% of users will confirm your application. Therefore, many administrators advertise their community in other groups and resources.

Filling out a group is also quite a difficult job. Every day you need to create new interesting posts and discussions. At the same time, you should not forget to monitor the group’s attendance. To do this, go to the “Community Statistics” tab and look at the indicators.

As we can see at the moment, my new group has been visited by one unique user.

Populating a group

The first thing we will make for you is a group avatar. To do this, click “Upload photo” and enjoy the result.

Similarly, we upload music, videos, documents and create discussions.

When filling out text posts, you should pay attention to their uniqueness. If your group consists entirely of non-unique content, it will not be able to become successful and popular.