How to learn PHP or any other programming language. How to start learning PHP? We study php from scratch

Β»Where to start exploring PHP?

Website development is one of the most popular destinations. Web development is engaged in most experienced programmers who use the PHP programming language to create dynamic sites.

Naturally, the online projects will develop not only professional programmers, but also newcomers, while almost every beginning web developer has the question of how to start learning PHP?. It is worth noting that this programming language is quite easy to learn, but preliminary preparation will be needed for studying it.

Before learning programming on PHP, it is recommended to learn the HTML hypertext markup language and the principles of working with cascading tables styles CSS.. Data knowledge is required to manage external species Web pages.

Also, a database is developed for storing the information used on the site, so the programmer must have appropriate knowledge. To manage databases, a structured SQL query language is used.

What is needed to work with PHP? Novice programmers who have the question of where to start exploring PHPYou need to familiarize yourself with the set of programs necessary for site development.

For programming in PHP, you will need to perform preliminary installation Software package. IN current Package Included aPACHE server, PHP hypertext preprocessor himself and one of the database management systems.

On the local computers To install this software, special software packages are often applied. One of the popular packages for web developers is Denver. This program set is running operating windows systems. There are software sets and for Linux users.

The Denver package includes many useful utilities that are needed to create sites on PHP. The package installation is simply simply and can be done even by an unprepared user.

After installing the dialing set, Denver can be processed to the development of the Internet project. For MysQL database management, a convenient PHPMYAdmin toolkit is used. All actions with databases in phpmyAdmin are performed using a clear graphic interface and go down to the selection of the desired menu items.

Studying the PHP programming language syntax.

After installing all required programs, can . Like the usual languages \u200b\u200bof the world, in order to write programs in programming languages, it is necessary to explore their rules. When you admit at least one syntax error in the code, the program simply will not start and instead of the content of the site, the user will see the appropriate message to the browser.

To explore the syntax of the PHP programming language, you will need to read the appropriate literature. You can use the book on our website. For those who have access to global NetworkAlso provided a lot of information posted on thematic sites. There are a large number of forums and communities, where you can get answers to the questions that have arisen when learning.

In order to achieve the desired effect from learning literature, all theoretical lessons need to work in practice using its local computer for this.

The PHP programming language consists of a variety of different operators and functions, so after passing the course of training, programmers use special reference books. These reference books allow you to quickly view the syntax and the value of the required function.

The final stage of learning: at the final stage of training, when all questions are resolved about where to start exploring PHPThe site transfer to the server. As a rule, on servers hosting providers already installed everything software and made basic settings. The developer remains only to copy files with the program code to the server.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Somewhere I heard that every person in his life must have to go through the writing of the poems. The situation is changing and now every second thinks about writing the code and creating his site. Many merge on the moment, others can not decide on the engine. If you read this article and go to your learning on my recommendations, I am practically sure that you will succeed.

The topic is quite complicated. Today we will talk about how to write a website on PHP from scratch. Consider in detail what these cherished three letters mean and you will learn about best ways Not only to learn, but also to really understand the PCP.

What is php?

It is a little strange to start an article from this issue, because it is assumed that you already know everything and therefore are ready for difficulties. But, my blog is designed for beginners. Be indulgent, let's repeat the information.

Speaking with simple and accessible words, PHP is a programming language specifically designed to create a web application script that is executed on the Web server. This is a fairly sought-after programming language, as 85% of websites use it.

The peculiarity of this language is that it is universal, easy to study and opens up your capabilities not only as a programmer, but also a businessman. As a result, you can write and develop your projects yourself. Without someone's help.

We study efficiently

Many have begun to teach this language, but few comes to the end. For effective learning, the first thing you need to find a source of information, a book, a training course or video, but a little later.

Then we need to download the compiler. This is a program that is directly reading your script as an instruction and executes it.

The most common compiler is DENVER - a simple and free package. necessary programsWith which you can write scripts. If you ask my opinion, I would advise you to download Open Server. He is currently gaining momentum. He's headed above Denver and it will be more convenient for you to work.

What do these packages do? They allow and work on it as on the server. Download anything right now. You still hear more about useful Softe From this series in any learning course, and you will need it.

The essence of effective learning is that passing a lesson, you should try to implement everything in practice. If the theory is supported by practice, then after a few weeks you will own the basic language skill.

Books for learning

I will say a skaz, I'm not a fan of books. When we are talking On Internet technologies. It is like explaining a man from the Masai tribe what Wi-Fi is. No drawings will help everything normally understand. And yet, I want to provide you with a small list of PHP books for teapots who are quoted among professionals.

I would like you to really achieve the goal and if it seems to you that this training option will suit you better - I will gladly provide information.

PHP and MySQL. Web application development - Excellent book that is suitable for a newcomer. First of all, the author will show how to configure Apache (HTTP server), PHP and MySQL (database), then prompt how to select the code editor. The book discusses: language syntax, the most useful functions, creation of your own engine and a number of other functions.

In general, nothing surprising is it? Nevertheless, this is a real textbook with unique informationwhich you will no longer find anywhere. This is already the fifth edition, that is, there will be no obsolete information. The book was released in 2015. In order to start to get acquainted with the code itself - the most it is.

HTML, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Gentleman's Web Master Set - This is a more detailed textbook on the study of PHP. It is addressed by several other useful, without which the full creation of web applications is impossible.

It reads quite easily, suitable for self-study and student learning. The author affects such topics as: PHP bases, dynamic page formation cSS help (Cascading style sheet), database administration, create dynamic pages using JavaScript.

Create dynamic websites using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 - I would advise this book to more advanced readers who already have the basic html skills of the layout. If you have ever studied this, and still remember the basic principles then this book is for you.

PHP and MySQL. From a novice to a professional - And completes our review of Kevin Yanka, the author in it makes a strong bias to create web applications with a database.

The book is very light, perfectly suitable for self-study.

Video with YouTube.

In my own experience, I will say that, they will study PHP on videos from YouTube is quite difficult. Although they seem simple. Unlike the lessons on photoshop, which I adore, learn programming languages \u200b\u200bin YouTubes is simply impossible. Even the video length is only 15 - 20 minutes causes a lot of inconvenience.

Such videos can beat off the desire to recruit the code. Why, if the author already did for you, I scored, started, showed on a particular example how does everything work? As a result, remember something almost impossible.


In my opinion this is the perfect learning option. Great when a specialist is engaged in you.

Each lesson accompany comments, you can ask questions to experts, quietly discuss and solve incomprehensible moments. You do not have to climb the Internet in search of information. Everyone will be inserted and put in the mouth will only be used.

You will be given a task and proceed to how much you are doing it.

I can recommend you course on Netology . This training center is appreciated among professionals, and in just two months you can learn everything that is necessary. The sets in the group occur constantly.

Do not worry if you do not understand something. For this, the course is designed to find out. This is real step-by-step instruction for newbies. Do not believe? Download the full course program from the official site and you will be sure about it.

If you dream about learn how to create sites without, yourself and on PHP, then this is the best option for you.

During the passage of this course, you will master the foundation of the PHP language and examine the capabilities of this language. This interactive PHP course is designed to teach beginners and contains detailed text and video instructions - choose what you like more.

In the course, everything is studied in very detailed - training begins with how PHP works at all. Talks about modern tools and approaches. And, of course, there are homework, which I personally check. Here we are with you and install local web server, and learn how to work in the code editor, and, of course, write your first PHP programs.

This course will allow you to master the basic principles in writing code, without which there is no one future developer. Here you will receive the necessary foundation that will allow you to go further, studying more interesting and complex topics in programming.

Course program

Level 1. Introduction to the PHP course for beginners

Level 2. Setting the environment

Level 3. Basics of development

Level 4. Cycles and arrays

Level 5. User interaction

Level 6. Working with files

Level 7. A little more practice

Level 8. Conclusion

What does php need a novice developer

HTML knowledge allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to create sites. And even allows you to independently develop Internet resources. However, the use of this markup language is limited due to the staticness of the pages created with it. In particular, it is used in most cases to develop website sites. The thing is that if necessary, make any changes to edit it takes each page separately, and if there are several dozen or hundreds of their resource, such a process will not only be tedious, but also stretched over time.

Optimize the site administration allows using the PHP language (acronym: Hypertext Preprocessor "Hypertext Preprocessor") - the scripted programming language that allows you to create dynamically filling web pages. Its application makes it possible to make a resource really interactive, and the site management process is simple and less expensive in terms of attached effort. Online PHP lessons for beginners from WebShake helps to master the basics of the scripting language from scratch, learn how to create dynamic resources that are easy to modify and maintain.

Our video and text lessons on PHP online are designed in such a way as to be understandable to each user who wants to master the web development. And the homework, placed at the end of each topic, will allow to consolidate the knowledge gained and hone their application in practice.

Advantages of the PHP language

Our interactive PHP course differs first of all with its own practical orientation. The rich PHP language functionality for beginners allows to effectively solve the widest range of tasks. And the ease of use makes it possible to do it quickly and with a minimum effort. Our free online Course PHP for beginners helps to master this scripting language, which is currently the most popular and applied to create a huge amount of Internet resources (including popular social networks and blogs).

The traditional PHP (thanks to the borrowing of a number of structures from C and PERL and a combination of the merits of these languages), along with intuitive availability and universality of syntax, makes the learning process simple (especially for people familiar with the basis of code writing). If, in the process of familiarization with the course, there will still be some difficulties, I am ready to answer any questions that can be asked in the comments to the PHP lessons online.

The high speed of the scenarios increases the efficiency and demand of the PHP language, and the ability to integrate with other languages \u200b\u200b(in particular, HTML, JavaScript) allows you to adjust the HyperText Preprocessor for the needs of a specific web developer.

PHP features

Website development using this scripting language allows you to:

  • Reduce the needs of the Internet page in resources. The web application takes less space, becomes "easier", and therefore it opens faster.
  • Significantly simplify the process of managing the Internet page, making changes. Static sites do not meet the realities of today, as they simply do not have time for what is happening around. The inability to keep up with the times ultimately affects attendance.
  • Ensure an effective analysis of the work of the site (keep the statistics of attendance, etc.).

The effectiveness of Hypertext Preprocessor is appreciated by the largest companies. Our course on the basics of PHP for beginners Online allows not distracting from work or study to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully build a career in web development.

Interactive approach

The method of presenting the material being studied is greatly played. For example, dry technical text, as far as it is, it is, it is very difficult to perceive. That is why, along with it, you need to use multimedia files, and in particular - video materials. Rollers involving live people use several senses at once (hearing and vision), and also allow you to repeat in practice what has just been demonstrated on the screen.

An interactive approach helps to make the learning process more interesting and fruitful. Along with this web development courses include illustrations and useful advice, as well as practical lessons and php lessons for beginners. All this provides a framework for the material, thanks to which the beginners are much easier to navigate in HTML and PHP.

Free training courses are also good because they allow you to try your own strength and understand the craving for programming. In addition, this approach helps to decide with the tongue, which is extremely important for obtaining a new specialty.

Just yesterday, a global thought was visited by creating a single community site, which can be implemented on TextPattern with some readings in PHP. And since in PHP I will not make sense, but to hire knowing manHe needs to clearly formulate the task, and this is already a problem, so it was decided to take up this case on my own. In addition, I have a rich programming experience at Turbo Pascal and Delphi and, moreover, a long-standing dream will learn how to go to PHP.

For me it will be a good motivation to explore this programming language for Web sites.

I think so the most important thing in programming in each language is the processes algorithm. The processes algorithm is when a person understands which steps need to be performed to achieve the goal. And any programming language is just only a writing tool that differs only by the syntax.

In order to quickly learn php I downloaded the book PHP for teapotswhich is written Janet Valed. But since this book has about 300 pages, the training will not work rapidly. I understand that the whole depth of this language can not be comprehended by this book, even it will be not enough, but in order to hold the Toppers PHP and start writing something, this book is Velic.

I want to imagine an excellent site on which I found everything I need it is:

This is not an advertisement, but just an excellent site for the same newbies as me. Do not look at the design of the site, as not in this chip. Personally, all the material on the site seemed very good, since it is very clearly structured, contains really needless examples And most importantly - there is no water in it. All the material on it, as I understood, is the author and it is the materials on PHP belongs to one person - Sergey Artemyev.

RSS. Twitter , comments or by mail.

How I learned PHP

In 2006, one script was required for me for one of my sites. The script was quite unique, so in search engines I could not find it (it is not now in free access). Only on one site I met a similar script that was sold for $ 20. Spend so much I could not afford.

And then I decided to write it myself. Since the theory was not interesting to me, I started immediately with programming. I watched examples, died out pieces of code and inserted them into my script.

The main difficulty was that my script demanded somewhere to store data. I chose the MySQL database. Therefore, by the way, I still do not work well with text files.

Now, when viewed on the written code, you can not smile. I didn't even know what the difference between $ _Get ['id'] and $ ID (programmers will understand). And at the time of completion did not know. But the main thing - the creak worked. The most interesting thing is that he still hangs and works on my SDL.

The script must be completely rewritten, but it is easier to write it again. And do it in scrap (and I do not see much sense). The only thing that I did all these years has corrected security.

Then there were other scripts, interest in PHP increased. It was just interesting to write code. I could go further into the deepening of the language and become a programmer. But I never wanted to be. So I stopped. And now I am writing only for myself. You can go further.


Go right away to practice. Put the mini tasks and try to solve them. To begin with, put quite small. For example, calculate and display how many will be 3 + 2.

$ chislo1 \u003d 3;
$ chislo2 \u003d 2;
$ otvet \u003d $ chislo1 + $ chislo2;
Echo $ Otvet;

This code can be reduced several times (up to one line), but in a form written by me already something becomes clear. For example, that Echo is displayed to the screen. Guess now, how to calculate such an example - 3 + 7 * 2 (you can write in the comments).

You can start with such examples. And it is possible with a more appropriate. From a guest book, for example. By the way, does anyone remember that it is? πŸ™‚ The script is actually very simple, so it is very well suited for learning a language.

How to write a guest book

IN mySQL database We will store messages. To do this, we need to create only one table in it with the following fields: the username, e-mail, date of communication and the message itself.

It remains only to write to PHP output messages from the base and add new ones. Solution We are looking for in textbooks, examples, etc. You can drive in Yandex or Google a query "How to display data from MySQL".

Or ask on the forums - "I am writing a guestbook. The data is stored in the MySQL database. Fields are as follows: Username, E-mail, date of message and message. Tell me how to display all messages? ". In fact, the question is very simple and the answer of it can be found both.

I propose an approximately such study scheme:

The desired script -\u003e the breakdown on the tasks and their production -\u003e solving problems with the help of textbooks, examples, forums, etc. -\u003e Reading theory, understanding of the written code and its change, if necessary -\u003e Script Ready

I can advise these resources to learn language:

On the forums, do not ask common questions about "How to write a guest?" Specify specific questions of the type "I write such a script. That's what I sketched. Why is it not displayed here? How to make it? Explain this "(an example of a question led to the paragraph about the guest).

If there are any questions - ask!


There were thoughts to write a couple of php lessons for beginners. But will it be interesting for you, dear readers?

Please answer two questions in the comments:

1. Do you know any programming languages \u200b\u200band what?
2. Would it be interesting to read about PHP?

P.S. Having learned PHP Write a TopSape service

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