Case of methodical materials for the use of game technologies in its age group. Case technology in preschool education Case technology in 1 youngest group Examples

case of methodical materials for the use of game technologies in its age group.

Method of situational analysis

This method is based on the analysis of specific situations. For preschool children, due to the development of mental functions and the prevalence of visual-shaped thinking, photo-cakes and case illustrations are more often used.

Case-illustration "Do I need to be polite?"

Purpose: upbringing a sense of respect for elders through a discussion of a particular situation.

The educator demonstrates an illustration and invites children to discuss what happened. Teacher's task to bring children to the conclusion that the polite treatment of others is a pledge of good relations, mood and health


Form a culture of communication;

Katya and Lisa jump through the rope. Nearby is an unfamiliar girl. She also wants to jump, but she does not decide to approach cheerful friends. Katya and Lisa do not notice the girl. They are good together.

What do you think did Katya and Lisa come correctly?

What should they do?

What kind of magic words will help girls meet?

What would you do on the site of Kati and Lisa?

"Talking on the phone"

Consolidate knowledge of the rules and standards of speech etiquette;

Briefing the need to use speech formulas in everyday life.

Anya calls Masha on the phone.

Masha, hello.

This is not Masha. This is her mom.

And I need Masha.

Now I am her call.

Masha, is that you? Hey! Listen, bring me tomorrow with verses tomorrow.

OK, bye!

Questions and task:

Is it possible to call Any by a brought up girl? Why?

Can Anya talk on the phone?

What rules of speech etiquette forget Anya? What mistakes allowed?

Offer your conversation option. Play the situation.

"Polite refusal"

Continue the formation of a culture of communication;

Exercise in the use of variants of etiquette formulas, depending on the situation;

Facilitate the acquisition of experimental behavior;

Enrich the speech of the child with the words and designs necessary in everyday communication between people.

Today is a good sunny day. The guys agreed to play football. Vitya appointed goalkeeper. The boy happily ran home to change clothes, and take the ball. The door was opened by Mom.

Vitya. I'm waiting for you. Please go to the store. We have ended bread. There is no piece to dinner.

What do you think, what will Vitya do?

What conversation is possible with mom?

What does Vitya tell the guys?

What would you do in this situation? Offer your answer options.


Develop the ability to comply with the norms of word use, speak so as to ensure a favorable understanding by the interlocutor;

Educate the need to use speech formulas in everyday life;

Exercise in the use of etiquette formulas, depending on the situation.

*** Serezi broke a bike. How is it hurt? But he agreed with the guys tomorrow ride at the school stadium. What to do? "We must ask dad," Serezha thought and ran home.

Dad has just returned from work.

Dad, hello! Repair me great, good? - shouted Seryozha, put the bike and again ran into the street.

What do you think will help Dad Seryget? Why?

Is it politely seen to dad? What mistakes did he allow?

What forms of speech etiquette did not use Seryozha in his request?

What would you do in this situation? Offer your conversation options with dad.

To date, the most important mechanism for the development of every person. In this regard, the main task acts providing conditions for the formation of their individuality among students.

The search for fundamentally new ways of time consuming, from the teacher, it requires both time spent and creativity. However, the student achieved by the level of development is the main award for the teacher. This may be an accuracy of interest in a certain subject, an adequate assessment of the spent the limit of its capabilities, a decrease in the psychological stress tested in classes, improving the quality of the knowledge provided, the establishment of special confidential relations of the student and teacher. All of the above is achieved through Case technology.

Case technology in education: general characteristics

The title of the method under consideration is based on the Latin term "Casus". It is translated as an unusual, confusing case. According to another version, this name is formed from the English Case - a portfolio, a suitcase. Case technology in education is a number of specific learning situations that are specifically designed on the basis of the actual material for their further analysis within training sessions. In the process of considering these situations, students master teamwork, learn to analyze, take operational

The main feature of the method is the process of studying precedents, in other words, practical situations that took place in the past.

Existing technology under consideration

So, in foreign publications there are the following methods of the method:

  • business stories;
  • study of the situation;
  • case method.

Our publications refer to the method considered as follows:

  • AKS (analysis of specific situations);
  • case method;
  • business situations;
  • situational objectives (for the first time the concept was introduced by American researchers Y. Wilson, J. Ekinson in 2001).

Case technology in education: what is it?

Its essence is to organize the learning process by applying specific situations. Case technology in education involves understanding by students of a real life situation, the description of which and reflects a specific practical problem, and actualizes the appropriate complex of knowledge necessary for assimilation during the permission of the problem. The problem itself has no definite solutions. In the Case action or are presented in the description, which subsequently it is necessary to comprehend (effectiveness, consequences), or they are offered as a way to solve problems. However, with any outcome, the development of a model of a specific practical action is always presented as an effective means of forming students.

Case technology in education is a tool that allows you to apply existing theoretical knowledge to solve practical tasks. This method makes it possible to develop independence of thinking from students, listen to the ability to listen, and further take into account an alternative point of view and argued to voice your own. Through case-technology, students have the opportunity to create and improve their estimates, analytical skills, as well as learn how to command and search for rational solutions of existing problems.

What gives such a method?

As in education, it is predominantly positive emotions on the part of students, providing them with the possibility of mastering theoretical knowledge and mastering practical skills. It affects the professionalization of students, contributing to their cultivation, the formation of interest, positive motivation to study. At the same time, the case-technology in education (the definition was presented earlier) acts as an image of the teacher's thinking. It can be said is his specific paradigm that allows you to think, act differently, update your own creative potential.

Requirements to which good case must meet

Case technology in education - an example borrowed from real business is an information process that makes it possible to comprehend the current situation. It is believed that Case is obliged to satisfy a number of requirements:

  • comply with a clearly formulated creative purpose;
  • illustrate a number of aspects of precisely economic life;
  • be relevant;
  • promote the development of analytical thinking;
  • have different variations of solutions;
  • have a corresponding level of difficulty;
  • do not obey with a rapid pace;
  • display typical situations;
  • lead to discussion.

The essence of training through the method under consideration lies in the proposal by each student of their options on the basis of his knowledge of knowledge and practical experience, intuition. For example, someone will consider a change in the marital status of the company's head of a small part, the other, guided by his experience, considers this fact decisive.

Distinctive features of the method under consideration

It is known that their six:

  1. Collective development of rational solutions.
  2. The presence of a single goal.
  3. The presence of managed emotional tension of students.
  4. The presence of a model of the socio-economic system, whose condition is considered at a certain discrete time period.
  5. Multivariate solutions (a single decision is fundamentally absent).
  6. Presence of a system of collective estimation of activities.

Technological features of the method under consideration

They are also six:

  1. Case technology in the field of higher education is a specific variety of research technology (analytical).
  2. The method under consideration acts as the technology of collective learning, its most important components are group work and mutual information exchange.
  3. It can be viewed in the form of synergistic technology, whose essence is the preparation of procedures for the immersion of the entire group into a specific situation, the formation of the effects of attracting knowledge, the exchange of discoveries, insight insight, and so on.
  4. Case technology in education (the English version of the method of the method was mentioned earlier) integrates a number including the procedures for group, collective, individual development and the formation of comprehensive personal qualities of students.
  5. He acts as a specific variety of project technology. In contrast to its simple form, within the framework of the method under consideration, the problem is forming together with the ways to solve it on the case of a case acting simultaneously and in the information source for the purpose of aware of alternative options for the most effective actions.
  6. This method concentrates weighty achievements of such technology as "creation of success." It provides activities focused on the activation of students, underline their achievements, stimulating the success of students. Immediately achieving success is one of the dominant forces of the method, as well as the formation of sustainable positive motivation, increasing cognitive activity.

Considered technology in primary school

Case technology in for example) is a generalized name of training technologies, which are methods for analyzing situations. It involves the essential individualization of the entire educational process on the basis of an active position on the part of students in the framework of training.

Thus, the principle of technology is to draw up an individual plan at the very beginning of training, providing each student Case, which contains a package of rules, training cards, recommendations for familiarizing with educational materials, as well as control issues, tests for self-test, creative, practical tasks. During the study of the material, the student can request a teacher consultation.

The so-called quests are being developed (a game form of tasks) in order to maximize the integration of the Internet into different educational items. They cover a separate problem, subject, educational item. The result of their work is to prepare students of primary classes of presentations.

Tasks for quests

They may be in the form:

  • repears - demonstration of awareness of the studied theme on the basis of the presentation of materials collected from various sources, in another form: the story, presentation, poster;
  • planning, design - project development or plan on the basis of the specified conditions;
  • creative task - creative work of a particular genre: video, poem;
  • estimates - Justification of a specific point of view;
  • different studies - studying all sorts of phenomena, facts, discoveries based on unique online sources.

The development of speech etiquette by children through the method under consideration

It is worth recalling that speech etiquette is a series of speech behavior rules that are determined by the relationship between speakers based on the situation of communication. It includes: appeal, greeting, acquaintance, attraction, request, invitation, refusal, consent, complaint, apology, sympathy, greetings, disapproval, gratitude, forgiveness, other.

The formation of his skills acts an integral part of the overall work on the development of children's speech. The main activity is to enrich speech with words, designs that are necessary in everyday communication. The introduction of preschoolers in a number of etiquette words and enriches the active dictionary, and raises the attentiveness of these forms, expressions, helps to select relevant language funds in a particular situation.

Case technology in preschool education allow you to form all 3 main components of the speech etiquette:

  1. Mastering various options for formulas.
  2. More detailed "deployment".
  3. Accompanying the formulas of benevolent intonation, friendly faith.

Case-case - Case, in which a specific situation is described, the problem is formulated, it is proposed to find the way to solve it. Preschoolers after familiarization with the problem independently conduct an analysis of the situation, then diagnose the problem, voiced by ideas, solutions in the course of communicating with peers.

Case technology methods

Their six:

  • the method of incidents (independent search for information, its collection, systematization, analysis);
  • gaming design (the process of creating or improving projects: research, search, creative, analytical, prognostic);
  • the method of parsing a business correspondence (work with documents, papers, which relate to a specific organization, problem, situations);
  • situational role-playing game (creation in the form of drawing a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation with the subsequent assessment of actions, behavior of participants);
  • case Stage (Group analysis of the present situation, the development of different problems, searching for their practical solution, assessing the proposed algorithms, the choice of the best);
  • discussion method (exchange of views in accordance with the rules).

Municipal educational institution

additional education of children

Vetherian District House of Children's Creativity

Methodical development

Circle classes


on this topic

"Using Case Methods in Circle Work"

Ganzina Marina Evgenievna, Pedagogue of additional education

m. Wind, 2014

Introduction .................................................................................... ... 3

    Theoretical part .............................................................. 4

    1. Concept and types of case-technologies ............................................. ... 4

      Use of case-technology in the framework of the general education process ....... .................................................................................... 6

    Practical part ...... .. ................................................... ... 8

    1. Planning classes with the application of the case-method ............ .. ...... ..... 8

      Plan - an abstract of classes on the topic "The correctness of the preparation of salt test" ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Conclusion ................................................................................................15

List of literature used ......... .......................................... .16

Appendix №1 ..........................................................................................17

Appendix number 2 ..........................................................................................18


In connection with the reforms of education in our country, there is a constant search for effective teaching methods, one of them is the so-called case technology.

Case technology combine both role-playing games and project method, and situational analysis. Case technology is not a repetition of the teacher, not retelling the words of the teacher or article, not the answer to the teacher's question, this is an analysis of a specific situation that makes raise the reservoir of the knowledge gained and apply them in practice.

These technologies help to increase students' interest to the subject studied, develops such qualities from schoolchildren as social activity, sociability, the ability to listen and competently express their thoughts.

Goal goal Is: Development of Testoplasty Circle using Case Technology.

The specified purpose led to the formulation of the following tasks:

    explore the theoretical aspect and history of the method of cases;

    make a plan for classes on the topic "The correctness of the preparation of salt test" with the use of case technology;

    analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the use of case technology in the Circle classes.

The logic of the study determined the structure of this work, which included the introduction, theoretical and practical part, conclusion and the bibliographic list.

In the preparation of guidelines, educational literature, articles from pedagogical scientific and methodological publications and electronic resources were used.

    Theoretical part

      Concept and types of case-technologies

The key component of the Situation Analysis technology is Case. This is the real life problem situation that launches the process of knowledge in class. At the same time, the case is a comprehensive didactic tool that includes not only a description of the real event, but also methodical techniques that ensure its analysis and understanding. Therefore, the success of the whole work in the classroom has largely depends on the quality of the selected or the teacher of the Case.

For the first time, working with Cases within the framework of the educational process was implemented at the Harvard School of Business in 1908, so it is often called the Harvard method. In the leading schools of the Western European business, Cases began to be actively used in the 60s. In Russia, this technology began to implement only the last 3-4 years.

In the course of the formation and application of technology, specialists created a huge number of cases, so that over time there was a need for their classification. It should be noted that uniform criteria for classifying cases at the moment does not exist, and each author systematizes cases on its reasons. However, the knowledge of the basic types of cases will help the teacher to make the optimal selection of the case of the case, taking into account the specifics of the content of the specific topic being studied.

    By the way they are created

    Field-case cases, which are based on a problem situation based on real facts associated with actual existing objects, phenomena, people.

    Cabinet - cases, which are a typical generalization of many real facts. Created when it is difficult to find a single real example to illustrate any phenomenon or process.

    By structure

    Structured Cases (Highly Structured Case) - a short and accurate presentation of the situation with specific numbers and data. For this type of case, there is a definite number of correct answers. They are intended to evaluate knowledge and / or skills to use one formula, skill, methods in a specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

    Unstructured cases (Unstructured Cases). They are material with a large number of data and are designed to assess the style and speed of thinking, the ability to separate the main thing from the secondary and skills of work in a particular area. For them, there are several correct options for answers and usually the possibility of finding a non-standard solution is not excluded.

    GROUND BREAKING CASES (Ground Breaking Cases) can be both very short and long. Observation of such a case gives you the opportunity to see whether a person thinks not standard, how many creative ideas he can issue for the allotted time. If a group solution passes, then can he catch someone else's thought, develop it and use it in practice.

    To size

    Full cases (on average 20-25 pages) are intended for teamwork for several days and usually imply a command performance to present their solution.

    Compressed cases (3-5 pages) are designed to parse directly in class and imply a general discussion.

    Mini-case (1-2 pages), as well as compressed cases, are designed to parse in the classroom and are often used as an illustration for the theory taught in the classroom. In many cases, mini-case can be formulated briefly, in the form of one or two paragraphs, and is supplied with issues that you want to answer in the discussion.

In addition, Cases differ in which the problem is clearly formulated, and the student needs to find ways to solve it, and the cases in which there is no need for a clear wording of the problem - it must first formulate it, and then offer solutions.

      Use of Case Technology as part of the general education process

The method of concrete situations is based on imitation modeling, in other words, the use of the methods of cases in teaching students is preceded by the development of a specific example or the use of finished materials describing the situation of real professional activities. Case technology due to the orientation to specific, practical problems that are designed to solve specialists of many areas of activity make it possible to increase the motivation of teachings in students, as it becomes clear, why, in what situation, one or another educational material can use how to apply it in specific practical activities. The use of this pedagogical technology makes it possible to develop important intellectual skills in students who will be in demand with further training and in professional activities.

"Case" - the method is based on the totality of the didactic principles:

1. Individual approach to each trainee, accounting for its features, needs and learning style;

2. Maximum granting freedom in training;

3. Ensuring a sufficient number of visual materials;

4. Concentration on the main positions, and not "loading" students with a large volume of theoretical material;

5. Ensuring the accessibility of a teacher for a student;

6. Formation of self-government skills in students, skills to work with information;

7. Accentuation of attention to the development of strengths and positive qualities of students.

Organization of work of students based on Case - technology

To analyze a specific situation, work with case materials depends on their volume, the complexity of issues and the degree of students' awareness with this information.

The following alternative options are possible:

    Students study Case materials in advance, also get acquainted with the Literature recommended by the teacher, some of the tasks for working with Case are performed at home individually.

    Students get acquainted in advance with Case materials, some of the tasks for working with Case are performed at home individually by each.

    Students receive a case directly in class and work with him. This option is suitable for small in terms of cases, about 1 page illustrating any theories, concepts, training content, and can be used at the beginning of the classes in order to enhance the thinking of students, increasing their motivation to the subject matter.

Stages of the organization of the educational process

1. Preparatory ( determination of the case of the case in the training course; search source; creating a layout of a case; description of the occupation)

2. Familiarization ( involvement of students in the analysis of the real situation, the choice of the optimal form of the presentation of the material for review)

3. Analytical ( discussion of the situation in groups or individual study of the problem of students; Preparation of the decision)

4. Final ( The main task of this stage is to submit and substantiate a decision on Case).

The main stages of case technology in the class "Testoplasty" circle are:

    preparation and provision of educational and methodological material on the student under study;

    systematic and consistent work with students to study every issue of the topic, involving both independent study by a child of individual issues and work in class or individual advice;

    mandatory generalization of the topic of the teacher's studied topic, identifying gaps in the study of the topic issues and their elimination;

    diagnosis and reflection of the results of activities at the end of the study of the topic.

Technological scheme for creating a case:

1. Determining that section of the educational program, which is devoted to the situation describing the problem.

2. Formulation of educational purposes and tasks solved in the process of working on Case.

3. Determination of the problem of the situation and the creation of a generalized model (pay attention to that the type of situations should be chosen: vital, educational, scientific).

4. Search an analogue of a generalized model of a situation in real life, education or science.

5. Definition of sources and methods for collecting information.

6. Selection of technician work with this Case.

7. Determination of the desired result on the work of students with this Case (drafting a sheet of assessment).

8. Creating Case and its testing in the learning process.

    Practical part

Using a case-method in class "Testoplasty" circle

on the topic "The correctness of the preparation of salt dough"

2.1. Planning classes using a case-method

Main the objectives of the CASE method The following are:

    generalization, activation and consolidation of students' knowledge acquired when studying the topic;

    ability to analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems, offer possible solutions and choose the best of them;

    development of students' skills for work in a group, cooperation, mutual assistance;

The main task: Appeal to life realities for their subsequent reflection and transformation.

The number and composition of the participants:

1) Students "Test plastic" circle are divided into 2 groups,

2) Expert Commission in the Pacagoral Person

4) The main acting person who will ask the rhythm and the course of the lesson is a teacher.

Methodological advice on the preparatory period necessary for the class:

The setting in the class should be appropriate: the tables must be placed so that their division into 2 groups would be clearly traced.

On the board are visual materials on the methods of preparation of salt dough, tools for work.

Distribution material (products and tools for the preparation of salt dough).

In the preparation of this lesson, Internet resources were used, where the experience of working on case-technologists is presented.

      Plan - An abstract classes

Topic: "The correctness of the preparation of salt test."

Age: 7 years old (class 1)

Purpose of teacher's activities

    acquaintance of children with various recipes for making a salt dough for making crafts;

    training techniques for the preparation of salt dough;

Tasks of the teacher's activities


    familiarize with the products from which the salted dough flour, salt, water, PVA glue, starch), with materials and tools for the preparation of the test;

    familiarize with the rules of washing dishes.


    develop salt dough cooking skills

    develop observation in work; Cognitive interests and logical thinking.


    raise aesthetic taste

    education cooperation in the group.


Visual materials with images of materials, tools for the preparation of salt dough, food preparation products.

Type of classes

Staging and solving educational tasks

Planned educational resources

Subject: Get to know with the history of salt dough, with testing tests and safe techniques for the preparation of the test; Using the teacher to monitor the quality of the results of their own practical activity


Cognitive: mining new knowledge; find new answers to questions using the information posted in the case, their life experience, using the information obtained in the classroom from the teacher;

Regulatory: determine and form The purpose of activities in the class with a teacher; are pronounced sequence of actions in class;

Communicative: listen and understand Speech of others; cant his position to classmates;

Personal: analyze and rate The process and results of their activities.

Methods and forms of training

Partially Search, Group, Frontal

Products, Tools and Equipment

Products: Salt, Flour, Water

Tableware: Plastic bucket, spoon, jar with water.

Organizational structure of classes

Stages of classes

Educational and educational components, tasks and exercises

Teaching activities

Activities of students

Forms of compassion

Universal learning actions

Intermediate control

    Motivation to educational activities

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the material being studied

Checks the readiness of students to occupation, voiced the topic and plan of classes, creates an emotional attitude to the study of a new material

Listen and discuss the topic, evaluate their willingness and mood to occupation


Personal: understand the meaning of knowledge for a person and take it, have the desire to learn, determine their attitude to the actions of classmates from the position of universal moral values, reason and discuss them

Oral answers

    Actualization of knowledge

Entrance word teacher and conversation on issues

When did people start making crafts from a salt dough?

Why is a lot of salt add to the dough?

Listen to the teacher, answer questions


Cognitive: Extract the necessary information from the story of the teacher, complement and expand the existing knowledge and ideas about the new studied subject; oriented in their knowledge and skill system

Communicative: Exchange opinions, listen to each other

Oral answers

    Studying a new material

Work with technological maps

He introduces students with test cooking technology. Fits students to creative independent action, organizes a conversation on questions:

What products, tools and dishes need to prepare the test?

What proportions are the products in salty dough on the simplest recipe?

What sequence is the products?

Answer questions, observe, analyzed, compared, draw conclusions

Frontal, group

Cognitive: answer questions, make comparisons; carry out the search for the necessary information; Complement and expand existing knowledge, apply in practical work.

Regulatory: The results of the learning level of the material being studied are predicted, they work on a jointly compiled plan, use the necessary funds (technological maps, fixtures and tools); monitor the accuracy of the operation

Communicative: Expressed your own opinion orally when drawing up answers to the teacher's questions, exchange opinions, listen to a friend of each other, build clear speech statements.

Personal: Aware of their capabilities in teaching; are able to adequately judge about the causes of their success or failure in teaching, connecting progress with efforts and hard work

Oral answers

    Primary understanding and fixing

Independent work

Creates conditions for expressing an independent action (preparation of the test)

Learn to knew salt dough


Cognitive: independently allocate and formulate goals

Regulatory: implement

step-by-step control of their actions

Creative, practical work



Generalizing conversation

Organizes a conversation:

What did you learn today?

What difficulties faced?

What was interesting?

Answer questions. Determine their emotional state in class.


Personal:understand the meaning of knowledge for a person and take it.

Regulatory: Assess their work in the classroom, analyzes the emotional state, obtained from the successful (unsuccessful) activity in the lesson.

Evaluation of students' work at the lesson

    Structure occupation

    Organizational moment of classes (3 min).Checking readiness of students to occupation. Announcement of goals and objectives.

    Studying a new material (18 min).

    Our today's occupation we start with the history of the preparation of salt dough.

    Story from the history of salt dough. When people learned to do the dough. What products made from the dough. How the salty dough appeared and crafts from it.

    Independent work of students (15 minutes). Initially, the teacher reads the case and tasks of the Case. Then students are divided into two groups in the ranks. In each group, the speaker is selected. The following is a discussion. After discussing speakers from each team give answers to the tasks of the case. And opponents can ask their questions. Since children in a circle of 7-year-old and are still slow and poorly read, the teacher himself reads the case. And then the tasks of the case. Each subsequent task is discussed consistently after summing up according to the previous task.

    Practical work (35 min)

    I propose to start making a salt dough.

    Students are proceeding with independent work on dough.

    Each learner shakes her dough.

    The teacher conducts the current instruction and carries out targets. The first bypass is to check the organization of jobs and compliance with safe techniques. The second round is the verification of the correctness of labor techniques and technological sequence. The third bypass is an acceptance and evaluation of work.

    Well done! And now it's time to compare as you completed the task.

    Fastening the material passed (5 min).

    Questions to consolidate:

    What are the recipes for the preparation of salt dough?

    What kind of recipe we used at today's lesson?

    What should be followed by the rules when mixing a saline test to use it in the future for the manufacture of crafts?

  1. Outcome (5 min). Reflection.

  2. This case is designed to occupy the "Testoplasty" circle. Lights the section of the general collateral program "Testoplasty" on the topic "The correctness of the preparation of salt test" in an entertaining game form. The main task is to help actively assimilate the educational material, freely navigate the issues under the issues. Overcoming difficulties, an attempt to think, to reflect not only in-depth cognitive satisfaction, but also greater joy.

    In the process of holding, multi-level training is conducted: the level of perception of educational material, the level of knowledge reproduction, the level of knowledge of knowledge with the changed conditions, the level of obtaining new knowledge on the basis of previously obtained.

    When studying a new material, it is necessary to make an emphasis on the fact that the dough preparation formulation should not be changed and violate. Students during the execution of case-tasks should analyze the correctness (or irreversibility) of the behavior of the heroes of the case task (Kati and Misha) and must find the answers.

    After reading the task, students lead examples most often heard in the task or seen at home, they recall the stories and fairy tales, share their own experience. Therefore, the execution of the case task will not be much difficult for them.

  3. Conclusion

  4. Almost any teacher who wants to introduce a case-method, can do it well professionally, having studied special literature, having passed the training and having in the hands of training situations. However, the choice in favor of applying interactive training technologies should not be an endoral: after all, each of the technologies of situational analysis should be implemented, taking into account the training goals and objectives, the characteristics of the study group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine the possibilities of implementation Case method, their preparation and conduct.

    The use of the case method in the class "Testoplasty" can become an excellent alternative to boring and uninteresting student. In addition, Case technology will help students disclose their potential not only within the same subject area, but will be able to expand their knowledge in many areas of human activity.

  5. List of used literature

    I.P. Arefiev. Entertaining technology lessons. 5 cl. M.: School press. - 2005.- 80 C.

    Perova E.N. Lessons on the course "Technology". - M.: "5 for knowledge", 2008

    Technology. Serving work grade 5. Edited by V.D. Simonenko Ventana Graf, 2005

    Technology. Grade 2: Technological maps of lessons on the textbook O.A. Kurauryina, E.A. Luttseva, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 1-94 p.

    Video "Porridge, our mother" [electronic resource]. - Access mode:\u003d%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B0%20%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C §Ion \u003d search & z \u003d video2562615_159163570

    The video material "Masha and the Bear. 16 series. Masha + Porridge "[Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

    Electronic resource:

    Electronic resource:

    Analyze the situation in this task and reveal the main problem. (Katya misses the dough. She used a large salt instead of small and therefore she could not cut out a neat craft, the dough was crumbled.)

    And why did Kati happen so? (Katya did not properly knew the dough. First, the salt and flour is mixed, and the water is added to the same, until the dough stop sticking to the hands. Katya added a large salt in the dough)

    Do Katya observed the test of test and recipe?

    Make up your cooking plan.

  1. Students are divided into 2 teams.

    Since the age of students is 7 years (grade 1) and they are still poorly read, and the task is quite large, then the cases are not distributed to teams, but read in the teacher.

    Speakers from each team, after a small discussion, express their point of view. Then the teacher sets alternately tasks of the case. Teacher I ask questions.

    Each team after a short discussion gives your answer. We compare the answers of both teams. Pros and cons. Why did it happen. Do Katya prescription and the rule of kneading test observed?

    Then each group makes up its test plan and knead the dough in its plan.

    Summing up the classes, we consider and compare which plan of kneading the test, which made each team, compare the dough of both commands. What the dough it turned out (sticky, homogeneous, without lumps, she sticks to his hands, does not scatter if).

The essence of the "case" technology "Case" technology is to create and configure specially developed educational materials in a special set (case) and their transmission (forwarding) of the student. Each case is a complete set of educational materials developed on the basis of production situations forming the student skills to independently construct the algorithms for solving production problems. The results of the completed projects should be what is called "tangible", i.e., if it is a theoretical problem, then its specific decision, if a practical specific result, ready to use (at the lesson, at school, in real life). If we talk about this method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology implies a set of research, search, problematic methods, creative in its very essence.

The high efficiency of the case-method 1) development of the skills of structuring information and identification of problems; 2) the development of technologies for developing management solutions of various types (strategic, tactical); 3) actualization and critical assessment of accumulated experience in decision-making practices; 4) effective communication in the process of collective search and justification of the decision; 5) the destruction of stereotypes and stamps in the organization of finding a right decision; 6) stimulating innovation due to synergetics knowledge development of systemic, conceptual knowledge; 7) Improving the motivation to expand the core of theoretical knowledge to solve applied tasks.

Case content requirements 1. A concrete situation is considered, which takes place in real life (the main cases, facts). 2. Information can not be represented, i.e. Wear an orienting character. 3. It is possible to addition to the case of data that can take place in reality.

Results possible when using the Cace Method: Educational 1. Usson the new information 2. Mastering the data collection method 3. Mastering the method of analysis 4. Ability to work with text 5. Creating theoretical and practical knowledge of educational 1. Creating a copyright product 2. Education and achievement 2. Education and achieving personal goals of personal goals 3. Increasing the level of communication skills of communicative skills 4. The emergence of the experience of making decisions, actions in a new situation, solving problems

Work student with Case 1 Stage acquaintance with the situation, its features; 2 stage allocation of the main problem (problems), 3 stage of the proposal of concepts or those for "brainstorming"; 4 stage Analysis of the consequences of making one or another solution; 5 Stage Case Solution Offer one or more options for a sequence of actions.

Actions of the teacher in Case - Technology: 1) Creating a case or the use of already existing; 2) the distribution of students in small groups (4-6 people); 3) acquaintance of students with the situation, the system of evaluation of solutions to the problem, the deadlines for the tasks organization of the work of students in small groups, determining the rapporteurs; 4) organization of the presentation of solutions in small groups; 5) organization of the general discussion; 6) summarizing the teacher's performance, his analysis of the situation; 7) Assessment of students in the teacher.

The use of this technology in the educational process provides for the following objectives and objectives: 1. Formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity. 2. Formation of skills to see the problem and outline the ways to solve it. 3. Development of interest in the process of knowledge in the lessons.

10 Basic Rules for Case Analysis 1 Two Case Reading: Once to have a common idea and a second time to understand the facts. In addition, tables and graphics should be carefully analyzed. 2 Make a list of problems with which you have to deal. 3 If digital data is offered, you need to try to evaluate them and explain. 4 recognition of problems to which you can apply the knowledge. 5 Drawing up a solid analysis of the existing situation. 6 Support for proposals to solve the problem by means of solid argumentation. 7 Drawing up schemes, tables, graphs that give the basis for its own "solution". 8 Drawing up a list of priorities of its own proposals, taking into account that in reality there will be pretty scanty resources 9 Control of the Own Action Plan to check whether all areas of the problem are really developed. 10 Do not offer solutions that are doomed to failure and thereby can have destructive consequences.

Real life situations, detailed and detailed. At the same time, their educational appointment may be reduced to training trained, consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills of behavior (decision-making) in this situation. Cases should be as visualized and detailed.

Local material most of the cases can be based on the local material. Students feel more confident if they know well the environment and the context in which the events described in the cases occur, they are much harder to discuss, for example, the American environment, the behavior and motives of Americans.

Statistical materials They can play the role of a direct tool for diagnosing a situation, as a material for calculating the indicators that are most significant for understanding the situation. Materials can be posted either in the text of the case, or in the application.

The approximate structure of the case 1. The situation is the case, the problem, a history of real life 2. The context of the situation is the chronological, historical, context of the place, features of action or participants in the situation. 3. Comment situations represented by the author 4. Questions or tasks for working with Case 5. Applications

What are the characteristics of the "good case"? 1. Good Case tells. 2. A good case focuses on the topic of interest. 3. A good case does not go beyond the last five years. 4. Well-selected case can cause a sense of empathy to the heroes of the case. 5. Good case includes quotes from sources. 6. Good Case contains problems that understand the student. 7. A good case requires an assessment of decisions already taken.

Organization of work with Case 1. Familiar stage - involvement of students in an analysis of the situation, the choice of the optimal form of the presentation of the material for familiarization. 2. Analytical stage - discussion of the situation in groups or individual study of the problem of students and the preparation of solution options. 3. The final stage is a presentation and justification of the case of the case of the Case.

What gives the use of case technology to teacher student access to the basis of modern educational materials Organization of a flexible educational process reduction of the cost of time to prepare for lessons. Reperally advanced training. Ability to implement some elements of the educational process in extracurricular time Prepare for certification Communication with other students in the Master of Modern Information Technologies

References and sources of ready-made cases 1. Changes in educational institutions: Experience research by the method of Case - Stage / Under Red G.N. Progenation. - Tomsk, Mikhailova, E. I. Case and Case-Method: General concepts / E.I. Mikhailova / Marketing Labiting V.V. Case technology for the development of giftedness // Chemistry at school with Pallet E.S. Modern pedagogical and information technology in the education system: a tutorial for studies. Universities / Pallet E.S. ; Buchakina M.Yu. - 2nd ed., Ched. - M: Academy, p. 5. Pyrheva V.V. Case Technology of Training and its use in studying the topic "Algorithms" // Informatics and Education. -, p.25-28

References and sources of ready-made cases 6.Smolyaninova, O.G. Innovative student learning technologies based on the Case Study method // Innovations in Russian education: Sat.- M.: VPO, situational analysis, or anatomy of the case-method / editor. Surmina - Kiev: Center for Innovation and Development, HTM

Kestechnology in preschool education. The task of pre-school education is to create conditions for the most complete disclosure of age possibilities and abilities of the preschooler. According to the new requirements of GEF in the Russian Federation, one of the leading priorities is the communicative orientation of the educational process. This is significant, since in recent teachers and parents are increasingly alarming noting that many preschoolers experience serious problems in communicating with others, especially with peers. Many children do not know how to contact another person on their own initiative, shy to answer if they are treated. They often cannot support and develop the established contact, do not know how to adequately express their feelings and thoughts, so they often conflict and closed in themselves. It is connected with an increase in time to view movies and animated films, with aggressive and intense vocabulary. Modern children absorb more and more information that they do not have time to handle in their heads, decompose everything around the shelves and calmly explain. While sociability, the ability to contact with other people is the necessary component of the child's self-realization, its success in various activities, the important condition for the normal psychological development of the personality. The rapid dynamics of modern life requires the search and development of new efficient technologies. It is important that truly innovative pedagogical technologies are initially built at a competence approach and aimed in the results of learning for the future of the pupil. One of the relevant today is the use of keistchnology in preschool education. The introduction of keistchnologies in a preschool educational institution allows in practice to realize a competence approach. The introduction into the educational process of interactive pedagogical technologies is aimed at creating targets of preschoolers, mastering the constructive ways and means of interaction with the surrounding people in accordance with the tasks that modern federal state educational standards are. One of the relevant today is the use of Case technologies in preschool education. The introduction of keistchnologies in a preschool educational institution allows in practice to realize a competence approach.

Kestechnology is an interactive technology for short-term training, based on real or fictional situations, directed not so much on the development of knowledge as the formation of new qualities and skills at the listeners. The name Keistchnology occurred from the Latin "Casus" confusing, unusual case; And also from the English "Case" portfolio, a suitcase. For the first time, working with Cases within the framework of the educational process was implemented in the Harvard School of Business in 1908. In Russia, this technology has become implemented only by the last 34 years. SASE is not just a truthful description of the events, but a single allowing the information complex, the situation. A good case must meet the following requirements: Corresponding a clearly set goal of creating; have an appropriate level of difficulty; illustrate typical situations; develop analytical thinking; provoke a discussion; Have several solutions. With all the diversity of species of cases, they all have a typical structure. As a rule, Case includes: the situation is the case, the problem, the history of real life, the context of the situation - the chronological, historical, context of the place, features of the action or participants in the situation, the comment of the situation presented by the author, questions or tasks for working with Case, applications . Keistchnologies include: a method of situational analysis (method of analyzing specific situations, situational problems and exercises; Casestadia; Caesyl); photo case);

Incident method; Method of situational role games; method of parsing business correspondence; game design; Discussion method. For example: Situational Right game. The goal in the form of a staging to create before the audience is a true historical, legal, social and chicological situation and then give the opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants of the game. One of the varieties of the stage of the stage is a role-playing game. Game design: The goal is the process of creating or improving projects. Game design may include projects of different types: research, search, creative, analytical, prognostic. The essence of keistchnology is the analysis of the problem situation. Analysis, as a logical operation of thinking, promotes the speech development of the child, "Since it is a form of the existence of thinking, there is unity between speech and thinking" (S. L. Rubinstein). In the process of mastering Keistchnologies, children: learn to receive the necessary information in communication; the ability to relate their aspirations with the interests of others; learn to prove their point of view, argue the answer, formulate the issue, participate in the discussion; learn to defend their point of view; Ability to make help. Keistchnology form the skills of the communicative effects of children: the formation of children's skills in the team;

The ability to conduct a dialogue with adults and peers; The ability to adequately react in emerging conflict situations; The relationship with the life and game of the child is ensured; Learn to apply themselves, without the help of adult knowledge gained in real life without difficulty. The case method includes simultaneously a special type of material, and special ways to use this material in an educational educational process. Pupils must resolve the problem and get the reaction of others (other pupils and educators) to their actions. At the same time, they should understand that various solutions of the problem are possible. Therefore, the educator should help preschoolers to reason, argue, and not impose their opinions. The case method contributes to the development of the ability to analyze the situation, evaluate alternatives, choose the best option and plan its implementation. And if this approach is used repeatedly, then the preschooler produces a steady skill solving practical tasks. What is the difference between the case from the problem situation? A distinctive feature of the case of the method is to create a problem situation on real life. The case does not offer the fact of the facts from preschoolers in the open form, they will have to identify it from the information that is contained in the Case description. The problem contained in the case does not have an unambiguous solution; The essence of the method is that from a variety of alternative options in accordance with the criteria developed earlier, choose the most appropriate solution and develop a practical model of its implementation. In the practice of preschool education, it is possible to widely use the case of illustration, Casefoto. Caseyllylistration is an illustration that is used to consider the problem situation. The purpose of working with it is the analysis of the essence of the problem, the analysis of possible solutions and the choice of the best of them. Caseyllylistration differs from the visibility by the acquaintance of children with a real or alleged problem and

development of preschoolers of his gaze on her decision. Considering illustrations, children discuss the received information, reason, make a decision, can assume and build on the basis of this forecast. Caseyl fusion activate the thought of children, develop imagination, the need for communicating with other people, raise feelings. And the illustration with a continuation motivates the interest of children. In the "Photo - Case" includes: 1. Photo, the plot of which reflects any problem. 2. Text to Case, which describes the set of events. 3. Task - the correct question. It should have a motivation to solve the problem. Conclusion: Case technology helps to increase the interest of children to the material studied, develops for them as social activity, society, the ability to listen and competently express their thoughts. The main purpose of Keistchnology is to develop the ability to explore various problems and find them a solution, that is, learn how to work with information. Literature: 1. Dolgorukov, A. CaseStudy Method as Modern Vocational Training Technology / URL: http: // 2. Zemskova A.S. Using the Case method in the educational process // Council rectors. - 2008. - №8. - P. 1216. 3. Case method. Window into the world of situational learning methodology (CaseStudy). [Electronic resource] / Access: 4. Surmin, Yu. What is a casemetode? View of theorist and practice. / URL:\u003d1 5. Fedyanin N., Davidenko V. What is different from the suitcase? - Training abroad, 2000, №7 6. Shimutina. N. Using Case technologies in the educational process 7. Pedagogical technologies and innovation 8. Developing pedagogical technologies