Microsoft HTML Application Host Update

Each process and each service in the Windows operating system is responsible for a particular component in the system. The list of all running processes user can observe, for example, in the Task Manager. Among others you can see mshta.exe. What is this process, what role does it perform in Windows? Does he carry any threat and how to fix errors related to it?

Mshta.exe - What is this process?

MSHTA.exe is a process that was developed by Microsoft, to run HTML applications within operating system Windows. It starts during login to the system and works in the background until the user clicks twice along the previously named app.

The mshta.exe file is located in the system on the next path: "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\". Its size ranges from 12,000 to 50,000 bytes, depending on the use mode. The processor loads a maximum of 25% subject to direct use, so that overall productivity Practically does not affect.

Can be a virus?

Mshta.exe - what is it? Virus? it system processDeveloped by Microsoft, which you can do the only conclusion - it is not a virus. However, it is not worth a hurry with conclusions, it is likely that a malicious process can be in the system under the same name. The developers of viral programs often use such a trick to deceive the user.

Earlier in the article were presented general characteristics executable process file. By comparing them with a file on your computer, you can check whether the virus is or not.

How to remove virus

If you discovered the discrepancies of your process with genuine data means, it is necessary to immediately get rid of the malicious program. You can perform this in several ways. The simplest for an ordinary user will be the use of antivirus software. However, it is worth considering that you need to use the program from third-party developers, since the standard " Windows Defender"Already missed a threat.

Manifestation of error

Now it is clear how to remove the virus hiding under the MSHTA.EXE process. But what to do with an error that this process can issue?

Since the process works with HTML programs, the system response will occur at the time of interaction with them. Accordingly, when you try to start such a program, a message will appear on a monitor notifying a certain error. The text can be different, but most often found as follows: "<название

Causes of MSHTA.EXE application error appearance

Why does this error happen? If the user learns the cause, it will be easier to deal with the consequences.

You can select two main: the work of the virus or the user itself was made edits to the system registry or in the application directory there are no key files for launch. But viruses may not interfere in the registry, damaging the application itself directly.

Less popular reasons are the following: conflict between two applications and system load damage.

Methods for elimination of the error

Having understood with the reasons for the appearance of the mshta.exe error, you can move directly to the methods of eliminating it. Fortunately, it will not have to reinstall the operating system for this, although in the extreme case, this method is exactly suitable at least, because it will absolutely work.

So, among the methods that will help correct the problem, there are following:

  1. Correction of the system registry entries. For this purpose, you can use, for example, the MSDN Sisk program or WinThruster.
  2. Conducting a complete scanning system to detect infected processes. For this, the AdwCleaner program is perfect.
  3. Updating the operating system to the latest version.
  4. Updating all drivers in the system.
  5. Restoring the system until the error was observed.

This is enough to accurately fix the problem with the mshta.exe file.


Now you know not only that it is mshta.exe - the process responsible for the operation of HTTP applications, but also how to eliminate errors in its work. In fact, this problem with viruses is a fairly popular cause of errors in the work of various processes (not only of the given submitted in the article). That is why it makes sense to establish third-party anti-virus software and periodically check the personal computer for malicious programs.

  1. Use the program Windows Adjuster To find the cause of the problems, including the slow work of the computer.
  2. Update the program Microsoft HTML Application Host. The update can be found on the manufacturer's website (reference is shown below).
  3. The following paragraphs provide a description of the work of MSHTA.EXE.

Information about the MSHTA.EXE file

Description: mshta.exe often causes problems and necessary for Windows. Mshta.exe is located in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder or sometimes in the subfolders C: \\ Windows or in the subfolders of the C: \\ or in the subfolders "C: \\ Program Files". The following file sizes are known for Windows 10/8/7 / XP 13,312 bytes (41% of all cases), 45.568 bytes and.
it windows file. This is a trustworthy file from Microsoft. The application is not visible to users. Therefore, the technical reliability rating 6% danger.
If there are problems with mshta.exe, then you can easily delete it (Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e The installing and deleting of programms > Tweak UI.).

  • If mshta.exe is in the subfolders "C: \\ users \\ username", then reliability rating 44% danger. File size 7,293,280 bytes (80% of all cases) or 29,184 bytes. This is not a Windows file. The process has no visible window. This is a file signed by VeriSign. Posted digital signature. The process begins to work with Windows (see the registry key: Run, Runonce, User Shell Folders). The process uses the port to join the network or the Internet. MSHTA.exe is able to record data entry and monitor applications.
    If you have any problems with mshta.exe, you can ask for developers,, help, or delete the program TeamViewer. in Windows Control Panels In the Programs section and components.
  • If mshta.exe is in windows folder To store temporary files, then reliability rating 26% danger. File size 458,829 byte. The process has a visible window. No information on the file. The process begins to work with Windows (see the registry key: Run, Runonce, User Shell Folders). This is not a Windows system process. Mshta.exe is represented by a compressed file.

IMPORTANT: Some malicious programs mask themselves as mshta.exe, especially if they are located not In the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 directory. Thus, you must check the mshta.exe file on your PC to make sure it is a threat. We recommend to verify the security of your computer.

TOTAL: Average estimate of the site users about the MSHTA.EXE file: - based on 15 votes with 15 reviews.

34 users asked about this file. 4 users did not put a rating ("I don't know"). 3 users rated as non-hazardous. 2 users rated as it seems not hazardous. One user rated as neutral. 3 users rated as it seems dangerous. 6 users rated as dangerous.