The program for photocopying from the scanner to the printer. Copy from the scanner to the printer using Photocopier. A variety of assortment and special requirements for it

To get high-quality scans, it is not necessary to use branded programs to scan Canon.

Although they give a very positive result, among the software products presented by users, there are many good analogues worthy of attention.

Some of them are distributed free of charge, and part requires some costs depending on the functionality they provide.

A variety of assortment and special requirements for it

Recognition of documents of various types has recently become a real necessity due to the fact that they became more sought-after than paper originals.

This is due to the fact that they are much more convenient to store, transmit, and sometimes to process.

That is why the quality of the obtained digital copies becomes the main criterion of the selection of software used, including with the popular technique of the Canon brand.

Unfortunately, not all program manufacturers can please users.

One of the most common problems among products is the lack of regional settings, such as a Russian-speaking interface, which is a special criterion on domestic space.

And there are many such criteria.

Some products better cope with the processing of graphic information, others are more suitable for working with the texts, including those containing several different.

In parallel with them there are other programs and utilities, including those that "excellent" copble with the information presented in tabular form.

We have already identified a number of full-fledged software complexes and quite simple utilities that satisfy a number of user requirements and, as a result, included in this list:

Canon MF Toolbox

Start an overview of models stands with the Canon trademark brand name, namely MF Toolbox. The main drawback is that there is no Russian-language version.

The entire interface with which the user interacts with the data is English.

However, this lack of interest is compensated by the advantages of the software product, and it has a lot of them.

First, it is a small weight of an application that is only 9.5 MB, which is in good direction reflected on its loading and speed of operation.

Secondly, the application is free and comes with a hardware manufacturer, which guarantees compatibility check.

The application works in conjunction with Windows, which will notice the lion's share of users of office equipment.

Despite this, working with it is quite quickly, and for scanning a couple of clicks.

An additional advantage of the program can be considered the possibility of saving.

This functionality gives an advantage, first of all, not even in convenience, but in saving time spent on conversion from one file format to another.

A set of formats consists of the most popular, so MF Toolbox allows you to cover a large number of basic user needs.

In case, if the document is required to be corrected, you can use a configured set of editors, and to quickly transmit scans, you can use the quick send option.

It allows, without running third-party applications, make data digitization, editing them and direct printing, which makes it simply indispensable in the revolutionary working conditions.

The program quickly connects to the scanner and has a couple of versions, depending on what is required by the user.

Each of them has its advantages.

The Paperscan Free version is distinguished by a free license, but a somewhat limited basic set of supported functions, but the Paperscan version of the Scanner Professional Edition will please more extensive tools, but it will have to pay the user for it.

Both versions allow you to achieve high data compression rates to JBIG2, which facilitates their transfer and does not affect the quality of the final image.

At the same time, both versions have a general drawback - the lack of Russian-speaking menu commands. However, it will not be a tangible problem if you speak English at the base level.

A bonus for any user will be the function of auto-rotating and aligning documents without the need to re-scan them, as well as supporting the operating systems of the family.

Fig. 7 - Paperscan Professional Edition


Some utilities intended for digitization have one drawback - they, if there are a Russian-speaking interface, are unable to qualitatively recognize Russian-speaking texts, the ridoc does not apply to their number.

It perceives the text in and Russian enough, and in other languages.

It is also worth noting that the utility can leave watermarks on digitized copies and can be used for free over a monthly trial period of operation.

After that, you will need to pay the license, but as a result, the user will receive even wider functionality.

The advantages should include data compression after digitization without loss of quality, as well as the possibility of batch processing of documents.

After scanning, the data can be converted, and then save or send email addressee. ABBYY FineReader, providing the highest possible set of features and operations with digitized data.

In it, users will find software and for high-quality digitization of photographs, and for quick text recognition in any language.

At the same time, it is not necessary to pay for such software products.

Some of them apply to a free license, which is especially important for users who are engaged in digitization unprofessional.

Hello everyone, sometimes came across that it was necessary to either quickly scan the document, or put a free program in the office to scan documents and now I will show which programs, I have in stock. These programs are suitable for scanners: Canon, Epson, HP, Xerox and many others.

1. Scanlite.

The most famous program for scanning documents is very easy to use and easy to understand.

What is in the program:

  • The first is the name of the document that will be scanned.
  • The second is the path where the file will be scanned.
  • The third is the scan button itself.

Attention! The minus of this program is that it is necessary to rename the file each time (in paragraph one), otherwise the program will restart the previous one.

Here you can choose the skin of the program, PDF format (document) or JPG (picture), color or black and white image and quality. I think everything is clear here.

2. WinScan2pdf.

This program is very simple and as I understood is the most popular. But it is minus it is able to scan only in PDF well, the author gave her the corresponding name.

Select from which device to scan, you can put a tick for scanning multiple pages.

Well, the button to scan and exit the program.

3. Scanner

And the latest free program for scanning documents has more settings.

When starting, if a warning appears, do not be afraid.

Everything is described here in actions.

1. Select from which device to scan and scan scan (right there following), to scan the following image.

2. Here you can adjust the image slightly, add brightness or contrast.

3. In the end, you can print the image, save in JPG or BMP, well, or open view in order to view the result.

Please pay attention to the tick fill if it is put then the image will be on the entire sheet A4.

Well, that's all, I use such tools in everyday life. Of course there may be better than the program, but they are paid and weigh more. These Free scanning programs Completely cope with their task.


And some technologies)

Free program for combining the scanner and printer to a convenient copier.

Nowadays, in various organizations, they are increasingly beginning to talk about the introduction of electronic document management. However, in reality, it rarely reaches and eventually comes again and again to mess with a whole papers. At the same time, the documents often need to be copied in several copies, and xerox can only be one on the whole floor! Familiar situation?

Employees of various state institutions, I think more than once came across a similar problem and fully understand its scale. However, "grief" can help if you have at least some scanner, printer and program iCOPY.which allows you to "connect" these two devices in a comfortable copier!

Comparison of ICOPY program with a paid analogue of Scanitto Pro

According to its functional capabilities, Icopy resembles a commercial program for scanning Scanitto Pro:

Features iCOPY. Scanitto Pro.
Cost is free from 499 rubles.
Driver scanning WIA. Twain
Copying one button + +
Multi-page copying (incl. From the paper contractor) + +
Saving in PDF. + +
Preservation in the form of images JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF
Text recognising - +

The only essential deficiency of Icopy, as we see from the comparison, is the lack of the text recognition function. This, of course, minus is essential, but we are faced with the task simply quickly convert copies of the document and with this program copes perfectly.

Installing and pre-configuring

icopy exists in two versions: installation and portable, which does not require installation. Portable version, as you know, does not leave tracks in the system and can work directly from the flash drive. However, the installer has an advantage. With it, you can "bind" the scan button on your scanner to activate the iCopy copy function! All that is needed for this - during installation on one of the screens, check the item "REGISTER ICOPY TO SCANNER BUTTON":

It is worth noting that your antivirus can "swear" on the ICOPY installer, so you may have to either add it to the White List, or simply to turn off the protection.

If at least one scanner is connected to the computer, when you first start, ICOPY will be detected and offered to select the default as a scanning device:

The first time the program can boot with the English interface. If you have such a problem, click a small button. "SETTINGS" On the right side of the working window and in the window that opens in the tab "GENERAL" in the drop-down list "Language" Specify item "RUSSIAN (Russia)". To apply the changes, click "OK" and restart the program:

In fairness, it is worth saying that the ICOPY Russification leaves much to be desired ... In the interface here and there are constantly untranslated from English inscriptions, and in some windows (for example, the window title is translated (for example, in "Options")!

Since the speech came about the settings, then we will look at a little and at the same time. The tabs here are only two. In the already mentioned tab "General", except for selecting a language, change, in fact, nothing more. Unless you can activate the option of automatic rotation of pages with printing on both sides in an automatic feeder (if any) - "Flip Duplexed Pages".

On the second tab - "FILE SETTINGS" - You can set the default folders to which the scan results in PDF format will be saved and in the form of images (default ICOPY asks to specify the way to save before each scanning):

ICOPY interface

Now consider carefully appearance of the working window icopy:

In the left part there is a large main button to start copying, and under it there are three smallest:

  1. Multi-page scanning - Allows you to first scan all the document pages, and then print everything at once or save as a multi-page PDF file.
  2. Save as an image - The activation of this button makes it possible to save each of the scanned sheets as a separate picture in the JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format on your choice.
  3. Saving in PDF. - Saves the scan results page or in a single multiple (if the first button is active) the PDF file.

The central part of the ICOPY window is assigned to various scanning and print options. The upper section is shifted a bit to the right. Here you can select the scanning and printing mode, specify the paper size and the desired number of copies. By default, the scan mode is "color", but in old scanners it is often very "planted" the lamp, with the result that the copy will be very bright and poorly read. Therefore, I recommend in such cases to set the "Text" mode for the scanner and, accordingly, "black and white" for the printer.

In the lower section of the central part of the iCopy window, there are only three ticks. Of these, the last two will be inactive if your scanner is not equipped with an auto-contract paper, since the second allows it to use it, and the third activates the two-way sheet scan (if such a function is supported).

The first option - "Preview". It is always available and allows you to activate scanning through the standard WIA-interface of Windows with the ability to view the captured image. However, if you activate such a mode of operation, the system scan settings will "interrupt" the parameters specified in ICOPY, so in the preview window you will need to re-select the type of capture on the "Black and White Figure" image:

Finally, on the right side of the icopy window, the settings buttons are located. Button "Choose a scanner" It is already familiar to us the window that appeared when you first start. Similar window will appear when you press the button "Printer Settings":

In fact, the standard interface of the prescription selection of the printer and the settings of its parameters that can be different are called (depends on your specific printer).

Finally, the third button - "Image Settings" - Causes a window in which you can adjust the brightness of the scan, its contrast, scale, resolution and quality. The default option is also active. "Center Image", allowing you to automatically align the captured image in the center of the A4 format sheet (or other specified in the settings):

Work with icopy.

We talked about the interface and its basic parameters, and now we will try to work with ICOPY in practice. First, we need to set scan and print options. They, as I said, it is best to put in the "Text" (for the scanner) and "black and white" (for the printer). Paper size Leave A4, and point below in the window, we specify how many copies of each of the scanned pages we need to print. It will only be left to press the large blue button on the left and the copying process will begin:

Please note that the multi-page copy button is activated in the screenshot. It is not necessary to include it, however, if it is enabled, then we have the ability to progress. That is, at first we scan all the necessary pages of the document, and then press the button and the automatic printing begins. And we, while everything is printed, go to drink tea :)

If seriously, the multi-page scan mode can also be useful if we want to save all scans into a single PDF file. To do this, activate the button "Export to PDF"By keeping active deferred print. Please note that in the status bar in this mode instead of the printer, we will have the export function. Add all the necessary pages to the future PDF document, and then click the button "Print pages". The finished multi-page PDF file will be saved in the default folder (if you specified it in the settings) or to the directory you specified before starting the scan:

In case you need to scanned single sheets and save them as image files (available on the choice of formats: JPG, BMP, PNG and GIF), the function of the multi-page scan is better disabled. Instead, you activate the second button and specify the folder to save the pictures (again, if you do not specify the default path in the settings).

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • works with almost all scanners and printers;
  • support for the automatic feeder of paper and bilateral scanning;
  • the ability to "binding" the copy function to the button on the scanner (only for the installer);
  • simple interface and program management;
  • preliminary scan quality settings;
  • function of multi-page scanning and postponed printing;
  • the ability to save scan results in PDF (including multiple) and in the form of graphic files (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF).
  • running interface Russification;
  • there is no own scan results preview mechanism (Windows WIA-interface is used);
  • there is no way to recognize text.


When I thought about writing to the flaws of Icopy, I realized that it was not some special cons. For the program, "weighing" less than megabyte, it knows how much does not make sense to complain about the progress of translation, because even English is intuitively understandable. Naturally, the preview of the scan would not prevent. But, on the other hand, if you use icopy only as a software xerox, it is not needed at all!

Well, and regarding the recognition of the text, then for the Russian language, alas, alas, there is nothing better than paid ABBYY FineReader. And it would be stupid to hoped that in such a small utility as Icopy shoved a full-fledged. The program performs its own task quite successfully, therefore, I think that icopy is not in vain wearing a title of one of the best solutions for copying documents.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article if you specify an open active reference to the source and maintaining the authorship of Ruslana TRADER.