Instagram followers have disappeared: what to do? What are Instagram unfollows? Why do unsubscribers appear and how to stop it? Monitor posts from your favorite users

If you love photography and love Instagram, I have good news for you. Today, almost anyone can start making money on this social network. Below I will show you five main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers, and you can choose what suits you.

You can have a thousand subscribers or a hundred thousand - it doesn’t matter. Each of these methods ALREADY brings people hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. What's worse about you? So I think it’s nothing. And let's get down to business then.

How many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram?

You can often hear questions such as “I have 2000 subscribers, how much can I earn?” Or - “I have 10,000 subscribers, what can I count on?”

In fact, if you want to know how many followers you need to make decent money, then there are two answers to this question - short and long.

The short answer is “much less than you think.” The main thing is not quantity, but quality. That is, a thousand active subscribers are better than a hundred thousand “inflated” bots that do not show themselves in any way.

There are reasons for this - the low level of competition (for now), the nativeness of advertising (invisibility), and a couple more. We'll talk about this in more detail some other time. For now, let's move on to the longer answer.

How much can you charge for advertising?

Forbes once conducted research among so-called “influencers” on Instagram to find out how much they earned. According to them, almost all of these opinion leaders - people with a large number of subscribers - charge $200-400 for one advertising post in their feed. We are, of course, talking about Western Instagrammers.

But if opinion leaders in the West are the same as in Russia, then they probably inflate their value in such surveys. That is, in reality, everything looks something like this - they charge around 150 dollars for one sponsored post, but one day they were offered 300, and in the end they settled on 250.

I'm not kidding. Every time we talk about money and the level of earnings, people significantly inflate the numbers. But a hundred dollars per post is not bad.

Do you think that in Russia everything, as always, is much worse and smaller? But no. I personally know several well-promoted channels where placing an advertising post costs from $200. And I know this for sure, because we paid this money. And there are also more expensive ones.

It all depends on what niche you work in, how many competitors there are, and what exactly you offer your subscribers to buy. If you really want a lot of money, here’s a “simple” recipe.

An example of a “golden” niche

Make your Instagram a “success story” of how you lost weight or got pumped up. There is a huge audience for the topic of beauty/health. Almost 100% of people want to look better. Additionally, there are many products in this niche that you could offer. Add also that in Russia there are not yet many truly promoted channels on this topic.

This is what is called the “golden niche”. One Western Instagrammer made just such a channel. And now, he says, he earns £500 on a “bad day.” And he makes money exclusively by placing advertising posts. And this is only one of the five main ways.

And let’s, by the way, move on to the five main ways to make money on Instagram.

5 main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers

Method #1 – Affiliate programs

This is one of the most common ways to make money on the Internet in general. You find products related to your topic, get your affiliate link, and then promote it through social media posts.

Every time someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you receive a commission. It sounds simple, but in fact there are a number of difficulties here.

Firstly, you can’t just post any links on Instagram. You can put one active link in your profile description - and that’s it. You can't really run away. Yes, you can still put links in the photo description, but they will be inactive.

That is, people will have to manually copy them and open them in the next tab. And I have very big doubts that everyone will want to copy your affiliate “referrer” along with the link. Thus, making money from affiliate programs here can be difficult. Perhaps this is why most Instagrammers prefer regular advertising

Method #2 – Advertising posts

Everything is much simpler here. You receive money immediately from the advertiser. And it doesn’t matter to you how many sales there will be from your advertising (or whether there will be any at all).

The only difficulty is that you need to have quite a lot of subscribers before someone wants to post their advertising posts on you (by the way, in the Instagram world they are usually mildly called “sponsored posts”).

If, in the case of making money on affiliate programs, you can start with at least a hundred subscribers, then you will first have to “sink”, and only then “swallow”. Another interesting fact. In fact, any advertisement in any source should be marked accordingly.

But in the West, which is much more developed in terms of various legal matters, there have already been several major scandals on this topic. Well-known brands fell into circulation and were forced to pay huge fines for advertising on Instagram without the appropriate tags.

Method #3 – Promote your business

Of course, owning your own business is the most profitable type of activity. There are usually two types of posts here:

  1. Happy customers with our product;
  2. Behind the scenes life of the company.

If you are promoting some of your products or services, then you may have few subscribers, and you can still make good money from them. The caption to the photo also plays a very important role here. It is the text that will sell what you want to sell.

At the same time, you need to learn to be not very intrusive, so that your text does not sound exactly like an outright advertisement. And this can be achieved in different ways. I recommend reading my article on this topic. There I tell one real case from my practice.

Method #4 – Selling photos

If you are a professional photographer (that is, if you have a camera), then you can sell your creations directly through your account, without resorting to the intermediary services of various photo stocks.

The mechanics here are very simple. You take a cool photo, add watermarks to it, and post it on your account, with an offer to buy this photo if someone likes it. But here we are again dealing with an undeveloped legal field.

In Russia they don’t like to buy photographs, because they can simply be “pirated” from each other through “Yandex Pictures” or simply from websites. Theoretically, this could result in a large fine or even imprisonment. But in practice, I have never heard of this.

And how much will you charge for one photo? How many will you sell in a month? In my opinion, this way of earning money is “for our growth.”

Method #5 – Selling your account

This is also an interesting option, which is not yet used very often. You can promote a channel to a certain level, and then offer to buy it.

It is clear that the cost of your account will depend on the number of subscribers and their activity. But there is an approximate price range that you can use as a guide. Here, for example, is a screenshot of one of the most popular exchanges for buying and selling social media accounts.

As you can see, they are asking about 1 American cent for each subscriber to your account. If you have 20,000 subscribers, you can set the price at $200. If it’s 200,000, then it’s already $2,000.

But keep in mind that making serious money from selling accounts requires a serious approach. That is, you will have to start your own small business, where many people will promote several accounts for sale in parallel.

By the way, such activity is also, of course, illegal. But there is not a single precedent for account sellers to be punished in any way. And no punishment has been provided for this yet.

Perhaps only in a couple of years, when every person at the moment of birth will have a unique ID sewn into their brain for a direct connection to the Internet, which by that time will become one big social network... Then yes. In the meantime, you can safely buy and sell followers as you please.

What you need to do right now

The most important thing at the start of any business is to gather your thoughts. Determine two things for yourself:

  1. Yes, I really want to make money on Instagram from subscribers;
  2. I want to earn money in this specific way.

After this, all your actions should be aimed at development in one specific area. Advertising means gaining the maximum number of followers. Your own business means a set of the most targeted and active ones. Affiliate programs means that we first select a list of suitable affiliate programs, and then tailor our account to them.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you soon!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

If you don’t know anything about stress in modern society, ask Instagram bloggers.

Many of them dream of online popularity and success among fellow fans of visual content. They can’t start the morning without posting photos and think through their social media content plan in detail when going on vacation. But suddenly an Instagram account may suddenly begin to lose subscribers. The reasons for this are not always on the surface, and the losses can be quite significant.

It's always hard to accept when long efforts lead to sudden collapse. Just yesterday you were planning creative content, counting , rejoiced at the positive comments from subscribers. So why did things change? And is this a reason to panic?

Psychologists even determine addiction to social networks is a separate term - “network addiction” and describes the characteristic signs of addiction to online communication. But I will not describe the extremes - they exist in every area of ​​life. One thing is clear: if for a brand the outflow of users in a business account can entail reputational or financial consequences, then for an Instagram blogger it can become a real personal tragedy.

Unsubscription is progressing: what to do and who is to blame?

First of all, try to analyze your posting recently, and also pay attention to the most recent and popular . Perhaps you missed or ignored something important that your subscribers really need here and now.

For detailed analytics of Instagram and other social networks, many bloggers and business representatives today use SMM tools with various metrics to track results. Using SMM service , you can quickly get information about which posts received the most likes and reposts, and what type of content users clicked on most often.

Perhaps this will show you that you should pay attention to Instagram Stories for a long time or finally try live broadcasting.

You can also track the negative or positive reaction of the Instagram audience using comments on posts. Just the other day they announced on Instagram , which make it easier to follow conversations on social networks.

In addition to ignoring new features, active Instagram users often make simple but serious mistakes that can lead to the loss of their audience.

10 reasons why Instagram users leave

You post too little

If your Instagram page fans truly value and follow your content, then they expect a system from you. The habit of receiving the desired post at the same time is a normal habit for an Instagram user. A content calendar will help you develop your own system for posting and scheduling posts.

You post too much

Also, nothing good should be expected if your posting on Instagram turns into a deranged process. Your subscriber may go offline for several hours and during this time already miss 3-4 of your publications. Remember in moderation.

Your profile is not complete

Instagram accounts without personal information quickly lose their popularity. It is important for your subscribers to know who they are dealing with. The short biography field on Instagram allows you to indicate contacts, occupation, interests and everything that is important for you to tell your audience.

For example, if you are a photographer from Moscow, then it will be easier for you to find your admirers and clients if your profile is completed.

You have too many bots

Bots are annoying and cause real subscribers to unsubscribe. Today, bots have filled many accounts; they help drive traffic to the site. But if you care about the quality of your audience rather than its quantity, it’s better to “filter” bots.

You're unfocused

If you lose the focus of your publications and post everything about everything, then sooner or later it will lead your subscribers into a state of confusion and uncertainty. If the topic of your Instagram account is healthy eating, then it is logical to concentrate on recipes, food photographs, interesting cases and news from the culinary world. But if you “dilute” such content with posts about auto parts, ballet, reasons for divorce, or national holidays in India, you are guaranteed to get unsubscribed.

You post too much about yourself

This is also from the realm of extremes. No matter how much the Instagram audience appreciates your individuality and expertise, it is still more important for them to receive in echn green content, unusual news or viral post.

You are not communicating

Publishing an interesting post and “climbing into a shell” is not an option. You must be prepared for a heated discussion and be able to comment on any message. Dealing with negative content or thanking followers for positive comments is an important part of the reputation of your Instagram profile.

1.2 billion likes per day. 1000 comments per second. These are all real Instagram statistics that show impressive engagement.

In fact, Instgram generates 15 times more engagement than Facebook and 20 times more than Twitter. And it will be a shame to lose invaluable followers on Instagram due to well-known mistakes.

We offer you the top 9 most common mistakes that you should definitely avoid when working on Instagram.

1. Closed account

Making your account private is the fastest way to lose followers.

The privacy of a personal account is a matter of taste, but when a user sees a privacy icon on a business account, he immediately wants to stay away from it.

There are 2 reasons for this:

  1. The user's request must be approved - this can take anywhere from an hour to a day, depending on how the business operates.
  2. Users cannot see profile content - meaning they have no idea what exactly the business is sharing on their account.

To make sure your account is not private, check your account settings. It also makes sense to go through the photos and remove any privacy marks from them.

Of course, if you don't want your subscribers to see this:

2. Monotonous content

Have you ever experienced anything too much? So, it’s good if it wasn’t on your Instagram account. Users will quickly unfollow you if you post the same type of content.

There's nothing wrong with using selfies for marketing purposes, but posting similar selfies over and over will cause followers to leave because they get bored.

To avoid this, post different types of content. This means not just mixing questions with business advice, but also experimenting with colors and branding.

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian appears to be planning to release a new book... with selfies.

3. Posting too often

Posting a lot of photos in a short period of time is a great way to get a ton of unfollows.

There is nothing wrong with posting photos several times a day. But there is no need to post photos one after another. If, when scrolling through the feed, users see only your photos, sooner or later they will stop paying attention to them - and this will kill engagement.

They might also get bored and just click “Unsubscribe.”

To prevent this from happening, thin out the content - give users the opportunity to interact with you.

4. Ignoring comments

To build a strong relationship with your followers, you need to monitor and respond to their comments.

Remember, the main goal of your business on Instagram is to engage and inform users. They perceive ignoring comments as lack of attention to themselves - and this can lead to unsubscribes.

To prevent this, make sure subscribers receive your replies: @username. When they see a notification about your response, they may write something next and even start a discussion.

5. Lack of hashtags

Not using hashtags means missing out on the chance to reach a new audience.

More and more often you can hear “Don’t overdo it with hashtags - they look too much like spam.” But this does not apply to Instagram!

To get your content noticed, you need to use relevant hashtags related to your industry. This will help people find your content using relevant keywords. But if you still don’t want to fill out the photo caption with hashtags, you can always add them to the comment.

It's also worth paying attention to the best Instagram hashtags in your industry and including them in your posts. Another good idea is to create your own hashtag and promote it to your followers.

6. Non-optimized bio

There is only one place in your account where followers can go to your site, and that is the bio. If you don’t have a link in your bio, then you’re missing out on the chance to attract new visitors to your site, blog, or landing page. You can, of course, add a URL to a comment, but the effect will not be the same.

To get the most out of your Instagram account, add the most important link in your bio and write in the comments that you can get more information by clicking on this very link.

7. No video

Everyone is waiting for their moment of glory. Yes, Instagram only gives you 15 seconds for this, but they can also be used wisely. Video is ideal for showcasing a brand's personality or highlighting key points in content or an event.

Video engagement varies by industry and quality of content, but it's worth a try anyway.

8. No profile picture

People won't follow an account whose face or brand they don't see.

The first thing we do when we greet someone in real life is look them in the face and say, “Hello!” The same thing happens on social media, especially Instagram. The first thing users look at is your profile.

So if you don't show your face to users, they are unlikely to follow you. In addition, you may lose existing subscribers.

Not having a profile photo also hurts your comments because there's nothing to show up next to each comment.

9. Ignoring other users

Working only with your own content can hardly be called an Instagram strategy. It is necessary to interact with other businesses and users to build sustainable relationships in your niche. Following other accounts shows that you are interested in their content and gives you the opportunity to interact with them in your feed.

Just don’t respond by subscribing to all your subscribers! Just gradually explore other accounts in your niche and see which ones you can build profitable relationships with.


By avoiding these simple but common mistakes, you will quickly build an engaged and loyal community around your brand.

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A couple of days ago Instagram released a new update. Many users, after updating it on their phone, encountered a number of problems: some cannot access Instagram at all, and some do not have their feed updated. A number of users suddenly lost subscribers for no reason at all, not just 1-2 people, but a whole hundred or even more. What to do in this situation?

First of all, don't panic. You are not the only ones. In literally just two days, I received a lot of comments on my blog from people who have lost followers on Instagram and who, like you, don’t know what to do.

Secondly, you can’t do anything now, you’ll have to put up with it and wait for the next update of the application, since the disappearance of your friends is a banal glitch that the developers for some reason did not take into account when they changed or completed some other function. Sad but true.

Thirdly, to speed up bug fixes, . You can do this directly on your mobile device. By following the link, you will find detailed instructions on how to do this.

Fourthly, most importantly! If you have lost followers on Instagram, don’t be upset and do something more useful than just sitting on your phone. Real life is often more interesting! Good luck!

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you whether your followers will return to Instagram or not. Everything will be clear after the next update. Most likely to return. So calm down and just wait!

Why might unsubscribed followers appear on Instagram?

There are several reasons why subscribers may begin to unsubscribe, after reading which you can avoid them or correct them:

  1. Having a closed account for access, which will need to wait for the approval of its owner;
  2. Lack of bright and interesting information in the content. In other words, if the profile is monotonous, uninteresting and does not amaze the public with exciting information, then it becomes less popular and, accordingly, not in demand among subscribers;
  3. Unfollowers on Instagram can occur due to too frequent posting, since if you add too many photos too often, and also monotonous ones, then you can safely join the ranks of those from whom users of the social network unfollow;
  4. Lack of response to comments can also cause dissatisfaction and lead to unsubscribing, because the person who left it is clearly waiting for a response, without receiving which the desire to communicate disappears (information on how to promote Instagram yourself);
  5. Refusal of hashtags is a clear factor through which unfollowers on Instagram arise (to see the top ranking of popular hashtags, follow the link). The role of hashtags seems to be in attracting live visitors from search, i.e. By working correctly with hashtags and adding them in different variations to new photos, you can reduce unsubscribes by getting live users based on interests (i.e., new subscriptions).

Unfortunately, it happens that the number of subscribers to an account begins to gradually decrease, what to do and how to stop this so as not to lose all your followers? Much depends on the interests of users and on the method by which they were attracted; if there are a large number of bots on your account and paid promotion was used, then unsubscribes will be very large, this may be due to the fact that Instagram filters write off bots. To prevent this from happening, increase or order live subscriptions on Instagram. If you do everything correctly and don’t chase quantity, but set the goal as quality, the result will be maximum and unsubscribes will be minimal.

When another person subscribes to a user’s page, the account owner receives a notification, but when an unsubscribe occurs, Instagram does not. How to track those who wished to end their friendship with you and did not notify you personally? Some believe that this is a shortcoming of the site owners, but others are sure that this is simply a desire to maintain a positive attitude among users. In both cases Instagram unfollows- this is a refusal to receive information about a specific page on Instagram, as well as the termination of friendship.

Crowd fire for Instagram, iOS - Followers)

Nowadays there are a lot of applications that can be used to identify those who unfollowed on Instagram, but not all users want to open their personal information to all online programs. An application was recently developed Crowd fire for Instagram, which can be installed on a smartphone or tablet, and it is with its help that you can now find out who unfollowed on Instagram. The essence of the program is to track the movement of users on your page, and when deleted, a notification is sent. Including, you will be able to receive information about new subscribers and guests of the page.

No less popular and new application is considered iOS - Followers which also reports on subscribers and those who left their ranks. As a rule, such applications can also show page traffic statistics, which is important for those who sell and provide various services via the Internet. We assume that you might be interested in an article about following and liking on Instagram.