Extension SE which country. Domain to - which country domain to. Domain to - Quick description

    GTLD (English GENERIC TOP LEVEL DOMAIN Top-level shared domain) top-level domain created for a specific class of organizations or communities. Contents 1 History 2 Classification ... Wikipedia

    A list of top-level domains is shown. Basic information is given in the top-level domain article. The official list of all top-level domains is supported by the administration of the address space of the Internet (IANA). Contents 1 General ... ... Wikipedia

    Total top-level domain domain, created for a specific class of organizations. For the first time appeared in January 1985, then there were 6: USA Currently there are 5 GTLD domains without registration restrictions. ... ... Wikipedia

    - 中国,

    National domain top level top-level domain, highlighted for a particular country, for example, Russia or Germany. Recommendations about national top-level domains are set out in RFC 1032 from November 1987, as well as in RFC 2240. In ... Wikipedia

    - (English Second Level Domain (SLD)) Part of the domain name, separated by a point from the next level domain immediately behind it. For example, in the wikipedia.org domain name, the Wikipedia particle is a second level domain. In some ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see the Russian Federation (Values). .rf Introduction May 12, 2010 Domain Type Russian National Cyrillic Domain Status Actual Registrar ... Wikipedia

N and many languages \u200b\u200blettering "to" anything so. That's why domain to. Enjoys a certain demand in the global domain industry. In English, there is a pretext to, in Canada - "to" means Toronto, there are particles in Slavic languages, that's. As a result, in the preparation of domain names in the TO Zone, interesting homonyms can be obtained. That's just came to mind - Dolo.to Lopa.to Monis.to Mes.to Tes.to

Domain to - Quick description

D trans in zone to May acquire anyone, just go to the registrar's website here. Of course, everything is in English there, but if you use Google Chrome browser, it will be available quite acceptable translation into Russian. In principle, everything is simple there.

D B T - National Top Level Domain.

D Lina domain, as usual, from 3 to 63 characters.

R Egyptation is at least 2 years, it turns out 50 dollars per year. Five-year registration will cost 40 Greeks for the year and so on. But they immediately warn that there will be censorship sites on illegal content, also spammers to do in the domain zone to.

Is it like such a wonderful domain?

Kingdom of Tonga - domain zone owner to

D trans.To belongs to the small island state of Tonga.

PRI Wikipedia.

Tonga (Tong. Tonga, Eng. Tonga. [Toŋa]), the official name is the Kingdom of Tonga (Tong. Pule'anga Fakatu'i'o Tonga, English. Kingdom of Tonga.) - Pacific in Polynesia. It borders in the north with the territorial waters of Samoa, in the East - with the territorial waters of Niue, the West - with the waters of Fiji. The length of the coastal strip is 419 km. Tonga is located on 172 islands of the same archipelago. The total area of \u200b\u200bsushi is 748 km². Population of the country - 119 009 people. (2008, evaluation). The capital is Nukulyf.

Tonga has rich history and interesting traditions. Here is one of them - love for rugby. The combat dancing islanders before the match - such rye will not see anywhere else ... Tongsans in red.

    A list of top-level domains is shown. Basic information is given in the top-level domain article. The official list of all top-level domains is supported by the administration of the address space of the Internet (IANA). Contents 1 General ... ... Wikipedia

    - (English Country Code Top Level Domain (CCTLD)) top-level domain, highlighted for a particular country, for example.ru / .rf for Russia, .ua for Ukraine, .de for Germany ,.it for Italy. Contents 1 Recommendation ... Wikipedia

    National domain top level top-level domain, highlighted for a particular country, for example, Russia or Germany. Recommendations about national top-level domains are set out in RFC 1032 from November 1987, as well as in RFC 2240. In ... Wikipedia

    The domain of the top (first) level (eng. TOP LEVEL DOMAIN TLD) in the hierarchy of the domain name system (DNS) is the highest level after the root domain (English root domain). It is an initial point of reference (right to left), with ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents of 1 domains of the top level of countries 2 domains related to the group of countries ... Wikipedia

    Contents of 1 domains of the top level of countries 2 domains related to the group of countries ... Wikipedia

    Domain name registrar Organization with powers to create (register) new domain names and extend the validity period of existing domain names in the domain for which mandatory registration is established. Such domains ... ... Wikipedia

    The domain name is a symbolic name that serves to identify areas of administrative autonomy units on the Internet as part of a higher hierarchy of such a region. Each of such areas is called a domain. Common space ... ... Wikipedia

    Domain area (branch) of the hierarchical space of domain names of the Internet, which is indicated by a unique domain name. Domain name Symbolic domain name. It must be unique within the same domain. The full name of the domain consists of names ... Wikipedia

Whose domain.co and which country he refers, which means. The history of the domain zone.

Domain.Co National Domain of Columbia. This is a major South American country on the coast of the Caribbean with the capital in Santa Fe de Bogota. The official language of the country is Spanish.

The domain zone was created in 1991. Free registration for everyone became available in 2010. A successful letter combination immediately ensured the popularity of behalf among resources dedicated to business and communications.

To date, after opening free registration for residents of any countries, the domain name is positioned not only as Colombia. CO usually means the company, communications, corporation, commerce, cosmetics. So, for example, Twitter owns a single-piscus domain T.CO.

Characteristics of the domain zone of Columbia.

Hiding the name of the owner of the name is not practiced. The data provided during registration will be in public affairs. The provision of false or erroneous information during the registration of the domain is not recommended, since when disputes arise, you will not be able to provide documents confirming the affiliation of the domain.

Among the anime fans domain name .Co gets an interesting meaning. The "KO" ends a significant number of characters names. Sufifix "Co." in Japanese has a diminutive value.

In the Russian-speaking segment you can choose interesting combinations and words ending with NA.Co, such as "milk", "close" and so on.

Requirements for registration of CO domains.

Rules for registration of domains CO:

  • Permissible Length: The recommended name of the name up to 12 characters. Officially, the length of the name from 3 to 63 characters.
  • Symbols in name: You can use the letters of the Latin alphabet and the numbers. Spaces are not allowed, lower underscore.
  • Domain Extension Procedure: Duration of registration name in this zone from 1 to 5 years. Extension is possible for a period of one year to five years (1 - 5).
  • Restrictions: Restrictions on the registration of names and content of sites are common. This is a ban on the placement of illegal information, expressions of intolerance, calls for violence, pornography. It is forbidden to use the names, consonant sites of government and administrative bodies.

Who needs to buy a domain name CO?

The CO domain is open to free registration, so anyone can buy a CO domain in this zone. Most often, the CO domain is registered:

  • Colombian branches of international companies.
  • Touristure organizations.
  • Local business (residents of Colombia).
  • Information resources (blogs, media).
  • Services. (Also popular zone.me)
  • Transport and logistics companies.

Domain.co can be purchased due to information significance (the site name and domain form a recognizable word), as well as given the possible user error, if instead of which it will type .Co.

Pros and cons of the domain zone CO.


  • Small popularity: The probability of finding an interesting free domain is higher than in international zones.
  • Simplicity of registration: Unlike RU and the Russian Federation, extended passport details are required.
  • Domain recognizable: Domain is not uncommon in RuNet, the site does not cause suspicion of users due to excessive domain exotic.

Basic Disadvantages:

  • Writing: It is difficult to determine on the hearing - to write a domain through C or through K.
  • Cost: Not the cheapest from country domains.
  • Features of the selection: In the case of a coincidence of a domain with a registered trademark, it can be selected. In this case, to decide whose domain will eventually - will have to be through the official registrar, and it is possible to prove its right to the domain in court.

Frequently asked questions about domain zone.co

Are free domains in this zone?

When paying the "Business" tariff plan, a period of year and more - it is possible to register a domain worth up to 1000 rubles for free (for a period of 1 year). The standard price of the CO domain is higher than this amount, so it is possible to register it only by stock (if its price is less than 1000 rubles). Virtual hosting rates are represented. A year later, the domain name can be extended at a standard price for the selected zone.

Where to register a domain?

The larger the company, the easier to work with it, the scripts are better automated, the probability of employees error is better, the likelihood of personal disputes between the client and the employee of the company is practically excluded. Choose a major recorder that has long been operating in the market.

What is dangerous domain registration in newcomers?

It happens that minor recorders provide more favorable conditions. You can use stocks, but do not count on the efficiency of technical support, if you need it. An independent transition from one recorder to another, the case is troublesome, besides, in some companies there are inshanced instructions on the maximum complication of the domain transfer (up to a personal visit to the office). Carefully read the terms of the agreement. If the domain is registered on you, as an individual or legal entity and your data are displayed in registration information, this is a profitable and interesting offer. If the domain is registered with the company that provides services, you should not communicate - you will not be the owner of the domain.