Richard Hammond: films, photos and personal life of the actor. Richard Hammond - About the lead, biography, career facts on radio and television

ON 19-12-1969 Richard Hammond (Nickname: Richard) Was Born in Solihull, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom. He Made His 25 Million Dollar Fortune with Cruffts, Richard Hammond "S Secret Service, Wild Weather with Richard Hammond. The TV-Personality & Writer Is Married to Mindy Etheridge, His Starsign IS Sagitarius and He Is Now 50 Years of Age.

Richard Hammond Facts & Wiki

Where Does Richard Hammond Live? And How Much Money Does Richard Hammond Earn?
Birth Date.19-12-1969
Heritage / Origin.British.
Religion - Believes in God?Roman Catholic.
ResidenceHe Lives Together in a House in Marylebone, London, England United Kingdom.

Richard Hammond Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth.25 Million Dollar.
Yearly Salary.N / A.
Product Endorsments.TOP GEAR.


  • Photo: House / Residence of Friendly Fun Talented 25 Million Earning Marylebone, London, England United Kingdom-Resident

  • House ($ 3.5 Million) (Swimming Pool Jacuzzi SAUNA HOME OFFICE)



Richard Hammond: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Richard Hammond With Beautiful, Wife Mindy Etheridge
Who is Richard Hammond Dating In 2020?
Relationship Status.Married (SINCE 2002)
Has Any Kids?Yes, Father Of: Isabella, Willow
Will The Marriage of British TV-Personality & Writer Richard Hammond and Current Wife, Mindy Etheridge Survive 2020?

Names of Father, Mother, Kids, Brothers & Sisters.

    Alan Hammond (Father) Eileen Hammond (Mother) Nicholas Hammond (Brother) Andrew Hammond (Brother) Willow Hammond (Daughter) Isabella Hammond (Daughter)


Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This Friendly Fun Talented TV-Personality & Writer Originating from Solihull, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom Has a Thin Body & Square Face Type.

Hair ColorDark Brown.
Hair TypeStraight
Hair Length.near-Shaved Hair
Distinct Feature.eyes.
Skin Tone / ComplexionType I: Light Skin
Skin Type.Normal
Eye Color.Dark Brown.
Does Richard Hammond Smoke?No, never
Caught Smoking: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Richard Hammond - 2020 Dark Brown Hair & Alternative Hair Style.

Height, WEIGHT, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Height170 cm.
Weight66 kilo.Clothing Style.alternative
Does Richard Hammond Have A Tattoo?No.

Official WebSites / Fansites:

Does Richard Hammond Have Official Social Media Profiles?

Facts of personal life

Richard's birthday Mark Hammond - December 19, 1969. He was born in Shirley (Birmingham, England), from where in the mid-1980s together with his mother, father, brothers Nicholas and Andrew moved to Ripon, which in Northern Yorkshire. The city was famous for his permanent fairs, and Richard's father kept on one of the fair areas his own notarized bench.

After moving to Ripon Hammond, I went to study at Ripon Grammar School, and in 1987-1989, I additionally visited College of Art and Technologies in the directions of art photos and television. The beginning of professional activity is associated with the work on radio, such as Radio Cambria, Radio Cleveland, Newcastle Radio and Radio Lancashir (where he listened to participate in Top Gear).

In 2012, Richard married, and soon he had two daughters - Isabella and Willow. Family couple with children settled in Herefordshire, but she has its own apartment in London. The Hammond family is famous for love for animals, they have several horses, cats and dogs, as well as rabbits, sheep and ducks.

Hammond has always been a tary supporter of Porshe cars, and in particular Porshe 911, which appeared several times on the shooting of the TV show "Top Gir". Richard has 6 personal cars, including the infamous Morgan Aeromax, on which he broke on August 9, 2009 (but not deadly).

Career on Radio and Television

Now Hammond is widely known thanks to Braniac: Science Abuse (poles) and Top Gear, from which he left in March 2015, along with Jeremy Clarkson and Jamesem Meem because of Clarkson's scandal with the technical producer of the program. In addition to participating in Richard television shows, there are several permanent speakers in famous publications, including The Daily Mirror.

After many years of work on radio stations, Richard appeared in the updated version of the "Top Gir" in 2002. Soon, the other leading and fans of the show gave him a nickname hamster, which Hammond did not confirm himself, skillfully copying the mimicu's hamster when eating paper tables.

On September 20, 2006, at the sets of the next Top Gear series, Hammond got into a heavy accident during the Vampire Tests with Rolls-Royce Engine at the airfield of the Royal Army Air Force. Richard's strong brain injury received at a speed of 464 km / h, when the car had a tire, and it raised the oncoming stream into the air.

The presenter continued to be removed at the beginning of the 9th season Top Gear on January 28, 2007. He was met with a huge plate "Welcome" with dancing semi-naked women. Richard himself descended into the hall on the stairs to the burning fireworks and applause of the public. The video of the accident was shown on the show, newspaper publications are presented, but Hammond requested comrades in the future not to talk about this case on the air.

Now Richard is a co-host new project from Amazon - the Grand Tour's grand car show, along with his long-standing friends Clarkson and Meem.

"Published on Fridays.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

  • 1 / 5

    Richard Hammond owns several cars, including Dodge Charger, Shelby Mustang GT390, Chevrolet Camaro SS, besides Jaguar E-Type, Morgan Aeromax - on which Hammond has an accident on August 9, 2009 and Dodge Challenger, which he bought in one From trips to the USA.

    Personal life

    Hammond is married since 2002 and has two daughters: Isabella and Willow. The family lives in Herefordshire and has apartments in London. They have eight horses, six dogs, four cats, two goats, many sheep and ducks.

    Radio and television career

    At the dawn of his career, Richard Hammond worked on several radio stations, before reaching the current day show about the style of life and programs about cars on the TV channel Men & Motors..


    Richard Hammond became the leading "Top Gear" in 2002, when the show acquired its specific format. Sometimes the "Top Gear" and fans called him "Hamster" (rus. Hamster). Subsequently, he confirmed his nickname twice. In one of the seventh season episodes, Richard ate a cardboard plate, imitating the facial expressions and behavior of a hamster. During the shooting of one of the episodes of Top Gear, Hammond found in Marcos TSO GT2 a kit for teeth whitening and after Jeremy Clarkson's beliefs experienced him. His teeth were snow-white, Jeremy Clarkson often jerked him after that.

    Automotive accident on Dragster

    In accordance with some sources, he did not try to beat the British speed record on land, but these statements made by the owner of the Event Fire Services that was hired to ensure security, do not fully cause confidence. At the time of the accident, he was moving at a speed of 464 km / h (288 mph). The Northern Yorkshire police reported that they received a message from the fire service that the man would be clamped in a turned on a turned on the airfield "he was evacuated by a helicopter in Leeds Hospital, where he was examined by the specialists of the neurological department. Doctors characterized his condition as "serious, but stable."

    In the first 9 season series, January 28, 2007 after the accident at high speed, Hammond returned as a hero. For greetings in the studio, they were laid "Welcome", half-candid girls were dancing near him, and he went down from the stairs to the loud applause and fireworks. The show also showed its accident, notes of newspapers and magazines. Hammond asked to never mention the accident at the show, but Clarkson still recalled this accident several times. He told his colleagues: "The only difference between me now and before the accident, the fact that I now love celery."


    In 2003, Hammond became the first leading Brainiac: Science Abuse, John Tycle and Charlotte Hudson joined him. After the end of the fourth season, Richard Hammond left the show, his place was taken by Vic Rivz.

    The Grand Tour


    A television

    Year Name Status
    1998 Motorweek (Men & Motors TV Series) Leading
    2002-15 TOP GEAR. Leading
    2002-06 Brainiac: Science Abuse Leading
    2004-05 Crufts. Leading
    Should I Worry About ...? Leading
    2005 The Gunpowder Plot: Exploding The Legend Leading
    Time Commanders. Leading
    2006 Richard Hammond "S 5 O" Clock Show Leading
    Petrolheads. Participant
    School's Out. Participant
    Richard Hammond: Would You Believe IT? Leading
    Richard Hammond: The Holy Grail Leading
    Battle of the Geeks Leading
    2007 Last Man standing The narrator
    Helicopter Heroes. The narrator
    Richard Hammond Meets Evel Knievel Leading
    2008 BBC Timewatch The narrator
    SPORT RELIEF. Leading
    2009 Richard Hammond "s Blast Lab Leading
    2009 - 2012 Total Wipeout. Together with Amanda Bayr
    Richard Hammond "S Engineering Connections Leading
    2010 Richard Hammond "s invisible worlds Leading
    SPORT RELIEF 2010. Together with Claw Winsklman
    Hammond Meets Moss. Leading
    n.V. Intensive course Richard Hammond Leading
    2014 - N.V. Scientific stupidity Leading
    c 2016. The Grand Tour Leading


    Auto topics

    • Hammond, Richard. What not to drive. - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 13 October 2005. - P. 276 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297848004.
    • Hammond, Richard. Richard Hammond "s Car Confidential. - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 5 October 2006. - P. 144 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297844457.
    • Hammond, Richard. A Short History of Caravans in the UK. - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 28 May 2009. - P. 144 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297844464.
    • Hammond, Richard. Richard Hammond "S Caravan Confidential. - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 20 May 2010. - P. 144 Pages. - ISBN 978-0753826713.


    • Hammond, Richard. Can You Feel The Force?: Putting the Fizz Back Into Physics. - Dorling Kindersley Publishers, 29 June 2006. - P. 96 Pages. - ISBN 978-1405315432.
    • Hammond, Richard. Car Science (HardBack). - Dorling Kindersley Publishers, 2 June 2008. - P. 96 Pages. - ISBN 978-1405332002.
    • Hammond, Richard. Car Science (Paperback). - Dorling Kindersley Publishers, 1 September 2008. - P. 96 Pages. - ISBN 978-0756640262.


    • Hammond, Richard. ON THE EDGE: My Story (HardBack). - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 20 September 2007. - P. 308 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297853275.
    • Hammond, Richard. ON THE EDGE: My Story (Paperback). - Phoenix, 29 May 2008. - P. 308 Pages. - ISBN 978-0753824047.
    • Hammond, Richard. ON THE EDGE: My Story (abridged). - Phoenix, 7 August 2008. - P. 256 Pages. - ISBN 978-0753823309.
    • Hammond, Richard. As You Do: Adventures with Evel, Oliver and The Vice President of Botswana (Hardback). - Orion Publishing CO, 18 September 2008. - P. 268 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297855200.
    • Hammond, Richard. As You Do: Adventures with Evel, Oliver and The Vice-President of Botswana (Paperback). - Orion Publishing CO, 28 May 2009. - P. 314 Pages. - ISBN 978-0753825624.
    • Hammond, Richard. OR Is That Just Me? (HardBack). - Phoenix, 1 October 2009. - P. 256 Pages. - ISBN 978-0297855217.
    • Hammond, Richard. OR Is That Just Me? (Paperback). - Phoenix, 20 May 2010. - P. 352 Pages. - ISBN 978-0753825624.


    1. Richard Hammond Trivia and Quotes On (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). CBS Interactive Inc (2010). Date of appeal 4 September 2010. Archived October 12, 2010.
    2. James Mei speaks of Hammond's possession in the third series "Top Gear" 15 seasons

    A person who can cause not only admiration, but also a smile of dignity. Pet of the public and colleagues on the set. Likhach, an auto mechanic and just a guy who can deeply think and convey its conclusions to society. It is unlikely that modern television could exist without this frame - after all, few people already represent the "Top Gir" without the most charming leader on the Air Force 2.

    Little Richie from Birmingham

    Richard Hammond was not at the end of the 1960s in the late 1960s in the late 1960s (namely, December 19, 1969) in a large-scale British family, becoming another son of a young couple - Alan and Eili. It happened this is a happy event in Birmingham, the Kingdom of the United Kingdom. In addition to the boy, the married couple had two sons - Nicholas and Andrew.

    As a true Briton, Richard Hammond, whose age is now known to all his fans, grew by the boy restrained and the conservative - knees did not break down, did not get into the grief, but on the contrary - was inquisitive and discovered something new in the world of science and technology for himself.

    When the guy turned 16, the family decided to leave the hometown and move to a small market Gorodishko Ripon, which is located in Yokshire. For some time, young Richie visited the average grammatical school, but after the thrust for technologies still took over, and he entered College of Art and Technology. There the guy faced close friendship with one of the academics (Jonathan Baldwin). Among other things, Hammond also mastered the photographic courses.

    Happy artist star

    The path to universal recognition at Richie was not easy and very thorny. He began his star career a young hero as a radio friend. This work was easy to him, so I had to combine work at several stations at the same time. So, he remembered the listeners "Radio Newcastle", "Lancashire", "Kumbia", "Cleveland" and "York".

    The beginning of the two thousandths issued for Hammond very successful. First, he entered into a lawful marriage with his beloved woman (over time, the spouse gave him two daughters to him). Well, and secondly, the hero finally was able to break through the screens of the TVs of American residents.

    As they say, if the starry hour has come, then you just need to get enough luck for the tail and take everything you need from the opportunities provided. So came out. In the Top Gir, Richard Hammond came soon after he came as lead thematic programs on the Mensen End Motors channel. It was 2002.

    But ... not without falls

    Thanks to the participation of the key character in the legendary show, Richard Hammond (transmission with whose participation, not only every self-respecting American, but also any other resident of this planet) still achieved the most popular popularity and universal recognition. For several years now - Issue for the release, the plot behind the plot, a curious story for dangerous, and vice versa. Our hero received a funny nickname "Hamster" and constantly justified him in a matter - it will eat a cardboard box, and even generally spends a tube whitening paste for teeth for one sitting. He became a pet not only the public, but also his faithful comrades on the site.

    In September 2006, Richard became the tester of the legendary Vampire, trying to beat the world record. Testing took place on the former roads of the Royal Air Force. It so happened that Hammond did not cope with the management and became a member of a terrible catastrophe. At that time, no one was able to give guarantees - whether the leading alive will remain. But inapplying the fate of Richie still smoked and showed his white-white after tube a smile again.

    Life outside the Kulis

    Undoubtedly, it was created for the set - Richard Hammond (films with whose participation you are unlikely to see, because it is a showman to the brain of the bone), the pet for women, adolescents and the most ordinary motorists. Together with his wife and two daughters (Willow and Isabella), he lives in a decent house on the outskirts of Payford (Glochestershire, which is not far from Cheltenham).

    Outside the filming of the famous TV presenter is a beautiful amateur farmer who holds a small corner and sheep. In addition, the Hammond family has time to acquire several dogs and even horses. In general, Richie is a wonderful husband and father, outside the screen, he lives a calm and measured life.

    Richard Hammond: Scientific Stupidity

    By the time the audience was already accustomed to various ledents and slightly and slightly heard from them, the shocking ideas of the hero were not forced to wait long. Richard Hammond introduced his new development to the world - a dear bike, which was based on the model of the legendary car - Ferrari. He called his brainchild very intricate - Fahrradi Farfall FFX.

    As the developer himself said, the discovery will not ride at the speed of its prototype and does not imitate the roar of the motor, for example. But, in return to all this, the bike is exactly repeated by the form of a car, and besides, it is worth a fabulous money - several times more expensive than the original version.

    In general, as you already understood, the pedals twist will still have to. The invention weighs near the centner, which speaks of his uncomplicated filling, but at the same time the original box, as for a bicycle. "Engineering ideas" with Richard Hammond do not cease to amaze - this person, perhaps, will also show himself in the world of science.

    Richie about modern discoveries

    The developer of the shocking cycobil itself is very positive about the various kinds of novelties of science and technology relating in any way to the modest world of the motorist. Richie is happy to use satellite navigation, deferred engine warming up and many other pleasant trifles that are designed to make our life more comfortable.

    But Hammond has a unrealized dream. As he himself admits, he would really like to develop (well, or wait for the moment when this will make any other researcher) such a system that will prevent motorists about the impending danger: be it rushing due to turning truck or wild beasts running out Road in a few hundred meters.

    The showman does not deny: perhaps someone this idea will not like to do, but still he does not want to stop believing his bright dream.

    Motorists - who are they for Richie?

    Probably leading the transfer of the "Top Gir" must respect what it represents. That is how it is. Despite the fact that Richard Hammond is an expanded biker, who preferred to go to the track with a dash speed and each time risks his own life for the next dose of adrenaline, all the same motorists, he respects - from Mala to Great. For him, this category of people - as a separate nation, with their own laws, guards of order and even violators - well, where without them?

    In one of the gears, by the way, the presenter complained about the truckers. As he himself stated, with all his respect for them (and it seems to him that this feeling is mutually), sometimes it happens that representatives of this profession often consider themselves the right on the road. This opinion often arises due to their habits to brass, allegedly for the safety of all behind moving. Here is such an interesting observation of our hero. Richie himself in this regard is indignant, although the guys truckers respectively respects - after all, it is often how they give him a place to slip on his bike.

    A couple of lessons about life values \u200b\u200bfrom the star "Top Gir"

    Each fan of this legendary transmission is probably known that Richard Hammond is not only a wonderful tester, an auto mechanic and a racer, but also a storehouse of folk wisdoms. In his words, it is often possible to hear a deep subtext about our life values \u200b\u200band that each of us worries somewhere in the shower.

    I wonder what our hero would say, being right next to us or having the opportunity to give some parties to the day for the day, so to speak? Perhaps now we would hear something like: Do not refuse that you love, at any life, and if you have set yourself any goal, then be kind, do not turn on your way Dream, because by betraying her, you first change yourself.

    Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. Photo:

    , 54 years old, state - 30 million pounds

    This month, BBC TV channel, despite disagreements, extended the contract with Jeremy, leaving him at the helm of the program until 2018: the contract costs amounted to 12 million pounds. Clarkson's estate worth 2 million pounds is located in the town of Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire) and is surrounded by a large plot of land. Jeremy is passionate about the breeding of chickens and says that every egg that he gets from his nurses is about 1 million pounds, since their chicken coop is surrounded by an expensive fence under electric shock for protection against fox attack. His wife Francis cares about horses and beloved Labradudle (breed of dogs, obtained by crossing Labrador and Poodle). Jeremy often spends time at a local pub together with his other regulars, including the British Prime Minister David Cameron, ex-bassist Blur Alex James and Teruboss Elizabeth Murdoch (daughter Rupert Murdoka). In addition, TV host purchased a lighthouse on the island of Maine, equipping the territory adjacent to it under a country residence, where he loves to spend his vacation. This construction cost him 1.5 million pounds.

    In the fleet of the TV host several very expensive supercars, but in order for his daughter Emily to learn to drive a car, he acquired her modest Ford Fiesta white.

    Stylists described the style of a TV preset style as a "gardener, engaged in agriculture," since his favorite combinations are jeans with a leather jacket or jeans with a twisted jacket.

    Richard Hammond, 44 years old, state - 15 million pounds

    Hammond receives 500,000 pounds for one Top Gear program, is the author of numerous books, and in addition, until 2012, he conducted two popular children's playing television shows with a fee to 150,000 pounds per series. Inventing advertising slogans for Morrisons supermarkets and being the author of the automotive column in the newspaper, the presenter earned 750,000 pounds.

    In 2008, Richard Hammond acquired the castle of the XVIII century with six bedrooms in the town of Herdfordshire, which today is estimated at 2.5 million pounds. The nicknamed "Camelot", the castle is surrounded by a territory of 20 acres and has the glory of the visited by ghosts. The TV host often gets on his own helicopter, which causes dissatisfaction with his neighbors suffering from the noise of the winged car. Two peacocks, a pig, ten ponies, four horses, six cats, five dogs, ducks and goats live on the territory of the castle. In the garage Richard Ten cars, 28 motorcycles, van for travel and helicopter.

    Richard Hammond is engaged in jogging (five times a week), is fond of horse riding, denies the use of Botox, hair paints, teeth whiters. In addition, for the sake of strengthening his health, he completely refused smoking and alcohol. In Richard's clothes, Diesel jeans prefers jeans, expensive leather jackets, cowboy boots worth up to 1000 pounds for a couple, which he has half a dozen, and does not part with a wooden necklace, on whose beads the names of all members of his family are cut.

    James May, 51 years old, state - 10 million pounds

    In addition to your official salary of 500,000 pounds for one Top Gear's release, James May receive a salary as a leading two more popular gears, and in addition, it has copyrighing fees for a dozen of successful books. He was a PRIDE British Beer Brand, for which he received 250,000 pounds. Lives in West London in a spacious brick house with a garage worth about two million pounds. In the garage, the leading automotive program has a bicycle that it uses for trips around the surroundings, five cars and six motorcycles. Since childhood, James was fond of airplanes, but never thought that he could sit at the aircraft steering wheel. But still decided to experience his capabilities in flight school and eventually received a pilot license. Now he has a light Super Decathlon plane, which stands on a flight field in Berkshire.

    James plays perfectly on the piano and is a big fan of English Ale. It loves technical innovations, whether it is a penny knife or building tools, play darts and cook. He recently lost 12 kilograms and rooted his famous magnificent hair, which never painted, not embarrassed by seeded. The clothes prefers designer shirts and jackets, which sews on the famous London street of luxury tailor Savile Row. "I spend a lot of money on clothes, but at the same time I have a fantastic ability to turn it into a trash," May Laugh.