Gray question mark on Skype. Online statuses on Skype. What are network statuses

In fact, users have long been encouraged to register with Skype using account Microsoft, but at the same time the old registration form continued to exist. However, now, when you visit the Skype account registration page, you are redirected to the Microsoft account registration page.

Well, since now we must only use a Microsoft account, let’s try to compile a list of the advantages and disadvantages of this innovation:

Advantages Flaws
Two-factor authentication
A Microsoft account supports two-factor authentication and, accordingly, it is practically impossible for malicious users to hack your account.
If previously it was possible to register an account without confirming any data, now it is mandatory to provide only reliable data.
Protection against "clones"
Now attackers will not be able to create “clones” by simply registering accounts with a similar victim login and posing as someone else.
With one address Email You can create only one account, whereas previously several accounts could be registered for one email.
Access recovery
Since the authenticity of the data is checked during registration, if you lose your password, it will be easier to restore access to your account.
Easy registration and authorization
Previously, you did not have to wait until a letter with a four-digit code arrived to confirm your data, and during authorization you entered a short login and password.

Most likely, the list can be supplemented, and I could have missed something, but I hope for the help of readers. It’s also very interesting to know what you think about this innovation? Which method would you prefer, the old (Skype account registration) or the new (Microsoft account registration)?

By the way, since the old registration form was cancelled, I have seen various questions related to this on the Internet. The answers to them can be read below:

How is a new Skype login generated?

If the option “Registration in Skype using a phone number” was selected, then the login will be a hash of the phone number and will have the following form: live:1234567890abcdef . By the way, it’s very good that hashing is used, since the phone number is not revealed.

Otherwise, when you select the option “Register in Skype using an email address,” the login will match the username of the email (which is located before the “@” sign). However, if such a login already exists in the system, then it is added to the login "_X", where X is the account number. That is, if you register a new one account with the email " [email protected]"then the login will be "live:vasya_1".

How to log in to Skype without a login?

In the “Username” field, depending on the selected method, enter the email address or phone number you specified during registration.

How can they find me on Skype?

If you specified an email address during registration, tell it to your interlocutor - he should copy the email in the search bar and press Enter.

Many computer and smartphone users have used Skype at least once. This program has become quite popular in recent years. Through it you can not only communicate via texts, but also via video calling. To get along well with this program, you need to know the meaning of all Skype icons.

Network status

The very first thing you need to know is your online status. It comes in several types and, accordingly, has different functions.

  • Online status means that you are visible to all added contacts and any message sent to you will be delivered.
  • The "do not disturb" status gives additional function. When you enable this status, messages sent to you by other users will be temporarily undelivered. As soon as the status is updated to another one, a message will come.
  • The "out of office" status does not provide additional properties. You can turn it on when you leave your computer or laptop.
  • The statuses “invisible” and “offline” mean that users will see them the same. But when the status is “offline”, the program is automatically disabled, and when the status is “invisible”, all messages and activity of other users will be visible. At this time, those who are added to your contact list will think that you are temporarily offline.

Hidden icons

In Skype you can also find hidden icons. In other words, users call these icons “emoticons”. Standard set emoticons does not consist of the most interesting emoticons. But skype made hidden icons. They can be discovered by entering the appropriate name in the text field. But in order for the icons to be displayed as pictures, you need to know the rule - always, in any case, the name of the icons is enclosed in brackets.

In Skype, icons are divided into “simple” and “black”. The following emoticons can be classified as simple:

  • (call) - call me;
  • (u) – broken heart;
  • (toivo) - a person with a beloved pet;
  • (bug) - bug;
  • (cat) – black cat;
  • (dog) – dog.

Among the “black” icons, the following can be distinguished:

  • (drunk) – drunken face;
  • (smoking) – smoking emoticon;
  • (poolparty) – swimming pool, naked man with an inflatable ring;
  • (blackwidow) – black widow;
  • (mooning) – stands with his back and takes off his pants;
  • (Santamooning) – hooligan Santa Claus takes off his pants;
  • (hollest) – sexy female legs;
  • (finger) – an angry emoticon shows the middle finger;
  • (wtf) – swears;
  • (fubar) – completely dissatisfied with the current situation.

As you can see above, all hidden icons in Skype are written in English words. The developers have not yet introduced Russian version icon search.

How to find hidden emoticons

Sometimes there are situations when you want to send a person a Skype that means something, but among the available emoticons there is no such emotion. If you don’t have time to search for commands for hidden emoticons, you can do it on your own. To do this you need to know the minimum volume in English and what certain words mean.

For example, a cat is cat, a dog is dog, and a beetle is bug. Alcohol - drunk, smoking - smoking, obscene language - wtf and so on.

It also happens that you send your pen pal an interesting emoticon, which, naturally, is not simple, but hidden, and he does not see it. The smile is displayed in text form, that is, in the command that is intended to create it. Why is this happening? Yes, due to the fact that your friend has more old version Skype. To display all hidden Skype emoticons, you just need to update the program version.

If you have such a situation that when you send a hidden emoticon, but it is as it was in text format, it remains that way, which means you also need to update your communication program.

To display emoticons correctly, you always need to update Skype. You can set the update by default in the settings or do it manually. You can do this no more than three times a month. There won't be any noticeable changes, but any hidden emoji sent by anyone will appear in full glory. It is also worth remembering that hidden emoticons are updated periodically. If you follow this, then communication with your friends and comrades will be much more interesting and colorful.

Other icons

If someone else’s contact on Skype shows a gray icon with a question mark, then this can only mean two options:

  • the user has blocked you;
  • you sent the user a request to add to contacts, but he has not yet confirmed this action. The user may have refused to add you to their contact list. In any case, his refusal or expectation will be visible to you as a single gray icon with a question mark.

When a message or file is being sent in a program, different icons may also appear. Probably everyone is wondering what they mean. When a message is being sent, a rotating blue or dark gray circle appears next to the message for the moment it is sent. If the user to whom the message is addressed is not online, the circle will rotate until the recipient turns on any mode other than “do not disturb” and “offline.” Also, such a circle can be detected if there is bad internet. Because it can take several seconds to send a text message on a poor connection, a “waiting” circle appears for text to be sent and received.

When sending a file (document, photo or video), Skype shows another icon - a circle consisting of dots. These dots alternately gain brightness and then fade. This “game” of the icon will continue until the file is sent. If the file was successfully sent, but you see a circle next to it, this means that the recipient did not receive it.

Skype is not at all a complicated program, as it might seem at first glance. All icons can be understood in a very short period of time. The program is designed in such a way that even an amateur can easily understand it.

Unfortunately, some users do not pay attention to network statuses or don't know what they are for. In such cases, you need to explain to them what’s what, or give them a link to this page. As a rule, there is no need to tell you a second time that, for example, when the red Skype icon is installed, this means and you have every right to ignore any messages.

In the table below, I want to show a list of all statuses and tell you what they are intended for.

Status Meaning Description
Online By default, this status is automatically set for all users, and means that their friends can contact them in any way. If you send him a message or make a call, he will receive a notification about it immediately.
Offline Shows automatically if the user has closed Skype or manually selected this status. In such cases, the user cannot receive calls or instant messages. He will receive notifications about them when available again.
Absent This status suggests that the user has moved away from the computer, and most likely will not respond to you in the near future. However, you can send him messages or call him - the user will receive notifications, and if he is nearby, he will hear the corresponding sound signals.
Do not disturb The user is online, but does not want to be disturbed. If you send a message or call him, notifications will not be accompanied sound signals and only imperceptibly (the number next to the Skype icon in the notification area) will prompt the user that someone was trying to contact him.
Invisible As you can see, this status has the same icon as the status - therefore, without the user’s desire, you will not be able to find out whether he is offline or has set an invisible status in Skype. If you message or call him, he will receive notifications, but if he doesn't respond, you won't know he's seeing them.
Blocked This status is shown for those users you have added to the blacklist. They won't know that you blocked them and will think that you. If they send you messages or try to call you, you will not receive any notifications. It should be noted that you will receive all old messages and notifications when you unblock the user.
Unauthorized This user until I added you from my contact list and provided you with my contact information. When attempting to make a call or send a message, the user will only receive notifications if Skype's security settings allow receiving messages and/or calls from anyone.
Forwarding This status means that the user is , but since he has set up call forwarding, you can still call him. Depending on the forwarding settings, it will respond from mobile or from landline phone(for you this will be normal and free call on Skype).
Connection A single animated online status icon that is typically only shown for its own status. Displaying this status means that Skype cannot connect to the Internet, and the icon will spin until this problem will not be resolved.

Below you will find answers to the following questions:

How can I change my online status?

Change your online status in Skype program, Can different ways- and each of them is convenient in certain situations. For example:
If you are not a big fan of clicking the mouse, then there is another way for you to change your network status in Skype using only the keyboard (although it works this method only if the program is open). So, to change the status using the keyboard only, press: Alt + S + → and using the or ↓ buttons select the status by pressing Enter

How to set the Out of Office status?

Typically, the status is automatically set when you do not use the computer for a certain time. To disable this option or change after how many minutes the computer is inactive, your Skype network status will automatically change to:
  1. In the Skype menu bar, select “Tools” → “Settings”
  2. In the “Basic” tab, select the group “ General settings»
  3. Find the option Change my online status to "Away" if I'm away for more than [x] minutes and configure it as needed. If you uncheck this option or set the value to "0", Skype will not automatically change your status.

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    A red exclamation point means the message was not delivered (and will not be sent in the future). Try writing it again.

    Tattoos on the wrist can perfectly express a person's personality. . In addition to various images on the wrist, you can use various inscriptions. Something short and succinct, such as love, freedom or breathing. Or, for example, the name of a loved one or some symbolic date. One of the benefits of wrist tattoos is that you can use both wrists at the same time. For example, you could put the word love on one wrist and hate on the other, or you could put a phrase that starts on one wrist and ends on the other.

  • According to French legend, Clovis, the Merovingian king of the Franks, converted in 496 AD. into Christianity, after which an angel gave him a golden lily as a sign of his purification.
    Another version of the legend claims that Clovis took the lily as his emblem after the water lilies in the Rhine told him a safe place to ford the river, thanks to which he won a battle.
    Often seen as a symbol of the Virgin Mary, the lily became an emblem of royalty in France towards the end of the Middle Ages. Thus, Louis VII used it on his shield, and it is also believed that the French word lys(lis) is a contraction of Louis.
    Also Fleur de Lis is a character in Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame.