School diary Electronic public services. How to enter the schoolboy's electronic diary. What is a point in the diary is an educational platform and a portal that puts its main goal to create an affordable and effective educational environment in the Russian Federation. This is the first educational network that combines all participants in the educational process.

Today, the gives many opportunities to students, their parents, teachers and other employees of Russian schools, as well as government agencies. The portal is actively introduced into the educational environment and today is presented at each second school. According to the, more than 800 thousand teachers are registered in the network, more than 7 million students and more than 3,700,000 parents. Gradually, the educational platform integrates with a single portal of public services and in many regions of the Russian Federation, users can enter the through public services. Read more about how it can be done, we will tell in this article.

To date, enter the electronic diary through state services can students, parents and teachers from the following regions:

  • Arkhangelsk region (
  • Amur region (
  • St. Petersburg (
  • Leningrad region (
  • Saratov region (
  • Astrakhan region (
  • Voronezh region (
  • Nizhny Novgorod region (
  • Novgorod region (
  • Novosibirsk region (
  • Omsk region (
  • Tomsk region (
  • Tambov region (
  • Orenburg region (
  • Sverdlovsk region (
  • Republic of Adygea (
  • Republic of North Ossetia (
  • Republic of Bashkortostan (
  • Republic of Dagestan (
  • Republic of Karelia (
  • Republic of Crimea (
  • Sevastopol (
  • Chukotka Autonomous District (

Users from other regions can take advantage of the standard diary login form.

What steps need to be performed to enter the through state services?

  1. Log in to the public service account if it has already been created, or register (all necessary registration information is presented).
  2. Register in the and log in under its login and temporary password, which were obtained in the educational institution from an authorized employee.
  3. Enter the diary account. And tie it with the profile of the State Service portal.

Login or registration on the portal of the State Service

Attention!For users over 14 years old, you must have a standard or confirmed account. For students under the age of 14, the registration process in public services is different. For them, a simplified account is suitable.

If you already have an account of the Gosuluga portal, on the home page, click the "Login" button and log in under your login and password on the Authorization page.

If you are not registered on the portal, please read our detailed instructions for software. There you will find information on obtaining simplified, standard and confirmed accounts.

In order to check the level of your account, go to the portal's office to the personal data page. There you will see the following:

If the account level satisfies age, you can start registration on the

Registration on the

Before using the educational network, the you must receive a login and password from the responsible educational institution of the educational institution, informing the name, date of birth and the SNILS number.

Go to the login page into the electronic diary, clicking the "Login" button on the site's main page.

Fill out the entry form by previously received activation data and click the "Login" button.

You will be taken to the personal data page that you need to carefully check for errors and click the Next button. If an error has been detected in the information, refer to the responsible person in your school to correct it.

Then the "Security Settings" page will then appear. You must definitely enter the email address and mobile phone number.

Next you must change the temporary password to the permanent one. Do not specify too simple passwords. Do not use the date of birth. You can also change the login that will be used to enter. You can change it only once.

To complete registration, confirm the email address by clicking on the link from the letter.

On this registration in the educational network completed.

Log in to the through the public service account for binding profiles

You have to log in to the electronic diary through state services in order to associate accounts. Go to the Authorization page of the and click on the "Select Your Region" link. If you are in the region where the entrance to the diary is implemented through public services (for example, in the Arkhangelsk region), the "Login through State Services" button will appear. Click on it.

In the event that you are not authorized, the form of entry into the portal of public services will open. If you have already completed the input, the page will open the right access rights to the site of the to your data from the Personal Cabinet of State Services. Click the "Provide" button.

If the registration data for the Gosulugas and the coincide according to the name and SNILS, you will be redirected to the page of the personal account of the diary. Binding has passed successfully.

If there is no SNILS number in the Personal Cabinet of the portal portal and the binding failed, you will see a message about it. You will need to enter a login and password from the diary on the authorization page, after which the binding will occur.

We wish you successful work with the educational network!

Digital technologies are increasing deeper all the spheres of our life, and already in order to test the schoolchild ratings, it is not at all necessary to ask him to show a diary. Now parents can always be aware of the progress of their Chad on subjects, using such a service as PSU Mos RU electronic diary.

In fact, this is a digital analogue of a conventional paper diary, which is available online 24 hours a day. Wherever you are, on vacation, on a business trip, etc. - If you have access to the Internet, you will always be aware of the current estimates of your child.

How to go to an electronic diary

You can start a schoolboy diary on the site PGU is decoded as a portal of public services.

This is a very useful online resource for Muscovites, which generalizes in one place all available public services: Take a ticket to a doctor to a doctor in a clinic, sue electrospotors, record a child in kindergarten or school, apply to the registry office, and much more.

In order to take advantage of the electronic diary of the ICRA (Moscow Register of Quality of Education), it is necessary for a school where your child is learning was connected to the PGU portal Mos Ru. You can learn about such an opportunity at the leadership of the educational institution, but a large number of Moscow schools are already in fact connected, and this process is actively continuing.

The class teacher issues students data for entry (login and password) IRKO and with their parents get access to the diary. However, for a start, it is necessary to register on the portal itself of the State Service.

Registration and access

Friends, do you consider helpful of this kind of digital technology? Does the electronic diary be disciplined to discipline students, stimulate them to get high marks? If you are a parent parent, how do you personally assess the usefulness of such innovations? Share in the comments.

The Government of the Moscow Region makes a lot of effort to enhance the quality of educational services to the required level. As part of public-private cooperation for teachers, students and their parents, a special resource was created - the school portal of the Moscow region. The entrance to the e-diary and the magazine of progress provides access not only for keeping, but also to quickly browse all information by parents and students. There is an opportunity to obtain detailed information about curricula or schedules, as well as on the results of certification, tests, examinations, etc.

Additional services that become available using the portal:

  • information on future curricula and educational programs;
  • information about the results of tests, entrance tests and exams;
  • submitting applications for receiving children to various educational institutions;
  • data on the possibilities of the initial, secondary and additional trade formation;
  • information on the rules of conducting, the list of participants and the results of the state care of students after the passage of medium (full) and basic general programs.

School portal of the Moscow Region - Entrance to the schoolboy's electronic diary

Entrance to the electronic diary through civil servants

What is needed to enter the electronic diary?

The entrance to the website of the school portal and in the electronic diary is provided after registering on the official website of the mayor of Moscow. After that, you need to go to school and report your data to the class teacher or another representative of the educational institution responsible for the student class.

How to enter the electronic diary - the order of gaining access to the personal account of the student

On the page of the official portal of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, there are detailed information on the procedure for getting access to a schoolchildren's email diary for parents and students.

School portal opportunities

The information resource was specifically created not only for students and their parents. It can bring a large amount of benefit in the work of teachers and representatives of various educational bodies.

List of students for students:

School portal of the Moscow region - the entrance to the schoolboy's electronic diary is possible on the resource By pressing the "Login" key, it will be possible to get into a special service - USLUGI.MOSREG.RU.

In the appropriate section called "Your School", specify the login and password issued, and then confirm the entered information by the "Login" key. Now you should check, supplement and confirm your own data that are on the site. In case of detection of inaccurately specified information, it will be required to adjust. These actions are becoming possible as a result of appeal to a special representative of their educational organization.

Previously, parents learned about the performance of their children at school from a conventional paper diary and personal communication with the teacher. Perhaps you do not need to tell anyone, what tricks are used by teenagers for concealing information from parents about bad estimates. Now, anyone can access an electronic diary, which allows you to control the performance of school and follow the execution of the school program through the Internet. If you are interested in a similar service, then you should learn how to enter the electronic diary through public services.

Please note that in this article we will talk about access to an electronic diary on the site For residents of most regions, it is available to control the performance of their child at school through a digital educational platform diary. Read in a separate article. As for the receipt of information and participation in the educational process of schoolchildren of Moscow, then in this case it is relevant to use the site MOS.RU, authorization on which is made using the account in public services.

  • Important
  • The schoolboy's electronic diary opens access to complete information about the student's performance is completely free.

What you need to enter the e-diary through state services

Many modern parents do not have time necessary in order to often meet with teachers and discuss with them the performance of their children. To solve this problem, an electronic schoolboy diary was created. This service allows you to check how things are at school in school at any time.. The service is provided completely free. Of course, before entering an electronic diary through state services, a number of mandatory action must be performed.

To enter the e-diary through public services, will be required:

  • Account on the Public Services portal;
  • Login and password to enter the electronic diary (issued at school);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

So, about everything in order. First you need if you have not done this yet. To log in to the website and access the electronic diary will require a confirmed account. Read in our separate review. When the account on the portal of public services will be created and confirmed, it remains to get a login and password necessary to enter the e-diary. To get this data will have to personally go to school. Before you give you a login and password, you will be asked to provide some documents.

For receipt of the electronic diary service, the following documents will be required:

  • Parental passport;
  • Certificate of the birth of a child;
  • Application for the provision of an electronic diary;
  • Consent to the processing of data provided.

Not only parents, but also legitimate representatives of schoolchildren, as well as schoolchildren themselves can access the electronic diary. It is also worth noting that the login and password issued at school may be the same. This data is entered only once, after which they are remembered and saved in a single personal account. When the password and login are at your disposal, you can start authorization. How to enter the electronic diary through public services read below.

  • Important
  • Each parent can provide access to an electronic diary of trusted persons.

Instructions for accessing an electronic diary

Obtaining information and participation in the educational process with the help of a schoolboy's electronic diary service is not directly on the State Service portal. The service is provided on the city portal. For example, if you live in Moscow, the entrance to the e-diary will be carried out on the site And then the portal of public services and why did we promise to tell how to enter the electronic diary through civil servants? The fact is that authorization on the main city portal is possible with the help of an account in civil servants. As an example, consider how to enter the electronic diary on through the Public Services portal.

To enter the electronic diary through civil servants, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site;
  2. Click on the "Login" button;
  3. The authorization form appears, click on the "Other Login Methods" tab and select "GosSvv";
  4. Specify data from your account in public services;
  5. Open the "Services" section;
  6. Choose the "Electronic Diary of the Schoolboy";
  7. Click on the "Get Service" button;
  8. Check out the information you are interested in in the electronic diary.

Congratulations, now you know how to enter the electronic diary through state services. If you were denied service, then most likely do not match the login and password that you received at school. Recall that obtaining information and participation in the educational process is also possible through the educational platform We looked at this topic in more detail in a separate article.

Modern schoolchildren will not use the skill of the transformation of twos in the top five slight movement of the handle with a red rod. And all because to follow the performance of your child, parents may not traditionally - with the help of a diary with estimates, and using modern technologies - an electronic diary on the PGU portal. Mos.Ru. How this service works, in which its advantages and how to access the diary on Mosgosusluga will be talked below.

Used abbreviations

The article will use some abbreviations, so it is better to familiarize themselves with them to understand the material:

  • PGU - portal of public services;
  • IRKO - Moscow Register of Quality of Education;
  • ESIA - a unified identification and authentication system;
  • ED - electronic diary.

What is a schoolchild's electronic diary?

Going to the State Portal of the Moscow Region, parents can gain access to the electronic diary of their child. This is a program that allows you to view student assessments, homework in different subjects, comments and note of teachers relating to the educational process. In essence, this is a computer version of the usual, usual paper diary. Access to it Parents can get at any time of the day, even when the child is at school. All you need to become a user of the service, and, having an Internet connection, go to the portal account.

How to access the service?

Looking through the electronic child's diary Parents can through the website of the State Service in the Moscow Region or through the portal of the mayor of the capital

Attention: only residents of Moscow, whose children visit the schools of the capital can be users of the service.

Every day the number of schools involved in the project is growing, but so far, students have access to electronic diaries in all educational institutions. Whether the school participates in the project, you can learn from the classroom or administration of the educational institution.

If the school implements the possibility of accessing online diaries, the class teacher can issue login and password to the parents to the program. If the school has no program, you should not despair. The likelihood is that soon and the school where the favorite child learns will be able to work with the service, since the government actively introduces modern technologies to the education sphere.

Registration on the PGU.Mos.Ru portal

In order to enter the electronic diary on the site, parents need to start a personal account on the Mosportal State Service.

If the parent is not a member of the ESIA, after loading the site, he needs to click on the "Sign up" button and go through a simple procedure for creating an account, during which you will need to specify the following data:

  • first name, surname and patronymic;
  • email;
  • login;
  • password (enter it you need twice);
  • the answer to the test question;
  • current mobile number.

Tip: To allow the password to be protected from hacking, its length should be at least 6 characters, among which, in addition to letters, should be numbers.

Be sure to specify the current mobile number, as it is completed with the process of registration of the user account. A confirmation code will be sent to the mobile, it will be necessary to enter in the authorization window.

How to use the service?

After successful authorization, site services will be available, including the schoolboy's electronic diary. You can find the service in the catalog by clicking on the "Electronic Diary of the Schoolboy" in the section "Average General" category "Education".

Note: Ed IRKO - a very popular service, so access to it is organized from the main page of the portal.

After the service you need is found, you need to click on the "Get Service" button on the portal. After that, the user will be invited to pass primary authorization. It implies the introduction of the following data:

  • in the column "Account Name", you must register with Latin the name or family name (if two children and more, it is better to use names);
  • username and password ICCO - these data need to learn from the class teacher.

In order for the class teacher to transfer access to the ED student, parents need:

  • write a statement (in paper form) or make an electronic request;
  • provide a child's birth certificate certificate;
  • show your passport (if the request is not a parent, but a legal representative, then a document confirming this fact will be required).

After filling out this information, you must confirm the login by clicking on the "Login" button. Further will be available to view the electronic version of the school diary. Data is entered in cells, similar to the usual diary. About each subject is the homework. If the child has been evaluated, it will be duplicated in electronic form.

Advantages of a schoolboy's e-diary

The parent can browse all the estimates set by the child, or only its final grades for the semester. In addition, the service stores data on all past marks set by the student earlier, for example, for the last academic year, if the program has already been operating at school. In addition to estimates, parents can view teachers' comments regarding the studies of the schoolchildren, as well as homework on subjects. The service has a forum on which parents can exchange views regarding the work of the program.

The service is provided free of charge. To access ED student, you need to have an Internet access and an account on the portal. Follow the studios of the schoolchildren Parent can at any time of the day. All data in the ED is available only to the portal users who know the login and password to enter the account, that is, with the non-disclosure of this information, third parties will not be able to view the marks of the schoolchildren.

But the shortcomings of the system is not deprived. At this stage, access to the service is often absent due to technical work. In addition, not all students have the opportunity to use electronic diaries, as this requires a certain technical base (computers, Internet access), teachers' training.