Standard Xiaomi applications. How to delete an application on Xiaomi - manual to delete any applications. How to delete System Applications and Google Services: Other

Since the MIUI shell on Xiaomi smartphones is recycled Android, Google services are installed in it by default. Not everyone needs them, since the Chinese company has their analogues (take at least a cloud), plus the autonomy of the smartphone increases with the deactivation of unnecessary programs. There are two simple ways to disable Google Services that do not require ROOT rights:

Method N1 - Application Management

The irony lies in the fact that to turn off Google services first will have to use them. Install "Application Management" in Google Play and run it. Next, select the desired and click "Disable" (in some cases "Delete")

Method # 2 - QuickShortcutmaker

Download QuickShortcutmaker, Run it and see the list of programs. Here it is better to use the search by writing "all applications". As a result of the search you need to find item SettingsAll applicationsALLABPLICATIONSATIVITY.(see the screenshot below)

In a new window, we are interested in "see"

The same list of programs will appear as in the number 1 method, where you can disable / remove unnecessary. To make a long-lasting procedure every time, you can click on the "Create" button - as a result, the settings label will appear on the desktop, which will immediately open the desired window.

Important moment.At the first screenshot on the right side, you can see the "More" item, it has a "Delete updates" string. When you delete updates, the application will still work. Moreover, when connecting to the Internet it will be updated, so only a shutdown can help.


A small article in which the easiest way to remove preset applications from Google and Xiaomi on your Chinese smartphone is described.

- ADB driver, can approach the default android SDK (with the fixed Device Info), or install the native when installing the MIUI ROM Flashing Tool ( (46 MB);
- third-party utility XiaomiadB / FastBoot Tools v2.3.1.0 ( (new on Java I did not start, but you can try).

Clean the system
1. We get the developer mode on your device (Google), then go to Settings / Advanced Settings / Developers and turn on three lever:
- debug on USB,
- installation via USB,
- Debug on USB (security settings).

2. We put the driver, connect the smartphone so that the OS has defined the device. Then disconnect the cable.
3. Run on behalf of the administrator XiaomiaDB, connect smart, click the button Debloater.. Next, Karaulim is a query on the smartphone screen for installing / deleting applications / access to the system.

4. A list of system programs, including pre-installed. I noted only those that I do not need.

5. Zhmaakaz Uninstall! And we are waiting in the Logs window of the word Done! .

Please note: those programs that have previously been deleted will still be displayed in the list, but there will be no need for a fix that the utility will inform the Failure code - NOT Installed for 0. Probably, in new versions, this utility was fixed, did not check.
6. We press the button Reboot Into System, We are waiting for the appearance of the Android logo at the bottom of the screen and disconnect the cable.

Ready! Smartphone cleaned.

You may notice that there is no possibility on Xiaomi phones disable system applications without getting root rights. Perhaps it is so for those who are used to doing everything according to the rules. But it's long known that "normal heroes will always go around." And what is interesting, achieve their goal. So with system applications on Xiaomi: Method Disconnect them without receiving the license of the super user, is, and it works fine on.

The experience of our communication with users shows that the owners of Xiaomi and Huawei smartphones are always faced with certain problems when it comes to Google applications. Moreover, in some Xiaomi phones with Chinese ROM without these problems, it is not possible to even install applications or Google services. After the release of the latest version of the MIUI operating system 11, most complaints come to a popular model. It arises a very unpleasant situation with it: Unable to delete or disable Google applications. Hurry to refress: the workaround has already been found, and you can use it to disable system applications on any Xiaomi phone.

Probably it is very unpleasant when you cannot manage your phone as you want. The best in the Android platform is the ability to customize everything in accordance with its needs. In such conditions, restrictions suddenly arising when trying to perform certain actions, especially annoying. From the manual below you will learn how to disable Google applications on the Xiaomi phone.

So conditions:

  • Any other phone that works on MIUI.
  • The More Shortcuts application (you can download it).

Procedure for the disconnection of system applications:

Note: If you use the NOVA launcher for your Xiaomi phone, you can easily create a shortcut with a widget.

Attention: Be careful with this manual, think about what applications you turn off - not all system applications can be disabled without consequences for the smartphone.

That's all. We hope that this guide you will come in handy, and you will be able to disable Google's applications on your Xiaomi phone running on MIUI 11 and below. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write about it in the comments. Do you know any other way to disable Google applications on Xiaomi with MIUI? Share your experience!

I'll tell you in this article, how to completely remove system android system applications without root, fast, easy and safe. A brief and simple instruction with pictures will touch up absolutely all smartphones from very popular, recently, Xiaomi.

Of course, we will get rid of not all of all system unsuccessful applications, but only from those that you do not use, selectively. It is useful to do to release the RAM, the disappearance of unnecessary shortcuts from the smartphone screen and an increase in the free space in the device.

By the way, at the same time noticeably reduced the number of pop-up advertising in the MIUI shell.

Delete system applications from Android without root

The interest of readers to this topic is especially high on my site - only over the past two days, more than 20,000 people read the first article ...

Someone did not succeed, according to the instructions from the past article, freeze the entire Google trash, and someone had a little simple reliable stop of these unnecessary services from Google. There were also such that at all without understanding the question rushed in the comments to teach me something, to prove something, explode their rotting essence in curses and obscene ...

But this is all that ... they will definitely help doctors and teach life, and I accidentally found a 100% working method of full relief from embedded "unsuccessful" system applications in any models of the smartphone from Xiaomi on a very popular forum.

Just a few days ago, I bought myself on the occasion of the anniversary of the new wonderful super smart of this manufacturer with the global firmware - MI MAX 3.

While "ticks" a monthly counter to unlock the bootloader I can not set the root of the right to your shovel Smart, so personally checked the method described below on it.

Xiaomi AdB FastBoot Tools Program

On the Internet it is written that this free program is designed to remove embedded applications on a locked loader and without root rights (applicable to unlocked devices). So - we go to you, along with the Xiaomi AdB FastBoot Tools utility!

First we need in a smartphone ...

Enable USB debugging

To do this, in the settings item "On the phone" 7 times in a row taable according to MIUI ...

Then go to extended settings ...

... and "for developers" ...

Here you just need to move one slider ...

This is how the USB debug is as follows.

How the Xiaomi AdB FastBoot Tools works

Now more carefully and carefully - strictly follow the sequence of actions. Connect your Xiaomi smartphone to a computer with a regular cord and run the program ...

Switch Smart to file transfer mode! Click the "Debloater" button in the program window ...

Since you are connected in USB debug mode for the first time, then you will have a similar window in the phone ...

I poke on "OK" and in the new window that appears, select system applications from which you want to get rid of ...

Just more carefully, meaningful to remove. It remains to click on the "Uninstall" button ...

... a few seconds to look at the process of full removal of built-in system applications in the left section of the program and wait for the appearance of "Done!" ...

Everything! Click "Reboot Into System" and rejoice in boiling water - you were able to completely remove system applications from Android without root ...

The list of deleted garbage can change, depending on the installed firmware and the version of the utility. That is why, I recommend using the most urgent version of the Xiaomi AdB FastBoot Tools.

There was a cherry on a cake ...

Reduce the number of advertising in MIUI

Just be sure to remove the "Analytics" ...

... and "MSA" ...

All applications listed in the program window can be safely removed - no glitches and errors will not appear. For example, if you use an opera browser to surf on the network, you can safely delete the built-in. The same story with a player video, mail.

(3 estimates)

How to remove the application on xiaomi

In any smartphone by default sets many applications. The most popular operating system is. From the box, the phones from this OS receive some standard programs - only the most necessary. However, almost every manufacturer sets its shell as an interface, which is noticeable, or does not matter the appearance of the system, and also adds new features. As an example, you can bring Zenui from ASUS and, of course, MIUI. Not everyone needs these programs, so many want to erase them. Today we will look at how to remove the application on Xiaomi.

It will be useful

Each program uses RAM. Due to the lack of smartphone begins to slow down. Of course, there is nothing easier, except to delete applications. But here it is not so simple as it may seem at first glance. The fact is that not every program can be erased from the memory of the smartphone.

Method 1.

In brand mIUI shell does not have a separate menu for installed programs. As a result, all applications that are in the phone are on the work desks. The fastest way is to remove it from the desktop.

Since the menu is not, the label will disappear from the screen, and all the data on the program will erase from the system. Make it easy. It is necessary to perform three simple steps:

  • press and hold the pictogram until it can be moved;
  • transfer the icon on the basket icon, standing at the top of the screen;
  • confirm the action by clicking on the "Delete" button.


When trying to erase the program, the system requests confirmation. In case of reluctance, perform an action to click on the "Cancel" button.

Method 2.

The disadvantage of the first method is that with it you can not get rid of all programs from all programs. There are those that are not located on the desktop. These include widgets and various system utilities.

To delete such files, you need to use the menu of the smartphone parameters. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • open Settings:
  • go to the "Applications" section;
  • select the "All Applications" tab;
  • click on the desired program;
  • click on the "Delete" button;
  • confirm action.

Method 3.

To remove applications on Xiaomi smartphones, third-party utilities can be used. For example, CCleaner. She can be from Play Market. She is allows you to clean the system from "garbage", littering memory.

By the way, all installed from Play Market programs can be removed with it as well. For this you need to take the following steps:

  • open Play Market;
  • click on three horizontal strips in the upper left corner;
  • click on "My Applications and Games";
  • go to the "Installed" tab;
  • select the program and click "Delete".

It will be useful

You can delete differently: on any PLAY MARKET page click on the search string, enter the name of the application, go to it and erase.

Method 4.

It is impossible not to say how to delete system applications on Xiaomi. In MIUI there are a number of programs, erase which cannot be harmful to the smartphone. Fix the situation helps the more shorcuts utility. In the window, go to the "Activity" item and write "All applications" in the search bar. Three results will appear in the extradition. Select the latest - settings $ ALLAPPlicationsAntivity.

After completing all the above actions, a new icon will appear on the Xiaomi smartphone screen. With it, it is impossible to delete Google applications and other data necessary for the normal functioning of the system, however, you can disable them. Procedure for disabling:

  • click on a new label;
  • choose a program;
  • press the "Disable" button;
  • confirm action.