Learning to draw in the Inkscape program. Learning to draw in the Inkscape graphics editor. Independent work in Inkscape for students

Each fan of painting is very helpful to have a functional graphic editor, capable of working with vector and raster graphics. Fortunately, in our time, there are huge many drawing programs that can replace entire art workshops. Let's get acquainted with one of the best representatives of this group. We present to your attention a graphic editor inkscape!

The main advantages of Inkscape, is its undoubted compactness, high functionality and ample opportunities for working with vector graphics. At the same time, the program has an open license and is absolutely free. It is very profitable to use such a wonderful tool.

True, from one of the advantages, the logical minus, which delivers some inconvenience of beginners. The functionality of the program is very extensive, and the first time the work in Inkscape is not very productive, due to the lack of knowledge and skills. To quickly overcome the stage of illiteracy and rather begin to confident practice, we recommend to get acquainted with the following videos.

Inkscape lessons for beginners

Useful collection of instructions for drawing various images in the editor. The author dedicates the audience in detail into the process of its work, explaining the use of each tool and function. Upon completion of viewing video times and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, you will understand how to use Inkscape at the level of a confident user and you can portray any of your idea on canvas.

In this section of the textbook, the basics of work with Inkscape are presented. In addition, this is an ordinary Inkscape document: you can view it, edit, copy and save.

The lesson covers the orientation receptions on canvas and work with documents. It gives the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing figures of tools, the allocation, editing and grouping of the figures, on the installation of fill and stroke parameters, alignment and distribution of objects. More complex topics see the Help menu.

Moving on the canvas

There are many ways to move around the canvas. Try Ctrl + arrows to move using a keyboard (for example, try this combination to shift the document down). You can also move around the canvas by closing it with the middle mouse button, or using the slider (press Ctrl + B in order to show or hide the slider). The scroll wheel of the mouse also works for vertical movement. For horizontal displacement, use SHIFT with the mouse wheel.

Change scale

The easiest way to change the scale with the keys - or + (it works for zoom \u003d). You can also use the following key combination options: Ctrl + middle mouse button or Ctrl + right mouse button - to enlarge, shift + medium, shift + right or mouse wheel with pressed Ctrl - to reduce. The value is indicated as a percentage by typing the desired, press ENTER. In addition, in the program, the scaling tool (among the tools on the left), you can increase only the necessary dedicated area.

Inkscape keeps the history of the scale that you used when working. In order to return to the previous state, press the `or to go to the next state of SHIFT +`.

Inkscape tools

The icons panel on the left side of the window represents the Inkscape tools for drawing and editing. At the top of the window (below the menu) is Control Panel with basic command buttons and panel Tool parameters (just below the control panel) containing parameters specific to each tool. Status bar (At the bottom of the window) will show useful tips during your work.

Many actions are available from the keyboard. The full handbook on the keys is located in the Help\u003e Using Keyboard and Mouse menu.

Work with documents

To Create A New Empty Document, Use File\u003e New or Press Ctrl + N. To Create A New Document from One of Inkscape "S Many Templates, Use File\u003e New From Template ... OR Press Ctrl + Alt + N

To Open An Existing SVG Document, Use File\u003e Open (Ctrl + O). To Save, Use File\u003e Save (Ctrl + S), OR Save As (Shift + Ctrl + S) to Save Under a New Name. (Inkscape May Still Be Unstable, So Remember to Save Often!)

Inkscape uses SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics - Scalable Vector Graphics) for its files. SVG is an open standard and is widely used in graphics packages. SVG format uses XML markup language, so the files in this format can be edited by any text or XML editor (separately from Inkscape). In addition to SVG, inkscape you can work with other formats (for example, EPS and PNG).

For each Inkscape document opens a new window. You can switch between them in different ways, depending on the settings of the window manager (for example, Alt + Tab), or using the inkscape - Ctrl + Tab key to switch between documents in a circle. For practice, try creating several new documents and switch between them. Note: Inkscape refers to these windows as tabs in the browser, which means that Ctrl + Tab works only for documents running in one process. If you open multiple documents through a file manager or run multiple copscape copies, the switch will not work.

Creating figures

It is time of figures! Select a blue rectangle in the bar on the left (or press F4). Move the mouse over the document (right there or in a new window created), press the left mouse button and move it to the side - you will receive a rectangle:

As you can see, by default, the rectangle is flooded with a blue, has a black stroke and partially transparent. Below you will see what methods you can change these parameters. Other tools you can also create ovals, stars and spirals:

Considered tools are called tools of figures. Each created figure has one or several white rectangles. management (handles). Try moving them within the document and pay attention to the shape change (white dots are visible only when one of the four tools is selected: blue square, brown circle, yellow star or spiral). The toolpart panel has its own way to change the figures. The control elements in it affect the objects selected at the present moment (that is, those whose knobs are visible), as well as Determine the parameters of new figures.

To cancel the last action, a Ctrl + Z combination (if you changed the solution, you can return the canceled action using SHIFT + Ctrl + Z).

Move, resize and rotate

The most popular tool in the Inkscape is the selector. You can choose it by clicking on the black arrow (or by pressing F1 or space. This tool you can select any object on canvas. Click the square shown in the illustration:

Around the object you will see eight arrows. Now you can:

    Move the object (with pressed Ctrl movement is limited to two axes: horizontal and vertical).

    Change the size of the object by pulling for any of the arrows (changing the size with a pressed Ctrl, you save the proportions of the original).

Click the mouse over the rectangle again - the direction of the arrows will change. Now you can:

    Turn the object by pulling the corner arrows (with a pressed Ctrl object will be rotated by step 15 degrees; Mixing the cross, you will shift the center of rotation).

    Purchase (tilt) object, moving non-burning arrows (with pressed Ctrl throwing will be made in increments of 15 degrees).

In this mode (Object Selection mode), you can also change the size and location of the selection on the canvas using the fields at the top.

Change shape using keys

One of the features of Inkscape, distinguishing it from most other vector graphic editors - convenient control from the keyboard. It is difficult to find a command or action that it would be impossible to perform from the keyboard, and the change in the shape of the objects is not an exception.

You can use the keyboard to move objects (arrow keys), size changes (keys< и >) and rotation ([and] keys). By default, the movement step and size shift is two pixels. With the SHIFT key, this value increases 10 times (and becomes equal to 20 pixels). Ctrl +\u003e and Ctrl + keys< увеличивают или уменьшают объект на 200% или 50% от оригинала соответственно. С нажатой клавишей Ctrl вращение будет выполняться с шагом в 90 градусов вместо 15.

By the way, the most comfortable pixel changes in formmanufactured with the ALT key and modes change keys. For example, Alt + arrows will move the selected pixel this scale (i.e., 1 pixel screen, do not confuse with a pixel that is SVG a unit of length and differs from the pixel scale). This means that if you have increased the scale, Alt + the arrow will give lesser Offset from the absolute measurement, which will still look like a shift on the pixel on the screen. This makes it possible to accurately place an object by changing the scale.

Similarly, Alt +\u003e and Alt +< изменяют размер на один пиксел, а Alt+[ и Alt+] вращают объект на один пиксел.

Alt + Arrow and some other key combinations may not work if used in Linux window manager intercepts these keyboards before they reach inkscape. Usually this question is solved by setting up a window manager.

Selection of several objects

You can choose any number of objects simultaneously by pressing SHIFT + click on the desired objects. You can also choose objects of the selection frame - the so-called rubber discharge (The selection frame appears when the selection begins with an empty place, and with the SHIFT key, the selection frame appears above the object). Practice in the allocation on these three figures:

Now, using "rubber" selection (without or with the SHIFT key), highlight the ellipses, but not a rectangle:

Each selected object is displayed with a dotted frame around it. Thanks to this frame, it is easy to determine which object is allocated, and which is not. For example, if you choose both ellipses and a rectangle under them, then without a dotted frame it will be difficult to understand, ellipses are highlighted or not.

SHIFT + Click on the selected object excludes it from the total selection. Try to practice to choose three objects from above, and then using SHIFT + click, eliminate the ellipses, leaving only a rectangle dedicated.

Pressing ESC will reset all selections. Ctrl + A allocates all objects within the active layer (if you did not create a layer, it is equivalent to the allocation of all document objects).


Several objects can be combined into a group. When moving and transformation, the Group also behaves as an ordinary object. As follows from the illustration below, three objects on the left are independent, while the right objects are grouped. Try dragging grouped objects.

To create a group, you need to select one or more objects and press Ctrl + G. You can ungrade them by pressing Ctrl + U and after selecting a group. The groups themselves can be grouped both as single objects. Such a phased grouping can be as complex. In this case, it should be remembered that Ctrl + U is ungrades only the last grouping. You need to press Ctrl + U several times if you want to fully ungrade complex groups in the group.

It is very convenient that you do not need to break the group to edit individual objects. After performing Ctrl + click on the object, you select it and you can edit it. In the same way, the combination of SHIFT + Ctrl + click, allowing you to edit several objects regardless of the group. Try to transform or move individual objects from the previous example (right top picture) without ungrouping, then select the entire group in the usual way and make sure that the objects remained grouped.

Pouring and stroke

PROBABLY THE SIMPLEEST WAY TO PAINT AN OBJECT SOME COLOR IS TO SELECT AN OBEctTE BELOW THE CANVAS TO PAINT IT (CHANGE ITS FILL COLOR). Alternatively, You Can Open The Swatches Dialog from The View Menu (OR Press Shift + Ctrl + W), Select An Object, And Click A Swatch to Paint It (Change Its Fill Color).

But a more competent way will be the choice of the "Fill and Stroke ..." dialogue through the object menu (SHIFT + CTRL + F). Select the bottom figure and open the "Pouring and Stroke ..." dialog.

The dialog contains three tabs: "Fill", "stroking", and "stroke style". The "Pouring" tab will allow you to change the filling of the selected object (or objects). Using the buttons under the tab, you can select the fill type, including the "no fill" mode (button with X sign), the "solid color" mode, the modes "linear gradient" or "radial gradient". For the above figure, the "solid color" button will be pressed.

Just below are the color selection buttons. Each option has its own tab: RGB, CMYK, HSL, and Circle. Probably the most convenient option is the "circle", you can choose a color tone, rotating a triangle, and then choose saturation and brightness in the triangle itself. All colors selection options have the ability to change the alpha channel (transparency) of the selected object (or objects).

Each time when the object is selected, the "Fill and Stroke ..." tab shows the current value for this object (for several simultaneously selected objects, the color tab shows them averaged color). Experiment on these examples:

Using the "Stroke" tab, you can remove the object stroke, set its color or transparency:

The last tab "Stroke style" will allow you to change the thickness and other stroke parameters:

And finally, instead of solid coloring, you can use gradients for fill and / or strokes:

When switching from the "solid color" mode to the gradient mode, the gradient created uses the previous color and is directed from saturation to transparency. Switch to the gradient tool (selecting the tool in the left pane or pressing Ctrl + F1). When moving gradient levers - It can be seen that the levers are associated with lines that determine the direction and length of the gradient. If some of the gradient levers is selected (highlighted in blue), then the "Fill and stroke ..." dialog sets the color of the lever (colors of the gradient part), and not the selected object.

Another way to change the color of the object is to use the Pipette tool ("Take averaged colors from images" (F7)). Selecting this tool, click in any part of the pattern, and the resulting color will be assigned to the selected to this object (SHIFT + Click assigns the color of the stroke).

Duplication, alignment, distribution

One of the most common actions is to duplicate the object (Ctrl + D). Duplication places duplicate over the original and makes it selected so that you can move it to the side using the mouse or arrow keys. Try to build a line from the copies of this square:

Chances Are, Your Copies of the Square Are Placed More or Less Randomly. This is Where The Align and Distribute Dialog (SHIFT + Ctrl + A) is useful. SELECT + CLICK OR DRAG A RUBBERBAND), OPEN THE DIALOG AND PRESS THE "CENTER ON HORIZONTAL AXIS" BUTTON, THEN THE "MAKE HORIZONTAL GAPS BETWEEN OBJECTS EQUAL" BUTTON (READ THE BUTON TOLTIPS). The Objects Are Now Neatly Aligned and Distributed Equisparedly. Here Are Some Other Alignment and Distribution Examples:


The Term Z-Order Refers to the Stacking Order of Objects in A Drawing, I.E. To Which Objects ARE ON Top and Obscure Others. The Two Commands In The Object Menu, Raise to Top (The Home Key), Will Move Your Selected Objects To the Current Layer "S Z-ORDER. TWO More Commands, Raise (PGUP) and Lower (PGDN), Will Sink or Emerge The Selection one Step Only., I.E. Move It Past One Non-Selected Objects in Z-Order (Only Objects That Overlap The Selection Count, Based On Their ReSpective Bounding Boxes).

Practice in using these commands, deploying the Z-order of the lower objects so that the extreme left ellipse is at the top, and the extreme right is at the bottom:

Very useful key to highlight objects - Tab. If nothing is selected, this key allocates the lowest object along the z axis; Upon other conditions, it chooses an object, located above the selected object (objects) On the Z axis. SHIFT + TAB works on the contrary, switching from the top to the bottom, since when creating an object, it is added up Z-level. And if there is no selection, pressing SHIFT + TAB will choose last Created object. Test the use of Tab and SHIFT + TAB on the stack of ellipses above.

Selecting objects under objects and moved dedicated

What will you do if the object you need is closed by another object? You can see the bottom object if the top (partially) is transparent, but by clicking the mouse on the desired one, you will make a highlighted top object, and not what you need.

In such a situation, a combination Alt + click can help. To begin with, click on the object by clicking the ALT key. As a result, the object will be selected that from above, as in the usual allocation. But when you repeatedly press Alt + click in the same place will be highlighted lower Object, still pressing - and the selection will shift to the object below, etc. Thus, several presses ALT + click on the stack of objects will move from the top object to the bottom on the z axis. Rock up to the lowest object, pressing Alt + click will select the topmost object.

[ALT + Clock may not work in Linux if the window manager used has reserved these events for its own need. Try or change the window manager settings, or make it use the META key (it is the Windows key), so that Inkscape and other applications can freely use Alt.]

It's wonderful, but what will you do now with a dedicated object under the object? You can change its shape and move for control handles, but when you try to move the object itself, your selection will be reset and the object will be highlighted above (in this way the click-and-Move system works - first it selects an object (top) under the cursor, and then already gives you the opportunity to move it). To assign an inkscape to move what is chosen nowwithout choosing nothing else, use alt + movement (mouse). This combination will move the necessary selection regardless of the place where the mouse cursor moves.

Practice Alt + Click and Alt + Movement (Mouse) on two brown figures under a green transparent rectangle:


Inkscape CAN Select Oter Objects Similar To the object Currently selected. For example, If you Want to Select All the Blue Squares Below First Select One of the Blue Squares and Use Edit\u003e Select Same\u003e Fill Color From the Menu. All The Objects with a Fill Color The Same Shade of Blue Are Now Selected.

In addition to Selecting by Fill Color, You can Select Multiple Similar Objects by Stroke Color, Stroke Style, Fill & Stroke, And Object Type.


The lesson on the basics of working with Inkscape on this is completed. It contains a small part of the Inkscape capabilities, but with the knowledge you received, you can create simple and useful graphic work. A description of a more complex material can be found in the textbook "Second Level" and other textbooks in the menu " Help\u003e Tutorial».

Note the main distinctive features for this program:

Set of tools . Some tools are combined into groups, which indicates the black arrow in the lower right corner of the tool icon. Clicking on this arrow calls a submenu containing all the tools of this group.

Property panel. Its content varies depending on the selected tool and the selected object.

Rulers. The rules make it possible to visually assess the distance and location of objects.

Color palette . Allows you to set the outflow color and fill color objects.


Tool selector (pointer) Tool Feather Bezier
Contour knot editor tool Tool calligraphic feather
Tool proofreader Text tool
Scale Tool Tool Sprayer
Rectangle tool Tool Eraser
Tool parallelogram Tool Pouring
Tool Oval Tool Edit Gradient
Star tool or
Tool Pipette
Spiral tool Tool connecting lines
Pencil tool

Change scale

There are several ways to change scale:

Saving a document

Inkscape, there are several ways to save files:

  1. Menu File -\u003e Save . This command saves an existing document using the name of the current file. If the document is new and has never been saved, a dialog box will be opened, offering the user to set the file name and the location. You can save the file using key combination Ctrl + S., as well as clicking the button Save Document
  2. Menu File -\u003e Save as... This command allows you to save a new copy of the file under a different name or elsewhere. In this case, the last saved file automatically becomes a working copy, thus further actions will be performed in a new file. This command usually uses for the preservation of different versions of the picture. The same action is available on the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + SHIFT + S.
  3. Menu File -\u003e Export to raster . This command allows you to transform the entire vector SVG file or separate document objects into a raster image. Currently, inkscape supports only one PNG raster format. This command is available on the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + SHIFT + E.

Opening a document

To open an existing document file, you can use several ways:

  1. Menu File -\u003e Open ... . On this command, the inkscape opens the file in a new window. Thus, the opening of the file will not affect working with other documents. The same action on the opening of a new document can be performed by key combination Ctrl + O. or through the icon Open In the toolbar.
  2. Menu File -\u003e Import ... Load the file open to the active document, i.e. That in which you are working now. The imported file becomes an object in an already open document. Import object is also possible by key combination Ctrl + I. or by button Import In the top toolbar.

Creating a document

The new document in INKScape can be created in several ways:

  1. On the menu File -\u003e Create . This opens a list of all documents available in the program.
  2. Key combination Ctrl + N. (Creates a new document using the default template).
  3. Via icon new document On the toolbar (this method also creates a new document from the default template).

Changing page settings

To change the properties of a document, such as page size, units of measure, etc., use:

    Menu File → Document Properties

    Edit, copy and save.

    The textbook encompasses the orientation of canvas and work with documents. It gives an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe tools of drawing forms, about the allocation, about changing the forms, grouping, the installation of fill and stroke parameters, alignment and distribution of objects. If you are looking for deeper knowledge, see other textbooks from the Help menu.

    Moving on the canvas

    There are many ways to move around the canvas. Try Ctrl + arrows to move using the keyboard (try it right now Ctrl + down arrow to shift the document down). You can also move around the canvas by closing its surface of the middle mouse button or using the slider (press Ctrl + B (here and then all the letters in keyboard combinations - Latin), in order to show or hide them). Kollyosiko scroll on the mouse also works for vertical movement. For horizontal displacement, use SHIFT with a wheel.

    Change scale

    The simplest way to change the scale is to click - or + (it works for zoom \u003d). The Ctrl option is also working + the average mouse button or Ctrl + right mouse button - to enlarge, shift + medium or shift + right - to reduce, or with a mouse with a pressed Ctrl. Alternatively, you can choose the scale of zoom in the lower left corner of the document window. The value specified in percent by typing the desired press ENTER. Everything else has a scaling tool (among the tools on the left), which allows you to increase only the necessary dedicated area.

    Inkscape keeps the history of the scale that you used when working. Press the `to return to the previous state, or SHIFT +` to go to the next one.

    Inkscape tools

    The panel with pictograms on the left side of the window presents the Inkscape tools for drawing and editing. At the top of the window, under the menu, there is a control panel with the main command buttons, and slightly below - the tool settings panel containing parameters specific to each tool. Status bar that at the very bottom windows will show useful tips during your work.

    Many actions are available from the keyboard. The full handbook on the keys can be called via "Help\u003e Keyboard and Mouse".

    Work with documents

    To create a new empty document, use "File\u003e Create" or press Ctrl + N. To open an existing SVG document, use "File\u003e Open" (Ctrl + O). To save, use "File\u003e Save" (Ctrl + S) or "Save As ..." (SHIFT + CTRL + S) to save a file under a different name. (Inkscape can still be unstable in work, so remember the important rule - saved more often !!!)

    Inkscape uses SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics - scalable vector graphics) format for its files. SVG is an open standard and is widely used in graphics packages. SVG files are based on XML and can be edited by any text or XML editor (separately from Inkscape). In addition to SVG Inkscape can work with other formats (EPS, PNG).

    For each Inkscape document opens a new window. You can switch between them in different ways depending on the window manager (for example, by pressing Alt + Tab to switch between documents in a circle). Try now to create a few new documents and accelerate between them for practice.

    Creating figures

    It is time of figures! Select a blue rectangle in the bar on the left (or press F4). Move the mouse over the document (right there or in a new window created), press the mouse key and move it to the side aside - you will receive a rectangle:

    As you can see, by default, the rectangle is flooded with a blue, has a black stroke and partially transparent. Below you will see how to change these parameters. Other tools you can also create ovals, stars and spirals:

    Considered tools are called tools of figures. Each created figure has one and more white control rectangles (handles); Try to throw them back and forth and pay attention to the change of the figure (white dots are visible only when one of the four tools is selected: blue square, brown circle, yellow asterisk or spiral). The toolboxes panel has its own way to configure the shape. The control elements in it affect the objects selected at the present moment (that is, those whose knobs are visible), as well as Determine the parameters of new figures.

    To cancel the last action, the Ctrl + Z combination is valid. (If you changed the solution, you can return the canceled action using SHIFT + CTRL + Z.)

    Move, resize and rotate

    The most popular tool in Inkscape is a selector. You can choose it with a black arrow with a pitch (or by pressing F1 or a space. This tool you can choose any object on canvas. Click the square depicted on the illustration below:

    Around the object you will see eight arrows. Now you can:

    • Move the object (with a pressed CTRL movement is limited to two axes: horizontal and vertical).

    • Change the size of the object by pulling any of the arrows (changing the size with a pressed Ctrl, you save the original proportions).
    Click on the rectangle again. The direction of the shooter will change. Now you can:

    • Turn the object by pulling the angular arrows. (With a pressed Ctrl, the object will be rotated by the steps of 15 degrees. Mixing the cross, you will shift the center of rotation.)

    • Purchase (tilt) object, moving the frequent arrows. (With pressed Ctrl, throwing will be made in increments of 15 degrees.)
    In this mode (Object Selection mode), you can also change the size and location of the selection on the canvas using the fields at the top.

    In this lesson we draw a cute vector hedgehog using the Inkscape program. Usually, when it comes to vector, Dözhurka publishes Adobe Illustrator lessons. But today we decided to give preference to another graphic editor, the diversity for the sake of. This lesson is suitable for studying the most basic and simple Inkscape tools.

    Final result

    1. Draw the body

    Step 1
    Let's start with a needle. Select a tool Polygon. And select Type Star. Then in the parameter Corners. Specify the value 15, A B. Spoke Ratio - 0.8. Now draw a polygon with a fill of brown. The size at this stage is not important.

    Step 2.
    Now scaling the figure to sizes. 410px H. 465px.

    Step 3.
    So that in subsequent steps to achieve the effect of volume, duplicate the polygon and fill it a little darker brown. Later we use this figure.

    Step 4.
    Set the second (darker) polygon stroke width in 13px.(the same color as fill). Thus, it will increase in volume.

    Step 5.
    Highlight both polygons and open the tab. Object\u003e Align and Distribute. Click icon Center ON VERTICAL AXIS and Align Top Edges.. Figures should be aligned:

    Step 6.
    Now we need to draw the inside of the Taurus. Select a tool Ellipse and draw a circle by holding the key Control. While the circle is highlighted, select in the menu Path\u003e Object to Path, So that we can edit this figure in the future. Specify the circle of the fill both in the picture below.

    Step 7.
    Now with the tool Nodes. We will turn the circle in the Hedgehog Taurus, as in the picture below. The final size came out 366px on the 266px.

    2. Place the eyes

    Step 1
    Tool Polygon. Draw an equilateral triangle. (Specify the number of corners equal to three and hold Ctrl so that the figure is correct). While the triangle is highlighted, in the menu, select Path\u003e Object to Path.

    Step 2.
    Tool Nodes. Highlight all nodes and click icon Make Selected Nodes Symmetric.

    Step 3.
    These will be dark areas under the eyes. Place the shape as indicated in the figure below. We specifically move the shape on the body of the Yozh, to be better visible as it looks ...

    Step 4.
    Draw eyes. Take the tool Ellipse And keeping Control Draw a circle. Pain it with dark gray.

    Step 5.
    Now you draw two more small circles and pour them with white.

    Step 6.
    When you finish work on the first eye, reflect it a copy horizontally. However, do not reflect the glare!

    3. Put the muzzle

    Step 1
    Tool Ellipse Draw oval. In the menu, choose Path\u003e Object to Path. After that, edit the nodes to go out as in the picture below.

    Step 2.
    Now draw your nose: the same tool Ellipse We draw at first a dark gray oval, and next small white, which will be glad on the nose.

    At this stage, we must get approximately the result as you see in the picture below. You can experiment with a distance of measles with eyes, sizes of face, nose, etc.

    4. Draw your ears

    Step 1
    In order not to complicate the task, to create the ears, we simply copy the shape of the area under the eyes. Just make the figure more and turn.

    Step 2.
    Specify the eye stroke thick in 12px. Specify the ear fill pink color, and the stroke make the skin colors of the hedgehog. Also place your ear under the figure of the inner Taurus Yozh, but above the needles. To do this, highlight your ear Page Up. and Page Down (Object\u003e Raise / Lower).

    Step 3.
    Duplicate your ear and reflect it horizontally.

    5. We use tousing lines for the paw

    Step 1
    The method of creating arbitrary strokes in Inkscape is to create a figure that will repeat the necessary path. In this example, we need tapering on the ends of the line. To do this, we drew a square, turned it at 45 degrees and flattened to the dimensions specified in the picture below.

    We also rounded upper nodes.

    Step 2.
    Now select the tool Pencil.. Parameter Smoothing. Stop value 50, And in the grade Shape Choose From clipboard.. The value "From Clipboard" means that what you copied to your contour before drawing it. So copy our flattened square ( Control + C.) And try drawing any line. For example, for example:

    Step 3.
    After you tried the tool Pencil, Without changing anything, drew the hedgehog leg. You can enjoy the line with the help of nodes, if it did not work out perfectly from hand. Now that you ask the brown lines, you will find that it is filling instead of stroking. A little later we will explain it.

    Step 4.
    Duplicate the paw and place it mirror.

    6. Draw legs

    Step 1
    We will draw legs in the same way as the paws painted. You can simply copy the lines if you want. Place the line at the bottom of the body of Yozh. You will notice that we do not have enough fill, although (as we have already found out), there is a pouring of the lines of the legs. Let's solve this problem!

    Step 2.
    Duplicate the leg line and remove it beyond the bodies. Place the line on the square of the corporal color ( Object to Path.). Now we will delete the figure of the figure from the square using the operations with the contour. Select the leg and square line and select the menu. Path\u003e interSection.

    There must be such a figure:

    Step 3.
    Now you can position the fill for the leg under the leg line. To do everything exactly use Align and Distribute. Now duplicate the leg and position the mirror copy.

    7. Add shadow

    Step 1
    Let's add the effect of volume. Duplicate the shape of the Yozh's Taurus and pour it with dark brown color.

    Step 2.
    We will place this figure under the calf, ears and feet, but above the needles. Place the figure so that it be on 10 pixels to the right and the same below the figure of the Taurus.

    Step 3.
    Now make a shadow for the entire hedgehog. Duplicate needles figure, ask her black fill color and transparency ( Alpha.): 50 .

    Step 4.
    Place the shadow on the back plan ( Lower to Bottom or key End.). After that, highlight the entire hedgehog along with the shadow and group all the items to continue to work further.

    Step 5.
    Add a green background. Draw a green square size 600 x 600px.

    8. Draw leaves

    Step 1
    Using tool Pen. Draw a figure of four triangular nodes. After that, highlight the lower three nodes and round them.

    Step 2.
    After you get the desired form of a sheet, the same tool Pencil. Draw the items as in the picture below.

    Step 3.
    Let's paint the sheet into the autumn color, and the lines will be translucent.

    Step 4.
    Do not forget about the stem. Just draw it to the same tool Pencil, and specify the thickness in 2 Pixel and rounded tip ( rounded Cap). Color Select Dark Gray. Also, most likely you have to put it under the leaf itself.

    Step 5.
    To get quite wonderful, duplicate the leaf twice and paint the copies in different colors. Now groupe each leaf separately.

    9. Scatter leaves

    Step 1
    Now we need to spread the leaves along the background. Let's start with the first sheet. Highlight it and immediately then select the tool Spray. Stop the parameters as shown in the picture below.

    Step 2.
    Now you can just click and holding the left mouse button to scatter the leaves.

    Step 3.
    The same procedure is repeated with the leaves of the rest of the colors. After you finish, highlight all the leaves (holding shift) And grouped them.

    Step 4.
    Do not remove the selection from the leaves group. Go to the menu Filters\u003e Shadows and GLOWS\u003e Drop Shadow. Signed as shown in the picture below.

    Step 5.
    Now we can send all the leaves under Yozh and over the green background.

    Hedgehog is ready!

    Lesson - Aaron Nieze.
    Translation - duty.