Flash animation lessons. Novice: where to start learning a flash? Flash lessons Animation for beginners Flash MX

Adobe Flash Professional is a large multifunctional program, difficult in learning and use.

Adobe, in its constant habit, takes little care about simplifying its programs. If other programmers for the sake of simplicity are discarded all intermediate options, nothing disappears in Adobe. All intermediate work options on the program will be included in the final version in the form of some button, panel or rows in the menu. As a result, the weight of programs (in MB) growths and the program becomes leased. In addition, many tools fully or partially duplicate each other.

It was an exception to this rule and Adobe Flash Professional. The program has three different drawing modes, three different animation creation modes and many other confusing features that are able to scare from a program of potential users.

Note: Adobe Flash Professional authors have several simplified program versions - liquidated functions such ascreating a classic motion animation , There is no motion editor, only one programming language ActionScript 3.0, etc. is used.

Programs settings

Adobe Flash Professional is configured by default, but you can change these settings if necessary.

In the Edit menu, select Settings - Preferences (Windows) or Flash\u003e Preferences (Mac OS).
From a variety of settings, you can disable the Welcome Screen (Welcome Screen) screen - No Document.
In the latest versions of the program, you can select the color of the program window (Tab "General" - the user interface - dark, light).
You can change the number of possible cancellations of the Operations ("Cancel" - Undo) - by default 100.
Flash supports up to 9999 cancellations, but no need to choose maximum, because This will braarms the work of the program.

Highlight Colors - You can change the color default values \u200b\u200bused for displayed restricting rectangles around the pattern of objects, groups or symbols.

And other.

Creating a new document

You can create and open documents using the Welcome Screen (Welcome Screen) screen (File).
The "Welcome" screen is the starting area to create and open files, including built-in type Flash, banners, banners, animations for mobile phones.

In the Column Create New window "Welcome", select ActionScript 3.0.

Or: In the File menu, select Create (NEW).
The New Document window opens.

On the General tab, select the type of Flash file being created (ActionScript 2.0 or 3.0).
By default, ActionScript 2.0 is selected, but you can choose and ActionScript 3.0. The use of ActionScript 3.0 allows you to use all the functions of the latest versions (CS5 and CS6). For example, if you want when creating an animation, apply 3D rotation to objects, you need to select ActionScript 3.0 (ActionScript 2.0 this function does not support).
ActionScript 3.0 also requires that visitors stood the latest versions of the Flash player.

In the latest versions of the program
1. Application ActionScript 2.0 is not provided.
2. It is possible to create animation in HTML5 format.

On the tab Create by template You can choose a template to open it for editing.

You can always change the properties of your project - in the Modify (Modify) menu, select Document (Document), or use the Ctrl + J key combination (Windows) or Command + J (Mac OS).

In the section Dimensions (sizes), set the width and height of your cinema in pixels.
The Ruler Units section establishes a rule measurement units - centimeters. MM, pixels, etc. Usually the unit of measurement of lines - pixels.
The Background Color section selects the color of the animation background.
The Frame Rate section establishes speed - frames per second. Usually take the default speed - 24 frames per second.
Option AUTO-SAVE - setting the frequency of auto storage of your work.
The Printer option makes your new document match your printer's paper format.

Saving a document

Your new document must be saved before you start any work or add any content.

By default, documents are stored in Flash CS6 format - .fla
1 In the File menu, select Save (Save).
2 Select the folder to save the project. Give the project your name.
Always turn on the extension .Fla at the end of the project name.

Note: You can save the project in Flash CS5 format (in the latest versions of the program there is no such possibility).
Documents created in Flash CS6 will not be opened in Flash CS5 or earlier versions.
Documents created in Flash CS5 and earlier will open in Flash CS6.

Opening a document

Select File menu\u003e Open (Open)
File\u003e Open Recent command - to open the last 10 files.
You can also use the "Welcome" screen to open documents.

When installing on your computer, Adobe Flash Professional will simultaneously install the Adobe Bridge file manager, which can be used when working with files.
In the File menu (File), select Bridge or Go to the program Bridge (Browse in Bridge).
Select Format file.Fla in Adobe Bridge. When double-clicking, it opens in Adobe Flash.

Setting up interface
If necessary, adjust the workspace -

Creating animation

Adobe Flash includes many typical templates.
In the templates, the size and version of ActionScript are installed in advance.
Select the File\u003e New menu and click on the TEMPLATES tab.
Consider the included Flash-templates.

Adobe Flash Professional has a built-in vector image editor that is used when creating animation.

In Adobe Flash, there are several drawing modes, the work in which has its differences - see Drawing Modes

Check out the set of tools for drawing, which has Adobe Flash - see Toolbar .
It is not difficult to create such simple objects such as a rectangle (square), ellipse (circle), line.
To create more complex objects, you will have to get acquainted with the entire functionality of the drawing program - see drawing.

To create sample hand drawn animations, you will have to use a graphic tablet for drawing, because Without it, it is extremely difficult to create high-quality animation.
About graphic tablets

Creating simple animation

In Adobe Flash, there are two main ways to create animation - frame animation and smooth change animation (Tweens). In turn, the tweens animation has several varieties -.

With any method of creating animation, you need to explore the work
Time scale (time graphics). If you figure out the work of the time scale - consider that half of the case study is made.
Especially need to pay attention to work with layers and on work with personnel .

Oshiving all of the above, you can already create Flash elements (for example - banners. Slides, etc.) to insert on your HTML pages.

You can create all items for your animation in Adobe Flash Professional. Or you can import items created in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects IDR. programs.

Another half of success when developing Adobe Flash Professional is to study the ActionScript 3.0 language. In this case, you can use all the functionality of the program, including creating interactive flash sites.
As an infallible alternative - the use of passages of code that goes with the program (window menu (Windows) - code fragments).

This review does not contain educational materials on ActionScript, but such materials are available on the Internet.

Control Flash - animation

If you want to create something more complicated than simple animated banners or slides, you will need:
but. Learn to create buttons
b. Learn to use the ActionScript code.

Buttons (graphic or text) are needed that the visitor of your site can control the animation - see buttons.

Animation in Adobe Flash is created using the ActionScript code. Earlier versions of the program used version of ActionScript 2.0, in the latest versions used ActionScript 3.0. These versions have serious differences and partially compatible.

You do not have to create a Flash animation to manually write code, because In Adobe Flash, the main work is conducted in visual mode. However, in some cases the ActionScript code insert is required. In this case, you can use passages of the code that go with the program, or write code yourself.

The ActionScript code is used to give the navigation buttons the correct steps - go to a specific multiplication frame or to a specific site page, to control and synchronize sound and image and for many other things.

For a brief acquaintance with ActionScript, see ActionScript.

Creating Flash - site


Local view

You can quickly announce your animation by moving the red engine (PlayHead) back and forth on the frame scale (see. Timeline).

To see how the multiplication will look on the Internet (i.e., with all nested animation), select Control (Control)\u003e Test roller (Test Movie)\u003e In Flash Professional (in Flash Professional).
In this case, the created animation is viewed in the Flash Player built-in player.

For testing Flash for mobile phones Use the Control menu\u003e Test roller (Test Movie)\u003e In Device Central.


When publishing, the editor creates HTML files, the SWF file and other files needed for normal Flash operation.
For publication settings in the File menu, select Publication parameters Publish Settings).
To publish in the File menu, select Publish.

See additionally.

Recently, more and more often through the site, letters come with questions, where to start learning a flash. I will publish a few, I think, for many beginners it will be interesting. Answers - exclusively my vision and my experience, which does not mean that if you do differently, then nothing will work. Who is interested, read below (spelling and grammar messages are saved). And if you are not new to, you will definitely be bored and tediously read it :)

"Hi)) My name is Nico, I'm with Tajikistan and here I had a great desire to become a flash animator, but I just don't know where to start, I found your site here a lot of useful, but for me beginners are still difficult. Please advise me where to start learning a flash animation)) I will be very grateful . and how do you draw write, it's worth buying me to buy Vaka Bumboo Pen and learn to draw on it "

Niko, you have the main thing - desire. If it is not evaporated after a couple of weeks-months, then the result will be. Where to start - with Matchasts.

1. Watch / download the Tutorial Tutorial on Flash. Take one of the latest versions (Flash CS4-CS 6), forget about the textbooks on macrotia, Flashmx, this is the last century in the literal sense. Although much since those times has not changed in the flash.

If you plan to study the Action Script (and for a flashaker to know at least the basics of AS, I think is simply necessary) - stop at C as3. AS2 slowly goes into the past, we will keep up with the times.

Since Flash I studied for a long time, I can't advise any certain editions, because it is not familiar with them.

You probably will be very surprised, but all books on the study of flash contain the same information :) This is especially true for newcomers.

I really liked the books how to cheat in Adobe Flash in English from Flash Animator Chris Georgenes (he writes lessons on flash animation for Adoba).

This is a series of books, they are reprinted under each new version of Flash. If you know English. Language is an excellent book, pleases the eye with a wonderful graphics.

Download How to Cheat in Adobe Flash in CS5 Along with the disk you can.

My study of Flash began with the tutorial. In the study of the flash, I personally helped the textbook itself, but a video course that was attached to the textbook. Therefore, we turn to paragraph number 2.

2. Video lessons.

I believe that the video lessons are the most effective, since herself studied the flash on the video course.

3. A still in the study of flash animation can not do without such a program as SWF Decompiller. This is a breakdown of SDF files, that is, ready-made animations. That's about her. It allows you to view (not to tile :) work works, it helps a lot in learning a flash. You take a job ready and view on timelay, as what is done, try to repeat. Animation is not always correctly displayed - masks, twins, but the principle can be understood and take note.

4. Very effectively teach flash on the position examples. Put yourself a goal to make an animation according to the invented scenario - for example, an animation of a riding car by a certain trajectory. When there is a ultimate goal - it's easier to learn.

5. If questions arise in the course of study, they can be left here on or in the community in topic . Or on any other forums where Flasher dwells.

The biggest Flash Forum that is known to me - flasher.ru.. So, dear beginners - use the benefits of the Internet and this resource in particular :)

6. And another important point. In order to make a good animation - it would be nice to contact textbooks on classical animation (especially if you want to learn to animate characters, and not just text blocks for banners).

Having mastered Flash as a tool, you will not become quite an animator, but rather the "moveler" that can move objects.

Classic Animation Books Full - Stop to start on "Timing in animation"You can take.

Regarding where to get Adobe Flash. If you want to find something or take something better than Google there is nothing. He knows everything :)

Is it possible to learn how to work in your flash? It is quite realistic, almost all good flash animators, which I know, have learned Flash, without courses and exams. Patience, hard work - and all in your hands. Even I say, I don't know flash drives who attended courses, everyone taught themselves.

"Thanks for the blog, I found a lot of useful for myself.

I am a clean vector, and in my flush I did not make difficulty draw. The problem began when it came to the animation.

Could you do a lesson for the very brainless crucial noobs)) so that I would even understand)) "

( tara. )

There will be a lesson on animation for beginners. I can not imagine how to fit everything in one lesson, I think it will be a series of lessons. I was sure that lessons for beginners in the internet are fully, but for some reason they are often asked for them. So follow the updates on the site and in

Appointment and structure of the Flash program

Recently, Flash has become fashionable. Many believe that Flash is a new product, but it is not. Back in 1995, a small program Future Splash Animator appeared for the vector animation of Web graphics, and two years later, in 1997, Macromedia acquired it and began to develop the product under the new name Flash.

Today, Flash is a universal integrated application that combines the editor for graphics and sound, a means for animation and allows you to create unique interactive multimedia products. With Flash, you can make an economical bright animation for Web, interactive forms, games, interactive presentations and much more. Flash ownership is useful not only to web-designers, but also to teachers, artists and many others who want to express their ideas with the language of animation. Today, this does not need a special studio - a fairly personal computer, Flash programs and a little patience.

Basic elements of the work environment Flash

Before proceeding with the description of drawing tools, you need to tell about the elements of the interface. We will make a reservation that I will not get to the reader at once all the information about the interface and make me to remember all the details. We will report the program interface smoothly so much so that you can perform the current lesson. In each lesson, we will disassemble new interface elements, explaining their appointment on specific examples.

When you first start the program, you will see approximately the picture as shown in Fig. one.

Fig. 1. Basic elements of the Flash 5.0 program interface

Each newly open file corresponds to its desktop. The desktop contains a frame, or a scene (Stage), is a rectangular area on the screen in which the Flash film is played.

For drawing on the desktop, drawing tools are designed (see the toolbar in Fig. 1). It is about them that we will talk primarily.

Creating any animation begins with drawing static images. Fast change of one image to others, as a result of which the impression of the image movement is created, and there is an animation. To control the duration of displaying images (animation management), the timeline is served, or the mounting line (Timeline).

In fig. 1 There are also floating panels (floating, dockable panels) - panels intended to configure the Flash Work Environment. So, consider the basic drawing tools in Flash.


Contour, stroke, fill

Before you begin to work with drawing tools, you should enter the concepts of the contour, stroke and fill. Consider them on a simple example.

Select the OVAL editing tool on the toolbar (Fig. 2) and drew oval. The figure will automatically flood with color. (If when drawing an oval, hold the SHIFT key, then the drawn figure will have a circle shape.)

Fig. 2. Figure consists of contour, circuit stroke and fill

The drawing consists of a circuit, circuit stroke and fill (Fig. 2). In order to highlight the figure of the figure, click the button shown in Fig. 3 red arrow. As a result, the stroke line and the fill will disappear, only the contour will remain - (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3. Fill and stroke removal button

Fig. 4. Removing the fill and stroke, get a contour line

service line (not displayed when printing). Re-pressing the button shown in Fig. 3, returns remote items. The color of the outline circuit and fill easily change. The color of the fill is changing using the Fill Color Fill Color Selection button (Fig. 5). After you choose a new color in the palette (Fig. 5), the drawn figure will not change, but when drawing a new ellipse, the circuit will be poured just the selected color.

Fig. 5. Color selection tools for fill and stroke lines

In order to change the color of the fill in the current figure, you must select a new color and use the Paint Bucket tool (fill bucket) - it is highlighted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Fill color in the drawn figure can be changed using the Paint Bucket tool

The color of the stroke can also be changed. To do this, select the STROKE COLOR tool (changing the color of the stroke) - in Fig. 7 shows a red arrow on it. After that, the palette will open in which you can select the desired color, then you need to select the Ink Bottle Tool tool (it is highlighted in Fig. 7) and click on the stroke line. As a result, it will sing the selected color.

Fig. 7. Changing the color of the stroke line

In fig. 6 Oval-drawn is shown on a larger scale. Changing the scale, by the way, is set in the same way as in Photoshop, by using the Ctrl and "+" or Ctrl and "-" keys.

The thickness and style of the stroke lines can also be changed. For this you need to command Window\u003e Panels\u003e Strokecall the Stroke panel. It can configure the style of the stroke line, its thickness and color (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. From the Stroke panel menu, you can change the parameters of the stroke line

If you select the Hardline line style (Fig. 8) and apply the Ink Bottle Tool tool, we will get a line in one pixel. The HardLine line has no thickness, so the value does not appear in the thickness of the thickness of the lines. The thickness of other lines, such as a dotted line, can be changed (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. An example of changing the type and thickness of the stroke line

Thinner setting the parameters of the line is made on the Line Style panel. You can call it by clicking on the button specified by the red arrow in Fig. 10. In the Line Style panel, you can, for example, change the length of the stroke and the distance between the dashed line strokes. If in Fig. 8 The default values \u200b\u200bwere received - 6 points for the stroke and distance between the strokes, then, by selecting the value of 10 and 12 items, respectively, and re-applying the Ink Bottle Tool tool again, you can get a stroke as in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10. Thin setting of line parameters

So, we considered the basic concepts - the contour, the fill and the stroke line - on the example of the drawing of the oval. Now let's talk directly about drawing tools.

Tool Rectangle.

The Rectangle (rectangle) tool is located next to the Oval (Fig. 11).

In addition to the traditional rectangle, it is possible to draw rectangles with rounded edges. In order to set this mode, select the icon on which in Fig. 11 Indicates the Red Arrow. As a result, the Rectangle Settings panel will appear, where you determine the radius of rounding, after which the corners will be drawing when drawing a rectangle. Editing the fill and stroke of the contour of the rectangle is also performed as in the case of an oval.

Fig. 11. Working with Rectangle Tool

Tool Line

The LINE (line) tool allows direct lines (Fig. 12). When holding the SHIFT key, you can conduct vertical, horizontal lines or lines at an angle of 45 °.

Fig. 12. Working with Line Tool

In some cases, if you, for example, it is necessary to draw an equifiable triangle, it is useful to use the grid. You can make visible mesh lines by command View\u003e Grid\u003e Show Grid(Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. When drawing the right geometric figures, you can use the grid

Pencil tool

Fig. 14. The result of working with the Pencil tool for various settings (top row of triangles - Straighten mode, bottom - ink)

Pencil tool (Pencil) is located under the Oval Tool. In fig. 14 shows the result of working with a pencil with different options for its settings, which are all offered three. When the STRAIGHTEN setup option, the tool turns the trembling line of the circuit conducted by the hand, in direct, with the SMOOTH setting option, smoothes the line, and in INK mode - practically does not change the source circuit.

Editing Lines, Tools Arrow and Subselect

In order to tell about how the Arrow tool functions, consider the contour line structure in more detail.

We carry out the line using the Pencil tool, as shown in Fig. 15. It consists of a circuit and line stroke.

Fig. 15. Using the Subselect tool, you can select the reference points and the contour line segments.

Fig. 16. An example of moving an angular point

Fig. 17. Example of change of curvature contour

Fig. 18. The stroke line follows the line of the contour

Until now, speaking about the contour, we did not mention its structure. In order to clarify the structure of the contour line, use the Subselect tool (partial selection) activated in Fig. 15, and click on the line contour. As a result, we will see that the contour line consists of segments and reference points (Fig. 15). When using the Pencil tool, segments and reference points are created automatically. When we edit the loop line, the stroke line automatically changes. We show how you can edit the contour line using the Arrow tool (arrow) - it is highlighted in Fig. sixteen.

The reference points are angular and smooth. When we sum up the arrow tool to the line, its species changes. When it approaches it to the angular point next to the image of the arrow, an angle will appear - in this mode, you can move angular points (Fig. 16), and when approaching the segment or smooth point - an arc image - in this mode, you can change the contour curvature in this mode (Fig. 17 ). When the contour line changes, the stroke line follows the loop line (Fig. 18).

Draw an ellipse and use the Arrow tool to highlight it with one click of the mouse (the color of the selected fill will be lightened with white dots) and move it in the DRAG-AND-DROP mode, as shown in Fig. 19. If you use a double click, the stroke line adjacent to the fill will be highlighted. Double-clicking also allows you to highlight intersecting lines.

Fig. 19. An example of moving the dedicated object to the arrow tool

Fig. 20. Original image

Consider other types of modification of the selected image. Draw a certain circuit with a pencil tool, such as a sheet (Fig. 20). Select the Arrow tool and select the drawn sheet into a rectangular frame. Now you can process the selected object available to modifiers.

On the Options panel, select the SMOOTH button and click on it several times - the outline of the sheet will acquire more smooth outlines (Fig. 21a).

Fig. 21. Using modifiers from the Options panel: a) smooth allows you to smooth out the contours of the image; b) strighten makes it possible to hide the contours of the image

Contour changes After multiple clicks, the strighten button is shown in Fig. 21b.

Using the LASSO tool, you can select the area of \u200b\u200ban arbitrary shape (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. Example of selection using the LASSO tool

Brush tool

Fig. 23. Sample working with Brush tool

The Brush (brush) tool creates a vector circuit and its fill with the selected color, but, in contrast to the previously discussed tools, does not forms the stroke line (Fig. 23). In order to understand which circuit creates a Brush tool, look in Fig. 24, where the Subselect Tool is used.

Fig. 24. Example of the contour line created by the Brush instrument

Fig. 25. Brush tool setting options

On the Options panel, three options for setting up Brush tool are provided: Modes (upper button), brush dimensions (middle button) and brush shape (bottom button) (Fig. 25).

Modes determine the nature of the interaction of the conducted line with an already drawn object (Fig. 26). As can be seen from the figure when carrying out the same type of horizontal lines in different modes, the painting occurs in different ways:

Paint Normal - Pains the frame space of the stroke line and the fill of the painted object;

Paint Fills - Painted frame space and fill the painted object. The stroke line does not paint;

Paint Behind - only the free space of the frame is painted;

Paint Selection - only the selected area is painted;

Paint Inside - only the fill is painted with which the painting was started.

Fig. 26. Different modes of interaction of brush strokes with previously drawn object

The action of the LOCK Fill parameter should be explained - the button corresponding to this command with the lock icon is shown pressed in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27. Example of the Lock Fill parameter

When the Lock Fill parameter is activated (the button is pressed), the gradient refers to the entire working field (Fig. 27), and when it is not activated - the transition from one color to another is carried out on the side of the brush's stuff (Fig. 28).

Fig. 28. The LOCK Fill parameter is not activated


Eraser allows you to wash the lines and fill and has a number of different settings. In the Options panel, you can configure the size and shape of the eraser, as well as select the erasure mode (Fig. 29):

Erase Normal - erased the stroke line and fill object;

Erase fills - the fill of the object erases (the stroke line is not erased);

Erase Lines - Only lines are erased;

Erase Selected Fills - only the selected area is erased.

Erase Inside - only the fill is erased, and when carrying out the eraser, the erasure is made only inside the circuit in which the line has begun.

The FauCet modifier (crane) allows you to remove fully fill or line.

Fig. 29. Different modes of elasty

PEN tool

So far, we have considered tools that automatically created contours. PEN tool (Pen) allows you to directly work with contours. With it, you can create straight and curved segments, adjust the length of the straight lines and the inclination of the curved segments.

Linear reference point

Select the PEN tool, click (you put the first reference point), move the cursor, click (this is the second reference point). The result is a broken, as in Fig. 30. The reference points shown in Fig. 30, are called linear, since the segments converging in them are linear. The linear point does not have guides.

Fig. 30. An example of building a broken line with the PEN tool

Smooth reference point

Fig. 31. An example of a smooth curve using the PEN tool

To put a smooth reference point, select the PEN tool, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse slightly, as a result, a smooth reference point will appear and the guide line comes from it (Fig. 31). Turning and extending the guide line, you can change the curvature of the next segment.

To create an open loop, you must double-click at the last point. After releasing the mouse, move the cursor and place the following reference point; Repeating this procedure, you can get a smooth line, as in Fig. 31.

To close the contour, bring the cursor to the initial reference point or the contour line. After the cursor takes the appearance of the pen with a circle, click - and the outline will clock.

If two independent segments are connected at the point, it is an angular. For example, if you connect straight and curvilinear segments, then an angular point appears on their intersection (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32. An angular point is formed at the intersection of the rectilinear and curvilinear segments.

Nodal dots can be converted, move and delete.

To convert the angular point to the smooth, select the Subselection tool. Click the angular point and holding the ALT key, drag the point - it will become smooth, and the guide line will appear, which allows you to change the curvature of the segments connected in this smooth point (Fig. 33).

Fig. 33. An example of an angular point conversion to smooth

By default, the selected smooth curve points are displayed as hollow points, and the selected angular dots - as hollow squares.

Use Pen and Subselection tools to work with reference points

Similarly, you can create points on the lines conducted by other Flash drawing tools: Pencil, Brush, Line, Oval, Rectangle, and adjust these lines.

In particular, in fig. 34 shows the contour obtained using the OVAL tool by turning one smooth point into the angular (using the PEN tool) and drag and drop the angular point via the Subselection tool.

Fig. 34. The contour obtained using the OVAL tool by turning one smooth points into the angular and dragging it

Dropper Tool

The Dropper (pipette) tool serves to copy the color and style of pencil lines, brush and fill mode. When you feed the pipette to the line, the cursor type changes - a mini-pictogram of the pencil appears under the pipette. When you click on the line, all parameters of the line (color, thickness, style) and the pipette is replaced with the Ink Bottle tool, which allows you to apply all these settings for another line.

Similarly, when the cursor is on the pouring, the bucket image appears under the pipette, and when the cursor is over the brush stroke - the brush image appears under the pipette. Pictogram data show which attributes you copy to the Dropper tool.

Paint Bucket.

We have already mentioned the Paint Bucket tool (pouring bucket) - it is highlighted in Fig. 35, now consider it in more detail. This tool is used to fill closed (and not completely closed) areas, gradient and raster fill.

If you worked with the fill of raster images in Photoshop, then the situation is likely to be familiar to you when the fill is "poured" for the edge of not very accurately drawn contours in those places where there are "holes". In Flash, several fill tool setup modes are possible to avoid the defect described above.

Four options for configuring this tool are possible:

Don't close gaps - not to close the gaps;

Close Small Gaps - close the small gaps;

Close Medium Gaps - close the average intervals;

Close Large Gaps is to close large gaps.

Select the Pencil tool and draw an unclosed circuit (Fig. 35). Select CLOSE LARGE GAPS mode and fill out the outline. As can be seen from fig. 35, the fill remains inside the contour, even though the initial contour was unlocked.

Fig. 35. Example of circuit circuit in Close Large Gaps mode

Now consider gradient fill and operations with it. In the Fill panel, select In the Fill tab - LINEAR GRADIENT (Linear gradient). Then draw a rectangle, fill it with a linear fill with a linear gradient, and inside a large rectangle, draw a smaller rectangle (Fig. 36). As can be seen in this picture, in a small rectangle, the transition from white to blue is implemented on a smaller gradient. If you apply the function Lock Fill and make the fill of both rectangles, then it turns out the picture, as in Fig. 37. That is, the gradient in the inner and external rectangle will be the same.

Fig. 36. Gradient fill in mode when the LOCK Fill parameter is not activated

Fig. 37. Gradient fill in mode when the Lock Fill parameter is activated

In order to change the direction of the fill gradient, you must in the Options panel, click on the TRANSFORM FILL button (it is pressed in Fig. 38), and after that - on the pouring, the resulting markers will appear (Fig. 38).

Fig. 38. An example of a gradient fill modification

The upper round marker serves to rotate the gradient fill, rectangular - to increase (decrease) the gradient of the transition from one color to another, and the central round - to move the center of the gradient fill.

The Paint Bucket tool also allows you to fill a closed loop and a raster image. We will demonstrate how this procedure is performed on a simple example. Draw the image of the monitor using the Rectangle tool, the raster image will be inserted into the screen (Fig. 39).

Fig. 39. A vector image of a monitor in which a raster image will be placed.

Then import the raster image to which the screen will be poured. You can import a raster image by running the command File\u003e Import.and selecting the desired file. Next, go to the Fill Panel (Pouring) and change the fill method to raster - Bitmap (Fig. 40).

Fig. 40. Fill Panel, Fill Tab

Thus, if you fill a closed circuit inside the drawn monitor screen, the raster will be performed, as shown in Fig. 41.

Fig. 41. Example of filling the raster

In order to edit a raster fill, you must in the Options panel, click on the TRANSFORM FILL button (it is pressed in Fig. 42), and then - on the raster fill, the result is a frame with markers (Fig. 42).

Using the central marker, the raster image can be dragged so that the desired part of the photo is displayed on the drawn monitor (Fig. 43).

Fig. 42. Frame of modification of raster fill

Fig. 43. Having moved the central marker, you can crumble a raster image

Other markers allow you to scale the raster image, rotate it and deform (Fig. 44).

Fig. 44. Example of deformation of raster fill

Importing several photos, you can configure the palette from which you can choose a raster for fill (Fig. 45), as well as the color palette.

Fig. 45. Example Palette with multiple raster images

Addition and subtraction of figures

When two figures are superimposed by one to another, Flash either combines or segments them. Draw two monochrome shapes - a circle and a rectangle (Fig. 46), select the rectangle (by clicking on it to the arrow tool), and then impose a rectangle on the circle and remove the selection from it (by clicking the Arrow tool again).

Fig. 46. \u200b\u200bOriginal figures

As a result, there will be a combination of two figures in one. By clicking on the contour of the resulting figure tool Subselect, you can make sure that the inner circuit disappeared (Fig. 47).

Fig. 47. An example of combining two monochrome figures

Now do the same procedure with different color figures. In this case, the inner boundary will not disappear (Fig. 48).

Fig. 48. When attaching figures of different color, the internal circuit does not disappear

Now if you select the rectangle and move it using the Arrow tool, the part will be cut out of the circle, as shown in Fig. 49.

Fig. 49. Part of the circle is cut by a rectangle

Sometimes it is useful to use the combination and subtraction of the figures in order to obtain a complex circuit.

Flash CS3 textbook

Decorated as electronic tutorial in format CHM. (compressed hypertext). The textbook contains 16 lessonsthat cover all the main environmental possibilities Adobe Flash CS3. . In addition, the textbook text contains practical tasks With step-by-step instructions and a detailed explanation of all actions.

The application provides reference information on the basics of language. ActionScript 2.0.

The proposed approach can be formulated as "From the task - to theory". All tools and techniques of work in the environment Flash. Considered in the textbook not isolated, but in the context of practical tasks arising from creating animated rollers.

The first part of the textbook (topics 1-6) is quite accessible to study schoolchildren. 5-8 classes. For the normal development of the rest of the material, it is advisable to acquaint with trigonometric functions and basics of vector mathematics.

To explore the second part of the textbook, students must have some basic knowledge programming basics (variables, cycles, conditional operators, functions). Since language ActionScript. Very similar to S. and Javascript., possession of these languages \u200b\u200bwill greatly facilitate life and will focus on Flash..

Although B. Adobe Flash CS3. Programming language has been introduced ActionScript 3.0According to the author, it is impractical to use it in a textbook intended for schoolchildren. The new version of the language requires a more abstract approach and is of interest mainly for a professional audience.

When preparing materials used trial english version programs Adobe Flash CS3.You can download free from (you must first register on the site, it is also free).

Good books on Flash

  1. Official training course. Adobe CS3 Professional. - M: Triumph, 2008.
  2. Muk K.. . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.
  3. Vander Vir E.A., Grew C.. Flash CS3. Missing guide. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2008.
  4. Paknell Sh., Hogg B., Suonn K.. Macromedia Flash 8 for professionals. - St. Petersburg: Williams, 2006.
  5. Bhangal Sh.. Flash. Tricks. 100 tips and recommendations of a professional. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.

License agreement

  1. 1) Publication of materials in any form, including the placement of materials on other Web sites;
  2. 2) the distribution of incomplete or modified materials;
  3. 3) the inclusion of materials into collections on any media;
  4. 4) Obtaining commercial benefits from the sale or other use of materials.

Downloading materials means that you have taken the terms of this license agreement.

Elective courses

On the basis of the textbook, two electrical courses have been developed, which actually represent two parts of one course. Their total duration - 54 hours.

Courses can be used for profile training of students in the classes of physico-mathematical, information and technological and other profiles.

Application of programming language ActionScript. while creating Flash.-rolikov allows you to fully use environmental capabilities Adobe Flash CS3., Get absolute control over the playback of the film and solve the tasks that are extremely difficult or cannot be solved without a program code. The learning course on the basis of the second part of the textbook is simply and accessible, using a variety of practical examples, the basics of programming on ActionScript 2.0.


As an illustration of the possibilities Flash. By tradition, a cube is often used, which can be twisted both the mouse and the arrow keys (after clicking on it). Clicking on a small cube returns large to its original position. The tutorial tutorial has all the information necessary to create such a cube.

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Flash lessons animation

Flash Animation - Training

Recently, an increasing number of people want to learn independently make a beautiful animation. Of course, the desire is quite explained. How to approach creating flash animation?

Animation in Flash is based on changing the properties of objects that are used in the "cartoon". For example, objects can change their position, form, size, color, degree of transparency, they can disappear or vice versa, appear, etc.

Flash technology allows you to create entire interactive movies, during the playback of which a site visitor can use a keyboard or mouse to go to various fragments of the movie, move objects, enter information in the proposed form, as well as perform many other operations.

The basic purpose of Flash is the creation of busy web pages rich in graphics and animation.

Plus, Flash is a fairly independent technology, which is based on the use of vector graphics in Special SHOCKWAVE Flash format (SWF).

Although this is not the first vector format, the creators of SWF managed to find the most successful combination between the finest features of graphics and convenient means to work with it.

In addition, the received flash objects Easily integrated into web pages.

An important feature of SWF - image-based images not only can be animated, but can be supplemented with all sorts of interactive elements and sound accompanies.

An additional advantage of the SWF format, in which the video is recorded is tolerability, that is, this format can be used on any hardware and software platform (Macintosh computers are no exception!).

On the Internet there are a lot of various self-tutorials on Adobe Flash, but they give an approximate understanding of the program, so to speak, "in general terms."

Most of these "tutorials" do not tell about the execution of certain specific tasks. For example, I just want to make a banner for the site in Adobe Flash or in Photoshop ... and I make no sense to read everything about Adobe Flash.

Because, even just reading will take six months. What to talk about practice! But most users find enough to understand the program interface and master the basics Flash animation

But it is almost unrealistic to master the creation of flash drives ("tyk"). Just what, Photoshop complex program ... But learn how to create your flash drives much harder!

Flash Courses Animation

Without video courses, it is not enough for sure. Therefore, I sincerely recommend not to engage in a waste of time, but acquire a high-quality video course with understandable flash animation lessons:

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