Website e-mail is not necessarily published. Allowing users to leave anonymous comments in WordPress. Anonymous Comment Warning

Since almost everyone writes about it a lot, apparently this is how this engine acts on the people, akin to an epidemic. So I was caught by the infection, and all because of a problem that arose with the delivery of letters through WP. As it turns out, this unpleasant glitch has existed for a long time and periodically makes itself felt to many who work with . In general, this engine does not allow you to relax and you constantly have to use a shovel to clear out a bunch of problems that arise in the process of blogging.

I encountered a problem with emails not being sent after moving to a new hosting and updating the engine. Quietly, after the update, I decided to check the form feedback, and also send a backup of the database to your email. The letters seemed to be leaving, but there was silence and calm in the mailbox. Of course, I took all this without hysteria, I was already accustomed to the engine’s misfires. After a smoke break and collecting my thoughts, I began to look for a solution and a way to troubleshoot the problem.
The first thing I did was check my hosting for support. mail() functions, everything turned out to be ok. I started looking for a way to send letters via SMTP.
As it turned out, there are many solutions offered, for example, he suggested slightly correcting the code in the file wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php. The execution option is excellent, but it didn’t help me.
Then “the soul rushed to heaven”, one plugin after another was used, I installed many different ones, but for one reason or another I refused to use them.
Creating an email view wordpress@domain_name, for a number of reasons also did not bring positive results.
When my brain began to boil and my eyes began to converge, I came across an inconspicuous plugin. We came across a description of this plugin only once and it was superficial, maybe I just didn’t look well. I decidedly went to the author’s website, read the bourgeois language to the best of my knowledge and decided to try this method as well. I installed the plugin on my blog and, despite all its inconspicuousness and lightness, the “bourgeois tramp” helped the exhausted Russian user, letters were sent to the post office, and most importantly, they began to reach the addressee.

So let's take a closer look at the work of the plugin for setting up SMTP mailings in WordPress:

Configure SMTP

At one time, purely for myself, I translated the plugin configure-smtp 2.7, in principle, there is nothing special to translate there, everything is intuitive and so, but you still want to read in your native language about what you are doing in terms of settings. So if anyone is interested, you can download and test the Russian-language Configure SMTP plugin version 2.7:

Download the Russian version of the plugin:

Immediately after the letter is sent, fresh thoughts come to mind. (law of writing)

Surely everyone has seen in the administrative part of WordPress ( Settings - Writing) settings item " Publishing via email", and many even tried to configure this function. I am sure that many did not succeed: since setting up this function implies additional steps There are simply no settings, and there are simply no clear instructions on the Internet about its operation. You can Google it yourself.

How to set up publishing in WordPress via e-mail and why is it needed? Actually, now I’ll try to tell you about everything!

Why do you need to publish via email in WordPress?

In one of my previous publications, namely, I described one of the possibilities for writing posts in WordPress - it told me how to publish remotely (using only a voice recognized by your mobile phone running Android) new entries on your blog directly from your phone! So, publishing via e-mail in WordPress is another additional opportunity remote publication of new materials on the site when, say, there is no direct access to the editor and administrative part of the site.

There are persistent rumors that this function- publishing via e-mail in WordPress is going to be disabled from the engine core. However, even in new version 4.0 it is still present almost in its original form, so let's understand the intricacies of its work.

And this function works simply! You write email to a special address Email, and your site (robot) goes to this email and takes the text from there and publishes it on the site! Yes, everything is simple, but why is it needed and how can it be used in practice?

First of all, you can publish an article for your readers only by sending a letter to a special email box. This is very convenient when you don’t have the password for the administrative part at hand (working on someone else’s computer), etc. But we can go even further. Using the ability to publish via e-mail in WordPress, you can create wonderful...! For example? Dating site, message board... anything! Implement on a website/sites (this can be done on third-party resources) reverse form connection with required fields to fill out and the letter sent through it will be published after some time on the website you need running WordPress. Or another example: you can make thematic subscriptions to our email special mailings (you can find a skillful use of spam - as a rule, some spam is not published openly anywhere on the Internet, and your website will in this case be the primary source of such information, for example, about trainings, courses, events). In matters of choosing the use of the function of publishing via e-mail in WordPress, I would like to rely on your imagination - with a skillful approach, you can create not only a self-powered site (it does not require any attention or cost), but also one that brings benefits to users or the owner ().

Publishing via email in WordPress: settings

Set basic settings can and should be done in the WordPress admin area (). There are few of them: Mail server, Port, Login, Password And Default category for post by mail, but require clarification.

Mail server . Your email has POP-3 access, you can see this address either in reference information for working with your mail, or in the settings section of your mail. For example, for users Gmail, this address will look like:, at Ukr.Net - etc.

Port. Usually 110 , you don't have to change this default number, but some mail providers may have their own port, so if something happens, look for such information in the settings section on your mail server.

Login. Your mailing address or exclusively login from mailbox (depends on the specific mail provider and authorization method).

Password. Your mailbox password .

Actually all the settings. We will remove due attention to the point - Login. Actually, this is your email address, which you must register, to which you send letters and from which they will be published on the site. Meanwhile, such an address must be complex and definitely new! Unknown and unreadable to anyone. After all, if it’s a simple email box, like [email protected], then such a name can be picked up by evil spam machines and your site will soon be flooded with spam mail. That is why WordPress warns in the settings section for publishing via e-mail:

Any message sent to this address will be published, so it is better to keep this address secret. Here, for example, are three arbitrary names you can use: m7z0l7Tk, Kk8xcVa4, 9BrOlaHj

So, it is preferable to create mailboxes as recommended by WordPress as: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. This address serves as a kind of password; only you (or other editors of your site) should know it, so that no one else’s mail accidentally gets onto the site.

After making these settings, save them and move on to testing the script.

Publishing via email in WordPress: testing and debugging

So, the mailbox has been created, the settings have been made in WordPress, we begin the first testing in just 2 steps:

  1. We send a test email to the email address we registered.
  2. We wait 10 seconds and open the link http://my_site_ru/wp-mail.php in the browser

"POP3 connect: Error(inability to connect to your server - be sure to check the settings: Settings - Writing - item Publish via e-mail")

"Slow down, cowboy! You don't need to check your email so often."(too frequent access - retrying the page is possible after 5 minutes)

Looks like there are no new emails(this means that the robot successfully logged in to your email, but did not find any new letters to publish - there are no new letters).

Based on the results of the message on the page, we can monitor the operation of the script and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to its operation. This can be done in the file wp-mail.php, it is located at the root of your site. Opening the file text editor and make changes to the lines (if necessary for precise debugging):

define("WP_MAIL_INTERVAL", 300); Allowable interval for viewing new email messages in seconds. Default is 300 seconds - 5 minutes. It is advisable not to reduce this figure, but, on the contrary, to increase it significantly.

$post_author = 1 ; id of the site user on whose behalf the article will be published. By default, id=1 (this is the administrator), you can specify the id of any editor if necessary.

$post_status = "pending";

The default status of a new publication is pending (pending approval - it is not published immediately on the site, but is sent to the administrator for moderation). If you set the status to publish, the article will be published on the site immediately, automatically. $charset = ""; Letter encoding. By default, this is empty and messages are processed as UTF-8. For some

mail servers Here you can set your own encoding if letters are published on the site in an unreadable form.(for moderation or immediately published - depending on the settings I just mentioned.

Publishing via e-mail in WordPress: automation of work

Settings have been made ( Settings - Writing - Publishing via e-mail), the script has been checked and debugged (in the root file wp-mail.php). Now all that remains is to automate the script.

As I already mentioned, the script is launched by calling in the page browser http://my_site_ru/wp-mail.php That’s right, it doesn’t work automatically, as it might seem at first, so many are perplexed: the settings have been made in the site admin area, but the publishing function via e-mail in WordPress does not work - letters are not published :(

In order for the function to work and the script to check your mail automatically, you will need to run the script on a timer. To do this, in the hosting control panel we need to find such an item as Cron.

Found Cron in your hosting control panel? There we will be asked to write down instructions using prompts: we need to indicate when (Minutes, Hours, Day, Month, Day of Week) and what (Command) we will run periodically.

Approximately cron in the hosting control panel looks like this

There are no universal instructions for writing cron, but in the reference information for your tariff plan you will definitely find tips on how to run Cron correctly. Better yet, write to support, they say, I'm a teapot, please set the script http://my_site_ru/wp-mail.php to run on a schedule (cron), with a period of 2 times a day (why check it every minute?)! I'm sure they won't refuse!


This is one of the most expensive resorts in Greece and throughout Europe. The local contingent of vacationers are stars, businessmen, lovers of parties and noisy entertainment. Mykonos hotels are the epitome of luxury, and the unique infrastructure of the local towns has turned Mykonos into a bohemian and fashionable resort. The beaches on Mykonos are suitable for any type of holiday: whether it’s lazing around in the sun, playing sports, …


Santorini is a postcard resort city; people most often come here for beautiful shots and inspiring views. In the list of the best European resorts for weddings abroad, Santorini annually occupies a leading position. Colorful snow-white houses fit perfectly into the landscape of Santorini and create some kind of unrealistically fabulous atmosphere. Against the background of the rapid growth of popularity, hotels, beach areas, …


The island of Zakynthos is another pearl of the Ionian Sea, which is located in its southern part. The entire coast of the island is indented with rocks, grottoes, bays, sandy and pebble beaches, natural beauty is at every turn. Architecture connoisseurs will be delighted by the local fortresses, castles and Byzantine churches, and nature lovers should visit Askos Park, Navajo Bay and the famous …

If your virtuemart does not send notifications about creating an order, changing its status, and about registration, it seems that it doesn’t send either, and you have already tried php mail and sendmail, and even corrected it on the advice of different people different files, but he still doesn’t send, bastard

... So he's a bastard. I thought the same for half a day today. Then I finally found the answer. Everything turned out, as always, simpler than steamed turnips. The thing is (technically, I didn’t understand what was going on there, but I’ll probably realize it later), but somewhere in the hoster’s mail settings there is some kind of spam filter. It compares the host address from which the letter was sent and the address specified as the return address in the letter itself. If they are different, it dumps everything into spam and doesn’t send it further. Gad.

And that's all:

In the store settings (virtuemart->store->store information) in the form " Contact Information“You need to put an email that matches your domain.

For example: your website is http://site - the email should be set to su@site or nessu@site or whatever you want. Unfortunately, notifications about orders for the admin will also be sent to this email.

Well, how to start it and then collect mail from it is another story. And Virtuemart has nothing to do with it at all. Gad.

Previously, or to be more precise, a long time ago, I was not at all interested in how many files were stored in my mailbox. But in vain. This needs to be monitored in the same way as cleanliness and order in everything that surrounds us. If yours is overcrowded, then it's time to increase the free space.

I started having problems with Gmail about a year ago. At times I didn’t want to look again and check my incoming letters, because the speed of work in the mailbox had become simply disgusting. To open an email or turn the page, you had to constantly reboot, or sit and wait for everything to get better.

Now I have already forgotten about this problem, but some actions have become habitual, and I do not consider them unnecessary. Moreover, any volume, including the volume of a mailbox, has a tendency to fill up, but the filling speed depends on each of us.

What do I do to get my inbox organized?

1. Once or twice a week I make it easier to delete emails in the Spam and Trash folders. By the way, you don’t have to look in the trash, since messages in it are automatically deleted after 30 days, but the habit is still stronger.

2. I check the volume periodically Google drive to find out how much space Google+ Photos, Google.Drive and mail take up. My situation does not cause concern, but nevertheless, I think it’s better to be aware.

3. I use the search bar all the time. It's easier to clean out your inbox if you start with large, heavy mail. They usually contain large attachments. To find a big letter. Enter the following combination into the search bar of your mailbox:

size:Message size in bytes

If the task is to find letters with attachments of at least 20 MB, then issue the command:

After you have discovered letters with a large number or volume of files, conduct an audit to determine the value of the information, move it to another location and delete unnecessary letters. After emptying the Trash, free space will appear.

4. If you need to find emails with a specific type of attachment, type in search bar command:

5. If you need to find emails with attachments only, type the following command in the search bar:


6. If you need to find letters only from yourself, or those to which you wrote a response, type the command in the search bar:

7. If you need to find emails with the “Sent” label, type the following command in the search bar:

Alternatively, you can check your Sent Items folder.

8. If you need to find letters that were in the mail before a specific date, type the command in the search bar:


This way you can more thoroughly audit and delete letters that are stored unnecessarily.

9. Unnecessary and unimportant letters can be searched by keyword. For example: by request " holiday» will group all letters that contain the words: holiday, holiday, holiday, holidays etc. This option also helps me with work email. If I need to recall the entire history of working with a client, I enter the client’s email address in the search bar and view all correspondence and cooperation history. In just a few minutes you can see what documents were prepared for the client last time.

10. There is one command with which you can view all unread messages:

There are 8300 such letters in my mailbox!!! To be honest, I'm very surprised. I can imagine how long it will take even a cursory reading of these letters... We'll have to put things in order.

Organize your Gmail inbox - regular work

So, friends, using my example you can see what results irregular work with your mailbox and its contents can lead to. That is why, in Lately I pay a lot of attention. And if we assume that many of us have more than one mailbox registered, then it’s easy to calculate where our time goes. In order to keep all our accounts on the Internet, including mailboxes, in order, we still have to learn and remember simple rules in order to eliminate unnecessary problems in the future.


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