Electronic beacon starline m15. Autonomous search beacon StarLine M17 Basic scenarios for operating a search device

StarLine M15 This is a miniature search beacon designed to determine the exact coordinates of an object whose location needs to be monitored. Can be placed on any vehicle. Moreover, it can also be used to determine the location of a person by placing the device in a pocket or bag. The absence of wires and the small size of the beacon allow you to quietly install the beacon in the most unexpected and secretive places, where it would be very difficult to find it. Since the device is in a “sleeping” state most of the time, it is almost impossible to detect it with air scanners and GSM signal detectors. The presence of a built-in microphone allows you to listen to your surroundings over the phone. The beacon is equipped with a built-in motion sensor, with which it can detect the start of movement or the overturn of a protected object and inform the owner about these events by SMS message.

Features and functionality

TELEMATICS. Amazing simplicity and ease of setup, quick start, as well as automatic software updates thanks to the telematics service www.mayak.mobi

INTELLIGENCE. A powerful ARM processor allows you to implement elements of artificial intelligence. Automatic setting of internal time, Internet connection parameters, automatic balance control and notification of the need to replenish the account

HYPERSENSITIVITY. The unique GPS antenna and the use of A-GPS technology provide ultra-sensitivity and almost instantaneous determination of exact coordinates even in the most difficult conditions

WATER RESISTANCE. The StarLine M15 beacon is a hijacker's nightmare. Thanks to the waterproof case and nano-membrane microphone, the beacon can be hidden in the most unexpected place for a thief: both inside and outside a car, boat or truck

Areas of application


  • Lighthouse StarLine M15
  • Lithium battery CR123A (2 pcs.) *
  • SIM card *
  • Command memo
  • Tariff description
  • Warranty card
  • Quick Start Guide
  • User manual

* installed in the lighthouse

Main technical characteristics

  • Communication standard: GSM 900/1800 MHz
  • Version of GSM and GPS antennas: built-in
  • GPS receiver model: SIRF IV
  • Power: 2 x CR123A
  • Battery life: up to 2 years
  • Operating temperature, °C: -40 - +60

Often many people may be concerned about the whereabouts of a certain item. An object can be animate or inanimate. In the first case, it could be, for example, a child who has gone to school, or an elderly person who has gone for a walk. In the second case, a stolen car or valuable and important cargo was sent. At present, such problems have already been largely solved. There are special devices that determine the coordinates of an object and transmit them. One of such devices is presented here - StarLine M17.

This is a search beacon. It has small overall dimensions and weight:
Dimensions, mm - 85 × 52 × 23
Weight (including 2 batteries), g - up to 110

The beacon is controlled via SMS messages to the SIM card number located in the beacon. A 4-digit password is required at the beginning of the message. You can also control it via the Internet.

The beacon can easily be placed in a pocket or briefcase, or discreetly mounted on a vehicle or in a cargo container. The beacon, in response to SMS requests, will transmit the coordinates of a moving object to a mobile phone via SMS messages. These text messages will include the GPS coordinates of the moving object and its speed as:
N 56.28885 E 43.94384. Speed: 6 km/h. Direction: NW

The direction of movement is indicated only if the object is moving at a speed of at least 5 km/h.

After this, it is very easy to determine the location of the object. It is enough to enter the received coordinates into the search bar on the website http://maps.google.ru (Google Maps) or http://maps.yandex.ru (Yandex Maps).

Also (depending on the settings) the incoming SMS may contain a direct link to a fragment of the map. You can view it on your phone screen. Messages are received in Russian.

The owner can send empty SMS messages from his phone. From any other mobile phone, in order to receive a response from the StarLine M17 beacon, you will also need an access password.

To determine the coordinates, the beacon most often requires about 1 minute. The maximum time is 6 minutes. After the specified time, if the GPS coordinates could not be determined (no satellites were detected), the beacon will send the GSM coordinates of 4 base stations of the GSM network.

For example:
MCC:250MNC:11 LAC:220 CID:28862 LAC:220 CID:28873 LAC:220 CID:28884 LAC:220 CID:1816
Enter this data on the website http://mayak.mobi/lbs to receive coordinates

By following the specified link and entering the received identifiers, you can get the approximate location of the StarLine M17 beacon. And in this case, you can configure the settings to receive an Internet link. Having followed it, we get a fragment of the map where the lighthouse was.

Accuracy of coordinate determination using GPS technology:

  • usually - 5 ÷ 10 m
  • when receiving a weak signal - up to 500 m

Accuracy of coordinate determination using LBS GSM technology:

  • In city conditions - 100 ÷ 800 m
  • Outside the city - 0.5 ÷ 30 km

Normal mode is an energy saving mode. Most of the time, the lighthouse is immersed in a “sleeping” state. After a specified time, it enters the active state and carries out a 5-minute communication session.

In alarm mode, the beacon remains active all the time.

Using an additional beacon channel, you can control certain devices - turning on the siren, blocking the engine, autostart, etc.

The lifespan of a set of lithium batteries lasts up to 2 years.

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Lighthouse Starline M17 designed to determine the coordinates of the vehicle and inform the owner about an unauthorized start of movement. It can work together with car alarms; the beacon can be powered either from built-in batteries or from the vehicle’s on-board network.

Technical parameters of the beacon

High geopositioning accuracy (5-10 meters) is achieved thanks to a GPS/GLONASS antenna with high sensitivity. The device is also capable of receiving signals from several satellites in a short period of time and calculating its coordinates.

Information about the location of Starline M17 is transmitted to the owner via SMS messages or via a GPRS data link to the monitoring server. In this case, you can monitor the movements of the device using any device - a smartphone, tablet or computer connected to the Internet.

A microphone is integrated into the device, so you can hear what is happening around the car or inside the cabin (depending on the location of the beacon). Environmental sounds will help you more accurately identify the vehicle's location.

The integrated motion/rotation sensor allows you to inform the car owner about unauthorized movement via SMS message.

Basic scenarios for using a search device

Mayak 17 Starline can control external devices installed on the vehicle. Automatic start of the engine, pre-heater, car alarm siren - any scenario can be implemented. You can also configure the transmission of alarm messages to the owner’s phone when external devices are triggered.

A powerful ARM processor allows you to implement complex scenarios - analyzing the state of batteries, the balance of funds in the mobile operator's account, informing the owner about the need to replace the battery and top up the account.

The system has two operating modes – normal and alarm. In the first, the device periodically transmits information about its coordinates, in the second, data transfer becomes continuous, for a quick search for a car. It's best to connect lighthouse M17 to the vehicle's electrical network, since continuous operation will quickly discharge the built-in batteries.

Articles and news about Starline M17


The offer is intended for careful drivers whose cars are equipped with smart alarms. Insurance companies highly value the protection against theft of StarLine security solutions, and can also reduce rates for drivers with careful driving (without sudden acceleration, braking and lane changes). The insurance company receives information about management style from the accelerometer of the StarLine telematic alarm. Currently, Incor Insurance Insurance Company and R-Telematica are participating in the project.

All functions of Starline M17

The use of GSM/GPRS and GLONASS/GPS modules allows for remote control, management and monitoring of the Starline M17 car alarm from the owner’s mobile phone or from a computer via the Internet.

The high power of the central processor allows the use of artificial intelligence elements in the operation of the device. Starline M17 automatically configures the internal time, network connection parameters, and automatically controls the use of the SIM card balance.

StarLine model M15 is a small beacon that can automatically calculate the coordinates of an object’s location at any time and transmit them to the owner’s phone. Our article will tell you in detail the operating conditions of an electronic GSM beacon, the principle of operation, operating requirements and the advantages of a radio beacon.

General information

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The new StarLine model M15 (modification of GPS-GLONASS) is a small beacon that can automatically calculate the coordinates of an object’s location at any time and transmit them to the owner’s phone. With the help of such a device, you can easily find the desired item anywhere in the world. Due to its minimal size and weight, this beacon can be installed in any, usually hidden, place in the car (so that car thieves will not find it). And a person, in order not to get lost, can simply put the device in his pocket or bag. The lighthouse will not interfere with movement.

The built-in function of switching to the “sleeping” state does not allow air scanners and various GSM detectors to detect the signal sent from the beacon. In addition, the microphone built into the StarLine model M15 allows the search team to assess the situation around the desired object. And the beacon’s motion sensor sends information to the phone (in the form of an SMS message) about the state of the object (whether it is moving or stopped, perhaps, being in an upside-down state, it is not able to move at all). Thanks to the StarLine beacon model M15, an object can be detected in any place most remote from civilization. By the way, before using this device, you must read the operating instructions (to configure the beacon correctly, otherwise there may be problems).

Operating conditions of the electronic GSM beacon (modifications of GPS-GLONASS)

The owner of the device activates and then simply hides it in any place the beacon design allows (under the seat, under the trim, under the wheel arch, in a pillow, in a children's toy, etc.). After its activation, the beacon is considered installed. To avoid detection of the StarLine model M15 device by a thief, the developer has completely removed all wires in this beacon. Now the device operates from an autonomous powerful power source. To save battery, the user can switch the beacon to energy-saving mode, so that remote control of the device can be carried out for a long time.

Operating principle of the StarLine M15 GSM beacon

Let's now take a closer look at the principle of operation of the beacon. When switched to standby mode, the device is activated once during the day, sends a signal to the GSM base station, checks for commands from the owner, and then goes into sleep mode again (in the absence of any orders from the user).

Once a week, the device turns on a self-test, during which all modes are launched, the GPS module is turned on and a special message is sent to the user, which contains information about the status and location of the beacon. This is done to inform the owner that the device is in full readiness. When a car is stolen, the beacon, having received the appropriate command from the user, is activated and constantly (usually once every 10 minutes) informs the owner about its location. By the way, when switching to search mode, the user must indicate in the beacon settings not to use constant activity of the beacon, otherwise it will be unmasked by the transmitted GSM signal, which will allow an attacker to detect it.

Requirements for the operation of the StarLine radio beacon model M15

The operating conditions of the StarLine beacon model M15 place increased specific requirements on its configuration. First of all, the beacon must be miniature and at the same time operate on a built-in powerful autonomous power source. Also, the beacon must have a highly sensitive GPS module, capable of operating in any enclosed space with minimal battery consumption. The GSM receiver is also required to have maximum sensitivity with minimum consumption. In addition, the beacon system must be sealed and waterproof, which allows the device to be installed anywhere in the car. It is also necessary for this electronic reference to function without losing the functionality of the microphone.

Advantages of the StarLine radio beacon model M15

In the innovative security and search beacon of the StarLine brand, model M15, modified by GPS-GLONASS, the developer has introduced parts and modules that have the best properties and characteristics of known analogues. But only this device has the following unique advantages:

Testing of StarLine car beacon model M15 (GPS-GLONASS modifications)

Prototypes of any new product, as a rule, are subjected to lengthy testing (there are special instructions for testing all the capabilities of the Starline M15 electronic beacon) in order to verify the ability of the electronic new product to perform its functions and meet increased quality requirements. Thus, the sensitivity of the GPS module is tested using an Aeroflex GPS signal generator, model GPS-101, simulating a signal from a satellite GPS system (GLONASS). During the testing process, the GPS module of the tracker communicates with a computer, which evaluates the parameters of the received signals based on the information received from the device. The entire assessment process is performed by the Fastrax GPS Workbench 4.5 software application pre-installed on a personal computer.