How to make an antenna from the bike wheel. The television antenna from the drive from the drive for the EU series of EUM. The most simple antenna for giving - from metal cans

It is not always appropriate to buy a good antenna for the cottage. Especially if it is visited from time to time. The point is not so much in costs, how much is that it may not be in place after a while. Therefore, many prefer to make an antenna for cottages on their own. The cost is minimal, the quality is not bad. And the most important point - the antenna TV can be made in half an hour and then, if necessary, it is easily repeated ...

Digital television in the DVB-T2 format is transmitted in the DMW range, and there is no digital signal, or it is not. If the signal is accepted, the picture is a good quality. Concerning. Any decimeter antenna is suitable for receiving digital television. Many radio amateurs are familiar to Telastanin, which is called "zigzag" or "eight". This TV antenna is collected with their own hands literally in minutes.

To reduce the number of interference from the back of the antenna put the reflector. The distance between the antenna and the reflector is selected experimentally - according to the "purity" pictures
You can attach foil on the glass and get a good signal ....
Copper tube or wire - the optimal version, nits well, easy

It is very simple to do it, the material is any conductive metal: tube, rod, wire, strip, corner. She takes, despite the simplicity, good. It looks like two squares (rhombus) interconnected. In the original, the reflector is located per square - for more confident reception of the signal. But it is more needed for analog signals. To receive digital television, you can easily do without it or then if the reception will be too weak.


Optimally, a copper or aluminum wire with a diameter of 2-5 mm is suitable for this homemade teleconnenna. In this case, you can do everything literally in an hour. You can also use a tube, a corner, a band of copper or aluminum, but it will be necessary to be some kind of device to extend the framework of the desired form. Wire can be bent with a hammer, consolidating it in the vice.

The coaxial antenna cable of the required length will also be required, the plug is suitable for the connector on your TV, some fastening for the antenna itself. The cable can be taken with the resistance of 75 ohms and 50 ohms (the second option is worse). If there is a TV antenna with your own hands for installation on the street, pay attention to the quality of insulation.

The mount depends on where you are going to hang a homemade antenna for digital television. On the upper floors you can try to use it as home and hang on the curtains. Then the large pins are needed. In the country or if you take homemade teleconnen on the roof, it will be necessary to mount it to the sixth. For this occasion, look for suitable fixators. To work, you will also need a soldering iron, sandpaper and / or file, feet.

Does the calculation need

To receive a digital signal there is no need to consider the wavelength. It is just desirable to make an antenna more broadband - to take as many signals as possible. To do this, some changes are made to the original design (in the photo above) (further in the text).

If you wish, you can make a calculation. To do this, you need to know what the wave the signal is broadcast, divided into 4 and get the desired side of the square. To get the required distance between the two parts of the antenna, make the outdoor side of the rhombuses slightly longer, internal - shorter.

Drawing antenna "Eight" for receiving digital TV

  • The length of the "inner" side of the rectangle (B2) - 13 cm,
  • "Outdoor" (B1) - 14 cm.

Due to the difference of the length, the distance between the squares is formed (they should not connect). Two extreme plots are made longer than 1 cm - so that you can turn the loop to which the coaxial antenna cable is soldered.

Frame manufacturing

If you calculate all the lengths, it will turn out 112 cm. Cut off the wire or the material that you have, we take the passatology and a ruler, begin to bend. Corners must be at 90 ° or so. With the lengths of the parties, you can make a little wrong - this is not fatal. It turns out:

  • The first section is 13 cm + 1 cm on the loop. The loop can be bent immediately.
  • Two sections of 14 cm.
  • Two 13 cm, but with a turn in the opposite direction - this is the place of inflection on the second square.
  • Two 14 cm again.
  • The latter is 13 cm + 1 cm on the loop.

The actual antenna frame is ready. If everything was done correctly, between two half in the middle it turned out a distance of 1.5-2 cm. There may be small discrepancies. Next, the loops and the location of the inflection are cleaned up to a pure metal (to handle emery with small grain), to fill. Two loops to connect, enhance the passage to keep tight.

Cable preparation

We take an antenna cable, carefully cleaned. How to do this is shown on a step-by-step photo. Clean the cable is needed on both sides. One edge will be attached to the antenna. Here we clean so that the wire is sticking out for 2 cm. If it turned out more, too much (then) can be cut off. Screen (foil) and braid twisted in the harness. It turned out two conductors. One is central cable monashed, the second - twisted from a variety of braid wiring. Both are needed and they must be fed.

To the second edge, we swell the plug. There is enough length of 1 cm or so. Also form two conductors, fill.

The plug in those places where we will carry out the soldering, wipe with alcohol or solvent, clean the essay (you can nadfil). To put on the plastic part of the plug on the cable, you can now start a soldering. To the central revenue of the plug, we solder mono-coat, to the side - stranded twist. Last - enhance the capture around isolation.

Then you can simply turn the plastic tip, in can be poured with glue or a tok-cutting sealant (this is important). While the glue / sealant is not frozen, we quickly collect the plug (screw the plastic part), we remove the excess composition. So the plug will be almost eternal.

DVB-T2 TV antenna do it yourself: assembly

Now it remains to connect the cable and frame. Since we did not bind to a specific channel, we will fasten the cable to the midpoint. This will increase the broadband of the antenna - there will be more channels. Therefore, the second divided end of the cable solder to the two sides in the middle (those that cleaned and Ludili). Another difference from the "original version" - the cable is not necessary to circle on the frame and fall at the bottom. This will also expand the reception range.

The collected antenna can be checked. If the reception is normal, you can finish the assembly - pour the place of soldering sealant. If the reception is bad, try to start finding a place where it is best. If there are no positive changes, you can try to replace the cable. For ease of experiment, you can use the usual phone noodle. She is worth a penny. It is soldered to her plug and frame. Try with her. If "catches" is better - it's a bad cable. In principle, you can work on "noodle", but not long - it will quickly come into disrepair. Better, of course, put a normal antenna cable.

To protect the place of connecting the cable and the frame of the antenna from atmospheric influences, the place of the soldering can be cooled by the usual tape. But this is a way unreliable. If you don't forget, you can put out several shrink tubes before soldering, so that with their help to be insulated. But the most reliable way is to pour everything with glue or sealant (they should not carry out the current). As a "hull", it is possible to use covers for 5-6 liter cylinders with water, ordinary plastic roofs per cans, etc. In the right places, we make a deepening - the frame "smallele" in them, do not forget about the cable output. Fill the sealing composition, we wait until it grab. All, the TV antenna do it yourself for receiving digital television is ready.

Homemade Antenna Double and Triple Square

This is a narrowband antenna that is used if you need a weak signal. It can even help if a weaker signal is "clogged" more powerful. The only drawback is needed an accurate orientation to the source. The same design can be done to take digital television.

You can make five frames - for more confident reception
Painting or varnishing undesirable - the reception is worse. This is possible only in close proximity to the transmitter

The advantages of this design - the reception will be confident even at a considerable distance from the repeater. It will only be necessary to specifically find out the broadcast frequency, withstand the size of the framework and the matching device.

Design and materials

Make it from tubes or wire:

  • 1-5 TV Channel MV range - tube (copper, brass, aluminum) with a diameter of 10-20 mm;
  • 6-12 TV Channel MV range - tubes (copper, brass, aluminum) 8-15 mm;
  • DMB range - copper or brass wire with a diameter of 3-6 mm.

The antenna is a double square represents two frames connected by two arrows - top and bottom. Little frame - vibrator, large - reflector. Antenna consisting of three frames gives a greater gain. The third, smallest, square called the director.

The top arrow connects the middle of the frames, can be made of metal. Lower - from insulating material (textolite, ghettium, wooden plank). The frames should be installed so that their centers (dials of the crossing of diagonals) were on one straight line. And this direct should be sent to the transmitter.

Active frame - Vibrator - has an open circuit. Its ends are screwed to the textolite plate of 30 * 60 mm. If the frames are made from the tube, the edges are flattened, nor do the holes and the lower arrow is fixed through them.

Mast for this antenna should be wooden. In any case, the upper part of it. Moreover, the wooden part should begin at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the level of the antenna framework.


All sizes for the manufacture of this antenna TV are provided with their own hands in the tables. The first table is for a meter range, the second is for decimeter.

In three-frame antennas, the distance between the ends of the vibrator (medium) frames make more - 50 mm. The remaining sizes are given in the tables.

Connecting an active frame (vibrator) through a short-circuit loop

Since the frame is a symmetric device, and it is necessary to connect it to an asymmetrical coaxial antenna cable, you must match the device. In this case, the symmetric short-circuited loop is usually used. It is made of segments of antenna cable. The right segment is called "Clay", the left - "feeder". The cable, which goes to the TV is attached to the place of connection of the feeder and the plume. The length of the segments is selected based on the wavelength of the received signal (see the table).

A short segment of the wire (loop) is separated from one end, removing the aluminum screen and twisting the braid into a dense harness. Its central conductor can be cut off to isolation, as it does not play values. Seal and feeder. Here, too, remove the aluminum screen and twisted the braid into the harness, but the central conductor remains.

Further assembly happens like this:

  • The brace of the loop and the central feeder conductor are soldered to the left end of the active frame (vibrator).
  • Fider's braid solder to the right end of the vibrator.
  • The lower end of the loop (braid) is connected to the feeder braid with a rigid metal jumper (you can use the wire, just ensure good contact with the braid). In addition to electrical connection, it still sets the distance between the sections of the matching device. Instead of a metal jumper, you can be tied to the harness of the bottom of the loop of the lower part of the loop (remove the insulation on this site, delete the screen, fold in the harness). To ensure good contact, the harness is soldered with each other.
  • Cable pieces must be parallel. The distance between them is about 50 mm (some deviations are possible). Fixators from dielectric material are used to fix the distance. You can also attach the matching device to the textolite plate, for example.
  • The cable that goes to the TV is soldered to the bottom of the feeder. The braid is connected to the braid, the central conductor with the central conductor. To reduce the number of connections, the feeder and cable to the TV can be made uniform. Only in the place where the feeder must end. It is necessary to remove the isolation so that the jumper can be installed.

This matching device allows you to get rid of the interference, a vague contour, the second blurred image. Especially it is commemorated at a large distance from the transmitter when the signal will be clogged with interference.

Another version of the triple square

In order not to connect a short-circuit loop, the triple square antenna vibrator is elongated. In this case, you can connect the cable directly to the frame as shown in the figure. Only the height on which the antenna wire sold is determined in each case individually. After assembly, the antenna is carried out "tests". Connect the cable to the TV, the central conductor and the braid move up / down, achieving the best image. In that position, where the picture will be the clearer, solder outlets of an antenna cable, the place of the soldering isolate. The position can be any - from the bottom jumper, to the location of the transition to the frame.

Sometimes one antenna does not give the desired effect. The signal is obtained by a weak image - black and white. In this case, the standard solution is to install a television signal amplifier.

The most simple antenna for giving - from metal cans

For the manufacture of this television antenna, except the cable, there will be only two aluminum or tin cans and a piece of a wooden plank or a plastic pipe. Banks must be metallic. You can take beer aluminum, can be tin. The main condition is that the walls are even (not ribbed).

Banks are washed and dried. The end of the coaxial wire is divided - twisting braids and clearing the central core of isolation receive two conductors. They are fixed to banks. If you can, you can solder. No - take two small self-press with flat hats (you can "fleece" for drywall), at the ends of the conductors twist the loop, they have merged with a screw from the washer installed on it, screw to the bank. Just before this it is necessary to clean the metal banks - removing the flare with the help of sandpaper with thin grain.

Banks are fixed on the bar. The distance between them is selected individually - at the best picture. You should not hope for a miracle - in normal quality there will be one or two channels, and maybe there is no ... depends on the position of the repeater, the "purity" of the corridor, how correctly the antenna is oriented ... But as an emergency entry is a great option.

Simple antenna for Wi-Fi from metal cans

The antenna for receiving the Wi-Fi signal can also be made from the girlfriend - from the canning can. This TV antenna can be collected for half an hour. This is if everything is slow. The bank must be made of metal, with even walls. Great and narrow cans are excellent. If you put a homemade antenna on the street, find the jar with a plastic lid (as in the photo). The cable take an antenna, coaxial, resistance of 75 ohm.

In addition to banks and cables, it will be necessary:

  • rF-N radio frequency connector;
  • a piece of copper or brass wire with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 40 mm;
  • cable with a socket suitable for a Wi-Fi map or adapter.

Wi-Fi transmitters operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz with a long wave of 124 mm. So, it is desirable to choose the bank to choose such that its height is at least 3/4 wavelengths. For a given case, it is better that it be more than 93 mm. The diameter of the jar should be as close as possible to half the wavelength - 62 mm for this channel. Some deviations can be, but the closer to the ideal - the better.

Sizes and assembly

When assembling a jar make a hole. It must be positioned strictly at the desired point. Then the signal will enhance several times. It depends on the diameter of the selected jar. All parameters are shown in the table. Measure exactly the diameter of your jar, find the desired line, have all the desired dimensions.

D - diameterLower border of attenuationUpper border of attenuationLG.1/4 LG.3/4 LG.
73 mm2407.236 3144.522 752.281 188.070 564.211
74 mm 2374.706 3102.028 534.688 133.672 401.016
75 mm 2343.043 3060.668 440.231 110.057 330.173
76 mm 2312.214 3020.396 384.708 96.177 288.531
77 mm2282.185 2981.170 347.276 86.819 260.457
78 mm2252.926 2942.950 319.958 79.989 239.968
79 mm 2224.408 2905.697 298.955 74.738 224.216
80 mm2196.603 2869.376 282.204 070.551 211.653
81 mm 2169.485 2833.952 268.471 67.117 201.353
82 mm 2143.027 2799.391 256.972 64.243 192.729
83 mm2117.208 2765.664 247.178 61.794 185.383
84 mm 2092.003 2732.739 238.719 59.679 179.039
85 mm2067.391 2700.589 231.329 57.832 173.497
86 mm2043.352 2669.187 224.810 56.202 168.607
87 mm2019.865 2638.507 219.010 54.752 164.258
88 mm1996.912 2608.524 213.813 53.453 160.360
89 mm1974.475 2579.214 209.126 52.281 156.845
90 mm1952.536 2550.556 204.876 51.219 153.657
91 mm1931.080 2522.528 201.002 50.250 150.751
92 mm1910.090 2495.110 197.456 49.364 148.092
93 mm1889.551 2468.280 194.196 48.549 145.647
94 mm1869.449 2442.022 191.188 47.797 143.391
95 mm1849.771 2416.317 188.405 47.101 141.304
96 mm1830.502 2391.147 185.821 46.455 139.365
97 mm1811.631 2366.496 183.415 45.853 137.561
98 mm1793.145 2342.348 181.169 45.292 135.877
99 mm1775.033 2318.688 179.068 44.767 134.301

The procedure for such:

You can do without RF connector, but everything is much easier with it - it is easier to set the emitter vertically up, connect the cable to the router (router) or Wi-Fi map.

The appearance of personal computers led to the extrusion of large EUs such as EU. In our country, computing centers, acquiring personal computers, immediately dismantled and threw a large computer just to the landfill.

Many details that are part of the evacuated computer, our cuty people found a use. This appeared a simple antenna, made on the basis of an aluminum disk of the magnetic memory of the EU EU "row", which was in due time widespread in our immense country.

And now, after 10 years after the "glorious" restructuring in our country, an antenna can be purchased on the market at an affordable price. Because of its ease of design, in combination with good characteristics, the antenna was widespread and truly became a folk structure.

Antenna design

This antenna is a disk with an external diameter of 356 mm, inner - 170 mm and a thickness of 1 mm, in which it was made with a width of 10 mm (Fig. 1.d).

A printing board of a glass plate with a thickness of 1 mm (Fig. 1.6) is installed on the breakfast. In this board there are two holes for attaching antenna screws M3.

Fig. 1. The design of the television antenna from the aluminum disk of the Magnetic memory of the computer (A) and the mounting plate connected to it (6).

The pinches attached to the antenna, the conclusions of the matching transformer and the reduction cable are soldered. Analysis of the quality of work showed that its work is largely determined by the presence of a matching transformer T1 (Fig. 2).

For a transformer, it is best to use a ring core with an outer diameter of 6 ... 10 mm, internal - 3 ... 7 mm and a thickness of 2 ... 3 mm.

Fig. 2. Scheme of a matching transformer of a television antenna from an aluminum disk.

The transformer winding is wound with a single-core insulated wire with a core diameter of 0.2 ... 0.25 mm and have the same number of turns, from 2 to 3 turns. The length of the ropes of coils is approximately 20 mm.

If there is such a transformer, it is possible to receive in meter and decimeter ranges at a distance of 25 ... 30 km from television center. When the telecentra is removed, up to 50 km, the antenna with the transformer operates satisfactorily only on decimeter channels.

With a distance of more than 50 km from the transmitting broadcaster, the reception quality is turned out to be bad. Without a matching transformer, the reception range of television programs on the antenna is reduced by two times. In this case, the image has two times and its clarity is lost. The reason lies in the inconsistency of the antenna and the reduction cable, the antenna has a symmetric output, and the cable is asymmetrical.


Practice shows that it is possible to significantly improve the quality of reception on this antenna and without a matching transformer. To do this, it is necessary to collect an antenna of two disks and connect a decrease cable directly to the antenna outputs (Fig. 3).

Constructively, such an antenna is performed from two disks with a rating of 10 mm wide, which are connected by two mounting plates from a double-sided foil fibercstolide with a size of 30x90 mm.

The compound can be performed by plates from one-sided foil fiberglass, brass or copper with a thickness of 0.5 ... 1 mm. 8 screws m3 or m4 are used to connect the discs.

Fig. 3. The design of the TV antenna from two aluminum disks of the Magnetic memory of the computer without a matching transformer.

The central cable vein is falling to point 1, and the braid is to the point 2. The quality of reception of television signals to the antenna with two disks is higher than with one disk, which is noticeably especially on a high distance from television center.

Literature: V.M. Pestrikov - the encyclopedia of the radio amateur.

Comfortable high-frequency (HF) connectors, splitters and "adapters" today do not surprise anyone. Moreover, it is strange that they appeared for mass use by radio amateurs relatively recently, although there are decades in professional activities, especially in radio amenia. Such RF accessories were attached earlier to radio-measuring devices in the composition of the supplies and zip kits, which was caused by "solid-calibration" of the input and weekend RF connectors, geometry of coaxial cables and, to some extent, care about the comforts of operation and experiments. With their standardization, the situation has improved, but problems remain - in the West, the inch dimension of the thread and diameters are used, and we have metric. Therefore, so far the RF accessories do not always "join", generating significant inconvenience, for example, when using externally identical CP and BNC connectors. But it lasted for long, for and suppliers and consumers, including radio amateurs, almost shortly switched to "external" standards of HF accessories and cable products.

Something similar, but for other tasks, takes place in a wide variety of technical directions, for example, in plumbing. Here, there are also tubular (hose) connectors for different diameters and threads, adapters from "Threads A" on "Thread B", couplings, carbon, plugs, splitters, filters, fittings.

Many citizens face this by installing water consumption counters, gas, modern plumbing, boiler room and gas equipment, changing outdated mixers, valves, etc.

Overly to remind that the use of standard accessories is more convenient, significantly technological than the traditional soldering or metal welding, although not always cheaper - bayonet or threaded compounds, welding plastics allow you to quickly and reliably install by aggregating almost any "scheme", dictated by functional intended.

It should be noted that sanitary accessories for metal and plastic pipelines are different based on materials and the principle of articulation - the carving and welding of plastics, respectively. Therefore, before their acquisition, the question should be further learned to avoid unnecessary material costs.

Properties of reliability and technological attributes are drawn to the construction of apt / violation of antennas and feeder devices, where you can successfully apply accessories of both species. Wherein
It is necessary to keep in the field of attention the main question - conducting the material of the emitter.

Suppose it is required to mount the magnetic frame antenna "Magnetic Loop". The radio amateurs know that the basic difficulty of this case is the selection of a rigid antenna ring support relative to a large diameter, which uses sports hoops (dural, polyethylene) and even rim a bicycle wheel. However, with such solutions, it is not possible to vary the design diameter, because it is initially set. It does not allow the desired antenna size in most cases, for the designer is deprived of such an opportunity "initial conditions". A fan strips of wood are used, for example, by type of circular zigzag antenna, but they occupy a certain area, "loading" space, and are unstable according to geometry, parameters.

It is much more convenient to use plumbing connectors and other accessories as an "antenna designer". The tubular sanitary connector (TCC) is a segment of a flexible tube, a solid or corrugated cylindrical metal (copper, stainless steel) or plastic. Plastic TCCs are often reinforced by outer mesh braid from wire with anti-corrosion coating. The TCC is equipped with two tips "Nest" - "pin" with internal and external thread 1/2 "(about 12mm), respectively. Speed \u200b\u200bseveral TCC, we get the desired size; In this case, the structures can be given the form of a broken line, circle or polygon.

It is preferable to use, of course, the TCC from copper tubes, because the antenna "Magnetic Loop" is inherent in large currents. A shortened design may contain "inserts" of plastic TCC, if planned in the body of the emitter, use ladders, spiral or loop-type extensions, a setup condenser. In such a scheme, plastic TCCs are used as frames of inductor coils, spirals or looping modules, as well as dielectric gaps. The meaning of our constructions is to ensure the rigidity and manufacturability of the assembly of antenna structures in the process of experiments, research and, after achieving success, fix the result.

The figure shows the antenna of the ART 073 Trapped Balcony Antenna 10-15-20-40 M model manufactured by Eco Antenne, Italy, on position.

Without going into the details of its assignment to a specific type of shortened antennas (curved dipol or 0.25l pin, frame with the inclusion of trap and telescopic trimming section), we see that it is easily repeated from the elements of our "antenna designer" as a possible type of geometry. At the same time, the cost of the antenna is an order of magnitude decreases and the efficiency of variation of sizes in wider limits is acquired.

The following figure shows a balcony vertical antenna VE3IVM-L range of VHF in the working position, as easily implemented on the basis of plumbing accessories, including inclined counterweights.

The design feature is the need for a base dielectric splitter and an external connection of grounded antenna parts. No less convenient is the assembly and installation of the antennas of Yagi and the antennas of other species. Of course, there are cases of lack of necessary fragments of chosen geometry as part of the "designer", for example, fastening elements, fixation, isolation, but this is the usual design practice solved by the radio amateur in real conditions. These elements can be found in the nomenclature of accessories for the wiring of household electrical networks (polyethylene brackets, grips, clamps, etc.).

It is appropriate to recall that the TCC compounds must be performed without sealing pads that should be removed from the cape chops and remove the threaded tips from the body. Special attention should be paid to the docking of the TCC with selected coaxial connectors (PL, SO, BNC). With careful performing threaded connections using wrench keys, the electrical parameters of the completed antenna structures are no different from their soldered (welded) analogs.
Create, colleagues! 73!

To make Teleantenna, you will need:
- aluminum or copper wire;
- antenna connector;
- wood;
- 2 cycling rims;
- board;
- plastic sewer pipe;
- plastic pipes;
- carpentry or plumbing tools.

The wire must be single-core, but at the same time quite thick. The perfect option is a television cable, but it is not always at hand.

If television center is close

In exceptional cases, when the telecentre is located close to the reception point, it is possible to receive a signal to a piece of wire. Take 1.5 m thick aluminum wire, clean up approximately 1 cm from one end, using the thickness of the central socket of the antenna connector of the TV. Stick the wire into the connector. Turning the wire vertically or horizontally, bending it at different points and empirically by adjusting the length, adjust the antenna to the television station. This method is suitable when the distance to the television center does not exceed 1 km.

Universal antenna

In other cases, it will be necessary to make a special antenna. One of the main requirements for Teleantenna is its broadband. Make a broadband type "Dipole" type can be made of remedies. Such antenna will consist of two vibrators. So that it was broadband, their area should be big. Take 2 rims from the bike wheels with the knitting wheels and secure them on an insulating beam so that the distance between the edges of the rims was about 50 cm. You can apply a segment of the sewer plastic pipe as such a beam (preferably from light plastic, it has better insulation properties), wooden The board (in this case, take care of the insulation, because the wet tree can carry out the current), any other insulating material of sufficient size and strength.

Using screws or rivets, make taps from each of the rims. Connect the taps to the TV using a two-wire line. This method is suitable for televisions with high-wing input (200 Ohm). But most often, televisions are equipped with a coaxial entrance by 75-50 ohms, to connect your antenna to such a TV, you will need a coarse transformer. It is made from segments of a coaxial cable. Connecting it to the TV is also made using a coaxial cable. Not only wheels from the old bicycle are suitable as the dipole vibrators. You can apply, for example, sports aluminum hoops and any other items of suitable shape and size. Such antenna has a focus, so it needs to be brought to television center.

On this page, I posted a detailed photo instruction for the manufacture of a pin antenna for VHF band transmitters, without understanding the essence of the transmission of radio signals by air. However, the article presents the calculation of the length of the quarter-wave pin antenna.

The quarter-wave pin antenna of the VHF-range (in the world of security alarms is simply "pins") costs rubles 200-300, retail. C.Nord's branded antennas are called CN AGV and sold in various sizes (pin length adjusts to the frequency frequency). Since such antennas are calculated on radio transmitters a largely wide frequency range (146-174 MHz), then it is necessary to initially select the antenna of the desired size or adjust (to bite up too much, but not to increase, in which case change to another antenna). "Bite" is sometimes superfluous from the pin antenna during the switching of an object from one chop to another, because the frequency of the transmitter changes and the signals from the pin of incorrect length are bad.

Now we essentially make a copy of the antenna CN AGV, but we will do it at a specific frequency.

All begins preparation of the required material, tools and with the length of the pin length, under the frequency of 163 325 kHz (I chose the frequency for an example, which chop does not know on it).

For a homemade pin antenna, we will need a tool: soldering iron, hairdryer (can gas lighter, nippers, sandpaper; Material: galvanized wire 2-4 mm in diameter, solder, soldering acid, PL-259 connector, shrink tube.

Let's return to the calculations. On the notebook painted in detail how the length of the quarter-wave pin antenna is calculated. You should also know that the length of the pin antenna is measured from the end of the PL-259 connector washer.

As a result, after all calculations, we understand that the length of the pin, taking into account the solder of the PL-259 connector, should be 49.9 cm. For the pin I use the usual galvanized wire with a thickness of 2-4 mm. It is rigid enough to serve a pin antenna.

Wash a piece of wire so that it becomes smooth. The quality of the antenna depends on this, so it will be even better if you manage to find a suitable thickness of a tougher metal pin / wire / needle.

We try on how to go to the connector of our wire. If it does not enter, as in our case, then you pull the / squeeze the end of the wire using the "sandwich", but exactly so much how much the end should go into the connector.

Surrerage how "will" enter "the pin in the plug

A screwdriver got on my eyes, so it was quick to sharpen the end of the wire quickly:

After the end of the wire began to freely enter the pl-259 connector stop sharpening. It will be even better if it will tightly enter the central hole of the connector.

That part of the wire, which enters the central plug of the connector, it is necessary to be treated with soldering acid and suck with tin.

To put the VHF plug on the release end and note that part of the wire that will touch the puck connector. It is possible to insulate this part from the washer as best as possible, using a heat shrinkage as shown in the figure and in the photo.

The whole pin is also insulated with another shrink tube, because the antenna is essentially isolated.

Isolation of "dangerous" sites. In these places, central lives can move with a common wire

Now the plug can be soldered. After soldering, it is necessary to "ring" a multimeter there is no short circuit between the central residential and the PL-259 plug nut.

Now the antenna is ready, you can insert it into a radio transmitter. Be sure the signals from such an antenna will "fly" to the repeater / base receiver.