How to get a cachek for buying clothes in the BEFREE online store. Cashback for the purchase of clothing and shoes 5% per annum on the cumulative account

The generosity of banks, which gives you the opportunity to eat Nakhalyava, is a cache-cached food. Maps with such a function allow you to make daily food purchases, and in return to receive a refund of a small amount. On average, the reimbursement is from 1% to 1.5% of spending. But there are rare special offers from banks that save up to 20%.

Cashback is a popular option of bank cards, which provides for a refund of a portion of the assigned funds to the main card account. The presence and size of the CashBack is the third largest criterion (after the cost of annual service and interest percent on the balance of own funds), to which customers pay attention when choosing a debit card.

The demand for card cards has always been great, and this causes a broad offer from banks. There are proposals with a refund for any non-cash purchases, there are those that are focused on certain spending, for example, in salons, on and or in restaurants.

Return of money for acquired food has become the most popular among banking clients belonging to the average segment. Statistics says that today 6 out of 10 Russians spend on food more than half of their monthly income.

For banks, such a customer stimulation policy also gives its results. According to a study, non-cash payment for food products in stores 2.5 times exceed by cash.

Cards with cachek

The biggest waste of any person is food. Therefore, the majority of those who are looking for cards with Cachebank are primarily looking at the cachek in supermarkets (then a gas station). We suggest to see what banks and large product networks offer.

Card loyalty of certain networks

This is non-bank plastics that allow you to accumulate and spend bonuses or points with each purchase. All major networks have their own regular customer cards or bonus cards:

  • in pyaterochka
  • Map of Permanent Buyer Tape
  • Map of Permanent Buyer Okay
  • and etc.

Cobrand bank cards with food networks

The meticulum will ask, and is it possible to use a permanent buyer and a co-brand card at the same time, so that the points are hosted and there and there. We answer - everywhere in different ways. For some cards, bonuses are summed up, for some reason. Banks and food networks are also not fools to pay twice. Each card must be performed in the conditions.

Cobrand maps with cache products for food (maximum cache):

Map Okay Rosbank

The following cachemback scale on the network of stores was introduced on the map.

  • 7% if this amount of the purchase is at least 3000 rubles;
  • 5% if this amount of the purchase from 1000 to 2999.99 rubles;
  • 2%, if this purchase amount is up to 999.99 rubles.

Cacheback is charged as points: 1 point \u003d 1 ruble. Also, 1% is charged for any other purchases. Maximum month bank will pay 3000 points. The cost of service is 150r per month, but you can not pay if you spend over 10 thousand per month, to receive sn-from 20 to 50 thousand, or stored in an account over 50 thousand.

There is percentages on the residue - 4% with a residue less than 50 thousand and 5% if the rest is more than 50 thousand.

Alpha Bank intersection map

The map introduced the following cachemback scale in the network stores of the intersection:

  • 3% for purchases in network supermarkets
  • 7% for purchases in network supermarkets category "Favorite purchases"
  • 1% for any other purchases
  • 2000 Gift points.

Cashback is charged in the form of points, which are then exchanged in any store of the intersection at the rate of 1 point \u003d 1 ruble. The cost of service is 490r per year, and at the same time it is necessary to make at least one of the tariffs, which is also paid: the option "Economy" is 89r per month. Symbolic interest accrual on the residue -1% per year.

Map Pyaterochka Post-Bank

The map introduced the following cachemback scale on the network stores Pyaterochka

  • 2% cachekka when shopping over 555 rubles
  • 1.5% cachekka when shopping less than 555 rubles
  • Gift scores - 2500
  • Maximum cachex per month 100 thousand points per year (equivalent to 10 000r)

Cacheback is charged in the form of points at a rate of 10 points \u003d 1 ruble. Release and maintenance card free. There is an accrual of interest on the residue from 3% to 7% per annum.

Map of the intersection of Tinkoff Bank

Another co-brand card operating in the network stores of the intersection. Cashback Next:

  • 4% Cashback when paying on the site
  • 3% cachek when paying in network stores
  • 1% cachek at any other purchases
  • 4000 welcome points after the first purchase

Here 10 points correspond 1 ruble. There is percentages to the residue.

Alphabet Map Tinkoff Bank

Acts in all stores of ABC taste AB Market or Ab Daily. There are 2 types of WORLD and Black Edition cards, cachek is different in them.

  • 5% / 6% cachek in network stores
  • 1% cachek for all other purchases

There are bonus rewards

Map Rafejisenbank

The map introduced the following cachemback scale on the tape store chain:

  • 5% discount on all goods in network stores
  • 5% cachek if the amount of purchase over 5000r
  • 3% cachek if the amount of purchase is 3000-4999
  • 1% cachek if the purchase amount is less than 3000r

Cacheback plus discount is summed up. But 5% discount + 5% cachek is not equal to 10%, but a little more than 9%. Mathematics from Cap)

Cashback is charged in the form of points at a rate of 1 point \u003d 1 ruble. The release of the card costs 300r, the service is free. Percent for the balance of funds is not provided. Maximum cachex per month - 1500 points.

Cards with cachekkom in any supermarkets

Here Cashback is lower than that of the co-brand cards, there are additional buns, such as elevated cachekki in other categories, and most importantly - there is no binding to a specific network. And food most often includes: meat, alcoholic and pastry stores. Here there is where to raise purchases.

Debit cards with maximum cachemback in any supermarkets:

It gives 5% cachek when paying in any supermarkets, but the maximum per month can be returned only 1000 rubles. Cashback 1% with any other purchases, the amount of cachek monthly here without restrictions. There is percentages on the residue - also 5%. Service cost - 500r per year.

Card Space Rosurobank

Cashback on food food - 5% within the framework of the selected category (instead you can choose shopping, auto, travel, restaurants). Monthly maintenance 91P for increased cachek 5% + 99r per plastic itself (either 0, purchases for the month more than 20 thousand, the rest over 25 thousand). Cashback to other purchases - 1%. Maximum cachebk per month - 2500r.

Map All Inclusive Promsvyazbank

Cashback in supermarkets and restaurants - 3%. Other categories such as gas station, air, cruises, railway tickets, clothing and shoes, repair products - 5% (in fact, it's a cachek for everything). Service 150r monthly, or free if you support 50 thousand on the residue.

Cashback 2% in supermarkets and hypermarkets as part of the choice of favorite category. At the same time, to select this category, you need to spend over 5000r in any other category in the previous month. Service cost - 250P per month or free if you spend over 30 thousand or stored over 50 thousand. Percentages are provided for the residue to 6.5% per annum.

Cashback strongly depends on spending. So, to the category "All purchases" (here also includes food) Cashback will be 2% if you spend more than 75 thousand per month. 1.5% when spending 15-75 thousand, and 1% with spends less than 15 thousand. A good option, if you consider that for the gas station for the same costs, 10% cachek can be obtained. About Cashback on the gas station will be lower. Interest on the rest of the multicart to 6% per annum. Service cost is 249P per month or free if spending was more than 15 thousand or balance on the map more than 15 thousand. Maximum how much the bank can return in the form of cachek - 15 thousand a month, which is a record among other proposals.

Map Deli Neva

The map provides cachek 2% in any supermarkets, food and alcoholic stores, in meat and confectionery shops. Maximum cachex per month - 2000 rubles. Cost service Card - 990r per year.

Cashback for all purchases, including food - 1.5% (when spending for a month over 30 thousand), or 1% (when spending a month less than 30 thousand + 299r per month for service). Interest on the residue from 2% to 5% per annum. Maximum cachex per month 5000r.

Cacheback in the form of "Thank you" bonuses - 1.5% for payment in supermarkets. 5% when paying in cafes and restaurants. Annual service - 4900r.

Young people want to dress in stylish trend things, but not all of them have money to buy expensive clothes of famous brands. If you are from their number, it is for you created russian Youth Brand Befree.

The company has a task to ensure democratic prices for their products that should meet fashion trends. Therefore, in the proposed assortment of the official store, the bifims are quite realistic to find beautiful jeans or dresses up to 1 thousand rubles.

Under the brand befree there is a network of 200 stores In such Russian cities, like Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Samara, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Saratov, Volgograd and others. The company also has been operating in Kazakhstan (Atyrau, Astana, Almaty), in Ukraine (Zaporizhia, Kiev, Lviv, Odessa) and in Belarus (Grodno, Minsk).

On the domain there is an official online store. It is most profitable to make purchases exactly online, since the site shows the largest range of products - more than 10 thousand models. Also, the site is easiest to track and take part in a variety of promotions.

Ways to deliver and pay garments

To its customers, the online store BE FREE delivers orders in the following ways:

  • for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, delivery is available with the following couriers of the company DHL. Parcel can maximize 4 things. Only parts of the order are redeemed;
  • courier services of companies DHL and DPD. In the capital to deliver the order takes up to 2 business days, in the regions - 3-10 days;
  • in Pickpoint's posts, from where the parcel can be taken at a convenient time;
  • through Russian Post Office. The longest way, since the delivery may take up to 28 days.

You can make payment for the order:

  • in cash at the time of receipt from the courier or in Picpoint posts;
  • cash on delivery in the departments of banks on the details of the store;
  • visa / Mastercard cards in posts or online on the site;
  • through the ApplePay payment system.

Clothing catalog in Befree

The online store provides clothing, shoes and accessories developed by our own experts and manufactured by the company. It has already been mentioned above that the range exceeds 10 thousand items.

In bifri, the catalog of clothing, shoes and accessories is distributed between 2 main categories. Depending on the floor of the buyer, he should look into sections with a male or female assortment. New products are also exhibited in the New category.

Among the shoes and clothing in the Catalog of the bi fries the visitor will be able to choose:

  • for women - skirts, sweatshirts, pants, dresses, coats, jackets, overalls, swimsuits, underwear, scarves, gloves, hats, jackets, hair accessories and telephones, mugs, glasses, water bottles. Among the shoes you can choose shoes, sneakers, sneakers, shoes;

  • for men - T-shirts, pants, semi-trap, coat, jeans, shirts, shorts, underwear, glasses, hats, bags, backpacks, scarves.

To make the most convenient search by product assortment, there are special tools within each category - filters. They allow us to sort products for their intended purpose, price, color, size. With the help of an additional drop-down list, you can sort products in popularity, increasing / decreasing prices, novelty.

In the upper right corner there is a search string. With it, you can quickly find goods on a key query or article. It is worth only to insert a name and press the Enter key, as the entire available range of products appears on the screen.

Promotions and discounts on BEFREE clothing

Lovers of fashionable things we advise you to look close to the shares that are held on the official website of the Bifri clothing site. For example, you just need to look into section The main thing menu Sale. The trading platform often conducts interseasonous sales, and this is a very good way to save a decent amount of money. Discount for goods From the category Sale can even exceed 50% of the initial price.

Every 7 days on the official website Befree choose the goods of the week on which a significant discount in the amount of 50% is provided. Banner with this promotion can be found on the main page of the site. At the time of writing the article, such a big discount was provided to a women's jacket that was sold on 1999 rubles. instead of 3999 rubles.

All other active promotions can be found in the basement of the site, where the "Shares" tab is located. Going through it, the user will be able to familiarize themselves with all possible options for obtaining a discount or gift. For example, from 19 to 21 October, the action "1 + 1 \u003d 3" was carried out. It was possible to choose 3 any product, but to pay only for 2 of them. The third got free. The whole range participated in the promotion.

Separately it is worth mentioning about bonus programwhich operates for registered users. To become a member of the club, you need to bind your mobile phone number to the virtual bonus card. With each purchase client independently can choose, accumulate bonuses or pay them to pay (You can select only one option).

With each purchase on the bonus account, 5% of the purchase costs are accrued. Each accrued score is equal to 1 ruble. For bonuses you can pay up to 30% of the purchase. The maximum number of points you can use are shown in the online shopping cart when placing an order.

There is in the store bi fries gift cards With an unlimited period of action. They can be purchased and in love with loved ones or friends, and they themselves will make out the cards themselves. The nominal gift cards does not have the set values \u200b\u200band is determined by the user. There is only a restriction on the minimum value - it should exceed the amount of 100 rubles.

Cacheback in Befree

You can save when purchases in a fashionable online store, and by receiving cachek. There are still few users about this version of discounts, although it is available to everyone. Provide Cashback Special Sites - Cashback Services.

The task of such sites is to attract visitors to the websites of online stores. If the user has already tried purchases with Cachebank and arranged the quality of the previously purchased goods, he will return to the store already through the cachek service. When an order is issued, an online store will pay a commission to such a resource.

Of the money earned, about 50% of the funds are spent on the payment of cachek. When the levels of loyalty program reaches the share of the client share with time can rise to 65-70%.

It turns out that the client when using the Cashback service services acquires the products you need at the same price as if he had directly visited the site of the trading platform. So why pay more if you can get cachek?

Provide Cashback in bifri many cachek services. The best of them by reliability are shown in the table.

Cachek-service Commission,% Promotions Befree
Secret Discounter.5 there is
ePN CashBack

Instructions, how to buy in Befree with Cashbank

We suggest to deal with the order of the user who will allow him to get cachek for purchases in Bi Fries. As an example, use the Secret Discounter. This cachek service can be opened directly from the table above.

After downloading the site, the first thing the user will need to register. To do this, it is enough for him to press one of the buttons, as shown in the figure.

When the form pops up, it will be necessary to insert e-mail. For the password there are 2 fields to avoid errors from the client. Next you need to clap the cursor over the button. Also for registration, you can use the available accounts on social networks.

After entering data, you need to go to e-mail and find a letter from the cachek service. It will contain a reference to verify the account. Following the link, the user will confirm the e-mail belonging.

You can also search in the cache-service catalog. For this, the cursor is guided by the "Online Stores" tab. When a list with categories appears, you need to choose "Clothing and shoes" → "Clothing".

A list of 270 online stores will open. To simplify the search, you can take advantage of the convenient tool for sorting by alphabet. Just pressing the Latin "B" so that the list is significantly reduced. Next you can open the Befree page.

On the store's page in the "All Tariffs and Conditions" block, you can familiarize yourself with the available Cacheback rates. Here is also a description of the trading platform, the instructions for receiving cachek, the form of tracking orders from the store, the calculator for calculating the return amount. The transition to the store occurs after clicking on the yellow button.

Next will open an online store. Due to the cookie files, the trading platform will be understood where the buyer came from. As soon as the order is made, the money will be displayed on the Personal Account of the user in the cachek service. For confirmation of the shopping from the store on average, up to 34 days. Further money becomes available for output.

How to activate bifri promo

It was previously mentioned that Secret Discounter offers its customers to use Procommodi bi fries. They can be found on the page of the online store in Cashback service. Also, all available promotional generations can be viewed if you insert the name of the trading platform into the search string and switch to the Promkhodod tab.

Coupons are 2 species:

  1. Require copying special code, which is then used to recalculate the cost of products when placing an order.
  2. Activate discount without code.

At the time of writing the article, only promotion products for the second type bi fries were proposed. They are simply activated - just click on the yellow button. An online store will open in the new tab, and the inscription on the page will appear about the activation of the coupon.

Purchase of clothes and shoes on the Internet has become popular for several years ago, and today this approach can generally be boldly to record in trends.

Moreover, the consumer's circle is so wide that the network is ordered by clothes, like premium class, stamps such as Puma, Nike or Rob Art and economical options with world auctions such as eBay or Aliexpress.

All of the above stores, as well as dozens of others there are in the catalog of our service. And we can guarantee you favorable purchases. Not just profitable, but you can safely say more favorable, because we guarantee you a refund of your money after purchase, as well as participation in numerous actions and special offers.

The most important and most profitable thing is that we offer you - this is clothes and shoes with Cashbank in all the most popular online stores.

Shares of all online stores and shoes in one place!

Regardless of what kind of clothing or shoes you are planning to purchase, discounts on clothes and shoes from our service will make purchases more affordable and give you the opportunity to buy more expensive things.

A completely any trading enterprise specializing in the sale of goods through Internet channels is forced to obey the generally accepted laws of marketing policy.

And therefore, it is necessary to maintain a high level of turnover and continuously expand. If the company does not grow, it will be absorbed by competitors that do not stop only on maintaining the same level of demand.

The best method of maintaining the constant interest of customers to the company's goods in particular and to the brand as a whole is the holding of various promotional activities, among which the promotional sales occupies, perhaps first place.

Buyers get to buy goods in the online boutique on the promotion - clothes, shoes, accessories and the mass of indispensable trifles become much more affordable. What causes ultimately improving brand awareness. What, actually every company seeks today. So if you need clothes and shoes, shares of brands - exactly what you need!

Shares in clothing and shoe stores are usually carried out in the form of mass distribution of coupons and industrial products, each of which gives the buyer certain preferences.

Our service, in particular, specializes in the formation of consistently high traffic for stores that are our partners through the provision of a client audience of information on fresh coupons and promotional. This is in principle possible because we have been in the market for a long time, we are Cashback-Service No. 1, we cooperate more than 8 hundred most popular online stores and we know and appreciate.

And for sellers - we are one of the most operational ways to bring information to consumers.

As soon as the company decides on the release of a new series of coupons or promotions, it immediately notifies us about it. We, in turn, immediately place the latest rooms on your site. In addition, to cover even more customers, we post information on social networks in the Cashfobrand Group. Thus, that for example, Lacoste shop laid out fresh promotional products to buy polo or shoes at once, thousands of people will immediately form a surge of client interest, so appreciated by sellers.

To customers in order to get a discount on the goods just just make sure that our new offer is valid for the goods they wish to purchase. After that, during the purchase of purchases, you must specify the number of the coupon or promotion directly before paying the goods. Discount will be granted instantly!

In addition to shares, we offer all our clients to use discounts from cachefobrands, which, unlike promotion proposals, act constantly.

How to properly use and extract the maximum benefit from each purchase of clothes or shoes, we will tell you just below. In the meantime, we will also be confronted what we can use stocks at the same time, and discounts, which is generally almost not found anywhere else. Think ourselves - one purchase, and two discounts! Did you hear about this? We are not too!

The best discounts on clothes and shoes with cachefobrands!

Now about discounts from cachefobrand. The most stable and popular way to receive a discount when making purchases with the support of our service is Cashback - the amount of money returned to you after transferring money to the seller.

Immediately let's say that in order to obtain a cachek, several simple conditions must be observed. But in general, the procedure looks roughly as follows:

  • First of all, you need to register on our portal. It is quite simple. You will need to specify some data and email address, which will then need to confirm. All actions will take a maximum of 2-3 minutes of your time and will require several keypad presses.
  • After you create an account to the site, find the page on our portal dedicated to the shoe store you are interested in. Boldly go to it.
  • Once on the page of your store, pay attention to the major inscription "Go to the store". Under this inscription, the affiliate link is hiding to go to the store. A few words about partnership. Here the whole thing is that only because of the fact that our service is a partner of mass Internet boutiques possible to receive a discount for our visitors in the form of cachek. We - we generate traffic for the store. Store, in case we qualitatively performed your work undertakes and returns money to our customers. So it works. So, go to the store where you plan to make purchases.
  • At the time of the transition to your screen, the inscription will appear - "now you are charged cachek for each purchase." This means that the system identified you as a participant in the program of discounts from cachefobrand.
  • You can safely switch to the selection and payment of purchases.

Of course, all the funds you get in the form of cachek will first be inside our accounting system, but it should not disturb you. We have a lot of ways to bring them into free appeal to your personal accounts in electronic or banking systems.

Repeat, only cachefobrand allows you to simultaneously benefit from cachek and coupons, giving your visitors to truly large discounts on clothes and shoes.

Do not miss the chance to buy clothes and footwear with a profit! Start now!

Hello, dear friends.

In the modern world, we are almost every day we meet offers from leading brands about Cachebek for purchases.

Understandable, everyone who ever seen sites with shoes, clothes, wondered to return at least part of the tools spent.

Today I will tell you on which sites of Cashbek do it is the easiest way and how to save the money spent to the maximum through the cards with the return of money from banks.

This English word literally climbs from all the slots - TV, Internet, billboards advertising and posters.

It is translated quite easily and simply ("Cash" - money, "back" - back), which, however, is not surprising.

It turns out that in many clothes stores you can get cachek

You can return my "money back" on any modern discount site through Cashback, the benefit of this marketing part services compete with each other not the first year. After all, everyone wants to save at least a part spent on the purchase of funds.

How is the activation of cachek in online stores?

First of all, making purchases, in no case do not forget that on sites offering customers with clothing or shoes, there are always 2-3 additional shares that stimulate the growth of the client's interest.

In general, the shares are a little wrong, what I will tell today, but it can be called the savings.

In general, in any online store, look for a link like "shares" or "discounts". Either - "Special Offers". Something in any case will be with discounted goods or discount positions.

Never be lazy to check your favorite sites for such things, for they also save your money.

But each sweeper, as they say, the battery in its own way, therefore, in this context, we will consider several popular resources that are engaged in the provision of interest back for the purchase of clothing and shoes.

Cacheback feature is available only in stores?

Immediately answer - no.

This includes almost the entire sphere of our life.

  1. Cafes and restaurants

And this is not all. Here to sit and try to understand all possible spheres - your head is touching. Therefore, he brought what I myself know, and you recommend reading this (provided links), you will find a lot of useful for myself!

Contrary to popular belief in terms of returning money on a map around the world stepped far forward.

Here is a brief instruction.

  • i'm going to register
  • click on the link I need a store,
  • i turn into the store, I choose the right product further,
  • i buy.

In a couple of minutes, I see how much cachekkom I returned from buying. Conveniently!

Yes, maybe, compared with the means spent, this is not so much, but still a similar bonus pleases the eye.

Of course, a 50% discount on profile goods will not give you a single service, but up to 10% - easily.


Good service, confidence from me for a long time. Moreover, there are good bets there in many stores.

Cashback from Sidex extends to many areas. But now it is important for us that it is directly to the shops of clothing and shoes.

On the site you will find all popular online shopping "Shootock" in our country and a huge number of shoes stores.

  1. "Sportmaster" (yes, if anyone is interested, where I decomposed all the schemes of savings in this store)
  2. "Shain" (here everything is similar. How to receive money back for purchases)
  3. "La-Reduce" (who is interested in sowing in options for savings in "Radut" -)
  4. "Finnflaire"
  5. "Bonprix" (, additional ways - the sea)
  6. "Love Repacklik"
  7. "Lacost"
  8. Bifri
  9. "Lodge" - Shishand not cachek to us through services. Recently, cooperation is discontinued. BUT! Work cards with a return part of interest. Read more -.

In general, there are hundreds of them there, I will not list everything.

And on all this, the magnificence of cachek can be up to ten percent.

However, unlike the "megabonus", the interaction with the shops here is not only with the help of extensions.

You can make purchases directly from the site, but the money back here is enough to wait enough.

Return time

Cashback (money) will be credited to your account through a long period of time - from one and a half to two months.

Although many are like this, the reason is to check the product redemption, delivery, finite.

I want to wait for such a number of time, but after a long expectation of emotions only better.


Among them -

  1. Mobile phone account
  2. Plastic cards
  3. "Yandex money"
  4. "Paypal"
  5. Scroll
  6. "WebMoney" and so on.

The service works absolutely the same as the rest. Go to the site, we go, go to the desired section (picture of the store), we go to the store itself on the link, buy, and then in your personal account we see the amount that will soon be available to the conclusion.

A complete set of flight parsing of this site can about this service.


Good and sensible service.

Often there are rates on many shops can be very tasty.

The site is not old until it develops. I did not notice fraud or Kidalov.

Over time, you get used to such convenience.

Comparison of percent Cacheback

For comparison, we take a site that has almost every cachek service, - Aliexpress + seven largest services presented in the list.

Note. The concept of "before" is often simply advertising. For some product that is few people need, there will be such a refund. And on the fact that they take on the "Ali" most often, cachek can be 1-2% in general. So here it is necessary to watch every individual case.

And yes, you should not make unambiguous conclusions on this table.

Because someone does not need this junk from China.

Many of you who are reading now my story are interested in high-quality and inexpensive stores.

Who leads?

There are shops in which SECRETDISCOUNTER is leading according to Cacheback.

There are shops where the leader will be "flying".

In others - there will be other leaders.

By and large, run around 30 sites (in Russia there are about so much) and try to look out a big percentage (emphasis on the first syllable) is some kind of perversion.

It is better to decide 1-2 services and buy goods there always.

Basic services for services are simple:lack of deception (like the slurred cachek, non-payment and feeding with "breakfasts"), stable work, technical support, the presence of charity is a sign that the service did not break the battle and thinks not only about himself, but also about others.

In general, it is important to carefully view information about the site you like with clothes or footwear on all popular cachek services, compare this very information and place a purchase in the best of them (remember what I wrote above).

Bank cards with CashBack'a function

And many of us are afraid to face like, as the banking for most Russians in a novelty.

Although on the street 2018 - few people do not know about "plastic" only if the remote corners of our country.

I will try to convince you in the opposite, because it is not only convenient, but also useful for saving the budget.

And consider maps with this feature on the example of popular banks that are most often populated in advertising with cachekke.

Raiffeisen and his card "# Alsera"


Cards here two species - debit and credit.

Let's start with the first.

Unlike Internet services, where you need to search and choose sites on which the return of money is available, the return of the funds with the Raffaisen card is active for all purchases, the truth will be 3.9% from each purchase.

However, 3.9% - also money, and if you make big purchases, then money is quite considerable.

Conditions -

Cashback at 3.9%

  • Cashback is charged for any shopping on the map.
  • Pay the card in supermarkets, stores, restaurants, buy air tickets, pay for gas stations, housing and communal services and more - for all purchases you will be credited to cachek.
  • Get cache in rubles or exchange for a gift.
  • You will be able to flexibly manage the accruals in the Personal Cabinet card.

5.5% per annum on the cumulative account

    • Open the cumulative account "for every day" for new customers along with the map of # all complise to receive income to 5.5% per annum
    • Comfortable and free translations between the card and the score
    • Replenish and shoot money without percent loss

Second - credit card.

    • Credit card with Cashbank to 5% for all purchases.
    • Registration "Online" on the passport and no certificates of income: a quick solution and free shipping.
    • 0% Credit up to 52 days
    • 600000 rubles Credit limit
    • up to 30% discount on map
    • Get fixed discounts when paying for a map in popular shopping center, online stores and services for the program "Discounts for you"

Alpha Bank with its brainchild called "Cash-back"

    • Return up to 10% of gas stations for gas stations
    • Return up to 5% of accounts in cafes and restaurants
    • Return up to 1% of all other purchases
    • Calculate up to 6% per residue

Card "Use" from Home-Credit

This plastic is able to a lot in terms of savings. We look.

    • 1% of the amount of any purchase
    • 3% in individual categories (gas station, cafes, travel)
    • 5-10% in partner stores

IMPORTANT! These partners are the juice! Full list is available on the link -

I will give a couple of screenshots on shopping and shoes.

In this category, we have collected all online stores in which you can dress stylish and fashionable. Choose: Popular Lamoda, Practical O'Stin, inexpensive Aliexpress, Corrupt Kupivip. And maybe you need professional sportswear? Then welcome to Adidas or Nike. Looking for evening outfits? See what offers ASOS and Topbrands.

Almost 150 stores are ready to accept you at any time of the day and night. Many of them are round-the-clock support in the online chat or by phone number.

Categories online stores

Our catalog has multi-brand online clothing markets (for example, or), in which hundreds of popular trademarks are represented. There are branded boutiques where products are sold only to a certain nonsense (for example, Puma or Mark & \u200b\u200bSpenser).

There are platforms selling virtuoso replicas, which only professional fashion designer can be distinguished from the original, and the cost of which is several orders of magnitude lower than that of the real label.

And there are those where can be fully equipped for the season, having spent as much as one blouse is from the collection of the famous couturier. The leader in such stores is. Any clothes and shoes are very attractive prices, and delivery is almost always free.

Bonuses, Benefits and Discounts

By and large, all profitable offers in online stores are reduced to one: discounts. The largest pricefall - for the holidays: New Year, Christmas,. Slightly smaller, but still a pleasant decrease in price tags for seasonal sales.

There are daily sales for certain categories of goods. In some stores, such proposals are limited to days, in some - clock. Track such stocks, you can save very well on them.

And, of course, the most profitable and economical way to buy clothes and shoes in any of the online stores presented - with Cashbank. Just choose online market, go to it on the link on the page and cachek will automatically be credited to your account.

Dress in the best online market markets with us. Save C LetyShops is very nice and incredibly easy!