How to check a counterparty. Rating of all possible methods. Services for checking counterparties and competitors: how to find out what is hidden Public databases

Any legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form, inevitably faces the need to conclude an agreement. In this connection, there is a need to check the counterparty. A counterparty is any of the parties to the agreement.

When performing tasks of this kind, a lawyer has two options for performing them:

  • carry out the verification yourself, by searching for information about the counterparty from open sources (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, file of arbitration cases, etc.);
  • use specialized services or programs that automatically collect information from open sources. Such programs include Contour-Focus, Verification of counterparties from the Aktion-Media company, Spark and others. As a rule, such services are paid.

Each of the above options has both advantages and disadvantages. The first is characterized by being free, but with a time investment. The second excludes the presence of the customer, but it is necessary to pay for the services of a specialist.

The least expensive is checking the counterparty by obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation ( Further- Federal Tax Service), as well as searching for information in the file cabinet of arbitration cases on the website

These methods allow you to obtain the following information:

  • whether the legal entity has passed state registration;
  • whether its activities have been terminated;
  • information about the founders and the amount of authorized capital;
  • information about the location of the legal entity;
  • the number of arbitration cases in which the audited organization takes part;
  • whether bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the counterparty.

Why is it necessary to check counterparties?

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 53 establishes that a legal entity, when concluding civil contracts, is obliged to exercise due diligence, that is, take a set of measures and actions aimed at obtaining the necessary and reliable information about a potential counterparty.

The exercise of forethought is one of the main actions when Federal Tax Service inspectors check the validity of a tax deduction, as well as the legality of taxpayers attributing certain expenses incurred in the course of business activities when calculating income tax, if there are fly-by-night companies in the payment chain.

Such counterparties act solely for the purpose of obtaining unjustified tax benefits, thereby causing significant damage to the state in the form of a significant reduction in the amount of tax payable. For example, if the Federal Tax Service inspectors consider that the counterparty is a one-day company, then a bona fide VAT payer may be denied a tax deduction or brought to administrative liability in the form of a fine.

Required documents for verification

There is no single or legally established list of documents that must be requested from the counterparty to conduct its inspection. Depending on the nature of the relationship, the type of transaction being concluded, the degree of trust between the parties, copies of the following documents should be requested from the counterparty:

  • constituent documents (charter or agreement);
  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • documents that confirm the authority of a person to sign an agreement (decision on the appointment of a general director, or a protocol on the election of a general director by a collegial body of a legal entity).

Online resources for checking

As a rule, verification consists of searching for information in open sources located on the Internet. The optimal method is selected based on the current specific situation. Currently, there are quite a large number of resources that are designed to check a future partner.

To check legal entities registered in the Russian Federation, as a rule, the following services are used:

  • - Federal Tax Service search service for legal entities, which also contains basic information about the organization.
  • - search service of the Federal Tax Service for identifying mass registration addresses.
  • - the monitoring system of the Social Insurance Fund allows you to determine whether payments are being made for the company’s employees, i.e. whether this enterprise carries out entrepreneurial activities.
  • - search service for cases considered in arbitration courts. Allows you to identify the debts of counterparties and the presence of bankruptcy cases against them.
  • - information system of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), which allows you to find information about open enforcement proceedings, as well as the nature and amount of debt.

Modern realities of doing business require increased measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise, and also force us to pay close attention to combating fraud and assessing potential partners. To check counterparties that are registered outside the Russian Federation, you can use the following services:

  • - Kompass is a business directory, but with a smaller base of legal entities.
  • - information system for searching information about offshore companies.
  • - database of foreign companies.

Therefore, when conducting a verification of a counterparty, it is necessary to understand what, where and how to look, which requires both skills to work with the above information systems and knowledge in the field of law necessary to evaluate the information received.

Our experienced lawyers in St. Petersburg have the appropriate knowledge and skills in conducting such inspections, and also have the appropriate competence to evaluate their results.

The company must conduct business carefully so as not to become a victim of unscrupulous counterparties. See how to check the reliability of a counterparty quickly and conveniently, so as not to waste time and effort collecting information from many sources.

Why check your counterparty for reliability?

If a company conducts an honest business, this does not mean that tax claims can be 100% avoided. Often, a company can become a victim of fraudulent companies. However, if the budget receives less taxes, both parties to the transaction will be responsible.

In addition, it is important to check the integrity of the counterparty in order to avoid monetary loss - the risks of refusal to deduct VAT, including contract costs as expenses, etc.

Checking the counterparty for reliability will avoid the risk of holding your company liable for fraudulent transactions, as well as damage to business reputation. You can do a full check of any partner. It’s free and takes only 1 minute. Just find a company by INN, name or OGRN and create a dossier on the counterparty.

Important! When choosing a counterparty, the company is obliged to exercise due diligence and caution. If the company has not taken any action to check the reliability of the counterparty, then it will be problematic to prove its case in court.

Where are the criteria for bad faith established?

The law nowhere establishes the criteria of bad faith by which legal entities should be checked for trustworthiness. However, the company can use two sources that tax authorities will use when identifying fraudulent transactions:

  1. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 53 “On the assessment by arbitration courts of the validity of a taxpayer receiving a tax benefit”;
  2. Public criteria
    self-assessment of risks for taxpayers, used by tax authorities in the process of selecting objects for conducting on-site tax audits, approved. by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 No. MM-3-06/333@.

These sources do not directly indicate what are reliable signs and what are dishonest. But a combined analysis of the information in these two documents can make it possible to draw certain conclusions about a potential counterparty and protect your company.

For example, if you are unable to obtain annual financial statements from a company, this may be a sign of bad faith, since such information is open to interested users (buyers or suppliers).

What sources to use to check the reliability of the counterparty

There is no universal source for a free full verification of a counterparty. If you have sufficient time resources, you can, in particular, obtain information from the following sources:

As you can see, there are a lot of requests that need to be made, and this is only a small part of them. If you need to check just one company, then you can do a “manual” check, checking the information on each site one by one. But if the company is large and has a large turnover and many counterparties, then such a due diligence check will take a lot of time. In addition, there is a human factor that can lead to one of these verification services being missed.

What steps will help you prove due diligence when choosing a counterparty?

The Federal Tax Service explained how to check counterparties for reliability. At a minimum, you should obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and check your partner’s address for mass registration. All advice is in the letter of the tax service dated May 12, 2017 No. AS-4-2/8872. Read on for detailed verification instructions.

Step No. 1. Request an extract from the state register of legal entities for the counterparty

To check the supplier, request an extract from the register of legal entities or entrepreneurs. The document will prove that the company or individual entrepreneur is valid and working on the date of the contract. If necessary, it will help to defend expenses (resolution of the AS of the Ural District dated January 18, 2016 No. F09-10478/15).

If you build a relationship with a company that is not in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the tax authorities will consider it invalid and will deduct expenses. You will be able to defend your expenses in court only if you prove that you did not deliberately choose a bad counterparty. And the services have already been provided to you. For example, judges support companies whose employees paid for services to a non-existent hotel. Since employees could not check the presence of the company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated August 28, 2015 No. F09-5678/15).

When a partner refuses to give an extract, request it from the inspectorate or on the tax website. For a paper statement you will have to pay 200 rubles, an electronic one is free.

Download the electronic statement from the Federal Tax Service For information about unreliability, see the relevant sections of the statement, the data in which may be fictitious. For example, look for inaccurate information about the founder in the section “Information about the founders (participants) of a legal entity.” Incorrect address - in the "Address (location)" section.

Step No. 2. Check the credentials of the partner representative

Request from the counterparty a document confirming the authority of its representative. This could be a power of attorney to draw up a contract, or an individual’s passport. As well as the charter, which states who can act on behalf of the company. If the agreement with your company is signed by the general partner himself, take the protocol by which he was elected. Or the decision by which they were appointed to a position.

In addition, be sure to check whether the general manager of the counterparty is active and whether he has been removed from his position. If a disqualified employee signs the contract, the contract is considered fictitious. Controllers will cancel the expenses. And the arbitrators will agree with them (Resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court No. A64-5102/2013 dated 06/03/2014).

For the most common reasons for dismissal from a position, see the table. As a rule, the first time for such violations they are fined, and the second time they are removed from office.

Table. Reasons why directors are disqualified

Type of violation Base
Submitted false information when registering a company or individual entrepreneur, registered the company at a fictitious addressArticle 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Did not comply with the instructions of the inspectors (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Labor Inspectorate, etc.)Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Accepted money without cash registerArticle 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
They delayed salaries, did not conclude employment contracts, paid vacation pay later than three calendar days, etc.Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Made serious mistakes in accountingArticle 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Acted illegally during bankruptcyArticle 14.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Increased or decreased pricesArticle 14.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

To check the director, go to in the section “Search for information in the register of disqualified persons.” You can find a manager in the database:

By LLC name or company tax identification number;

By name and birthday of the manager.

If the director is not disqualified, the service will report “records found: 0.” If the CEO is on the suspended register, ask that the contract be signed by another employee who is not prohibited from representing the company.

Step No. 3. Punch your partner's address

Check the counterparty's address for availability at But even if the address is on the said list, it is not necessary to immediately refuse the transaction. After all, there can indeed be several companies at one address. For example, they are located in a common building. Only the office numbers differ.

Therefore, visit the counterparty’s office yourself. Take photographs of the premises, its signs, office number, signs, etc. The photographs will prove to the tax authorities that the counterparty is real. Therefore, the deal cannot be imaginary.

But the following signs indicate fictitious addresses:

The address belongs to more than 10 companies;

The counterparty is located in a business or shopping center, but has not entered the room/office number into the register; this can be verified using the partner’s statement;

The building where the partner is registered does not exist, is destroyed or demolished;

The company is registered in a government agency or a residential building or apartment;

The company’s address is listed as someone else’s store or warehouse (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 3, 2016 No. GD-4-14/14126@).

Step No. 4. Assess the resources for the deal

Tax authorities check whether the company has the resources to carry out its activities. Therefore, you need supporting documents.

Make photographs of your partner’s warehouse, his machines, equipment, and other fixed assets and materials. Attach papers to the counterparty case file. This way you will prove that the counterparty sells the goods and services you buy. Therefore, if a dispute arises, the arbitrators will support you (Resolution of the AC CO dated 04/05/2017 No. F10-207/2017).

Additional arguments that will prove the reality of the counterparty: 1. The counterparty paid taxes to the budget and submitted reports to the Federal Tax Service.2. The client worked and made a profit, his assets increased (resolution of the Moscow District Arbitration Court dated 03/09/2016 No. F05-1148/2016). A copy of the financial statements can be viewed on the portal You still have business letters to your partner (resolution of the Moscow District Arbitration Court dated 02/08/2017 No. F05-22343/2016).4. The counterparty has no fines, arrears on taxes and contributions. Tax officials promise to publish the first data on debts and sanctions in July. Such information will not be a tax secret (Article 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 29, 2016 No. ММВ-7-14/729@).

Note! You can quickly check your counterparty in the system to check the reliability of your counterparty. And it’s easy to insure yourself against negative changes in data about your counterparty with the option

In this article you will learn

  • How to find out that you are working with a dishonest shell company
  • 5 services for checking counterparties and competitors via the Internet
  • What you can find out about partners on social networks and the tax website
  • What information about the counterparty will a domain name check give you?

We have selected for you the 5 most effective counterparty verification services and competitors who will help you build a business with trusted companies and not run into scammers and fly-by-night companies.

5 sites and services for checking counterparties online

1. Domain name verification

To learn what. Who is the domain registered to – a legal entity or an individual; in the latter case – last name, first name, patronymic and contact telephone number of the person; where the site is located (cheap hosting or your own server on a good site). The domain registration date allows us to conclude how long the company has been operating. If the counterparty has been in business for 10 years, then the domain cannot be registered a month ago.

2. Public databases

To learn what. By entering the last name and first name of the person you are interested in, you can find out his date of birth, address (as well as the names of everyone registered at this address), telephone number. Keep in mind that outdated information is often found in public databases. For example, it may contain information about the CEO's car, which he sold a long time ago. However, based on this, it is already possible to conclude what property he had or has.

3. Contractor verification service - paid specialized databases

To learn what. Details of the counterparty, information about registration, licenses, company management, financial statements, etc. For example, the Spark system, depending on how much you pay, offers more or less detailed data. For 300 rubles you will receive a brief report about the company, including registration data, information about management and founders, and contact information. For 350 rubles – the balance of the enterprise. For 1,350 rubles - a full report, including data on the company structure, information on co-owners, subsidiaries, and financial indicators for several years. And an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is provided as a bonus when requesting any information.

4. Checking counterparties on the Federal Tax Service website

To learn what. Information on registration, reorganization, liquidation of companies, information on changes in constituent documents. Here you can check whether your counterparty is a shell company.

We have counted 28 popular online services with which you can collect information about a company. We realized that you can’t do it with just one service, and we compiled a rating to simplify your work. The article contains two detailed tables with the pros and cons of resources.

The first table shows the most popular paid services,

the difference in price is not always obvious from the proposed functionality. Expensive services have a wide range of functions, but in order to make sure whether it is possible to cooperate with a counterparty, basic functions are often sufficient. All paid services have them.

If you need to choose a counterparty for cooperation, then the functionality of inexpensive services is sufficient. You will have to pay more for extended data. Below are examples of functionality that, in the opinion of the editors, distinguishes the services from each other.

The most expensive services are SPARK and Kommersant, they have all possible registers. In SPARK, in addition, you can check any company registered not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former CIS. This is the only service that finds foreign owners of Russian legal entities and builds chains of relationships based on them. Kommersant contains information about companies from Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In “Contour Focus” and “Kasebook”, in addition to basic functions, there is a register of pledges of movable property, a history of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and bankruptcy messages.

“Kasebook” and “Check” are more focused on lawyers. For example, “Kasebook” makes it possible to track changes in court cases in real time and assign a person responsible for the case. “Check” is the only service that automatically prepares a due diligence report, which can be taken to court as evidence in tax cases.

“Contour” and “Check” are the most convenient to use; conclusions from all registers are collected on one page.

General disadvantage of free services:

information on each counterparty must be collected bit by bit. At a minimum, the organization must be checked for five services, and preferably all at once. Each resource also has its own shortcomings. If you don’t take them into account, you will draw the wrong conclusions. These disadvantages are discussed in the second table. The main thing in the article Hide

Paid services
Name and costWill help you find out
About applications to the Federal Tax ServiceTrack judicial acts and receipt of materialsAbout affiliatesInformation from the State Registration Bulletin
RUB 297,360
Kommersant Card Index
RUB 77,880
Contour Focus
57,500 ₽
48,000 ₽
Checking counterparties
19,900 RUR
You can get it in all
Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, financial statements, information on government contracts and scheduled inspections, enforcement proceedings related to the organization’s counterparty by director and participants, texts of judicial acts and track further changes in information.
The main thing in the article Hide Free registries
RegistryWhat you can checkWhat you can learn and getFlaws
The signs are one-
Business asset-
With data that must be checked in any transaction
Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual EntrepreneursInformation about the company or individual entrepreneur, which is in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual EntrepreneursIt is not possible to receive a statement for a specific date
No history of information changes
Partial list of licenses
Bankruptcy data should have appeared on June 28, but it is still not there
Accounting statements of Rosstat Balance sheet and statements of financial results, cash flows, intended use, changes in capitalData only from 2012 and not for all companies, since not everyone submits reports
File of arbitration cases Information about court cases as a plaintiff, defendant, other person, texts of judicial actsSearching by TIN or OGRN does not cover all cases; you need to additionally search by name
A company may be named as a party to a case in which it did not participate.
Enforcement proceedings of the FSSP Number and date of production, details of the writ of execution, subject of execution and amount, date and reason for termination, bailiff contactsAfter paying the debt, the production record is deleted after 7–30 days
Search only by address and name, which bailiffs may enter into the database incorrectly
Grassroots leaders and founders Information on how many companies the director or founder of the counterparty is listed inThe register includes only information about persons who are registered in ten or more companies
With data that is advisable to check
Inspections of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Inspection body; type, purpose and date of inspection; description of the violationThe register does not include inspections of all government agencies, but only inspections by Law No. 294-FZ
Companies with tax debts or who have not submitted reports for more than a year Are there any tax debts of more than 1000 rubles?
Have tax returns been submitted?
Can't view reporting metrics
Government contracts Information about the contract and the customer
Contract execution documents
By default, the search searches only for two stages of procurement: submission of applications and work of the commission
Applications for state registration Application form, type of changes, date and method of submission, incoming document number, name and decision of the tax authorityNot all types of planned changes are indicated. There is no information about changes in shares, powers of bodies, types of activities of the company
Messages in the State Registration Bulletin Date of publication, message number and textThe organization may not send information in a timely manner and the information will be reflected later; the message may contain outdated contact information
Disqualified persons Full name of the disqualified person, position, date and place of birth; company name and tax identification number (rarely filled in), period and basis for disqualificationIt is difficult to find information on the TIN, since this field is rarely filled in in the registry
Bulk addresses How many companies are registered at the registration address?When searching, you cannot select a building. As a result, information appears either for all buildings, or only by house number
Nominee leaders Information about managers who confirmed in court that they do not manage the companyThe register does not contain information about all nominal managers
Transparent business Average number of employees per year; taxes and fees paid to the budget; tax arrears, penalties and fines; tax violations and penalties; special tax regime of the counterparty; income and expenses according to financial statements for the year; participation in a consolidated group of taxpayersThe service will be launched only on June 1, 2018
Unscrupulous suppliers Reason for inclusion in the register, information about the supplier, customer and contractYou can't see the history. After a company is removed from the register, the entry about it is deleted
Bankruptcy information Information about the debtor and the arbitration manager, information about the activities being carried out in the bankruptcy procedure (notices about the results of auctions, meetings of creditors)To search by OGRN or TIN, you need to use only the advanced search. A quick search will not show any results
The arbitration manager may not send information in a timely manner, and the information will be reflected later
Blocked accounts Number and date of the decision on suspension, tax authority code, bank BICNo account number that is blocked
Information only regarding accounts blocked by the inspectorate
You need to enter the BIC of any bank
Information on pledges of movable property Who is the mortgagee, information about the propertyOnly vehicles can be identified
Corporate Disclosure Center Information that issuers of securities are required to disclose, for example: charter, annual and quarterly reports, lists of affiliates, reports of significant eventsNot all Russian issuers disclose information on this portal
System of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation "Justice" Company cases in courts of general jurisdiction, texts of judicial actsCourt cases are received with a delay of seven days
Not all cases can be found
Inaccurate search by company name produces unnecessary information when requested
Reference information on real estate objects Encumbrance on real estate (seizure, pledge, rent, lease)Irrelevant information: an encumbrance from a previous transaction may be indicated or the number of the certificate of ownership from the previous owner may be indicated
If there is an encumbrance, then the information about it is incomplete, since the mortgagee is not indicated
Fedresurs Signs of insufficiency of property, information on the conclusion of leasing and factoring agreements, issuance of an independent guarantee, foreclosure of property, membership in an SRO, mandatory audit, messages about the upcoming exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal EntitiesThe company may fail to provide up-to-date information in a timely manner
Invalid passports Is the passport valid or not, the reason for the invalidity of the passport (wanted, expired)Search by passport number only
Possible technical errors