How to make an Instagram banner. We place a large picture on our profile. Free banner designer for social networks Service for cutting Instagram photos online

Many users are concerned about the question of what an Instagram banner is. This is an ordinary photograph that is cut into several parts and then published on an Instagram profile. As a rule, such products look like a single photograph. I think every Instagrammer must have seen a huge photo or an inscription made up of certain parts on others’ profiles, which looks quite original.

How to make a banner? First of all, you just need to cut the photo into a certain number of equal parts. In this case, it is necessary to meet a certain condition - the width of the image must be divided into three parts, since an Instagram profile displays three pictures in width. If we talk about height, it can be different; in other words, it is the number of lines.

What tools can you use to cut a photo into equal parts in a one-to-one ratio?

It is much easier to do this from a desktop computer. At this point in time, there is only one site that can do everything that is necessary for an Instagram banner - By the way, all operations can be carried out online.

So, first you need to prepare on the computer the image that needs to be cut. It is advisable that it be square, otherwise you will have to first crop the photo to the aspect ratio. On the website you need to select a file and click on “upload”. The uploaded photo will appear at the top, after which you need to click “Slice picture”, enter Vertical, set certain parameters and click the “Generate” button.

The result will not take long to arrive, all that remains is to save it. All parts of the cropped photo can be transferred to a phone or tablet with the Instagram application for subsequent publication.

Before posting, your profile must have a total number of posts that is a multiple of three. This is necessary to ensure that each part of the picture is displayed correctly and does not jump in the lines. The number of publications is reflected at the top of the profile. You can simply scroll down all the pictures, making sure that there is no free space at the bottom of the feed.

Tags: advice_promogram, promotion, friends, promotion, subscribers, meetings, promogram, promogram

Instagram Banners

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Instagram in advertising - why and why?

Instagram is one of the most effective and popular advertising tools today.
It is a fast-growing, evolving visual social network that is constantly introducing new publication formats that integrate advertisements.

The reasons for this popularity are quite obvious - people like to scroll through pictures more than read texts on social networks. An Instagram user updates their news feed more often, easily publishes their photos and videos, interacts with friends, and receives or expresses approval in the form of likes.
Advertising on Instagram corresponds to the general formats of regular publications by the user’s friends, that is, it is organically integrated into the overall visual range and inevitably attracts attention.

Another important advantage of Instagram is the diversity of its audience. If the audiences of other popular social networks (Facebook, VK, Odnoklassniki), according to statistics, are organically divided by level of education, income and social activity, then Instagram, as a visual social network, unites all groups of Internet users.

All fashionable and current trends, the so-called “trends,” are published and tested on Instagram. Here there are stars and “opinion leaders” in a wide variety of fields.

The following quotation would be appropriate:
“If earlier everything started with magazines, now everything starts with Instagram” - Alena Doletskaya (editor-in-chief of “Vogue Russia”, “Interview”)


The photo-sharing service Instagram was launched in 2010, and already in 2012, thanks to the explosive growth in popularity, it was acquired by Facebook.

Initially, photographs were placed in a square format, unusual for that time, and were complemented by a set of photo filters and some opportunities for interaction between users in the form of likes and comments.

The functionality of Instagram was rapidly developing, new effects were added, the ability to place geotags and tags, the ability to publish videos, direct messages between users, temporary “stories” publications, live broadcasts, stickers, emojis, polls and other options necessary for a modern full-scale social network.

The introduction of new formats, support for popularity, leading to an expansion of the audience, have made Instagram the leading social network for posting visual content (photos and short videos).

Ways to advertise on Instagram

  • publish advertisements in your own company account for free (only your subscribers see such advertisements);
  • publish advertising on a paid basis (such advertising is seen by any necessary Instagram audience in accordance with the targeting settings in the advertising account).

Positions and formats for publishing advertising on Instagram

  • in the main publication feed;
  • in Instagram Stories (stories - English stories).

The feed of each user's publications is saved in chronological order.
Stories were conceived as temporary publications that are automatically deleted after 24 hours, however, later it became possible to save collections of stories under a unique name and even with their own icon, which many companies took advantage of, saving various sections of information about their services and products as collections of stories.

Both feeds (subscriptions feed and stories feed) exist in parallel.
At the same time, Instagram Stories are more often used by companies as a more lively and direct format of communication with the audience. Such communication may include situational responses to the trends of the day, announcements of instant promotions, stories about the life of the company, surveys, question-and-answer quizzes and other quick creative solutions.

The main feed of Instagram posts is often used as a showcase. This is where the most important information is placed, carefully selected images with detailed texts, chains of thematic tags are placed here, and a public dialogue with users is conducted in the comments.

Both positions of advertising on Instagram (feed and stories) allow you to place static banners and video clips (the term “video” here also means any animated banners).
However, the technical requirements for materials in stories and feeds are different; we will consider them in more detail below.

Advertising banners (photos) on Instagram

Banner in Instagram feed

Posting an image to Instagram by default is available in square, horizontal and vertical formats.

The maximum length of text in the description of any image or video is a maximum of 2,200 characters, no more than 125 is recommended.

Image sizes:

  • square (recommended for priority use): 1080 x 1080 px;
  • horizontal: 1200 x 628 px;
  • vertical: minimum 600 x 750 px.

Ring gallery in Instagram feed (carousel)

It consists of several photos or videos with the ability to scroll horizontally.
The maximum number of files in a ring gallery is up to 10 (photos or videos).
The image or video format for the carousel is square (1080 x 1080 px).
When placing paid advertising, it allows you to add a motivating button with a link to the site (landing page).

Advertising with a selection in the Instagram feed

When you click on the button, an additional field opens with images of products (from 4 to 50 items) and their descriptions. When you click on the image, you are redirected to the product page on the advertiser’s website in accordance with the settings in the advertising account.
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 px.
Image formats - jpeg or png.

Static banners in Instagram Stories

A static jpeg or png image.
Display time - 5 seconds.
Vertical format. Minimum resolution 600 px x 1,067 px. Recommended resolution: 1,080 px x 1,920 px.
The maximum file size of the file is 30 MB.
Allows you to add a motivating “More details” button (or other inscription options) with a link to the site (landing page).

Helpful information:
Instagram allows you to upload images with any aspect ratio. But to ensure that the visible margins are not cut off, it is recommended to order the creation of a banner for Instagram in the required size in advance.

Promotional video on Instagram

Video on Instagram is one of the most effective advertising options. Up to a quarter of views on Instagram in 2018 were video views. If you decide to order the creation of advertising on Instagram, then making a video clip is one of the priority options. Animated banners are placed on Instagram by publishing videos.

Video on Instagram feed

MP4 or MOV video file.
Display time - 60 seconds (expect transition up to 120 seconds)
Square or horizontal format.
Minimum Resolution:

  • for square: 600 px x 600 px;
  • for horizontal: 600 px x 315 px.

Allows you to add a motivating “More details” button with a link to the website (landing page).

Video advertising in Instagram Stories

MP4 or MOV video file.
Display time - 15 seconds (expect transition up to 60 seconds)
Vertical format. Recommended resolution: 1,080 px x 1,920 px.
Maximum video file size - 4 GB
Allows you to add a motivating “More details” button with a link to the website (landing page).

Helpful information:
Instagram allows you to upload videos of any format. But to ensure that the visible margins are not cut off, it is recommended to order the production of an Instagram video of the required size in advance.
The design of motivating action buttons is defined by default on Instagram. But you can change the inscription on it in your advertising account.
The name and icon of your Instagram account are shown by default in the upper left corner. Consider whether to duplicate them in your promotional visual materials.
Instagram allows you to post videos with sound. But a soundtrack that is too loud or harsh can irritate the user. Specialists from the Bannermakers studio will help you choose the optimal audio accompaniment when creating videos for Instagram with music.

Instagram post templates

If banner and video publications are designed in the same style, this creates more trust and recognition of the brand than publications designed haphazardly, “how it turned out.” This applies to all types of advertising on Instagram - in the feed or in stories. If you decide to order the production of banners or videos on Instagram, we are ready to offer the development of a unified design style for your publications and advertisements in all necessary formats. A unified design of your publications, selection of fonts and rules for placing visual content will add respect to your image in the eyes of the user.

It must be remembered that Instagram is primarily visual content: - photographs and videos, which determined its popularity. And only then - the text component. Users go to Instagram to watch, and only then read if something interests them.

Your Instagram banners or videos should be guided by these same priorities. First of all, attract the user’s attention with a bright, unusual, attractive picture, and only then provide him with the necessary information in the accompanying text.

Use short, clear texts without unnecessary formality. Communicate with your audience simply and directly.

The Instagram audience is very sensitive to current trends, fashion trends, and flash mobs. React quickly to what is happening now, don’t be afraid to experiment, talk to users openly and with humor. And the audience will respond to you with their interest and loyalty.

But you can be sure that the specialists of the Bannermakers studio are aware of the latest news and are ready to offer the most accurate and effective advertising on Instagram.

Hello, today we will learn how to make a banner for your Instagram.

What is a banner? An Instagram banner is a photo or image cut into several parts, which are then published on an Instagram profile and look like a whole photo or image.

Probably many have seen on other users’ profiles a large photo or an inscription consisting of several parts, which looks pretty “cool”, but not everyone knows how to do it.

Everyone realized that we just need to cut the image into 3, 6, 9, etc. equal parts (multiples of 3), the main thing is that the width of the image is divided into 3 parts, since an Instagram profile displays 3 photos in width, the height can be different - that is, this is the number of lines.

We will look at how we can cut a photo into equal parts in an aspect ratio of 1 to 1, so that we can do this.

First, let's look at how to do this from a personal computer.
There is such a wonderful and unremarkable site on the Internet
In fact, this is the only site that we found that can do everything we need for an Instagram banner - crop the image into equal parts. All this can be done online.

Our actions:

  • We must have a prepared image on the PC that we will cut.
  • It is desirable that it is already square, otherwise we will have to first crop the photo in an aspect ratio of 1 to 1;
  • Go to;
  • Click on the “select file” button;
  • Click the “upload” button;
  • Then, at the top above the downloaded photo that appears, click “Slice picture”;
  • Enter Vertical Slice value “3” - height (set how many parts the photo will be cut vertically);
  • Enter the Horizontal Slice value “3” - width, there should always be the number 3 (we set how many parts the photo will be cut horizontally);
  • Click the “Generate” button;
  • We see the result - a cut picture into pieces;
  • Let's move on to saving;
  • You can download all the pieces of the image by clicking on the link Download ZIP (ALL SLICES), all images will be in a ZIP archive;
  • Or download in parts; to do this, right-click on each part of the image and save all parts in one place;
  • We transfer all parts of the cut image to a mobile phone or tablet where the Instagram application is installed for further publication;
  • We place the parts, the main thing here is not to get confused! The file name of a part of the picture begins with a number, so we have 9 pictures and all of them are marked with a certain number;
  • Now we post the 9th picture first on our Instagram, then the 8th, etc. We end with the 1st picture.

An important detail: before placing a banner (large picture), you must have in your profile the total number of photo posts that is a multiple of 3. This is necessary so that all parts of the picture are displayed correctly and do not jump in the lines. The number of posts is written at the top of your profile, or you can simply scroll down all your photos and make sure that you do not have free space at the bottom of your profile feed.

Example, here we are missing one more image, that is, we need to add one publication or delete two previously posted ones.

And so this is what we got! Quite beautiful and creative, now when a person comes to your profile, he will see such beauty.

Now that you have learned how to make an Instagram banner in such a complicated way, let’s look at another method that is much simpler.

We go to Google Play if you have a mobile phone or tablet on Android, for iOS users, you need to go to the Apple App Store. Then, in the search, we enter the query “Instagramm banner”, we find applications that can do what we need.

We see the search result, the first 4 applications are suitable for our needs. Let’s install for testing what is higher in the ranking, called “Giant Square #1”

Now let's see how to use it:

  • After launch, we are asked to select a social network, naturally we choose Instagram.
  • On the second screen after launch, we are asked to choose what we want to do. It turns out that the application can also make a collage of photos, but we don’t need this and we click on the first picture where it says “Giant Square”.
  • On the third screen, we need to do three things
  1. select the area, pictures, which “cubes” will be created from the future image, put a check mark on the required pieces.
  2. Load an image from the gallery or take a new photo, click on the “Use” button
  3. Post it by clicking on the “Share” button.
  • Posting is more convenient, click on “Upload”, then the Instagram application launches and we post the first piece of the image. After, we again need to go to the “Giant Square” application, now the next piece with the inscription “Ready” will be displayed in the queue for placement, click “Upload” again, do this until we have uploaded all parts of the photo.
  • You can simply click on the button and save all parts of the photo.

This is all in theory, we never managed to do it to the end. The application began to close spontaneously and become terribly slow. So we don't recommend it.

Installing another application - TRYPTpic

We are pleasantly surprised, everything is easier and faster here. Now we know that first we need to try using different applications.

Everything is simple and clear here:

  • Upload a photo;
  • Choose a cutting option, for example 3x3;
  • Click “Crope”;
  • We save all parts to the smartphone’s memory
  • Or we post parts of photos from the TRYPTpic application;
  • Click on the Instagram icon;
  • For ease of publication, all parts are numbered in the required order of placement;
  • Click on 1 picture and post it on your Instagram;
  • We repeat the cycle until the last part.

Hooray! We managed to post a large photo in just a couple of minutes!

The first advantage of the banner maker is that it is available online and does not require the installation of additional software. As you can see in the screenshot, the service itself is small and not overloaded with menu links, control buttons and various settings. There are only 4 of them on the main page. We need the My Projects and Inspiration sections. After authorization via Facebook or regular registration (email + password), we can begin creating a banner, poster or invitation.

How to make a banner

The service has all the necessary tools to make a banner quickly and efficiently and download in the format we need. Several image formats for ready-made banners are available: JPG, PNG and PDF.

To make a banner, you just need to start. Go to the designer's website.

  1. We can choose a ready-made design from the proposed library of ready-made designs. In fact, if we are satisfied with the picture and design, we can only replace the text with our own;
  2. Or, you can start creating from scratch by setting the desired size or choosing from the proposed formats (for Facebook, Instagram, Poster, etc.) and uploading your image to the service.

Having selected the desired size from the template or specified your own dimensions, go to the banner creation page. The menu on the left will change and look like the screenshot. Now we can add photos, backgrounds or patterns to the background from the gallery or upload our own. In the remaining sections we can find Lines, Frames, Shapes and more.

Each added element can be repainted in different colors, changed in size, location and transparency. The text is added separately and you can also do all the modifications listed above with it. Russian fonts are available in the service.

The finished project will be stored in your account and you can return to editing whenever you need. You can download the finished banner or poster at any time in image or PDF format. If something doesn’t work out for you, watch the video below (the sound is quiet, alas, it turned out that way), where we will try to make a banner, something simple, and download it.

To work with the designer, it is better to use the Chrome browser, since I noticed that when saving, Mozile does not fit the .png extension - this can be solved by simply renaming the file and adding the desired (in which it was downloaded) dot and name (png or jpg). Look like that's it.