What are the popular messengers. Rating of messengers in Russia. The main advantage is the fact that Telegram knows what to do focus without spraying

So far, not a single popular messenger has been blocked in Russia, so now all Russians have a very rich choice of funds for communication for every taste and color. Today, on the basis of these MEDIASCOPE activity meter, the top 10 most popular messengers in Russia, which are used by all residents of the country. This information shed light to the one messenger is more popular than and how specifically in numbers.

The purpose of the study was not at all in the definition of the most popular messengers in Russia, but in clarifying the common database of the service of the Veon service, which else and July 2017 launched the Beeline operator, making it accessible to all subscribers. Experts wanted to find out how many Russians use it in active mode later more than three months from the date of its launch. All data that was collected by the MediaScope service are relevant as of October - there are no more recent information yet, and will not be until the beginning of 2018.

The researchers found out that the general base of the active users of the Veon messenger, which received opportunities as of October 2017, is 748 thousand people. All of them are residents of Russia in the age category from 12 to 64 years. Such statistics allowed this tool to communicate from the Beeline operator, which he very actively advertised everywhere, ranging from federal TV channels and video hosting YouTube, to win very impressive positions in a short time.

Top 10 most popular messengers in Russia:

  1. WhatsApp - 22 million users;
  2. VIBER - 18.9 million users;
  3. Telegram - 7.3 million users;
  4. Skype - 6 million users;
  5. Facebook Messenger - 1.8 million users;
  6. Hangouts from Google - 815.7 thousand users;
  7. Veon - 748 thousand users;
  8. ICQ - 693.7 thousand users;
  9. Google Talk - 508.5 thousand users;
  10. Mail.Ru Agent - 505.6 thousand users.

As it can be easily noted, the most popular messenger in Russia is WhatsApp, but Viber comes to heel, which is actively used on a regular basis almost two tens of millions of Russians. The troika of the most popular tools for communication is closed by Telegram, and at the fourth position turned out to be Skype. Though he enters the top 5, but his audience is reduced every month, so in a short time he can fly out of it if he has decent competitors.

The number of active users of the Facebook Messenger messenger, which is designed to communicate within the largest social network in the world, looks just funny - less than 2 million people. The service for communicating Hangouts from Google has an even more modest audience - only 816 thousand people. On the seventh line there is a "Bilainovsky" Veon, the number of users of which is actively growing enough with each month. After him, ICQ, Google Talk and Mail.Ru Agent, which, as a rule, enjoy the people of old hardening. They are in no hurry to change them for something more modern.

Tests were conducted on 68 criteria. Each of them received its "weight" in the total amount of points, which made it possible to form the most objective assessment. The results of the study will help the consumer to make a complete picture of the quality of applications and facilitate the process of selecting the desired program.


One of the most important consumer characteristics of any mobile application is functionality. In the case of messengers, there is a small segment of users who choose applications precisely for security reasons, but they are significantly less compared to conventional users focused primarily on the functionality of programs. In this study, as in the previous, the corresponding group of test parameters (29 criteria) has become the highest value - 32% of the final assessment.

The main task that the messenger is intended to be solved is messaging with other participants in the conversation.


Ranking appreciated the possibilities of correspondence in the following criteria:

  • The ability to respond to a specific message within one chat.There are 73% of proven applications.
  • Shipment messages (According to this criteria, the application must send a message to another user with information about the author and the date of departure of the original). The stated requirements were implemented in full only in 20% of the studied applications. There was a completely lack of this feature from Kik, Wickr Me, Instagram, Snapchat and Discord.
  • File transfer.The maximum score was exhibited if the application allows you to transmit documents (however, adding is made from the application itself, and not through the file storage), audio and video files, as well as images. In this case, it was checked to be able to send more than 10 graphic files at a time (in one message) and edit graphic files before shipping. Full compliance with the stated requirements was 49% of the studied applications. The lowest estimate (1 point) received only an Instagram application, the rest had the estimates above 3 points.
  • Information about the status of delivery. The essence of the criterion is to display the statuses "delivered" and "Read" with the time for messages sent by the author. In 43% of the estimated applications, this function is fully implemented, in WECHAT and SNAPCHAT applications - no fully.
  • Audio messages. You do not allow them to exchange only applications Hangouts, Kik and Discord. The rest support this feature, however, do not allow or convert the received audio messages to the text (implemented in the "Mail.Ru" agent and ICQ for Android), or accelerate playback (implemented in WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, Wire, Bip, VKontakte, " Odnoklassniki "and Instagram).
  • Sending geolocation.Implemented in 67% of messengers.
  • Stickers and animation. In full, there are 55% of the studied applications, in Threema and Wickr Me - are absent.
  • Editing messages after sending.The function is available in 45% of messengers, but only 20% received the maximum score. It is exhibited if the message editing was possible only within 48 hours after sending them to the interlocutor, with an indication of the message change in the fact. Similarly, an assessment was made in the "Delete Message" criterion (for all participants). In the best way, this feature is implemented in WhatsApp - time to delete is limited (you cannot delete a message after many days), there is a removal mark, the message can be deleted for all chat users. You cannot delete any messages in the Hangouts application from Google.
  • Group chats. According to this criterion, the annex should be able to create and enter into chats with 3 or more participants, the possibility of consolidating messages and community management. In addition, when starting the chat should be opened on the site of unread messages, and not the last received. In fact, the fullness of the functionality is implemented only in the products of Mail.Ru - ICQ, TAMTAM and Agent. Zero points did not receive any verified application.
  • Favorites or fixing chat at the beginning of the list, as well as adding messages to favorites There is only WhatsApp, Wechat and Snapchat. Zero points received 21 application from 49.
  • Search on the history of correspondenceimplemented with 80% of messengers, is missing at Hangouts, Kik, IMO, Instagram and Snapchat.

Audio and video calls

Since users are increasingly using Internet telephony instead of traditional calls, the center of digital examination of Roskkaya appreciated the ability to perform audio and video calls.

Other criteria

In addition to the above criteria, experts also appreciated applications for the following indicators:

The most functional applications (for Android and iOS): "TAMTAM" (4,51), ICQ (4.38) and Mail.Ru Agent (4.38).

Easy use

In addition to the functionality of the application, it is important to use the usability. This group of criteria was assessed by experts for seven parameters, the most important of which were "simplicity and quality of navigation", "assistance in annex" and "Adaptation for people with disabilities".

According to the results of checking the maximum score, Viber, Messenger (Facebook), Wechat, Threema, Skype, iMessage and Instagram for iOS were awarded. Android applications to the maximum score did not reach. Also high points (4.5 out of 5) have WhatsApp and Wickr Me applications for iOS and Whatsapp, Hangouts, Threema and Skype for Android. Not adapted to use people with disabilities ICQ, Agent Mail.Ru, Soma and Vipole for iOS. Messengers for Android on average are better adapted than for iOS: Middle Score Android - 3.2, iOS - 2.9.

The most convenient applications for iOS - Messenger (Facebook) (4,85), Threema (4,85) and Skype (4.7). For Android - Threema (4,79), "VKontakte" (4,68) and Skype (4,64).


A very important group of criteria, especially when it comes to personal correspondence, is "security". The key criterion here was the use of cross-cutting (End-to-End) encryption. Through encryption makes it so that access to the source message is only from the sender and the recipient, and it has not been unavailable even servers transmitting data. Encryption and decryption occur on user end devices. This significantly improves the confidentiality of correspondence.

Daniel Chernov


- Encryption is the most reliable way to protect the confidentiality of correspondence. The question, as always, is how well it is implemented. First, the applicable encryption algorithms must be resistant. Secondly, you need to be confident in the "honesty" of the implementation of encryption, and this is already a matter of confidence in the Vendor Messenger. Is there any loopholes in the application, allowing you to access the contents of the correspondence?

End-to-End Default Encryption (for all chats) Use Viber, WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, Wire, Zangi, Soma, Wickr Me and Vipole. In some messengers there is such an option, but it is not used by default - for example, in Messenger (Facebook) and Skype (it is necessary to create secret chats). In ICQ Messengers and Agent Mail.Ru, through encryption is not applied to text chats, but used for audio and video calls. As for the iMessage (pre-installed on all iPhone, the message "Message") is encrypted with through encryption only messages in blue "clouds" - they are precisely they belong to the iMessage messenger. Messages in green "clouds" are ordinary SMS messages that are sent without any encryption.

In the remaining proven applications, through encryption is not carried out, which makes the correspondence much more vulnerable compared to the above-mentioned applications. In particular, the services themselves have encryption keys and hypothetically have access to the correspondence data.

However, end-to-end encryption does not guarantee complete confidentiality and security, but only reduces the risks. For example, Trojan programs or third-party applications requiring redundant access and permissions can be installed on the victim's device. A certain vulnerability also carry push notifications with a demonstrated correspondence fragment. In order for them to work, iMessage, for example, sews encryption keys to the server, which are necessary to decrypt messages. In addition, most messengers allow you to create backup copies that are stored in cloud storage or locally on the device, which also creates additional data leakage sources. Also, the attackers can access the correspondence, reassialing the SIM card for fictitious power of attorney. In this case, the confirmation codes will come to a new SIM card, which will allow you to easily enter the account and even download the correspondence story (backup).

Therefore, it is imperative to use two-factor authentication - in the case of messengers in the code in the code from SMS and Password (code word). This will significantly complicate the work of attackers. Such an opportunity is implemented in WhatsApp, Signal applications, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Snapchat, Discord and Vipole. In Messenger, Hangouts, Skype, Vkontakte and iMessage applications, there is no possibility of activating / disconnecting two-factor authentication, but this can be done in the web version or in a separate form (as in the case of iMessage). There is no two-factor authentication in other services.

Experts also checked the ability to set a password to enter an application or a specific chat, as well as support for biometric data access (Touch ID / Face ID, etc.). The maximum score on the "Authentication" criterion was honored with WhatsApp applications (IOS only) and Signal.

In addition to determining the use of end-to-end encryption for correspondence and calls, applications have been verified for encrypting the transport level of all transmitted data. Experts with the help of specialized software (Wireshark) made the capture of all traffic, which forwards the test application, and then analyzed it for unencrypted data. In messenger applications, all data is transmitted by encrypted channels.

Another important criterion - privacy settings. The maximum score on it was received by whatsapp applications, iMessage (iOS 12) and Threema, which allow you to control the visibility of the phone number and photo profile (or do not display them at all) for other users. The remaining applications (except ICQ, Zangi, Signal, Bip and Agent Mail.Ru) allow you to do only one of the listed. To ensure a greater degree of confidentiality, Roskopka recommends using these functionality, as well as disable the display of the status "Online" / "Offline" and automatic loading of the received photos to the public album of the phone.

Consigration text messages are implemented in Viber, Signal, Wire, BIP, Wickr Me, Snapchat and Vipole.

Protection against screenshots or notifications about them has Viber, Wickr Me, Snapchat, Signal (Android only), Threema (Android only) and Vipole (Android only).

The applications were also checked for malicious programs (all received 5 points), the redundancy of the requested permits was estimated (redundant permissions were not identified), the ability to remove account (implemented in 49% of applications) and the informativeness of legal documentation (personal data collection purposes, their list, timing and Other - indicated by everyone, except BIP; Soma privacy policy is not available).

Consent to the processing of personal data is requested in all applications, in addition to Zangi, it is active in 53% of the messengers (requires additional actions from the user, such as setting the check mark).

When conducting testing, Roscatics did not take into account the attitude of developer companies to the requests of the authorities or law enforcement agencies on the disclosure of user information, as well as the anonymity of messengers.

The most secure applications: for iOS - WICKR ME (4.73), Viber (4.57), WhatsApp (4.40) and Wire (4,31); For Android - Wickr ME (4,73), Viber (4,57), Threema (4,57) and Signal (4.35). It should be noted that messengers, positioning themselves as private and made with safety focus, showed themselves from this point of view really good: Signal, Threema, Wire, Wickr Me and Vipole applications have points on this criterion above 4.

How is the most secure use of messengers? Recommendations are given by Roskatkaya experts.

Vladimir Zykov

Director of the Association of Professional Users of Societary and Messengers

Many began to translate all communications and arrangements to messengers, which is extremely unsafe. Most messengers make it possible to edit and delete messages, which deprives you the evidence base if you decide to remind the interlocutor about your arrangements. It is better to give preference to those messengers that make it possible to hide your phone number in privacy settings. In this case, if your messages are broken, others will not see your room. Consider these risks and exhibit the appropriate privacy settings. Remember that anonymity in messengers is a myth. There is no absolutely safe messenger. Most of them have access to the chamber, microphone, photographs and contacts on the device, which is in itself unsafe.

Ilya Loevsky

Deputy Head of Roskatkogo

Any ways to exchange information on the network cannot be called protected or absolutely confidential, it must be taken into account. Access to correspondence and metadata can receive both IT corporations and law enforcement. If you want absolute privacy, chat personally, but here you can elude IT giants to offer you targeted advertising.

Performance and reliability

In addition to functionality, ease of use and safety, Rosquatk experts evaluated the performance and reliability of mobile applications.

The resistance to external interruptions was determined (for example, you dial a message and at that moment an incoming call comes - a part of the dialed message should not disappear anywhere), the stability of the application, the correctness of the application and the display of the interface elements, the application size.

The largest amount of memory occupied by WECHAT for Android (more than 300 MB). Less than the rest weighing the Threema, IMO and Vipole for iOS and Threema and Tamem for Android (estimate - 5 out of 5, weight is less than 50 MB).

All applications have shown correct and stable operation. However, when choosing a Chinese Wechat Messenger, it is necessary to take into account difficulties in the service: you need to verify the account with the participation of the user who has already installed WECHAT, while it must satisfy a number of conditions.

The maximum performance score received applications for iOS Threema, IMO, IMESSAGE and VIPOLE (5 points), for Android - Threema and Tammam.


The possibility of transferring chats to another device, the presence of a desktop / web version, a version for smart clocks and another mobile operating system (iOS / Android) is also rated. All applications studied allow you to transfer correspondents to other devices, the desktop / web version is available in all messengers, except Kik, Zangi, Soma and Instagram. The latter has a web version, but it does not allow to exchange messages. The smart clock version is only available at Viber, Messenger (Facebook), WeChat for both platforms, from iMessage for iOS and Threema for Android.

Application information

The attention of the experts was given to the information characteristics of the applications, such as the description of the description, the lack of feedback in the description, screenshots and video, the compliance of the declared functionality, as well as other criteria. The potential user should be able to familiarize themselves with the functionality provided and see what the application looks like in the screenshots and video, without the need for its installation. Also, the description should contain information only on realized functionality, contain a reference to the privacy policy, and the application itself must be updated regularly. The highest score on the group of criteria "Information about Annex" has a Messenger "TAMTAM" (4.97 for iOS and 4.96 for Android).


The best totality of all criteria is recognized:

  1. WhatsApp (4.50)
  2. Viber (4,42)
  3. Skype (4,18)
  1. WhatsApp (4,41)
  2. Viber (4,36)
  3. Threema (4,28)

The study was conducted in accordance with the test methodology based on the preliminary national standard for comparative tests of mobile applications Pings 277-2018.

Thanks to the study of rinking, if necessary, select an application with support for certain functionality from the consumer an opportunity to filter software products by its presence and make a choice taking into account the rating drawn up by the experts of the digital examination of Roskkaya.

Festive time is traditionally the most convenient period in order to compile various ratings and tops. And since we set our goal: to penetrate the world of messengers and become "their" there; Today, we will consider the top 10 messengers who have allocated something special this year.


Can be found in smartphones of experienced users

Of course, not WhatsApp'om is one, but the share in the market of this old-timer is a cherished dream and a ghostly goal of each, even unborn, project. Of course, this messenger cannot boast a huge number of "Killer-Fich", because Features in applications of this type often occurred only to "become unlike whatsapp". Nevertheless, this messenger remains one of the most practical applications for those who just want to communicate a bit more convenient than that it allows the functionality of standard messages, plus, giving the opportunity to share thoughts and multimedia pieces in group chats, record voice messages and send stickers.

The main advantage is the fact that one of the three of your friends is exactly this app.


There are almost every Facebook user

Facebook users themselves, to put it mildly, were not delighted with the appearance of a separate messenger. He was rapidly, and the Internet does not tolerate dictatorship, if it is not about the dictatorship of the cats, of course. The solution of the company to distinguish between the use of the social network led to the fact that now everyone who at least occasionally peers in FB has two at the price of one thing - there are two applications - a customer for content and a messenger for communication. The second is very similar to whatsapp, but its interface allows you to write not only to those whose numbers are in the phone book, but also the list of Friends Facebook (which is logical, considering the background). Also, the messenger has a typical set of demanded features: free calls, marks with geolocation, srying photos and further on the list.

The main advantage is the fact that he is still alive, despite the extremely negative first impression from the audience unprepared to such a step.


As if the old school comrade, with whom you crossed in another setting

If whatsapp can be called old-timer among messengers, That Skype is those who themselves are called "old-timer", so long to explain that this is exactly not necessary. Starting your way for more than 11 years ago (time, you mercilessly!), Messenger positioned himself as such as video-communication oriented, but now more actively begins to look towards a tallest piece in the form of a typical application market for instant messaging. The problem is that to communicate in Skype you need to know the Skype ID of your interlocutor, and this is to some extent complicates integration. The positive aspect of this nuance is the number of a messenger audience, in which in 2010 there were more than 663 million accounts. According to one of the evangelists Skype Jean Mercier for 2013, the number of active users in the most peak moments overcomed the mark of 70 million. Therefore, it is safe to say that in Skype already probably there are almost all those with whom you may need to make a dialogue.

The main advantage is the fact that Skype is increasingly adapting to the market and keeps up with the times, despite the possibility of not forcing events, rejoicing for the former merits.


Is a striking Skype analog

If speaking of Skype, from paid solutions you can allocate calls to mobile, which has always been a serious and important chicken, then Viber monetization is focused on ... stickers. Yes, that's how - some really Connectin Piple, while others defend the principles of life on the bright side. It was Viber who began to actively promote a sticker culture, in which dozens of free and no less paid hand drawn pictures for quick exchange, while the collection is constantly updated. According to the company's management statements, the application priority remains on the fundamental function - instant messages. Well, logical, after all, someone needs to send all these endless stickers! You can also send voice messages as in the previously mentioned WhatsApp, but, alas, without a video, like in Skype, but the dialer works as it should.

The main advantage is the fact that, apparent, at first glance, the children's prank, has become a truly real force in the market.


Twitter, FB and, again, Skype

The young project is gaining more and more popularity mainly for An Asian audience account, while many only make plans for "cling to this market". If there is a subject about Line, then these are video calls and group chats, the ability to share media content, as is customary in social networks.

The main advantage is the fact that the messenger is sharpened for a huge segment of a young audience, which appreciates functionality and aesthetics.


His made in Google

Hangouts is installed as a standard messenger in Android 4.4 Kitkat, thanks to which he collected even more users under his wing. The application is a standard SMS mix and simultaneously an application for sending instant messages (IM). Thanks to this merger, Hangouts turned out to be canonical and more convenient and understood for all users. And while on Facebook is divided in two, Google is multiplied. Yes, a little non -actic comparison, which partly discloses strategic plans of companies.

The main advantage is the fact that the messenger has a number of communication capabilities, including the functions of working with media and video calls.


Good for its usefulness

Tango, unlike the above-mentioned participants, does not have some kind of specific phishke, but, nevertheless less, does everything that the user needs, combining under one roof (count the icon): instant messaging, media shering, stickers, video calls and group chats, even playing elements are present. Tango automatically searches for those friends from the contact list, who already uses the application. They would still be a base, like Skype, and the prices would not have had, or rather, she would be much higher.

The main advantage is the fact that the messenger combines a standard set of functions, reinforcing their social component.


Safety - Old-New Trend

And positioning - our everything! That is why the ambitious project made a bet on confidentiality and the high degree of personal protection given ... and did not lose. Whatsapp on the rights of "Pope" did not become the mouth of the rear and also included projects aimed at strengthening precautions when shipping and storing logs. By the way, it was the initial worship of Telegram encryption that can make it a leader in this criterion in the eyes of people, despite the further actions of the competitors. Nobody canceled the first impression in the world of mobile applications.

The main advantage is the fact that Telegram knows what to do focus without spraying on trifles.

And now about those who would be sinner do not mention:

Kakaotalk. - Often an undervalued messenger with a social component, which has many vital features listed in this top infinite number of times.

Wechhat. - The giant of the Chinese market, which is gaining momentum in the international arena. Based on the latest updates, we can say that in some extent the messenger becomes like Tango.

BBM. - Born on not the most popular platform app, increasingly finding a place in the phones on Android. Work with incoming messages and privacy, adequate operation in the rolled mode and various types of messages - a great set of original functions.

Kik. - Playful, colorful and unobtrusive messenger with a built-in browser for more convenient interaction with content. It is designed to be easy, and therefore in demand among all (185 million) his admirers.

Are the main means of communication among users of mobile devices and computers. SMS, MMS and even email are outdated and become less convenient unlike applications for instant messages, which often use your phone number as a login. Thus, all your contacts automatically appear in messengers, which is very convenient.

In this article we decided to assemble the top 5 of the best and most popular messengers today in Russia, Ukraine and the whole world.


Whatsapp is the most popular messenger in the world, almost everything, who has a smartphone will definitely install it. This application is popular, mostly because of its simplicity. All your contacts will be automatically added to WhatsApp.

Messages, group chats, sharing media content, stickers, smiles, etc. - all this of course is. Also, users can make free calls to other users who have installed WhatsApp.

The most popular in countries such as: Russia, China, Germany, Italy, Latin America countries.


  • Free app;
  • Works on all popular OS: Mobile iOS (iPhone), Android, Windows Phone; Windows, Mac computers;
  • Free audio and video calls to any country of the world (no additional fees), messages and group chats (up to 256 people);
  • Uses any type of Internet connection (Wi-Fi, 4G, 3G, 2G or EDGE);
  • Multimedia Content (photos, video, documents and voice messages);
  • No need to memorize logins and pins for authorization, the application uses only your phone number and address book contact.


  • Sending files with a maximum size of 100 MB;
  • Celebrate energy efficiency on the iPhone;
  • Not the best encryption system;
  • Requires iOS 8.0 or Android 4.0.3 or later.


Viber is ideal for those who like to use as many stickers as possible. Although the instant messaging service is the main thing in this application, but it has proven itself in the stickers market. Viber has a beautiful, simple and convenient purple interface, voice messages, group chat rooms and video calls also work perfectly in Viber.

The most popular in countries such as: Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  • Free app;
  • The application is available for iOS 9 and above, Android 4.0 and above, Windows Phone, as well as on Windows, Mac OS and Linux;
  • Free calls, messages and video with other users of the system.
  • Stickers, gifs, animations, etc.


  • Sometimes there is a bad connection with audio or video calls (but it happens everywhere);
  • The maximum length of the voice message is 30 seconds;
  • Spam and advertisements;
  • Weak data encryption;
  • No data export.


Telegram is pretty new in the market of messengers, but has already won the hearts of many users. He is considered one of the safest and encrypted messengers. It is possible to create your groups, keep a complete correspondence story and communicate in group chats.

The leading place among messengers occupies in such countries: Iran, Uzbekistan and Ethiopia.


  • Free app;
  • Telegram is available for mobile iOS, Android, Windows Phone and computers with Windows, Mac OS and Linux;
  • An open source code that allows each person to make its own edits in its application: to make stickers or something in a coolest;
  • Comfortable group chat and text editor: Special bots will help;
  • Smart bots. Will help format your text for Instagram and other applications, determine the winner randomly, etc.
  • Unlimited voice messages;
  • The application stores the full history of all your correspondence (if you do not want to remove it manually);
  • The ability to simultaneously work on multiple devices.


  • Lack of voice and video calls;
  • Secret chats are available only for phones.


One of the most popular instant messaging applications, but gradually losing its popularity. Video calls is the main function of this application, but there is a chat feature that allows you to communicate with other Skype users. There is a group chat, emoticons, stickers, multimedia exchange, etc ..

But in order to add friends to Skype, you need to know their Skype ID. In addition, you can make cheap international calls by adding Skype credit.



  • Already sent messages cannot be edited;
  • Weak confidentiality;
  • No voice calls.

Statistics of installations and active users (28 days)

Russia (Android - Google Play)

The best messengers in Russia (Android)

Russia (iPhone - AppStore)

Top Messengers in Russia (IOS)

Ukraine (Android - Google Play)

The best messengers in Ukraine (Android)

Ukraine (iPhone - AppStore)

Top Messengers in Ukraine (IOS)


The most popular free messengers in the world

The best messengers in the world 2019 (AppStore)

Popularity of messengers in dynamics: February 2017 against March 2016

According to mobile operators in Russia, Messenger Number One - WhatsApp, they enjoy 68.7% of biline clients and 47.6% among MegaFon subscribers. In second place VIBER - 45.7% and 39.7%, respectively. Telegraph's share is not so significant - only 7.5% of Bilayne subscribers use this messenger. The study of Brand Analytics on the mention of messengers in social media correlate with these data.

Discussions of messengers and the proportion of each of them are a clear indicator of popularity among users. Analysis of the discussions of communication channels allows you to identify which of them are most in demand, and which are losing their positions. The greatest share of messages in February 2017 contains the mention of WhatsApp - 30% and Viber - 27%. SMS occupy a third line of the rating with a share of 16%, Skype - 14%. The proportion of Telegraph mention was 11% of the total. The "Others" category included such messengers as Snapchat, ICQ, IMESSAGE and Facebook Messenger, the share of each of which in reports of users of social media was less than 1% of the total mention.

If you compare the latest February data with annual limitation data for March 2016, it is impossible not to note the increase in the total volume of mentions of messengers 1.7 times - from 4.4 million to 7.6 million references per month. At the same time, the distribution of the shares of the discussions of various messengers has changed significantly.

In order of distribution of places in the ranking of one, but very fundamental change - Skype lost the first position and moved to the fourth, skipping forward the top three - WhatsApp, Viber and SMS. Immediately for Skype and breathes into his back - telegrams.

The absolute leader in the number of mentiones compared to March 2016 became telegrams. This messenger showed four-time growth - from 186,000 to 836,000 mentions per month.

The most sharp drop in the volume of references is to Skype - 1.6 times compared with last year and ICQ - 2 times. The latter is included in the "other" data for February 2017.

How messengers are used: context analysis of references to Sotsmedia

Mentioning messengers in social media allow not only to assess the share and growth rates of each of them, but also to analyze the context of the discussions. In market leaders - WhatsApp and Viber The bulk of references is associated with the exchange of contacts to purchase goods and services, and both channels of communication are often used, but it can be noted that whatapp is more used by online stores, while Viber is as a means of communication between customers And performers of various services - from photographers to makeup artists.

As for the telegrams, Socredia users are often divided into channels and chats and discuss public content in Messenger.

The use of messengers not only for personal communication, but also to communicate in public chat rooms and reading public channels is one of the trends of 2017. Chats and channels turn messengers to social media and attract new users. Trend Setter here is definitely the telegrams, which is probably helping the messenger to grow so high.

Top 30 public channels in Telegraph

We analyzed the most popular Russian-speaking channels of the audience in size and found out that the most successful of them bet on a unique author's content, relevant in real time. The telegraph is popular channels of humorous and entertainment topics and in this preferences of the audience Telegraph are similar to the interests of VKontakte users. A feature of the audience Telegraph is increased attention to the channels on policies and economics, educational and professional content - the study of English, science, psychology, marketing, Digital and PR-topics.

Top 30 Telegraph Channels by volume of the audience

# Channel The audience* Name Topic
@TeLeblog. Telegram news Technologies
@stalin_gulag Stallenigulag Blogs
@Dailyeng. English Science and education
@hardchannel. Hardcore Humor and entertainment
@ Anekdot18. Jokes Humor and entertainment
@Facta. You will not believe Humor and entertainment
@flibusta. book Brotherhood Books and magazines
@znayuvse I want to know everything! Science and education
@ RUSSICA2. Neryghar Economy and politics
@poshloe. Vulgar For adults
@Lifehacktg. LifeHack Other
@funxd. Rull jokes Humor and entertainment
@BestArticles Interesting articles News and Media
@Meduzalive. Medusa - Live. News and Media
@Namochimanturu Naughter Mantu. Science and education
@ Englishclub2. English Club. Science and education
@so_smyslom With meaning Quotes
@AdDMeto. addMeto. Technologies
@Lentachold. Lentach News and Media
@Hack_Life Life Hacks. Other
@int_fakt. Interesting Facts Other
@Rugram. Channels and bots games and applications
@FreakBook FreakBook. News and Media
@Erudittg. Erudes Science and education
@Psyxolog. Psychology | Psyxolog. Science and education
@techSparks. TechSparks. Technologies
@RT_Russian. RT in Russian News and Media
@Suppreme_Life. S U P R E M E For adults
@trahninormalnost. Fuck normality Humor and entertainment
@ Pokazal0s. It seemed Other

In the top 30 there are only 2 channels of the official media - @meduzalive on the 14th place and @RT_Russian on the 27 line of the rating. According to the directory of the telegraph itself, the news channels in the top are more, but they do not belong to the official media. In particular, the jellyfish and RT in Telegraph bypassing the "Interesting Articles" channel, however, the jellyfish canal has every chance to bypass him in the near future. RT ROT retardment is more serious, it is also superior to the number of Lentach and FreakBook subscribers. I did not get into the top 30, but there are active telegrams with an audience of more than 5,000 people such projects such as: Snob @Snobru (15,356 followers), Rain TV channel @tvrain (9,562 subscribers) and Russian newspaper @RGrunews (8 363 subscribers).

Already, we can talk about the fact that the channels in the messengers have become a convenient source of content consumption for many users of Sotsmedia. In the consumption of news content, Telegraph users prefer collections with news announcements from aggregators and those channels that publish content 1-2 times a day - the audience is significantly wider than, for example, among the media bombarding subscribers with news within the course of the day.

However, at the moment, the consumption of content in the channels is rather closed and does not contribute to its distribution. Outside the telegraph, even the most popular channels are practically not mentioned, and the discussion and the distribution of content often remains inside the messenger. Content of entertainment channels, such as hardcore, jokes, you will not believe others - goes beyond the messenger. These content are mainly divided by Facebook users (about 60% of reposts of content from Top-30 channels are published in this network) and VKontakte (about 20%).

Summarizing, it can be noted that the attention growth trend towards messengers continues. On the general background of two-time growth in the volume of mention, the leader of growth with a four-time indicator became telegrams. The growth of attention to Telegraph is associated, including with the active use of public channels - for the year the number of users of Russian-speaking channels increased by several times - from hundreds to tens of thousands. The most active growth was shown by channels with a unique copyright content - entertainment, educational, and channels with a relevant information agenda and policies.