What programs are needed in Windows 10 startup. Where is the startup folder? Let's see where the application startup folder is located

Good afternoon, dear readers, and also to all those who accidentally wandered here. Not long ago we looked at what it is eaten with; if you haven’t read it, be sure to check it out. And today I want to tell you about where the autorun of programs and applications is located in the operating system Windows 10. Let's start with.

For the time being, we don’t even think about what Windows is, until suddenly our system begins to be “lazy” and very slow to “think”, although, it would seem, just yesterday everything started up once or twice.

The fact is that the longer we use the computer, the more we install the software we need, the more likely it is that all or most of these programs get into startup and start along with the system, whether we want it or not. And this is a consumption of Windows performance resources.

Where in Windows 10 startup (autorun) programs

To disable programs from startup, we first need to find it. And for this we must launch the “Task Manager”. It opens, as in previous versions of Windows, with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

If " Task Manager"(task manager) opened in minimized mode, then click on the "More details" button in the lower left part of the window, then go to the "Startup" tab.

Here is a list of those programs that run along with 10; if there are a dozen or more of them, then they most likely negatively affect the operation of your system. Therefore, I advise you to disable all these programs. To do this, you need to hover your cursor over a specific program and click “Disable” in the lower right corner.

Important! If you don’t know what this or that program is responsible for, then you should disable them individually, and not as a group, so as not to get completely confused - in case you disable something vitally important for yourself. The changes will take effect, of course, after a system reboot.

How to add a program to Windows 10 startup

To add a program or application to Windows 10 startup, you need to open the " Startup» in the following ways.

  • Method number 1.

C:\Users\"Your Name"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

By default, this folder is hidden, I will tell you how to make it visible in one of the following articles, but for now:

  • Method number 2.

If the Startup folder does not open, then open the “Run” dialog box using the keyboard shortcut Win+R.

After that we write there:

shell:startup is for a specific user

shell:common startup - this is for all Windows users

The Startup folder will open. Perhaps there will be shortcuts to those programs that are already loaded with the system. To add a program to autorun you need.

Starting with Windows XP and all subsequent versions of operating systems, there was a Startup folder in the Start menu. Surely, it’s no secret to anyone what kind of folder this is and what functions it performs. But it wouldn’t hurt to remind you. Thanks to a function such as “Startup”, you can always monitor, change and make adjustments to the list of those loading simultaneously with the system itself.

If you have a large number of programs in the Startup menu, this may affect the boot speed of the system itself. Many users are wondering where the startup folder is located in Windows 10. So, the topic of today’s article will be “How to find startup in Windows 10.” For, in the tenth version of the operating system, it, like many other programs, has undergone slight changes in its location.

Where is startup in Windows 10?

In fact, finding this folder is not so difficult, if, of course, you know approximately where to look. In order to do this, first of all, turn on the display of hidden folders and files. To do this, select any folder on your desktop and go to properties. From there, go to the View menu, and at the very bottom you need to perform two actions. The first is to depress the “Hide system protected files” button, and the second is to turn on “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. When finished, be sure to click on “Ok”.

The first part of the preparation is done, now in order to find “Startup” you won’t have to perform a dozen extra steps. Simply select your main drive and follow the following path:
"Users\Your_username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Main Menu\Programs\Startup"

How to find the Startup folder using search.

You can also find the folder you need using search. In order to search, you need to open the system drive and enter “Startup” in the search column. Once the search is complete, you will be given two folders to choose from. Choose the one that has the word “Users” in the system path. This is where the startup folder will be located in Windows 10.

As you can see, searching for something through the system disk is the easiest way. But it has its small disadvantages. For example, such as a rather lengthy search. In order to give you the requested result, the system has to “look through” a lot. But if you have a lot of free time, then this method is for you.
Open “Startup” through the “Run” menu.

Another way to find the desired folder is to launch it through “Run”. In order to call this menu, just press the simple combination “Win ​​+ R”. After clicking these two buttons, a window will appear in front of you in which you need to type the following:
"%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

After completing this simple procedure, the “Startup” window will appear in front of you, in which you can perform your manipulations with the downloaded programs.

The most effective and simplest way.

The developers of the Windows 10 operating system provided the ability to transfer the “Startup” folder from the “Start” menu to the “Task Manager” itself. The convenience of this method is that you do not need to perform any additional actions to search for and make changes to the operation of the system itself. You just need to launch the “Task Manager”; you can do this using the combination “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” and the notorious Manager will open in front of you. All you need to do is go to the Startup tab.

After you go to the tab, you will see a directory with programs that are loaded along with your operating system. If there are a lot of programs on this list, this will not have the most pleasant effect on the operation of your computer. As necessary, it is, of course, better to get rid of programs that are not frequently used in order to free up computer memory and thereby relieve tasks performed by the computer in the background. In order to remove any program from Startup, you need to highlight the unnecessary program with the cursor and click “Disable” in the lower right corner.

If you do not know which program is responsible for what, then it is better to disable it individually, thereby protecting yourself from disabling any vital program whose capabilities you may have little understanding of. Don't forget that the changes will only take effect after you restart your PC.

How to add a program to the Startup list?

Okay, we figured out a little bit about how to find the Startup folder and how to remove unnecessary programs from it. But what if, on the contrary, you want to add a program to this list? To do this, you will need to launch “Startup” using any of the methods described above. When the startup folder opens in Windows 10, do the following:


There is absolutely no doubt about the functionality of Windows 10. Thanks to the built-in capabilities for adjusting the operation of the system (these include “Startup”), you can always monitor and adjust the performance of your computer or any other device based on this operating system.

Always keep track of what programs you have in your Startup folder. Try to keep only the essentials in it and then your computer will always delight you with its performance.

In this article, you will learn what startup is in Windows 10, where it is located, and how to configure startup programs in Windows 10.

Programs added to startup start immediately after turning on the computer. Autostart allows you to optimize routine operations (for example, launching Skype or antivirus immediately after turning on the computer) and save time. At the same time, while working at the computer, startup in Windows 10 can become clogged with unnecessary and even malicious programs that will slow down the system. Therefore, it is useful to know how to remove a program from startup.

Editing startup in task manager

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the startup list in the task manager. To open the startup window in the task manager in Windows 10, right-click the Start menu and select Task Manager.

If you have not visited the task manager before, it will open in a shortened form. To display its full view, click the “Details” button.

In the advanced mode of the task manager, go to the “Startup” tab.

Tip: You can also open the task manager using the Ctrl+Shift+Esc key combination.

In the Startup tab that opens in the task manager, you can view a list of all programs that are in startup (data is taken from the registry and from the Startup service folder), their impact on the boot speed of Windows 10 and the startup state (the automatic launch of these programs is enabled or disabled) .

State disabled or enabled. Programs that are configured to launch immediately after Windows 10 starts have the “enabled” status. Accordingly, those programs that should not start immediately after launch have the “disabled” state.

Impact on download speed can be low or high. The column allows you to understand how much program autorun affects the loading speed of the operating system. If a program consumes a lot of resources when Windows starts, then it is better to disable its startup.

By right-clicking on the program name you can:

  • disable autostart programs in Windows 10;
  • open the program location;
  • search for information about the program on the Internet;
  • view the properties of the program launch file.

Adding a program to Windows 10 startup

There are three ways to add or remove a program from startup - adding a program (or a program shortcut) to a user folder, editing the registry or task scheduler. Let's consider all three methods.

Adding a program to startup via a folder

To add program to startup you need to copy the shortcut for the program that you want to launch when Windows 10 starts into the “Startup” service folder. Read below where the Startup folder is located on your computer.

Windows 10 startup folder location for current user:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Windows 10 startup folder location for all computer users:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

You can also open the folder using the Win+R key combination and running the command shell:startup(see screenshot below).

Now copy the shortcut of the desired program. In the screenshot I copied the Skype shortcut.

To remove a program from startup just delete it from this folder.

Editing Windows 10 startup via the registry

This method of managing startup is suitable for more experienced users.

First you need to open the Registry Editor. Right-click the Start menu and click Run.

Tip: You can open the Run dialog menu using the Win+R key combination.

In the window that opens, type the command regedit and click OK.

Two registry branches are responsible for automatically launching programs in Windows 10:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - for the current computer user;
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - for all computer users.

In the registry editor that opens, go to the branch responsible for autobooting the current user.

This way, you can add any program to Windows 10 startup through the registry editor.

Setting up programs to run in the Windows 10 Task Scheduler

To open Windows 10 Task Scheduler, click on the Start menu and start typing “task scheduler” as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the program when it appears in the list of found ones.

Tip: you can launch the task scheduler using the Win+R key combination by typing the command askschd.msc in the window that opens and clicking OK.

In the task scheduler window that opens, in the “task scheduler library” section, you can see a list of applications and their launch schedule.

As a rule, commands for updating various programs, for example, Adobe Flash Player, are located here. But, commands for launching programs when the computer starts can also be located here.

Please review the programs in this list carefully. You may want to delete some tasks.

To have the program run automatically after starting the computer, in the task scheduler, click the “Create task” button.

All that remains is to specify which program to launch at startup. Go to the Actions tab and click Create. Click the "browse" button and select the desired program. In the picture below, in my example, I indicated the “notepad” program. After that, click the “OK” button twice.

Video on how to add a program to Windows startup

We invite you to watch several training videos that show in detail how to add a program to startup.

- the ability of an operating system (OS) to launch applications or programs immediately after turning on the computer. Startup contains programs necessary for stable operation of the OS or those installed by the user.

When purchasing new equipment with Windows 10 OS, you can note the fast loading speed of the computer. However, after a while it slows down. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the presence of an excessive number of startup tasks that are active in the background. Some of them are not paramount for the OS. They take up memory on your PC and waste CPU and disk resources.

To avoid sluggish operation of the device, it is important to monitor the number of automatically launched tasks. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed in this article.

The first method is to uncheck the box next to the phrase “Load the application when the computer starts” when installing a new application. Very simple and effective.

Second way - Setting up Windows 10 startup manually. To do this, you need to find the Startup folder, which contains shortcuts to downloaded programs. Remove unnecessary shortcuts and there will be no waste of PC resources. You can find the required folder by following this path:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Main Menu\Programs\Startup - rus

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp - if your interface language is English

The third is setting through the Task Manager. To do this, right-click on the Taskbar and select “Task Manager” > “Startup” from the menu that appears. A table will open containing the columns “name”, “publisher”, “status” and “impact on launch”. The “Status” parameter shows whether the task is currently active or not. The user needs to be guided by the names, so as not to disable the programs necessary for the OS; it is better to make inquiries about them on the Internet. In the “Status” column, select “Disable”. Now the program will not automatically launch when the OS is activated.

The fourth way is to remove an unnecessary program using one of the many free applications available. I have been using the proven CCleaner Free program for many years. The user needs to launch CCleaner Free, select the “Service” tab, in which the “Startup” item is selected. Information about automatically launched programs will appear in the window, where their status will be reflected (the “Enabled” column is marked “Yes” or “No”). To disable, select the one we need, right-click, and in the menu that appears, select the “Disable” item.

The fifth way is to directly get into the roots of the system, through the registry. When working with the registry, remember that unless you know exactly what you're doing, don't do it. This is one of the easiest ways to break everything. But sometimes it happens that there is no other way to fix startup programs. In this case, here are brief instructions: by pressing the Win + R keys and typing regedit in the “Run” field, press Enter. After that, go to the section (folder) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run. On the right side of the Registry Editor, you will see a list of programs that are launched for the current user when you log in. If there is a need to change startup for all computer users, you need to go to the section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run. You can change the list of programs in startup - delete or add a new one, to do this, right-click on the empty space in the right side of the editor - create - string parameter. Give the parameter any desired name, then double-click on it and specify the path to the program's executable file as the value.

You can optimize your computer to speed up loading the OS using the task scheduler, which performs launch programs according to schedule. The scheduler detection path is as follows:

Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Task Scheduler

To perform a delayed launch, in the “Task Scheduler”, select the “Create task” item. A new window appears, where we select the “General” tab and set a name. Go to the “Triggers” tab, click on the “Create” button, and in the “Start task” checkbox “On startup”. And in the “Advanced parameters” we specify “postpone the task for 15 minutes.” and save. Next, in the “Action” tab, you need to set the “Run a program” parameter and in the “Program or script” line, indicate the path to the desired file. In the “Conditions” and “Parameters” tabs, leave the recommended settings. Click the “Save” button and that’s it, the task is configured.

Ability to add and remove programs to Startup Windows 10 will simplify working with the device and help optimize the operating system. It is important to remember that Startup may also contain malicious programs, be careful.

After installing various types of programs, in most cases they are added to Windows 10 startup. In some of them, the user does not even agree to add programs to startup. There are also malicious programs that are installed with regular ones and immediately end up in the operating system startup.

This article will tell you how to open startup in Windows 10. Every user needs to know how to work with startup programs in the system. In general, disabling programs at startup improves the performance of the operating system as a whole. We recommend simply removing unnecessary things from startup in Windows 10. If necessary, the user has the option to return it.

Starting with Windows 10 version 1803, Startup settings were added to new options. Here you can disable and enable autoloading of any application with just one click. Applications can be configured to launch when you log in. In most cases, they are launched in a minimized form or begin to perform only a background task. To open startup you now only need to:

Unlike Windows 7, in new versions of the Windows operating system they decided to move the startup section to the task manager. Previously, a similar startup section was located in the classic system configuration application. Now, in the startup section, the user will see a link to go to the task manager.

Here we see all the programs that are added to the system startup. And also right there you can disable autoloading of all programs on Windows 10. We would like to draw your attention to the column opposite the application impact on system startup is the degree of influence of CPU and disk activity, measured at boot time and updated at each reboot. We recommend disabling applications with a high impact on startup, as well as all unnecessary applications that are in startup.

The startup folder is also present in earlier versions of Windows; by adding an application shortcut to it, it will autostart. Open the startup folder by running the command shell:startup in the window Win+R. Well, or just go along the path: C:\ Users\ Username\ AppData\ Roaming\ Microsoft\ Windows\ Main Menu\ Programs\ Startup.

In order to add a program to Windows 10 startup, you need to create a string parameter. You can give the parameter any name. By double-clicking on this parameter, in the line Meaning You must specify the path to the program's executable file. An example of adding a parameter to the registry can be seen in the image above.

There are many programs that allow you to both add and remove programs from startup. CCleaner is a free program for cleaning junk on your computer; it allows you to control startup programs on Windows 10. You can download it without any problems on the program’s official website.


Each user must be able to work with startup programs in the Windows 10 operating system. At a minimum, you need to know how to open, enable, and disable startup programs. Since removing programs from startup improves system performance as a whole.

Indeed, cleaning startup in the operating system allows the user to save his own time. We also recommend additionally to improve performance.