Ki-West, Florida: Attractions. Key West after hurricane. Open the left menu Ki-West Florida How to get to the city of cats

Ki-West (Florida) is both the city and the island. The territory belongs to get to it by numerous bridges - directly from Homsted or Miami. The island is located in one of the most southernmost points of the United States, on the Big Archipelago called Florida Kis. Among the travelers, this resort is known for its warm climate, chic beaches and high-class hotels.

From the history

Until the XVI century, Kaalus Indian tribes lived here. In 1521, the first person from Europe visited the place. The island was given a name that means "covered with bones", which was connected with Indian battles. The modern name appeared due to an error. Spanish words have been replaced with time in time. And now the name of the city of Ki-Vesta can literally be translated as "Western Key". Over time, the island began to settle with new residents arriving from other territories. They were engaged in fishing, from time to time they had to save from the death of passengers of sinking ships. It also developed salt production. In the XIX century, the island came in the United States. Over the years, the place has become popular with tourists and holidaymakers.

At the beginning of the last century, the famous railway was laid through the islands, which stretched straight from Miami. It was destroyed by a strong storm in the 30s and replaced with a car. Now there are always a little more than 25 thousand people.

The effects of elements

Strong winds and tornadoes in Florida - not such a rare phenomenon. Hundreds of residents died after a hurricane, which happened in 1935. But it was not the only similar episode in the life of the island of Ki-West. Most recently, in September 2017, the city of Ki-West after Hurricane Irma was seriously injured. Houses and buildings were destroyed, burst with the root of the trees. The wind speed almost exceeded 210 km / h. The austerity of the elements led to the strongest flood. As a result, many residents remained without a roof above their heads, people themselves were pre-evacuated. The city is gradually restored, many objects are rejected again.

Beach rest

What attracts tourists Key West, Florida? First, a special climate. In these parts, the temperature regime does not fall below zero degrees. The weather is usually clear, sunny. From morning to evening, you can spend time on the beach, acquiring pleasant tan shades, bathing in the purest sea water.

The coastal zone is littered with sand. The most popular with tourists has an equipped beach of SMARTS, where there are parking spaces, outlets and cafes, recreation area with the ability to rent a table and chairs. Many come here for diving or fishing. You can purchase a catamaran or boat. There is on the island and wild beaches. For example, one of these is located on the territory of Park Fort Zakari Taylor. A quiet and quiet place that visits a significantly smaller number of tourists.


Already named Park is one of the places that should be visited in Ki-Vesta (Florida). Until the 40s of the last century, the acting fort was located here. At the moment, this is a historic park in which you can take a walk (on foot or by bike), rent a kayak or sit in a cafe. Park visits hours should be specified in advance.

Duval Street is considered the main street of the city. On both parties you can see numerous cafes and restaurants. For example, Sloppy Joe "S - Bar, who at one time visited Hemingway himself! Fans of the writer's creativity necessarily come here to make photos of interiors and skip a couple of cocktails. In this place there are often concerts with live music. In other institutions, they are offered to sing karaoke, and If you come to the evening or night time - you can get to the colorful show and become a member of the carnival.

Attractions Key West

You can move around the city not only on your feet. Excursions are also offered here, which are held on a special tourist bus. And you can rent a scooter or bike to study the surroundings yourself. There are many palm trees around. Coconuts from them are sold in shopping beds. Inside stretch the tube to drink coconut milk it was more convenient.

In the southern location of Key West, Florida is a local attraction - big painted buoy. Sometimes there is a long queue from tourists to take pictures next to him. Bui symbolizes the southern point of the United States (although it is actually not quite so). It also indicates the mark "90 miles to Cuba".

Original souvenirs are sold in the city: it is reasonable to acquire something in memory of the visit of Ki-Vesta (Florida). It can be magnets, small crafts or sold in some stores. They are manufactured on the island, according to local sellers. By the way, real Cuban cigars sell in the United States is prohibited.


In Ki-Vest, there are many interesting museums. First of all, it is worth mentioning the Hemingway Museum located in the house where the writer lived. The building has a long history, and it was built as much as in 1851. The museum you can see antique furniture and things of the famous author. Some Trophies Hemingway brought with them from expeditions to distant countries. Museum live amazing animals - sixpall cats. These are descendants of a homemade cat writer.

It is unlikely that in some city there is a shipwreck museum. Here is the most interesting exposition from things that came to the residents of Ki-West with sinking vessels. In addition to the objects of life, it is possible to see the real gold bars, as well as to see the familiarization videos about rescue operations. Another museum complex, where you can familiarize yourself with the marine treasures and treasures, the Maritime Museum of Fisher. And you can look at the ocean inhabitants by visiting the Ki-Vesta aquarium. Log in there, as in museums, paid, but tickets can be ordered in advance.

How to get there?

You can get to the island on a large cruise liner. That is how tourists from China and other remote states arrive at Florida Ky. Another option is to fly by plane. In Ki-Vesta there is a small international airport. But it is worth considering that baggage weight is strongly limited. Most often, travelers prefer to get to the island by car. From the bridge there is a stunning overview for the sea, coral reefs and sailing past by ships. On the way you can also see what remains of the destroyed railway.

There are practically no buildings in the city above two floors. And in some old buildings, according to legends, ghosts dwell. An example will be a mansion in the Victorian style Marrero "S Guest Mansion, near which the silhouette of the dead girl was seen more than once - the beloved of the former owner of the house. And the walls of some other buildings still remember the times of pirate bloodshed.

You can stay in Ki-Vesta (Florida) in a good hotel or in a private house. Some inhabitants rent a room or whole villas.

Ki-West - Tropical Paradise, Popular Beach Resort and the most cheerful city of Florida-Kis archipelago. Here you can relax and penetrate the spirit of old Florida.

Ki-West - Island city in Florida, photo Dorinser-2

Key West City (Key West) is called "tropical parades", tourist Mecca USA. This is the extreme southern point of Continental America. It is located in Florida - on the small island of Ki-West, which is part of the coral archipelago of Florida Kis.

With the mainland, this piece of sushi is associated with the Oversea Highway sea highway with a length of 188 km, laid through the islands and surface overwhelms. The main bridge length of the track is 11 km away.

The city built an airport. Cruise liners enter the port of Ki-West. Residents work mainly in the sphere of tourism. Fishermen, artists, bohemians live here.

The climate is tropical, never happens snow and frosts.


House of Ernest Hemingway

Small White House Harry Truman

Museum of shipwrecks

Bar Sloppyy Joe

Fort Zakari Taylor

The southernmost point of the United States, photo teekay72

The main city attraction is a three-color cement buoy, the symbol of the extreme southern position of the city, established in 1983 on the concrete structure, is written: "The Republic of Konk. 90 miles to Cuba. The southernmost point of the continental USA. Ki-West, Florida. Where the sunset ". This is a monument to the 1982 event: the mayor then arranged a political action, by declaring Florida-Kis "the Independent Republic of Konk" for a few minutes.

Old city

Old Town Ki-West, Photo Teekay72

In Ki-West, there is your old town (Old Town) - a tourist part with historical houses. The oldest building survived from 1829.

Lighthouse Ki-West

In the old town, Key West Lighthouse (Key West Lighthouse) has been preserved. It serves as a sightseeing platform, and built a construction in 1848. For a long time his caretaker was a local resident - Barbara Mabiti.

Small White House Harry Truman

Small "White House" (Harry S. Truman Little White House) is the former home commandant of the US naval base of the United States, and later the Winter Residence of the Truman President and other America's presidents. Today the museum is open there and weddings are held.

House of Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hamingway House (Ernest Hemingway House), Andreas Lamecker

The pride of the city is the House of Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway House), announced by the historical monument. In 1931, the writer stayed on the island, he was attracted to the abandoned structure of the XIX century. Ernest bought the building and settled in it.

Today, tourists visit the Hemingway House, filled with personal belongings and books of the writer, inspect the studio, "Balcony with Ghosts", Cabinet, "Birdhouse", Tropical garden, swimming pool. There were cats for the writer: with the museum there are about fifty. Once Ernesut presented an unusual sixpall kitten. Snowubol's cat lived for a long time, left offspring. Since then, in the city there are many cats with profits.

Bar Sloppyy Joe

Sloppy Joe Bar (Sloppy Joe's Bar)

The writer loved the Sloppy Joe's Bar bar. Today, the walls of the institution are hung with photographs of Ernest, many drinks and dishes are named in his honor. The main "exhibit" is a stuffed in huge fish caught by Hemingway.

Aquarium, photo Joe Parks

City Aquarium is not an ordinary oceanarium with fishes behind thick glass, but a contact marine zoo. You can observe the feeding of the inhabitants, touch the hands of safe animals.

Art Gallery

There are many museums in the city, galleries of different subjects. The most famous - Key West Gallery. Here you will find the works of famous masters and discover new names. Love pictures can be bought.

Customs House Museum

Custom House Museum (Custom House Museum), Photo Dorinser

Custom House Museum (Custom House Museum) is popular with tourists. The Red Building in the Romanesque style was built in 1891 for customs. It is distinguished by round arches and attached roof. Today it is an artistic and historical museum (Museum of Art & History), in which you will appear to the real picture of life on Ki-West in the past. Custom House Museum holds exhibitions of contemporary artists regularly.

Museum of shipwrecks

Shipwreck Museum (Key West Shipwreck Museum), photo Jim Rhodes

Museum of shipwrecks (Key West Shipwreck Museum) - the most visited Ki-West institution. The exposition is dedicated to the heyday era - a glorious time when ships were in coastal reefs, and the inhabitants were successfully industrially fraternity. The museum is interesting to combine artifact, acting art and films about real events.

A bit of history

Since ancient times, the island belonged to the Kalus tribe. In 1513, he first visited Konkistador-Adelantado Ponce de Leon, and then the Spaniards of the centuries tried to establish their power. For a long time, the island inhabited only fishermen, sea robbers, marauders. Only from 1822 there were permanent settlements.

In 1896, Ki-West received the status of the city. He grew rose; Cigar factories opened. 1912 was marked by a historical event: from the mainland to the island laid a sea railway. She was destroyed by the Storm Century - a terrible hurricane 1935

At Hemingway Festival, Photo Andy Newman

Holidays and competitions in the resort are held every month. The main urban event is a festival dedicated to Hemingway (Hemingway Days Festival). It is arranged in July.

Fort Zakari Taylor

At the southern tip of Ki-West is Fort Zacchary Taylor (Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park) - the national monument, a historic park of 87 hectares. It was built in 1845-66. And until 1968 served as a military facility, and then he was given to tourists. The beach is equipped with a beach, you can go diving, go fishing off the dam, stroll through the sea on Kayak. Every year in the park, the historical reconstruction of the US Civil War is held. During Halloween, Zakari Taylor turns into the "Fort of Ghosts".

Dry Torchugas

120 km to the West, on the archipelago of 7 coral reefs and the fears surrounding them, there is another Florida National Park - Dry Tortugas (Dry Tortugas National Park) with Fort Jefferson, one of the largest coastal forts of the United States.

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Surprisingly harmoniously combined at Ki West absolutely different cultures, styles, aesthetics.

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This shield is located on the popular Mallory Square in the northwestern part of Ki-West, which is considered the best place to observe the famous local sunset and nearby harbor. We read on the shield-poster: "Welcome to Malory Sque, where the sun comes and begins fun. The celebration of the world-famous sunset on Ki-West." One of the events is the "Sunset Festival" passing on Mallory Square. Locals, speaking of him, forget to mention that this festival is daily: after all, the sunset happens every day!.

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Museum of shipwrecks

In 1821, Florida-Kis islands passed under the auspices of the United States, and then they began to revive. And everything would be fine, but the same territories were chosen and pirates (about this period there was a capital city - Ki-West). Judging by the data preserved to the present day, the main source of income of the "immigrants" were commercial vessels, broken near the archipelago. There are even assumptions that some shipwrecks were specially adjusted: removing the designations of shames, the greedy adventurers simply waited for prey. Yes, it's not enough: Over time, the ships became all perfectly, and therefore, the catastrophe occurred less and less. What is there to say, technical progress was clearly not on the side of marine robbers!

Museum of shipwrecks.

Here, the actors, moved to the costumes of the XIX century, are played out before visitors the scene of the death of the ship "Isaac Allerton", which sank off the coast of Ki-West in 1856. Even in the shipwreck museum you will be told that Hamingway House was built in the XIX century for one of the richest deltsi of the city, which lived from shipwrecks. The rule was such - all the extraction belongs to the one who first got to a sinking ship. At first they should have saved everyone who else can be saved, and then raise the drowned cargo. Shipwrecks happened at least once a week and at the expense of this business Key West was the richest city in North America. During the day and night, I was waiting for the call sign "Wreck Ashore" - "shipwreck". This has changed first with improving the quality of ships, and then with the railway laying. Here, with this tower, they looked around the clock around the clock in anticipation of the sinking ship - it opens a beautiful view of the Mexican bay.

Fort Zachary Taylor

National Historic Park Fort Zakari Taylor. A visit to him enters the excursion "Ki-West Ghosts".

Fort Zachary Taylor

Building with Loggia and Tower On Duvall Street in Key West. See Original (3746 × 2810)

Duval Street / Duval Street, Key West. Original (1024 × 768)

San Carlos Institute, built in 1871, is a reconstructed sample of Cuban architecture, shining by majolic tiles from Spain. There is a center for the study of Spanish culture.

House on Duval Street in Whitehead St.

Jimmy Buffetts Margaritaville Cafe On Duvall Street in Key West, Florida.

Mosel Fisher Museum. MEL FISHER MUSEUM Original (1024 × 680)

Mel Fisher (August 21, 1922 - 19 December 1998) American treasure hunter, famous for finding the place of the collapse of the Spanish Galeon Nuestra Señora de atocha (1622).

Information about the location of the death of the vessel was extremely scarce, but the treasure ship did not give rest to many treasures. However, one of them that was determined and made a dream of the dream of all his life, everything was already able to find the treasures of the deceased ship. In 1968, Mel Fisher decided to go to search for the ship and his treasures. He was considered a pioneer in the diving industry. It was distinguished by energy and the desire to independently comprehend all aspects of this classes, but the main motivation was the search for the treasure ship.
For almost four centuries, the ocean hid the treasures of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha ship and, and 1985, Kane Fisher came close to his remains. In search of a truly moment, a turning point came for his family, and sucakter to the treasures smiled at luck.

Mel Fisher waited for this moment 16 years. In his headquarters in Key West, he accepted an epochal radio communication. Soon the Mel Fisher himself sank to the treasures of the ship. When he was at the bottom of his hands, shook excitement. Soon the trunks with gold coins, chains, emeralds, decorations and many others were discovered nearby. As a result of his find, Mel Fisher was recognized as the greatest treasure hunter.

Now in Key West there is a museum of Treasure Mela Fisher (Mel Fisher Maritime Museum), which manages Kim Fisher. To the top 40 tons of treasures in the form of ingots and other jewels, and about 8 tons remain at the bottom of the day, and at the bottom there are about 8 tons (35 boxes with gold, 300 silver bars and 100 thousand silver coins) the rights to which belong to the Fisher family.

The search for the treasures of Galloon "Nuestra Senora De Atocha" turned to Fisher's family in a real epic, and yet he realized his cherished dream, and we may not doubt that while the remains of the lined cargo were buried in Ile, the next generations of divers will continue to experience their luck.

P.S. According to the estimates of historical experts on board the Spanish Galeon there were 47 tons of gold and silver, not counting the smuggling jewels, which accounted for 20 percent of the total cargo

Of course, it is impossible not to visit the famous aquarium. It was built in 1934, and they say that this is the world's first an outdoor aquarium.

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Of course, he is not the biggest in America, but is interested in his unusual show feeding sharks and huge sea turtles. And besides, they are allowed to touch the hands of different underwater creatures, see Barracuda, acne, sea perch - and do not list. Shark and turtles are fed 4 times a day, feeding time is written on numerous pointers so that it is convenient and aquarium to see, and watch the shark or a turtle dinner.

Fishing for sharks on KEY WEST

It is also easy to go fishing, the benefit of the choice here is almost unlimited, and try to catch a fish-sword or Barracuda. Local fishermen argue that even sharks come across, but it is a rarity. If you catch any unusual fish, then for a fee you can make it stuffed, but it will be quite expensive to cost it, and it is not known how to such a souvenir will be treated at customs "... (from LJ)

The most operator in Ki-West St. Paul "s Episcopal Church. Original (1024 × 653)

St. Paul "s Episcopal Church. See Original (2560 × 1704)

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Small White House of President Harry Truman. (Harry S Truman Little White House)

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The house was built in 1890 as a housing for marine officers. Later, America's presenters lived there: William Howard Taft, Harry Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, etc.

Harry S. Truman Bust and Portrait in Little White House, Key West, FL.

Time here seems to slow down your move, and I do not want to rush anywhere.

Separate mention deserves animals in Key West. In addition to the expected lizards and all sorts of marine inhabitants, the city is full of wild cats and ... Roosters with chicses.

To the Curas at Ki West relate to special reverence, they will have to write separately.

They walk freely around the city, they know how to laby out the road in the placed places.

Machines slow down and patiently await the last "pedestrian" does not stop on the pavement.

In other cities, flocks of pigeons became the usual addition to the city scenery, and then chickens. They walk everywhere freely, feeling worthy of citizens of the city.

Roosters beautiful - tail with green tump, red khokhol.

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And everywhere we see decorative boats. Ships, boats, it all went into the design of the city. They are decorated even small houses.

Restaurants, restaurants, cafes, cafes here are an incredible set. And they are all peculiar and unusual. Restaurant as a sailboat ...

Hard Rock Cafe, Key West. Original (1024 × 768)

And this restaurant "Had Rock Cafe" is interesting for its history. The construction of Hard Rock Cafe on Ki West is called the only one in the world of all the other Hard Rock Cafe, where the ghost lives. There is even an excursion from the cycle about Ki-West's ghosts. The building was built by the first millionaire in Florida William Kerry (William Curry) as a wedding gift to his son Robert. But Robert's life story was sad: he was very shattered from various diseases, and the feeling of pain did not leave him throughout his life. Over time, Robert had to manage the status of the Kerry family, but he was not the best entrepreneurs, and probably because of chronically poor health. He lost a family condition and, in the end, committed suicide in the second floor toilet. It is said that this beautiful building is pursuing a cruel rock and today, what the stories and fairy tales of the restaurant are continuing about to tell.

This man "needs beer" and tells "Vulgar Jokes for $ 1Dollar," what he is reported on his shield.

Bar "Sloppy Joe" S ". This is a favorite Bar" Pope Hama ", and this place can be considered a" small branch "of the museum.

Here you can see the stuffed fish, which Hemingway caught, his photos. The menu is a variety of favorite dishes and drinks writer, and some have been named: for example, "Favorite Double Hamingue Hamingue".

Well, if you are lucky, and you will find yourself here in the middle of July, during the so-called "Sloppy Joe" s hemingway "is a two-part competition, very popular here, you can even drink ice beer mirkeling in the company with almost real Hemingway. In general, I must say that in Ki-West love and know how to have fun. Every month, various contests and festivals are held here, so the chance to get to some celebration is very large - this is the festival of Robert Frost, and theatrical festival, and all kinds of musical holidays. .. in a word, there would be a desire to be extracted, and the reason can always be found.

Ki West - the abode of the rich, but sometimes disappointed in someone's people. Perhaps, even - the saving shelter, for those who are furiously running from the pressure of a big city. Here you can get rid of depression, drowned it in a glass of space "Cosmopolitan" ... and ......

Ki West: 90 miles to Cuba (part 1)

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"Here everything is literally saturated with the proximity of the ocean and wherever do not turn - certainly retain or in the Mexican bay, or find yourself on the shore, washed by the waves of the Atlantic. Ocean is with you - the inseparable part of the soul and happy peace like the presence of a beloved woman, without which you are lost and You do not know where to choose yourself if it is not there. " - This is the impression of the Ki West of another author (in the story

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Each resident of the United States considers his duty at least once in the life of a pilgrimage to the southernmost US point in the city of Key West (Key West), located on the island of the same name. Ki-West became Mecca for Americans and tourists. If you have not visited Ki-West, then you were not in Florida ...

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If in Amereik sang a song similar to ours, "where is the homeland begins?", They would not have any doubt - "maybe it begins ...". They know exactly what their homeland, America begins in exactly from this place - a zero point of reference passing through the entire country number one - "US-1"

This is the most southern tip of the United States, if you remember the map, the staff of Florida is superimposed into the Atlantic Ocean, like appendix, and Key West is the southernmost from a series of islands starting from the southern tip of Florida. The road to this island is partially laid on these islands, partly on bridges between the islands (it is clearly seen in the film "True Lies" with Schwarzenegger).

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From Wikipedia:

Ki-West is the most southern city of continental states of the United States. Among the 49 states (except Hawaii) is the only city where the temperature has never been registered below 0 ° C.

The population of the city is 25, 4 thousand people () - about a third of the total population of the islands of Florida-Kis.

The climate in the city is tropical, it is clearly divided into two seasons - dry and wet.

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Key West is the southernmost point of the United States, is the island located 150 km from Cuba and connected to the land bridge at 11 km. The nearest major city is Miami.

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Distinctive feature of the island - own airport. For 1 hour, you can fly from Miami.

Landing the aircraft on the island of the West

Immediately after arrival, directly at the airport, Floridians set an acceptable attitude towards the sea fauna. At the airport is specifically created for arriving. Installation was created: the fish are twisted in the barnings of the horn and lay out ornaments. .

Fishing on Florida Kiz Islands (English. Florida Keys), including West, with their richest underwater life - one of the best in the world. An international fishing tournament is held annually on one of the islands.

You can also get there by car or bus in 4 hours (from Miami).

From time to time there are different islands. Some of them are very tiny, as in the photo, and in some people go a few minutes

It was also unusual to see pillars with wires that stretched along the road and installed right in the water

From Miami to Ki Vesta (per minute).

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The island of West is the latest in the chain of Florida islands, which are interconnected by one narrow bulk road and very long bridges ..

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The road in Ki West from Miami is very picturesque and runs along the motorway, which connects the islands of the dams and bridges, on one side of which is the Atlantic Ocean, and in another Mexican bay. From here, an incredible panorama opens - a bright blue sky and a dazzling turquoise of the ocean.

The road also passes through the world-famous 7-mile bridge. It opens, breathtaking, panorama: blue sky and turquoise-blue ocean. Have you seen the movie "Truthful Lies", with the participation of Arnold Schwarzenegger? The episode on the bridge was filmed here.

Not a single photo, none of the video can pass the full picture of the review and sensations when you are on the rise of this bridge. In reality, we see not only the road go out into the sky, but at the same time we see the lateral vision and the oceanic mass: on the one hand-Atlantic, and with another -mexic bay. Heaven and Ocean ... From the Earth there is only a strip leading to the sky ...

If you make an effort and confirm your imagination a little, you can roughly imagine that I tried to remove this lover on my camera.

And when the fantasy rolls, then these computer games are being created on the theme "Destruction of a seven-world bridge".

With a sick imagination, such computer games are created as "the destruction of a seven-world bridge".

And who has "in a healthy body-healthy mind," sport runs are arranged according to the famous bridge.

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Florida Keys - Bahia Honda State Park. Original (3008 × 2000)

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"Beauty and The Beast" ("Beauty Beast")


At the beginning of the XVIII century, this island belonged to the Spaniards, was sold for $ 2000 by Matthew Peri, and he declared his property of the United States. Opened these islands Spanish conquistor Juan Ponce de Leon on May 13, 1513. The island, which is now called Ki-West, he called "Cayo Hueso" - "Bone Island". The fact is that the Indian tribe Calusa lived here, and the whole island was covered with bones. Sometime, the glible place is at one time even considered the refuge of smugglers.

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Subsequently, in the XVIII century, the name of the island turned into Key West, and no relation to the English word "West" - "West" it has no. And the word "Key" in the title of these islands occurred from the Spanish word "Cayo" "Little Island", and not from the English word "key" - "key".

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Almost 300 years served here only fishermen, pirates, hunters on turtles and treasure seekers on dead ships. Shipwrecks took place here quite often, and the looting was a very profitable business. After the war of the independence of the island, they moved to Spain, and in 1815 they were presented for unknown what merit soldier Juan Pablo Salasa, who in 1822 sold in one of the Bars of Havana for a certain John Simonton Ki-West Island for $ 2,000.

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Simonon quickly realized that you could get rich, sharing the island to the plots and selling them. So the first permanent settlement appeared on the island. The city began to grow rapidly and by 1890 became the richest in Florida with the highest income in the country per capita.

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There were more than 160 factors for the production of cigars, more than 90% of sea sponges were mined, a huge turtle processing plant was built (officially hunting on the turtles was banned only in the 70s of the XX century!).

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In addition, trams have already walked in Ki-West at that time, there were a few banks, there were several banks, and some of them exist so far and in the same places. And the city of Miami at the time was a tiny, poor fishing village.

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So, officially, West received the status of the city and became part of Florida in 1896. At this time it was a rather rich and populated city with a well-developed ship repair industry. And in 1912, the railway was built, which connected the island with the mainland and breathed a secular life into him.

Life in the city began to sink to revive again into another no less interesting form. The city of Bohemia!

The Paradise Island Key West, located at the coast of Florida, has long been chosen by lovers of the beautiful.

Harry Truman Statue.

Here, writers, artists and government figures from Heamghue and President Trumama to Tennessee Williams and John James Auduvon, all the houses in which they lived are now museums.

The city was strengthened by the reputation of the most intriguing city of the world, thanks to the fact that there were always free artists, artists, gays, eccentrics from the Bahamas, New England, Cuba and Africa, who lived the philosophy of "Let It Be" long before the appearance of Bitles.

"Come to us for two hours and immediately leave back - otherwise you will stay for life," the locals say, knowing how the island's atmosphere is attractive. Here, many well-known writers and several US presidents rested in Little White House built by President Truman.

One bartender told that he once lived in New York and he had his own restaurant, a bunch of headache and urban fuss. Then he threw everything, sold his house and moved here, where he now works by Bartender. Whether he was happy about the question, he laughed and said: "How can you not be happy here!? It's a paradise! "

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Pro Kesta West say that "people disappear there": Arriving on vacation, they become non-return. The atmosphere of this city is especially valid for New York. Russian tourists at Qi West are not often, our person is much more likely by Miami.

And in this bar disappeared Writer Hamingui.

Now here, practically, the branch of the Museum of the Writer: on the wall it hangs the stuffed fish, caught Haminguem himself and his photos.


Winslow Homer-Fishing Boats, Key West



Monument to the Writer E. Hamingway (Hemingway) Original (963 × 1203)

For Ki West from 1931 to 1940, Ernest Hemingway lived. That's what I wrote about Key West Ernest Hemingway: "... This is the best place, of all I've ever been, flowers, Tamaroka, Guava, coconut palms." Here they are written, "Bell calls," Snow Kilimanjaro ". The biggest attraction of the city is the Ernest Hamingway House Museum.

A friend of the Cuban dictator and the famous American writer loved Key West, loved his quiet and measured life, the comfort of his bars and the beauty of the ocean landscapes. In July, Hamingway festivals are held on July each year.

"He (Hamingway) rushed by car by opening all the windows. Dense waves of thick air with a hum of rushed into the windows, trepalized hair and clothes, dreamed of a face, and it seemed to him that it was easier to breathe. High above his head was swept the birds - Eagle Wings. The case covered the road with a wide black shadow, the lampshot of the stork were heard, and then, having pulled off for a second from the road, he had time to give his long stretched silhouette.

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Knowing gradually down, and he felt that he began to exhale. He no longer wanted to sit, clutching into the steering wheel, and he slowed down. As soon as the car began to go slower, he is in his eyes, as if the robber from behind the corner, Blue was rushed. It was the ocean, overflowing in the sun, as a wondrous emerald. He had never seen so many shades of green-blue-blue, leaving into some kind of irresponsive, inconceivable distance. The old girlfriend of the hay, on which he sometimes looked at the clock, unable to take sight of the water, now seemed like a small colorless-gray skill, compared to the colorful splendor of the ocean.

Now he drove on the thin walkway, surrounded by water. The water was everywhere, wherever you throw a look - both on the right, and on the left. The road went only straight, and for a minute it became scary that he would not hold back and fall into this blue-green abyss. But the sun, gradually incorporated to the sunset, still brightly shone, and he saw the road seeking strictly ahead. He remembered that Starina John is waiting for him in the morning, but he did not want to drive more car more. Stunned by cries of numerous birds and a wind whistle in her ears, he stopped the car sharply and came out, barely sprawling his legs. After the war, 13 years have passed, and pain from wounds still gave itself to know.

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The ocean was amazingly small at the shore, and the water, overgrown with Tina, gave mold, and he thought that he really likes this image of a huge marine giant with the smell of a quiet rustic dam.

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Having looked around the blue endless expanse and tiny green osundles in the distance, he was already heading for the car, as unwittingly stopped.

Not far from the island above the surface of the water, three dark triangles appeared, smoothly floating along the horizon. He stood for a long time at the water, without the look of dolphins, and felt how slowly growing in the soul delight and comes the long-awaited feeling of peace and joy after so many years of tests - wars and injuries, suicide father and friend, and most importantly - unrequited and rejected love .. .

On that summer day of 1931, Hemingway drove to the island of Key West deep at night and snapped in the house of his friend John Dos Passos. In the morning he woke up from the desperate crust of the rooster, who climbed the veranda. Before the window, Joe grew a banana tree, and large bright purple flowers, burdened by the fruits, oozed from juice and aroma. He wanted to live and write with a new force, this stupid writer it was returned to him, which he did not experience so much since Paris. "

To be continued...

Ki-West is a popular beach resort and the capital of the Florida-Kiss Archipelago, located on the island of the same name. The most real tropical paradise, where even in harsh police cars it is written that they are guarded by his gates - "Protecting Paradise".

Here are practically round days of cruise ships with tourists. But most of course arrives at sushi. Who just do not meet in this city! Both poor students, and power pensioners, and Princess Monaco and even Madonna himself, who loves to be in this city-island.

A bit of history

Once Ki-West was an incredibly rich city: local lived in that they were collected by the stocks of ships sunken after shipwrecks. It was in 1889, and in 1930 Ki-West was declared bankrupt. But those times have long passed, and now the inhabitants of the city live only on the money that tourists leave here. The latter, I must say, do not store, and for rest in the paradise corner are laying round sums.

Popular Key West Hotels

Weather in Ki-West

Entertainment and sights Ki-West

In the city an incredible number of art galleries. The most famous and visited is considered pretty prose namely called Key West Gallery. Here you can find the works of many famous authors, as well as those who are just starting their creative way.

In the city an incredible number of art galleries.

And in the city, special reverence are used by chickens. They are also not enough here, and they all freely walk around the city. Kura know perfectly, where they are put on to move the road, and they do it very carefully. Well, the drivers simply stop their cars and are waiting until everyone wishes will not finish moving the street.

But still the most famous attraction of the city is a model of a buck, which is constructed from cement. On this buoy, the following is written in large letters: "The Republic of Konch / to Cuba 90 miles / the southernmost point of the Continental US / Ki-West, Florida / where the sunset." Before the rose there was a sign here, but tourists were very often kidnapped, so the authorities of the city decided to write these words significant for the city on a cement buoy, which no one can move away from the place.

Museums Ki-West

The most popular museum of the city wears a much more romantic name than the gallery is a shipwreck museum. Original wooden building At first glance, you can only call the museum with a large stretch.

The most popular museum of the city wears a much more romantic name than the gallery is a shipwreck museum.

Here, the actors of the local theater, disguised in the costumes of the 19th century, play the most real sea battles in front of the audience. And on the roof of the museum installed an observation deck, at which every day, residents of the city were climbed and looked at the ocean, waiting for shipwrecks. When it, finally, happened, then looking at the site in all the throat shouted that the ship was sinking, and that it was time to go to rob him. Raspberry, not life!

Fort Zakari-Taylor

Another wonderful place in the city is the National Historic Park of Fort Zabari-Taylor. Here you can see the most real pirates, which, like all pirates, lead a dispute about who owns a chest with gold.

House Hemingway.

It is impossible to visit Ki-West and not to visit the famous Writer Ernest Hemingway - the most famous resident of the city, and the whole archipelago. He came here out of curiosity, and stayed to live, bought a small house with a garden.

In the city there is an incredibly large number of cats. For each resident of Ki-West accounts for about four animals. There is, by the way, another interesting story about these tales. Once heminguy was presented with an amazing kitten with six fingers, which since 1935 led the pedigree famous six-legged cats. Six or even seven fingers on two or all four legs are not a breed and not a disease, but a gene mutation. The descendants of the snowcue donated by Hemingway, the main hosts in the House-Museum of the Writer. Today more than 40 cats live here: lying on the beds, accompany curious tourists. And behind the house there is a real cat cemetery of sixpasses.

Ki-West is also a center of sexual minorities. Here, very often you can meet homosexual couples, and no one pays any attention to them. Everyone belongs to this as something that is also part of the city.

And what do residents do here? Almost nothing. They are wanted all day in the city, idle and having fun. That is why it seems that time in Ki-West froze and just stands still. And people still living here are incredibly slow. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that your order in a cafe or in a restaurant tourist will have to wait not 5 minutes, and half an hour, and sometimes more.