When will wot 1.0.1 update be available? Change your appearance

More details coming soon!

Years of development, almost a month of general testing, an endless process of internal testing... A little more - and one of the most significant (and significant) updates to World of Tanks will appear in all its glory! This version will take the graphics and sound of the game to a completely different, modern level thanks to a new graphics engine and unique musical compositions.

What awaits you? World of Tanks has been completely redesigned technically. It still retains the features of previous versions, but it looks completely different: a clearer and richer picture, higher resolution and detailed images. And the musical accompaniment now changes depending on how the battle develops. Moreover, we have done a tremendous amount of optimization work to ensure that graphics have minimal impact on RAM consumption. Now each of you will be able to appreciate the updated game.

Today we will tell you in more detail about what awaits you on March 20, when you log into the game immediately after the release of update 1.0.

New graphics engine

Most of the time and effort was spent on thoroughly reworking the fundamental technical component of the game client. For a long time, World of Tanks was limited by the capabilities of the BigWorld graphics engine, which simply did not allow the introduction of modern technologies. Therefore, we switched the client to the new Core engine, which we developed ourselves.

Core is an internal development tailored specifically to the requirements of Tanks. On top of that, it will allow us to make useful technological add-ons in the future.

The Core engine uses modern technology for processing and rendering graphic content. Combined with sought-after Havok® Destruction and Global Illumination technologies, it delivers truly photorealistic images. We have laid the foundation that will allow us to further improve both the graphics and the technology itself. That is, World of Tanks will be able to offer players high-quality images throughout many updates.

What does this give you? New technologies and effects make game graphics more harmonious, varied and realistic. We've added a lot of little details to the maps that will help you dive deeper into the gameplay, regardless of the client type (HD or SD). You will be pleased with both atmospheric effects such as the change of seasons when switching from winter to summer maps or the rich play of sunlight over lush greenery, as well as the visualization of collapsing objects when interacting with technology.

Performance optimization

How will all this awesomeness affect productivity? Don't worry, we took this issue seriously and optimized the code and also tuned the graphics subsystems. We've added streaming technology to ensure the new graphics have as little impact on your devices' performance as possible.

Virtual Texturing Technology

The Core graphics engine uses virtual texturing technology to optimize memory consumption. In other words, we pre-calculate all the resource-intensive material mixing required to create realistic surfaces, store the results in a virtual texture, pre-load them, and display them as needed. Additionally, we no longer need to mix materials during the tessellation stage. That is, we use tessellation without significant performance drops.

Screen Space Reflections

This technology is combined with Parallax Corrected Reflection Probes, which stores pre-calculated reflection data. One of the advantages of the new approach is the realism of the water. Now it really reflects what we see, and not a simplified picture, as it was before.

Adaptive Shadows Technology

Most of the shadows are drawn when the map is first loaded and recalculated after changes to a given location. This technology significantly improves performance and ensures that objects are illuminated correctly even on low-end computers.

Interface optimization

A 3D scene covered by opaque interface elements (minimap and damage panel) will no longer be rendered, which will also save graphics card resources.

Changed track calculations

The movement of the tracks is calculated for each tracked link (~100 calculation operations for an average tank track, and this is significantly less than before). While improving performance, this optimization does not affect image quality. It reduces the load on video cards, and the movement of the tracks still looks realistic.

Advanced tree model system

From now on, technically, the output we get is not a 3D model of a tree, but a three-dimensional screenshot stitched together from many others. Ultimately, processing plants in this way saves computer resources. Visually there is no difference - the trees are amazing!

Level of detail

With the transition to a new engine, adjusting the level of detail will occur as smoothly as possible in a short period. And this will not require additional resources.

Optimized particle system

Now, with multiple explosions, high-resolution effects will only appear on the edges, and the rest will be in lower resolution. You'll hardly notice this switch, but it will preserve performance in critical moments.

Updated maps

As soon as we had the necessary technologies at our disposal, we began to implement our most ambitious ideas. A significant part of the content was created simply from scratch. Surface textures, water feature rendering system, sky, lighting system, shadows - we took 29 maps and went through literally every element. And everything was carefully redone and configured to achieve maximum depth, beauty and realism of the locations where the battles will take place in the upcoming update.

Our teams have paid attention to the smallest details to ensure that every card helps you get the most out of your gaming experience. We've also fixed issues in some locations based on your feedback.

  • "Fisherman's Cove": the map now has a more balanced line of contact; it gives teams an equal chance to push through key areas.
  • "Erlenberg": We have significantly changed the central area of ​​the map. We added more pronounced lowlands and densified the forests, leaving several zones that are of little tactical value. All this will allow you to understand the situation on the battlefield much faster.
  • "Steppes": To make the right flank more comfortable for both teams, we added hills on each side of the depression.
  • "Ruinberg": We not only improved the map visually, but also tried to correct the imbalance, which gave a clear advantage to the northern team.
  • "Fjords": The main goal of the changes on this map is to move away from the corridor and linearity of battles. We are providing new opportunities for using all classes of equipment in battle, while maintaining the best features of the gameplay in this location.
New map "Calm"

The post-war wasteland of the Calm map, covered in snow, ice and frozen warships, remained in development for quite some time. This location was supposed to appear in the game at the same time as the Swedish equipment, but the development team came to the conclusion that the capabilities of the BigWorld engine would not allow the winter landscapes to be shown in all their glory. With the transition to Core, we are proud to present this desolate and serene map with thermal springs, geysers and frozen ridges.

New music

In version 1.0, each map will receive an updated soundtrack: our composers Andrey Klimka and Andrey Kulik created more than 60 unique tracks. The original loading screen compositions consist of melodies and motifs that correspond to a specific region and reflect the unique atmosphere of the map, helping to completely immerse yourself in the battle. In 1.0, teams engage in battle and confront each other to the accompaniment of dynamic compositions that change depending on the situation. The mood of the final melody is influenced by the outcome of the battle.

New environmental sounds will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of the map as much as possible, creating a unique, realistic and lively atmosphere. Each type of projectile now has its own characteristic sound. The sounds of gunshots and explosions are felt differently in villages, urban areas or in the forest. Everything is as close to reality as possible: what sound you hear depends on your location, the direction of the shot, as well as on the obstacles between you and the source of the shot.

Graphic settings

With the transition to a new engine, the client's graphics settings will be reset and you will need to find the ideal balance between graphics quality and performance. Our simple tips will help you understand the updated settings.

Run the autodetection test: you don't have to manually configure the client and disable certain settings to improve performance. The automatic configuration system, updated for version 1.0, will do this for you! It will select settings for your computer with a close to ideal balance of quality and performance. When you first enter the game, a special setup screen will pop up automatically.

If desired, you can use advanced settings: select one of the ready-made options proposed by the autodetection test, then select the desired settings in the section "Advanced settings".

Some graphic settings play a key role. By lowering certain values, you can maintain the image frequency at a comfortable level without significantly reducing the picture quality. It is preferable to start adjusting with special effects (anti-aliasing, texture and object quality, draw distance, lighting and post-processing). They are the ones that have the greatest impact on productivity. Decreasing these values ​​will allow you to increase your FPS.

Looking to the future

Having completed work on this fundamental update, our team will switch to other important tasks: balance, bug fixes, map development, new in-game nations, game modifications and much more.

SD version of the client and an additional 720 MB for the HD version.

Game servers will be unavailable on March 20 from 3:30 to 12:00 (Moscow time) due to the release of the update. We recommend that you refrain from making payments at this time.

Also, on March 20 from 3:30 to 11:00 (Moscow time) the clan portal will be unavailable. In addition, on March 20 and 21, “Offensives” will not be carried out in Fortified Areas.

Players who have a premium account or other temporary services active at the time of the start of technical work will be compensated for a day of premium account and/or a day of using other services starting from March 20 from 3:30 (Moscow time) according to these rules . If you want to make in-game purchases, please wait until the servers start.

Today, March 20, the long-awaited update 1.0 was released, which essentially should change a lot, starting from the most important thing - the GRAPHICS of the game and the transition to HD without increasing the requirements of the game. Therefore, first we suggest you familiarize yourself with the innovations added by the developers in update 1.0.

  • Achieve realistic graphics while avoiding additional load on PC processors and a drop in performance on weak gaming hardware.
  • Introduce into the game client the ultra-modern Adaptive Shadow Maps platform, which saves calculated shadows from stationary objects, displaying them on an additional texture. This helps minimize the load on video cards.
  • Added graphics subsystems that operate in streaming mode, which significantly reduces the amount of memory required for graphics.
  • Introduction of the Screen Space Reflection algorithm - a modern analogue to a reflection generator.
  • Particles of different sized resolutions have been implemented that minimize FPS drop when displaying smoke, fire and explosions.

The launch of World of Tanks servers with update 1.0 is expected after 12:00 Moscow time.

Update 1.0 overview

Evolution of graphics 2012 - 2018 in WoT

Download update 1.0

You can update your version of World of Tanks right now, we just remind you that you will have to download more than 5500.1 MB to your laptop or computer. The total volume of the folder will take up more than 32 GB of hard drive space.

When will update 1.0 launch?

We recommend downloading and preparing the World of Tanks 1.0 game client in advance, and of course free space on your computer. Based on the most preliminary information and answering the main question of the players: “When can I play 1.0 Wot?”

The servers are expected to start after 12:00 Moscow time. But as we all already know, this is not always the case and the launch time may change due to unforeseen circumstances. We can only hope for the best.

For all the millions of fans of the popular modern game World of Tanks, a large-scale update 1.0 became available from March 20 in the CIS, Europe and America. The authors of World of Tanks talked about the new sound, the new Core engine and new maps.

1. How the sound was made in update 1.0

When writing the soundtrack, composers Andrius Klimka and Andrey Kulik studied folklore and authentic musical instruments characteristic of each region represented on the maps in the game. More than 50 musicians from all over the world recorded parts of national instruments. In update 1.0 you can hear melodies and motifs from different cultures - from Indian to Arab. The composers combined this material with a symphonic sound and a combative atmosphere. Some of the music was recorded with the Prague Symphony Orchestra FILMHarmonic. Orchestra conductor Adam Clemens participated in the recording of soundtracks for “Game of Thrones,” “Fargo” and “District 9.” The new music is dynamic: it changes depending on the game moment and takes the emotions of what is happening to a new level.

The team is structured in such a way that all people are composers and create music and at the same time create a huge layer of game sounds: explosions, sounds of a running engine, caterpillar movements, gunshots. Update 1.0 is 1.5 years of continuous work by two composers and more than 80 thousand battles per department.

Two full-length albums were written in 1.5 years. By music industry standards, this is more than fast. If you ignore the fact that the battle music is literally endless, and take 3 minutes from each composition, it turns out that more than 2.5 hours of music material was written for the update.

Andrius Klimka, sound designer, composer: “I remember how I had to make a shot from a babaha tank - the most powerful shot in the game. Imagine what a responsibility! I needed to listen to it 250 times a day, and doing it quietly is pointless, you need to hear all the power. When I went home, my colleagues didn’t even talk to me: they knew that I couldn’t hear anything anymore.”

2. The developers have put a lot of effort into creating models that are as close as possible to the original tank models.

How models are created. Using the example of the Strv-103b tank

Creating a tank model begins with receiving technical specifications from historical consultants. Usually these are drawings, descriptions, and a selection of photographs for each element of the machine, which are sufficient to reproduce a 3D model. Sometimes it is simply impossible to find detailed information. In such cases, the team goes to the armored tank museum to scan the unique vehicle and obtain a dimensional model. One of these tanks was the Strv-103b. After making sure that all the necessary information is available, computer graphics artists begin to build the geometry of the tank. At this stage, it is important to observe many nuances: the angles of inclination of the armor plates, the axis of rotation of the vehicle components, the number of bolts, the declination angles of the gun, the correct intersection of elements. After this comes the stage of working out the details. Everything that cannot be conveyed using geometry is transferred to relief maps (Normal Map). These could be chips, traces of being hit by a shell, milling - anything that will make the tank more unique and graphically rich. The process of creating a model is completed by the stage of applying materials. Using a previously created library of materials, designers determine where rubber, abraded metal, paint, or spilled fuel will appear. The World of Tanks team is constantly looking for new solutions to make each of the materials even more beautiful and the tanks more realistic. When the final model is ready, it is sent to the game engine.

Mikhail Vaiser, computer graphics artist: “In the Swedish museum we took about 800 photos of the Strv-103b tank from all angles. When we processed the photographs and built a 3D model, of course, it turned out to be so heavy that it could not be released into the game: no computers would have been able to handle it. Therefore, we made a lightweight game model, where fine detail remained, right down to the bolts.”

3. New graphics in World of Tanks

3 years ago it became clear that it was impossible to improve this immersion with the help of new textures and models alone, and the content itself was severely limited by technology - the old BigWorld engine. Therefore, the company decided to rework almost all aspects of the graphics engine: from displaying small pebbles to huge mountains, from small puddles to lakes, from small blades of grass to dense forests.

In the new Core engine, great attention was paid to details, especially the interaction of the player with the outside world: the grass sways when fired, the tank gets wet when immersed in water, creates waves and leaves realistic marks.

Lighting is based on the laws of nature: the update introduced advanced glare from the sun. A mixture of all this gives a realistic perception of the picture.

Irakli Arkhangelsky, graphics engine software engineer: “For the last 1.5 years we have been optimizing so as not to lose our players. The main point was not to change the system requirements and keep the performance at the same level: new graphics are great, but what if the player does not have a very powerful machine? The game must provide a guaranteed level of quality. We succeeded, and after the update, even players with weak hardware can play World of Tanks.”

4.New design of locations and maps

Pavel Sugak, location designer: “In update 1.0, the maps became more realistic due to the addition of geometry. The stones became sharper, edge geometry appeared, and the cards became more voluminous. If before it was just a playable square, now it is 16 km. The edge geometry is not gameplay, it is a continuation of the picture in the non-game zone. Now you can drive a tank to the edge of the map and look into the distance.”

5. Relationships between game fans and developers.

The product operations team in the CIS region of 41 people participated in update 1.0. The team prepared all tests for the update, starting with internal prototypes and the first sandboxes for players, collected and processed feedback during tests, and searched for bugs and inaccuracies. Here they created news materials for the portal and hundreds of posts on social networks from the very first stage of testing. We made streams, videos, reviews and test broadcasts of all preparatory stages of the update. We wrote songs about the update, answered players’ questions, and helped with technical problems.

Evgeniy Krishtapovich, regional producer: “Now we can confidently say that the players and I have a unique collaboration for the industry, but it was a difficult path. Over the 8 years of the project's existence, we had different relationships: when we first started, we did not know how to take criticism. Then we realized that we were making a lot of mistakes because we weren’t listening to the players’ opinions. Now World of Tanks is made not only by the development team and the operations team, but also by the players. We show them all the changes, explain what we want to achieve with this, listen to their comments and criticism, and answer their questions. It is very important that this criticism exists. Only if all parties agree will we implement what we have in mind.”

6. User Experience - entertaining psychophysiology or experiments on living people - this is “cool”.

Wargaming has a laboratory where they conduct tests, to which real players are invited. Many techniques are used here, ranging from a regular interview to complex biometric studies, during which they measure the player’s reaction, determine how his brain works, how he reacts to what is happening in the game, and track his gaze. Why is all this needed? To answer the key questions that determine whether a person will continue to play: does he like it? What emotions does he have during the process? does it understand how to interact with our interface?

Representatives of the target audience of WoT take part in the research. Not developers or anyone who has nothing to do with tanks. It is important to understand that developers and players have different backgrounds, so their opinions often do not coincide.

At the very beginning of the history of tanks, the battle ended suddenly for the players, and it was a complete surprise. People did not understand when to go to the last battle, when to start capturing the base. It turned out that despite the fact that the game had a countdown timer, the players simply did not see it. During the battle, all their attention was focused on the small central part of the monitor where the sight is located. They fight, and they are no longer interested in anything, they simply do not notice the timer. When Wargaming figured this out, they made a loud siren that notifies players throughout the entire map that the battle will soon end.

Andrey Lizun, User Experience researcher: “1.5 years ago we were given the task of taking the sound of tanks to a whole new level, making it as realistic and ambience as possible. A person who plays World of Tanks should feel like he is actually sitting in a tank and fighting. As life has shown, after the first tests, the ideas of players and developers about what is realistic did not coincide. The players said: “Where did you hear such sounds?” Of course, we were surprised, because our guys were at the training ground and, sitting in the tank, recorded the creaking of the tracks and the crunch of the gearbox. When we started looking into it, it turned out that players consider the sound of a tank that they heard in movies, TV shows or other games to be realistic. As a result, now in tanks there is a sound that balances on the brink of realism and fiction, artistic realism. The players accepted this option and were happy.”

More details coming soon!

Years of development, almost a month of general testing, an endless process of internal testing... A little more - and one of the most significant (and significant) updates to World of Tanks will appear in all its glory! This version will take the graphics and sound of the game to a completely different, modern level thanks to a new graphics engine and unique musical compositions.

What awaits you? World of Tanks has been completely redesigned technically. It still retains the features of previous versions, but it looks completely different: a clearer and richer picture, higher resolution and detailed images. And the musical accompaniment now changes depending on how the battle develops. Moreover, we have done a tremendous amount of optimization work to ensure that graphics have minimal impact on RAM consumption. Now each of you will be able to appreciate the updated game.

Today we will tell you in more detail about what awaits you on March 20, when you log into the game immediately after the release of update 1.0.

New graphics engine

Most of the time and effort was spent on thoroughly reworking the fundamental technical component of the game client. For a long time, World of Tanks was limited by the capabilities of the BigWorld graphics engine, which simply did not allow the introduction of modern technologies. Therefore, we switched the client to the new Core engine, which we developed ourselves.

Core is an internal development tailored specifically to the requirements of Tanks. On top of that, it will allow us to make useful technological add-ons in the future.

The Core engine uses modern technology for processing and rendering graphic content. Combined with sought-after Havok® Destruction and Global Illumination technologies, it delivers truly photorealistic images. We have laid the foundation that will allow us to further improve both the graphics and the technology itself. That is, World of Tanks will be able to offer players high-quality images throughout many updates.

What does this give you? New technologies and effects make game graphics more harmonious, varied and realistic. We've added a lot of little details to the maps that will help you dive deeper into the gameplay, regardless of the client type (HD or SD). You will be pleased with both atmospheric effects such as the change of seasons when switching from winter to summer maps or the rich play of sunlight over lush greenery, as well as the visualization of collapsing objects when interacting with technology.

Performance optimization

How will all this awesomeness affect productivity? Don't worry, we took this issue seriously and optimized the code and also tuned the graphics subsystems. We've added streaming technology to ensure the new graphics have as little impact on your devices' performance as possible.

  • Virtual Texturing Technology
  • Screen Space Reflections
  • Adaptive Shadows Technology
  • Interface optimization
  • Changed track calculations
  • Advanced tree model system
  • Level of detail
  • Optimized particle system

The Core graphics engine uses virtual texturing technology to optimize memory consumption. In other words, we pre-calculate all the resource-intensive material mixing required to create realistic surfaces, store the results in a virtual texture, pre-load them, and display them as needed. Additionally, we no longer need to mix materials during the tessellation stage. That is, we use tessellation without significant performance drops.

This technology is combined with Parallax Corrected Reflection Probes, which stores pre-calculated reflection data. One of the advantages of the new approach is the realism of the water. Now it really reflects what we see, and not a simplified picture, as it was before.

Most of the shadows are drawn when the map is first loaded and recalculated after changes to a given location. This technology significantly improves performance and ensures that objects are illuminated correctly even on low-end computers.

The movement of the tracks is calculated for each tracked link (~100 calculation operations for an average tank track, and this is significantly less than before). While improving performance, this optimization does not affect image quality. It reduces the load on video cards, and the movement of the tracks still looks realistic.

From now on, technically, the output we get is not a 3D model of a tree, but a three-dimensional screenshot stitched together from many others. Ultimately, processing plants in this way saves computer resources. Visually there is no difference - the trees are amazing!

Now, with multiple explosions, high-resolution effects will only appear on the edges, and the rest will be in lower resolution. You'll hardly notice this switch, but it will preserve performance in critical moments.

Updated maps

As soon as we had the necessary technologies at our disposal, we began to implement our most ambitious ideas. A significant part of the content was created simply from scratch. Surface textures, water feature rendering system, sky, lighting system, shadows - we took 29 maps and went through literally every element. And everything was carefully redone and configured to achieve maximum depth, beauty and realism of the locations where the battles will take place in the upcoming update.

Our teams have paid attention to the smallest details to ensure that every card helps you get the most out of your gaming experience. We've also fixed issues in some locations based on your feedback.

  • "Fisherman's Cove": the map now has a more balanced line of contact; it gives teams an equal chance to push through key areas.
  • "Erlenberg": We have significantly changed the central area of ​​the map. We added more pronounced lowlands and densified the forests, leaving several zones that are of little tactical value. All this will allow you to understand the situation on the battlefield much faster.
  • "Steppes": To make the right flank more comfortable for both teams, we added hills on each side of the depression.
  • "Ruinberg": We not only improved the map visually, but also tried to correct the imbalance, which gave a clear advantage to the northern team.
  • "Fjords": The main goal of the changes on this map is to move away from the corridor and linearity of battles. We are providing new opportunities for using all classes of equipment in battle, while maintaining the best features of the gameplay in this location.

New map "Calm"

The post-war wasteland of the Calm map, covered in snow, ice and frozen warships, remained in development for quite some time. This location was supposed to appear in the game at the same time as the Swedish equipment, but the development team came to the conclusion that the capabilities of the BigWorld engine would not allow the winter landscapes to be shown in all their glory. With the transition to Core, we are proud to present this desolate and serene map with thermal springs, geysers and frozen ridges.

Active zone for light tanks. From this point there is an excellent overview of other areas of the location. But be careful: excellent visibility means the danger of coming under fire. This is a zone for strong-willed scouts.

Active combat zone. The presence of shelter from the actions of self-propelled guns makes it suitable for mobile medium tanks. After seizing control of this area of ​​the map, allied tank destroyers can be moved here.

Positions for tank destroyers. Excellent visibility and ample opportunities for firing. The positions are ideal for weakly armored tank destroyers that are unable to fight at short range.

A unique object for the “World of Tanks”: a destroyed aircraft carrier will benefit the ground forces after its destruction. Positions in this area will allow you to hold back your opponent's advance through the central part of the map.

Battlefield of heavily armored vehicles. Self-propelled guns have limited fire, so this is an ideal place to engage your opponent in hand-to-hand combat and win.

1. Active zone for light tanks. From this point there is an excellent overview of other areas of the location. But be careful: excellent visibility means the danger of coming under fire. This is a zone for strong-willed scouts.

2. Positions for tank destroyers. Excellent visibility and ample opportunities for firing. The positions are ideal for weakly armored tank destroyers that are unable to fight at short range.

3. Active combat zone. The presence of shelter from the actions of self-propelled guns makes it suitable for mobile medium tanks. After seizing control of this area of ​​the map, allied tank destroyers can be moved here.

4. Positions for tank destroyers. Excellent visibility and ample opportunities for firing. The positions are ideal for weakly armored tank destroyers that are unable to fight at short range.

5. A unique object for the “World of Tanks”: a destroyed aircraft carrier will benefit the ground forces after its death. Positions in this area will allow you to hold back your opponent's advance through the central part of the map.

6. Battlefield of heavily armored vehicles. Self-propelled guns have limited fire, so this is an ideal place to engage your opponent in hand-to-hand combat and win.

Game strategy by vehicle type:

  • If you go into battle on heavy tank , the most preferred directions are the northwestern region with destroyed ships and a huge aircraft carrier frozen in the icy captivity of the river. This area provides reliable cover from enemy self-propelled guns and enough space for maneuvers.
  • Mobile and mobile light tanks will prove themselves in the central area, where they can use the numerous open spaces and advantage in vision to detect the enemy and hunt their light vehicles.
  • Support vehicles will bring maximum benefit in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the map - where the equipment appears. Use hidden positions with good visibility and hold off attacking opponents or provide fire support to advancing allies.
  • The northern area near the aircraft carrier, as well as the southeastern part of the map, are most suitable for medium tanks . Cover the area near the aircraft carrier to support the breakthrough of allied vehicles, or provide support to your comrades in the center of the map.

New music

In version 1.0, each map will receive an updated soundtrack: our composers Andrey Klimka and Andrey Kulik created more than 60 unique tracks. The original loading screen compositions consist of melodies and motifs that correspond to a specific region and reflect the unique atmosphere of the map, helping to completely immerse yourself in the battle. In 1.0, teams engage in battle and confront each other to the accompaniment of dynamic compositions that change depending on the situation. The mood of the final melody is influenced by the outcome of the battle.

New environmental sounds will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of the map as much as possible, creating a unique, realistic and lively atmosphere. Each type of projectile now has its own characteristic sound. The sounds of gunshots and explosions are felt differently in villages, urban areas or in the forest. Everything is as close to reality as possible: what sound you hear depends on your location, the direction of the shot, as well as on the obstacles between you and the source of the shot.

March 2018 will be remembered by Tanks fans for a long time: this month will see the release of the largest update in the history of the game - World of Tanks 1.0. We expect: advanced graphics with our own Core engine, the latest physically based rendering technologies, an improved lighting system, a redesigned landscape, water that responds to interaction, volumetric vegetation, a photorealistic sky, as well as 29 cool maps with a newly adapted soundtrack for each.

To enjoy the beauty of the “brave new world” of WoT, you will need truly powerful hardware support. Comfortable 60 fps in resolution 4K for WOT 1.0 are able to provide maps NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 and higher, according to GameGPU data.

Participants of the traditional GeForce GTX Spring Tournament for the press, which took place in early March with the support of NVIDIA, Asus ROG, Hyper PC and, of course, Wargaming.

Walk like that: the teams went into battle on Hyper PC gaming desktops with GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and Asus ROG gaming laptops based on GeForce GTX graphics.

A series of heated and emotional battles helped to identify the strongest crew: the winners of the tournament and the owners of the main prize, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 FE video cards, were the “Sleepers” team: (Alexey Greshilov from GameGuru, Vitaly Stepanov from Pro Hi-Tech and Dmitry Sviridov from MPP- NEWS).

World of Tanks 1.0 - main features

Engine CORE

A new proprietary graphics engine dramatically improves picture quality, making World of Tanks look like a movie.

The engine includes:
  • the latest physically based rendering technologies;
  • advanced lighting system (global illumination technology accurately conveys light reflections on and from surfaces);
  • redesigned landscape (vast spaces, realistic textures, effects of deformation and wetting of materials);
  • water responsive to interaction (completely updated water rendering system, realistic waves, deformation, foam, underwater effects);
  • various volumetric vegetation (special effects when vegetation interacts with cars (sway when shot, fall when collided), changes in lighting);
  • photorealistic sky with moving clouds to make maps more dynamic; improved dynamic shadows (Adaptive Shadow Maps technology);
  • destructibility of objects (using Havok technology);
  • a set of new or improved post-effects (twilight rays, color distortions, screen space reflections).

Maps and music

With the update, the game will have as many 29 new cards, completely redesigned on the Core engine in HD quality. In order for the game to meet modern graphics standards, every object on the maps will be redone. Battlefields will look unprecedentedly realistic with new lighting.

Adaptive music will help create a complete immersion effect in a new world. Each map has an individual theme corresponding to the setting: the melody will change depending on the development of the battle and the situation of the player’s team.

Wargaming really went to the trouble of creating a fresh soundtrack for World of Tanks, inviting more than 50 musicians from all over the world and even the Prague Symphony Orchestra! As a result, short compositions were recorded reflecting the musical culture of their countries and regions, and national instruments were used for full effect.

No FPS dips

The game's performance will not suffer from the graphics and music theme rework, significantly increasing the quality of World of Tanks gameplay. The game's creators have invested in optimizing stability and frames per second, especially on medium and low settings, without sacrificing image quality.

Graphics subsystems, redesigned using streaming technology, now require less memory.

The optimization also affected individual elements of the graphics subsystems, allowing us to further significantly reduce the memory load and free up the resources necessary for displaying additional effects.

Check compatibility

To check how your system will react to the upcoming update, you should use the demo program World of Tanks enCore. With its help, you can watch a recording of a demonstration battle and at the same time check the performance of the updated game on a specific machine with different settings.