My Yandex disk input. Yandex disk log into your personal account. Yandex.Disk is a cloud file storage service from Yandex. Here are instructions on how to do it

Hello admin! I read your article and it became interesting, because in fact, Yandex. Disk gives 10 GB of disk space for free, Google Drive 15 GB, Dropbox, which is popular abroad, 3 GB, and in Cloud all 100 GB!

Accordingly, you might be wondering whether it’s worth using Yandex Disk at all? And then I thought and decided that even 10GB for free from Yandex Disk could be useful, especially since “Yasha” will certainly not sit and watch his clients being taken away from him, most likely he will take some steps in the future, for example, he will take and give 1TB to his users .

What do you think, Admin, which of all the clouds listed is still more convenient to use? It is clear that the size of the cloud matters, but still, Yandex Disk has a very convenient function - Copy public link!

How to use Yandex Disk

Roman through your mouth! For example, I have long chosen the Yandex Disk service and adapted it to store all the necessary computer stuff that I might need during the day at work: driver assemblies, antiviruses, programs, LiveCDs, free operating systems, and so on, because my portable hard drive does not infinite.

But naturally, the free 10GB on Yandex Disk was not enough for me and I had to purchase an additional 100GB of disk space for 150 rubles per month. But they were not enough as soon as I adapted Yandex Disk for storing operating system backups, because in many data backup programs you can configure backup directly to the Yandex Disk cloud and I began to think about 1TB of Yandex Disk for 900 rubles per month, but here a cloud appeared with 100GB and I decided to use it for now.

Well, God be with him, with, we have an article about it and whoever is interested will read it, today we are talking about Yandex Disk, because many users have long chosen this service from Yandex and are still interested in the intricacies of its work.

Yandex Disk

Friends, use Yandex Disk It's very simple, first you need to register.

and register

We indicate First Name, Last Name, Login, Password, repeat the password, and also indicate our mobile phone number. Click Get code

We receive a code on our phone, enter it in the input field and click Confirm,

Now we click Register and 10GB is ours.

This will open an offer to download Yandex. Disk for our precious Windows.

In other words, we will install Yandex Disk as a program in our operating system and a folder will be created in our Windows that will be synchronized with Yandex Disk. Everything that we copy into this folder will automatically be sent to the Yandex Disk cloud. I suggest installing this application a little later, since many users may not want to install an unfamiliar application on their computer. So let's see how to use Yandex Diskdirectly online.

To upload the files you need to Yandex Disk you just need to drag them from your computer into this window.

For example, I will drag several photos from the Images folder to Yandex Disk. I select the photos with the left mouse and drag them into the Upload files window.

That's all, my files are on Yandex Disk.

Or click Download or Select

And an explorer window will open, select the files you need in it and click Open, the selected files will be sent to Yandex Disk.

You can create a new folder and name it whatever you want

Double-click with the left mouse on the desired photo and a preview will open.

To download the photo or file we need from Yandex Disk, we need to tick the desired object and select Download.

Mark the desired photo with a checkmark and share it on social networks.

For example, users constantly send me links from Yandex Disk to screenshots of their computer problems so that I can look and give my advice.

How to share your files with friends on Yandex Disk

Check the box next to the required file and click the Enable button.

For example, let's let our friends download the Music folder containing music files. Mark the folder with a tick,

To download a folder, just paste the link into the address bar of any browser and press Enter, in the window that opens, select the required files and click Download.

We can also make any of our folders public and all invitees will be able to view this folder and add files to it, the shared folder will appear on the Yandex Disk of each participant.

You can also delete unnecessary files by checking the box and clicking Delete.

How to use the Yandex Disk application

Click Download Disk for Windows.

We start the installation of the downloaded application.

You can uncheck the boxes and click Finish.

If you want to take the young fighter course, click Next, otherwise Skip.

The Yandex Disk icon appears in the tray.

Enter your username and password and Login.

If the Yandex Disk icon is green, it means we can work, synchronization has occurred.

Everything would be fine, friends, but the default Yandex Disk folder is located on our C: drive,

The full path to the folder is C:\Users\Username

change the location of the Yandex Disk synchronization folder to any other partition of the hard drive.

Right-click on the Yandex Disk icon in the tray and select Settings,

We indicate the new location of the Yandex Disk folder, for example, I will place it on the D: drive, I have a lot of free space there. I click the Change button

I indicate drive D: ( You can’t stupidly specify drive D:) and click Create Folder

Hello again, our dear readers!

All Internet users know what Yandex is. Everyone has heard of the numerous services that this search engine provides to the modern user.

  • This is the YA browser (which we already mentioned),
  • ""
  • "",
  • “I.metrics”, etc.

Many people have known about Yandex music and Yandex mail for a long time.

More recently, “Ya. line".

And today we will get acquainted with the Yandex Disk service, find out what it is for and how to install it on your computer. Let's learn about its capabilities and advantages. This article turned out to be a short overview of this service; I hope you find this interesting.

So, what is the Yandex Disk cloud?

This is a type of “cloud” technology; designed for storing and accessing user data. All well-known brands have had this type of “cloud” technology for a long time - Drop box, Google drive, One Drive, are the most popular. And their number is growing year by year. They all offer us to store our data with them... Only physically, the servers are located in America.

The name itself, “cloud,” suggests that the user stores his data not only on his computer, but also on the Internet (“cloud”). Access to data is possible from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. And if your device breaks down, “it’s no problem, all the photos you saved in the cloud will not be lost,” the creators of the service assure us.

Moreover, services from Google and Microsoft “know how” to make copies of operating systems. Not so long ago, a similar “cloud” service appeared on our Yandex. Which was a completely logical and timely step, since Yandex is one of the flagship search engines of the Russian Internet.

Indeed, “I. Disk" allows you to save the files you want without the risk of losing them, have access to them anywhere in the world, and if you need to, you can give access to the file or folder with files to your friends and acquaintances. In this case, you do not need to send them anywhere. You simply give the right person the right link. Once on it, a person downloads the file to his computer. In this case, the size of the file does not matter.

Use Yandex cloud storage for free

Read also:

So, let's look at how we can access this wonderful service. First of all, we need a computer and the Internet. Let's start in order. Type in the search bar download Yandex disk. The disk will be accessed through a special application.

Select the appropriate one and click:

After downloading, click on the installer icon...:

...install the application:

A window indicating successful installation appears. Check the boxes (optional):

And in the taskbar we now see a disk icon

...but since the app hasn't been configured yet, it has an orange exclamation mark.

In order to use the disk, click on the icon with the mouse and you will see the following window:

If you already have Yandex mail, then enter your email address and password in the fields and click “Login”

How to create an email?

If you don't have an email address yet, you need to register. To do this, click the “Register” link:

The registration procedure is not complicated. Enter the required data in the appropriate fields.

I advise you to write down your login, password, and control information in a special notebook.

We come up with a login or choose from those that the system offers. If you wish, you can specify your mobile phone number - it will be faster to restore access if you lose your password. If we do not specify a telephone number, then you will need to select a security question and answer to it:

After you have indicated everything correctly and entered the captcha, we register! The registration procedure is free - at the exit we receive a mailbox, as well as a Yandex passport, which contains all the data. The passport can be saved - printed or as a file.

Congratulations! You have just created your own mailbox.

Mailbox is the identifier of your Yandex account. This account is used to work with Yandex Disk and also provides access to all other Yandex services. And if desired, this account can be linked with Microsoft, Skype and others.

Yandex disk, how to log in:

After you have set up your mail, we can log in to Yandex Disk. Click on the disk icon in the taskbar until the window appears:

We enter our username and password into the fields and finally get to our disk.

In addition to others, Yandex.Disk appeared on the computer...

And another sign, the appearance of an icon on the desktop:

How to upload a disk to Yandex?

By going to Disk, we can create and delete folders on it as usual, copy any files (by dragging or copying):

In this case, the disk icon in the taskbar will begin to display the file synchronization process:

When you connect memory cards, flash drives, cameras, the application will prompt you to immediately copy the photos and videos on them to Yandex Disk. You can agree or refuse:

After copying and synchronizing files, we can, if necessary, give our friends access to them. To do this, select the desired folder (file):

We right-click, select as in the photo, the system will notify us that..

After that, you can send it by mail to the right person. If you need to allow access to a file or folder only to specific people, you need to use a different method. Using the browser, go to “Ya.Disk” and select the desired folder:

Click “Sharing”; then fill in the list of required postal addresses. We invite you.

Mailing addresses must be from Yandex; if your friend also installs Disk, this folder will appear on his disk too:

It's that simple!
If access needs to be closed, open your cloud again with a browser, find the desired folder or file, select it, then turn the sharing switch to the “Off” position:

That's it, access to the folder is closed.

Advantages and disadvantages

When installing - "disk" You are allocated free of charge "on the cloud" 10 GB of disk space. When this is not enough for you, you will need to pay a little for additional space. Or take part in promotions held by Yandex.

Yandex Disk is good for everyone. You can store files, you can publish folders. But there is also a drawback. If you store copies of your files on a “disk” without deleting the originals from your computer, then if there is a large amount of data, the free space on your computer’s hard drive may quickly run out. And if you delete a file from the Yandex Disk folder on your computer, it will also be deleted from the Yandex server. It turns out that to save space, we must completely trust the storage of our “important” “personal” files to Yandex. Whether to do this or not is up to you.

The second drawback, which cannot be avoided, is that if you installed Yandex Disk on a new computer, you will have to wait until the data is synchronized. If the volume of Disk data is large, then you have to wait quite a long time. In this case, you may not be able to quickly access files. You can do selective synchronization in the settings - mark only the most necessary folders at first, and then all the rest:

But, overall, the application is pleasant, discreet, unobtrusive. It has gotten me out of trouble many times. My overall impression of him is good. By installing it on your computer, you yourself will be able to fully appreciate all its advantages. After all, you have just completed a theoretical acquaintance.

That's all for today; choose the service you like; keep your data safe. Good luck to our readers and all the best!

Computer users who now have high-speed unlimited Internet began to think about storing files not on their hard drive, but on the global network.

Yandex came to the rescue, providing free space on its disks. Of course, Google and other famous companies have the same opportunity, but we will show the principle of use using the example of a service from a Russian search engine, since it seemed to us the most convenient and has a pleasant design and capabilities.

After all, storing files on Yandex disk has several significant advantages:

  • we free up space on our computer from files that we rarely use and open, for example, photos, program archives, and more;
  • we can share the link to the file and open up folders of files so that others can download them if we don't mind;
  • we can use Yandex disk not only from our computer, but also from any other - it is enough to have access to the Internet and a password for your email, as well as using a mobile phone or tablet.

Where to begin? Let's register a mailbox

AND we go through a simple registration, in which you will need to enter:

How to log into your Yandex Disk

There are several ways to get there, but first you need to log in to your mailbox using your username and password.
Then there are several options:

When we log in, we are usually offered to download a program for Windows onto our computer so that we can use the disk without logging into our account on the site. We'll talk about this a little later, and for now just close the window without downloading anything.

How to upload files and share links without installing the program

If we have not installed the application on your phone, or the program on your computer, then, while in your Yandex disk personal account, you can download files by clicking on one of the buttons:

You can also simply drag and drop files from your computer into your personal account window:

After downloading the file, we can close the window or download more files:

How to upload files to Yandex disk using a program for Windows without going to the site

While in your personal account, you can see the link “Download Disk for Windows”. By downloading this program, you get the opportunity not to go to the Yandex website to upload files, but do it using a special folder on your computer.

After installation, the previously downloaded installation file can be deleted.

After entering, you can finish here, or additionally click on the link “Customize folder location and synchronization” and slightly adjust the settings to suit you:

After completing the settings, we will have a separate folder for storing files on Yandex disk.

By default it is synchronized, i.e. when you copy some files to this folder, they are automatically uploaded to the Internet on your Yandex account disk, this is indicated to us by the green “bird” above the file.

Also when you right-click on a file, you can get a public link, the same as we received on the site.

A nice bonus is a program for creating and editing screenshots

When downloading and installing a program for Yandex disk, as a nice bonus, we are installing a program for conveniently creating screenshots.

It also has the necessary set of tools for editing: various arrows, figures, writing text, cropping a picture to the desired size.

Hello! Surely many of you have already heard the news that Yandex has launched a new service - a cloud service designed for storing files. Today I will do a short review.

It is worth noting that the use of Drive is available from all devices with an Internet connection and will be a real competitor to the now popular Dropbox. I have already made a choice in favor of a new one data storage service for several reasons:

  • 10 gigabytes of free disk space;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • access to files directly from Yandex mail (which I use as my main one);
  • no need to create additional accounts, etc.

Personally, I like modern trends aimed at globalization of all kinds of services. Having one single account, you can perform a whole range of work, and at the same time, the functionality expands each time, winning more and more new users.

Registration on Yandex Disk

As I already said, registration is not needed if you already have one. In this case, just go to the address, otherwise, get a new mailbox.

Let's move on to Yandex Disk home page and let's see what awaits us:

As you can see, at the time of my review, Yandex Disk is operating in testing mode and accepts new users only by invitation.

However, receiving such an invitation is quite simple - just indicate your email address and leave a request, which is what I did. The very next day I received a letter, quite original, on behalf of Captain Yandex Disk 🙂 with an invitation to board:

After receiving the invitation, follow the link specified in the letter (and after testing the service, invitations will not be needed) and a window will open on the page with the mail and with a new Files tab:

You can upload files directly from the web interface, but it is more convenient to use a special application. Here we also see a link to download the application, which is available for various platforms, including the Windows operating system, mobile devices and Apple Mac OS X:

Increasing Yandex Disk capacity up to 10 GB

Three simple steps will allow you to increase your disk space for storing information from the initial three gigabytes to 10! All you need to do is follow these steps:

  1. install the application (which was mentioned just above);
  2. upload to Yandex Disk a couple of files;
  3. and tell your friends - retweet, etc.

Here are three simple steps that can open up additional space on your cloud service disk.

Using the application when working with Yandex Disk

Now let's figure out how to use the application for working with Yandex Disk. After the download, run the installation file and perform the necessary operations. Upon completion of the installation, select the necessary items as desired and click the Finish button to complete the installation:

Next, we customize the program to your taste, it is advisable to check the box next to launch the program when the system starts, and also select the destination folder for the location of the files and other settings. There are only four tabs, I think you’ll figure it out:

Access to the system folder for storing files can be obtained directly in the main Explorer window, and of course, by direct access to the folder that was assigned during installation or application settings:

An icon will appear in the tray; right-clicking on it will open a pop-up menu with basic functions and settings:

This is a new file storage service that users offer, I really liked it, I will definitely use it and recommend it to you. By the way, the leader of the search market already has one service for storing files - Yandex People, do you think, against the backdrop of such innovations, does it have a future?

Many of them have taken leading positions in their segment, and today’s “patient” - Yandex Disk - is no exception.

Yandex Disk - what is it?

Yandex disk is a cloud service that allows its users to store any files and create public access to them on Yandex servers.

Cloud storage means that downloaded files are located not on one server, as is the case with file hosting services, but on different ones. This design allows you not to worry about data loss due to hacking or physical destruction of servers.

Direct analogues are:

  1. Dropbox;
  2. Google cloud;
  3. Mile disk.

Key Features

Files can be conveniently structured by creating your own hierarchy, because Yandex.Disk is almost a complete analogue of a hard drive.

Once you create a folder or upload a file, you can give it full access and create a public link so that other users can download it.

Speaking of the “hard drive” - by installing the application, a system disk will be created on your computer, synchronized with cloud storage. All changes made to this folder will be reflected in the data storage interface. In other words, a complete copy of this folder, with all its contents, will be created on Yandex servers.

By saving zip and rar archives, pdf documents, Microsoft Office files from the Internet on your “Disk” - you can open them directly in the browser without downloading to your computer.

How to create and open Yandex Disk?

Any user can gain access to use free cloud storage, just register at the address - or create an email. If you already use other services and have an account in Yandex, simply log in using the same link.

At the time of writing, all new users receive 10GB of disk space, absolutely free.

How to increase volume?

If the allocated space is not enough for you, you can increase the size by 10GB, 100GB and 1TB in two ways.

1. Pay for additional disk space according to the tariffs.

2. Take part in promotions from the company and its partners. For example, the “Gigabytes as a Gift” promotion recently ended, which allowed you to increase the volume by 32GB by installing the Yandex Disk application on your mobile phone.

How to use

Having logged into your account, the question arises - what to do next? The main task of the service is to download and store files. As mentioned above, you can upload your files to Yandex Disk through the web interface and using a program installed on your computer.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Installing the application

During installation, pay attention to the additional offer to make Yandex your home page.

Select a folder on your hard drive whose contents will be synchronized with your account.

Move any file to this folder and open the web version of the service, what do you see? That's right, the file is uploaded to your cloud account.

For more convenient sharing, you can share a shared folder. This is done through the settings.

A new tab will open in the browser, where you will need to specify the users (their email) who are allowed access, i.e. make access settings.

Copying files from cloud storage to the computer’s hard drive is the main disadvantage of the first version of the program, and the company tried to correct it in the second version of the software.

Yandex Disk 2.0 beta

Yandex is constantly developing its services, and the turn of the program in question has come. The Yandex Disk 2.0 beta application was released.

The main difference from the first version is that through the program, complete management of electronic documents located in the cloud is carried out. It is no longer necessary to keep copies of them on your computer.

During the installation process, you will also be asked to install additional software, including the Yandex browser.

The program window completely copies the web interface, and files are downloaded by simply dragging them onto the program icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Creating new folders, reading documents and merging them into one folder is carried out in exactly the same way as in the file system running Windows.

Web version of the data warehouse

If you don’t want to install additional software on your pet, use the web version of the service. It completely repeats the functionality of the applications described above, with the exception of quickly saving files to storage.

All navigation occurs in the window, using the elements shown in the figure above.

Viewing and editing in the browser interface is not available for files larger than 1GB.

To upload the actual file to storage, drag it to the “Drop Zone”.

Let's look at a step-by-step example of how to upload a photo to Yandex Disk.

1. Open the folder on your computer where the photo is located.

2. Open your browser and log into your drive.

3. Drag the photo to the “Drop Zone” and wait for the upload to finish.

How to remove Yandex Disk from your computer

First of all, you need to figure out what exactly you want to delete - just the program or the account as a whole.

Everything is simple with the program, it can be removed using standard Windows tools, but with the account you will have to take “drastic measures.”

First version of the application

1. On the taskbar, click on the disk icon and turn off synchronization.

2. Exit the application by clicking the "Exit" button.

3. Open “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”, find the desired program, right-click to open the context menu and click “Uninstall”.

Version 2.0 beta

In the second version of the program, everything is a little simpler. Exit it by right-clicking on the icon in the taskbar.

Web version

It’s worth making a reservation right away - you won’t be able to delete only Yandex Disk; you’ll have to get rid of your entire Yandex account.

To do this, go to the account settings page, it is called “Passport”. At the very bottom of the page, in the “Other Settings” section, click “Delete Account.”

Read the information provided, enter the captcha and click the button indicated on the screen.

If you don’t want to lose your entire account, you can limit yourself to deleting all files from Yandex.Disk.

Check the box next to all entries and click “Delete” on the right side of the screen.

After erasing software from your computer or laptop, do not forget to clean the OS from any remaining “tails”.

Yandex.Disk is a virtual storage of information. Yandex provides its users with 10 GB of cloud space for storing photos, videos and other documents in electronic format. If the provided number of gigabytes is not enough, you can rent additional disk space - from 10 GB to 1 TB for a subscription fee (monthly or annual). You can upload information to disk from any source - from the Internet, from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Moreover, you can provide saved files to everyone, for example, via a direct link.

Previously, Yandex provided virtual space only by invitation. Now the service is available to all users who have a Yandex mailbox. Let's see how you can log into cloud storage.

How to register

If you don’t have a virtual disk on Yandex and, accordingly, you don’t have an account either, you can get one by going through a short registration procedure:

  1. Type the address in your browser. At the bottom of the page a yellow “Create your Disk” button will appear. Click on it.
  2. A registration form will appear on the screen. You need to fill it out and click the “Register” button.
  3. Now you can use your own cloud service.

Any additional information can be found here:

Login from computer

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Type the website address – – into the address bar of your browser.
  2. Find the “Login to mail” button in the upper right corner of the page and click on it.
  3. In the window that appears, enter your username and password and click on the “Login” button.
  4. Once on the page with your emails, find the “Disk” tab in the upper left corner and click on it.

If you are already logged in, you can log into Yandex.Disk without visiting your email address. Just find your login on the main page, click on it and find the “Disk” link in the drop-down menu. By clicking on it, you can immediately go to your personal cloud space.

To get to Yandex.Disk from someone else’s computer, it is enough to log into your personal account according to the existing procedure. After completing your work, it is important to log out of your account so as not to leave access to personal information to other users. You need to click on the round button with the image of a person’s head in the upper right corner of the page, and then click on the “Exit” link.

Login from a mobile gadget

If you don’t have access to a computer, but there is a need to retrieve files saved on Yandex.Disk, you can use a smartphone or tablet. To do this you need:

  1. Install an official free application from the store (AppStore, Google Play or Microsoft Store) on your gadget.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click the “Login” button.

Access recovery

If for some reason the password for your Yandex account was lost, access to the account can still be restored. All you need to do is remember your login and have your mobile phone handy. Procedure:

  1. Login to Yandex.
  2. Click the “Login to mail” button in the upper right corner of the page
  3. In the new window, select “I can’t log in”
  4. Enter your login and captcha (symbols) from the picture in the appropriate fields.
  5. Click “Next”
  6. Enter your mobile phone number in the new field.
  7. A new password will be sent in the received SMS. It will need to be entered into the field that appears.
  8. Click the “Next” button. Enter a new password, repeat it in the field below and click “Done.”

Yandex.Disk is a cloud file storage from a well-known search engine in our country. The service allows you to save various documents in one place, and then opens up the ability to access them from all your devices. Thanks to this service, you can save photos, music files and other documents on your computer, and then access them from your smartphone. And vice versa.


Today, Yandex.Disk, along with Google.Drive and [email protected], are the most popular remote file storage systems using cloud computing technology. And if you haven't registered with one of them yet, now is the time to do so.

We have already written, . In this article, you will learn how to log into your account and also share documents with other users.

From computer

In order to log into your page of this service from your computer, you need to log in to your Yandex account. To do this, go to the page and fill in your data in the upper right corner: login and password.

IMPORTANT: If you are not registered on Yandex services, you can do this using the form described above.

Login to Yandex mail

After you have filled in the data, click on the “Login” button and go to the “Disk” tab. It is located at the top of the screen.

Yandex menu

You can also access Yandex.Disk from the main page of this service. Hover your cursor over the “More” link, which is located above the search line, and in the drop-down menu, find the word “Disk” and click on it.

If you need to log into your Yandex.Disk from someone else’s computer, then use any of the algorithms described above. Imagine that you want to show your photos to your friends or work colleagues. This is the beauty of cloud storage. You can access them from any equipment. The main thing is not to forget your username and password.

But, in order to subsequently protect the leakage of your data or the use of your account by third parties, be sure to indicate that you are logging into your account from someone else’s computer, and then click on the “Exit” button.

Log out of Yandex services on someone else's computer

From phone

In order to log into your account of this cloud service from your phone, you can use a special application. It can be downloaded from the official directory of your operating system.

After installing the application, you need to enter your account information: login and password. They are identical to those that you use in the desktop version of Yandex.Disk.

Login to the Yandex.Disk application

After you enter them, you need to click the “Login” button.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about the possibilities of using Yandex.Disk. Applications exist for various mobile operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. There are also clients for Windows, Linux and Mac.

How to upload files: photos, videos and documents to Yandex.Disk

After you have learned how to access this cloud service from Yandex, you can start using it.

Imagine that you have a 10 GB flash drive. But you don't need to carry it with you. Thanks to your smartphone, it is always with you. And over time (Yandex.Disk managers like to give gifts) this small, by modern standards, external drive can increase in size and turn into a full-fledged external drive. But, like a flash drive, it will not take up space in your pocket, bag or backpack.

In order to use such a data storage, you need to be able to move files into it. This can be done from any device. Moreover, in some cases in automatic mode.

In order to upload photos or other data to Yandex.Disk, install the client of this service on your computer. Of course, you can also use the web version. But, this is not the best choice. Using the client makes it more convenient to use Disk.

Yandex.Disk client

After installing the client (we told you more about how to do this), a folder will appear on your computer. By saving files into it, they will automatically appear on the server.

This can be done in any way, from simple drag and drop to using file managers such as Total Commander.

As for the mobile application, in order to upload a file to your Yandex.Disk through it, you need to open the application and click on the button with a cross in a yellow circle.

Adding files in the Yandex.Disk mobile application

In the menu that appears, you need to select the source files. This could be a gallery, files from the device, files from applications, or a photo from the camera.

If you want to upload a file to a specific folder, then before selecting a document, go to the folder in which you want to save the file.

How to open access to your files on Yandex.Disk?

In order to make files public, it is advisable to use a separate folder for this feature.

  • Create it and then select it
  • In the Properties panel, click “Make folder public”

It should look something like this

  • After this, a list of contacts will appear, among which you need to select those to whom you will open the opportunity to use the folder
  • There are rights settings for contacts (viewing only or full functionality).
  • After selecting a contact and setting rights, you need to click the “Invite” button

Invite a contact

  • You can also grant access to a folder to a contact who is not in your address book. To do this, simply enter his address in the appropriate field

IMPORTANT: This can only be done for Yandex mail users.

  • When you give a user access to a folder located in your cloud storage, he will receive an invitation letter from Yandex. If the user accepts it, a copy of the folder will appear on his Drive.

In this case, you can assign rights:

  • View only. With this right, the user can read and download files. But he will not be able to edit them.
  • Full access. The user is allowed not only to read and download files from the public folder, but also to edit them. With this right, the user can delete, change, rename files, and open them to others.

You can close access to files and folders just as easily as you can open them. To do this, select the folder and click the “Configure access” button.

Setting up sharing

The setting is made for each contact who has the right to use the folder.

In order to completely block access to a folder, you need to put “No access” in the field next to the contact.

You can also remove public access to the folder using the “Close access to everyone” button. At the same time, the created copy of the folder on Yandex.Disk of the person who used public access will be deleted.

You can find out which folders in your cloud file storage you have granted access to in the “Shared Folders” main menu item.

Are you ready to entrust your files to aliens? Just a joke, of course. It’s just that the familiar Yandex has provided its new service – Yandex.Disk. The Yandex.Disk service logo is stylized as a flying saucer. Interesting and fun presentation. What is the new service?

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service for storing personal files. Its functionality is very similar to the DropBox service. You could even say that Yandex.Disk is its clone. The service is free, and files can be stored for as long as desired. Unlike the service DropBox, Yandex.Disk is completely Russified and also has some nice additions. This includes a good design, integration with email, a shopping cart and other nice little things. One of the great features of Yandex.Disk is that all files uploaded to the storage are scanned by Dr.Web antivirus.

Let's take a look from the inside at what is called Yandex.Disk.

To access Yandex.Disk, first go to the service page -

If you have an account in any of the Yandex services, you can log in by entering your username and password. As a rule, the login is an email address, and the password is an email password. If you don't have an account, you need to register.

So, enter your username and password and get into the Yandex.Disk interface. To fully use the capabilities of Yandex.Disk, you need to download and install a special program on your computer. The program will create a special folder, the files in which will be synchronized with storage on Yandex servers.

Installing the Yandex.Disk program on your computer.

After authorization, we are logged into our account and are offered to install the Yandex.Disk program on our computer. Since I have the Windows 7 operating system installed, I was asked to download a program for this operating system.

The program can also be installed on operating systems (OS) such as Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, Linux, and also supports Android, iPhone and Symbian mobile operating systems. Supported OS versions are kindly reported at the bottom of the beautiful picture. Before installing the program, familiarize yourself with the OS versions that are currently supported by the program, otherwise the question may soon arise, why Yandex.Disk is not installed?

If the operating system on your computer does not meet the requirements of the Yandex.Disk program, then this is not so scary. You can connect to the Yandex.Disk cloud storage using the so-called WebDAV client. You will have to set up the connection manually, using the recommendations outlined on the Yandex.Disk website (in the section "Help"). In this case, the Yandex.Disk storage will be connected to your computer as a regular network drive.

Click on the picture-button with the inscription "Install Yandex.Disk for Windows". After this, the installer program will be downloaded to your computer. This is what the file looks like.

We need to launch it. First, the program will download the necessary files, and then installation on your hard drive will begin.

Upon completion of the installation, several tempting offers will be made (make Yandex the default search, install Yandex elements, etc.). If you need a bunch more unnecessary “trackers” and “peepers”, then leave everything as is, click "Ready". If you don’t need any useless gadgets, uncheck all the checkboxes and press the button "Ready".

As you can see, it indicates that we are not authorized and there is no connection to the network storage yet.

Right-click on the Yandex.Disk icon in the tray and select "Log in". In the window that appears, enter your username and password. After authorization has passed, synchronization of files on the computer and in the network storage will begin. A notification like this will appear in the tray.

That's it, we are at the mercy of aliens! Don't be scared, they are kind...

Let's go through the items in the drop-down menu of the Yandex.Disk program.

The Yandex.Disk folder is quite easy to find on your computer. After installing the program, it appears on the desktop, in the Start menu, in the Favorites column.

And also in the column where the computer’s hard drives are shown.

Yandex.Disk is a virtual disk - it is just a certain amount of hard disk memory allocated for storing information that is copied to a remote Yandex server.

We invite you to further explore the possibilities of this interesting service. If you encounter difficulties when using Yandex.Disk, you can always look at the “Help” page, which is on the service’s website. It describes in detail and clearly all the functions of the service and possible problems when working with the program. At the time of writing this note, the service was in beta testing and its functionality may have changed a lot.

What can you use Yandex.Disk for?

You can use Yandex.Disk in different ways:

    You can create a kind of virtual library and store your favorite books in storage. This will protect you from losing your favorite collection of books in the event of possible malfunctions of the computer’s hard drive.

    You can use Yandex.Disk to share files with friends and colleagues. The 10 GB of memory provided by the service should be enough for most cases.

    It is also possible to use Yandex.Disk as a “local” network for electronic document management in a small enterprise.

    It is very tempting to use Yandex.Disk as a backup file storage. In case of any problems with your hardware, you can easily get the necessary files intact and safe. Yandex.Disk is like a flash drive that cannot be lost.

In the future, we can expect that in addition to storing files, the service will provide the ability to use programs directly in the cloud, which will mark a transition from only storing files towards the implementation of cloud computing, which has been talked about so much lately.

Today I turned on cartoons for my daughter that were downloaded to my computer from the Internet...

So, I was sitting and watching her, and imperceptibly somehow “immersed myself” in memories of my childhood...

But as a child, I didn’t even suspect the existence of a computer! My parents turned on the TV and I watched there... Yes, I watched whatever was on TV at that time)))

I even caught a little bit of black and white TV!))

Then color TV appeared. It was already followed by a VCR, and then it was already possible to choose what to watch...

And so, it appeared - my first computer!

ABOUT! What an event this was in my life then!

How much joy and pride there was, I remember as much as now!) His memory, of course, was minimal; to save information - a floppy disk, which was not always readable.

Remember this “miracle”?)

Just think how time flies...

The Internet has arrived! And it eliminated the need to use conventional disks. What for? When can you watch everything directly on the Internet?

"What do you mean why? To store important information!- you say.

Yes, it’s possible, but at the moment this is no longer entirely relevant.

The fact is that now the largest Internet companies have their own so-called disks for downloading, transmitting and storing information.

So, for example, in Yandex there is such a “cloud disk”. Have you heard of this? But nevertheless it exists! And that’s exactly what I want to talk about. So that you, like me at one time, can understand and appreciate how convenient and easy it is to use.

Yandex - . What is this?


Yandex disk (cloud): what is it?

Why do you need Yandex disk?

Yandex disk is a free service owned by Yandex. This cloud data storage is free (cloud storage, or can be called CLOUD for short). That is, the place where you can place your files, and they will be stored not on your disk, but on the server’s disk.

Often, in Internet slang, you can come across the following words:

-Hello! Do you have a cloud?

-Download your cloud and use it


It was first launched in 2012, but then not everyone could use it, but only the “selected” who received an invitation. But now, it is already available to every Internet user.

In this service you can store all the necessary data and information.

But don't worry about the safety of your data! Since Yandex disk is very securely protected. ONLY YOU CAN ALLOW ACCESS to any data and files!

In addition to the fact that you can store data and information, as described above, you also have the opportunity to share your information with other users on the Internet.

So I brought you up to speed a little.

Now, let's figure out how to start using Yandex disk?

Registration and login to Yandex disk

Before you start using this convenient service, of course, you first need to find out where it is located and how to register with it.

And we begin our familiar procedure. If, of course, you have already become familiar with other useful services such as, Ya.mail. Which I told you about in previous articles. And whoever hasn’t read it yet, I highly recommend doing so - it will come in handy.

And if you are interested in the article -
Then, together with Dick, register an electronic wallet and mail. It's necessary!

Here are instructions on how to do it:

So, enter into the search engine: Yandex disk, click “Find”. And the search engine gives us the following link: File storage and sharing (

Then click on the link ( and the following window opens:

Click on “Create your own Disk” and get to the registration window. There we need to fill in ALL FIELDS. And we indicate your REAL cell phone number, since this page will be linked to it. And that’s it, click “Register”.

That's all, you have completed the registration procedure. It's very simple, isn't it?!

Here your disk opens for you:

And now I’ll show you how to log into your disk for those who have already been registered with Yandex, but have never used the disk.

I already have a Yandex mail account. How to log into your disk?

We go into our Yandex account, and there, in the very top left corner, is that very “Disk” button.

Click on it and go to your disk.

But that is not all! In order to start using this service in full. You need to synchronize your computer and Yandex disk. And to do this you need to download it and install it on your computer.

How to download and install Yandex disk on your computer

So, go to the disk and find on the right this button “Download Disk for Windows”.

Click on it and the following window will open:

PLEASE NOTE: can be installed not only on a computer, but also on a tablet, smartphone and Smart TV. Now we are interested in the computer, so we click on “Computer”. Then click “Disk for Windows” and download.

The other one is at the bottom, where all the windows and the Start button are located (in Windows 10 - also):

So we figured out how to download and install the cloud program on your computer)).

Now let's talk about how to use it.

How to use Yandex disk

It is quite simple to use and very entertaining, you will see this when you start mastering this service.

We will now look at some of the most common questions.

Where we see the icon of our disk, click “Save” and the picture is saved in the Y.Pictures package (by default). We can move this picture from this album to another. To do this, click on the picture and on the right we see the following window:

How do I upload a download file?

Yandex.Disk is a cloud file storage from a well-known search engine in our country. The service allows you to save various documents in one place, and then opens up the possibility of using them for...