Not disk space. What to do if there is no disk space in Windows? We find and clean the main folders. Delete MSocache folder

Nowadays, one of the most valuable resources is the memory. It is kept necessary for work, leisure and entertainment files and programs. In computers, storage media are hard drives and their more modern analogues - solid-state drives. A classic distribution option on any computer is to highlight the space for the operating system, which also establishes all programs, and create sections for storing photos, music, movies, and countless valuable documents for the user.

In the process of using a computer on the system section, a large number of different files are created that are necessary for the normal operating state of the operating system and its components. Many of them have a period of relevance, which in its expiration makes previously created files are absolutely useless. They occupy a valuable space, gradually scoring free space on the system section, hovering the chaos in the file system.

The issue of saving space in the sections by destroying unnecessary data is quite relevant at the moment, therefore there are special utilities that can be fine enough for the most efficient work. Cleaning the disc can be performed by internal means of the operating system, but about everything in order.

Method 1: CCleaner

Probably there is no user who has not heard about this program. CCleaner is rightfully considered one of the simplest, but at the same time functional utilities for searching and deleting temporary and irrelevant files from the system. There are a number of detailed settings that will help you create this product fully under the user's requirements by performing all the necessary operations.

  1. The program has a paid and free version. We are suitable for us, it has all the necessary functionality and is not limited to time use. From the official site of the developer, you need to download the installation file, run it double-clicking and installing, following the installer instructions.
  2. Open the program with a shortcut on the desktop. Set the Russian language for convenience, following the instructions on the screenshot below.
  3. Now go to the first program tab. In the left part of CCleaner in both tabs, you must configure the items that need to be removed during cleaning. The program has a competent Russian translation, even an inexperienced user will immediately figure out what needs to be cleaned. By default, you are selected to delete certain data, that is, you can start cleaning immediately. But it is recommended to carefully examine each proposed option for the highest possible liberation of space.

    After the configuration, you can click on the button. "Analysis"The program scans the data specified to it and show the exact size of the files that it will delete. Do not be surprised if their size exceeds several gigabytes.

  4. CCleaner has a built-in tool to correct errors in the system registry. This is at best to remove several kilobytes of unnecessary information, however, it will fix incorrect file associations, errors in autoload and libraries, check the performance of services in the operating system. To search for errors in the registry Go to the second tab in the left pane of the program and start the window at the bottom of the window by pressing the button "Search for problems".

    The program will check, it can take some time. After graduating, the user will be presented with problems found in the system. You can fix them using the button "FIX SELECTED ISSUES".

    It will be prompted to create a backup of the registry in case the problem arises after the update. Confirm the preservation of the copy.

    Select a place to save the file. Its name will contain a date and accurate backup time.

    After creating a backup, you can fix the problems found by one button.

    The fix will also take a certain time, depending on the number of records found. It is recommended to restart the computer after completing the correction.

  5. A large number of rare programs can be installed in the system. Their deletion will significantly increase the amount of free space on the system disk, speed up the computer load and reduce the load on the OS.

    In the left menu, go to the tab "Service". A list of tools will appear slightly about this menu, which will come in the future. First in the list will be a tool "Deleting programs" - A fairly accurate copy of the standard utility in the Windows environment, which will display a list of programs installed in the system and components. Find the software that you do not need on the computer, on its name, right-click and select item. "Uninstall"After that, follow the instructions of the standard removal program. This action is repeated with each unnecessary program.

    After removing all unnecessary programs, it is advisable to clean the cleaning described in paragraph 3.

  6. Surely in the browser installed a large number of additions and plug-ins, which you rarely use. It is not enough that they occupy a place on the system disk, and the browser itself slows down significantly. Immediately spend the general cleaning using the tool "Browser add-ons"which is just below the previous one. If several browsers are installed in the system, it is possible to move between their add-ons in horizontal tabs.
  7. For a more visible study of the list of files that occupy a place on the system section, you can use the utility "Disk Analysis". It allows checkboxes to specify the types of files that we need to find on the disk.

    Scan will take some time, after which the results will be displayed as a simple diagram. In the list of categories, you can view the percentage of available files, their total volume and quantity. When choosing a specific category, a list of these files will be presented in the order of size reduction - the perfect way to identify the books that steal the user's free space. It is strongly recommended before analyzing the disks to clean the temporary files, which was described in paragraph 3 - the program finds a huge number of files that are currently in temporary folders and will soon be deleted. The information is true, but useless.

  8. After cleaning is completed, all temporary operating system and programs installed on the computer will be deleted. They occupy the main place, but using CCleaner it is possible to free up even more by deleting duplicate files. The same files may appear if instead of moving from one directory to other files were copied. Two copies of the same data are useless, but they can take a lot of space.

    Here you have to show attentiveness. If the same files are found in the directory of any program, then it is better to refrain from removal, in order not to disturb the performance of the latter. Files that can be deleted exactly, select the left mouse button by clicking on the empty checkboxes to the left of the titles, then at the right side of the program window, click "Delete selected". Be careful - this action is irreversible.

  9. A lot of space can occupy forgotten and irrelevant recovery points - dimensions can be calculated literally dozens of gigabytes (if you do not know what the recovery points are and why they are needed - we recommend reading). Using tools "System Restore" Explore the list of recovery points. Unnecessary remove, leave 1-2, just in case. To delete, select unnecessary, then downstairs click on the button. "Delete".

Method 2: manual removal of unnecessary files

Conduct the liberation of the system partition and without third-party utilities. This method has advantages and disadvantages, details will be discussed below.

  1. A huge number of users store a collection of music, movies and photos right on the system section. It is not categorically recommended to do so. If the operating system is impaired, the precious collections are under threat. Move them to the next section, if it is not there - split the hard disk to the sections of the required partition (study this material).

    Right-click on the folder in which there are voluminous files in the context menu that opens, select "Cut".

    Then open another partition, on an empty place, right-click on the context menu, select "Paste".

    Moving multimedia files will significantly unload the system partition.

  2. Have you cleaned long ago "Basket"? These files do not hang in the air, but are all on the same system section, just in another folder. The final cleaning of remote files suddenly can add a gigabyte-other free space.

    Right click on the basket icon on the desktop and click on the item. "Empty trash".

In our age - a century of huge hard drives with a volume of 1-1,5-2 terabyte, despite the huge disk spaces, some problems remain the same. The space on the system disk as before it ended, and now little has changed.

There is a huge variety of specialized programs designed to help the user in this difficult, it would seem task, however, most of them are paid. We in this article will consider the methods of freeing disk space manually and with free programs and utilities.

Then I will tell you how especially freeing the place on the system (and not only) disk as soon as possibleBut first you need to get acquainted with the basic methods of disc cleaning FROM: (What is a C :? drive).

Where is the free space on the disk C :?

In addition to the fact that the disk space ends through the efforts of the user itself, actively using its data warehouse and the efforts of various programs and the operating system itself.

In the first case, these are numerous films and music stored on the desktop (after all, we are talking about the system disk C:And not about others, and by default, all the contents of the desktop are stored on the system disk). If you have several disks, no matter physical or logical, then you can copy all the contents of the desktop to one of these discs, depending on which space is more. If you only have a disk C:This is, unfortunately, it is unavailable.

In the second case, these are temporary program files that create these most temporary files to store some data required throughout the program operation time before it is closed. In the process of closing the program, these very files should be removed, but it does not always happen, and they have the usual to accumulate indefinitely. Internet temporary files if you are using the Internet Explorer browser, also have to be collected. Of course, to release disk space, you can delete unused programs and games, but today we will consider how to do without sacrifices, namely ...

How to release a place on a disk C: without deleting the programs available there?

First, we will conduct a small preparation that will be required to us for a more successful and effective disposal of temporary files. For the purity of the experiment, we will spit out how much the place was on the author's hard disk of this article and will monitor these values \u200b\u200bafter each disc cleanliness stage.

1. Go to the folder My computer and select the menu there Service\u003e Folder Properties.

2. Go to the tab View And in the window Extra options Choose Show hidden files and folders. It will be necessary for us to clear temporary files From our profile. By default, these things from users are hidden, but we will not suit us. Press OK To save the settings. For Windows Vista / 7 users - you, to get into this window, you need to go to Start\u003e Control Panelchoose in column View Small badges and double-click on the icon Folders settings.

3. Now click Start, I find the command there (in Windows Vista / 7 are not displayed by default - see) and type (or copy it from here) command% UserProfile% and press the button OK.. In the window that opens, go to the folder Local Settings\u003e Temp (Owners of Windows Vista / 7/8 - you need to go to APPDATA\u003e LOCAL\u003e TEMP).

4. Click Ctrl + A. And then the key combination SHIFT + DELETE. (delete files, bypassing the basket) and click Yes.

All these files can be safely removed, because Since they fell into this folder, they cannot represent any value. However, in the removal process, such a situation will necessarily arise:

Here is responsible Yes for all

And then such:

Here click OK, then press the key Ctrl And click the left mouse button on the file with the name specified on the message to remove the selection from it. After that, again SHIFT + DELETE. And let's go further until everything is removed that it is possible to remove.

Why did such a situation arise? The fact is that we delete files from the current profile, so there are files that are used by the operating system and the programs at the moment. Naturally, Windows will not let you delete them so as not to cause the collapse of the system. Nevertheless, the rest must be removed.

Like this folder look like Temp. After global cleaning:

That's how much space was released on the disk FROM:

This computer is being subjected to such a cleaning regularly, so in your case the result may be much more tangible. The author once freed thus 20 (!) Gigabyte disk space and this is only deleting the contents of the TEMP folder. True, it was someone else's computer.

Go to the next stage. Go to the folder My computerdisk FROM:, Folder Windows and in it folder Temp.. If a message will occur during this long path:

Boldly choose Display the contents of this folder And go on.

In fact, this folder Temp. It is left as part of the operating system only for compatibility with old programs, so it will most likely be almost empty. But the chicken in the grain is peeling, so we will clean everything that is only possible, and as a result it turns out well. We do with this folder exactly all, too, as with the previous same name. Namely Ctrl + A. and SHIFT + DELETE..

In this case, about three megabytes were freed, so it was possible to look at how the disk space of the test disk changed until there was no point in.

Clear internet temporary files. This method works if you are using Internet Explorer. Although, in other browsers everything is removed about the same. Go to B. Start\u003e (Setup\u003e) Control Panel and twice click on the icon Properties of the Observer.

Press the button Delete.

I put the flags in this way and click Delete. And then OK After completing the removal. We look at how the indicators of free disk space changed:

On this computer, Internet Explorer is almost not used, so in your case the effect may be much tangible.

Now click right-click Basket and choose Empty trash. This is done just in case, never something flew into the basket. You do not keep in Basket The most necessary files, though? Just as do not store products in the garbage bucket.

Further we will use the program Dupkiller. - This program will help us get rid of duplicate. The program is absolutely free. You can download it either from our site (download dupkiller) or the latest version from the Dupkiller manufacturer. There is a suspicion that in the near future it will become a full-fledged paid commercial product, but until it happened (the program is in stage beta.) - We use!

Move the virtual memory from the system disk C: to another disk

This method will suit those who have on the computer in addition to the system disk C: There are other logical disks, for example, D:, E: etc. Naturally, we are talking exclusively about rigid disks, both physical and logical. Cardriders, DVD drives, flash drives and other benefits of civilization, naturally, do not fit. And the places on these disks should be at least 5-6GB.

To do this, in any version of Windows, go to the control panel and open the properties of the system. This is done as follows:

We go B. Start and choose Control Panel (Small refinement for the happy owners of computers running Windows 8 - you to go to the control panel you need to put the mouse cursor in the right top or bottom corner of the screen, choose Settings and Control Panel).

In the window that opens, choose Small badges or Large icons (1), depending on the sharpness of your vision and twice we click on the icon System (2).

In the window that opens, click Additional system parameters.

In the window that appears, click the button Parameters.

Select the tab Additionally and press the button Change.

In the next window, you will need to do exactly the following things:

Remove check box Automatically select the size of the paging file (1), Choose disk C: (2)put the radio button Without paging file (3)be sure to press the button Set (4). At the same time, Windows will definitely go to our actions and say that it is not good. But we are not afraid of difficulties and continue our mournful work and transfer virtual memory to disk D: (or any other, what you have - at what space is more).

In principle, if you have 16 gigabytes of RAM or more, then you can skip the next item, click OK, I agree and restart the computer - this is also the increase in productivity. If less than 8 GB, it is better not to experiment and go to the next step.

Now we must place the paging file on the disk D: or any friend, you choose. I have only C: and D:, so consider in this example. Select disc D: (1), then choose Size by selecting system (2), Press Set (3) and button OK.

Now you press everywhere OKand to the question about rebooting the computer answer Yes. If Windows for some reason does not ask you to restart the computer, you still do this in order to make changes to the change.

Install the Dupkiller program

Select the installation language.

We accept Conditions License Agreement.

It should not be changed here, so click Further.

Installation progress window.

Press Ready.

Now we need to go to Start\u003e (All) Programs\u003e Dupkiller\u003e Dupkiller. When starting, the Council flies. If necessary, take a daw Show tips when starting. Press Close.

This is how the main program window looks like. You have enough to choose a disk C: - I have no duplicate on it, so for greater clarity I chose all the discs. There, my duplicates are definitely there, because I duplicate particularly important information on different disks (I have them physically 3 pieces).

Menu Files and Folders - Select All files.

Menu Exceptions. You can leave as it is in order for you to be clear, according to which principle the selection program produces. After analyzing the results of the selection, it is possible to add exceptions and scan disc again.

Menu Search settings - We leave everything as it is.

Menu Other settings - We leave everything as it is.

Menu Removal - You can leave everything as it is, you can choose to immediately delete files, if you are not afraid to accidentally delete something important. For the first time it is better to leave the option with Basket.

Press the button Scan And wait ...

That's how much space is done by duplicates on all discs.

But now the routine begins - we put the flag on the files that we do not need exactly in the form of duplicates. Keep in mind that the daw should be affixed only on one copy of the duplicate, otherwise the likelihood is high, and the original file and its duplicate will be deleted. It is indisputable that in this case the places will be released even more (smile), but we agreed with you to do without the victims.

I want to draw your attention yet at what moment, which will greatly facilitate your life - if in the Dupkiller list you see duplicate folders, then this routine can be simplified - go through the conductor to the desired folder and delete it manually. It will be much faster than to lift thousands of check box.

WARNING FOR Windows VISTA / 7/8 users:

During the Dupkiller program, you can see such a picture:

Remember - the files for such paths are not duplicates. These are the so-called symbolic links. The file is physically on the disk located one, and the link to it can lead from different places. Remember it! For simplicity, it is possible to focus on what - if in one of the three tract the folder appears ProgramData. - This suggests that everything else is links.

Well, the last stage in our epic - disk defragmentation. The defragmentation program optimizes the location of the files on the disk (after our actions there is, on what to work, believe the word) and compresses files that have not been used for a long time, which also releases additional disk space.

To start it, you must right-click on the disk FROM:, go to the tab Service And click the button Perform defragmentation.

In the window that opens, click - Defragmentation And go smoking, eat, for bread, etc., as this process is quite long. It is recommended once every 3-6 months, depending on how actively the computer is used.

In principle, during defragmentation, even, you can try something to do something, however, the computer will work very well at the same time.

Emergency cleaning (space release) disk C:

As I promised at the beginning of the article - I bring the method of emergency release of disk space from the category "When completely close".

You can buy a new hard drive (you can external) and reset part of the information on it, but not always there is time, the opportunity, money finally.

In this case comes to help Disk compression. If you go to My computerRight-click on the disk FROM: (Yes, and in any other than a flash drive and a drive) and choose Propertiesyou will see the checkbox Compress the disk to save space. After its prostanna and click on the OK button or Apply The window will occur:

Here you need to choose To: \\ and to all subfolders and files and press OK. The procedure will take from 10 minutes to half an hour and frees a certain amount of disk space.

As a reverse side of the medal in this case, you will notice that the speed of the computer has decreased. This is because on a compressed disk, the operating system when opening a file should unpack it, after which there is already certain actions. Here this very "unpacking" goes processor performance and machine time. Therefore, if you even had to squeeze a system disk - try as quickly as possible to find the ability to open it back to return to the computer for the previous speed.

Owners of computers with Windows Vista / 7/8.

Data location in computer user profiles folders, with installed Windows Vista / 7/8 operating systems differ from similar in Windows XP. Here we will briefly consider the main differences:

Folder Documents and settings Now called the folder Users (Users);
- Folder Local Settings Now is in the folder APPDATA and called Local - There you can find a thick folder Temp. and clean.

I also recommend to use a program that is called CCleaner. The program is good, the only thing that she does not know how to do is brush the profiles of other users on the computer. Those. All temporal files that have accumulated in the active profile folders it will remove, and all the others or manually or under each go and run CCleaner.

In the process of its work, the operating system creates a variety of time data that are stored on the disk (usually disk C) as files and registry entries. These may be files of packages of updates, archivers, shadow copies, downloaded from the Internet content, etc. In the same way, third-party programs behave, for example, browsers that save web sites in the cache. Some temporary files are deleted automatically after a certain time expire, others remain on the disk until they are deleted forcibly.

If the user does not perform regular maintenance and cleaning of the C disc, the free space on it is becoming less and less, up to the point that the disk is eventually completed by temporary files under the prominent, which eliminates the further record on it any data and Reduces its performance. Output from the current position two - or increase the size of the system partition due to the user volume, or perform its complex cleaning, which is more preferable. Let's see how in Windows 7/10 to free the place on the local disk C.

What can be deleted if the disk is full

System volume contains many important files providing normal Windows operation, so it should be approached with maximum caution. What can be removed from the C disk to free the place and not disrupt the operation of the system? All its contents are conventionally divided into three groups. The first includes files that can be removed without any fear. The second constitutes files, the removal of which though does not hurt the system, but under certain circumstances can still cause certain problems. The third group includes files, which cannot be removed, as it can make programs and the system are non-working. Clear C drive C without negative consequences can be removed:

  • Basket contents.
  • Library catalogs.
  • Folders and Downloaded Program Files in the Windows directory.
  • Cache browsers and some third-party programs.
  • Sketches of icons.
  • Memory logs and dumps for system errors.
  • Old chkdsk utility files.
  • Error reports.
  • Files created by Windows Debugger.

With some care, you can delete shadow copies () created during installation of updates and stored in backups, files of previous system settings (Windows folder), unnecessary components and applications, folders of uninstalled programs in ProgramData directories, Program Files and Roaming, The MSocache Microsoft Office folder. If not used and quick start, you can delete the file hiberfil.sys At the root of the disk with, after turning off these functions in the settings. Permissible but undesirable to delete paging file page File.sys.. Other files and folders on the disk with delete cannot be not disturbing the operation of the system.

Cleaning from garbage and temporary files using Windows

First, let's see how to clear the C disk from unnecessary files in Windows 7/10 by means of the operating system itself. For these purposes, Windows has a built-in utility. cleanmgr.exe., To run which can be both through the properties of the selected section and via the "Run" dialog box. After the utility scans the disk on outdated files, check the checkboxes on the "Clearing disc" tab of the required items and click "OK".

If you press the "Clear System Files" button, reports, device drivers, error dumps and additionally - recovery points will be available to delete it, except the latter.

For deeper and thorough cleaning of the deck C from garbage, you can use the built-in console utilities DISM. and vssadmin.. The first allows you to delete temporary data from the WINSXS folder, including backups created before installing Windows updates. To do this, use the following commands performed in the CMD console administrator:

  1. Dism.exe / Online / CleanUp-Image / StartComponentCleanup
  2. Dism.exe / Online / CleanUp-image / spsuperseDed
  3. vssadmin Delete Shadows / All / Quiet

The first team does the same as the cleanmgr.exe utility, only more carefully.

The second removes all backup update packages from the WINSXS folder.

The third command can remove all recovery points, including the last.

Use these tools, however, with caution, since after executing the designated commands, you can no longer be able to roll back the system to the working state or the same version.

Note: Before cleaning the WINSXS folder, it is recommended to install its true size, making sure that it really needs cleaning. To do this, run the command on the command prompt Dism.exe / Online / CleanUp-image / AnalyzeComponentstore and compare the actual size of the component storage with the size indicator in the properties of the conductor.

After updating Windows to a newer version, a folder appears at the C root Windows.old.which can occupy a significant place on the disk.

The contents of this directory are represented by copies of the system file settings of the previous version of Windows. If you firmly decided not to return to the old version of the system, the Windows folder can be deleted. This is done again either using cleanmgr.exe or using the command line. In the first case, you need to find and mark on the "Optional" tab "Previous Windows Settings", in the second - run in the CMD Console administrator on behalf of the CMS administrator rD / S / Q C: /Windows.old.

It is possible to get a bit of an additional disk on the disk using unused components, the most, access to which provides a classic installation applet and removing programs.

It also involves a regular DISM utility. To select and uninstall an unused Windows component, follow two such commands in the CMD run-up:

  1. Dism.exe / Online / ENGLISH / Get-Features / Format: Table
  2. Dism.exe / Online / Disable-Feature / FeatureName: Name / Remove

The first command displays a list of all components in the system, the second removes the selected item. In this example, its name must be substituted instead of the Name string item.

Manual removal of programs and files

With the exception of universal Windows 8.1 and 10 applications, almost all desktop programs are installed in the folder Program Files.. If the program has become no longer needed, it should be deleted, so as not to occupy the location on the disk, just you need to do either using the standard uninstaller or with the help of special third-party programs. However, after uninstalling applications, their folders with configuration files can remain on the disk, whose weight can reach several hundred megabytes. Such data must be deleted manually.

Suppose you deleted Microsoft Office or Skype from a computer and want to get rid of all of them remaining on the disk from "tails". To do this, carefully check the Program Files and ProgramData catalogs at the root of the disk with, as well as folders. C: / Users / user_name / AppData. If the folder name matches the name of the remote application, you can delete it.

With the AppData folder, everything is more complicated. This hidden directory contains three subfolders: Local, Locallow and Roaming. The first stored files created during the work of various programs. It is impossible to clean it entirely, as it will certainly lead to the loss of saved application settings, however, the semi-empty folders of uninstalled programs can be quite safely removed. You can also safely clear the contents located in it folders. Temp..

The same goes for the Locallow and Roaming folders, only those directories that belonged to previously uninstalled applications are permissible to remove from them.

Note: Cleaning the contents of the Local, Locallow folder and roaming folders, you lose custom settings and data saved in their cache. For example, after deleting and its folders in the user profile, you will lose the current messenger settings and part of the message history.

As for the removal of universal applications, they are uninstalized by the staff of the system itself or the CCleaner program, which will be said below. You can also transfer some universal applications from the disk with a D disc if they support this feature.

Transferring to another volume of desktop programs is also possible, for these purposes there is a special utility Steammover.which you can download from the developer site

Using the CCleaner program

Many novice users are interested in how to remove unnecessary disk files using third-party programs, as well as which of these programs are more efficient and safe. Such can be recommended CCleaner - Simple, fast, convenient, and most importantly secure disk and Windows registry key. This program allows you to delete internet temporary data and Windows itself, sketches and DNS cache contents, index.dat files, memory dumps, chkdsk file fragments, different system logs, outdated Prefetch files and many more minor data.

With the help of CCleaner, you can clear the system registry from incorrect entries, optimize, enable, disable or delete browser extensions, analyze the contents of hard drives, search for duplicates and, of course, unwearing unnecessary applications, including universal.

The CCleaner interface is very simple, so dealing with its unaccompanious functionality will not be difficult for even the novice user.

Considering, however, that the main purpose of CCleaner is still cleaning, all its additional tools have limited functionality. If your C disk is unclear than, and you want to find out exactly how it is, for these purposes it is better to use specific utilities, for example, Scanner., JdiskReport Or their analogues showing more accurate information about the carrier file structure with the possibility of transition to nested directories.

Other ways to free the disk space with

Cleaning the storage of drivers

The actions described above are usually enough to release space on the system volume in sufficient volume, but what if the C disc is overflowed? What can be done else to get an additional space? One option - Clear the contents of the folder FileRepository.located at C: / Windows / System32 / DriverStore.

This directory contains copies of devices drivers that have ever connected to a computer, it can also be stored outdated versions of drivers. Before deleting the driver packages from the FileRepository folder, it is highly desirable to create a full list of their list and find only outdated versions in it, and the others leave intact. It will not hurt to create a full copy of all installed in the driver system. To display the driverStore driver list to the file, run this command in the commander running with increased rights:

pnputil.exe / e\u003e c: /drivers.log

Compare the versions of the drivers in the list and remove only outdated.

To delete the selected driver immediately in the console, perform the command pnputil.exe / D OEMâ„–.INFwhere number is the driver name in the list.

If an error is issued when removing the driver in the console, it means that the driver is used by the system. Do not touch such a component.

Alternatively, a modular utility can be used as an alternative. Driver Store Explorer., just intended to delete old unused device drivers.

Disable hibernation

Thanks to the hibernation mode, the user can quickly return to operation in running applications, on the other hand, its use requires a significant location on the system disk, slightly smaller or equal to the amount of RAM. If the availability of free space on the hard drive for you is priority, the hibernation mode can be turned off, thereby deleting the Hiberfil.sys file container.

Run on behalf of the administrator CMD console and run the command in it. powerCfg -h off.. Hibernation will be disabled, and the cumbersome hiberfil.sys is removed.

Note: The hibernation file can be compressed as twice as a command. powerCFG Hibernate Size 50.

Turning off the paging file

In addition to other hidden system objects, the C root C is another file that can be removed under certain conditions. This is a paging file page File.sys.. This file plays the role of the RAM buffer and if any application is missing for its work of RAM, its data is temporarily recorded in. Accordingly, if there is no paging file, the heavy application will slow down either simply hangs waiting for the release of faster RAM. Therefore, to disable and delete the paging file is not recommended, except in cases when the computer has a very large amount of RAM.

If your PC has more than 10 GB of memory or you are not going to run resource-intensive applications, you can try gently disconnecting the paging. To do this, open the additional parameters of the system and on the Advanced tab in the "Speed" block, click the "Parameters" button.

This opens another window. Switch to the "Advanced" tab, and then click the Edit button in the "Virtual Memory" block.

Remove the bird "Automatically select the size of the paging file", turn on the "Without paging file" radio button, save the settings and reboot. PageFile.sys file will be deleted.

Delete MSocache folder

Users who have installed the Microsoft Office package, in the root of the system volume there is a hidden folder Msocache.whose weight can reach several gigabytes.

This folder is a cache of an office package and contains files that may be needed to restore Microsoft Office if it is damaged. Neither in the launch of Microsoft Office, the MSOCACHE is not involved in the document, therefore it can be removed in the standard way. Consider only if Microsoft Office for some reason is damaged, you will have to restore the package operation from the installation disk with its distribution.

Compressing system volume content

Loose a bit of a free space on the disk with you can not remove anything with it at all. Instead, all system files can be compressed. To do this, it is enough to open the disk properties with, on the General tab, set the checkbox "Squeeze this disk to save space" and click OK.

To compress system files in Windows 10, you can use the function Compact OS.By running in the CMD console administrator running on behalf of the CMD administrator:

  • compact / Compactos: Query
  • compact / Compactos: Always

The second team performs the same actions as the first, but in compulsory mode. It is used if you really want to compress the system volume, and the first command deflects the operation, considering it inappropriate. Compression is quite reversible and to return the file system to normal status, it is enough to perform a reverse command compact / Compactos: Never.

In addition to NTFS compression, the LZX compression function is available in Windows 10, but it has a number of shortcomings, due to which it has not been widespread. LZX compression Applicable to files and directories, but a whole system volume cannot be compressed from it because of the risk to get an unloaded system.

Sooner or later, system blocks and laptops are clogged with excess unnecessary information. How to cleanse a C drive from files and programs if you have already noticed that the computer works much slower than in the first days of his purchase?

Volume, sometimes, takes more disk space than the necessary programs and files. It affects PC performance, it decreases noticeably, the programs begin to respond long to the specified commands. And not at all, it is not necessary to constantly load the computer with games, applications, files. PC disk space can clog from work on the Internet without downloading unnecessary programs.

Do not rush to call the wizard, and check the disk space yourself. Right-click:
1. Start,
2. Computer.

Find the local disc (C :) and click on it with the left mouse button by selecting the "Properties" list from the proposed list.

A window opens with the General tab, where you can view information about the free and busy space.

If you have a small volume (less than 5 GB) of free space in the line "freely", then you need to clear the contents on the disk.

You need to start cleaning the disk from the most running folders:
1. Favorites,
2. Libraries.

Clearing "Favorites" and "Libraries" folder on a disk (C :)

A computer.

Find the folder "Favorites", which includes the main subfolders: "Downloads", "Desk"; And additional, depending on the installed programs, such as Yandex.Disk and other cloud services.

Now you can open one subfolder and, without regret, delete all unnecessary files from there. The download folder can be released completely, because it stores information already available in the computer. These are different archived RAR and ZIP programs that have already been unpacked and installed in a computer. Unnecessary shortcuts from them are certainly available on the desktop. There are still old downloads that have long been removed from the desktop due to the uncertainty.

Similarly, spend an audit with the Desktop folder. It contains all that you are used to seeing on the monitor. Perhaps you have unnecessary files or folders.

The remaining files: pictures, music and programs from the folder "Favorites", which are used extremely rare, but for some reason they need it, it is better to transfer to a separate disk, flash memory or throw in any cloudy space: Yandex.Disk, Mail Clouds . This will free up a significant amount of disk space.

Now go to the library folder and release the maximum of the subfolder:

The remaining material can be transferred to a separate disk. The cleaner will be the disc (C :), the more productive PC.

Take care of a free place in advance so that in the future she clogged less. You can move most of the subfolders from the disk (C :) on (D :), which, as a rule, is empty with the fully filled main disk space.

Subfolders: download, desktop - you can safely send to the disk (D :). Go to the properties of each subfolder, in the "General" tab, change their location with C: \\ Users \\ Admin \\ Downloads and C: \\ users \\ admin \\ desktop on D: \\.

Clearing Temp folder (Windows temporary folder)

In the TEMP folder, different programs store your temporary files. "Temporary" in this case is meant that these files are unnecessary and they can be calmly cleaned. Periodically, this folder needs to be cleaned, because some programs remove their files, and some are not. Over time, the folder can clog garbage and pick up to 20 GB of memory.

The easiest way to clean the computer is to run a special program. Today there are many of them, among them the most famous - it is Glary Utilites and CCleaner.

If there is no cleaning software, but I do not want to install, clean it manually. To clean up, you need to get to the Temp folder, which is on the disk (C :), but before this you need to close all the working programs. Depending on the operating system of your PC, select one of the actions:

For XP: "Start", then "execute";
For Vista and Windows 7: "Start", "All Programs", "Standard", "Perform".

In the appeared string, set the command "% Temp%" (without quotes), click "OK".

A folder with an endless list of different files opens. Remove everything, nothing terrible will happen.

An even easier cleaning method is to click on the "Clear Disk" button. It is in the "properties" of the disk of the disk caused by the left mouse button.

Cleaning cache

Modern browsers cache viewed Internet pages, that is, save copies in their memory. This speeds up the loading of sites that you often visit, so the function is convenient. Over time, the memory is clogged, information about new pages is not cached, and this leads to slow downloads of sites. It seems that the Internet is slower than usual. To see photos or videos, you have to wait a long time. All this data must be removed.

Thanks to the cache cleaning operation, you will delete copies of the pages of old sites, where will never come back. True, together with the caching of old pages, information and new ones will clear. But it is not scary. Actual sites will be stored in the memory again.

The easiest way to clean the cache is to use the aforementioned CCleaner program. It is worth considering that when cleaning a cache, information about logins and passwords is deleted, if you look around and not to remove the box with the "Login-passwords" field.

Cash can be cleaned in the browser itself. In different browsers, this is done in different ways. Consider everything.

Google Chrome Browser

1. CTRL + SHIFT + DEL Press simultaneously;
2. In the window that appears, select the files you need to clean;

3. Clean the story.

Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers

Team and actions in two browsers are similar as in Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer.

1. In the browser panel find "Service", click on the mouse.
2. The menu will fall out in which it is necessary to find in order the line of the browser properties, "common", "view history".
3. Check, click "Delete".

Removing unnecessary programs and components

The method will suit the experienced users, but since the computer can be restored from the last point of saving, it can try less than an experienced PC user.

Deleting unused programs or games will free up a huge number of space.

Need to choose:
1. Start,
2. Control panel,
3. Programs, removal of programs.

A list of programs will appear. You need to analyze the programs and remove all that you have no longer use.

Not all programs take their components when deleting, so you have to manually walk along the list and delete everything.

When analyzing each program, many are guided by the file size, removing only large. Some programs do not show the size. This creates a false impression that it weighs zero KB and does not prevent much. It is better to remove it if you do not use them, because it can weigh a few GB, or just brake the computer.

It is desirable, after each remote program and components, immediately save the checkpoint. This will help you in case of deleting the desired component - to return the status of the computer, which was before, but shortly. Otherwise, a few hours of removal of programs can go to the Nammark.

Computer memory extension

To quickly clean the disk (C :), if there is no time to think over each program, you can buy an additional hard disk on terabyte and pull everything on it.

You can also rent space from cloud services, transfer all available information to third-party disk. Most cloud warehouses provide quite decent amounts of free memory absolutely free.

For a more convenient analysis of the disc, use the free WindirStat or similar program.
Thanks to her, you can scan hard disk and find out what types of programs and fools, how much space is occupied. If you are a user of torrents, you can easily see and you can get rid of unnecessary old movies and programs that lie on the disk to the dead cargo and occupy terabytes. In addition, WinStat can show how much space the program takes on the disk, even if this information was hidden from you.

If you have any questions with joy, I will answer them in the comments.

So, you disappear on the system section, and are you outraged by the ugly behavior of Windows? Do not hurry to accuse the operating system, and try to calmly figure out why it happens.

The disadvantage of space on the system section, first of all, users who allocated too little disk space for it are concerned. Immediately after installation, modern windows occupy a lot more space than XP. If you save on matches, then risks these 6 errors!

Let's analyze the moments that are most affected by the disappearance of disk space.

Paddock and hibernation files

Not everyone takes into account that the volumes of RAM installed in computers are growing, and therefore the size of the paging and hibernation files are growing. In the standard Windows configuration, the paging file is 1.5 RAM volume, and hibernation - 0.75. If you have 8GB RAM, immediately after installing the system, these two files will take 18GB.

If you do not use all RAM in everyday work, you can reduce the size of the paging file. At the stationary PC hibernation can be disabled and use sleep.

Software installed

Many popular programs are pretty "spread" in recent years - this also needs to take into account (including, alternating with the size of the system partition).

Delete unused programs (appwiz.cpl) to free the disk space. After removing an unnecessary program, it makes sense to delete its data from folders % APPDATA% and % Localappdata% ().

When you install the program, they can copy their installation files to the hard disk so that you can subsequently restore the operation of programs or add / delete functionality (a sometimes such copying is simply "just in case"). Unfortunately, a supported method to clear the Installer folder is not.

If you like to test new programs, you inevitably clog the system, because it is not always a regular removal of the application climbs all the "tails". For experiments with software, it is best to use a virtual machine.

Installed updates

As the operating system is used, the free space decreases. When you install updates, the system creates backup copies of the replaceable files so that the update can be deleted in case of problems. However, modern Windows can delete old copies.

The longer you have worked in the system, the stronger the effect of cleaning.

Time files downloaded updates

Uploaded updates are saved to the Windows \\ SoftWarDistribution folder. Its size does not grow uncontrollably, since the system removes old files as new ones. In the absence of malfunctions, the folder size can reach 700 - 1000MB, and in the case of systemic problems several gigabytes.

To clear the SoftWardistRibution folder, run the command line on behalf of the administrator and insert the code below.

NET STOP WUAUSERV NET STOP BITS NET STOP CRYPTSVC CD% SystemRoot% Ren Softwaredistribution Softwaredistribution.old Net Start Wuauser Net Start Bits Net Start CryptSvc RD / S / Q softwaredistribution.old

Recovery points

Determine the folders that occupy the most

Enter the program that displays the distribution of files on the disk in graphical form.

Note NTFS service files

NTFS metadata rarely become the cause of significant loss of space, but their presence should be considered when counting the occupied disk space. In Windows 8 and the newer summary report displays a team


Determine the application clogging

Sometimes cleaning helps only for a while, after which the place disappears again as a result of the work of some kind of program. Knowing a folder in which files accumulate (see above), you can easily calculate the program.

Make sure there are no viruses

If you have fulfilled all the recommendations of the article, but we could not find missing gigabytes, the general recommendations can hardly help you. In this case, be thoroughly check for viruses on a special technique (even if you have installed and regularly updated the antivirus program).

If you didn't help so much, it remains only to advise to ask a question in the Oszone forum. The discussion of the article is conducted in this topic.