Whether the circuit breaker will work if the lever will fill. Why knocks out the machine in the shield. Video: Circuit breaker - which brand is preferable, "Schneider" or "IEK"

Probably, many have come across a situation where the electricity supply is not disconnected in the house or apartment, no fault of the power supply organization. The first thing comes immediately to the mind is to check the machine guns in the camshaft. And as it often happens, they were the reason for the disconnection. It remains only to turn on them again, and the house was filled with light again, household appliances begin to work. So why does the machine knock out - the reasons for what?

How the circuit breaker works

To answer the questioned question, you need to know what machine is needed, what functions are assigned to it. And after that, you can talk about the reasons themselves.

  • First, this device is installed on the phase contour, which is descended by necessity. If a multipole switch is installed in the shield, it will be the zero contour.
  • Secondly, the name itself the circuit breaker says that he can break the chains not only at the request of the owner of the apartment or at home, but also in automatic mode.
  • Thirdly, the main purpose of this device is to protect the wiring and household appliances from the electric current of high power, which occurs for various reasons. By the way, the current of this type can cause fires and minor destruction.

Causes of embossing machine gun

So, go to the main issue of the article, why knocks out the machine - what are the causes of this trouble? Let's start with such reasons five:

  1. Overload in the electrical network.
  2. Fault of the most circuit breaker.
  3. Malfunction of one of the household appliances.
  4. Fault lighting device.
  5. Short circuit in electrical wiring.

What is the overview of the network? In fact, it is a current load, which exceeds the nominal defined by the machine itself. For example, for the socket groups, automata with a value of current or 16 amps is most often used, or 25. This corresponds to or 3.5 kW of power withstand, or 5.5 kW.

Now imagine the situation when in the rosette group to which the circuit switch is connected with a current nominal value of 25 amps, several household appliances, the total power of which exceeds the nominal one. For example, a 2.5 kW washing machine, air conditioning - 2 kW, electric kettle - 1.5 kW. The total power of three devices will be 6 kW. That is, such a load machine simply will not stand and be sure to turn off (tear) chain.

What to do in this case?

  • Control the total power of the connected home appliance.
  • Redistribute the connection of devices to different outlet groups.

But in no case cannot be changed by the machine on the greater nominal. The thing is that everything will depend on electrical wires laid in the wiring scheme in an apartment or house. If the circuit used a copper wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm², then it is installed in it with a rating of 25 amps, not more. If the aluminum wiring of the same section, then the switch is 16 amp.

How high is the likelihood that due to the malfunction of the device itself, knocks out the machine? The probability is negligible, especially when it comes to brand models. But it is. Therefore, the only way to make sure that this is the cause of knocking out, it is replaced to another device. Or you can reconnect the contour into the adjacent circuit breaker in the distribution shield. If in this case the machine knocks out, then the reason is completely different.

And one moment. Like any device, the machine has its own service life. Wearing various parts leads to a decrease in its technical characteristics. This also applies to the contacts of the release, which are responsible for knocking out by increasing the current load.

Malfunctions of household appliances

Household appliances themselves can cause the machine toothbrush. How can this be checked?

  1. Throw out all connected devices from the sockets.
  2. If in this position the machine does not knocked out, then start connecting each device separately.
  3. Once the machine is disconnected, it means that the household appliance is incorporated into the outlet. It will have to be repaired or replaced new.

Some technique is connected to meals not through sockets, but so to speak directly. For example, air conditioners or dishwashers. You can check them only the only way - disconnect from the machine in the camshaft.

Defects of lighting devices

Sometimes there are such situations that knocks out the machine when the chandelier turns on. This suggests that there is some kind of malfunction.

  • There was a closure in the base of the light bulb. To do this, you will have to twist all the lights, and then over one re-screw them and turn on the lighting device. As soon as the machine turns off, it means that the light bulb is found in which the base is broken. It will be necessary to just replace it.
  • The contact between the feed wire and the wiring inside the chandelier is burned. It is necessary to simply inspect the contact, clean it and look good.
  • LED chandeliers in their composition have a 12 volt transformer. So it was he who can cause the embossing of the machine at the expense of a short circuit inside. It will be necessary to remove the chandelier and change the transformer.

Here are two reasons:

  1. Bad contact in the outlet.
  2. Isolation wear in the explorer.

In the first case, you need to open the outlet, find the place of burning, clean it and hold the proper connection of the wire to the outlet. The second case is more complicated. It usually concerns a short circuit that occurs inside the electric separation scheme in an apartment or house. It is simply impossible to find the KZ site without a special device. Not every person even heard about him. This device is called the trail.

Well, if the wiring in an apartment or house was made in an open way. Having found a place of closure, you can easily correct the defect. If the wiring was hidden, then the discovered place of the CZ will have to open (remove the finish and plaster), correct the flaw, and then close the hole, conducting finishing works.

Conclusion on the topic

More recently, the vehicles occupied the vehicles, but the question why knocks stoppers, stood and then. The reasons are all the same. Although not always corrected them. Homeowners walked through a light path, replacing a protective conductor with a copper wire larger cross section. It often led to fires. With automata it does not pass. And yet it is necessary to carefully approach the definition of the reasons why it knocks out the machine.

Related records:

When there is a light in your house, the sockets turned off, or stopped the operation of the electric splash, then any, at least, at least, not much, familiarized with the electrical engineering, the person will enter the site to explore the state of the circuit breakers in the electrical library. Usually, the elimination of the breakdown is reduced to the secondary inclusion of the machine. Why worked the circuit breaker we will look with you in this article.
If you have a modern modular circuit breaker, then understand that it worked very simple: the handle is located "down", the round sign is clearly noticeable on it. To connect, it is enough to deploy this knob to the top, then the horizontal trait will appear, and only it remains to count that the goal is made.

Almost all apartments in the post-Soviet space are equipped with shields with automata of a different standard. Circuit breakers of the AE series and them are similar to a slightly large size, fixed in the base with long screws and have an unpleasant properties: when they triggered, the handle remains in the same, upper position. This very complicates the search for the worked automaton, which should be turned off and back to connect to send voltage again.
But these are just trifles. The worked automatic reports some kind of failure, and we must understand what in particular. More complete information will be released for you when you read :.

So, what is a circuit breaker, and what is his principle of operation. Almost everyone knows that the machine is tearing the "phase". The multipole automatic machine can turn the zero working conductor. But the automatic circuit is capable of separating the chain not only on the whim of the owner, turning the pen with the book. Therefore, he is called "automatic" switch, because it has the ability to disconnect yourself.
This is done to protect the conductors and residential electrical equipment from high electric current, which can fire and destruction. The root cause of increasing current has the ability to become: network overload. It can trigger the connection of damaged electrical receivers, or electrical acceptors, the total power of which exceeds the potential of the network. It can be associated with improper electrical wiring around the apartment, where one category accounts for a considerable number of plug sockets. Each of them in separateness may not be overloaded, although the total electrotocks probably achieves invalid values \u200b\u200bfor one machine.

As a protection against overload currents in circuit breakers, a thermal release is used - bimetallic contact, the state of which is directly dependent on temperature, which is dependent on the flowing electric current. The current operation of the thermal release, otherwise the setpoint, most often you can adjust in small borders.

2. Short circuit on the network. It is determined by a violation of the wiring or fails with one or another electr receiver. If the wiring is new, then the short circuit becomes the result of errors in the installation, such as when fastening cables in a branch box. Physically short circuit is an electrical fusion of phase and zero conductor except load. Since the resistance of the chain is in this case only by the resistance of the wires, in which case the electric current immediately reaches a huge value.

To protect the superhowers of short-circuit, the heat meter is not effective: so far it will be warm up and a breaking of bimetallic contact will happen, the wires will ultimately be thoroughly spoiled, and the electrical arc will provoke fire. It is for this purpose that the magnetic release is most often used in the modular circuit breakers, the response rate of which has a split second since the increase in current.

So if an automatic chopper worked in the shield of your apartment, then you can, of course, connect it again. But permanent response informs a certain problem that you need to settle. And so why the machine works.

How to do if the circuit breaker worked

At the instant shutdation of the machine immediately after it was connected, there are reason to believe that it is connected with a short circuit - the heat release will not work so soon. Recognize that this is exactly the closure is possible using a multimeter - the resistance between the zero working bus N and the output of the circuit breaker with a short circuit will be approximate to zero. We warn you to carry out similar dimensions is allowed only when the machine is turned off.

As soon as it is clear that the trigger factor is a short circuit, it is important to know where it happened. The circuit breakers in the shield must be selected in accordance with the considerations of selectivity, and this indicates that it is the machine that is most close to the place of occurrence of a short circuit should operate. Then the switch responds only to the closure in the chain link, which is behind it. relatively lines.

Therefore, for example, if only an input circuit breaker is turned on, the location of the closure will be located in the introductory shield. When closed inside the housing, a group switch operates and sometimes with it - an introductory machine. It is in this case that the introductory apparatus is allowed to boldly connect again and find out which of the groups of electrical receivers is connected to a problematic wire - there is no one group. The main thing is to choose the choice between the machine and the Uzo.

Finding out this issue, it is allowed to turn off all electrical receivers and again use the group automaton. If the circuit breaker has worked, then one of the shown electrical appliances is broken, then the machine may not work. Find a certain culprit permissible or consistent connection of all electrical receivers, or measure their input resistance. Another option is not suitable for devices that have electronic control. The broken device is naturally subject to repair work.

In the event of a serviceability, it is necessary to check the sockets that are part of this group: the housings open, explore and tighten the terminal clamps. Sockets checked, comes queue boxes. They need to disassemble. If the valid breakdowns are not detected when checking, then you need to disconnect the wires to test the resistance among the cable lives separately. Such a check will really allow you to find where it came from the cables. A spoiled line must be replaced, and the veins in the box are important to connect again using certified clamps.

If the current circuit breaker protects the lighting circuit, then the analysis is allowed to start with the power on the automaton when the switches are turned off. If the machine does not work, it is allowed alternately by clicking the switches to find out where the short circuit happened. So the search area is narrowed to the chain of the group of luminaires connected by one switch.

Then it is necessary to inspect all the lamps in this group, twisting the lamp and inspecting terminal clamps. The resistance between the phase and zero wire from each luminaire is measured by a multimeter. This allowed to determine the lamp or the cable line in which there is a closure.

If the closure is found in all lamps of the group, either available on the network regardless of the position of the switch, then the closure most likely happened in the branch lighting box. As in the case when we closed the network of sockets, it should be opened and explore. If everything is in order in the box, then you need to ring each cable line, disconnecting their ends.

Above it described that if the network is overloaded by the current automatic switch, it will take some time that it affects. Most often it takes literally a couple of minutes. In case the machine knocks constantly, then it can be in overload.

Overloading the lighting circuit is not too frequent, and to avoid it, acquire only lamps that are suitable for your lamps, and modify the lighting chain, taking into account the reserve in power. Often, only one machine for ten amps protects all the chains of illumination of individual apartments. This is done if the circuit breaker has worked. Often, it happens enough and this, however, when connecting more addition luminaires in the shield, you need to install an additional lighting machine to feed them, especially if the lighting devices are halogen or have incandescent lamps.

Overload of the socket network is not a rare phenomenon. During the design and conduct of electrical wiring, it is impossible to distribute the load on each of the groups. Therefore, for the comfort of the inhabitants, which connects through one circuit breaker, it accounts for 3-4 outlets. The rated current in the sockets can reach 16 amps, although the random of the circuit breaker was selected by cross section of the feeding core and there was no more than 25 amps.

There will definitely arise overload if all powerful electrical receivers, be it a teapot, refrigerator, microwave, will be connected to the sockets of the same group. And the circuit breaker will be used exactly. In order not to have such problems, it is necessary to evenly distribute the load between groups evenly, and if such an opportunity is not included, it is not included in the network a large number of powerful electrical receivers.

If the electrical appliance is damaged, then it consumes an increased current, which is necessarily reduced to the network load and activating the circuit breaker. It is not always possible to measure the current to measure the current, but if the thermal release is triggered only when only one of the electrical receivers is connected, and the rated power of this device is not higher than 2.5 kW, then it is necessary to check it for the presence of breakdowns.

Fault circuit breaker

Very often worked the circuit breaker due to malfunction. Some of the defective copies and among new automata. The fact that they cannot hold the setpoint (as touches this, for the most part, thermal releases) is often found only after the start of use.

So, with a constant disabling of the thermal release of the machine, you need to try to change the machine to similar according to the characteristics, before drafically solve the problem.


In the note, we intentionally did not touch the factors when the machine works when the line defect during repairs is a question of another orientation. Incen why we did not even increase the cases when the differential circuit breaker acts. Worked the circuit breaker It is always not on time.

Absolutely any person who is a little familiar with such a concept as electricity, perfectly knows what needs to be done if all the world suddenly went out in the apartment, all the electrical appliances worked with all the electric power turned off. That's right, the person goes into the entrance and checks the serviceability of the shield. Most often, the problem is precisely in it. All that needs to be done in this case is simply to return the lever to its original position, after which you can safely return to your abode, because your mission has already been completed, and the power supply is functioning again.

It is worth saying how this machine works with a lever. If the knob is turned down and you see drawn "zero", it means that the machine worked and the electricity is now turned off. When moving the knob, the lever up, you can hear a characteristic click, and after seeing a small drawn horizontal line, which also tells us that now the lever is in the right position, which means and electricity in the apartment now functions correctly.

It is also worth telling that in the Russian Federation a huge number of houses and, therefore, apartments are equipped with machine guns of an old sample, their inconvenience is that when the machine gun itself is triggered, the lever remains in the same position as it was before Therefore, finding the necessary machine is far from the first time. To activate such an automatic, you need to move the knob to move first down, and then return to the starting position again, after which the electricity in the apartment will again function. But these are little things, because if the machine in the shield worked, it means there is a malfunction that needs to be urgently eliminated in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future. Further in our article, which is informative, all major problems will be listed, which may be caused by the fact that the machine has worked, that is, the problem has arisen. Well, let's start.

More than 50% of the world of passenger cars are equipped with an automatic transmission, this is a fact, so the issue of making the right solution in the event of a malfunction of the automatic transmission today is very relevant.

This article will help you understand how the automatic transmission works, and what to do if the breakdown happened.

How does the automatic transmission in the car - the principles of work

In modern automatic transmission, all mechanical manipulations for switching transmissions for you do hydraulics, i.e. - Liquid for automatic transmissions. All "mental" work (when and where to switch) performs a control unit and control.

To understand how it happens is important to know that The automatic transmission consists of three main parts:

  1. Hydrotransformer.
  2. Planetary gearbox.
  3. Hydraulic control systems.

Hydrotransformer (GDT)According to its intended, similar to the clutch mechanism on the manual transmission - using it, the torque from the engine is transmitted to the rest of the transmission. However, structurally is absolutely different nodes. In contrast to mechanical clutch, GDT transmits (and increases) torque due to fluid.

Planetary gearbox (PR) Gets torque from GDT and transmits it to drive wheels, while reducing or increasing, depending on the movement of the car.

Hydraulic control system (SSU) Using solenoids, opens or closes the shift valves. Due to this, the transmission fluid affects certain brakes and couplings in PR. There is a blocking or unlocking of certain gears. Thus, switching to the desired transmission occurs.

In earlier models of automatic transmission for "solution" about the shift of the transmission also answered hydraulic system . - Transmission was completely hydraulic. In the modern units, the Solenoids voltage applies a control unit and control, which receives data on the velocity of the car, the number of engine speed, automatic transmission and other indicators.

Based on this data, the decision "is made" about switching to one transmission. Such automatic transmission is called electronic .

Why does not turn on automatic transmission and what to do - frequent issues of motorists about malfunctions on automatic transmission and councils of specialists

During the operation of the car, various automatic transmission problems may occur. However, some faults occur more often than others. About them and will be discussed below.

  • Why the automatic transmission does not turn on 1, 3, 4 transmission or speed - what to do?

So let's understand, in order, with each transmission.

  1. If your car automatic transmission does not turn on 1st speed And the car starts sluggish movement with the second, most likely, the solenoid of switching or the wire that goes to it from the control unit (BU). This problem is solved by replacing the faulty item.
  2. In another case, the car rows normally, but does not switch to the 3rd transmission. Rear running is working fine. The reason is most likely in the fought valve that is responsible for switching to this transmission. To correct, it is necessary to disassemble the valve mechanism and clean the valve.
  3. With the 4th transmission, the situation is different. If the automatic transmission is not turned on at the automatic transmission and engine speed and engine speed, first of all you need to check whether the OverDrive mode is not turned off. In this case, the "O / D OFF" indicator is usually lit on the dashboard. Another reason is the clogging of the valve that is responsible for the transition to Overdrive. Valve cleaning will correct the situation. However, this is not all. While the liquid in the automatic transmission is not heated to the required temperature, switching to the 4th transmission will not be. Therefore, if all in the automatic transmission is properly, but there are no 4th speeds, the transmission fluid temperature sensor and the wire that goes to it should be checked.
  • Why the reverse transmission does not turn on the automatic transmission or turns on with the impact - causes and malfunctional methods

In case the rear speed turns on with a tangible blow, the most likely cause of such behavior of the automatic transmission - wear friction discs . Friction disks are one of the most important elements of the planetary gearbox. Their wear out suggests that the automatic transmission is required overhaul.

If the rear gear does not turn on at all, the business in the brake ribbon or the parts associated with it is the piston of the brake ribbon, the cuffs of the piston or the piston rod. In all cases, the problem is solved by replacing the defective part.

  • Why does not turn on automatic transmission on automatic transmission - how to eliminate a malfunction?

It also happens that the car cannot be translated into parking mode. Because of this, you can not remove the key from the ignition female. And if you manage to remove, then the engine will not turn out after that.

To determine the cause of the fault, first - check if stop signals work on your car. No matter how naively did this advice sounded, but it was in the electrical circuit of the stop signals that the selector lever lock (this lever you switch before starting the movement), which is triggered by pressing the brake pedal. If this block does not work - not to remove from parking, not to translate cars to this mode will not work.

In this case, you need to check for malfunction

  • Brake pedal.
  • Wiring from pedals to the block.
  • Block itself.

Another reason - cable malfunction connecting the lever with the selector on the automatic transmission. In the simplest case, it is enough to adjust the cable. Otherwise, it needs to be replaced.

Another source of malfunction can be strong mechanical impact (for example, a blow) on the DCP pallet . In this case, the parking mechanism can simply fail. Repair of such a breakdown will be to replace the faulty part of the parking mechanism, or the entire mechanism is entirely.

  • Does not turn on Drive on automatic transmission - what is the reason and what to do?
  1. Drive mode ("D" mark on the selector lever) - Main Movement Mode. If he, for some reason, does not work, or works - but with failures, it puts at risk, both automatic transmission and car engine. Because the motion modes on reduced transmissions ("L", "2") are not intended for everyday use.
  2. If when the driver is turned on, the machine does not go - So, friction discs were worn out, responsible for movement in this mode, or broken cuffs of the coupling piston. Usually, in the case of such a breakdown, the 1st and 2nd transmission work normally. An obvious way to eliminate a malfunction - replace friction discs and torn cuffs.

As you can see, at first glance, solving problems, enough simple ... if it is good to understand the technique and have all the necessary tools for repair.

To the automatic transmission worked without breakdowns for a long time, it is necessary.

But, in any case, it is better to trust his faithful assistant to professionals, so that, after trying to independently repair, not to look with surprise on "extra" details and with regret - on a non-working car.

In anyone having a wiring house on a camshaft there is a circuit breaker (automatic). This device is designed to automatically de-energize the network. In order to understand why it knocks out the machine in the shield and what to do, it is necessary to determine the reasons for this phenomenon.

Main reasons

If the device connects to the socket group will be exceeded by total power, it should be connected to another chain

The machine gun in the distribution panel may work as a result of the following reasons:

  • connecting too heavy loads;
  • short circuit;
  • malfunction of the machine itself.

When you turn on a large amount of electrical appliances in the chain, a current may occur, the value of which exceeds the allowable for this chain. This can happen when the kettle is simultaneously included, the machine for washing, electric stove and other devices. In this case, the machine is triggered, which disables the network. In modern automata on the current excess reacts a thermal release.

With frequent responses of the circuit breaker, it is strictly forbidden to replace it with a machine with a large face value!

In the case of a short circuit, a sharp increase in current occurs. Then the electromagnetic release of the machine gun is triggered. At the same time, the core is drawn into the coil and through the levers will be blocked by contacts. The response time does not exceed 0.02 s.

In some cases, the disabling perpetrator can be a malfunction of the machine itself representing a rather complex design.

Possible consequences

Short circuit - the most common cause of fires in apartments and houses

The consequences of the sudden disconnection of the network when the automaton is triggered, in the worst case, there may be interruptions in a computer game or in the work of the washing machine. Much more severe consequences may occur if the machine does not work. For example, if it refuses a short circuit, a fire may occur, which often leads to a fire.

What to do

If you have in the apartment shield so far traffic jams, then you should finish this time and forever, setting high-quality circuit breakers

In case of disconnection of the network, it is advisable to figure out why it knocks out the machine in the shield. To do this, you can use the following algorithm:

  1. Determine the total power of all connected electrical appliances.
  2. Divide the total power to 220 V voltage and determine the total consumed current (IP).
  3. Compare Current consumption with a rated current (IN) machine.
  4. If the IP\u003e IU, then it is necessary to reduce the number of instruments included in such a way that the IP< Iн.

If the fault is associated with the appearance of a short circuit, then first it is necessary to check each of the connected devices. This can be done, for example, by the way of their alternate shutdown. If it turns out that when all electrical appliances are disconnected, a short circuit remains in the chain, then the electrical wiring itself should be checked, including its elements such as switches or sockets.

If it turns out that the machine is disconnected by itself regardless of the presence of faults in the chain, it should be replaced with a serviceable one.

Since the safety technique, the replacement of such an appliance must be made when the voltage is disabled, inserted to the shield, then this replacement is better entrusted to the electromontor.

In most cases, the operation of the automaton in the shield is his staff work, and the fact that it performs it is very good, it should be, but provided that the circuit breaker itself is working. To check the operation of the electrical network in an apartment or house it is better to invite a specialist.

Disabling the circuit breaker can be caused by a variety of different reasons, ranging from the fault of the product itself and ending with a short circuit in the wiring. You can independently determine why the power transmission mechanism is triggered, and it will not make it difficult even in fair electrician. Next, we will tell you the readers of the site, why knocks out the machine in the shield and what to do to solve the problem!

Network overload

The most common reason for which the circuit breaker is turned off (AV) is that it simply performed its work - protects the wiring from overload and further failure. When we were viewed, they talked that each model has its own rated discharge current: 6, 10, 16, 25 A, etc. Now, if you simultaneously include several powerful electrical appliances, the current of which exceeded the setpoint, do not be surprised why it knocks out the circuit breaker in the house. For example, you have a 16a machine on the shield (the classic situation for old wiring) and you turned on the washing machine, air conditioning, an electric kettle and a boiler at one moment. The load on the network increased markedly, with the result that AV turned off, thereby protecting the wiring.

You can solve the problem in several ways. The first and easiest - alternately include powerful household equipment so that it does not arise. The second is to replace the automatic machine for a 25-amp. It is allowed to do only if the wiring can withstand the load (copper, the cross section lived at least 2.5 mm 2). The third, most reliable - to a new one, which will be able to withstand powerful household appliances.

Apartment explains the reason why the machine knocks on video:

What if there is a triggement of AV under load?

We draw your attention to the fact that after the machine sees if it is with a thermal release, it will not turn it on immediately. This is due to the principle of the product. When the mechanism is cooled (time can reach a few minutes), try to reject the lever to the "On" position.

Malfunction of household appliances

If the machine knocks often and approximately the same period of time, with a high probability it can be argued that one of the electrical appliances is faulty. For example, if you notice that the circuit breaker is triggered when the washing machine is turned on, the electric stoves, or the water heater, turn off this technique and see how the device does without electrical appliances behave. Warning does not happen? You need to look for a fault in one of the connected "culprits". About, we told in the appropriate section of the site.

You can quickly find faulty techniques for exception. Turn off all forks from outlets and connect alternately. On the device that is korotitis, there will be a trigger of the circuit breaker under load.

If you have disabled all the equipment from the network, and the machine is turned off, it means that it can be in the wiring. What to do in this case, we will also tell me further.

Corotitis electrical wiring

Another reason why often knocks out, is. The phase in some place is touched by zero, as a result of which the KZ and the machine performs its second protective function - protection against short circuit. If all consumers are disabled from the network, and the triggering occurs, you need to completely. It takes quite a lot of time and, in addition, you need to be attentive to find a malfunction.

First of all, you must disassemble all sockets and light switches, check the quality of connections lived to terminals. If the wires are dangling, screws need to tighten. After sockets, go to distribution boxes. Make sure the quality, no greatest sections that can be sore. After the boxes you need to move to the lamps. Very often beginner electricians forget to check the chandeliers if the machine knocks out without load. Technology of verification is similar to outlets - check the reliability of the connections.

In the latter queue, you need to check the wiring, which in most houses and the apartment is hidden (in the wall). It is best to use a special device in this case that you can quickly and accurately find KZ. However, at home, it is unlikely that someone has it, so you can exit the position using a multimeter. About, in wiring, using the tester, we told in the relevant article. If it did not help, we recommend calling the masters, which, with the help of a thermal imager or other devices, will find a short circuit and eliminate it.

AV failed

Well, the rare cause, which is also not excluded - the poor quality of the machine, which knocks out due to the fact that defective. If you are sure that the wiring and household appliances are whole, and the overload does not occur - check the machine with a replacement method to a similar one. With confidence it can be said that it will help to eliminate the problem. So that in the future no longer encounter such a case, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with and choose one of the list.

What else can be?

In addition to the above reasons for which the machine is knocked out in the shield, there are also others, rarely occurring. Briefly consider them too.

If the circuit breaker is triggered when the light bulb is blown, do not worry, it sometimes happens. The fact is that during the combustion of the lamp arises short-term overload and if the nominator is 6-10a, it is quite possible, sees. With LED and fluorescent lamps, this will not happen.

Sometimes on the forums you can find a situation when AV knocks out when the stabilizer is turned on. Here also your nuances associated with the work of the device and your inattention. The fact is that voltage stabilizers when starting the current, which can exceed the nominal value of your automaton, as a result of which he will choose. There may be a reason in the stabilizer itself. Cheap Chinese models are famous for their marriage.

If the trigger occurs when the light is turned on, check the lamps multimeter. About, we also told.

The banal reason for which the machine is turned off is the incorrect connection of this device. If the cores are poorly pulled to the terminals, heating occurs in this place, as a result of which it can work a thermal release. Determine the cause will help the visual inspection - the sweaty case and the insulation of the wire. If plastic melted greatly, it is better to replace the circuit breaker. With minor damage, it is allowed to simply strongerly tighten the cores with a screwdriver.

We will go a little from the topic, but still note important. If you have introductory and group machines in the electrical panel, it will be easier to find the cause. Knocks av at enter, without group? Check out correctness. If a specific machine is turned off below the main thing, it means that in this group there is a malfunction (lighting, sockets, or a separately connected cooking panel).

It happens that the problem occurs after the flooding of the apartment. Water falls on wire connections and if they are twisted with a tape, it is turned off, resulting in contact with the contacts. After the Flood, it is necessary to make the audit revision, so as not to reach the situation when the circuit breaker starts to run.

So we provided all the reasons why it knocks out the machine in the shield. Please note that such a situation can occur both in the apartment and the private sector. It is necessary to act in a similar way, even if the circuit breaker is turned off on the post! If you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to call the wizard who will safely find a malfunction and eliminate it!


The electrician is good until it works. Any malfunction in the electrics put in a dead end most people on the planet. In this article, let's see how to determine the malfunction of the circuit breaker and to eliminate it.

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Circuit breaker and short circuit

I'll start first. Circuit breaker or designed for (cables and wires of electrical wiring) room from short circuit and overload. A short circuit leads to an instantaneous appearance in the superfluous electroset (currents on orders of exceeding working currents).

Any garbage, and in the apartment chains it is 1.8-12.6 kamper, according to the laws of physics leads to the release of enormous thermal energy. This energy cannot withstand not one household contact, and an outbreak occurs in a short circuit site or the so-called electric arc. If you quickly do not turn off the power supply of an emergency network, then the likelihood of fire is very high, and even worse, human lesions with superflocks KZ.

To protect against short circuit, namely for instant shutdown of the emergency network and serve automatic switches (protection machines). I note that the shutdown is not instantly, but during the safe contact. It is less than 0.1 seconds.

Circuit breaker and overload

The second purpose of the circuit breaker is overload protection. In there is a bimetallic plate (thermal release), overheating of which turns off the power outlet. Overheating plate occurs when overloading on the network. It is clear that the heating and, accordingly, turning off the chain is not instantaneously, but after a while. Depending on the warming of the automatic protection, this time may be less than a second or several tens of seconds.

We turn to the faults of the electrician apartment.

Fault of the circuit breaker in the power supply

You periodically knock the circuit breaker. Probabilistic reasons for this are as follows:

  • Short circuit in the chain;
  • Network overload;
  • Damage to the wires periodically leading or short circuit or overload.

First you need to diagnose the electrical network for overload and short circuit. If these faults are not detected, and the machine is still disconnected, then a malfunction of the most circuit breaker is very likely.

Checking the circuit breaker

Make an elementary check of the circuit breaker.

  • Turn off the power supply;
  • Disable all protection machines;
  • Slide the suspension break lever. It should be turned on and off with the characteristic "Click" sound.
  • If clicking does not hear the machine faulty and requires replacement.
  • If you have a click, measuring the resistance between the terminals of the automatic protection. When "incl." The automatic resistance must be close to zero. When "off" The automatic resistance must be close to infinity.

However, even if the diagnostics of the automaton showed that the machine is no means that it does not mean that the setpoint (thermal release) of the automatic protection.

Generally speaking, the factory malfunction of the circuit breakers is not so rare and is important. What we can say about the faults of automata in the process of work.

For example, a machine gun worked a couple of times and failed. Or "survived" too much supercount and failed.

It is impossible to exclude a malfunction of the automatic protection itself, as the main reason for its periodic disconnection.

Tip, change the brand protection machine to a new one, pre-re-update.

The point is simple, and such a replacement can save you from the capital work on finding other faults of the apartment.