Track visitors to my page. Working ways to find out who visited your VK page. How to see guests on VKontakte

Many VK users want to know who views their page and when. Unlike Odnoklassniki, where each user can see a complete list of all those people who viewed their page during the day, VKontakte developers never added this feature.

So, it is impossible to find out who exactly views your page during the day, however, there are ways to partially calculate your guests in several accessible ways.

VKontakte has many applications developed by craftsmen. They position themselves as apps that can find out who is visiting your page. However, they cannot give a complete account. They work according to two principles that determine their specificity.

Operating principleAdvantagesFlaws
Analysis of likes and commentsThey collect and analyze all the information from the likes and comments that your friends leave on your page. It is believed that if they expressed their attitude towards the materials published by you, then they visited your pageThey cannot track those who simply view your page but leave no trace of their presence. You will not know about such guests, even if they come to you every day
"Catch" linkApplications generate a personal link that you must place on your profile. This link will redirect anyone who clicks on it to the application that generated it. Everyone who follows the link will be noticed by the application. So you can keep track of some of your guests
Just like in the first case, it will not capture cautious guests. You won't know anything about them.

Those caught in this way at least once can be more careful and, having noticed such a link, will immediately understand that it is tracking visitors

Note! Be careful and do not follow links that are unclear or unfamiliar to you if you do not want to be noticed. If you are not sure about the link or it seems suspicious to you. To view it, open this link in incognito mode or in another browser, you do not need to be logged in.

Tracking using the My Guests app

Step 1. Install this program and run it.

Step 2. Click on the "My Profile" button.

Step 4. The application will automatically generate your personal link. It should be placed everywhere, in the “Personal Website” section of your profile or in a regular post. You can disguise it by using Google's link shortening service.

VK guest statistics

Each VK user with more than 100 subscribers can receive information about the statistics of their page. As soon as the number of your followers reaches this figure, a special button will appear on your page, under the photo, you can see it in the screenshot below.

This method has a number of advantages:

  1. Statistics reflect absolutely all guests who visited your page.
  2. This is a method provided by the developers of the social network themselves.
  3. You can track the dynamics of traffic to your page.
  4. updated every day.

However, like all other methods, it has its drawbacks. Statistics do not reflect the names and profiles of your guests. It only provides information about the gender, age and location of your guest. However, in some situations this may be sufficient.

To view the statistics, make sure you have enough subscribers, then click on the button mentioned above.

Step 1. By clicking on the button, you will see a page with statistics. It looks like this:

Step 2. Go to the "Attendance" section. By default, you are taken to a page that provides information about your reach, that is, about all the users who see your publications in their news feed. Therefore we need a second tab.

Step 3. Scroll down to the diagrams. After viewing them, you can already get a general idea of ​​your visitors. , you can filter by month, week, and day.

Step 4. Study the diagram. It may be enough. For example, among my friends there is only one person from Surgut. There is a high probability that it was he who visited the page today.

Step 5. To get more detailed information about visitors, download the file with tables. The download link is located in the upper right corner. Select the option you need and download to your computer.

Step 6. Open the file. You should see something similar to what you see in the screenshot.

So, based on these statistics, the conclusion suggests itself that 5 people visited the page, 3 of whom were women. Two of them are aged 45+, the age of the third is undetermined. If you can guess who might have visited your page, you can confirm or refute your suspicions.

Note! Statistics reliably determine the number of guests. If the user's age is not specified, the system can try to automatically determine it. Also, if your guest does not have a city specified, you will not see it in the statistics.

Video - How to see guests in contact

Other ways to identify guests

There are many other methods described on the Internet. For example, according to one source, the people who visit your page the most can be identified by deleting the page. They suggest going to settings, starting deleting, and as the reason for deleting, indicate that you do not have enough attention and comments.

In this case, the system automatically composes a message that will appear on your wall. According to some people, this message reflects the names of those who visit your page most often.

This method raises a lot of questions related to the fact that the system, in principle, does not store data about the names of visitors, and the fact that today your page is most often visited by some people, and four years ago by others. This method was tested on several accounts, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. This list only shows the names of friends. If someone who is not your friend often visits your page, theoretically he will not be able to appear on this list.
  2. Only the so-called “important” friends, the first 5 on your friends list, are included in it.

The obvious conclusion is that this method is not suitable for tracking your guests. One way or another, the methods discussed above will be sufficient if used correctly.

Guests of your VKontakte page e is a good social application that is aimed at viewing your page, as well as viewing your guests.

Why is it worth downloading Guests of your VKontakte page on Android?

It is worth noting that according to the rules of the social network, you cannot view your guests, as this strongly contradicts the rules of VK. However, they somehow got around this and released such an excellent application that does its job one hundred percent. Download Guests of your VKontakte page for Android for free. The functionality of the application includes a large number of functions that will appeal to many, and may even surprise and delight some. After downloading the app, you will need to log into the apps for details about your guests, but be careful. We would recommend that you make a new password after you log in to the application.

Download Guests of your VKontakte page for Android For free, the application allows you to view detailed information about visits to your VK page. There is also the option to enable analytics for your page in order to track the activity of the people you want. On the plus side, it is worth noting the link trap, thanks to which you can catch your most loyal friends or fans who follow this link. In general, the functionality of the application is enormous. And the most interesting thing is that the application has support for the Russian language, and it is constantly updated. And the application itself is completely free. Especially many will like the very interesting user interface of the application, which is very beautiful.

Interesting features of the application:

  1. Pleasant appearance of the application, the interface of which looks very nice and is intuitive for everyone;
  2. Great functionality of the application, it’s impossible to list everything;
  3. Ability to view your guests and fans.

All users who visit your personal VKontakte page are included in the guest list (see). But for some reason, the developers decided that there was no need for us to be able to view it. And this, you see, is quite inconvenient. Especially if we actively use this social network.

Let's see how to check guests on VK, and what tools and tools are available for this.

Are there programs for viewing guests on VK?

After analyzing this topic, it became clear that at the moment there are no normal programs for these purposes. Several options that offer such features can be found online. But they don't inspire much confidence. Considering the fact that you will need to provide full access to your page.

But this is not particularly bad - there are a lot of applications that will help you see who was your guest on your page.

What apps are there for viewing guests?

Here the list of available options is already quite large. VK has several dozen applications that will allow us to track visitors to our page. But this is exactly what we need, right?

What I would like to note. The principle of operation is the same for everyone - you will be presented with a list of people who recently visited and viewed your profile. A couple of additional functions will be added to the load. Whether you need them or not, decide where you are.

Therefore, go to the application section, type “Guests” in the search, and see which option appeals to you the most.

Checking the operation of the “Infographer + Guests” application

You can use the option that you like. I want to show you a short instruction for the application indicated in the title.

After searching for the keyword "Guests", in the list of results you will see an icon with an image of Benedict Cumberbatch - and the name "Infographer + guests". Let's click on it.

A page with a brief description will open. You can quickly see what features will be available to you. Next, click "Run application".

This is what the start window looks like.

In the block "Latest Page Visitors", click the “Show all” button.

It will take a little time to process. You'll end up with a list showing all the people who have recently viewed your page. There is the most necessary information: profile avatar (see), name, date of last visit (see).

The desire to find out “who visited my VKonakte page” probably visited every user of this social network. And this is not surprising: after all, this is the simplest way to stroke your own vanity - if your page has a lot of visitors, it means you are interesting and popular. Especially if you know those interested by sight. The same “Odnoklassniki” contains a special section “Guests”, where is similar functionality on VKontakte? Let's try to find him.

So, since the developers of the Russian social network No. 1 did not provide any obvious basic ways to find out who visited your VKontakte page, you will have to look for an alternative option. If you enter the appropriate query in a search engine, you will be immediately prompted to use the “My Guests” application:

More precisely, you will be asked to go to the group on, and then use the appropriate links - to the application or extension.

For desktop:

The following picture is relevant for the playmarket:

As you can see, there is a lot to choose from here. But there is one thing: pay attention to the comment in the following image:

Surprised? Not worth it. The fact is that the developers of not only “hid” the ability to watch their guests, they basically did not include such functionality! Yes, all these applications (even the top ones) essentially analyze the activity that you can already see in “Notifications” (including in “Responses”):

The question is, why then do these applications exist? Everything is banal - people are ready to believe this in the hope of finding out who visited their VKontakte profile. And this despite the very natural risk of losing your page. “How is this possible?” - you ask. Very simple: using such applications requires entering the login and password for your VKontakte profile. In fact, you yourself hand over everything necessary to hack your page to potential attackers. And you can’t call it hacking anymore - just go in and do whatever you want with your account.

If the ideology of the social network VKontakte does not follow in the footsteps of Odnoklassniki (everyone knows that they now have one owner), then the ability to view page visitors will never be introduced. Such “disclosure of anonymity” will lead to a decrease in users’ interest in the social network: remember that you yourself have more than once visited other people’s profiles, viewed them, without commenting on anything, without liking anything, i.e. without leaving any traces. Just out of curiosity. For VKontakte, such activity is an additional increase in the time users spend on the site (a very significant indicator for online business). If a person knows that it is impossible to access other people’s pages “with impunity,” then the time spent on the social network will immediately drop. Why would developers shoot themselves in the foot?

But there is still one effective way to find out who visited your VKontakte profile, albeit in a very limited version. To do this you need... delete the page! Just kidding, you don’t really need to delete anything. You just need to go to the deletion menu: Settings - “You can delete a page.” By clicking here, select “No comments on my page.” In the comment field you will see the two most recent visitors to your page.

Virtual resources give us unlimited freedom of communication. At any time you can meet interesting people, find out what unusual and interesting things are happening in the lives of friends who live in another city, find those with whom you communicated at school. Among this diversity, it becomes curious, who cares about your profile on networks? Who visits your page more than once a day, without leaving any likes or comments there, and what he wants to find there. Some profiles reserve the right to openly provide information about visitors to the page owner. However, there are also those where it is almost impossible to do this. For example, many people want View VKontakte guests for free.

They look for different offers, go to various sites with specific programs. But most often such a search is not successful.

VK developers have done a great job of ensuring that visitors to your profile remain unnoticed, and there is no chance to look at them using third-party programs.

As a consolation, they offered their users quite acceptable applications that can provide statistics about those people who most often log into your account.

How to view page guests on VKontakte

If you are extremely curious see the guests of the VKontakte page, then you don’t need to look for any application outside the service if you don’t want to later . You will not find anything except viruses and deception. The most accessible way to find out your profile visitors is to look in the notifications section to see who likes you and leaves comments under your pictures.

Applications adapted for VK will help you analyze who does this most often. You can find them in the applications. One of the popular ones is VK-skan. This resource also provides data on the number of likes over a certain period of time and popular posts. This report will be very useful to those involved in into his group or wants to attract as much as possible to your page.

On the main page of the application, guests are shown - those people who left likes on pictures and posts or comments under the pictures. If a certain person came to see you “just to have a look,” then there will be no information about her visit.

Even if a person visited you 50 times in one day. The “I’m online” resource will help you find out who is more interested in your account, men or women. It will also show fans of the page, those people who most often like you over a certain period of time on VK. You can find information about them . Each of these resources offers an offer to find out the secret guest for a symbolic amount. It’s up to you to decide whether to accept it or not, but most likely under the mask of a secret guest is a person who is not your friend, but who likes you more often than others.

VKontakte guest trap

Trap for VKontakte guests– a special link that you can add to your page. It helps to track those people who clicked on it. It is possible to create such a link thanks to the SearchVS application. First you need to have another account.

For example, on services like, Facebook, Twitter. Afterwards, you need to go to the application. Click on the “page guests” section. Following the instructions, enter a link to your account from a third-party resource into the special field. Copy the resulting design. Go to personal settings.