Change the TV matrix yourself. What is a matrix on a TV? Features, types and replacement. What parameters are important for selecting a compatible matrix

The liquid crystal panel is the key and most expensive component of any TV. To repair this component if it breaks, the user can contact a specialized workshop or rely on his own efforts. Having chosen the second option, the TV owner must be prepared for a number of difficulties that will inevitably arise when performing this procedure. Our detailed instructions will help make the whole process easier, where repairing the LCD matrix of a TV will be discussed in detail.

Basic problems

Let us immediately note that in this material we will not talk about defects of LED backlighting, such as its flickering, unevenness, as well as partial or complete absence. When considering damage and malfunctions, we will only talk about the glass of the matrix itself, where the picture is formed. For convenience, we have divided all defects into several varieties, for which repair tips will be written, if possible.

Physical damage

In most cases, the LCD panel fails after impacts on the screen, falling of the device and other similar factors. Unlike old TVs, modern matrices cannot withstand some mechanical loads so well. Even a child throwing a soft toy with a glass eye at the TV screen can end badly for the latter.

If the matrix in your TV breaks due to excessive physical impact, then it cannot be restored and the LCD panel must be replaced.

Image distortion

Factory defects are also not uncommon. It can appear either immediately after purchasing the TV or after some time of using the device. This breakdown can be so diverse that it can easily be divided into several categories:

  1. vertical stripes on the screen;
  2. absence of a picture or part of it;
  3. pillars in the image;
  4. “fading” or “braking” of the frame;
  5. illuminated areas on the matrix changing their position;
  6. color distortion and so on.

There can be many reasons for this malfunction. Usually the problem lies in flexible cables integrated into the glass of the matrix and control chips.

In most cases, this problem can be resolved by contacting your manufacturer's service center. You should not try to fix a problem with a new TV on your own, because you will be denied warranty service. Moreover, even if the defect is caused by a manufacturing defect, which involves replacing the device with a new one, you will also not be able to receive compensation after independent intervention.

The appearance of spots in the picture

Another common matrix failure is various spots of oval, round or any arbitrary shape. They appear due to defects in the matrix glass or due to a damaged polarization layer.

Wear of these elements can be caused not only by manufacturing defects, but also by violation of transportation rules, storage standards and even operating requirements. If such spots appear on the display of your TV, then in this case the only possible solution is to replace the matrix.

Unskilled intervention

Although this is not a common cause of display failure, it is also worth mentioning. Problems with the matrix can also appear after the screen itself, or other components of the TV. In this case, torn cables, cracks in the corners of the screen, chips and other damage may appear. Of course, you can repair the LCD matrix of a TV yourself, but for this it is important not only to study the issue, but also to be careful. Remember that repairing any equipment also includes proper disassembly and assembly.

Disassembling the device and fixing the problem

It is very important to carry out the disassembly procedure very carefully so as not to damage other components of the device and not make repairing the TV prohibitively expensive. It is especially important to be careful when removing the screen itself, because breaking the cable leading to it will require, as in the case of physical destruction, a complete replacement of the matrix. Alas, such repairs cannot always be called a profitable solution, because taking into account its cost, it would be much more reasonable to purchase a new model. The exact price depends on the features of the matrix, the presence of other defects, as well as the availability of a new screen for sale. Before disassembling the TV, you need to prepare enough space on a large table. The space should be at least 2.5-3 times larger than the dimensions of the device. This is necessary for conveniently rearranging different elements, such as screws, boards, as well as the matrix itself. It is also recommended to place a piece of cardboard or thick soft cloth on the place where all procedures will be carried out, which will protect the display from scratches, chips and other damage.

Then the TV is placed on the table with the screen down and the screws holding the cover are unscrewed around the perimeter of the case. After this, it should be easy to remove, but sometimes you will also need to find an additional lock and set it in a different position. After completing this procedure, turn the TV over and remove the front frame from the latches, which will help you gain access to the matrix. In some cases, you can access the insides of the TV not from the back, but from the front, which depends on the design of the device.

If you accidentally spilled a drink (coffee, soda, etc.) on the TV, after which image artifacts appeared on the screen, then sometimes to restore the TV’s functionality it is enough to clean the cables leading to the display. In this case, in addition to screwdrivers for disassembly, you only need a regular eraser. However, this method will not help with physical damage. The video tutorial will tell you how to properly clean the cable:

Replacing the matrix

When the case is completely removed, you will see in front of you a metal matrix frame on which all the electronics and cables connected to them are attached.

The latter must be disconnected very carefully to prevent breakage. Replacing the LCD matrix on a TV is a fragile process. Then unscrew all the screws that secure the motherboard, power supply and other components.

Owl! In order not to get confused in the subsequent assembly, you can first photograph the placement of all elements of the TV.

After all the components of the model are disconnected from the matrix, you need to unpack the new screen and attach all the boards, cables and speakers to it in the reverse order. Once all the modules are in place, you can begin installing the frame and cover in place, as well as subsequently checking the functionality of the device. The video explains this process in sufficient detail:


Self-repairing the LCD matrix of a TV is a fairly simple procedure, in which the most important thing is not previously acquired skills, but caution and strict adherence to instructions. If you have minimal experience in disassembling equipment, then you can replace the screen on your TV without any problems. But for more serious damage, you should make sure that you are able to fix the identified problem, and also make sure that such repairs are advisable. Some types of damage will cost TV owners 60-80% of the cost of a brand new model, so evaluate the economic benefit. If, from a financial point of view, repair does not seem an attractive solution, then you should take the TV to a workshop for spare parts, earning some money for it.

Let’s say right away that changing the matrix on a TV is not entirely easy. But without it, the TV will not show, so you will either have to change it yourself, or contact a specialist, or buy a new source of information and entertainment.

Causes and signs of failure

The matrix is ​​perhaps the most susceptible part of the TV to damage. Children often break it, liquid gets on it, and the TV can fall directly onto the screen. If you find that some spots or streaks have appeared on the screen, it will be very difficult to remove them. Most likely, the matrix will need to be replaced. In addition to the fact that the repair itself cannot be called simple, a new part will be quite expensive. In fact, it is the most expensive part of a TV.

When moving the TV to a new location, you need to ensure maximum security for the monitor. Any impact can cause poor-quality images, and then a replacement will be needed. Here are the signs by which you can understand that something is wrong with the matrix:

  • colored vertical stripes appear instead of the image;
  • thin horizontal stripes, streaks, and stains appear;
  • black circles are visible on the screen;
  • dark and light dots have formed on the screen that do not disappear;
  • the image has completely or partially disappeared.

Sometimes when liquid gets on the contacts of the matrix, it can be restored. This repair is very painstaking, takes a lot of time, and requires certain knowledge and dexterity. In case of mechanical damage, repair can only consist of replacement.

Replacement part or new TV?

After calculating all the costs, you can decide whether you are satisfied with the replacement or whether it is better to buy a new TV. Some service centers buy non-working household appliances for a modest price or replace them with a surcharge for new ones.

If you still want to make repairs, then you need to remember that each TV model has an individual matrix. Sometimes you have to order it and wait some time for delivery. Matrices are not sold in the public domain, since they are a very fragile and expensive product, and, as already mentioned, they are individual.

DIY repair

If you decide to repair the matrix yourself, then you must adhere to the following rules.

  • First, find and order a new matrix, focusing on the bottom ones, which are indicated on the rear plate of the panel. You can contact service centers where replacing the matrix is ​​common, and ask them about the required model.
  • When disassembling the panel, place it on something soft (for example, a piece of thick cardboard) with the screen facing down and tighten all the screws and screws. Then turn it over and detach the front part of the case. It is attached with latches.
  • Before removing the matrix, the cable and wires are disconnected from it. Sometimes cleaning the cable with an eraser helps get rid of minor defects, but if the damage is mechanical, this will not help.
  • Carefully insert the new matrix, connect the power cable and cable to it and turn it on to make sure its quality. The screen should glow and there should be no even the smallest defects on it.
  • Only then close the back of the panel and screw it.

At first glance, it seems that replacement is simple, but the matrix and all its connectors must be handled very carefully. If you do it carelessly, you can ruin your new part, which will ultimately hit your wallet hard.

It happens that after complete assembly the image is not displayed on the screen. This means that the operation of the new matrix must be coordinated with the TV control modules. You can make the settings through the menu. Setup information can be found in the user manual.

A broken laptop screen matrix today is a fairly common and expensive type of breakdown, without eliminating which further use of the laptop is not possible. Typically, matrix failure occurs due to careless use of the laptop. Replacing the matrix may be necessary due to factors such as:

  • Impact matrix;
  • Impact of the laptop itself;
  • Forceful closure of the laptop lid (the lid hits the body when closing);
  • Closing the cover without making sure that there are no foreign objects on the keyboard;
  • Spilling liquid or caustic substances onto the matrix that directly damage the matrix;
  • Presentation and direct contact with the matrix of a magnet or metal objects;
  • Dead pixels on the matrix (this is a manufacturing defect);
  • The rarest factors are failure of microcircuits, cables, contacts, voltage drop in the network, etc.

You can find out that the matrix is ​​damaged and needs to be replaced visually, regardless of the laptop model. Let us highlight the following symptoms of a failed matrix:

  • Chip of the matrix glass: in this case, the matrix shows partially, flickers and there are various attributes on it in the form of spots, drips, distortions, multi-colored stripes. The breakdown is caused by a blow to the matrix, a blow to the laptop, or various other physical, rough impacts on the matrix.
  • Appearance and disappearance of the image, partial appearance of the image, peeling of the matrix surface. This could happen due to liquid or caustic substances spilling onto the matrix.
  • Spots of all colors of the rainbow, scratches, chips on the matrix, flickering, horizontal and vertical stripes - damage is caused by the rough impact of metal objects, bringing a magnet or magnetized parts to the surface of the matrix.
  • A stripe or many stripes, usually white, of various sizes along the screen, distorted dots of different colors on the surface of the screen - this indicates that there were dead pixels on this matrix. They arose during the production of the matrix at the factory (this is a manufacturing defect) and manifested themselves during normal operation.
  • Partial stripes of different colors when the laptop is running on the matrix, a partial image of the matrix - this indicates an incomplete signal supply to the matrix. The cause of the breakdown may lie in deformation and mechanical wear of the cable, poor contact of the matrix with the motherboard (the socket on the motherboard may be damaged), or some malfunction of the laptop chips.

We looked at the reasons why screen matrices fail, and also learned the symptoms of a malfunction. You can change the matrix either at a service center or yourself. Typically, the choice depends on the thickness of the wallet and your own skills in handling computer equipment. The cost of a matrix usually ranges around 100-200 dollars; from 10 to 50 percent of its cost will have to be paid to the master for the work. Not everyone is ready to part with such an amount, so let’s look at how to replace a broken matrix with your own hands.

Before starting work, I would like to remind you that you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. If you have never held a screwdriver in your hands or disassembled electronics, it is better to entrust this task to specialists, or at least to knowledgeable friends.

If you're ready to take your laptop apart, then let's get started. We will need a comfortable workspace with good lighting and some tools (a set of screwdrivers with a magnetic tip, tweezers, a special removal tool or any thin object). The described steps will be similar when replacing the matrix in Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Sony, Samsung, Dell and other brands of laptops, since their design is similar.

The first step is to turn off the power. Disconnect the laptop from the network; if it is charging, remove the battery from it. Next, select a suitable screwdriver and unscrew all the screws from the back cover. It is better to prepare separate boxes for them in advance, since the screws from the keyboard and the surrounding working panel may differ, and in order not to get confused when assembling the laptop, you should separate them in advance. After unscrewing all the screws, you can carefully remove the working panels of the laptop.

Depending on the laptop model, this may or may not be enough to remove the screen. For example, when replacing the matrix, you will have to completely disassemble and remove all internal components. It is not recommended to rush when disassembling the laptop; you must disconnect all the cables very carefully, and also be sure to remember all your actions, or even write them down on a piece of paper, since during reassembly you will have to restore everything in the reverse order.

Having disassembled the laptop, unscrew the screws that secure the screen to the base. The next step again depends on the laptop model - disassembling the screen cover can be either an elementary or a rather complex procedure. We need to remove the damaged matrix from it.

We remove the plugs on the screen, if necessary, pick them up with a sharp object; under them there are screws that we need to unscrew. We carry out the following action extremely gently and carefully: using a plastic or, in extreme cases, a metal spatula, we pick up the seam around the entire perimeter of the plastic housing of the screen and divide the cover into two parts. There are plastic latches around the perimeter that we need to unlock without breaking them or the thin frame of the screen. Care must also be taken in the area of ​​the webcam where microchips may be located.

Having reached the matrix, we release the cables and try to get it. Unscrew the fastening screws from the cover and release the matrix with fastenings. Next, unscrew the fasteners from the matrix. We turn the matrix removed from the case with its back side facing us. We disconnect the long so-called cable distributed over the entire back cover from the webcam, then from the matrix itself, by pulling the tape glued to the cable (all actions must be performed very slowly and carefully so as not to damage the cable.

At this point, the first half of the matrix replacement process can be considered complete. The next rather labor-intensive stage is the search for a new matrix. You can search in several ways - find out at the service center or find on the Internet which matrices are suitable for your laptop. Or you can go the other way - find its code on the old matrix and “punch” it on the Internet (the code is usually located on the front side in the upper left corner, but it can be located anywhere, it looks something like this: LTN156AT05-001. After purchasing a new matrix the process of installing it begins - oddly enough, we assemble the laptop in the reverse order, carefully connecting all the cables and installing all the elements in their places.

If everything was done correctly, after turning on and booting the laptop, the screen will delight us with a bright and clear image. As a last resort, if something goes wrong, you can still contact a service center, of which there are plenty not only in Moscow and large cities, but also in many localities.

Owners of television receivers with LCD screens are sometimes faced with a situation where it is necessary to replace the matrix on the TV. This raises the question: isn’t it simpler, since the cost of replacing an LCD panel in service centers is very high? And if we add the price of a new screen, it turns out that the repair will cost almost the same as a new TV set. But in fact, not everything is so sad. Replacing a TV matrix is ​​not such an impossible task. If you know the procedure, then this procedure can be performed by any home craftsman who knows how to hold a screwdriver in his hands.

Before you start replacing the matrix of a Samsung, LV, Philips, etc. TV, you need to have an initial understanding of what an LCD TV screen is. The LCD screen of a television receiver is called a matrix. It is a glass surface with many (millions) of pixels, which can change brightness and color under the influence of external signals. The image is formed precisely from these small dots - pixels. Each pixel is controlled by a special chip - a driver, which is located on a flexible cable soldered into the glass of the LCD panel itself. The TV screen is a sensitive element and needs special care.

The cable to which various elements are connected cannot be separated from the glass. Therefore, a common reason for replacing the screen is damage to the cable.

The most common malfunctions in LCD devices, in which it is impossible to do without replacing the panel, are the following:

All the breakdowns listed above are a reason to replace the matrix, since repairing the LCD TV matrix is ​​not profitable for financial reasons, and is often impossible (for example, when the screen is broken). An exception may include a display malfunction related to the backlight. If the problem lies in a burnt-out fluorescent lamp, then it is quite possible, and it will be possible to repair the television receiver in this way.

Difficulties may arise when repairing an LCD TV if the panel uses light-emitting diode (LED) backlighting. Some manufacturers of LED screens leave the possibility of replacing LEDs, but there are also those that place them on permanent cables. In this case, replacing the matrix completely is the only correct solution.

Replacing the matrix

Replacing the matrix on a Sony TV differs slightly from the procedure for replacing the screen (matrix) on an LG TV. Mainly, the difference lies in TV designs, which affects the order of its disassembly. Fastenings can be implemented in a standard way - with screws, or in a less convenient way - with latches, which are more difficult to detect and easy to break. Disassembly of the unit can be accessed from the front or rear.

Front access

With frontal access, disassembling the device should begin by releasing the latches that hold the panel lining.

There are models of LCD devices, including plasma ones, that have protective glass in front of the matrix. If the screen is broken, the protective glass will also have to be replaced.

Once the latches are released, you will see the LCD TV matrix attached to the TV body using screws that need to be removed. Please note that some screws may be duplicated with a latch. After this, unscrew all the fasteners on the back wall of the device, which covers the entire electronic content of the device.

Rear access

To replace the matrix in an LG, Samsung or any other TV, including a plasma one, you will need to unscrew all the fasteners holding the back panel of the unit and remove the stand if it is a desktop model of the device. Since screws of different lengths may be screwed into different places on the back cover, you need to remember their location.

There are designs of television receivers in which there is a special hatch(for example, on an LG TV) for service during the warranty period. When removing the cover, you need to be careful not to damage the cables going to it. Also disconnect any modules that may be on the cover from the board. Replacing the screen is carried out in a similar way for a plasma TV.

In order for the TV to start working correctly, you will need to coordinate the new matrix with all modules. To do this, you need to turn on the device, enter the service menu, and make settings. How this is done is indicated in instructions for the unit.

Replacing the screen on an LCD or LED TV is not a difficult task, but it requires extreme care, since you can damage not only the very thin cables on the new matrix, but also the matrix itself, since it is very sensitive to kinks. Some other TV malfunctions are also possible.

Owners of TVs with LCD and plasma screens are often faced with the question of whether it is advisable to replace a broken matrix. The high cost of work at a service center pushes you to look for alternative options - replacing it yourself or buying a new TV. It's worth figuring out which is better.

Signs of a broken matrix on a TV

A common sign that the matrix in a TV has become unusable is a disruption in the normal transmission of images to the screen. It may appear as follows:

  • Spots of round or oval shape are black.
  • Burning of individual pixels, which appears as light or dark spots on the TV screen.
  • Vertical stripes of different colors.
  • Horizontal gray stains and stripes.

Signs such as: darkening along the edges of the screen (or a separate part of it), complete absence of an image (black screen), blinking, white noise, may indicate the failure of not the entire matrix, but only a separate part of it, for example, the backlight. That is why it is important to make replacements and repairs at a service center - only there they can determine the cause of defects with 100% accuracy. The cost of work depends on the TV model, the availability of ready-made spare parts, and whether the manufacturer produces them.

When the outer glass of a plasma screen cracks as a result of physical impact, the matrix itself is damaged. The gas mixture contained in it comes out, and numerous noises appear on the screen. In this case, only replacing the matrix can solve the problem, since its repair is impossible.

The only advantage of replacing the matrix on your TV yourself is saving money. Since repairs at a service center cost 75-85% of the cost of the equipment itself. Self-searching for a screen on the Internet helps you find the most profitable option, and you don’t have to pay yourself for the work.

Preparing to replace the matrix on the TV

Before replacing the matrix on the TV, you need to perform a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Buy a new matrix. You can choose the appropriate option on specialized Internet sites or at a service center that repairs this type of equipment. You need to start from the data that is indicated in the technical documentation for the TV.
  2. Buy a protective screen. To prevent possible breakdowns in the future, it is better to buy a protective acrylic screen for a new plasma TV matrix.
  3. Prepare your workplace. To avoid accidentally damaging the LCD screen further, the work area must be covered with something soft, for example, thick cardboard or a blanket.
  4. Collect the necessary set of tools and materials. This includes a set of screwdrivers with different types of profiles, tweezers for getting into hard-to-reach places and a thin metal plate.

Instructions for replacing the matrix on a TV

Step 1. Disconnect the wires and cable from the TV. Accordingly, if the TV is mounted on a bracket, then remove it from it. Move equipment to the workplace.

Step 2: Separate the front of the TV from the back. Using screwdrivers, unscrew the screws holding the housing together. Place the matrix face down on a soft surface (thick cardboard), use a plate prepared in advance (or any convenient device (not a knife!)) to unlock the latches.

Some TV models may use screw connections instead of plastic fasteners. Use the appropriate tool to work with them.

Step 3. Remove the old matrix. Having first disconnected the power supply wire and the signal cable from it. This must be done very carefully, preferably study in detail the mechanism of fastening the cable in advance. During assembly, the junction of the cable and the matrix is ​​additionally taped with tape; it must be removed in such a way as not to damage fragile elements of the equipment.

Step 4. Prepare the new matrix for installation. Wipe its edges with a damp alcohol wipe and install metal fasteners.

Step 5. Install a new matrix. Connect the signal cable and power cable to it. Check functionality.

Step 6. Reassemble the TV case in reverse order. Install a protective acrylic screen.

Step 7. Coordinate the new matrix with the TV control module. Sometimes, after replacing the matrix, the image is still not transmitted to the screen; this may be due to inconsistency between the new screen and the control module. The necessary changes are made through the TV menu; more details about this can be found in the documentation accompanying the equipment.

Video instructions for replacing the matrix

Replacing the matrix on a TV in a service center is carried out in a short time and using all the necessary tools. If it is not possible to contact specialists, then, following the step-by-step instructions, you can carry out this work yourself. In general it takes 0.5-1.5 hours.