Presentation on "Innovative Medical Educational Programs". Presentation on "Information Technologies in Medicine" Innovation in an infectious hospital Presentation

"Educational technologies in school" - health-saving technologies. Collective learning system. Improving the qualifications of school teachers on the problem of technology introduction. Reducing the number of resellers. Increase liability for the results of educational activities. Problem learning. Technology for the development of critical thinking.

"Physics in medicine" - X-rays. Wounds after surgery are heal faster. Physics. The X-ray rays opened the German physicist Wilhelm X-ray (1845 - 1923). Physics helps diagnosis of diseases. The use of lasers in surgery. Using a laser in the microsurgery of the eye. A powerful laser beam of the corresponding diameter destroys a malignant tumor.

"Chemistry in medicine" - sleeping pills of the sleeping pills in oppressively affect the transmission of excitation in the headmump. Bread products. Pepper. Meat. Chemistry. Egg. Introduction Vitamin "A" - Retinol. Vitamin "D" - calciferol. Milk. Cereals. Later, the idea of \u200b\u200bLens expressed Descartes. The antibacterial chemotherapeutic agents are primarily subject to sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics.

"Technology program" - justification for the choice of labor objects for the design of sewing products. Fitting the infirm. Methodical recommendations for the teacher for the design of the Cook Cap. Causes of developing a working program. Wood artwork -7 cl. Program test results. Learning to make compositions with ICT.

"Technologies in history lessons" - the results of the municipal tour of the All-Russian Olympiad on history. The introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process. The effectiveness of the application of design technology. The use of Internet resources in the design work of students. Social science.

"Educational technologies" - meticient, reflective technologies. The most important features of the call phase are: information. Scheme of technological construction of the educational process. Portfolio. Technology for the development of critical thinking. Call phase. Functions of the stage of reflection. Cognitive and metacognitive skills. Educational technologies.

Modern Innovative Medicine Technologies

Modern medicine is dynamically and rapidly developing. Her rapid perfection puts this branch of science to the most advanced positions of world science and its new innovative trends. Undoubtedly, this is directly related to the social aspect of the medicine itself. Innovation of medicine every day and more and more affect the quality of life of the population of the planet Earth.

Nowadays, many health projects unconditionally relate only to the category of innovative medicine technologies. We have long been accustomed to the transplantation of human organs, stem cell transplantation, and even on rumor cloning processes. Today, modern innovative technologies return health to dozens of thousands of patients daily. In many ways, the state of health care depends on the investment in the industry itself, it is worth noting that the provision of pharmaceutical funds in Russia is almost six times less than in Europe and the United States, the level of state support is also desirable to improve.

Considering innovation in medicine, it should be understood that this is modern technologies for creating and using pharmaceutical and diagnostic tools, tools or methods with the highest standard of competitiveness to existing analogues. Usually an incentive to the start of the innovation project is a scientific discovery or achievement.

Based on all this, in the modern world, medicine comes to a completely new trend of achievements and as a result of which we touches the life expectancy of the person and the very level of development of modern innovative technologies and assisting the population by placing the main goal in the plan for the rational use of nature resources with the ability to achieve Goals satisfying the required human needs ..

The development of medicine in addition to investment processes is supported by a huge number of enthusiasts, which are not moving money enrichment, and the desire to see the lives of people joyful, long and easier.
Undoubtedly, the process of innovative trends and the process of improving information technology.

In the health sector, they came with some intake. Nevertheless, the mass introduction of IT in medicine was put to the emergence of the scientific direction of science - medical informatics. The Foreign and Russian IT market today is rapidly changing. Appear modern Innovative Medicine Technologies, able to provide a breakthrough in the field of improving the population of our planet. In particular, information technology medicine includes the latest flappat bockers, medical applications, mobile diagnostic devices, patient health software and other innovations inherent in modern science.

The rapid introduction of IT developments to the health improvement is due to the following reasons: reducing the cost of medical care in many countries, improving the quality of patient service, improving the efficiency of medical staff, increasing the profitability of medical institutions.

On the basis of world experience, it can be concluded that global information systems in health care based on LPU innovations (medical and preventive institutions) are concluded. Specialists allocate three main trends in this direction: technological innovations open the way to new approaches in health care; Joint patient management from the district doctor in the clinic through hospitals to rehabilitation is unthinkable without growing electronic data exchange; Focus from collecting data on treatment should be transferred to their analysis. These modern innovative technologies are designed to play an important role in the future medicine. Healthcare Technology.

To ensure the lives of patients, improving the professionalism of doctors and medical insurance agents used . In a foreign version, she was called Healthcare Technology. Its main task is to ensure professional medical care to the patient. Of great importance is the possibility of interaction with each other between doctors from various medical institutions through Online Symposia and Conferences. This allows the doctor to hear the opinion of more experienced colleagues and solve the complex problem without leaving the patient. This feature is very important for small remote hospitals.

Another interesting direction that allows the use of modern computer medicine technologies is the cooperation of hospitals with pharmaceutical institutions. If the recipe will not be given to the hands of the patient in writing, and will be sent directly to the pharmacy, from where the patient will buy medicine, this will control the purchase of the desired drug and reduce the queues in pharmacy chains. In the actual realities, the innovation of Healthcare Technology is successfully developing.

The development of the trend of modern computer technologies contributes to health care, including state regulation in many countries of the world. International IT standards are IHE, HL7, DICOM systems. The technology of work with large amounts of information is considered promising. It is already used when planning medical programs, in clinical trials and in bioinformatics. Mobile diagnostic devices Another evolutionary direction is mobile diagnostic devices. They can balance the number of doctors and the number of patients. This is especially important for regions where medical facilities are experiencing certain difficulties. It is also important to have individual medical devices: tonometers, glucometrov, scales, cardiographs, insulin injectors, etc. They should help conduct remote monitoring of the patient's state by connecting to smartphones and computers through interfaces, standardized by ISO and IEEE. Remote monitoring provides a reduction in the patient's stay in the hospital, tracking the dynamics of vital parameters after discharge, avoid critical states and timely provision of advisory assistance.

At the same time, in our country, the mass introduction of telemedicine, mobile and hospitative technologies is constrained by the lack of integrated information database management systems and a lack of an appropriate regulatory framework. And the information interaction at all levels could significantly help both doctors and patients who often live in remote rural areas, where it would be especially important. Electronic patient health cards.

One of the most popular features of modern computer technology medicine are electronic patient cards. They provide the concentration of all demanded information in a single common database of storage of unique electronic data. For Russia, the formation of a full-fledged electronic card health card by informatization of a polyclinic, hospitals, laboratories and other medical institutions is a paramount task. But the informatization of healthcare should occur globally, that is, at all levels. In addition, this system reduces patient mortality in active therapy and resuscitation departments. The development of data streaming technologies ensures the rapid development of ways to predict states that threaten the patient's health. This is carried out by analyzing the real-time large number of patient parameters. The use of innovative modern health technologies will help optimize the distribution of human resources. Doctors and nurses, especially from small medical institutions located in the deep districts of Russia, will be able to immediately receive the necessary information about the state of the patient, without having rates of papers. In addition, it will reduce the volume of paper medical reporting.

As for the cost of creating and implementing specialized software for the successful activities of medical institutions with information in digital format, they are significantly lower than expenses for the same steps with paper documents. In addition, in this case, the effectiveness of physicians is significantly increased due to instant access to the necessary data. To spell electronic information about information about the patient information, software types such as EMR, EHR and PUR are used. All three types describe the electronic medical maps of the patient, electronic healthcare cards and personal medical cards. The outlined formats are used to avoid confusion between users, medical institutions, and other technological models. Companies that provide medical services should introduce a computer medical order (order-recipe) to order medical preparations and an electronic recipe for the provision of present access to medapation to patients online. The presence of a single database may provide significant assistance in natural disasters, since physicians will have access to individual information about the health of the affected, their group of blood, chronic diseases, etc. Microcomputers and wireless Internet will provide in this case an instant connection with a single base center and will help conduct an actual list of victims. Many doctors began to use tablet computers to record patient status data. Nexus 7, iPad, Nokia and other tablets of the appropriate format are ideal devices for working with electronic medical patient cards. But various factors will influence the intensive penetration on this market of tablets. The main one is the perfect comfortable convenience in using gadgets: an intuitive interface, simple introduction of information, clear visibility on the results screen.

Problems of progress for the development of modern computer technology medicine.

Medical informatization has an undesirable side. People who are struggling to storing confidential information about patient diseases, fear that hackers can hack out the available information data databases and access the descriptions of diseases and results of analyzes indicators. None company can withstand the topical action of hackers. But when complying with the proper careful level of a set of safety measures, the risk of disclosure The existing patient's confidential information is reduced to almost zero.

In modern, anyone can receive consulting assistance on the Internet around the clock, has the ability to order an insurance policy and get an explanation of insurance programs. Remote consultations will reduce the cost of re-hospitalizing patients with chronic diseases. But that the effect of the informatization of medical organizations quickly felt all groups of users, it is necessary to use corporate clouds, their deep integration both among themselves and with other information systems used to manage the organization by the region, the country with public services portals. Isolated systems created even at the regional or national level, will not bring serious benefits to state health as a whole. On the other hand, measures such as an electronic entry to receive or view the schedule of doctors can reduce the queues in clinics. Another problem concerning IT developments in the field of medicine is a lack of a thoughtful, efficient legislative framework. While all existing documents are constantly reorganized and finalized. In conclusion, it should be said that at present, medical organizations are not only aware of the need to automate the input of current indicators about the actual state of the patient's health, but also the urgent need for its meaningful use. In the Russian medical information innovation market, significant changes occur today, in connection with which he is partly ready to perceive the trends listed. However, he still has to get rid of immaturity, low demands of customers, imperfections of the regulatory framework and pressure from monopolists in the field of communication. For example, in the US, the number of certified electronic medical copper systems has more than five hundred, and we have a monopolist with the only company "Rostelecom".

Let's hope that the information technology market in medicine will soon become competitively providing the progressive influence of the treatment of human pathological processes and including

I really want to emphasize the innovation of the invention of telescopic individual lenses and the undoubted perspective in this opening for humanity.

Or bionic contact lenses, where the elastic lenses with a printed electronic circuit are connected, fantastically allowing the patient sees the world around him with superimposed digital computerized pictures as if on top of its natural vision. This invention is a breakthrough in professional use of it at the chauffeurs, pilots laying and visualizing them routes by posting information about weather conditions and the vehicle itself.

Another sensational innovative solution from the field of innovative medicine technologies came to us from Japan, where scientists have developed artificial skeletal muscles of three-dimensional functionality. The muscular frame is capable of fully reduced and the command signals are impulses passing through the nerve cells invasively entered into the muscular layer. Muscular system grown in artificial conditions has a decent power and under the influence of living nerve endings may be a unique interest in the application of this technology of medicine to attract damaged muscular structures of a person or equipping robots with artificial muscular frame.

In applied to the person of this muscular system, scientists go further and work out the possibility of interaction on the innervation of artificial muscle with the central nervous system of the brain.

Another innovative invention has come to us from the walls of Standford University, where scientists have invented the opportunity to paint the organs of both animals and mammals and make it initially transparent. That is, it is primarily by various manipulations, the body becomes transparent, and then by introducing chemical compounds of dyes, the cells required by scientists are "tinted".

This technique received the name of Clarity - it was already allowed to make the brain transparent and after tinting the required sections or parts of the brain, scientists can conduct unique research in modern visualization of events.

Huge interest in the scientific community was able to use in the treatment of infectious diseases in the human body of human-fluorescent antibiotics. In essence, the antibiotic entering the patient's body becomes a certain highlighting marker of localized infection, easily tracked and visible when considering in special microscopes. The treatment process becomes more projected and effective

Method of innovative mammography with the help of the Internet and bras so fascinated by the women reader was considered in the article

The subject of the struggle of medicine by cancer diseases is very viciously angry. In recent days, medicine has been practicing not only surgical operational methods of treatment and chemotherapy or the use of destructive rays for cancer cells, but also treatment with micropulse destructive pathological processes in the body and initiating self-evolution of malignant cells. Many diseases including oncology innovative science has learned to diagnose in the early stages of the pathological process and the development of the disease, which directly affected the life expectancy of a person and this is almost 20 years. Moreover, this indicator steadily growing and human life increases.

A huge role in identifying malignant diseases and early detection of cancer cells was played by the invention of the microscope, which we previously wrote on the pages of our site -

It is not necessary to bypass in our article and the invention of the pharmacological preparation used in case of a failure of biological clock. In simple language, Canadian doctors in to invent the medicine thanks to which you can rebuild our biological clock. This invention makes it possible to save people from problems with sleep, tormented from insomnia or working at night.

Innovative methods of laser correction in modern cosmetology were popularly described on the art village in the article -.

Conducting plastic operations and surgical corrections in cosmetology, we raised in the article -

SCI-Fi methods to rejuvenate the body of a person are devoted to us

Innovative means of problems with sleep will allow synchronize leukocytarian balance in such a way that a person will start counting day and night in the opposite direction

Modern developments in cardiology allowed almost inventing the artificial human heart of the new generation of Abiocor.

Abiocor is an innovative breakthrough in the modern world medicine, it is absolutely an autonomy and independently exists inside the human body without various additional associated tubes or wiring devices. The only condition is to regularly recharge its battery through connecting to the external network.

In modern surgery, a quick march includes robots helping operational intervention and in fact conducting independent complex surgical procedures. One of these devices is called Da Vinci, which is four-handed automatic surgeons, with a 3D visualized system with an operating field to a monitor. This robot surgeon is successful in the treatment and removal of cancer metastases and tumors.

Full overview of the articles of our site dedicated to the subject of innovative technologies medicine can watch

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New technologies in medicine in medicine Author: Motovilova Evgenia, student 10 "b" class GOO "Secondary school 19 g. Mogileva" Head: Kurtasova Nadezhda Yuryevna Head: Kurtasova Nadezhda Yuryevna III Mogilev Festival of Science International Competition of Electronic Presentations "Science and her creators"

"New technologies New Medical Technologies The term" new technologies "sounds very intriguing and positive, creating a feeling of an excellent future. But most often these technologies are not too worried about the people themselves, remaining incomprehensible and distant for them. What it does not exactly applies to the medical sphere: new medical technologies are interested in almost all. Sooner or later, each person understands that health is not ingrainable and not forever. So new technologies in medicine are extremely relevant.

The world's first 3D-printed chest in 2015 of the doctor from the University Hospital of Salamanca in Spain held the world's first operation to replace the patient's damaged chest to a new 3D printed printed printed. As a material for a new breast, it was decided to use titanium alloy. After holding a high-precision three-dimensional computer tomography, scientists used the Arcam printer worth 1.3 million dollars and created a new titanium chest. The operation on the installation of a new sternum to the patient was successful, and the person has already passed the full rehabilitation course.

Implant retina eye implant retinal is designed for partial reduction of vision in people who have lost it due to degenerative eye diseases. The invention of this device gave the hope of gaining vision to millions of people from around the world. Argus II retina implant gained access to the American market in February 2013, and for European two years ago, becoming the first in the world officially approved implant of this kind.

Artificial pancreas artificial pancreas works on the basis of technology that allows you to help people with diabetes control the level of glucose in the blood through the mechanisms inherent in healthy pancreas. The first patient who experienced this device was a four-year Australian Xavier Hams, suffering from type 1 diabetes.

Tablet with camera Those who had misfortune to experience all the charm of gastroscopy, for sure they will appreciate this invention. Now, instead of an invasive probe, patients suffering from ulcers and other similar diseases will only need to swallow the tablet equipped with a microscopic chamber to diagnose their digestive tract.

Surgical and android robots in the world are already working on thousands of Davinchi surgical robots. Some medical schools begin to teach future surgeons to the skills necessary to control the robot instead of doing the operation itself. This craft becomes more complex and at the same time more reliable and intuitive.

Surgical and android robots will soon robots will be so accurate that they can turn the movement of a human hand into ultra-precise movement of the robot. Perhaps the times come in the areas where doctors lack, simple surgical operations will be carried out by a doctor who controls the robot from another city.

3D printing DNA printing brought to the appearance of a unique new printing industry and DNA sale. Millions of DNA parts are placed on tiny metal substrates and scanned by a computer that selects those chains that will eventually have to be the entire DNA chain sequence. Researchers from the Caroline Institute in Sweden went even further and began to create various figures from DNA chains. DNA origami, as they call it, may at first glance it seems the usual pampering, however, the practical potential of using this technology is also available. Researchers from the Caroline Institute in Sweden went even further and began to create various figures from DNA chains. DNA origami, as they call it, may at first glance it seems the usual pampering, however, the practical potential of using this technology is also available. After that, the laser is neatly cut out the desired connections and are placed in a new chain, previously ordered by the client.

Smartphones used as biosensors and wearable medical devices allow patients to measure almost any parameter of health directly at home. Life style will adapt to the requirements of such devices that want to make us more healthy. Health sensors for portable diagnostics

The nanorobots living in our blood would seem to be a crazy question given in 1996, the basis of scientific work, which in two scientists took 6 years. In short, the answer is: in the years, nanorobids will theoretically be able to replace our blood. "How about replacing a person's blood 500 trillion robots?"

In a more distant future, robots sizes in several nanometers will be able to live in our blood and prevent possible diseases, signaling the patient about what is happening. They will be able to interact with our bodies, measure all the health parameters and act when necessary. On the other hand, imagine what opportunities it provides bioterrorism and how vulnerable our personal life and information about it can be vulnerable. In the future, people will need to find the right balance in this area before these technologies will already be available to us. Nanorobot living in our blood

Today there are ambitious achievements of progress in science and technology that are involuntarily reflected on modern technologies in medicine. Every year, all new and new technologies appear in medicine, which simply surprise many patients with their capabilities and efficiency. Many of the diseases that were previously considered difficult, today are easily subjected to modern medical interventions.

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Information technologies in professional activities

Azartsova L.A.

BUY SPO "LR Wrig Medical College"

Abstract report

This report considers some methodological and technical aspects of the application of information technologies in the professional activities of the medical worker. The volume of professional knowledge necessary for the successful work of the physician is significant. Now he has increased many times and continues to grow constantly. Therefore, the relevance of strengthening information technologies in the professional activities of medical workers as a whole is due not only to the need to improve the quality of medical care provided to the population, but also the need to optimize the hospital used for this.

Medicine has always been at the forefront of progress. Many technical achievements were introduced for the first time in medicine. In recent years, computer technologies have penetrated almost all spheres of human activity, including medicine. In modern society, the preparation of medical personnel is unthinkable without the use of information technologies offering funds and techniques for solving medical problems. The world is experiencing a real computer boom. Personal computers are firmly included in our life and become a thing of essentials. The life of millions of people is not conceivable without the "staff" and medicine at this stage of development can no longer do without the "electronic assistant". Opportunities that provide PCs, sooner or later become the same as a stethoscope, and they will have to be mastered.

Currently, employees of medical institutions are faced with huge amounts of information. At how effective this information is used by medical workers depends on the quality of medical care, the overall standard of living of the population, the level of development of the country as a whole and of its territorial entity in health care, but the process of their implementation in the medicine scope is far from being uniform. Most Russian regions are located, rather at the beginning of this path.

Until recently, in Russian health care, there were almost completely absent at least some signs of automation. Maps, Bulletins, Procedural Reports, Patient Accounting, Drugs - All Document Drive was made on paper. It affected at speeds, and therefore the quality of the maintenance of patients, made it difficult to work for medical, medical personnel, which led to high time for filling the cards, compiling reports.

Modern information technologies come to replace the era of paper information, which will bring the work of the LPU to a qualitatively new level, increase the efficiency of specialist doctors and non-medical services, ensure the loyalty of medical personnel and the growth of patient satisfaction.

Currently, the company's informatization is becoming increasingly scales. Under these conditions, informatics and information technologies play an increasingly significant role in the professional activities of the medical worker. Information technologies are applied in medical education, medical research, medical practice. Information technologies suggest a skill to work correctly with information and computing technology.

Information technology is based and depends on technical, software, information, methodological and organizational support.

Medical organizations are actively introducing automated information systems. Such systems allow you to create an information base and conduct a single database of patients, which includes all information about diagnostics and treatment. The effectiveness of the labor of medical personnel is increasing. Many mechanical operations are performed automatically (issuance of certificates, reports, results of analyzes, etc.), labor costs are reduced.

Information technologies make it possible to provide comprehensive data analysis and optimization of solutions for dispensarization, examination, diagnosis, prediction of diseases.

So what tasks can be solved using PC?

1. Main the electronic database of patients with a complete history of appeals and a list of medical services rendered with their detailed content, starting from the date of the first appeal. Fast contextual search for any information in the database.

2. With the help of ready-made patterns: a) save the time of medical personnel; b) Standardizing and algorithmizing the descriptions of states and research.

3. Manage electronic queues and electronic recording to specialists.

4. Use electronic automated preparing appointments, recipes, extracts, hospital sheets and other standardized documents for patients.

5. Create uniform information networks from local (within the clinic) to large-scale world.

6. Using the Internet network to access the latest medical information, establish professional connections with colleagues, exchange experience.

And this is just some of the obvious advantages of the PC.

The development of information technologies in medicine is inevitable, and therefore students of medical colleges and universities should understand that a modern specialist should own the knowledge of PC. Modern health worker needs to make every effort to master computer technology. Preparation of medical personnel is unthinkable today without the use of information technologies offering funds and techniques for solving medical problems.

The main purpose of using information methods in the professional activities of the medical worker is to optimize information processes in medicine through the use of computer technologies, ensuring improvement in the quality of population health. Medicine supplies the task complex - methods, and computer science provides a complex of means - techniques based on the system - means - methods - techniques.

Types of information technologies used are classified according to the following tasks:

1. Processing text medical documents.

2. Mathematical modeling in medicine (number processing technology).

3. Creating and working with information systems (data processing technologies).

4. Creating multimedia products (multimedia technology).

5. Use of Internet services in the practice of a health worker (network technologies).

The above tasks will fully display the following objectives:

For compliance with modern requirements and improve the effectiveness of training specifically in medical education, it is necessary:

  1. Teach medical students to computer literacy;
  2. Create infrastructure in medical educational institutions, allowing students and teachers to have full access to computers and information databases, to freely use the Internet;
  3. Encourage the development of modern multimedia textbooks and courses for the forces of students and teachers and, if possible, place them on the Internet.

Thus, the use of information technologies is still at the stage of training a medical worker is a necessary component of the formation of information culture of the future specialist. Strategic guidelines in the formation of information culture of students of medical colleges and universities are becoming:

  1. increase professional competence;
  2. the ability to work in an informational and educational environment;
  3. tolerance, sociability, ability to cooperate;
  4. readiness for self-education throughout life;
  5. the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the field of information culture and practical activity.


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