Application m banking Belarusbank. M-Banking from Belarusbank: convenient, simple, but a couple of questions remain. Adding a card and activating the package is successful, but after that the card in the application is displayed as inactive

October 5, 2015 90247

the site continues to test mobile applications for Android from Belarusian banks. This time we are testing a service from Belarusbank.

We find the application in Google Play Market and install it.

We go into the application - we are asked to register, which we do. First, we read the terms of use of the M-Banking system, we are satisfied with everything. So let's move on.

Everything went smoothly and quickly with registration - we were lucky. Internet banking is already connected to our card, and we used the password for registration. By the way, to enter the application you only need to enter the system password.

Registered in the system. Now all that remains is to add and activate the card for making payments. This is where we had to tinker a little.

To activate the card, you need to know the SMS banking password, and you can get it in 2 cases:

  • when registering SMS banking at any bank information kiosk
  • when registering SMS banking in Internet banking

So, go to the Internet bank and proceed to registering the SMS banking service:

  1. select the phone number and card on which this service will be registered
  2. send an SMS with the text “1” to number 611
  3. After the manipulations described above, press the button "Continue" in Internet banking and receive the treasured password.

We continue to activate the card. To do this, enter the card name we need, the received password, select a service package and activate the card.

After connecting the card, we received a notification that the operation was successful. At the same time, we received a discount for the first activation :)

Let's move on to the application - it consists of three pages:

  • On the first page you can find out where the nearest ATMs, cash desks, information kiosks are located not only of Belarusbank, but of all banks - which is very convenient. Here you can also view exchange rates and read bank news.
  • The second page (it is the main one) contains all the services that the application offers
  • The third page displays your selected payments

In order to find out detailed information about ATMs or cash desks, you need to click on them and a whole list of self-service devices will open in front of you, indicating the distance.

Let's start reviewing the main page

In the upper right corner there is a button "Options", where you can change your password and personal information.

On main The page contains 6 icons that correspond to certain types of services:

  1. Payments
  2. Accounts
  3. Services
  4. Magazine
  5. Information
  6. Contacts

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Icon "Payments" includes 2 sections: "Popular" And "ERIP".

In order to find out what payments are "Popular" you need to select the appropriate city or region. We select Minsk, and a list of payments appears in front of us.

In this section you can pay for services, top up your deposit, make a money transfer not only to a Belarusbank card but also to other banks in Belarus, pay a loan or make other payments (for example, pay for a newspaper subscription, buy a lottery ticket or a movie ticket).

If you go to the tab "ERIP", then we will see the familiar system tree where you can make payments for any types of services.

Icon "Accounts" opens the way to 2 sections: "Cards" and "Deposits". Here you can find out your balance status, change your service package, and add a card.

Behind the icon "Services" The following services are available:

  • Autopay (available for mobile payments)
  • Card blocking (you can either block or unblock the card)
  • Statement by E-Mail (statements for deposits, accounts, and M-Banking services are available)
  • Application for a card
  • Application for a loan
  • Card check by E-Mail (you can find a check for a period or by the number of the check itself)
  • 3D-Secure Password (you can set your own personal security password)

Icon "Magazine" allows you to see all completed transactions, as well as information on the balance balance, payments made, and alerts.

The last icon is called "Contacts". It allows you to find the address of the Bank's head office, the operating hours of the Contact Center and technical support. You can call the Contact Center directly from the application :)

Now let's try to pay for some services. We have compiled a list of operations (if any) that will be considered when testing all mobile applications:

  • Payment for mobile communications
  • Internet payment
  • Payment of utility bills
  • Transfer from card to card
  • Applying for a loan
  • Opening a deposit
  • Feedback from the bank

Payment for mobile communications

Let's go to "Payments". Then - “ERIP”, “Mobile communications”, “MTS by phone number” - enter the phone number and payment amount...

We check the correctness of data entry...

A check appears in front of us, the payment has been made.

Internet payment

To pay for the Internet, we use the same services as when paying for a mobile phone, only now we select - "Beltelecom (home phone,byfly, zala)" - "Minsk" - "Internet" and enter the contract number...

...payment amount.

Payment has been completed.

Payment of utility services

To pay for utilities, please contact "Signed payments". Then - "Apartment fee, water, other utilities, Minsk." Enter the payment amount...

We pay for the service and receive a check.

Transfer from card to card

To make a transfer from card to card, select the section "Cards""Transfer to another card"- and a notification about the transfer currency appears in front of us.

To transfer you need to indicate the card number and amount...

Click "Translate" and we receive a check.

Applying for a loan

Opening a deposit

It is also impossible to open a deposit, but there is a deposit calculator with which you can calculate all the necessary parameters :)

Feedback from the bank

From the application, you can contact the bank by calling the Contact Center, writing a message and sending an e-mail.

Tester's opinion:

The application is very convenient to use. Everything is clear, fast and convenient. I was pleased with the opportunity to pay for cinema tickets and subscriptions to print media - this is not often seen in the mobile application of Belarusian banks :)

But activating a bank card in the system takes a long time. I was a little disappointed that the password is only valid for a minute. But you can come up with absolutely any password - at least four ones.

We also decided to conduct the following experiment - we took 2 phones on which the Belarusbank application was installed.

We installed it on one phone today, on another the application was installed a long time ago - and at the same time we looked at the exchange rates. This is what we got (on the left the application was installed a long time ago, on the right today):

It turned out that the same application shows completely different information on the exchange rates of Belarusian banks. We did not find information about exchange rates in 15 banks: Absolutbank, Alfa-Bank, BTA Bank, VTB Bank (Belarus), Bank Moscow-Minsk, Eurotorginvestbank, Idea Bank, Paritetbank, RRB-Bank, Trustbank, Fransabank, HKBank. We tried to update the application on Google Play but there are no updates :(

To summarize:


  1. You can connect to the application immediately after installing it on your device - 1 point
  2. Simple authorization mechanism, just enter a password - 1 point
  3. Relatively easy navigation. Mobile and Internet can be paid for in two transitions (2 points each), rent - in one Result: (2+2+3)/3 = 2.3 points
  4. Have access to frequently used operations - 1 point
  5. It’s convenient to work with ERIP, there is no search - 1 point
  6. Easy to change password - 2 points
  1. It is possible to create an MTS auto payment - 1 point
  2. There is a payment history, it’s called "Magazine"— 1 point
  3. There is a function "Free payment"— 1 point
  4. You cannot create your own payments - 0 points
  5. No function "One-button payments"— 0 points
  1. You can make transfers to your bank cards - 1 point
  2. You cannot select the account currency when transferring - 0 points
  3. To make a transfer you need a card number and expiration date - 3 points
  4. Fast transfer - 2 points
  1. It is not possible to open a deposit - 0 points
  2. It is possible to top up your deposit - 1 point
  3. There is no possibility of transferring the deposit to the card - 0 points
  1. There is no way to leave an online loan application - 0 points
  2. Online - obtaining a loan is impossible - 0 points
  3. It is possible to repay the loan - 1 point
Additional features
  1. There is no way to manage limits - 0 points
  2. You can block your card online - 2 points
  3. Receipts are kept. They can be sent by mail - 2 points
  4. You can activate the SMS notification service - 1 point
  5. There is no way to order a card online - 0 points
  6. There are currency exchange rates - 1 point
  7. The application displays the nearest bank branches (ATMs) with information about opening hours and location on the map - 3 points
  8. It is possible to connect 3-D Secure technology - 1 point
  9. There are additional useful functions, such as - Exchange rates in all banks in the country - 1 point
  1. From the application you can call and write to the bank (2 communication channels) - 2 points
  2. Minimum waiting time for a call to be answered (48 seconds). We never received a response to the letter, although the attachment says that the response will come within 2 hours - 2 points
  3. You can contact technical support by writing them a letter - 1 point
  4. Minimum waiting time - 0 points
  1. There were no errors in the application - 5 points
  2. All operations completed successfully - 5 points
Personal opinion
  1. Overall impression of use - 4 points

Evaluation of the mobile application forAndroid from Belarusbank: 49.3 points out of 75 possible

Mobile application evaluation criteria forAndroid
convenience 1. ease of connection (convenient, not convenient)
2. authorization mechanism (convenient, not convenient)
3. convenient navigation, number of transitions to complete an operation:
- pay for mobile
- pay utilities
- pay for internet
4. availability of quick access to frequently used functions
(mobile, utilities, internet)
5. ease of working with ERIP
6. ease of changing and recovering passwords
1. 1/0
2. 1/0
3. 1 transition - 3
2 transitions - 2
3 transitions - 1
over 30

5. 2/ 0
6. 2/0

max 11
Functionality payments 1. possibility of creating automatic payment
2. payment history
3. availability of the free payment function
4. ability to create a list of your payments, rename them (templates)
5. one-button payments
1. any payment without restrictions - 2
there are restrictions - 1
no such function - 0
2. search through history + setting a time period + visualization - 2
3. 1/0
4. 2/0
5. 1/0
max 8
translations 1. to your bank card
2. to your bank card in other currencies
3. amount of data required for translation
4. translation speed (time)
1. 1/0
2. 1/0
3. the card number and expiration date are enough - 3
card number + expiration date + full name - 2
account number, etc. - 1
4. within an hour - 2
during the day - 1
next day - 0
max 7
deposits 1. possibility of opening a deposit
2. replenishment of the existing deposit
3. possibility of transfer to card
1. 1/0
2. 1/0
3. 1/0
max 3
loans 1. online application
2. online receipt
3. loan repayment
1. 1/0
2. 1/0
3. 1/0
max 3
additional features 1. setting and adjusting limits
2. online card blocking
3. confirmation of payment (checks)
(stored + can be printed + sent by email)
4. enable/disable SMS notifications
5. online card order
6. exchange rates + currency calculator
7. working with the map
8.password registration using 3-D Secure technology
9. other
1. 2/0
2. 2/0
3. 2/0
4. 1/0
5. 1/0
6. 2/0
7. search for the nearest branches (ATMs/POVs) + detailed information on them + the ability to build a route - 3
8. 1/0
9. 2/0
max 16
Feedback 1. communication with the bank (channels)
2. communication with the bank (response time)

3. communication with technical support (channels)
4. communication with technical support (response time)

1. 3 channels or more - 3
2. up to 2 hours - 3
up to 5 hours - 2
up to 8 hours - 1
more - 0
3. 3 channels or more - 3
4. up to 2 hours - 3
up to 5 hours - 2
up to 8 hours - 1
more - 0
max 12
performance how fast and well it works (errors)
1. number of errors
2. successful completion of operations
1. 0 errors - 5
2. all operations completed successfully - 5

(for each error or failed operation minus 1 point)

max 10
personal opinion general impression maximum 5 max 5
Maximum points 75

How to register in the application?

How to register in the application?

  • Proceed to registration in the application.
  • Click on the "Next" button on the screen where the application prompts you to register the device.
  • Click the "Accept Terms" button on the License Agreement screen.
  • Set the access key that will be used for authorization in the application (The access key must consist of numbers and letters at the same time. The length of the access key is from 5 to 15 characters, letters can be used in Latin or Russian. If the access key entry fields are highlighted in red, this means that the user has entered an access key that does not meet the requirements described above, or the values ​​in the “Access Key” and “Repeat Access Key” fields do not match. Accordingly, until the user fills out these fields correctly, he will not proceed to the next registration screen).
  • Select a mobile operator and indicate the phone number (it is important that the phone number is the one for which the SMS banking password is registered), then click on the “Next” button.
  • Confirm registration with a confirmation code sent to the specified phone number.

How to register an application without access to the Internet of a mobile device?

Registration and operation of the application without the Internet is not possible on mobile devices with the iOS and Windows Phone operating systems.

On devices with the Android operating system (in applications below version 3.7.4.):

  • Disable the Internet (both wi-fi and mobile data).
  • Go to registration.
  • On the “Phone number” screen, click the “Next” button and in the window that appears, click “Send via SMS”.
  • Complete registration by entering the confirmation code you received.

SMS with registration code does not arrive

If the SMS with the code has not arrived within 5 minutes, then you need to make sure that the “Phone number” and “Operator” fields are filled out correctly. Reboot the phone and re-request the registration code. If you still haven’t received an SMS with the registration code, contact your mobile operator about the non-delivery of the SMS.

After sending the registration code, the error "The registration code is invalid or has expired" appears

The code is valid for 5 minutes; if the SMS with the registration code arrives later, you need to click the “Repeat request” button, check the phone number again and click “Next”.

When registering, the message “Registration error in the notification service” appears or the registration request takes a long time to be sent

The error is specific to the Nokia Lumia mobile device. If it occurs, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Make sure that the phone is charged and the battery indicator does not display a heart icon (if the icon is displayed, you need to charge the phone or turn off the power saving mode).

Adding cards and activating card packages

How to add a card in the application and activate the package?

PAfter registration, click on the "Add Now" button.

Click on the add card button in the lower right corner.

Press the "Menu" button in the upper left corner on the main screen of the application and go to the "Maps" section. Next, click on the “+” button in the lower right corner.

Ways to add a card

According to bank card data

By SMS banking password

For cards of JSC "ASB Belarusbank":

It is possible to add cards using this method:

  • If the phone number to which the application is registered matches the phone number that was specified when registering the card at the bank.


  • If a 3D-Secure password is registered on the card.

Register3D-Secure passwordWHOCanV ANDInternet banking JSC "ASB"Belarusbank» .

If the card has already been added to the M-Belarusbank application (for example, using an SMS banking password), then the 3D-Secure password can be registered in the “Services” section.
  • The SMS banking password can be obtained from an information kiosk or Internet banking system.

SMS banking phone number toregisteredapplicationse (« About the application»).

For cards from other banks:

  • The SMS banking password can be obtained from the information kiosk of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

SMS bankingmust be registered for the samephone number toregisteredapplicationse (can be viewed in the section« About the application»).


After filling out the form for adding a card, click on the “Next” button, select the required package and click on the “Activate package” button.

How to enable auto-renewal of a card package?

Enabling package auto-renewal is available:

  • when adding a new card to the application;
  • when renewing a package for an already added card.

Auto-renewal is available for Full, Basic and Economy packages.

To enable package auto-renewal, you need to add a card or renew the current package on a card with the package auto-renewal feature enabled.

How to turn off package auto-renewal?

To turn off auto-renewal of a package on a card, you need to activate the package with the “Auto-renew package” option turned off.

Also, auto-renewal of the package is automatically disabled when you remove the card from the application.


Errors when adding a card

"Failed. Cardholder failed authentication."

An error occurs when adding a card using bank card data and means that a 3D-Secure password is not registered for the card. For Belarusbank cards, it is possible to register a 3D-Secure password in the Internet banking system and add the card to the application using it. Or choose another method of adding a card - SMS banking password, having previously received the password in the bank's information kiosk or Internet banking system (only for Belarusbank cards).

"The 3D-Secure password has not been confirmed. Please add the card again."

An error occurs when adding a card using bank card details. Indicates that the operation time has expired (the time for entering the 3D-Secure password has expired).

“Connect SMS banking in the information kiosk or Internet banking of Belarusbank and activate the card in the M-Banking application with the SMS banking password.


An attempt is made to activate the card using the bank card data. At the same time, the user does not have a 3d-secure password registered and the phone number to which the application is registered does not match the phone number that was specified when registering the card at the bank. The user will be able to add a card ONLY using the SMS banking password.

"There is no access to the SMS banking service. Register at the Belarusbank information kiosk and activate the card in the M-Banking application."

The SMS banking service is not registered on the phone number specified when registering the application. To add a card, you need to register SMS banking in the information kiosk or in the Internet banking system (only for Belarusbank cards).

  • This error occurs in two situations:
  • When adding a card, the SMS banking password was entered incorrectly 3 times, and therefore the SMS banking registration was cancelled. In this case, you need to register SMS banking again.

SMS banking password is registered to another phone number

How to extend the package on the card?

On the card image, click on the "Activation" button

I lost my SMS banking password, is it possible to recover it?

It is impossible to recover the password. In the information kiosk or Internet banking (for Belarusbank cards), you need to cancel the old SMS banking registration and register this service again.

When activating a package, the error "The selected package is not available for your card" appears.

The error occurs when activating the "Basic" or "Full" package. These packages are available only for Belarusbank cards.

Set the current date and time on your mobile device and re-enter the application.

How to activate a second card?

Adding subsequent cards to the application is identical to the procedure for adding the first card (the bank can set restrictions on the maximum number of cards). When adding cards using an SMS banking password, SMS banking registration must be carried out using the phone number to which the application was registered. The phone number to which the application was registered can be viewed in the “About the application” section).

When activating a second or subsequent card, no discount was provided.

To receive a discount on the second and subsequent cards, at least one card must be paid for at the full cost of the package.

How to remove a card from the application?

Go to the "Maps" section, then go to edit mode (pencil icon) and select the required map. On the map editing form, click on the "Delete selected map" button.

Are funds written off when changing the package?

If the package is changed to a package with a higher cost, the full cost of the package is written off and the package is reactivated for 30 days.

Are funds debited when a card is added again and the package is activated (for example, after reinstalling the application on another phone)?

When adding a card with the same package, if the validity period of the package has not yet expired, funds will not be debited again.

There was a change (reissue, renewal) of the card, do I need to do anything in the application?

When changing a card, you need to add it again and activate the service package (see clause 2.1).

Alert channel

How are notification channels different?

  • Internet - alerts arrive in the form of notifications, are viewed and stored in the application (to receive alerts, your mobile device must be connected to the Internet).
  • SMS notification - alerts are received in the form of notifications, viewed and stored in the application (To receive alerts, you do not need to have a mobile device connected to the Internet.

    This notification channel is available for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4. As of version 3.7.4, this notification channel is no longer available for Android devices).

  • SMS – notifications come in the form of SMS messages to the phone number to which the application is registered, and are stored in the memory of the mobile device (like regular SMS messages).

How to change the notification channel?

In the application, select "Settings" - "Alert Channel" - select the desired channel and click the "Save" button.

The “SMS Notifications” notification channel has disappeared from the settings

You need to check the version of the client application (section “About the application” in the navigation menu). The SMS notification channel is no longer available starting from version 3.7.4 of the application for Android phones. Therefore, if the user has application version 3.7.4 or higher, then this notification channel will not be available to him. He can use either the Internet or SMS notification channel.

Only notifications about receipt of funds are received; notifications about expenditure transactions are not received.

Alerts are received based on cards that are added to the application. If you use a card that has not been added to the application (for example, a client has two cards for one account, one is added to the application, but uses the other to pay), notifications about expense transactions will not be received.

Not receiving notifications via SMS

You should try rebooting the mobile device, changing the settings of the mobile device, including installed software (power saving mode, antivirus programs, applications that optimize the operation of the mobile device, etc.), which may prevent the display of targeted alerts. If the recommended actions do not solve the problem, it is possible to contact your cellular operator for advice (when contacting a cellular operator to receive correct advice, you must indicate the phone number from which the sending is made - Mbank).

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (Huawei mobile device).

For Huawei p8, y7 models:

Settings – Notifications and status bar – Notification manager – M-Belarusbank – enable banners, activate priority.

Settings – Battery – Disable applications after screen is locked (or something similar) – deactivate the option for the application.

For Huawei p9 models:

Settings – Notifications and status bar – M-Belarusbank – activate all fields.

Settings – Applications – M-Belarusbank – Battery – deactivate the option for the application.

For versions below Android 5:

Settings – Protected applications – Mark the M-Belarusbank application as protected.

Energy Saving – Activate the energy saving mode “Smart”.

For Android versions 7.8:

Settings – Applications and notifications – Notification manager – M-Belarusbank – activate all switches, set “Notifications on the lock screen” – “Display”.

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (Xiaomi mobile device).

The SMS notification alert channel is available for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4.

In the standard "Security" application (or in the phone Settings), select the "Permissions" section, then go to the "Autostart" menu and activate the options for the M-Belarusbank application, go to the "Other permissions" menu, select the M-Belarusbank application, activate all options.

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (Samsung mobile device)

The SMS notification alert channel is available for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4.

In the mobile device settings you need to do the following:

For versions below Android 5.6:

Settings – Sounds and notifications – Application notifications – M-Belarusbank – activate priority.

For Android versions 7, 8:

Settings – Notifications – activate the option for the M-Belarusbank application.

Settings – Notifications – In the upper right corner, the “Advanced” button – M-Belarusbank – activate “Allow notifications”, set the priority, deactivate “Show without sound”, on the lock screen activate the “Show contents” option.

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (Meizu mobile device).

The SMS notification alert channel is available for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4.

In the standard "Security" application, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Battery – Energy saving mode – deactivate.
  • Battery - Energy saving mode - deactivate the "Power off in standby mode" function.
  • Battery – Super mode – deactivate.
  • Battery – Super mode – activate the “Software allowed in super mode” function for the M-Belarusbank application.
  • Permissions – Application notification – activate all options for the M-Belarusbank application.
  • Permission – Run in the background – M-Belarusbank and Google Play Service applications – allow running in the background.
  • Permission – Software permissions – select the M-Belarusbank application and activate the “Notification” and “Show on lock screen” options, set the “Run in the background” option – “Allow work in the background”.

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (mobile device with the Windows Phone operating system).

The SMS notification alert channel is available for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4.

  • Deactivate power saving mode.
  • Reboot your phone.
  • Connect your mobile device to the Internet.
If the battery percentage is low, the mobile device may begin to save energy and not receive notifications - in this case, you will need to charge the phone.

No alerts (Apple mobile device).

If your mobile device is connected to the Internet, you need to do the following in its settings:

“Settings” – “Applications” – “M-Belarusbank” – “Notifications” – activate all options – select “Banner”.

Notifications are not received via SMS notification and/or Internet channels (general recommendations for other mobile devices).

Is it possible to perform transactions in the application without using the Internet (establish an SMS communication channel)?

The ability to carry out operations without using the Internet (via SMS communication channel) is available in the application (for mobile devices with the Android operating system in applications below version 3.7.4) and is carried out as follows. If you disconnect your mobile device from the Internet and click on any button that causes a request to be sent (for example, “Pay” or update your card balance), a pop-up window will appear prompting you to send the request via SMS.

Can an application installed on a mobile device with the iOS and Windows Phone operating systems work without an Internet connection?

No. Mobile devices without a GSM module, including mobile devices with the listed operating systems, can operate (transmit requests/data) exclusively over the Internet.

Making payments

How to find a payment in ERIP?

To search for a payment, you need to go to the "Payments and Transfers" section, click on the ERIP search button in the upper right corner of the screen (represented as a - icon), select the search criterion (Name of service, recipient's UNP, Service Code), enter data and make search. Find the one you need in the suggested search results and go to the payment form.

Is it possible to make a payment through ERIP if the mobile device is not connected to the Internet?

The list of ERIP payments is generated online and is available only if you have a mobile device connected to the Internet.

Can I make payments using my ERIP payer number?

This option is not available.

When making a payment, does it throw you to the main screen of the application?

If the user selects a service when making a payment (for example, MTS - selects “By phone number”) and is thrown to the main screen of the application, this means that the “Do not save actions” mode is activated in the mobile device settings.

To disable this mode, you need to go to “Settings” – “For Developers” – “Do not save options” (either “Do not save actions” or “Destroy windows”) - deactivate the mode). Then make the payment again.

How to make a payment using a QR code?

Via the "M-Belarusbank" application (For Android versions above 3.2, for all iOS versions):

To do this, you need to go to the application, select the section "Payments and transfers" - "Payment by QR code" - point your smartphone camera at the QR code (the QR code is read automatically) - on the payment form, if necessary, enter additional data (meter readings, amount, etc.) and click the "Pay" button.

Through a third-party application that can read the QR code (for all versions of Android and iOS):

To do this, you need to open any third-party application that can read the QR code (for example, “Lightning QR scanner” or “QR and barcode scanner”, etc.) and scan the QR code. After which the application will display a link through which payment is available. This link can be opened using the M-Belarusbank application, for which the user must select the M-Belarusbank application from the provided list of possible applications and log in. After authorization and processing of the read QR code, a payment form will open, where, if necessary, you will need to enter additional data (meter readings, amount, etc.) and click the “Pay” button.


How to go to the “Deposits” section?

To go to deposits, click on the “My Finances” section, available in the navigation menu or under the card on the main screen, and select the “Deposits” tab.

The application transaction log does not display transactions for requesting the balance of funds on deposit accounts.

The balance of funds on deposit accounts is displayed in the application exclusively on the deposit account card.

The application does not display deposit accounts opened in bank branches by non-residents of the Republic of Belarus.

The search for deposit accounts in the application is carried out using the personal passport number of the Belarusbank card holder added to the application. In this connection, only residents of the Republic of Belarus can view deposit accounts in the application.

The application does not display a list of current deposit accounts after adding a card and activating the package.

The list of deposit accounts becomes available approximately 5 minutes after adding a card and activating the package.

How to top up your deposit?

The replenishment operation is available in “Payments and Transfers”.

In the application you can top up:

  • deposit by IBAN account number
  • deposit by account number
  • online deposit

Is it possible to open a deposit in the application?

Yes, you can open a deposit. To do this, go to the “My Finances” section, select the “Deposits” tab and click on the [Open deposit] button at the bottom of the screen. Select the required deposit to open, !carefully read the terms of the contract!, enter the minimum amount to open a deposit and click on the final button [Open].

Is it possible to close a deposit in the application?

ONLY an online deposit can be closed in the application.

To close a deposit you need:

  1. Go to the “My Finances” section.
  2. Select the “Deposits” tab. Click on the deposit you want to close.
  3. Click on the “Services” tab.
  4. Click on the “Close deposit” operation.


How to go to the “Accounts” section?

To go to “Accounts”, click on the “My Finances” section, available in the navigation menu or under the card on the main screen.

What information is displayed in the "Accounts" section?

The "Accounts" section contains the user's open card accounts with OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank".

In the card account details you can see the card account balance, account number, account IBAN, overdraft amount and cards linked to the account.

Cards linked to an account are a list of cards linked to this account and added to the application, as well as an element indicating that there are cards linked to this account, but not added to the application. If there are no such cards, then the element is not displayed.

How is the card account balance determined?

The account balance is formed without taking into account overdraft and funds blocked on cards. The card account balance is updated once a day after the closing of the banking business day.

How to open an account in the application?

To open an account in the application, you need to go to the “My Finances” section and click on the corresponding “Open Account” button. This will open the “Request for Card Issue” form, because a new card account is created for the new card. To successfully open an account, at least one Belarusbank card must already be added to the application.


Checks (statements) are not received by e-mail.

  • Check whether the e-mail address in the application is correct.
  • Check the presence of receipts (statements) in the "Spam" folder of the mailbox (related to the client's individual mail settings or the mail service's spam filter settings).
  • Contact the mail service support service with a description of the problem.
  • Change the mail service (for example, to yandex, gmail, etc.).

How to order an extract by e-mail?

To order a statement by e-mail, you need to go to the "Services" section - "Statement by e-mail" - if necessary, specify the e-mail address (other requested data) - click "Request" (The account statement for the month is received on a monthly basis once a month, other statements within a few minutes after ordering).

Service "Card check by e-mail".

Using the "Card check to e-mail" service, it is possible to order a check by e-mail about a transaction performed in the application using its number or checks for transactions for a period of no more than half a year (checks are received by e-mail within a few minutes after the order ).

How can I receive a statement by e-mail if I have reinstalled the application?

After reinstalling the application, you need to add the card to the application and activate the package for it, then go to the "Services" section - "Extract by e-mail" - if necessary, specify the e-mail address (other requested data) - click "Request" (Extract the monthly bill is received on a monthly basis once a month, other statements within a few minutes after ordering).

How to register a 3D-Secure password?

You can register a 3d-secure password only with a card that has already been added to the application. To register a 3D-Secure password, you need to go to the “Services” section – “3D-Secure Password” – “Registration” - select the type of 3d-secure password - enter the requested data - click “Registration”.

Types of 3d-secure password:

  • static - set once and used constantly, the application has the “Create your own” option;
  • dynamic - for each payment a different password will be received in a test message, in the application there is an option “Receive by SMS”.

Application errors

"No Internet connection"

You need to connect your mobile device to the Internet.

"Error receiving data"

You need to make sure that the mobile device is connected to the Internet and the connection is stable (For example, by accessing the Internet through a browser. If the search is unsuccessful, this means that the mobile device is not connected to the Internet. Therefore, you need to connect your mobile devices to the Internet.).

If your mobile device is connected to the Internet and the connection is stable, but an error still occurs in the application, then it is recommended:

  • Disconnect your mobile device from the Internet and reconnect.
  • Reboot your mobile device.
  • Deactivate Internet traffic restriction mode in the mobile device settings.
  • Deactivate modes of third-party applications (for example, AdGuard, AdBlock, Kaspersky antivirus, Dr.Web, etc.) installed on a mobile device, which can block access to the Internet through the M-Belarusbank application.

For Xiaomi mobile device:

It is necessary to deactivate the operation restriction mode of the M-Belarusbank application on the Internet. To do this, you need to perform the following actions in the settings of your mobile device:

Go to the standard application "Security" - "Traffic" - "Data Transfer" - activate Wi-Fi and 3G/4G modes for the M-Belarusbank application.

For Android mobile device:

Disconnect your mobile device from the Internet and perform an operation in the application via SMS (i.e., when attempting to perform an operation, an Internet connection error will be displayed with the ability to perform the operation via SMS). The successful status of the operation will confirm the problem of connecting the mobile device to the Internet. Therefore, you need to check your positive balance; you can check the information with your mobile operator)

It is necessary to clarify whether the M-Belarusbank application was installed on any other mobile device or copied (restored) from a backup copy. In these cases, the application must be deleted and reinstalled by re-registering it, adding a card and activating the package (the application can only work correctly if installed from the application store, as well as on one device (the last one on which it was installed).

Error: "Unable to send request via SMS channel" or "Error sending SMS."

  • You need to make sure that the balance on the phone is positive and, if necessary, top it up (when using a mobile device with two SIM cards, you need to check the balance on the SIM card installed in the main/first slot).
  • Reboot your mobile device.
  • Change the SIM card settings in the phone (the SIM card with the number to which the application is registered must be installed in the main/first slot and there should be no restrictions on sending SMS based on the phone number).

Error: “Failure to communicate with the bank” or “Your card is blocked. Please contact the bank.”

The card used to make the request is blocked. On the added card in the application, you can view the last 4 digits of the card number, and then contact the 24-hour customer service to unblock it by calling +375 17 299 25 25.

"Error determining the server address", "Error redirecting the request", "Information about the debt is not defined."

This error occurs when repaying a loan using outdated details. In this case, to clarify the current details, you can contact the bank institution at the place where the loan was issued or the bank’s Contact Center by phone 147.

When checking the balance, it displays "Refused. Contact 2992525"

It is possible that the card is partially blocked (for example, the PIN code was never entered). The exact cause of the error can be clarified in the customer service service of OJSC "Bank Processing Center" by number +375 17 299 25 25 .


How to go to application settings?

To go to the application settings, on the main screen, click the button with three lines in the upper left corner and select the “Settings” section.

How to change/add an e-mail address?

In the application settings, in the "Enter e-mail" field, enter a new address. The new address value will be applied automatically after exiting the settings.

PIN code is an alternative entrance to the application. Access to the application using a PIN code is possible if the mobile device is connected to the Internet. If there is no access to the Internet or the connection is unstable (weak signal), then you can enter the application using an access key or using a fingerprint (if your mobile device supports this function). The number of unsuccessful attempts to enter the PIN code is 3; when entering the application by PIN code is blocked, other login methods are not blocked.

Fingerprint is an alternative entrance to the application. The functionality of the mobile device is responsible for the correct operation of fingerprint recognition in the application. If fingerprints are not entered in the mobile device settings or device unlocking is disabled, fingerprint recognition in the application will also not work.

The number of unsuccessful login attempts using a fingerprint is 4-5 (depending on the mobile device); when logging into an application using a fingerprint is blocked, other login methods are not blocked.

We are testing mobile applications of Belarusian banks. Today we will look at how the updated mobile banking from Belarusbank for the Android operating system.

Find the application in the Play Market and install it. This is what the main screen and main menu of the system now looks like...

The best part is that even an unregistered user has the opportunity to take advantage of some of the system’s functions.

So, without registering, you can take full advantage of the section "Contacts", from which you can call or write to the bank. You can also go to the section "News and promotions", introducing the latest banking innovations and services. At your service is a reference service, where we found the best exchange rates and a locator for finding the nearest office.

To gain access to the full functionality of the system, you will need to register.

To do this, press the button in the lower right corner on the main screen. As in the previous version of the application, you will need a password for SMS banking.

To do this, just use the information kiosk, or connect it to online banking, which is what I did.

All that remains is to come up with a password and indicate your phone number. After registration is completed, all that remains is to choose a tariff.

I connected the “Full” package, so now I can not only pay and view the balance, but also receive notifications about incoming and outgoing transactions :) Everything worked out, and now you can use the application to the fullest :)

Now let's take a closer look at the most interesting features of the service.

First section - "Cards".

Here you can go to the ERIP system, view your payment history, and even add any payment to the “Selected Payments” subsection by clicking on the star during payment.

I would like to note that in the section "Magazine" you can not only view all card transactions, but also repeat the payment directly from the receipt.

From sections "Services" And "Settings" you can set a 3D-Secure password, block the card, send a statement by email and manage your cards and tariffs in mobile banking. Everything is simple and clear :)

But the most interesting thing is the translations.

You can transfer money not only to cards of any banks, but also to a mobile banking user using a phone number that can be easily selected from your address book.

Next section - "Deposits"— allows you to manage your deposits and view the archive of deposits.

Another interesting section is called "Services".

It will help you set up automatic payment, ask a question to the contact center specialists, apply for loans, deposits, cards, and also contains many other useful applications, card checks and statements. In a nutshell, the functionality pleasantly surprised me.

Now let's get acquainted with the last section "Information requests", where you can find out about exchange rates, lottery results and the cost of precious metals.

By the way, you can select login in the section "Settings". For example, you can set up login using a password or, like me, using a fingerprint.

I will also note that some sections in mobile banking are repeated, for example, payments can be found not only in the section "Payments and transfers", but also in the section "Cards". The same applies to some other services.

Tester's personal opinion

With the m-bank update, registration in the system has not changed. But the developers have added a convenient and beautiful interface to the extensive functionality :)

The application is, indeed, very functional. It offers transfers by phone number, applications for various bank products, convenient search for nearest branches and many other useful services :)

But perhaps the most interesting feature of the Belarusbank mobile bank is the ability to connect cards of any other banks to the application :) However, with a card from another bank, the application’s functions will be slightly limited.

Test result: 82 points out of 95 possible

Even more of the latest and interesting banking news on our channel in Telegram!

Criteria for evaluating a mobile application for Android Belarusbank
convenience Easy to connect:
- without visiting the bank (immediately after registration) and self-service devices
1\0 max 21 1
Authorization mechanism:
- by fingerprint
- Pin
- login and password
- login, password and payment password
3 3
Availability of last paid payments and the ability to pay from them 2\0 2
Availability of last paid payments 1\0 1
Availability of selected payments 2\0 2
Ability to manage limits 5\0 0
Ease of changing and recovering your password:
- without visiting the bank
- with a visit to the bank
2 2
Balance check speed:

Displayed on the first screen
- displayed on the first screen (request required)
- is not in a visible place
- available in the application, but you need to make 1 transition
- available in the application, but you need to make 2 transitions
- available in the application, but more than 2 transitions are needed

5 5
Functionality payments Possibility of creating automatic payment:
- any payment without restrictions
- there are restrictions
- no such function
2 max 13 1
Availability of payment history.
- search by history
- establishing a time period
- visualization (check)
Availability of free payment function 5\0 5
Ability to create a list of your payments and rename 2\0 2
One-button payments 1\0 0
translations To your bank card 2\0 max 14 2
To someone else's bank card 4\0 4
To a card of someone else's bank from a card of someone else's bank 5\0 5
Data required for translation:
- no card number needed
- you need a card number
- card number and additional information
3 3
Manually entering your card details for transfer (no need to enter) 3\0 3
deposits Possibility of opening a deposit online 2\0 max 3 0
Online replenishment of existing deposit 1\0 1
loans Online application 1\0 max 7 1
Online receipt (without visiting the bank) 5\0 0
Loan repayment 1\0 1
additional features Online application for card reissue 2\0 max 27 2
Online card blocking 2\0 2
Payment Confirmation:
- there are receipts
- can be sent by email
(one point for each opportunity)
Connecting/disabling SMS notifications 2\0 2
Online ordering of a new card 2\0 2
Currency exchange rates 1\0 1
Working with the map:
- search for nearest branches (ATMs/POVs)
- detailed information on them
- ability to build a route
(one point for each opportunity)
Connect to 3-D Secure technology 3\0 3
PF manager 10 10
feedback from the bank Communication with the bank (shortest response time):
- up to 5 minutes
- up to 30 minutes
- from above
5 max 5 5
performance Number of mistakes:
- 0 errors
- 1 error
- more than 1 error
5 max 5 5
Maximum points 95 82

The largest bank in the Republic of Belarus, ASB Belarusbank, offers its clients to download an application with mobile banking. This service allows you to pay for services from your mobile phone at any time and from anywhere in the world. Let's find out how mobile banking is useful, how to connect it, register in it and how much it costs to use it.

How convenient is the application?

Using M-Belarusbank on your phone you can quickly and safely pay for the following types of services:

  • gas, electricity, water supply, heat;
  • telephone and cellular communications;
  • cable TV;
  • insurance;
  • home security.
The application allows you to quickly receive information about the price of precious metals and exchange rates.

You can also check your Pyaterochka lottery ticket and other draws using online banking.

In addition, it is easy to perform other operations in the bank’s mobile application:

With the Belarusbank application, you can engage in charity work - transfer money for the treatment of sick children to the UniHelp project.

Connecting the “Banking Services Locator” in the online service allows you to quickly determine the location and operating hours of the nearest ATMs and branches of the largest banks of the Republic of Belarus: Belagroprombank, BPS-Sberbank, Belinvestbank. The locator helps you find stores where Belarusbank card holders are offered discounts.

Download M-Belarusbank for mobile

iOS 7.0 and higher
Android OS 2.3 and higher
Windows Phone 8.1 and higher

Download and install the Belarusbank application on your phone by clicking on one of the buttons below. M-Belarusbank is installed free of charge.

You can also go to the application stores and download the program for free on Android, iPhone and Windows from the main page of the Belarusbank website.

Attention! Despite the availability of the product in the Microsoft Store, you cannot download the banking application for your computer. On a PC you can only use the browser version.

Connect mobile bank

To connect the mobile bank of Belarusbank, you must be a user of the SMS banking service. After installing the application, clients register in the system in one of the following ways:

  1. with connected Internet;
  2. without access to the Internet - via SMS.

Let's take a closer look at these connection diagrams.

Registration instructions

The system will send a message with a registration code. Enter it in the appropriate line, click “Submit”.

What should I do if the message “Error receiving data” appears? All you need to do is check the device’s charging level and Internet access. Next, reboot the phone. After completing all operations, repeat the registration procedure.

Video: Installing the Belarusbank application, registering and topping up your phone.

How to register via SMS?

Owners of smartphones with Android OS (version and lower) can register the Belarusbank mobile application without access to the Internet.

Registration procedure:

  1. Disable all Internet connections. Start the registration procedure.
  2. On the “Phone number” display, click “Next”.
  3. In the window that opens, click “Transfer via SMS”.
  4. Enter the code received in the message and complete registration.

It is not possible to register an online program via SMS from a phone based on iOS and Windows Phone.

Login to M-Belarusbank

You can log in to your personal account online service login-password combination created during registration. Logging into the mobile application requires confirmation from the Internet banking user:

  • special session code;
  • one-time code on mobile.

Two-step identification guarantees reliable protection of your personal account from the actions of intruders.

Access recovery

If you enter incorrect data three times in a row when logging into mobile banking, your account will be blocked. There are two ways to unblock access to Internet banking:

  1. Call the Belarusbank contact center at +375-17-218-84-31. This can be done on a weekday from 08.30 to 20.00, on weekends - from 10.00 to 17.00. If you lose your login, tell the consultant the series, number and date of issue of your passport.
  2. Via SMS. Clients who have previously activated the “Unlock by SMS” option can restore access to M-Belarusbank. Fill out all the fields in the “Unblock via SMS” section of the application, click “Unblock”.

If you have lost your password, you can only recover it at a Belarusbank branch. Based on the client’s application, the operator will generate a new temporary password. You can request unlocking via SMS no more than three times in a row.

Cost of use

You can control the flow of money in your account and use all the functions of the M-Belarusbank service if you connect your card to the service package. The table shows the conditions for available offers.

Plastic bag Conditions Price Functions
One-time OS Android,
iOS 3.5.1
Windows Phone and below
For free Payments, balance
Economical - For free Payments, balance
Base New users
for the first month
for free Payments, balance,
SMS notification
about accrual
Subsequent connections 0.85 rubles/month
Full New users
for the first month
For free Payments, balance,
SMS notification
about accrual and withdrawal
Subsequent connections 1.45 rubles/month

Activation of the second and subsequent payment cards provides savings on packages with information of 0.6 BYN. ruble