Prog to create an access point. MyhotSpot is a program to create a Wi-Fi access point. Application for connecting to Wi-Fi "Maxidix WiFi Suite"

If you have a laptop or netbook, you will most likely want to connect it to the home network without using wires by WiFi. But for this you need to have a router at home. Many users who have only 1 home computer do not use routers and connected to the provider directly. How to connect a laptop to the network in this case?

The simplest and fast solution is a virtual WiFi PC access point or laptop:

  • first, the Windows 7 operating system provides a standard tool for these purposes;
  • secondly, you can create a point with the help of special programs.

What computer is needed

Unfortunately, not every personal computer and laptop allows you to create a wireless access point. First, there is a requirement for the distribution of the operating system. Your version of Windows must be not lower than home (home).

The fact is that Windows Starter (initial) does not support routing. There will be nothing to do anything on such an OS. You need to update the laptop to a more advanced version, or it will be necessary to reinstall the system.

Secondly, the computer needs to install a WiFi adapter. Most PCs are produced without them, so you need to purchase an external device.

This is a small antenna that connects to the USB port of the computer and allows you to send and receive wifi signals. If you work on a laptop - nothing to worry about. Each modern laptop has a built-in Wi-Fi module.

First, consider creating a wireless WiFi access point using the built-in operating system tools. The plus of this method is, firstly, reliability, secondly, simplicity, thirdly, the lack of the need to set additional software on the laptop.

A minus for many users is the need to work with the Windows command line and the lack of a graphical interface. However, this is a very convenient way. It is recommended to know how to configure the WiFi access point using basic tools.

Creating standard Windows tools

To make a new access point using Windows Basic Tools, follow the instructions provided:

Now you can connect another your laptop, smartphone or even a personal computer with an adapter to the created network. If you reboot the swap wi-fi lane - run the connection will have to re-on. If you want the computer to stop distributing the wireless network - use the team "Netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork».


If you do not want, including a computer, open the command line and enter the command in it - there is an alternative method. There is a huge number of special utilities that allows you to create an access point on your laptop.

MYPUBLICWIFI - Free utility, with which you can turn your laptop or computer to the WiFi access point.

According to the developers themselves, MyPublicWiFi program is ideal for organizing network access in the apartment, hotel room, office or conference room. Creating "Hotspot" Wi-Fi is fully automated.

Features MyPublicWiFi program:

  • Distribution of Internet access via Wi-Fi wireless communication channel. Anyone who knows the password will be able to connect to such a point: your loved ones, colleagues, friends.
  • WPA2 encryption support. When creating an access point, it is recommended to come up with a complex password so that only trusted people can take advantage of your "hotspout".
  • Built-in (firewall). It is powerful and simultaneously easy to operate a tool for tracking outgoing traffic. Also allows you to restrict access to specific servers. For example, it is possible to prohibit downloading files from specific sites.
  • Accounting for all user actions connected to the access point within the work session. Thanks to this function, the administrator or the "Hotspot" owner can see the URLs of all pages visited from the portable device.
  • Logging. All program actions are recorded in a text file.
  • Small size. MYPUBLICWIFI application installation file occupies slightly more than 1 MB.

Just download mypublicwifi and activate the access point in the deposit "SETTINGS"By specifying the name and type of network, as well as a password. In another contribution Client Tab. The user will see a list of all devices connected to the created "hotspot".

Screenshots of the program

The distribution of Wi-Fi with a PC can be made in two ways: using programs pre-installed in the operating system, and those that need to be downloaded from the Internet. In the article we will look at the second way. Turn your laptop in Wi-Fi router is better using specialized utilities, since they have a large functionality compared to Windows.
Also, in favor of the second option, it also says that the program when distributing the Internet originates most of the available PC resources, while the standard OS means is only a small part. And of this implies the conclusion: third-party software will distribute the network from the computer to other devices much better.

Distribute the Internet from laptops a huge number of programs. Many of them are free and support all the version and editorial board of Microsoft software. Our task, focusing on the opinions of users who we found on profile forums and on social networks, choose among this huge diversity the best programs for distributing the Internet from personal computers to peripheral devices.

№1. WiFi Hotspot Creator

Choosing the best third-party programs, we evaluated them in efficiency, easy to use and simplicity interface. In our ranking there is no expensive and promoted software, we chose simpler applications that are suitable for unprepared users.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Creator is free and easy to use. A small application will allow you to turn your computer into a Wi-Fi router or "Hot Spot" (access point) and distribute the Internet from it to other devices.

To customize and use the software will be able even newcomers, who have never been dealing with such utilities. Download the program from the official page of the author for free and follow the instructions:

To stop the distribution, you must click the button opposite by the value, that is, " Stop (Stop)" That's all the settings. As you can see, the program was set longer than settled.

№2. Virtual Router.

This free utility is also simply configured. Load it on a computer from the official page of the author by clicking the "button" Download (download)».

The Virtual Router utility is loaded and installed on the computer in the same way as the previous one, with the exception of some nuances.

After installation, you need to properly configure the program. And for this you need to fill such fields: " Network Name."- Name name," Password."- Password," Shared Connection"- Select a connection (for example, by cable). When all the parameters are configured, press the " Start Virtual Router."She will launch distribution from the computer.

To stop the distribution, as in the case of the previous utility, you must press the button " Stop Virtual Router.».

If you compare Virtual Router with Wi-Fi Hotspot Creator, the first program has more functions, although it is installed and configured the same one. In this specialized utility, for example, there is the option "Peers COnnected". Here you can see who connects to your network. You will be available for detailed information about the connected user: Mac, IP, network name.

Both programs described by us do not have Russian-speaking support, but also do not need it, since all the fields that need to be filled, and so intuitively understandable. Each utility is free and configured almost the same, so it will not create any problems to unprepared users. The distribution of the Internet with PC is easy to run and just stop.

Number 3. WiFicreator

If you need a Russian interface, download the third program - WiFicreator. This specialized utility for setting access points is also free and easy to learn. And unlike the first two programs, there are no advertising garbage and malicious applications.

To download a laptop utility, use the reference from the official page of the developer :.

After downloading and installing the program, select the user interface language. The "Management" point is responsible for changing the language if the utility has launched in English. To turn your personal computer into a Wi-Fi router, you need the appropriate settings. They practically do not differ from the first two programs, except for the names of the fields.

Configure the following parameters; " Network Name."- Connection name," Network Key."- password to him," Internet Connection."- where the utility should take the Internet. If all settings are manufactured, press "Start Hotspot" to start distribution from a personal computer. For its termination, respectively, press " Stop Hotspot." Here are all the subtleties of use.

The three utilities described by us are in demand by users due to their effectiveness, simplicity of parameter settings and an intuitive interface. But you can try and promoted software, for example, MyPublicWiFi. This software will also turn your laptop into a router for portable devices by creating an access point. The program has many settings and as many features.

There is also a Switch Virtual Router - a utility that controls hot-spot (creates, sets up, starts, stops). After adjusting the access point, the program can be closed, but the distribution of the Internet does not stop.

There is also a Connectify utility. It is free, easy to learn and functional, but there are too many advertising garbage.

As you know, in almost every laptop there is a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, which allows you to connect to the Internet without the use of wires. However, not everyone knows that this technology in the laptops can work not only at the reception, but also to return. This allows you to distribute the Wi-Fi network if the user of another device (for example, a tablet or smartphone) cannot connect via cable or USB modem. To implement this operation, you will need to use special software, which will be discussed further.

MYPUBLICWIFI is the first program of our today's article. Her name is already talking about the main purpose, but the banal distribution of the connection is not the only possibility of this application. For starters, let's still focus on the principle of networking. To do this, it is only required to install a login (SSID) and a password for connecting. After filling these two fields, it remains to click on the button. "SET UP AND START HotSpot". Now all the devices in the radius of action will be able to join this network without any problems, pre-entering the password. The creator through the MYPUBLICWIFI interface will be able to track connected clients and manage them, for example, to restrict access at any time.

Additionally, this software can emulate a local network or virtual, but only for users. This will help experienced users to deal with other tasks, such as settings. Note the option "Block File Sharing": It disables the ability to use P2P technology, which is used in various torrent clients. This will be needed if you want to limit download files, for example, to save traffic. You can download and test MypublicWiFi for free by using the official site. To do this, click on the link lay below.

On our site there is a separate material on the subject of using mypublicwiFi. We recommend examining it to those users who are still interested in this decision and encountered the task of creating their own network. In this auxiliary manual you will find all the information that you need to know when interacting with this application.


The following program called Connectify already has a more extensive interface and a lot of useful settings, which makes it not only multifunctional, but also increases the difficulty of mastering novice users. From the very beginning, select the connection type. Connectify can act as an ordinary Wi-Fi distributor and a bridge or wired router, which is useful for connecting another wired device, such as a television or a game console. However, we note that extended options are available only in the premium version, so everyone needs to be used to purchase. When creating a regular SSID Wi-Fi, you should only specify the login and password, and then start distribution.

We mention another interesting option that is available only to users who have acquired the full version on the official website. It consists in increasing the coverage of the wireless network, which is achieved through the involvement of other connected devices. However, it should be borne in mind that the speed of the Internet will slightly decrease - it depends on the number of devices and the distance between them. Connectify displays all connected customers and allows you to manage them. From disadvantages, you can note only the absence of the Russian interface and restriction of the free version. Before buying, we strongly recommend still starting with a standard assembly, in order to make sure that the Connectify is suitable for you.

All novice users who choose the Connectify as a program for distributing the Internet through a laptop, we advise you to refer to the auxiliary material by clicking on the following link. There, the author in the maximum detailed form painted the principles of configuring this software for different purposes.


mhotspot is another program that falls under the subject of our material. In it you will find all the same options mentioned earlier. The principle of networking is also practically no different - you only need to set an SSID and the access key, and then select the appropriate connection type and run distribution. However, there is one interesting feature that was absent in the two previous applications. It consists in installing a limit on the maximum number of connected customers.

Of course, after creating a new network in MhotSpot, you can view a list of all connected clients and on need to overtake the connection with any of them. Additionally, the main menu displays a shared summary of the current connection. There is a number of consumed megabytes, the number of clients connected, the current download speed and return. This tool is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website. The only disadvantage of Mhotspot can be considered the lack of Russian interface language, but there are quite few different items and buttons here, so there will be no time for the development.

Switch Virtual Router.

The Switch Virtual Router tool functionality is aimed at ease of use and the speed of creating a new network. Here you will not find any special settings and even a separate menu where you could view the list of connected devices or general information about the current connection. Through the main menu of Switch Virtual Router, a small additional window is called, where the user specifies the name for the network and sets the password. Here you can configure sleep mode and enable automatic start with the operating system.

However, sometimes such minimalism is even an advantage regarding those users who do not require any third-party options that do not affect the main task of the software. Such design helps Switch Virtual Router practically do not consume system resources, so during its active work you will not notice any changes in the speed of the computer. Calls with its task This software is excellent even when connecting four or more sources at the same time.

Virtual Router Manager.

Virtual Router Manager is another extremely easy to use a free application that allows you to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop. It has no additional windows and menus, and the entire setting occurs literally for several clicks. You only need to select the name for the network, set the password and click on "START VIRTUAL ROUTER". Then the list of connected clients will be displayed at the bottom, but there is no possibility of managing them.

The software will suit all those users who are interested in organizing a simple distribution of the Internet and does not need a huge number of additional options that apply only from time to time. The only drawback of Virtual Router Manager is the lack of Russian interface, but here it is not particularly needed, since the user does not have to interact with different options and menus.


Maryfi - similar to the previous decision, but with the presence of the Russian interface language. Here are all the same functions about which we have already spoken many times earlier, and the connection is created in the same way as in another software. Maryfi Free app, practically does not load the operating system, and also works perfectly in the background. There is nothing more about him, and we can recommend it to those users who do not need any auxiliary options that allow you to configure the connection or manage connected sources.

Virtual Router Plus.

The penultimate free software that we want to talk is called Virtual Router Plus. This is again the same program as the previous ones, not possessing any features. All settings occur within one window, where there are only two forms for filling and one button that runs the distribution of the Internet. The only difference between the Virtual Router Plus from other representatives of such software - it does not require installation. You just download the archive, unpack it and run.

Magic WiFi.

Completes a list of programs for distribution Wi-Fi app called Magic WiFi. In it, you enter a name for the new connection, install an arbitrary password, select one of the available network types and run the operation of the point, which distributes the Internet. After that, in a separate table at the bottom of the main window, a list of clients will be displayed, taking into account the type of device, however, it is impossible to manage them. If you need to disconnect the network, only press the specifically reserved button.

Above you familiarized yourself with the list of software that allows you to distribute Wi-Fi on a laptop. As can be seen, there is nothing complicated in the implementation of this task, and most applications do not have any features requiring detailed study or preparation from the user.

WiFi Access Point is a service widget for Android devices, which allows you to translate the machine to the WiFi access point mode in one click.

It has several pre-installed visual profiles and a set of tools for setting color / size / transparency manually. May not only include / disable Wi-Fi access point mode, but also allow / prohibit data transfer via mobile Internet.

Functional Access Point WiFi

  • Reads information flows from the touchscreen, initiates the display of the interface with the options with a long press on any screen (primary) and hides the interface with a re-long press (secondary);
  • Translates the WiFi module of the device to the virtual access point mode;
  • Creates a wifi network with the specified SSID name and WPS-2 password;
  • The authorization details of customers trying to connect with the specified user, and, or permits the connection during successful authorization, or rejects the request when unsuccessful;
  • Temporarily blocks receiving requests from devices, several times failed to go through the authorization procedure;
  • Synchronizes a WiFi module with a GSM- / EDGE- / UMTS / HSPA- / CDMA2000 communication module, relays the incoming / outgoing traffic from one module to another;
  • Disables the transfer of Internet traffic through the GSM- / EDGE- / UMTS- / HSPA- / CDMA2000-module, without stopping it to synchronize with a wifi module;
  • Stops the double-sided transmission of data between the device modules and returns the settings of the WiFi module to its original state when the WiFi-network is turned off;
  • Corrects the widget display stylistics in accordance with the selected profile and / or the user-specified color / size / transparency parameters.

Features of the widget

  • The ability to instantly transfer the device to WiFi access point mode - in one click;
  • Function Disable data transmission via Mobile Internet, without turning off the WiFi Access Point;
  • Automated protection against brutfors-attacks (hacking using passwords);
  • The presence of a hidden mode of operation;
  • Small digital weight and undemanding to system resources - especially when working in hidden mode;
  • Several pre-installed visual profiles and the ability to set the color / size / transparency of the widget manually;
  • Automatic restoration of the initial state of the system when the widget is turned off;
  • Does not require root access.


  • Does not translate the device into forwarding mode - Create WiFi access point is only possible on those devices where such an option is provided by the base functional;
  • Some Apple devices may not see the created WiFi network;
  • Lack of collecting any statistics on device connected to the network;
  • When the data transmission is disconnected via Mobile Internet, the clients will not turn off from the network - they simply won't boost data.