Video: Getting started with Excel for Android tablets. Video: Getting started with Excel for Android tablets Simple program for creating android tables

An Excel application for Android tablets is very similar to a familiar classic Excel program. However, if you are used to using the mouse and keyboard, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with some differences. This video shows tips that will help you quickly start work.

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We find out how to quickly start working with Excel on Android tablet.

First learn how to enter text. At first I touch the cell, then the lines of formulas and start tying text. After completing the input, I click on the green tick.

But it can be done faster. I just twice touch the cell, I enter the text and click on the tick,

and if you need to enter text in the cells group, you can simply press the Enter key to go to one line down.

After completing the input, I click the "Back" button to hide the keyboard.

On my tablet, this button looks like this, but on your device she may look different.

Another text input advice. Suppose we need to correct the typo.

I touches the cell twice, concerning the slider and holding it down, dragging it in the right place, and then correct the error.

Now I will introduce several formulas. I want to sum up the values \u200b\u200bin this column ... Excel offers a range of cells for summing, and it suits me, so I just touch the check mark.

However, suppose that I need to place the result of addition to the right of the table. Excel again offers a range of cells for summation, but in this case it does not fit.

Therefore, I just dragging the markers to set the desired range.

Now let's see how formatting is configured. Formatting parameters that are used most often are located on this tab, and one of the most useful is the cell format.

Now we will install the format in rubles by selecting the item Monetary.

If we need something else, you can touch this arrow and open additional parameters.

You can continue learning yourself by simply moving from tabs to the tab and exploring various parameters. For more information about Office for Android tablets, see the website at

Google tables are the official application from Google, which will allow working with tables one or in colleagues, and it all right on the device screen on Android. It is very convenient to have an analogue of the application on a personal computer in your pocket.

Application features

  • Creating new tables, editing already existing created through a web interface on an android device.
  • Interaction with colleagues in one file.
  • Editing documents without internet connection (offline mode); An extremely convenient feature that allows you to have constant access to your documents.
  • Formatting cells, use of formulas, insertion charts and a huge set of other functions for work.
  • Automatic preservation of progress. You can not be afraid to lose the result, because saving actions occurs automatically.
  • Compatibility with Microsoft Excel, that is, you can interact with files from Microsoft Excel, they are also edited. A very convenient feature that opens a lot of new opportunities for work.
  • The presence of the Russian language. It is an important point, as convenience is highly dependent on this.


Google tables request access to contacts to phone memory:

  • The permission to use the contact book is needed in order to receive prompts during the opening of documents for other users.
  • Access to memory drive is needed so that the user can store files or open them.

Collaboration function

Very interesting and convenient feature. It allows some group of people to work together over one document. Moreover, people can be coexisted together, regardless of their geographic location, you only need to connect to the Internet. For example, students need to prepare any project, but they have no time to gather in one place. One of the students creates a table and gives access to its one-logs. Each of the students is working on its part in his free time, and in the end, the group of students receive a ready-made result that they needed.

Who is this app intended for?

The program can be useful to all: from a regular schoolboy to the director of a large company. It will be most useful for smartphones of businessmen and working people. It will help them, when there is no access to a personal computer or laptop, but you need to do something urgently. Schoolchildren and students can create small projects right in their smartphone, which is very convenient. Compatibility with Microsoft Excel opens up even more opportunities, for example, you can refine documents on the way home or to work.


This app on android is very useful and necessary. User-friendly interface, a huge number of functions, operation without connecting to the Internet, work in the group; All this can only be found in Google Tables. Of course, it will not be very convenient to work on a permanent basis, but in order to create a small project or something to edit something, or add, it is suitable ideal, and if you figure it out, you can use it constantly.

Tabular processor for working with spreadsheets in your phone.

Are you convenient to use the Calculator built-in in your mobile phone? In principle, quite while the case concerns all small calculations.

But it often happens that something more is required than just a calculator when you need to associate calculations with a specific database, for example. On the computer for this there are programs that are referred to as electronic tables. But few people know that such programs are implemented and on Java, which allows you to have a fairly powerful table processor at your hand in your mobile phone!

Today I will tell you about a very good tabular editor for a mobile phone - Sheet.. With it, you will be able to create price lists with auto-job formulas for several categories or, for example, dynamic databases of goods.

List of Sheet features

  • creating and editing spreadsheets (own format);
  • saving tables within the program without creating an external file;
  • own creation formulas;
  • selection of cells in color;
  • manual change in cell sizes;
  • copy and insert functions of cells;
  • control of text alignment in cells.

All is well, but there is one thing, but a big, but - Sheet does not know how to work with tables created in other programs, as it saves all the data within itself, without creating an external file: (. Therefore, for the convenience of using the finished table will have to pay time, spent on its creation.

So, set the program to our phone. For this, there exists how we know several ways: installation via the Internet and from a local computer (read more).

Sheet interface

Installed? Let's start the program and try to work with it.

After starting, the finished spreadsheet with empty cells will open before us.

Under the table you will see two "Menu" and "Cancel" buttons (the location depends on the phone model, so, for example Samsung j210where testing was tested, "Menu" was on the left, and the "Cancel" button was left on the right). Navigation for cells is carried out through the joystick. The central click of the joystick on the cell causes a window of information about its contents.

Working with the program

Now, when with navigating the main program window, we figured out, let's try to create a small sign. As you already probably guessed, we should start with the press of the "MENU" button.

Here we see five sections of the main menu. The first is responsible for editing data in a specific cell, the second - per sizes, color and other external attributes of the cell itself, the third - allows you to automatically recalculate all formulas on the sheet, the fourth - calls the menu of saving and open files created by the tables, and the fifth - opens a certificate for program.

In order to enter data into our first cell, select it and select Cell Data item in the menu.

In the new menu you will see a few more points. The first allows you to edit the cell content, the second is to clean the entire contents, the third is to copy, and the fourth, respectively, insert the data. The last item returns us to our basic sheet of table. Choose the first item "Edit Cell":

In the window that opens, enter the desired value (you can enter the text, see further) and select "OK" in the menu to save it.

In the same way, we introduce a certain value in the following cell (A2), for example, the number 6. And now, let's say we need to calculate the sum of the two of our previously entered numbers. To do this, create a formula. The formulas in Sheet are created by pressing the "*" button on the keyboard of the phone.

Since we introduced data in cells A1 and A2, it will logically set the formula for the A3 cell. We highlight it and click "*". In the window that opens, write the formula for the addition of the two above-mentioned cells:

Now the main thing is that you enter the names of the cells in English layout, otherwise you will get a mistake. If everything is done correctly, our table will ensure the following form:

Now how much do not change the values \u200b\u200bin the cells of A1 and A2, the cell will always be issued in the third cell!

However, it is possible to calculate on the calculator. Let's complicate our table, setting the name for all cells, as in the standard database. Let the first row be responsible for the number of pencils in the warehouse, the second - the handles, and the third will be "Total" :).

And everything would be fine, but some inscriptions are not placed in a standard cell. It is necessary to change their size! To do this, in the main menu, select the second item - "Cell Format":

A new menu, consisting of four items, opens. The first is the cell size, the second is its color, the third is the alignment of the data inside the cell, and the latter is the exit to the sheet with the table. We need the first item.

As soon as you activate it, you will send you on the main screen, while the right and lower limitatic trait of the cell will become dotted, and you can move them using the phone navigation keys:

For the convenience of tracking the necessary information, we also advise you to alternate colors of rows of cells (for example, odd - black color, even - white (gray does not advise gray))).

It's time to maintain our works. To do this, select the fourth item - "File" program in the main menu:

Here again a small menu in five sections. To save the table, choose the third - "Save":

In the window that opens, enter the name under which we want to save the table and click "OK".

Now, if you want to open the created table in the future, you will just go to the "File" menu and select Open item. In the list that opens, find your table by name and launch it:


Sheet has another not very pleasant feature - misunderstanding of Cyrillic: (. Therefore, to enter text data will be in English or with a translite (as in our example). In all the rest, this is a very good program that will give you the opportunity to work with spreadsheets, Without resorting to the purchase of expensive smartphones in which a similar function is implemented!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article if you specify an open active reference to the source and maintaining the authorship of Ruslana TRADER.

P.P.S. If you want to install this program on your phone, but you may not have the ability to transfer downloaded files from the computer, you can use the following direct link. To download Enter the link address to your phone browser:

For reading 3 min.

Working with tables, graphs, calculations and on smartphones and tablets Another 5-7 years ago accounted for a huge work - cells with data were not placed on the screen, complex calculations led to departures and frequent errors, and the files transmitted to the XLSX extension from the standard Microsoft Excel, trally did not open or not saved back.

Recently, the situation has changed - compatibility repaired, the tables learned how to scale under the size of the screen, and the departures remained rare memories of past times. It remains to solve the last problem - choose a suitable application for tables for Android:

Google Sheets.

Work with table developers from Google allow even without access to the network. And we are not only about examples or cells, but also about graphs, formulas and complex calculations.

WPS Office.

Complex office tool, capable of editing, and interact with PDF, and even to generate beautiful presentations. Of the advantages over competitors - support for cloud storage Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, and therefore information can be easily transmitted, download and exchange. And yet - WPS Office with all the variety of the function, does not suffer from the menu-crowded menu or the confusing algorithm of action - to get to the truth is sometimes much easier than that of competitors by the genre.

Microsoft Excel.

Annex classic genre in compact design. Tables, graphs, charts, formulas and macros - Microsoft Corporation developers have been fully transferred to Android the main instrument of accounting, audit and peace of finance as high quality as possible. There is no way to find gaps related to optimization, not find problems with notes, cells and scaling, and even editing of other people's tables here is going on lightning, as if the work occurs on the computer.

Of the additional advantages - classical design, eliminating the need to adapt each time on working on mobile platforms. It is worth starting the calculations on the computer and you can safely throw the resulting results into the cloud, and then - continue to work on the smartphone. True, you have to pay - without a subscription, many actions are blocked.

Polaris Office.

Universal office pack compatible with half programs available on a computer - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, text editors, tools of programmers and vertexes. Polaris is able to play any information, and at the same time - to make adjustments and even start working in the required format, without registration, payment and advertising.

And, although the available tools are really mass, some things are very annoyed - especially those related to productivity. Because of frequent errors and departures, even some things here are not to be perfected.

Docs to Go.

In this designer, it is convenient to generate the simplest HTML comparison tables for sites. You can configure the number of columns and rows, select the color scheme of the table, enter headers and fill the cells with text or the icons proposed. When you finish customization, you will only remain copy HTML and CSS tables and insert them to your site.

  • Platform: Web.
  • Cost: Free or from $ 3 per month.

Like the previous one, this service is designed to create tables for sites. It is as simple and convenient. But Compare Ninja offers more options for design and can convert tables created by in HTML format.

At the same time, the service has limitations. Create more than three tables and use more than 10 lines and 5 columns in each of them only after registration of the paid subscription.

To add a finished table to the site, you need to copy and paste the HTML-code generated by the service table and the design script.

  • Platform: Web.
  • Cost: is free.

Canva Charts saves tables in the form of static images or. The editor has several dozen beautifully decorated patterns with icons and backgrounds. You can choose any of them, fill it with its desired data and edit the design using various tools. But it is impossible to control the number of cells. Therefore, you will not be able to create a table if none of the available templates does not suit it.

  • Platform: Windows, MacOS, Linux.
  • Cost: from 179 dollars.

EDRAW MAX is a professional program for creating various tables, graphs and other schemes. With it, you can generate a comparison table of any complexity and save them in a variety of formats: PDF, PPTX, HTML, PNG, JPG and not only.

The EDRAW Max interface resembles Microsoft's office applications. To proceed to creating a table, click "Create" → "Charts and Graphs" → "Comparison Chart" and select a suitable template. Next, you can customize its design and content under your needs.

Program's chip - tools for dynamic data visualization. For example, if you change numeric data in the template, the schedule added to it will restart them.

You can download the trial version of EDRAW MAX to test the program functions within 30 days.

  • Platform: Web, Windows.
  • Cost: 10 dollars a month (web) or 297 dollars (Windows).

Another advanced comparison table designer and various schemes of any complexity. The results of the work can be saved in such formats as, SVG, PNG, VSD, or immediately exported images to Microsoft's office programs.

The service contains a variety of fully customizable templates. You can change the structure of the tables, enter text data, edit visual design and add various figures and other objects.

The online version of SmartDraw is available after the registration of a paid subscription. If you do not want to pay for months, you can purchase a desktop version for a disposable payment.