Replacing a laptop processor to more powerful: step-by-step instructions. How to change the processor on a computer to a more powerful change processor on a PC

Almost any PC user sooner or later have to face the need to replace the processor on the motherboard. Such a situation occurs if it is necessary to replace the thermal paste with strong heating, with the upgrade of the computer or processor malfunction. Of course, with a large number of workshops on repairing a PC, the components are not a problem. But let's figure it out if you need to contact someone else's people.

Basic concepts
First of all, it is necessary to understand what and where is located inside the computer. Turn off the PC, including from the network, disconnect all the wires and remove the lid of the system unit.
The largest microcircuit you see in front of yourself is the motherboard. It is a link between all devices and an integral part of the computer.

Further, on the illustration you see the cooling system consisting of a radiator and a fan, together with a cooler called. Actually under this system and the processor is located.

In the cooling system, the radiator performs a passive role, due to thermal conductivity, transmitting heat processor to the environment. A thin layer of thermal paste is applied between the processor and the radiator, which improves the functioning of the radiator. The fan performs an active role, additionally increasing heat outflow.

The role of a cooler for PC is difficult to overestimate. In the process of operation, the processor is heated, and in case of overheating, the computer will turn off. If such a protective reaction does not work, the processor will simply burn.

We turn directly to the processor (or CPU - a central processor device). This is the main part of the computer, its "brain". Regardless of which brand or performance, the device you use, on one side of the processor you will see many small "legs". Such a surface helps the processor is reliably located on the motherboard. The connector on the board in which the processor is placed is called socket.

The socket matters when you acquire a new processor. This parameter differs from various devices, and when updating components of the computer, you must monitor the compatibility of the devices. You can clarify the motherboard socket in the technical description to the device or on the manufacturer's website.

Perhaps, this is all that you need to know, so let's turn to practice.

Installing and replacing the processor
Prepare everything that needs to replace the processor:
- cruciform screwdriver to "open" the system unit;
- flat screwdriver if the cooler is fixed on the levers;
- Clean rag to remove the old thermalist;
- Thermal Cap, although sometimes on a new cooler, the manufacturer already inflicts such.

After you have turned off the computer, you need to remove the cooler. Position the motherboard "face" to yourself and disconnect the fan from the power supply. Perhaps 2 options for fan mounting - 4 latches or 2 levers.

In the first case, each latch must be rotated to the side opposite to the one where the arrow indicates, and slightly pull up to the characteristic click. In the second case, the fastening is podeted with a flat screwdriver and slide as indicated in the picture.

After that, remove the cooler. There may be some effort, but without fanaticism. Now you have a wonderful chance to clean the system from accumulated dust and dirt.

So, we have the processor inserted into the socket and additionally fixed with a small lever. Take the lever and remove the old processor.

If you are replaced by the processor to a new one, the old device is no longer needed. If you need to change the thermal poll or you install a new radiator, continue to work with the available processor. You need to remove the remnants of dried thermal paste. Just erase them with a cloth if the pasta dried greatly, use a rag, moistened with alcohol. Do the same with the surface of the radiator, which comes into contact with the processor.

After removing the thermal paste, insert the processor into the socket. To decide how to do it right, look carefully on the opposite side of the device. On one of the corners you will notice an empty triangle, similar to the socket. This is a key preventing an incorrect installation. However, there is another sign. The processor should enter the socket firmly and without any effort, if you have to press - you are doing something wrong. If everything happens, fasten the processor with a lever.

The next step is to apply a new thermal paste. As mentioned above, this layer is necessary so that the air does not hit the cooler and the processor, and the heat transfer was not disturbed, so do not neglect this item. Usually, a special blade for applying, sometimes the thermal paste is packed in the syringe sometimes and is applied to the processor with it, or you can use any submitted tool. Distribute the thermal planer evenly along the outer surface of the processor. Do not apply a thick layer, the radiator is very tightly adjacent to the processor, and the excess the thermal paste will get out.

Make your result with illustration:

So, the processor is installed, the thermalcase is applied, it remains to return the cooler in place. We act in the reverse order - put the cooler on the processor, omit and turn the latches. Ready!

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in replacing the processor. Therefore, you can easily carry out such an operation at home without spending a lot of time and effort.

Even, even the most conservative owner of a personal computer sooner or later wonders on how to update the computer. Bought only two or three years ago, he is already hopelessly outdated, especially in the light of the existence of inexpensive modern alternatives. Not everyone is being changed right away, especially the simpler replacement of the processor often makes it possible to "breathe the second life." With due accuracy, it can be done independently.

Replacing the processor begins with reading instructions to the Mainboard used). Now there are two main manufacturer of central processors - Intel and AMD. Their products are incompatible with neither electrically or on the configuration of the legs-conclusions. In addition, even one and the same manufacturer, different generations of processors can radically differ.

Processor replacement implies an understanding of the meaning of the word "socket." Physically, the central is a microcircuit. For connecting it to the motherboard, two methods are used:

Classic, when a lot of thin copper pins are soldered with one of the sides of the CPU. The chip is inserted with these pins into a special connector (socket) on the motherboard. This method adheres to AMD;

A completely different approach is selected in Intel. Pins are soldered in the connector itself, and on the CPU chip there are only copper contact pads.

On this basis, you can immediately determine the manufacturer, but much more important features of the installation, as we indicate further.

Let's summarize: Who decided to increase the speed of your computer and exploring the information on the "Processor Replacement" topic, should look into the manual for the motherboard in the "CPU" section and find out the list of supported processors. It will only remain to go to the store and purchase the desired processor from the list.

The choice should be based on the frequency and number of cores. Moreover, the latter gives a more significant increase in performance in modern applications.

Replacing the processor in a laptop and computer is similar. The difference is that in the laptop you need to dismantle the entire internal cooling system.

Consider the procedure for replacing in a personal computer. Here is a new processor purchased. First you need to extract the motherboard from the case. With sufficient experience, you can replace the CPU directly in the system unit, but the newcomers should not be done.

Disconnect all the wires from the system unit, raise it to the table to the light, put it on sideline and remove the housing cover. Now take out the extension cards. Task: release the motherboard and remove it from the housing. I remember where what was!

The motherboard remains the cooling system with the processor under it and (they do not interfere). We dismantle cooling. If it is regular, then screwdrivers will not need. Usually you need to turn the plastic lock and remove the entire design. All holding locks are always in sight, so everyone do carefully. The radiator on the side is not flaw (especially for the LGA socket), and pull only up. The processor is kept in the connector with a presser lever. You will unlock it and, holding your fingers for the two sides of the CPU, take out. Contacts do not touch and do not put on the metal!

Take a new processor and place it in the connector. You need to be very neat when working with LGA and no effort to apply. On the CPU case there is a key label indicating the orientation in the connector. Also, many CPU models have a special form that does not allow you to insert them into the connector incorrectly. In the instructions for the processor, the installation method is always indicated (the connector key must match the key on the CPU). We check that the processor is placed without distortion, and fix it with a turn of the presser lever. If there is no thermal paste on the underside of the radiator, we apply it to the processor cover. If it is presented (all modern models are such), it remains to place the cooling system. The assembly is performed in the reverse sequence with respect to the disassembly.

With the invention of the laptop almost every person got the opportunity to be free. This device allows you to carry with you all the necessary tools for office work, as well as recreation and entertainment. Selecting on nature, you can still control your affairs or entertain yourself your favorite game. Due to this, all mobile devices have become great popularity. In the life of each user comes the moment when his device becomes not so powerful and quick, which seemed earlier. With the release of new programs and games, system requirements are becoming higher, and your laptop is no longer able to work with them. The replacement of the laptop processor to the more powerful has become the most popular modernization of the device. Modernization is the replacement of old, weak components on modern, more powerful. Before the processor is the task of performing a number of functions that the user puts. All these tasks are performed in the operating system, and their solution provides an acceptable device operation. Often, for a complete solution to the problem of a weak computer, it is necessary to replace the motherboard in a pair with the processor.

When to replace?

Replacing the laptop processor to more powerful can be caused by many technical causes. The main ones are:

  • Voltage jumps in the power grid.
  • Damage to the power grid in the apartment, office, etc.
  • The presence of physical damage.

Replacing the heart of your laptop, you will make it much faster, but it is worth remembering that each device has a certain resource. And, accordingly, you can not install any processor, namely the one that comes to your motherboard. Mainly replacement is relevant on initially powerful devices, which, after 3-5 years of use, are not so relevant as at the time of purchase. Manufacturers need to say thanks for the possibility of increasing productivity, due to the relatively small costs.

What to change?

Replacing the laptop processor to more powerful - this is a rather complicated process. It will be problematic to find the model of a microprocessor that is suitable for the motherboard. For example, this process is much easier for this process, as the market is erected by different units under one or another type of board. While choosing some of the components are eliminated, their number includes expensive and powerful models and users are not selected, except to look for their item among broken devices. All these devices can be found at different auctions, where they are sold at a ridiculous price, but you should not wait after they are installed a huge productivity growth. Your laptop will become faster, but the result will be far from your expectations.

What is worth fear?

Replacing a laptop processor to a more powerful accompanied by a number of nuances:

  1. Users who do not have computer assembly experience can be mistaken with the selection of components, which can lead to the breakdown of the entire device. If you act carelessly, you can damage many aggregates, and you will be forced to spend a large enough amount to restore or buy a new device. If you are not sure about your abilities, it is recommended to contact a specialized service center where specialists will hold work.
  2. If your device is on warranty, any action of this plan immediately removes it from warranty service. By changing the processor and then, finding a significant breakdown, the repair of the device you will need to pay for yourself.

Replacing the processor step by step

The replacement of the laptop processor to the more powerful in Lenovo Y580 is quite primitive and passes on the following scenario:

  1. First of all, you must choose the model that is suitable for the type of connector on your motherboard. This stage is considered to be sufficiently responsible, since your choice can be absolutely useless and will be wrapped in money.
  2. The next step needs to prepare all the necessary tools that will be necessary in the modernization process. Basically, this is a small screwdriver and a tube thermal paste.
  3. After breaking the laptop, you need to remove the cooling system from your processor.
  4. Remove the processor and clean the place of its installation from the old thermal paste.
  5. Before installing, all the components of the thermal station should be missed.
  6. Install the details in the reverse order.
  7. We collect a laptop housing and check the performance of your device.

In the case of the proper installation of components, the laptop will work, and you can start working with it.

HP laptops

If you bought a laptop, but some system parameters do not suit you, then here you will also help replacing the laptop processor to more powerful. HP is a company that is almost everywhere known and has proven itself well. They produce enough powerful laptops with the possibility of further upgrades. Replacing the processor on this device is practically no different from other manufacturers. And the installation, like everyone, begins with the choice of components. HP makes its devices, mainly on well-known processors from Intel. This company is a leader among component manufacturers and in its model range can always be found a processor, practically, for any motherboard.

AMD processors

If you have completely encouraged the brain of the device, then you can only help you replace the laptop processor to more powerful. AMD is a company holding a second place in manufacturing processors. Also is the largest manufacturer of graphics processors. Products of this company are famous for good performance and low cost. The main competitor of this company is Intel. AMD with the release of the first 6-nuclear processor in 2010, which is designed to compete with the chassis models I5 and I7, broke into the market and took a leading position. AMD model range is very diverse. In his arsenal, you can find a processor, practically, on all model of motherboard, and these components have a very wide price category. Each user can choose to become their needs and wallet size.

Replacement Intel Core 2 Duo

If you have a disrete of the motherboard, you also need, you will most likely be replaced by a laptop processor to more powerful. ASUS Intel Core 2 Duo - laptops and computers with a 64-bit microprocessor. Their production was started back in 2006, and today, the processors of such a model are veterans among modern devices. At the time of the exit, he was famous for its speed and accessibility. All devices that work now on this typewriter, unfortunately, are outdated and demanded upgrades. But this processor is so old that the motherboard on which it is installed does not support modern processors. If you want to make your device running Core 2 Duo faster and modern, then you should also think about buying a motherboard.

Replacement i3 on i5

But, as a rule, it is when the device's upgrade is necessary to replace the laptop processor to more powerful. i3 on I5 The most common modification of the change of processors. At the moment, laptops with a good resource and expansion for improvement are increasingly in the portable electronics market. Basically, all laptops have pre-installed Intel processors in their arsenal. These devices are the optimal option for a compact laptop, which, if necessary, you can improve to such characteristics that some stationary computers cannot boast. The most frequent modification is replacing the processor I3 on \u200b\u200bi5, since the difference between them is colossal. It is a younger brother and works on two cores, but there are also models equipped with several flow processing threads, which allows you to bring it to the performance I5.

The rapid development of computer equipment creates an unprecedented demand for more powerful components. The processor is the heart of any PC, but its functioning depends on the correct installation. Today we will discuss all the difficulties of self-replacement in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

Fundamental concepts

For a clear understanding of the process of replacement of components, you need to know their purpose.

The processor is the central part of any PC that performs information processing functions, control of the periphery as a whole. Most applications and programs are based on a clear sequence of commands / requests, so the speed of the system depends on the power of the component.

The thermalcase is a heat-conducting substance that is engaged in heat removal from heating elements (video adapter, processor) on cooling radiators. The composition varies according to the consistency (liquid, medium, thick) and color (white, gray, blue).

What is the essence of installation

Installing the processor starts with the search for the desired connector / socket. The unified place was found - a modern socket repeats the number and location of the legs of the computing component.

After reliable fixation, you need to take care of the cooling system. This role performs a cooler with a radiator. On the functions of each Read more:

  • the radiator is a link between the processor and direct cooling. Metal nature contributes to heat exchange;
  • the cooler is the most important detail to normalize the temperature of the previous parts. The speed of rotating blades creates an air flow that is safe for PC.

It's important to know!
The thermal paste is used for better radiator compound with a computing element (VE). We will talk about the rules of its application a little later.

Installation of the processor - Step-by-step instruction

To your attention a few steps that will be inhaled in a pile of metal:

  • Check the compatibility of the motherboard sockets and VE.
  • If the "mother" is new, then use a foam coating to avoid static electricity.
  • Start the installation. Intel requires not only to translate the retainer lever into active position, but also to pry the metal cover of the processor itself. AMD avoids such difficulties - it is enough to open the latch.
  • New processors are sold with an applied thermal, it is important not to hurt a thin layer when installing.
  • Carefully inspect VE, compare the location of the part with the socket, the location of the legs. Intel uses semicircular grooves for ease of installation.
  • Insert the item in the desired side into the connector. The legs smoothly enter the holes - on your part of the effort is not needed.
  • Make sure the fastening reliability, pre-lowered the retainer lever. Latch the metal cover (for Intel).

Installation of the cooling system (cooler)

The installation of the native items is so different that it will reasonably form a pair of subparagraphs.

The component has four legs for which the place is given on the motherboard. Correcting the cooler, fix a couple of opposite legs, slightly pressed from above. The procedure for the two remaining is identical. Check the reliability of fixtures.
From the bottom, the radiator has a metal bar, downstairs are the holes, on top - fastening (handle). Gently omit the part to the processor so that the latch is on top. Adjust the position of the cooler so that the lower part of the plank entered the grooves. Also we do with the top. Fix the cooling system with a latch.

The final stage involves the power connection (in the appropriate connector).

We disassembled how to install the above-mentioned part, clarify and the shift process.

To do this, learn the following instructions:

Before replacing the WE, make sure that the motherboard sockets are suitable for the selected part.

Proper use of thermal paste

To replace the thermal paste on the processor we will need: a fresh tube of superconductible substance, cotton discs, alcohol. Start the operation:

  • We are clever cotton and remove the applied conductor layer.
  • Let the surface dry, then squeeze the portion of the new thermal paste.
  • Try to apply it as uniform. You do not have to save here. But the excessive amount is fraught with consequences.
  • Carefully measuring the thickness of the applied layer (of course a ruler), proceed to install the radiator and the cooler.

We affect the topic of choosing a qualitative and durable thermal conducting composition.

How to choose a high-quality thermal

We do not recommend using silicone compounds: KTT-8, KPT-16. These mixtures are distinguished by a low heat sink, quickly dry, and therefore - can not perform their functions. In addition to frequent replacement, the likelihood of breakage of components (due to overheating) is great.

The paste with aluminum chips has high heat transfer, but can "resonate" with radio components. This is fraught with failure, and this occurs after a substantial time interval.

How often to change the thermal paste? The qualitative composition is up to three years, ideally - up to 5 years. Laptops "devour" the resource of the substance much faster than the personal computer. However, it is recommended to change the heat-conducting layer together with the "General" cleaning machine.

Instead of imprisonment

CPU - One of the most important components of any computer. Replacing such a component leads to an increase in productivity, optimizing the operation of the periphery.

It is important to comply with all prescriptions when independently installing / replacing the part. The coarse errors will lead to premature failure, problems of a different plan.

The replacement of the central processor on the computer may be needed in the event of a breakdown and / or obsolescence of the main processor. In this matter it is important to choose the right to change the replacement, and also make sure that it is suitable for all (or in many) characteristics to your motherboard.

If the motherboard and the selected processor are fully compatible, then you can proceed to replace. Those users who do not imagine what the computer looks like from the inside better to trust this job by a specialist.

At this stage, you need to be purchased with everything necessary, as well as prepare components of the computer to the manipulations with them.

For further work you will need:

  • New processor.
  • Crosshead screwdriver. This item needs to pay special attention. Be sure to see the dumping fit to fasteners on your computer. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the bolt heads, thereby making it impossible to open the system of the system system at home.
  • Thermal Pasta. It is advisable not to save on this point and choose the highest quality paste.
  • Tools for internal cleaning of the computer are not hard brushes, dry napkins.

Before starting work with the motherboard and processor, disconnect the system unit from the power supply. If you have a laptop, it is also necessary to pull the battery. Inside the case, spend thorough cleaning from dust. Otherwise, you can drive dust particles into the socket, during the change of processor. Any particle of dust falling into a socket can cause serious problems in the work of a new CPU, up to its inoperation.

Stage 1: Removing old components

At this stage you will have to get rid of the former cooling and processor system. Before working with the "entrails" of the PC, it is recommended to put a computer into a horizontal position so as not to knock down the fasteners of certain elements.

Follow this instruction:

Stage 2: Installing a new processor

At this stage, you need to correctly install another processor. If you selected the processor, based on the parameters of your motherboard, there should be no serious problems.