What to do if you don't receive a notice. Reasons why cash on delivery (money transfer) does not arrive. New methods of notification in court - do they work?

What to do if the package that was supposed to be delivered by Russian Post never got into your hands? If in mailbox there was not a single notification, the parcel lay in the post office for a month, and then returned to the sender?

Tyumen resident Irina addressed this complaint to the site’s editors. “I ordered a book from one of the online stores. I was surprised why it took so long for it to be delivered. When I figured out to enter the tracking number on the Russian Post website, I found out that the parcel was already in Tyumen, and since I didn’t pick it up, it was sent back. I was very upset - there was not a single notice in the box. At the same time, notifications about other parcels, for example, from China, are delivered to me by department 26 regularly. True, there was one more case when the notification was not delivered, but then I managed to “intercept” the parcel using the tracking number - I saw on the website that it was in the department.”

As it turned out, Irina’s case is not the only one. Another Tyumen resident, Svetlana, said that the postman of branch 62 often does not bring them notices. “I track parcels on the post office website, although this is not always possible. Every time I’m indignant that there are no notices, for two months they arrive normally. And then you won’t be able to wait for them again. We live in Patrusheva, apparently, it’s difficult for postmen to get to us, although this does not justify them.”

Russian Post, in response to Irina’s question about interruptions in the work of the 26th branch, replied that notifications about the receipt of this parcel were delivered to her box regularly - on March 16, when the parcel arrived, on March 21 and on March 26. “Currently, control over the delivery of notices for receiving postal items has been strengthened,” notes the Department of the Federal Postal Service of the Tyumen Region.

The response to the request also states that you can track the passage of the parcel yourself on the Russian Post website. Then you can receive the shipment without waiting for notification, having the number in hand mail ID and document.

In addition, if a person did not receive a notification and the parcel was returned to the sender, he has the right to file a claim within 6 months from the date of dispatch.

“To conduct an inspection on this issue, it is necessary to indicate information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services, provided for by the requirements of Art. 55 p. 6 Federal Law“On Communications” No. 126-FZ dated 07/07/2003, namely: type of postal item, 14-digit postal indicator for domestic postal items and 13-digit for international postal items, date and place of receipt, destination, address and full name of the sender and the addressee. The claim must be accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, list of attachments, etc.), as well as other important documents containing information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations.”

Many may think that the lack of a receipt from the tax authorities is an impossible situation. Despite this, this situation is quite common.

There can be a lot of reasons for this, but in any case the problem will have to be solved, knowing what to do if the transport tax has not arrived. Car owners in this situation are interested in the question of who is responsible for non-payment of taxes before the law if the notification does not arrive by mail.

It may seem that the owner is not at fault here, since the tax office should have sent a receipt by mail in the form registered letter, and the post office had to issue it against personal signature.

But everything is not so simple, and below is information that will help you understand why.

If you have not received a tax notice for transport tax, there may be many reasons for this.

According to modern legislation, the owner of a vehicle is obliged to pay the tax no later than the deadlines established by tax law.

There are, of course, some exceptions in certain categories of transport, categories of citizens and technical specifications Vehicles that may provide certain exceptions.

It is quite difficult to make a payment on time if a tax receipt has not been received in due time.

The reason is that each payer must know what amount must be paid for the current year, whether a debt has arisen and whether certain tax benefits have been granted that will reduce the indicated amount.

There can be many reasons why a tax receipt was not issued.

Among the most common of them are:

There is quite a big difference between the fact of sending a valuable letter by mail, handing it over to the owner of the car against signature and acceptance by the addressee.

A registered letter could simply get lost, it could be stolen from a mailbox, where a post office employee throws it if the addressee is not at home.

In such situations, you will need to contact the postal organization directly with questions.. This should be done only after precise proof of the postal service’s guilt has been received.

You can get accurate information about the absence of tax fault and the fault of the post office from the tax office, from the employee who carried out the calculations for a particular vehicle.

So, the transport tax notice has not arrived, what can be done in this situation.

First of all, you need to realize that modern legislation quite seriously controls the facts of payment of accrued taxes.

One should not expect a passive reaction to a person’s disregard for the established rules.

Tax legislation actively promotes the fact that car owners must independently contact the tax service if they have not received a registered letter notifying them of the amount of the obligatory tax payment.

Actions in the absence of car registration

If the notification was not received before October 1 of this year, the owner has until the end of the year to let the tax authorities know that this or that was purchased this year. vehicle.

It may look like this: a person purchased a vehicle in May 2018, but until October 1, 2019, he did not receive any notification regarding payment of tax on the purchased car.

In such a situation, the actions should be as follows:

  1. Basic information on the purchased car is submitted to the tax service. This must be done before December 31, 2019.
  2. After this, tax officials will calculate the payment amount and immediately issue an appropriate invoice by sending a registered letter with the payment amount.

If the car was purchased a year ago, the tax will be calculated from the moment of its acquisition. If the car was sold during this time, you will still have to pay for the period of use.

If a person is used to living according to the rules, fulfilling all the obligations assigned to him, he can independently check whether the car tax has been paid and whether there is a debt on transport tax.

This can be done through Personal Area on the Tax website and carry out all the necessary checks.

They will be shown only if the owner of the car was previously registered in the database as a taxpayer, that is, if a tax officer at one time issued a password to access his personal account.

If this did not happen earlier, you will have to personally visit the tax office and receive a password for authorization on the official website in your personal account.

If it becomes clear that the tax has not been paid for a long time, it is worth checking whether an application has been filed with the court. To do this, you will need to visit the website of the FSSP, that is, the federal bailiff service, enter your personal data.

As a result, it will be possible to see in the database whether there is information about a particular person or not. If, as a result of the search, a record was displayed - nothing was found - you can rest assured that the tax inspectorate has not yet filed a lawsuit.

Failure to file an application with the court is not a reason to forget about the transport tax completely. This is just a kind of deferment during which you need to try to pay the tax.

Along with the deadline for submitting information regarding the ownership of a car, the taxpayer needs to know what the algorithm of actions is provided in case the transport tax receipt has not arrived.

The steps that the car owner will need to take to avoid problems should be as follows:

  • A message is written on the standard KND form 1153006 indicating that the person is the owner of the car. The parameters of the vehicle itself and its owner must be indicated;
  • Attached to the message is a copy of the certificate of registration of the car with the traffic police in the name of the taxpayer.

If you own several transport vehicles at once, a declaration must be submitted for each of them. A message of this type is sent only once.

If, after this, no notification has been received regarding the amount required for payment, the owner will have every right not to do anything.

The owner of the car, as a conscientious taxpayer, did everything on his part, he did not evade payment, accordingly, all subsequent responsibility will lie with the employees of the tax organization.

Despite this, you will still have to pay the tax, just no fines will be imposed.

A few years ago, before certain changes came to the registration of cars, it was possible not to pay tax if a receipt was not received in the mail.

Moreover, the legislation of that time did not call for taking certain steps in such a situation.

On this moment the situation is exactly the opposite. The absence of a notification sent by mail is not grounds for non-payment of tax; accordingly, you will need to resolve the issue of how to pay the transport tax if the receipt has not arrived, that is, to perform certain actions provided for by modern legislation.

If you have a car at your disposal, if it is clear that you will need to pay tax for it by October 1, and the receipt has not arrived, you will need to go to your personal account of the “Nalog” resource, find the receipt there, print it and make payment through the bank.

If a taxpayer for some reason evades payment of mandatory tax payments, this will automatically lead to negative consequences.

If you fail to pay the transport tax, you risk facing a fine, the amount of which can reach 20% of the total debt.

A percentage of the fine can be taken for the entire period of debt; accordingly, if the general statute of limitations of three years has not passed, the owner of the vehicle will be forced to pay the tax.

The tax can be automatically withdrawn from wages, through a statement of claim to the tax office, which turns to bailiffs for help.

According to established standards, the deadline for payment of transport tax in 2019 suggests that tax organizations do not rush taxpayers too much and provide enough time for collection Money to include them in the budget.

Despite such loyalty, late fees can be quite serious. In addition to the standard 20% fine, there are other methods of punishment.

Here are the most basic of them:

  • accrual of penalties on unpaid tax for each day of non-payment. A penalty is charged in the ratio of 1/300 of the Central Bank refinancing rate;
  • In some situations, bailiffs may temporarily seize a vehicle. This form penalties are applied strictly by court decision and can be awarded after the driver has not paid the fine for six months;
  • deprivation of driver's license;
  • a ban on traveling abroad on transport for which tax has not been paid.

All existing standards of liability and punishment that taxpayers may incur before a court or before the law of the country can be regulated at the level of modern legislation.

Intentional abuse of granted rights or violations thereof, such as forgery of documents and fraud, are punishable by law.


The amount of transport tax that must be paid by the owner of the car is fully reflected in the tax notice.

This is a special notice, which is drawn up in the form prescribed by law. The notification has a prescribed form and is sent directly to the payer.

If for some reason the notice was not received, if for this reason the tax was not paid, citizens will have to inform the tax organization about the vehicle they own.

This law was put into effect in 2017, so if the information is submitted this year or next, the tax authorities will not charge tax for the past three tax reporting periods.

Information to the inspection must be provided only once a year, that is, before December 31 of the current year.

Based on the information received, tax officials carry out the necessary calculations and send a tax notice individuals. Done it can be in the following ways– against receipt, by mail, and also through the website in electronic format.

He said everything correctly, when there is nothing to appeal to, then nit-picking begins. Until the sword of Domocles hangs over the entire leadership in our country, starting with Putin, and until they are punished for their mistakes and idleness, nothing will change and a quiet revolution will really be brewing. And then one well-known manager-pilot-diver-athlete, sitting abroad, will throw up his hands and say, like Gorbachev, that he wanted the best and generally tried, but the people are so and so

Not one normal person will be able to log in! Isn't it already possible to compose simple rules and the procedure for working with the data that is needed? What average person with an average level of training can work with the proposed algorithms? especially the elderly??? Less need to be clever and more simplicity! the simpler the better for everyone!

The exchange of parcels is becoming more and more popular. And if previously bulky boxes with things were sent to each other mainly by relatives living in different parts of the vast Motherland, now the population is actively ordering goods from online stores via mail. Many people use foreign sites to deliver more affordable items. The standard delivery time for parcels from abroad to the addressee is 1 month. Having ordered goods online, the buyer, as a rule, regularly tracks the shipment track and knows about its arrival at the post office even before the notification is delivered. What to do in such a situation and is it possible to go to the post office to pick up a parcel without a notice in hand? The answer to this question is yes. Having arrived at the local post office with an identification document and the item number, you can ask the operator to hand over the parcel.

Simplifying searches for shipments

Without the identification number of an international item, the recipient who comes to the post office at the place of registration may not accurately formulate the class of the item. Some people don't see the difference between parcel, 1st class and small package. The operator will go through file cabinets for a long time before he finds what he is looking for. Therefore, receiving a parcel without notification will be noticeably faster if the applicant knows exactly the class of the item and the SPI number.

Can the operator refuse to issue it?

Operators at post offices are overworked. In addition to endless queues and customer service, postal employees have a lot of paperwork to do. Parcels are stored at the department for a month, and if the recipient for some reason was unable to come pick up the parcel within 1 week, a second notification is issued. Many people have reasonable questions. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification in conditions of overload of the security service and does the operator have the right to refuse delivery to the client?

The regulatory documents of the Russian Post stipulate that it is impossible for operators to refuse to issue RPOs provided that the identification number is reported. After checking the presence of the shipment, the operator will issue or print a repeat notification.

Why is notice required?

If you can receive a parcel without a piece of paper, the notice loses its meaning, some believe. However, the notice form has two sides. And if the front part serves as a notification about the arrival of the parcel to the addressee, and also informs about the operating hours and address of the OPS, then the reverse side is a document that is presented by employees postal service to the head office of the office. On back side the recipient indicates his/her date and signature. Thus, the notice serves as a receipt for control by a higher authority. Blank notice forms are stored in all departments, and modern mail service programs can print a repeated personalized notice in a matter of seconds.

What to do if the recipient does not live at the place of registration?

There are situations when relatives do not remember the exact address, or the parcel arrived at the place of registration, and the recipient actually lives at a different address. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification if the addresses do not match? If the recipient does not know that a postal item has been sent to him, then upon expiration it will go back to the sender. When changing your address, you must contact the post office with an application for forwarding. In this case, the postman will deliver all subsequent notices to the place of actual residence.

It happens that notices printed by operators “walk” around the area during the entire period that the RPO is in the department. The addressee simply cannot be found; no one knows where he lives at the moment. It also happens that the notification form falls into the hands of the addressee a month after the parcel arrives. But when the branch turns to the point of issue, the operators only have to shrug their hands in sympathy.

Rental of PO Boxes

The notice that the postman brought and put in the mailbox can be picked up by hooligans, the box may not close, and in some residential buildings there are simply no such notices. If a person often uses postal services, in this case, it is advisable to rent a PO box from the post office. Situations can be different; the key to the box may be lost or the recipient may forget it at home in a hurry.

Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification if the key to the PO box is lost? And will postal workers fine you for losing a key? Most often, mailboxes are rented by regular clients whom security guards know by sight. Therefore, it will not be difficult for operators to find the shipment. In addition, postal workers themselves often warn regular customers by telephone about the presence of RPOs in the recipient’s name at the branch. For a duplicate of a lost key, the tenant will pay its cost. No additional fines will be charged in this case.

How to receive a parcel without notification? Poste restante correspondence

Renting postal mailboxes is actively used by organizations and wealthy citizens. If a person is not confident in the safety of notices in his mailbox or in the integrity of the postman, then he can leave correspondence in his name on demand at the post office at the place of registration. The fee for this service is comparatively cheaper than renting a box from a branch. The client regularly visits the post office asking if there is any correspondence addressed to him.

The recipient will not have a question about whether it is possible to receive the parcel without a notice, because a notice marked “poste restante” is stored in the OPS and cannot be lost. In addition to parcels, the department may receive a valuable or EMS shipment, a valuable 1st class parcel, a small package from abroad, or parcels with books in the recipient's name.

How long is the item stored at the branch for free?

Operators immediately register each newly arrived shipment on the Russian Post website. Parcels are stored free of charge in the OPS for 7 calendar days. For subsequent days of storage, a fee will be charged according to postal rates. How to receive a parcel without notification if the recipient lives in the outback and the postman can only get to the place once a week? Would it be fair to charge such a client a fee for storing the item? In the event that the addressee lives in a remote area (and the postman does not visit the addressee regularly), office employees often do not charge additional fees for storing parcels, doing their best to accommodate the client.

SMS notification service

If regular customer Postal service considers it difficult to track their shipments via the Internet or does not have the opportunity to regularly visit the post office with the question “Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification?” In this case, when placing an order, it is better for him to activate the SMS notification service. The company that sent the goods itself tracks the path of the valuable shipment.

If on the website next to the client’s track there is a mark “arrived at the place of delivery,” the organization sends the customer a message about the arrival of the parcel. Some clients confuse messages about the dispatch of the RPO and its arrival at the place of delivery, annoying operators with a request to release the parcel while it is still on the way. In this case, you need to carefully read the text of the notification and respect the work of postal workers.

Can a relative receive the parcel?

Not all people can come to the post office on weekdays due to their excessive workload. What to do if the shipment is important and urgent? Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification to someone who comes to the office with the recipient’s passport? Postal workers do not have the right to issue valuable items even if the recipient has a passport. Parcels and valuable parcels are issued only in person! If the recipient has a busy work schedule, he can go to his office on Saturday or issue a power of attorney for his relatives by registering it with the local administration or with a notary.

Branches of neighboring countries

This is how things are in Russia. Residents of neighboring countries are also interested in whether it is possible to receive a parcel without notification? At Ukrposhta, in Belarus, in Kazakhstan and in the post offices of other neighboring countries, there is a similar procedure for issuing RPOs, whether internal or international shipments. The addressee must present a passport or other identification document. For example, a soldier serving outside his country presents as a document. Relatives can inform the soldier or his authorized representative the SPI number indicated on the receipt that they were given by the OPS upon dispatch. As we can see from all of the above, receiving a parcel without notification is a fairly common and ubiquitous phenomenon.

What to do if the package that was supposed to be delivered by Russian Post never got into your hands? If there was no notice in the mailbox, did the parcel lie in the post office for a month and then return to the sender?

Tyumen resident Irina addressed this complaint to the site’s editors. “I ordered a book from one of the online stores. I was surprised why it took so long for it to be delivered. When I figured out to enter the tracking number on the Russian Post website, I found out that the parcel was already in Tyumen, and since I didn’t pick it up, it was sent back. I was very upset - there was not a single notice in the box. At the same time, notifications about other parcels, for example, from China, are delivered to me by department 26 regularly. True, there was one more case when the notification was not delivered, but then I managed to “intercept” the parcel using the tracking number - I saw on the website that it was in the department.”

As it turned out, Irina’s case is not the only one. Another Tyumen resident, Svetlana, said that the postman of branch 62 often does not bring them notices. “I track parcels on the post office website, although this is not always possible. Every time I’m indignant that there are no notices, for two months they arrive normally. And then you won’t be able to wait for them again. We live in Patrusheva, apparently, it’s difficult for postmen to get to us, although this does not justify them.”

Russian Post, in response to Irina’s question about interruptions in the work of the 26th branch, replied that notifications about the receipt of this parcel were delivered to her box regularly - on March 16, when the parcel arrived, on March 21 and on March 26. “Currently, control over the delivery of notices for receiving postal items has been strengthened,” notes the Department of the Federal Postal Service of the Tyumen Region.

The response to the request also states that you can track the passage of the parcel yourself on the Russian Post website. Then you can receive the shipment without waiting for a notification, having the postal ID number and document in hand.

In addition, if a person did not receive a notification and the parcel was returned to the sender, he has the right to file a claim within 6 months from the date of dispatch.

“To conduct an inspection on this issue, it is necessary to indicate information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services, provided for by the requirements of Art. 55 clause 6 of the Federal Law “On Communications” No. 126-FZ dated 07/07/2003, namely: type of postal item, 14-digit postal indicator for domestic mail and 13-digit for international mail, date and place of receipt, destination , address and full name of the sender and recipient. The claim must be accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, list of attachments, etc.), as well as other important documents containing information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations.”

It so happened that I received all my more or less large purchases from online stores without waiting for receipt of postal notifications, but by tracking their path using the track number and simply coming to the post office with my passport.

I did exactly the same thing at the beginning of this January after the New Year holidays, tracking the arrival of the parcel at my post office. But the postal employee refused to look for the parcel using the track number, saying that she needed notification.

The situation was defused by the head of the post office, who clarified the delivery address and volunteered to find the required item.

The parcel was quickly found, after which the manager asked to come for subsequent shipments only after waiting for a notification from the postman, somehow stupidly explaining this: they say that when they print notices for delivery by mail, they fit 3 pieces on one sheet, and when someone comes without a notice, the notice is printed on a separate sheet, and they have a shortage of paper and are generally terribly inconvenient.

The notice appeared in the mailbox 4 (!) days after I had already picked up my parcel at the post office...

Do we have the right to receive our items by mail without waiting for the notice to be delivered?

First, we need to figure out - do we even have the right to demand the delivery of parcels to us without waiting for notification?

Or is each fact of such issuance a gesture of goodwill on the part of a specific employee?

Here is what the rules for receiving postal items, published on the official website of the Russian Post, say:

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to your home and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not there, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns the letter to the post office.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered delivered to your home.

To receive the shipment at the department, you need to present a notice (you can fill it out on the website) or a tracking number, as well as an identity card.

To receive a shipment addressed to another person or organization, you must present an identity document and a notarized power of attorney from the addressee.

If you do not have a notice or a tracking number, upon presentation of your ID, you can ask a Post Office employee to find the item by the name and address to which it was sent. Information from the official website of Russian Post

Based on official data, to receive the parcel the recipient must Carry only your ID with you.

The notification is not mandatory, but only a recommended document for receiving the parcel, and it is quite acceptable to replace the notification with a track number.

And even in the absence of both a notification and a tracking number (let’s say this number is forgotten, or an untracked shipment is expected), the recipient is still has the right to to receive your shipment, found by a postal employee using address information.

Accordingly, any statements in the spirit of “no notification - no shipment” are unlawful and run counter to the current job description of post office employees.

What to do

So, you tracked that your shipment arrived safely at the post office, but were faced with a refusal by postal employees to issue it to you based on your identification document due to the lack of a postal notification.

Since such a refusal contradicts job description, then having heard it, you can already begin to “build” careless post office employees and complain about their work to higher divisions of the Russian Post.

This option is simple and effective. Russian Post is a rigid totalitarian structure, the lower in the hierarchy of which a particular employee is, the fewer rights he has. Therefore, there is no doubt that an audit will be carried out at the client’s request, and almost certainly the post office employees involved will lose their bonuses for the current month.

But the realities of life are such that the smaller and more inconspicuous a person is in the social hierarchy, the more ambition he usually has. To have people nearby who, having suffered a well-deserved punishment for mistakes in their work, will harbor anger towards the person who pointed out these mistakes for the rest of their lives, and at the same time will have access to all of his postal items– do you need it? Don't think.

Therefore, there is a peaceful option to resolve the situation. And it's surprisingly simple.

You just need to have the notice with you. But don’t wait for the postman to bring it to your home, but... print it yourself.

And the same official website of the Russian Post will help with this.

It is advisable to indicate in the letter the full names and positions of specific employees, but if they are not available, it is enough to indicate the post office code.

And the second option is to contact local management Federal Postal Communications. This can be done by e-mail, over the phone or through a personal visit to their office.

Contacts of the local UFPS can be found on the corresponding page of the Russian Post website.

For example, in my case, local branches are controlled by the Federal Border Guard Service of the Chelyabinsk region. And the Department of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Chelyabinsk Region, in turn, is subordinate to the Department of the Federal Border Guard Service Sverdlovsk region and the Ural macroregion, located in Yekaterinburg. You can contact both here and there.

This really works. Complaints are considered, the facts stated in them are verified, and negligent postal employees are punished with rubles. The Internet is full of evidence of this.

I think there is no need to explain that when drawing up the text of any complaint, you need to clearly formulate the claim and accompany it with specific facts, avoiding value judgments and getting personal.

Summing up

To receive the parcel, you must only have an identification document with you.

It is not necessary to have the notice with you - postal employees are required, at the client’s request, to search for the shipment by track number or address.

You can fill out and print the notification form yourself.

You should avoid communicating with postal employees in the style of “you owe me everything here” (despite the fact that this is true) and adhere to a polite and friendly manner of communication.

If polite requests do not lead to desired result and post office employees demonstrate clearly inappropriate behavior and unwillingness to fulfill their official duties, then their actions can and should be complained to the dominant postal structures.