How to make a repeat check at an online cash register. Printing a lost receipt and Z-report How to run a repeat receipt on a cash register

In principle, it is impossible to obtain a copy of a cash receipt. The machine stores records of transactions, but when you receive them, they do not look like a cash receipt. On such a check there may be an inscription, like a report on the check number. Again, as far as I remember, EKLZ stores all this. And if it is filmed and archived, access (legal) to it can only be obtained through the FSB. Because EKLZ is their initiative. And even more so, issuing a check retroactively is impossible, and by the way, illegal. But again, there is no obligation to re-issue cash documents to you. In general, forget about the check. Maybe something else will satisfy your insurance company. I sell sweets of happiness, on thin sticks of fate.

How to restore a cash receipt


We have a profit on the difference in price) And, as it were, legally, your office will also be strung on the globe. — if the second receipt is not printed, is the sale recorded or not? Usually, if there is a problem with the seal, the sale is not recorded in the financial register and an administrative reset of the receipt is required to continue working. Perhaps I’m wrong. NorthWind 11 — 08/15/17 — 09:15 (10) In principle, it’s not very difficult to forge a check. A printer with high resolution(you can take a label one, there are 300 dpi heads) and Kassy programs (or something like that).

He draws such checks that you can’t tell the difference. Only online makes all this unnecessary. OFD records one check.

A copy of the receipt from the online cash register. Is it possible to get it somehow?


Typically, all stores operate in the 1C “Trade and Warehouse” program. She will help you make a duplicate. 3 Launch the program and log in. Select the “Journals” function, then “KKM receipt logs”.

This section should display all checks that have been issued. All that remains is to select the day of purchase and the approximate time. 4 If the program has a search engine, then enter the article number, otherwise you will have to search manually. Find your purchase by item number: everything must match, item number and time.
5 Click Print and Duplicate. The machine will print two identical receipts, one of them remains with the seller, and the second is given to the buyer, who attaches it to the application for returning the goods. 6 It should be noted that this procedure This is not carried out for every buyer who decides to return an item. The seller is obliged to coordinate his actions with the administrator and only then make a duplicate.

Is it possible to restore a cash receipt?

8.x ut printing of a repeated receipt

Instructions 1 If you have lost your cash receipt, don’t be upset; you can terminate the sales contract, which is what lawyers call the return of goods. Each item has its own serial number - an article; it usually consists of four or six numbers. The code is recorded in invoices and invoices, they are stored by the seller, the numbers of the article are repeated under the barcode.

The cash receipt also has its own number. Now we can build some connection. Of course, you won’t be able to restore the check itself, but you can try to make a duplicate of it. 2 In order to make a duplicate receipt, you need to remember on what day the purchase was made, at what time and how many things were purchased. If the buyer remembers everything and can confidently reproduce everything, then you can try to find this receipt in the program of the cash register or automated service.

Where to buy an online cash register

One of the difficulties when working with a new type of cash register equipment may be obtaining a copy of the payment document. The need for a duplicate may arise in the following situations:

  • technical problems (checkout malfunction, tape breakage, etc.);
  • buyer's request.

There are several ways to duplicate a check at the cash register:

  • through the fiscal data operator (FDO);
  • using the “Copy of Receipt” application;
  • through email directly from the fiscal storage;
  • through the 1C program;
  • using the "Return" function.

IMPORTANT! You can restore your sales receipt within 30 days after making the purchase.

How to get a copy through the fiscal data operator

This method has the greatest legal force. It is also convenient in that payment receipts will be duplicated automatically - sent to the client by e-mail and mobile phone. To take advantage of this opportunity, you must complete preliminary actions in the 1C program:

  1. select the option “Research data and administration”;
  2. in the option settings select “FZ-54”;
  3. check the box for the option “Send electronic receipts after entering the cash register”;
  4. if desired, you can specify “Do not print a receipt on a cash register when sending an electronic receipt” or set up a schedule for sending receipts. In the latter case, receipts will be sent every knock to all customers at the specified time.

IMPORTANT! A fee may be charged for sending duplicate documents on payments made, both mass and personal. The tariff depends on the OFD.

How to get a copy through 1C

This method is very similar to the previous one. In the “FZ-54” option, you must select the functions “Send electronic checks via SMS via a fiscal data operator” and “Send electronic checks via E-mail via a fiscal data operator”.

Differences between the above two methods:

  • when transmitting data through the OFD, duplicates are sent to customers automatically immediately after payment for the goods or services or according to a specified schedule;
  • data transfer via 1C assumes that the need to send a copy of the payment receipt is indicated by the cashier when working with the machine (field “ Workplace cashier", menu item "Form of payment"). He will need to enter the customer's phone number or email address.

If the consumer requires a payment document to be duplicated immediately, the cashier has the right to enter the organization’s e-mail and print a receipt from his workplace.

How to get a copy through the Check Copy application

"Copy of check" - paid application, which is installed in your personal account on the OFD website. If it is available, the cashier, when working with the machine, indicates that two copies of the payment document are required, and a copy will be issued automatically.

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IMPORTANT! The application does not automatically duplicate a copy of a payment document, however, electronic recovery of a check can be set manually through your personal account on the OFD website.

How to get a copy from the cash register memory

Restore receipt to in electronic format possible without using special programs and applications. Sending a copy of the payment document is carried out as follows:

  1. The buyer expresses a desire to receive a duplicate, fills out a consent form for the processing of personal data and indicates contact information.
  2. Using a cash register, the seller enters the specified data and generates an electronic receipt.
  3. A message with a copy of the receipt is sent to your mobile phone or email.

IMPORTANT! Printed receipts are duplicated only at the request of the client, regardless of the method of generating the copy. Current legislation does not provide for the mandatory transfer of a digital copy of a payment document to the buyer of goods or consumer of services. Issuing a paper original upon receipt of an electronic copy is also optional, but desirable. Issuing electronic receipts by online retailers is mandatory because they have no other means of providing receipts to consumers.

How to get a copy through the "Return" function

This is the most time-consuming and least rational way to obtain a duplicate, but in exceptional cases it can also be used (if the client refuses to provide personal data, printing a check at the workplace is impossible in other unforeseen situations). If the cashier decides to make a second copy by correcting the check, then the procedure proceeds as follows:

  1. issue a refund and print out an expense correction receipt;
  2. re-punch all positions of the check;
  3. print a payment document.

IMPORTANT! Correction and return checks are different documents! A refund check is issued to a client who wishes to return a product or cancel a service that has already been paid for. After completing such a document, you will not be able to break through the positions again.

In retail or wholesale trade, sometimes there is a need to send a repeat receipt to Evotor. This action is relevant when:

  • the paper is jammed, unexpectedly runs out or breaks;
  • the client needs a duplicate of the fiscal document for submission to the accounting department or other types of reporting;
  • the buyer has lost the receipt and wants a copy of it;
  • sale not registered fiscal registrar and/or into the commodity accounting program;
  • the cashier inserted the paper the wrong way or chose the wrong roll;
  • There was a glitch and the text was printed in one line.

You can find a way out of any situation without violating the rules for using the online terminal and without losing a client. Let's consider the solution to the problem in more detail.

How to print a repeated receipt along with the main one?

If, upon purchase, a client asks for the original fiscal document in two copies, you should know how to reprint an Evotor receipt. To do this, it is advisable to set in advance in your personal account special application"Copy of check." It will add the corresponding item to the terminal menu.

The cashier just needs to create a new sale, and when proceeding to payment, click the “Copy” button. After selecting the payment method (cash or bank card), the printer outputs the main receipt, and after a short pause, which gives the opportunity to tear off the tape, a duplicate comes out. This is the most convenient way reprinting the Evotor receipt.

How can I re-print a receipt for a previously made sale?

There are several ways to solve this problem. In the first case, if the “Copy of Receipt” application was previously installed in your personal account, you must select the same item in the main menu of the cash register. This will open a list of all shift sales - find the one you need in the list, click on it to start automatic output of a copy.

If the right application was not established in advance, it is impossible to print a repeat receipt for Evotor in the usual form. You can get out of the situation by sending data about your completed purchase to your corporate or client email. In the first case, you will immediately print the document and give it to the buyer, in the second, the customer will print it himself electronic document Later.

Another solution is to return the purchase by printing out the correction receipt and check all the items again. Fix any problems with the paper first, if there were any. This step will allow you to re-print the receipt at the Evotor checkout. This will be the only current document, but it can be duplicated using an application, photocopy, or electronic version.

How to print a repeat fiscal document if the sale is not complete?

If a roll of paper breaks or runs out, the cash transaction may not go through completely, for example, the sale will be displayed only in the commodity accounting program or exclusively in the memory of the financial fund. In this case, the Evotor cash register will not be able to issue a second check, and the main one will also be defective.

The cashier can solve the problem by canceling the sale or marking a partially completed transaction as erroneous. Next, the reason that led to the failure is eliminated, the goods are re-punched and given to the client with a fiscal document. How to re-check Evotor depends on the specific circumstances. If your clients often ask for a duplicate, it is more convenient to install an additional paid application in the business owner’s personal account.

You can make a duplicate check at the online cash register using personal account OFD and software at work.

Fig 1. Process of printing a receipt at an online cash register

The capabilities of modern cash registers allow you to restore a duplicate within 30 days from current date.

The need to withdraw a duplicate check at an online cash register arises under the following circumstances:

  • the cash register tape has run out or is broken;
  • the buyer requires a copy to be made for reporting purposes;
  • the buyer has lost the receipt and wants to receive a duplicate;
  • There was a failure in recording information, you need to repeat the operation.

The re-issued fiscal copy is not at all different from its original, except for its formatting. This happens because all transaction data is recorded in the fiscal drive and, not counting the advertising part, additional information about products, headers and footers.

You can get a duplicate by printing it either from the fiscal drive (cash register memory) using 1C, or in your personal office of the OFD.

Important! The duplicate printed from the OFD personal account has the greatest legal force.

Application "Copy of check"

In order for the online cash register to output 2 copies at the time of sale, you must first install in your personal account the additional paid application “Copy of Receipt” for outputting duplicates. Next time, if necessary, the cashier will be able to indicate that the receipt is needed in two copies, and the cash register will automatically display 2 originals.

Such an application will help you display copies for past dates. You just need to click the “Copy” button, and information about all previously performed transactions will appear in your personal account.

Related video: “Copy of receipt” application from Evotor – step-by-step instruction duplicate printouts.

Sending an electronic copy

If such an application has not been installed, you will not be able to print a copy from your personal account. However, you can send a copy from the fiscal drive to the specified email client from which he can print it himself.

Sending to client email in 1C

To send duplicates in 1C, the services for sending via SMS and to the client’s email must be installed.

It is possible to install the sending function immediately after the purchase is completed. To do this you need to perform the following combination:

  1. Reference data and administration, then – configuration;
  2. sales of Federal Law-54;
  3. check the box “Send electronic checks after entering the cash register.”

Important! In the same menu you can set the sending schedule electronic copies clients, which will occur once a day simultaneously to all clients for each operation.

Sending a check via OFD

If you need to send duplicates through a fiscal data operator (FDO), then you will need to set the appropriate options in the 1C system in advance:

  1. Reference data and administration, then setup.
  2. Sales of FZ-54.
  3. Check the boxes “Send electronic checks via SMS via the fiscal data operator” and “Send electronic checks via E-mail via the fiscal data operator”.

A copy is sent in the “Cashier Workplace” field from the “Form of Payment” menu (cash, non-cash or mixed payment).