How to remove extra pages in a word document. Removing empty unnecessary pages in Word. Adding a page in the Microsoft Word text editor

The first question that arises is: “Where did it come from?”

There can be several reasons, and more often it is an accidentally created empty paragraph or a forced page break.

The “Show all icons” feature will help you detect empty paragraphs.

There are several ways to find extra characters in text:

  • In the main section of the panel, you need to click the “Display all characters” button, then all paragraph symbols (¶) that do not contain text will be visible in the Word text.
  • Using the hotkeys CTRL+SHIFT+8.
  • In the “View” section, select the “Structure” mode.

Other causes of empty spaces or an entire page:

  • Forced page break. Accidentally pressing a button will make the text transition to another page, then there will be empty space on the first one, and the text will continue on the next page. If the break is made at the beginning of the page, it will appear blank when printed.
  • Breaking sections. When typing essays, coursework and scientific papers, the rules for document formatting, as a rule, require starting a new chapter or section on a new page. A printed document looks neater, but blank pages containing one or two paragraphs are unattractive.
  • Blank page after the table at the end of the document. The text editor settings provide for the automatic creation of an empty paragraph after the table. If a table ends the document text or section, a blank page may appear.

The main reason why there is a need to delete a blank page in a document is to obtain a neatly formatted, executed document when printing.

Let's look at the available options with which you can delete a blank page in Word.

How to remove the first (title) page

Basically, the first page looks like a title page. In some cases, the user may not find such a page useful and may need to delete the first (title) page.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  • Place the cursor on the first (title) page;
  • Go to the “Insert” tab;
  • Select in the “Pages” group, “Cover page”;
  • At the bottom of the drop-down block, click the “Delete current cover page” command.

How to Delete an Extra Page in Word

Before sending text to the printer, turn on the preview feature to see how the document will look when printed.

If blank sheets appear only when printing, but are not visible when viewing the document, then the document's print settings are incorrect.

It is enough to change them, and the document will take on a neat, readable appearance.

In my case, you can see that there is a blank page in the middle of the document.

To delete an extra page in a Word document, go to the page before it, set the courses at the bottom of the sheet and click Delete, deleting unnecessary characters.

How to Delete an Unneeded Page in Word

If you are familiar with typing, have written articles, and maybe even books, then I am sure you have encountered situations when the typed text becomes irrelevant.

Such text, which is no longer needed, can be deleted, but we must not forget about the consequences. Subsequent formatting should not change.

Place the cursor after the text you want to delete and press Ctrl + Enter, thereby creating a page break.

Select all unnecessary pages before the break using any method known to you and delete them with the Delete key.

How to remove extra paragraphs and unnecessary characters from a page

There are a lot of templates for text documents on the Internet and, very often, the user does not need to type the form himself, but simply download the document from the Internet.

This idea saves a lot of time, but still, you will have to slightly format the downloaded document and remove unnecessary characters that may appear for various reasons:

  • incompatibility of editor versions;
  • mistakes of the previous copywriter;
  • software failure or crooked downloaded file;
  • and many others.

Going to each line and pressing Del in the hope of getting to the right place is stupid, since Word has a “Show all icons” function.

When you click on the ¶ icon located on the “Home” tab, icons will be added to the document indicating the presence of unnecessary characters:

  • “¶” - Enter is set (line break);
  • " " - presence of a space;
  • “→” - designation of lists;
  • « ··········································································" - added page break;
  • and others.

Remove unnecessary characters on the Word document page to make the document look nice.

Deleting a paragraph after a table at the end of a document

When a document ends with a table and it reaches the very end of the page, a blank sheet may appear when printed. These are the text editor settings: after the table there is always an empty paragraph, which cannot be easily deleted; the editor settings do not provide such a function.

An empty paragraph can be hidden, then it will not be visible when viewed and will not be printed.

To delete a page after a table in Word, do:

  • select a paragraph mark: you can do this by finding the icon on the main tab of the panel or by typing CTRL+SHIFT+8;
  • press the key combination CTRL+D: the “Font” dialog box will open;
  • find the window and check the “Hidden” checkbox;
  • disable the paragraph mark (on the main panel or using hotkeys).

How to remove the last page at the end of a document

This method is the simplest, but is only suitable if the blank sheet is at the end of the document. The CTRL+END key combination will help you quickly go there.

Now, by pressing the BACKSPACE key, you can delete the empty paragraph of the last page. If there are several of them, you need to press the key as many times as necessary to delete all empty paragraphs.

When removing unnecessary paragraphs and pages, it is important to look at the final formatting of the text, especially if we are talking about important documents that have established formatting requirements.

Abstracts and coursework and dissertations require strict adherence to rules, which must be taken into account when setting or canceling page and section breaks.

Thus, it was discussed in detail how to delete a blank page in Word and not violate the formatting style of the document.

Of course, the methods described are suitable for use in a variety of cases and will help you print text correctly, without unnecessary characters and extra pages.

Removing extra sheets in Word is usually not difficult, but problems may arise. When the obvious steps are completed, but the extra, visually blank page is not removed, use these instructions.

Below is how to delete a worksheet in Word 2013

What problems might arise from this?

There are several complications to this obvious matter. The first is that at the end of the document there may be hidden characters that are invisible in normal mode, and because of which the program refuses to remove it. The second is that incorrect settings for page breaks lead to the fact that some information (for example, on design) remains in the last field, which looks absolutely clean.

If the fragment that needs to be deleted contains the necessary data, for example, technical design notes, they must be transferred to the previous one. Without this, cutting a sheet in Word 2013 will not work.

How to find the button to display symbols?

This button in all versions of the program looks like a symbol resembling a checkbox

By clicking on it, you have access to all symbols such as Page Break, Wrap, Table Marks. Pressing is done in one click.

It is located in the main panel of Word, in the “Paragraph” section. The figure shows its location. By clicking on the “Non-printing characters” checkbox a second time, you disable the function, and the text again takes on its previous appearance.

Delete the page

You can remove extra spaces in Word in 99% of cases using the following scheme:

  • click the “Non-printing characters” icon;
  • place the mouse cursor after the last character indicated on the previous fragment;
Press Delete or Backspace until the extra sheet disappears
  1. Place the cursor on the area you want to delete.
  2. From the main panel, open Find.
  3. Click "Go".
  4. Enter the number of the required element in the box, click “Go”.
  5. Click "Close" and immediately press the "Delete" key.

After these steps, the program correctly transfers information to the previous page and deletes unnecessary information.

If the text does not fit, reduce the header and footer. To do this, open the “Page Layout” tab, go to options, then open “Layout”. Adjust the size of the header and footer.

Delete using page break options

In rare cases when the above steps do not help, you need to check the specified parameters. Thus, removing blank sheets in Word is often hindered by the spacing between parts of the text. To test the hypothesis, you need to go the following way: select the part of the text before the extra break, go to the “Home” tab and then to “Paragraph”. There, open the “Indents and Spacing” tab. This section can be set to a large value Before or After interval.

In the same block, in the “Paragraph” group, there is a section “Position on the page”. The following items may be checked by default:

  • do not break the paragraph;
  • do not be distracted from the next;
  • from a new page.
Remove or add marks, try deleting an unnecessary sheet in Word 2013

If a table crashes, check its boundaries. If it does not fit on the allocated fragment, the cell border is moved. If you copied text without knowing you were copying a small table with transparent borders, or if you created one yourself, turn on the Non-Printing Characters feature.

May the Word gurus and its creators forgive me... If you have a more rational solution to the problem with the last section and the last page, please tell me in the comments.

The abundance of questions “how to delete the last page in Word” and “How to preserve formatting in Word after deleting a page” (more precisely, the question sounds more like this: why when I delete a page in Word, everything creeps up on me), served as the reason for writing this note. I don’t consider myself a WORD expert, so I don’t exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient...) solution.

Quite often, when editing WORD documents, you may encounter a situation where the last page turns out to be empty (the plate is over, and there is another sheet behind it). What to do?

How to delete the last page in Word?

First of all, let's go to the last page and see what's there? If there are a lot of characters (paragraphs or spaces) - just put the cursor at the beginning of the page and press DEL (ete) until everything is deleted. If there is only one paragraph character left and it does not want to be deleted, press BackSpace once - it’s possible

Most likely, the reason is that the very last character in the document simply did not fit on the penultimate page. Most often, it helps to place the cursor on the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, make it equal to 1 or 2 - you can not only select from the drop-down list, but also write “with pens”). You can also reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph... in general, make sure that the last paragraph “fits” into the remaining free space.

Often, when deleting the last page, a formatting issue occurs. To be more precise, when the last partition is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous (penultimate) partition. I haven’t found how to delete a section without a formatting “failure” (if anyone knows, please share in the comments), but there is a little trick that allows you to delete the last sheet while preserving the Word formatting.

How to Remove the Last Section in Word

First of all, go to the section with the required formatting (the penultimate one), and go to the Page Setup window (double-click on the ruler or the File-Page Setup menu). We enter all the values ​​for the fields (you can simply erase the centimeters.. The fact is that they are already set.. but if you do not touch them, then when you select “apply to the entire document”, all values ​​will become empty), select the paper orientation, go to Paper Source tab and select Start the “On Current Page” section.

It is possible (if the formatting of the last section to be deleted is different from the previous one) that additional changes will need to be made, but in my case (on the last sheet there was a “horizontal” plate that needed to be deleted) the changes described were sufficient.

After setting all the properties in the lower drop-down list, select “Apply to the entire document” and click “OK”. After that, we boldly go to the penultimate page and move the section break to it - we delete the characters before the break, but not the page break itself. To reduce the space required for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

When working with PC users, they are faced with the fact that a blank sheet randomly appears in the document itself. And here, if you plan to print it on two sides, the user faces a problem, since it is a blank sheet that can ruin everything. The question arises how to delete a sheet in Word.

To work you will need the software used in Word.

How to remove a blank sheet in Word?

To understand the reason for the appearance of empty space and answer the question of how to delete a page in Word, you need to look at those characters that are not printed. This is done as follows: on the toolbar, you need to click the button located near the buttons of the drawing panel and document diagram. It happens that this panel is not displayed in the editor window, in which case you need to click the “View” menu and check the “Standard” item in the toolbar.

After the button has been pressed, many different symbols should appear that were not visible before, dots and other signs. This way you can remove unnecessary spaces. You need to view the entire document, which will allow you to reduce it by a few lines. If it is large enough, then the volume can be reduced even by a whole paragraph.

It is necessary to look very carefully at all the pages in Word until many points are discovered. It is necessary to remove such an element, since there is a high probability that it was this element that caused the blank characters to be moved to another page.

If you cannot remove this element, to answer the question of how to delete a blank page in Word, you can try another option: try all deletions of this value. In addition, deletion can be done not only using the Delete button, but also Ctrl+X or Ctrl+Backspace. The latter is usually used to remove a word from the text.

It also happens that the method with non-printable characters does not help, then you should try using editing. How to edit in Word? To do this, use the “Web Document” mode, which can be selected in the “View” menu by clicking the corresponding tab. After editing is completed, you need to remember to change the viewing mode back.

If the question arises of how to delete not just one page, but several at once, then you need to place the cursor in front of the sheet that you plan to delete initially, and scroll to the document that you want to get rid of last. As a result of such manipulations, everything unnecessary should be highlighted. All that remains is to press the Delete or Backspace button.

As a result of text editing, unnecessary blank pages appeared in your document, or are you unable to remove the extra sheet at the end of the document? Let's figure out what needs to be done to delete a page in MS Word.

Let's start with How to remove a blank page in the middle of a Word document. Most often, such pages in a document appear due to a large number of unprintable characters on them - you have deleted all the text, but the hidden characters remain. This includes page breaks, spaces, and new lines.

You can enable non-printing characters by clicking on the corresponding button on the “Home” tab.

To delete them, move your mouse to the left margin of the document and select all the characters. If you have several blank pages in the middle of a document, you can place the cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete, hold down “Shift” and place the cursor at the end of another page. Now press "Delete" or "Backspace".

Blank pages in Word in the middle of a document can also appear due to page breaks. They usually separate the beginning of a new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the key combination “Ctrl+Enter”.

To delete such a page, place the cursor on the last line (or at the end of the text) on the previous page, then click "Delete".

The blank page will be removed and the text will rise.

Now let's consider how to delete a page in Word that is located at the end of a document. By turning on non-printing characters, you will see that they are present on the page. It could even be several new line characters. Select them with the mouse and press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key. You can also place the cursor at the end of the text and hold down the Delete key until the empty sheet disappears.

That's all. Now you know how you can delete a page in Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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