How to delete browsing history in Mozilla. How to delete history in Firefox. option: the browser will not remember the history

When you visit websites on the Internet, the Mozilla Firefox browser remembers various information about the sites you visited, the files you downloaded, and other information. This information is called browser history or history.

If you are not the only computer user and (or simply) want to hide your history of online activities, then in this article you will learn how to delete history in the Mozilla Firefox browser, and also find out what information is stored in the browser history.

To delete history in the Firefox browser, click the button at the top right of the browser window and select from the menu that appears Magazine

Then select Delete history...

In the window that opens Deleting recent history, in the drop-down menu next to Delete: select the period for which you want to delete the history.

On the list Details check the boxes next to the items whose data you want to delete and click the button Delete now. The window will close and the information you selected will be deleted. (Options for data saved in history are discussed in the last section of this article)

All this data cannot be restored, so carefully look at what items you select to delete.

You can also delete history in the browser settings; to do this, open the settings menu by clicking on the button and select

Select Privacy and Security on the left panel and in the section Story click the button Delete history...

In the window that opens Deleting recent history, follow the steps described in the method above and click the button Delete now

How to quickly delete history in Firefox browser

There is also a faster way to delete history in the Firefox browser.

To quickly delete history in the Firefox browser, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del. After this a window will open Deleting recent history, and here, as described in the previous section, select the period for which you want to delete the history, then check the boxes for the data that you want to delete and press the button Delete now

How to remove some visited web pages from your history

This method involves selectively clearing history in Firefox. It is useful in cases where you need to delete not the entire list, but only some pages of sites that you visited earlier.

To delete some previously visited web pages from your history, click the button at the top right of the browser window and select from the menu that appears Magazine

Then select Show entire magazine

In the window that opens Library, select the page you want to delete, right-click and select the item in the context menu that appears Delete page

To quickly open a window Library

How to remove a specific website from your history

This method is useful in cases where you need to delete a specific website from your history.

To remove a specific website from your history, click the button at the top right of the browser window and select Magazine

Then select Show entire magazine

In the window that opens Library, find the website that you want to remove from history in the list or in the history search, right-click and select the item from the context menu that appears Forget about this site

It is worth noting that all history elements (browsing and download history, cookies, cache, active sessions, passwords, saved form data, exceptions for cookies, images and pop-ups) for this site will be deleted.
To quickly open a window Library, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H

How to set up automatic history deletion in Firefox

If you need to delete your history every time you use Firefox, you can set it to automatically delete your history when you exit the Firefox browser.

To set up automatic deletion of history when you exit the Firefox browser, open the settings menu by clicking on the button and select

Select Privacy and Security on the left panel and in the section Story, select the item from the drop-down menu will use your history storage settings

Then check the option

To specify which part of the history should be deleted, click the Options... button next to the option Delete history when closing Firefox

In the window History deletion settings Mark items that will be automatically removed every time you exit Firefox. After selecting the history items to be deleted, click the button OK

What information is stored in Firefox browser history

Log of visits and downloads
Visit log- this is a list of visited sites displayed in the History menu, the History list in the Libraries window, and addresses in the drop-down list on the taskbar.
Download log is a list of downloaded files shown in the downloads window.
Forms and search log
Form log includes what you typed into fields on web pages.
Search log includes what you typed into the search bar.
Cookies store information about the websites you visit, such as site settings, registration status, and others. Cookies may also be used by third parties to track your movements between websites.
The cache stores temporary files, such as web pages and other media that Firefox downloads from the Internet, to speed up the loading of pages and sites you've already visited.
Active sessions
If you have logged into a website using your username and password since the last time you launched Firefox, the site will be considered “active.” Deleting will log you out of these sites.
Offline website data
If you allow it, the website may save files on your computer so you can continue to use it even when you are not connected to the Internet.
Site settings
Per-site settings that include retained site scale, text encoding, and site permissions (such as pop-up blocker exceptions).

There are several ways.

How to clear Firefox history using keyboard shortcuts

On the keyboard, simultaneously press three keys Ctrl+Shift+Del. A window called Delete all history will open.

In this window, select from the pop-up list All and leave a check mark only for the item Log of visits and downloads. To delete a magazine in Mozilla, click the button labeled Delete now and your browsing history will be immediately deleted from the log.

How to clear history in Mozilla via the Menu Bar

If your Menu Bar is not open, press the Alt key on your keyboard. In the Menu Bar, click MagazineDelete recent history.

How to clear the journal in Mozilla

How to delete history in Mozilla through settings

First, open the browser settings by clicking in the Menu Bar ToolsSettings. In the browser settings that open, go to privacy settings by clicking on Privacy.

How to clear history in Mozilla

In the window that opens called Privacy, find the link delete your recent history and click on it. A window called Delete all history will open. In this window, select Everything from the pop-up list and leave a checkmark only for the item Log of visits and downloads. By clicking the button labeled Delete now, the history will be deleted immediately.

How to erase history in Mozilla through the menu

Click on the three parallel lines located in the upper right part of the browser.

You can disable history in Mozilla Firefox through the menu

A context menu will open in which you select Magazine, and in the next menu select Delete history.

Clearing history in Mozilla can be done through the menu

A window called Delete all history will open. In this window, select Everything from the pop-up list and leave a checkmark only for the item Log of visits and downloads. By clicking the button labeled Delete now, the history will be deleted immediately.

As you know, any browser needs to timely clear the history of viewed pages, downloads, cache and cookies. It is worth noting that the frequency of performing such a procedure must be carried out depending on the degree of browser use. For example, if you spend about 6-8 hours a day in the browser, then you need to clear your history at least once a week. It is important to note that a similar rule applies to all browsers. The Mozila Firefox browser is no exception.

However, many users face problems when it comes to how to clear history in Mozilla. Therefore, in today's article we will talk about this in detail.

How to clear history in Mozilla through “Options”

The easiest way for beginners, which will allow you to clear the history of viewed pages, downloads, cache and cookies. Instructions for this method are provided below:

  • "Settings".

  • On the page "Settings", on the left side of the screen, click on the tab "Privacy and Protection".

  • Now find the “History” item, on the right you will see a button "Delete history...".

  • After pressing the button "Delete history...", a window will appear "Deleting recent history". Expand menu "Details" and select the period for which you want to delete the history, use the checkboxes to indicate what needs to be deleted, then click on the button "Delete now".

How to clear history in Mozilla in a minute

It is worth noting that the Mozila Firefox browser has hotkeys, the use of which can significantly save time.

For example, in order to quickly clear history, that is, call up a menu with deleting history, just press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.

  • A window will appear, select the period and indicate what data needs to be cleared, and then click on the button "Delete now".

How to clear history in Mozilla using “Journal”

Probably the most difficult method of all three, which allows you to clear history in the Mozila Firefox browser. However, for some users this method is the most convenient. So, below are the instructions:

  • Open the Mozila Firefox browser, and then click on the three vertical bars on the right side of the screen.
  • In the context menu that appears, you need to open "Library".

Clearing history in Firefox is required for several reasons. Firstly, if you do not do it for a long time, the browser may work slower. Secondly, if you use someone else’s computer or laptop (at work, at a party or somewhere else), then it is highly recommended to delete history in Mozilla Firefox. So as not to expose your pages on social networks and personal data.

The term “history” refers to the list of sites you have visited. In Mozilla Firefox it is also called “Journal”.

This is where history is stored in Firefox. To clear it, click on the line “delete recent...”.

A window like this will open.

And here - very carefully! To begin, expand the “Details” item. There may be different checkboxes here, but in fact you only need one – the first one (it’s called “Visit Log”). You can also check the second item to clear the search bar history. Then select the period for which you want to delete data:

  • in the last 1, 2 or 4 hours;
  • for today
  • for the entire period.

And click the "Delete" button.

All this data cannot be restored, so be careful what items you delete.

How to clear history in Mozilla in 10 seconds

If you plan to perform the cleanup regularly, then there is a faster way to delete history in Mozilla. All you need to do is press Ctrl+Shift+Del. After this, the same window will open on top of the current tab.

Check the first (and, if required, the second) box, select the desired period and perform cleaning. Once you get the hang of it, this procedure will take 5-10 seconds of time - no more.

Another way through the magazine

A new “Library” window will open. This is where you can view the history in Mozilla Firefox.

The library displays previously visited sites. Moreover, they are conveniently grouped. In particular, sites for:

  • Today;
  • yesterday;
  • last 7 days;
  • current month, etc.

The number of such items depends on how long you have not deleted the magazine in Mozilla.

So, to clear Mozilla Firefox browser history, simply select any tab (for example, “Today”), right-click and select “Delete.” After this, all visited sites for the selected period will be deleted.

How to remove individual sites from Firefox history

And finally, the last method is to selectively clear history in Mozilla Firefox. It is useful in cases where you need to delete not the entire list, but only some sites visited earlier.

First, you need to open the story in Mozilla through the “Journal” (how to do this is written above). Next, go to any tab (for example, “Yesterday”), select the desired site, right-click and select “Delete this page.”

If it was a long time ago and you cannot find a specific site, use the search function. To do this, enter the address or page name (not completely) in the appropriate field.

As a result, only those sites that meet this condition will be displayed - select the one you need and delete it.

In today's article you will learn the answer to the question of how to clear history in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Firefox browser history can be deleted in two ways: through Firefox settings and using keyboard shortcuts. Let's consider both methods.

Method 1. Through browser settings.

1. Open the Firefox menu. It is hidden in the toolbar behind the icon on the far right.

2. Click on the “Settings” button.

3. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab. In the window, you may notice an active link to “Delete your recent history.” Click on it.

4. A new window will open. Select the period for which you need to clear your browsing history.

5. Expand the Details button and select the items you want to clear. To erase history, you will need to check the box next to “Log of visits and downloads.” Please fill out the remaining points at your discretion.

Method 2: Using hotkeys.

A quick way that requires you to use your keyboard.

1. Press the combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete

2. A window for deleting recent history will appear in front of you. Perform further actions following the 5th point of the first method.

That's all! You have cleared your history in Mozilla Firefox!