What audiobook format for iPhone. The best way to listen to audiobooks on iPhone and iPad. How to download any audiobooks to iBooks

Today, audiobooks are gaining more and more popularity. You can buy an audiobook CD in many stores, or download the book from the Internet. In most cases, the audiobook will be in mp3 format. An iPhone can easily play this book, but it will be visible in the music list, although the phone has a special Audiobooks section - audiobooks. How can we make our book visible in the correct section? The thing is that the iPhone does not consider mp3 files as audiobooks. For audiobooks, according to Apple engineers, the m4b extension should be used. So, our task is to turn our mp3 book into an m4b book. For this we need iTunes 8:

Step one

Launch iTunes

Step two
Go to the "Music" section on the left

Step three
Let's right-click on the mp3 file that we want to convert into an audiobook. From the pop-up list, select “information”

Step four
Next, select the "Options" tab

Step five
In the "Media file type" pop-up list, select "Audiobook" and check the box next to "Remember playback position". Click OK

Step six
Next, go to Edit->Settings

Step seven
Make sure that the “Audiobooks” option is checked. After that, click OK and we see that the “Audiobooks” section has appeared on the left side of the library.

Step eight
We go into it and see the converted audiobook. Here you can listen to it and remember the playback position

Step nine
Now we synchronize the audiobooks and see that the same file appears in the player. Good luck!

The modern pace of life forces people to constantly be on the move: commuting to work, working in an office, working out at the gym, etc. All this requires movement, so there is no free time to sit by the fireplace with a book and read. To do this, many iPhone smartphone users listen to audiobooks. A convenient way to read books that fits into the intense rhythm of modern life. Let's figure out how to listen to audiobooks on iPhone?

How can I download an audiobook to my iPhone using the app?

To download an audiobook to your smartphone, you can use three methods: download it as, using iBooks, or a similar application that can be downloaded from the App Store. The second and third methods are similar, only using third-party developments in most cases will require spending your own money.

Method One - Using Free Player Music and iTunes

This method involves using the classic Apple player, which can be downloaded to your smartphone via iTunes. This method consists of the following steps:
  • You need to download the desired audiobooks in MP3 format to your own computer;
  • Connect iPhone to computer and iTunes using a USB cable;
  • In the iTunes program window that opens, select the “File” menu item and click on the “Add file to library...” section button;
  • In the window that opens, specify the file location path;
  • In the “Music” section, activate music synchronization, select the necessary files and complete the process by clicking the “Apply” button.

To start listening to a book, you just need to go to the player and start playing the music file. This method is free, which is the main advantage, but there are a number of certain disadvantages:

  • There is no table of contents by page or chapter;
  • If playback is turned off, the search for the desired moment is carried out using simple rewind.

The second method is using iBooks

The essence of this method is to use the standard Apple application - iBooks. To listen to audiobooks through it, you must first download them to the memory of your smartphone via iTunes in the same way as in the first method.

This program can only listen to M4B audio files. Therefore, you will need to search for exactly this format on the Internet. If you can’t find your favorite book in this format, you can use some converter and convert the MP3 file to the M4B extension.

After downloading a book to your phone's memory via iTunes, you need to find it in iBooks and add it to your “Library”. Unlike the first method, such files have a clear table of contents, which makes it easier to find the right moment.

The third method is to download third-party programs from the App Store

This method is the simplest, since using it there is no need to download books to your iPhone via iTunes. Such applications already have a ready-made database of audiobooks. All you need to do is simply download the book you like in the program itself.

The most popular applications in this category are MP3 Audiobook Player, Read!, Free audiobooks. But you need to remember that not all books in such programs will be available for free.

Audiobook format for iPhone

As mentioned above, audiobooks on Apple devices have the M4B extension. The advantages of this format over MP3 are obvious:
  • Availability of table of contents. Allows you to quickly and conveniently switch between chapters;
  • Good sound quality. Significantly higher than MP3, even at low bitrates;
  • Little "weight". M4B files weigh significantly less than MP3 files. In general, such audiobooks allow you to save up to 50% of your device’s memory.
For Apple users there is a convenient program “Audiobook Builder”, which allows you to create one audiobook in M4B format from several MP3 files (for example, 1 file - 1 chapter). This is done quickly, no additional knowledge is required.

Now you know how to listen to audiobooks on iPhone. There is nothing complicated about downloading audiobooks, and listening to them allows you to save time on reading and get acquainted with interesting literary works.

Books are the most important invention of mankind. People have been writing, printing and reading books since ancient times. After all, they have always been a source of knowledge and inspiration, or a simple way to relax and unwind. And although reading is not the most popular activity these days, educated people still strive to read in every free minute.

The number of books familiar to us is rapidly decreasing. This is because they are converted into electronic form. Agree, ordinary books take up a lot of space and they weigh quite a bit. It’s much easier to take your iPhone with you, for example, and pre-load a whole collection of your favorite books onto it.

But even e-books won't always save you. Imagine that you are traveling in a crowded subway car or bus, where there are no empty seats, and you would like to be distracted and immerse yourself in a world of fantasy. But in this turmoil it is difficult to stand, let alone read.

In this situation, audiobooks come to the rescue. This is one of the most popular and convenient types of media in recent years. If you are in a noisy place, you can simply put on headphones and start listening to your favorite book. Let's look at how to add any audiobook to iPhone in this article.

Let's start with the fact that there are several methods on how to download any work of literature to iPhone. The most common and popular methods are to download a book as a regular audio file and listen to it in the player, use the built-in iBooks application to download audio books, or use third-party programs to download your favorite audio book and listen to it at any time. The last 2 methods are almost the same, the only difference is that third-party applications almost always involve financial costs.

First method

  • First you need to find and download the work of literature you need in mp3 format.
  • Connect your smartphone to your computer.
  • Then open iTunes.
  • In the upper left corner, click on the “File” button (Figure 1, fragment 1, action 1).
  • Select “Add file” to media library (1/1/2).
  • In the window that appears, indicate the path to the book you downloaded in mp3 format (1/2/3).
  • Then go to “Music” (1/3/4) and select “Synchronize music” there. Select the work (1/4/5) and click on the “Apply” button (1/4/6) and wait for the operation to complete.

Figure 1

Next, just go to the music player and open the file with the name of the book there. The obvious disadvantages of this method are the lack of a table of contents and search by chapter or page. If you suddenly close the player, you will not be able to return to the place where you left off. You'll have to manually rewind to find it. But this method is completely free.

As special measures, you can resort to special audio converters. They can convert mp3 files to m4b, and split the file into chapters. It is very convenient for those who want to use the second method, but do not want to specifically search for m4b files.

Second method

After that, open the audiobook on the iPhone. To do this, go to iBooks, find and select the added audiobook. The obvious advantages are that you can stop at any point in the book and go to the chapter you need. If the application closes, you can always return to the point where you left off.

Third method

When using applications, you will be faced with the fact that not all literature will be free. Very often, works by little-known authors, some very old or well-known books are free. These audiobooks are specifically located in the application store as trial ones so that you can evaluate the design and ergonomics of the application.

The advantage of such programs is that an incredible number of literary works are collected here and all of them are only in Russian. All you need to do is find and download (buy) the audiobook you like and start listening.

Also watch the video

You can get all the applications in question, their configuration, training and assistance in downloading the books you need at our service centers! Please contact us!

Today we will tell all the most reading visitors to our site about two ways to download books to an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, bypassing synchronization with iTunes.

Method No. 1

Using the application Stanza through repositories.

1. Download the Stanza application from the App Store. The application is free.

2. Open it, you are in your future library.

4. Let's add a repository. We'll show you how to add repositories using the very good Zone4iPhone repository as an example. Click on the plus sign in the upper right corner.

5. In the “Name” field enter: “Zone4iPhone”. In the URL field: “http://www.zone4iphone.ru/catalog.php”. You should also have the “OPDS directory” tab selected.

9. Confirm.

10. Do you see a sticker appearing above the “download” tab? This has started downloading the book, after which the book will appear in the “library” tab

Method No. 2

Downloading books via Safari

1. Open the website of any electronic library, for example flibusta.net. Enter the name of the company we all love in the search bar. And click “search”.

2. From the search results, select the book “iPresentation...” and click on the title.

3. From the formats available for download, select epub.

More and more people are giving up paper books and reading from electronic media - this is not only more economical - a book in electronic form can be downloaded for free from the Internet in 90% of cases, but it is also more convenient - you don’t need to carry huge tolmuts with you and try to sit comfortably with them in crowded transport.

It is especially pleasant to read books from high-definition screens; the aesthetic pleasure from this process can be compared, perhaps, with the smell of “living” book pages, which those who still prefer to read exclusively from paper love to talk about. And, as you know, the best screens are from Apple equipment (and, perhaps, Samsung). True, saving a book on an iOS device is not so easy, but you can figure it out if you want. In this article we will help you deal with this problem.

How to download a book to iPhone using iTunes?

iTunes is a program developed by Apple specialists for exchanging files of various types between iOS devices and PCs. Unfortunately, not everyone likes this program; many users find it too confusing and complicated. However, it is such only at first glance; if you dig around in iTunes a little, you quickly realize that there is nothing complicated about it.

As a first step towards iTunes, let's figure out how to download a book to an iPhone using this program:

1. First of all, download and install iTunes and log into the program using your personal Apple ID (You can find out more about how to do this in the article “”).

3. While this process is being carried out, download the book of interest from the network.

4. Is your iPhone identified? Then click on the “File” section of iTunes, select the “Add file to library” drop-down menu item.

5. Specify the path to the downloaded book and click open.

6. Click on the phone icon in iTunes, select “Books” in the list on the left, put a checkmark in the “Synchronize books” window, select the required book (in our case there is only one, so you can leave a “dot” in the “All books” window ").

7. Click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the program on the right.

8. When the “Apply” button is replaced by the “Synchronize” button, click on it.

9. We wait for the end of synchronization - the progress of synchronization is displayed in the upper part of the program in the center.

10. Now take your iPhone and open the iBooks application (pre-installed on all iOS devices).

Pay attention! iBooks has a “Search” section, where you can also search for books and download them to the application, bypassing iTunes. This method of downloading books has only one drawback - all the books in the iBooks catalog are in English, so it is suitable only for those who are trying to improve their skills in this language.

To download a book this way, simply go to the “Search” section of iBooks, type in the appropriate request and click “Download” next to the book of interest.

How to download a book to iPhone via Safari?

However, we hasten to please you, books can also be downloaded to iBooks from Apple’s native browser – Safari, again bypassing iTunes. How to do this? We follow these instructions:

1. Open Safari and find the book you need online.

3. In the window that opens, click the “Open in iBooks” button; when this action is completed, the book will automatically download and open in the program. That's it!

How to download a book to iPhone through third-party applications?

It is worth noting that the App Store has many applications for reading books, similar to iBooks - search for “reading” in the store search and you will see this, but think a few times before downloading them to replace iBooks. Firstly, the “native” iPhone reader has excellent functionality; secondly, it is constantly being refined and improved, and downloading books into it, as you can see, is very easy, and most importantly, this can be done both through iTunes and directly through an iPhone.

However, if for some reason iBooks is not your thing, we recommend downloading the “Read” program from “Litres” - it has many positive reviews and has a simple, intuitive interface. How to read books using this application? Follow these instructions:

1. Download “Read” from the AppStore, go to the application.

2. In the search bar, enter the name of the book you are interested in, click on the “Free” button (if you are lucky and the book is free), the book will begin downloading.

If the book is not free, instead of the word “Free”, its price will be displayed on the download button. If you want to purchase a book, click on the price, and when the iPhone asks if you really want to make a purchase, click “Yes,” unless, of course, you change your mind.

3. After downloading, the “Free” button will change to “Read”, click on it and start reading.

How to download an audiobook to iPhone?

In this article, we could not help but pay attention to audiobooks, because if there is a way to “absorb” new information more convenient than reading from an electronic medium, it is listening to an audiobook. You can educate yourself and develop yourself with the help of audiobooks while doing anything - cleaning the house, walking, working out in the gym, etc. That’s why you need to know the answer to the question of how to download an audiobook to an iPhone.

There are two ways to download an audiobook to your iPhone:


Of course, where would you be without working with iTunes, fortunately, if you read the first part of the article, you have already studied it a little and it will be easier for you. But even if you skipped straight to this section, you will understand everything. So, instructions for downloading audiobooks to an iPhone via iTunes:

1. Download and install iTunes and log into the program using your personal Apple ID (For details on how to do this, read the article “How to install a ringtone on an iPhone” (link above).

2. Connect your iPhone to the PC via a cable and wait for iTunes to identify it - this will take 15-30 seconds.

3. While this process is underway, download the audiobook of interest from the network.

Important! The iPhone can only play audiobooks in mp3 or m4b format, so take this into account when downloading.

4. Click on the “File” section of iTunes, select the “Add file to library” drop-down menu item.

5. Specify the path to the downloaded audiobook and click open.

6. Click on the phone icon in the program, select “Audiobooks” in the list on the left, put a checkmark in the “Synchronize audiobooks” window, select the required book - in our case there is only one, so you can leave a “dot” in the “All audiobooks” window "

7. Click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the program on the right, when the “Apply” button is replaced by the “Synchronize” button, click on it.

8. Once synchronization is complete, take your iPhone and open the iBooks program - preinstalled on all iOS devices.

9. The downloaded audiobook will appear in the “My Books” section.

Through third party applications

If you absolutely do not like working with iTunes, you can download the audiobook in a third-party application. Here we will again recommend the Liters product, only this time it will be called “Listen”.

1. Download “Listen” from the AppStore.

2. Open the application and look for the book you need in the search bar.

3. Unfortunately, in the case of audiobooks, everything is not as rosy as with regular ones - you can get the same “The Old Man and the Sea” in “Read” completely free of charge, but in “Listen” you will have to pay 299 rubles for it.

4. To download the book, click on the price, the iPhone will clarify whether you really want to make a purchase, click “Yes” if you agree, and the book will be loaded into the application, you can find it in the “My Audiobooks” section.

5. If you want a free audiobook, enter the words “Free books” in the search bar and go to the appropriate section.

6. Select a book from the proposed list, click the “Free” button, wait until it downloads and listen from the same section “My audiobooks”.

Useful advice! Before downloading audiobooks, especially if you are planning to pay for it, be sure to listen to a fragment, in case you are not satisfied with the narrator’s voice. To do this, click on the cover of the book in the search results, then “Listen to a fragment.”


Well, now you know how to download a book to an iPhone and how to download an audiobook to it, and you can safely start self-development anywhere and at any time. We hope the instructions provided were simple and clear for you!