Microsoft Word how to number pages. How to number pages in Word. Different headers and footers for even and odd pages

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to number pages in Open Office , We will tell you detailed step-by-step instructions that will help you solve the problem that has arisen.

The text editor of the software package has an interface similar to the well-known Word, and therefore it is very easy to use. Typically, difficulties arise in the question of how to number pages in Open Office, and this function is often needed by users, for example, when writing dissertations. The whole process consists of 2 stages.

Inserting headers and footers in Open Office

Initially, you need to enable headers and footers; page numbers will be placed on them. First, decide where you want to place the numbering: if at the top, you need a header, if at the bottom, you need a footer. The step-by-step scheme is as follows:

  1. Open the Insert menu section. After that, in the drop-down menu, find Header or Footer, depending on your situation. Then click Normal.
  2. You will see a header or footer on the sheet at the top or bottom. Click on it with your mouse.
  3. On the right you will see a table with text formatting. Here you must select the location for future page numbering and specify its format.

Let's move on to the final stage - directly to how to number pages in Openoffice.

Setting up page numbers in Openoffice

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Go to the Insert section again. Here in the menu, find the Fields item.
  2. We need the Page Number item.

Now each new sheet of your text document will have its own number. Often the first sheet is left unnumbered as the title page. We will tell you what to do in this situation.

How to put numbering starting from sheet 2 in Open Office

Now you will learn how to number pages in Open Office without a title page. The instructions are simple:

  1. You need to define the title page style: click on the Format tab in the menu, then click on Styles, and then on Page Style. Select the First Page option.
  2. Now open the Insert menu and click Break, click on Page Break, click on Style, we need the Normal style.
  3. Let's move on to the second page. Now insert the header and footer and enter the page numbers according to the scheme described above.

This is how easy it is to enter page numbering in Open Office from the document page you need. .

Many novice users encounter many problems when working with the Word text editor. One of the most frequently asked questions is how to number pages in Word. Let's look at this operation in detail for different versions of the editor.

How to number pages in Word 2003?

In Microsoft Word 2003, there are two ways to arrange page numbers:

  1. Select View/Footer from the menu and insert the page number field into the header or footer in the location you need. In addition to the page number, you can insert other fields into the header and footer - for example, the total number of pages in the document.
  2. Select Insert/Page Numbers from the menu. This method is more flexible; you can put numbers not only at the bottom or top of the page, but also in the left/right margins, inside/outside the double page spread. In this case, you can disable the numbering of the first page (useful if the document includes a title page), set the number from which the numbering begins, and include the chapter number in the page numbering. At any time after setting numbering while editing a document, you can select the page number field and set it to the desired font and size.

Word 2007: how to number pages?

In the main menu of Word, select the “Insert” option, in the submenu we find the “Page Number” button. Here you can set numbering at the bottom or top of the page, in the page margins on the right or left. You can also immediately select some options - large font for the number or highlighting the number with lines, brackets and other characters. Later, you can select the inserted number field and set it to the font and size you need. You can specify both vertical and horizontal location of the number.

How to number pages in Word 2010?

Similar to the Word 2007 version, select the “Insert” tab, then “Page Number”, after which we set the necessary options for numbers - format, font, size, etc.

Also remember a few important details related to page numbering:

  • Page numbering may differ when opening a document on different computers with different fonts installed, or in different versions of Word.
  • Page numbers in the header and footer are only visible if the editor is in layout mode. When printing a document, page numbers will be displayed in any case. Markup mode is enabled on the View tab of the main menu.
  • The page numbering may change, for example, after inserting a section break, because page numbers refer to section properties.

I hope that after reading this article, you will no longer have problems with page numbering in Microsoft Word.

Page numbering is one of the most common tasks that users encounter when typing and working with text documents. In this material we will talk about how to make page numbering in Word 2007, 2010 and 2013 from the first and 2nd pages of the document.

Word 2007, 2010, and 2013 use a so-called ribbon interface. In it, all program functions are divided into several tabs. And in order to find this or that function, you must first understand which tab it belongs to. Otherwise, in search of the desired function, you will have to look through all the tabs in a row. In order to avoid wasting extra time, let’s say right away that the page numbering function is located on the “Insert” tab. In addition, some functions related to page numbering are available on the “Page Layout” tab. We will work with these two tabs.

How to make page numbers in Word 2007, 2010 and 2013

So, if you want to do page numbering in Word, then you need to go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Page Numbering” button there.

After this, a small menu will appear on the screen. In this menu you need to select where exactly you want to place the page numbering. Here you can choose the location top left, top right, center, etc.

If you need to remove page numbering, this can be done using the same menu on the “Insert” tab.

In addition, you can select the “Page Number Format” menu item. Using this function, you can make more advanced pagination.

For example, you can choose the number format (1, 2, 3 or a, b, c). Also, using the “Page Number Format” function, you can specify the number from which you want to start numbering. For example, you can specify the number "0".

In this case, page numbering will begin not from one, but from zero, which provides some additional opportunities.

How to make page numbering in Word from page 2

Very often, users need to make page numbering from page 2. Fortunately, this is done quite simply. To do this, you first need to create a regular continuous pagination starting from the first page. After that go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the “Page Setup” button, it is located in the lower right corner of the button block with the same name.

This way you will number the pages starting from page 2. But, Word will display the number “2” on the second page. If this option does not suit you, and you want the number “1” to be displayed on the second page of the document, then you can use one trick. Again Go to the "Insert" tab, click on the "Page Number" button and select "Page Number Format".

In the window that appears set the "Page Numbering Start From" to "0".

After this, not from one, as usual, but from zero. This means that on the second page of the document you will receive the page number “1”.


Once you have finished writing your work (or started it), design the pages in accordance with your wishes or the requirements of the customer. Adjust margins, paragraphs, change font and other settings. To number pages in a Word editor document, find the “Insert” tab in the top panel of the editor. There you will see several sections, among which select "Header and Footers". Headers and footers are areas in a document that are used to add repeating information to the bottom, top, or side margins of a document. One of them is page numbers. Headers and footers are needed to automate the process of arranging pages, making notes, and more.

In the column for working with headers and footers, in the drop-down list in the "Page number" field, select the desired format for placing page numbering. When moving through sections, right-click the appropriate mouse button. Numbers will appear on each sheet of your document. As a rule, they are placed in the middle of the bottom of the page or in the upper right corner.

If you need to number pages in Word not from the first sheet (in scientific papers, as a rule, you need to put the number on the second or third page), then in the “Page Number” section, open the “Page Number Format” tab. There you can choose which sheet Word will start numbering from. There you can change the type of number. For example, number the sheets with letters or Roman numerals.

If you do not need to put the number on the title page, you can easily remove it while maintaining the rest of the numbering. To do this, go to “Page Layout” in the main Word panel, click on the arrow next to the page options. In the dialog box that opens, click on the "Paper Source" tab. There you will see the line "Differentiate headers and footers". Check the box next to the "first page" option and save the changes. This is how easy it is to do page numbering in Word.

Video on the topic


  • Page numbering in Word 2013

Your wonderful essay is ready to be submitted, all that remains is to finish it a little - format it as expected, print it and protect it. A design requirement such as numbering is mandatory. How to do it?

You will need

  • computer reading text files in Word


Select the pagination location. "Top of Page", "Bottom of Page" or "Margin of Page". Select the type of page number format from the list offered in the collection.

After you add page numbers, you can edit them in the same way as header and footer text by choosing a font, size, and format for them.

To do this, double-click on the page number footer - it is now available for editing.

To remove page numbering, select the “Insert” tab, select “headers and footers” and then “page number” and “remove page numbers”. For Windows 2007, you can simply remove the header and footer on the page after selecting it by double-clicking.

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Please note

If the section in which you are removing numbering contains different headers and footers for the first page, or for even and odd pages, or if there are unrelated sections in the document, you should remove page numbers from all types of headers and footers.


Microsoft Word 2007-2010
Page numbering is even easier in this version of the program. First you need to select the "Insert" menu, and then open the "Page Number" list. In it you can choose the location of the numbering on the page and its format.

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  • Page numbering not starting from 1 in Excell / Microsoft Office / Sql

Any well-written document is perceived much better and looks more serious if it follows certain rules of formatting and design. If the work, report or talk contains several pages and is intended to be printed as visual material for students, it will be necessary to number the pages. This is also a rule of good manners, showing your respect for your readers.


If you use one of the most common text editors, MS Word, you do not have to manually enter numbers on each page. It already has a function that allows you to put it in the document automatically. To do this, open the working file and go to the “Insert” menu. Next, select “Page Numbers...”.

In the numbering window that opens, specify the following settings:
Number position (up or down);
Number alignment (right, center, inside or outside).
By clicking on the “Format” button, select the type of page numbers. These can be ordinary Arabic, alphabetic symbols, Roman symbols, as well as a combination of document chapter numbers with separate page numbering for each subparagraph.

If the open document is part of another, larger work, MS Word has the ability to set page numbering, starting not from the first, but from any given number. To do this, enter in the “Start with...” field the number from which the subsequent pages in the document will be counted.

As a rule, different types of documents allow different numbering principles. Thus, often the first page number is not placed on the first sheets of work. To put numbering on all other pages of the document, skipping the first one, check the “Number on the first page” option in the settings window.

In the graphical editor Microsoft Office Word, page numbers are one of the types of headers and footers. Therefore, to add numbering to documents, you can use both the option of inserting a header and footer, and inserting page numbers, which is a separate function. Both options are described below.

You will need

  • Graphical editor Microsoft Office Word 2007


The first method uses the dedicated function of adding numbers to document sheets. To use it, go to the “Insert” tab in the text editor menu. In the “Header and Footer” section, the bottom line is the “Number” option you need. But if the document at this moment contains only , then this function will be . If there is more than one page, then click the drop-down list and see a menu of numbering placement options. When you hover the cursor over each item, icons will appear, showing possible ways to position the numbers. Select the most suitable one and click on it.

Immediately after choosing where to place the page number, the footer editor will open, and you can set the distance from the edges of the sheet and from the main text of the document. By clicking the "Options" button, you can set separate settings for even/odd pages and for the title page of the document. To exit the header and footer editing mode, press the ESC key.

Returning to the "Insert" tab and opening the "Page Number" list again, click the "Page Number Format" item - here you can choose how you write the numbers. In addition, using the “start with” field, you can make gaps (or vice versa - repetitions) in the page numbering.

Word is included in the package of programs that can be installed when installing Microsoft Office. This is a wonderful selection of the most necessary applications for working both at home and in the office. They were created by Microsoft for use on computers with the Windows shell installed, but at the moment they can be installed both on Apple Mac OS X computers and on any mobile devices - smartphones, tablets, iPhones, and so on.

It should be noted that when installing such a software package, you can select the applications you need during the installation process, which is very convenient. We will not list their names now, believe me, there are a lot of them, and almost any person will find a program that meets his needs. We will focus on one of them - Microsoft Word. This is simply a unique program for creating, editing texts, photos and much more. It has different types of templates to create the document you need, be it a business letter, text with pictures inside, or even a resume.

Copied links from the Internet or links in text words automatically become active in the document, they can be edited or go to the address of the Internet resource. In Word you can even make the tables you need. Perhaps not everyone knows, but in Word you can easily convert a document with the .fb2 extension into a text document. In addition, when typing text, the program monitors the correctness of typing. She corrects mistakes in words herself, or highlights the erroneous letters in red. If you missed a comma somewhere, the sentence is underlined with a green wavy line. In general, it would take a long time to list all the features and positive qualities of the application, let’s get to the point.

Despite its popularity and ease of use, many users have not yet studied this wonderful program. Today we will tell you how to make pages in Word, which is included in the list of office applications for Windows 7.

Making a page or pages in Word is very easy. To do this, you just need to launch this program, and a blank sheet with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner will open in front of you. You can type any text in any language on the keyboard, and it will immediately appear on our sheet of paper.

In order to edit it later or simply open it, you need to save our document (for posterity, for example).

To do this, left-click on the program circle at the very top left and select “Save As”. Right-click to select the format in which the recording will be stored.

Advice. It is best to save your text in Word in the “Word 97-2003 Document” format. Why? Because if you save it as a “Word Document”, then if you send this letter to a person with Windows XP installed on his computer, he will not be able to read it.

A dialog box will appear in which you select which folder on your computer you want to save it to. In the “File name” field, enter the name of the future document and click “Save”.

If you're printing a book or document with many pages, for example, you can make it easier to navigate.

For example, in Word you can make sheets of text with automatic numbering. It's done like this.

Click “Insert” and you will immediately notice that the submenu interface has changed. Just to the right of the middle of the submenu there will be a block on which it is written in a column: “header”, “footer””, “page number”.

Click on the inscription “page number”, a submenu will appear to select the most suitable display of numbers. There will be the following points:

  • Top of the page;
  • Bottom of the page;
  • In the margins of the page;
  • Current location;
  • Page number format;
  • Remove page numbers.

With the first two menu items, I think everything is clear.

Consider the third point in more detail.

When you click it, a dialog box will open in which you select the location, type and type of numbering.

By clicking on "Current Position", you can choose a style for numbering.

By clicking on the “Page Number Format” menu item, you can create your own style for numbering document sheets, experiment, it’s very interesting.
The last point, I think, does not need to be explained.

You can also give your page an original look by changing the color of the letters, the length of the margins at the top, right, left or bottom, the font size, and the background color of the text or page. This is done using the menu that you see immediately after opening the file. If you “lost” it, just click on “Home” at the top left and it will appear.

Sometimes a page needs to be saved as a landscape page after all the data has been entered into it - text and pictures. This is how it is done.
Remember that this setting will be applied to all pages of your document. Click on the inscription in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Album” from the menu.
You can also convert only the last page to a landscape page; to do this, select “Landscape” in the orientation settings and check the box “To the end of the document.”

Don’t forget that any part of the text, or just a word on a page, can be turned into a link to the site you need. To do this, hold down the left mouse button and select a separate piece of text or word. Right-click on the selected area. In the menu that opens, select “Hyperlink” and insert the address you need in the bottom line. Ready! An area of ​​text or a word has changed color and become underlined, this is normal. Now, if you hold down the ctrl key and right-click, your link will open in the browser.

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