I can't open an account in Aliexpress. Recovering your account on AliExpress. Why you can get a ban or account blocking on AliExpress

When making purchases in the Aliexpress com online store, a user may encounter that his account is blocked. In this article we will try to figure out why it may be blocked and what can be done to unblock it, because both a novice and an experienced buyer can be blocked.

Why is my Aliexpress account blocked?

The administration of the Aliexpress online store in Russian has the right to block a user account in several cases.
1. Fraud
If a user (buyer) is caught committing fraudulent actions towards the Aliexpress online store, the site administration blocks it. Fraud, for example, means the use of someone else’s bank card, wallet, etc. data.

2. Security
The administration of the Aliexpress website may temporarily block your account for security purposes; in this case, you will be required, for example, to clarify some of your data. When you block your account for security reasons, when you enter your login and password, a warning will pop up stating that your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons.
In order to unblock your account, you will need to follow the link “Appeal for account reactivation”, which you will see on the same page about blocking.

In this case, all you need to do is fill in the required data. After verifying the information provided, your account will be successfully unblocked.

3. You have not activated your account
When registering on the site, until you confirm your account, you will not be able to buy goods on Aliexpress. To activate your account, you need to go to your mailbox (address) and open a letter from the Aliexpress website asking you to confirm the creation of your account, you will need to follow the link, thereby confirming that you are a real person.
Go to your mailbox (email), there should be a new letter from the Aliexpress website, which will contain a link highlighted in blue, which you need to follow to confirm your registered account.

4. The buyer abused his rights
If the administration of the Aliexpress online store believes that you have abused the protection of buyer rights on the site.

The following cases are considered abuse of buyer rights:
- You have already received compensation from the seller and after that opened a dispute.
- You received the parcel, but opened a dispute indicating the reason “Item not received.”
- You opened a dispute for the reason “The product does not correspond to the description”, but in fact the product corresponds to the description.
- Open disputes very often.
- Open a dispute in order to ask for a discount in the future.
- In a dispute, you provide false information or provide false evidence (for example, photos or videos of incorrect goods).

5. Account blocking due to a large number of placed but unpaid orders.
If there are a large number of orders placed but not paid for, the buyer may be subject to sanctions, for example, complete blocking of the account. In this case, I advise you to contact the Aliexpress support service with a request to restore access and carefully justify your desire.

What to do if your Aliexpress account is blocked?

There are two types of blocking on the Aliexpress website: temporary and permanent, so the question arises, what to do if your account is temporarily blocked?

Account blocked forever
If your account is blocked on the Aliexpress website forever, when you log into the site you will see the following message: “Your account has been blocked. You are not allowed to submit new complaints" this means that it will not be possible to unblock it. In this case, I recommend registering a new account (if there is only one mailbox, then you will most likely have to register a new mailbox).

Account temporarily blocked
If your account in the online store is temporarily blocked “Your account is temporarily unavailable for security reasons,” then you need to perform the required actions, for example, confirm the activation of your account or provide additional information. After checking the expected data, the site administration will unblock your account.

Does it make sense to restore your account on Aliexpress?
If you are on the site recently and you do not have any unreceived orders and you do not value your transaction history, then there is no point in restoring your account.
Users who have been purchasing on the site for a long time have some privileges in the form of ratings, bonuses, and so on, so it always makes sense to restore your account.
If you have any questions about restoring access to your personal account, please contact

At the moment, Aliexpress has a rule that if your account has been blocked, then all open disputes are automatically closed in favor of the seller. Contacting support chat or complaints do not bring any results. At first glance, the situation seems hopeless. Yes, it cannot be solved in standard ways. But, if you have enough patience and time, as well as the desire to restore justice, then you can get your money back if your account has been blocked. The following strategy for successfully returning money after account suspension was shared by customers.

I would like to warn you right away that this method is not for cheap orders, and you should use it if the product is an outright fake, the seller is a fraud, or the package has not arrived at all.

1. Prepare your evidence carefully.

In order to get your money back for a closed dispute, you will need to collect as much evidence as possible. They will be examined very meticulously. Each photo should graphically show what the problem is. Additionally, write on the photo what the problem is. Each claim must have its own evidence (for example, the color does not match - one photo, the size does not match - another photo indicating the reason, etc.)

2. File a complaint against the seller.

You can file a complaint against Aliexpress without logging into your account. When filing a complaint, politely and clearly describe the problem with your order point by point. You can upload 5 photos with your complaint.

3. Write letters about fraudulent actions of the seller.

From your email to which your account is registered, we write letters to the following addresses: [email protected] And [email protected] Where we duplicate our information from complaints. You can describe all the problems in more detail. The Aliexpress administration accurately reviews complaints about fraudulent activities. Therefore, if you can prove fraud, then it will be good.

One of our readers said that she did this:

4. Contact Alibaba technical support

Since you cannot write to the Aliexpress support chat from a blocked account, you need to act through Alibaba. Since Aliexpress is part of the Alibaba corporation. Your task is to ask Alibaba technical support to connect you with Aliexpress technical support so that they can review your evidence again.

And if you have significant evidence, then Aliexpress mediators can review the dispute and make a decision in your favor. Since previously they did not watch your dispute at all.


Of all four actions, of course, the most effective is the last one. The only thing is that it is better to use it only in extreme cases, if a lot of money is at stake for the order. And for some reason you cannot get your money back using a chargeback at the bank.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat

For the last few days, RuNet has been discussing unexpected news. Like, AliExpress got completely impudent and started unilaterally block accounts of Russians.

Those who were allegedly blocked are suspected of fraud - and they do not even give an explanation as to why this happened.

The information was launched by the notorious site of “yellow” articles, which you all know here. It starts with the letter “A”, you either know the rest or don’t even look for it. I don’t want to give the guys a TIC.

For some unknown reason, some major media outlets circulated the story, including News And Rossiyskaya Gazeta. It's time to figure out what it was.

Fact: Russians' accounts are indeed blocked, but in 95% of cases for the cause and on a much smaller scale than has been reported.

Why can you get a ban or account blocking on AliExpress?

AliExpress has several rules, violation of which can lead to your account being blocked. Among them rating boost shopping from each other, trading ratings, placing goods that do not correspond to the description, and similar obvious things.

In this situation, we are interested in the section devoted to the buyer protection policy - Buyer Protection Program, which applies to the vast majority of products from Ali.

Under this program, you can return money for purchased goods if you did not receive it within the prescribed period; if the wrong product arrived; and if the goods arrived damaged.

In such situations, the user must open the so-called “ dispute» – resolving the issue with the seller. If the dispute does not end with a solution to the problem, the same buyer protection program intervenes. You get your money back.

The system is largely automated: unresolved disputes are not checked by a human moderator. By default, the buyer is right.

That's why the buyer protection program is subject to a number of prohibitions, for which it is impossible:

  • declare that the goods have not been received if they WAS received
  • declare that the product is very different from what is stated in the description when it corresponds to him
  • open a dispute after a refund initiated by the seller directly, or after a refund through the used payment system
  • open a new dispute with the seller as revenge for unsatisfactory resolution of other disputes with him
  • threaten to the seller by opening a dispute to receive a discount, service or product on favorable terms, if the product itself was delivered and corresponds to its description
  • open disputes too often and use the buyer protection program.
  • There is little new in the program itself: for example, they work in the same way eBay With PayPal. Their conditions are similar: use the refund to your health, but if you abuse it, do not be offended by the ban and blocking.

    The refund program is generally convenient and fits well with the notorious realities of Aliexpress. But it’s worth adding to them our legendary Russian ingenuity, and... well, you already guessed what's happening.

    Why does AliExpress block Russians? What did they do?

    It quickly became clear: there are many such channels, but even more are sites and public pages on social networks that deal with the same thing.

    Gained popularity in Russia practice of "abuse"(from English abuse - abuse) AliExpress buyer protection programs. This type of fraud has spread dramatically due to impunity on the part of Russian law enforcement agencies.

    A seller from China will not complain to the Russian police, and they are unlikely to take on such a murky matter.

    What is the essence of the abuse of the Aliexpress protection program? In short:

    1. You order the goods to a nearby address, name and through a previously undisclosed card. QIWI and Corn are very popular.

    2. When an item has already left the warehouse, you look for inconsistencies, violations of AliExpress rules, or flaws in its description.

    Or if the item has already arrived, you are looking for any discrepancies with the description. Among the popular ones are other logos, fakes, different equipment, and so on.

    4. The seller either agrees or refuses. Then depending on your luck: if the dispute is checked by the moderators and they agree with you, the money will be returned in part or in full, and the goods will remain with you.

    5. We repeat these points endlessly, changing appearances and passwords.

    At first glance, the system looks a little like a fraudulent one: if a product does not match the description or violates the rules of the site, then according to AliExpress rules, its buyer can return the money.

    But scammers are putting this matter on stream. They specifically look for and share with each other products on AliExpress that you can make a claim on after ordering - and thereby get the item for free.

    Now let's get back to blocking accounts in AliExpress. None of the rules of the service prohibits ordering a product that nominally violates the rules of the site. But at the same time it is prohibited:

  • open disputes too often and use the buyer protection program.
  • Actually, this is precisely the point that the AliExpress antifraud system is guided by when it distributes bans. This can happen manually after complaints by the seller, or it can happen automatically - when, for example, you open a dispute on 70 percent or more of your orders from the site.

    Okay, let's say I was banned. How to unblock an account on AliExpress?

    The claims of Russian sites about the impossibility of lifting the ban are exaggerated - so says AliExpress PR Manager in Russia Anton Panteleev.

    If an account comes under suspicion, the blocking can be challenged through the appeal system.

    In most cases, access is returned, especially if the user explains clearly what the problem is. You never know what happened.

    But if he can’t explain (or doesn’t want to, as is the case with scammers), then the account remains blocked.

    To unblock your account on AliExpress, contact support through the Eva bot in the AliExpress online messenger.

    Switch to a “live” person in the chat and explain the situation to him in English, then answer a series of leading questions.

    They will ask you whether you have opened disputes - and if so, they will require you to explain in detail the reasons and provide proof of your rightness.

    If you have not abused (sorry, this is the last time I’m using this word) the buyer protection system, your account will be unblocked without any problems. Most scammers, however, prefer not to bother and go to make new accounts.

    So sleep peacefully, Aliexpress lovers. Everything is OK

    In some cases, access data to the AliExpress website is lost and the user cannot log into his account. In case of violation of the rules for working with the service and security, any account is blocked by decision of the support service specialists. In any case, when it comes to how to recover your account on AliExpress, you need to prepare for the fact that this procedure may take some time. Let's look at the main reasons for account blocking and ways to restore your page.

    Recovering a forgotten password

    When registering on the AliExpress website, the user must come up with a unique password with which he can log into the site each time to make purchases. The login login is a mailbox address, so it is automatically saved in the required field if the user’s browser supports such an option. The standard login form looks like this:

    The problem of a forgotten password is not uncommon, so the recovery procedure is carried out in a standard way, as on any other site. After several unsuccessful attempts to log into your account, select the “Forgot your password” option. Then the system will redirect you to the password recovery page, where you will need to enter the e-mail specified during registration:

    After entering your email address and the standard robot protection check, click on the “Request” button. The program will begin to check the account and provide the user with a choice of two recovery methods: using confirmation by email or by contacting support.

    The fastest way is traditionally considered to be recovery using a password; on AliExpress this procedure takes place in several stages. First, the system checks the identity using a verification code. It arrives by email within a minute and consists of six numbers, which must be entered in a special field and click on the “Confirm” button.

    If the code is entered correctly, you can proceed to the next step of the procedure and create a new password to log into your AliExpress account:

    Your password will then be reset and you will be able to log in again using your new login information. Sometimes, for security reasons, the site temporarily blocks access, in which case you will need to undergo additional verification.

    If you have not yet provided your phone number, you will be prompted to do so now. Enter your active number, to which you will instantly receive an SMS with a code to enter in a special field, and click “Confirm”.

    The data verification procedure does not end here; according to the site rules, you will again receive a verification code by email and enter it into the field. Code generation occurs almost instantly. After successfully completing all steps, access to the account is restored, and a special message appears on the screen:

    Common reasons for blocking

    Often, users do not know why their account is blocked. This can happen if your account is not activated, if you did not have time to confirm your e-mail address. Cases of fraud, disputes with sellers, blackmail, threats, spam and other negative actions towards other people immediately cause account blocking. You should not ask sellers to send goods directly other than through the AliExpress system, such offers are intercepted and tracked. Creating a large number of accounts for the purpose of boosting reviews or sales also leads to blocking, as it is a violation of the rules.

    If a user's shopping cart contains a large number of orders that he has not yet paid for, his account may also be blocked.

    In this and many other cases, it is almost impossible to restore it, and the best solution is to create a new account on the site. Since all unpaid purchases are recorded in the My Orders section, they must be canceled in a timely manner if you change your mind about purchasing a certain product. Since each order is reserved by the seller, until the item is paid for on time, no one else will be able to purchase it. In this case, it is better to cancel the purchase in advance.

    We invite you to watch a video that describes the personal experience of a user whose account was blocked.

    Unlock methods

    If your account has already been locked, after logging in you will see a warning that your account is temporarily unavailable for security reasons. In case of serious violation of the rules, it is best to create a new account, since the procedure for restoring the old one may take too long. When you re-register, please provide a different email address and phone number, especially if you violated a serious rule.

    You haven’t violated any rules of the service, but you still can’t log into your page? Then you can try to recover your account in several ways. When a warning message appears during authorization, select the “Unlock account” option. A special form will appear on the screen, to which you will need to attach a scan of your passport to confirm your identity, enter the phone number and e-mail specified during registration. If you see a warning that your account is disabled and you are unable to submit complaints about it, you will have to create a new account instead of restoring your old account on AliExpress. Sometimes, after submitting an unlock request for the first time, you need to contact support, whose response arrives within a few days. You need to write to specialists during working hours from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.; the website also has a special online chat where you can also ask for help. Most of the account options are unavailable when it is blocked, so it is better to wait for a specialist’s response and not perform any actions on the account for now.

    In general, the recovery procedure does not take much time, but only if the user’s account was blocked by mistake, and not as a result of fraudulent actions or violation of rules on his part.

    Blocking an Aliexpress user account is an atypical situation and does not happen often. There must be a compelling reason for an account to be blocked. Even if the user does not use his account for a long time, he is still not blocked. Another thing is if the user is found to be violating the site’s policies or engaging in fraudulent activities, then the account may be blocked indefinitely and may not even be restored. Many users immediately panic and rush to create new pages, but all accumulated points, coupons and ratings will be lost in this case. You shouldn’t take drastic measures right away, but first figure out what caused your account to be blocked. If such an action was the result of a complaint from the seller or a violation of Aliexpress policy, then the site administration will analyze the situation and decide whether to reinstate the user or not. But there can be many reasons for blocking, as well as the consequences of such an action. We will tell you further about what to do if your Aliexpress account has been blocked and for what reasons this could happen.

    Blocking an account on Aliexpress must be preceded by some event that may be considered by the site service as a violation of the terms of cooperation. Buyers on Aliexpress are blocked less often than sellers, since they have fewer responsibilities to the site. But for both buyers and sellers there are rules that must be followed. Many buyers are not even aware that sellers are also protected by a secure transaction policy just like buyers, so any aggressive, fraudulent or dishonest action on the part of the buyer may be considered reason for account blocking.

    The most common reason why an account may be blocked is failure to follow all instructions for activating the account. During registration, email and personal data are used. To activate your account, you need to follow the link from the letter that will be sent to your email, and thus confirm your registration. You can use your account without confirmation, but for a limited period. That is, you can place orders, open disputes, communicate with the seller, but when the activation period expires, the account will be blocked automatically. This case of blocking is the most common, since users simply forget to open the mail and click on the link in the letter, or the letter is immediately transferred to SPAM.

    But there are other reasons why an account may be blocked. The most common cases why an Aliexpress account is blocked:

    • The user opens disputes too often and at the time of blocking has at least 5 pending disputes. Such a situation can be regarded as a fraudulent action, as if you want to deceive sellers. You can avoid blocking if you open no more than 3 disputes at the same time.
    • Payment details are registered in the name of another person. To pay for orders from Aliexpress, it is better to use a card (account) registered in the name of the owner. If a user frequently changes payment methods, the secure payment system may regard this as a fraudulent action and temporarily freeze the account.
    • The buyer asked the seller not to indicate the actual cost or contents of the parcel. Explosive substances and bladed weapons are sold on the site under special conditions, which entails additional costs for customs clearance. If a user asks a seller to defraud the law, their account may be frozen pending further action.
    • The use of profanity, insults and threats against the seller or site employees may result in account blocking. In this case, the user may permanently lose access to his personal page.
    • For cooperation with the seller, cheating reviews and ratings, the user may be blocked. A fairly popular way to make money on the Internet is writing false reviews, which can cause you to lose access to your account without the possibility of recovery.
    • A large number of unpaid orders added to the waiting list may be considered fraudulent activity. Try to avoid unpaid orders, remove them from the list, and pay for the goods immediately so that the administration does not have any suspicions.

    Also, the user may lose his account for blackmailing the seller with a negative review, for using other payment methods using the main Alipay system, regularly canceling orders, etc. For many reasons, blocking is a security measure, so after checking the information, the account will be unlocked automatically by the support service. If the user is caught committing fraud, the account will be blocked without the right to recovery.

    What to do if your Aliexpress account is blocked?

    If during authorization the message Your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons appears (your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons), then after checking its status within 2-3 business days, it will be unlocked automatically. Perhaps you received a complaint from the seller or some payment actions seemed suspicious to the administration. Once the situation has been analyzed, the user will be informed of further actions.

    Another situation is if the user has no idea about the blocking and the account has not been unblocked for several days. In this case, you need to write to the site's technical support service. Select the Register & Accounts column, write a question in the chat field and contact the site manager. He will analyze the situation and explain why your account is blocked, and also help in restoring it.

    How to solve the problem with account blocking?

    If during authorization you are faced with the problem of account blocking, make sure that the correct data is entered. If you enter the wrong password several times, the system may regard this as a hacking attempt and block your personal page to clarify the situation. This is a common privacy measure used by the system to prevent hacking. In this case, wait a few hours and try to log in again, during which time your account should be unlocked.

    Another way to solve a problem with account blocking is to contact support. If you cannot log into your personal account and do not know why, write to the customer support center so that they can find out why this happened. After the situation has been analyzed, within a few days of contacting technical support, an email will be sent to the email address used during registration with further instructions on what you should do to restore your account. If the account cannot be restored, you will also be informed about this by mail.

    If your account has not been unblocked, and the support service has not helped solve the problem, you will have to create a new account. Sometimes, a system failure or encryption of your browser data is regarded by the Aliexpress security service as an attempt at hacking or phishing. If your account cannot be unblocked within a week, unfortunately, it cannot be restored.

    Account blocked rightly

    Fair blocking can be regarded as a consequence of any actions on the part of the user that do not comply with Aliexpress policy. If a user threatens, blackmails, or insults the seller, they are given a ban. For using a personal page to increase the rating, the seller is given a ban. For writing false reviews, indicating the seller’s personal information, or exceeding the permissible limits for reviews, you get a ban. You can get a page blocked if you conduct many disputes simultaneously with different sellers, do not pay for added orders for a long time, and use someone else’s payment details. For this, your account will be blocked rightly. It will be difficult, practically impossible, to restore it. It’s better to create a new one and avoid conflict situations with sellers.

    Account blocked by mistake

    Erroneous blocking of an account is possible if the user has committed any actions considered fraudulent, but accidentally. To do this, of course, you need to be very inattentive and, for example, enter the wrong password 7 times. The personal data protection system will regard this as a hacking attempt and the account will be blocked. Usually, accounts on Aliexpress are not blocked by mistake, and if this happens, then in the near future such pages will be unblocked automatically. If your account is blocked by mistake, you don’t even have to worry, most likely there was some kind of data failure. Please note that there is a ban on accessing Aliexpress from some regions, which is regulated by the Internet service provider. In this case, use VPN services to log in or the mobile version of the site.

    Temporary blocking

    Temporary blocking is the freezing of an account for a short period of time, which is intended to verify user data. If during authorization, the message “You account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons” is displayed, and the link below is: “Appeal for account reactivation”, this means that your account is in a state of temporary blocking for some reason and in order to restore it you need to go through the reactivation procedure, after which the blocking will be immediately removed. If the bottom link is missing, contact support.

    Permanent blocking

    Permanent blocking - deactivation of an account for an unspecified period. Permanent blocking is given only to those users who have violated Aliexpress rules or are suspected of fraud. In this case, a notification may appear in the authorization window: “You account has been disabled. You are not allowed to submit new complaints" (“Your account has been blocked. Submitting new complaints is not allowed”). In this case, unfortunately, the account cannot be restored. It is much easier to create a new account, since there are no functions provided to restore the old one. Permanent blocking is given forever, so you don’t even have to try to restore your page.

    How to activate an account on Aliexpress?

    When registering, a new user must enter an active email address and fill in all lines with personal data. To activate an account on Aliexpress, you need to provide your full name, email address, phone number, address (country, region, city, street) and payment details. Then, an email from the support service with an activation link should be sent to the specified email address. Click on it and the link will redirect to the Aliexpress start page and your account will be activated.

    After activating your account, you can enjoy all the benefits of Aliexpress, place orders and leave reviews, as well as buy goods from China at affordable prices.

    Video: Aliexpress account is blocked

    Aliexpress ensures the security of user data and guarantees the protection of personal information, therefore, when there is a risk of account hacking or a user violating the rules of the site, the account may be blocked. It can be unlocked if it is temporarily frozen or under review. Permanently blocked accounts cannot be restored. If you still have questions about blocking your account. We recommend watching the video: your account on Aliexpress is blocked: