Power transistors directory. TRANSISTORS Domestic bipolar - directory. Logic IC cr1533, kr1554. Directory

  • 20.09.2014

    General information on wiring electrical wiring is a set of wires and cables with attachments related to them, supporting and protective structures. Hidden wiring has a number of advantages over the open: it is safer and durable, protected from mechanical damage, hygienic, does not clutch the walls and ceilings. But it is more expensive, and it is harder to replace it if necessary. ...

  • 27.09.2014

    On the basis of K174UN7, you can collect not a complex generator with 3 under the ranges: 20 ... 200, 200 ... 2000 and 2000 ... 20000Hz. The ND determines the frequency of the generated oscillations, it is built on elements R1-R4 and C1-C6. The chain of the negative OS reducing the nonlinear distortions of the signal and the amplitude stabilizing it is formed by the R6 resistor and the incandescent lamp H1. With edited rates of the scheme ...

  • 23.09.2014

    Purpose: On the basis of the proposed scheme, you can assemble the installment that will be considered passersby, turn on the light when passing through the door, security alarm, and the like. Emitter of IR VD4 on al147a (it is installed in the remote control of the TV type 4-USL) emitting a signal-industrated pulses of 1000Hz. The generator - the pulse source is performed on VT2 VT3. Frequency ...

  • 05.10.2014

    The source produces two polar voltage from 5 to 17V at a load current to 20a, while the level of pulsation is 1 V at 17V installed voltage and current on load 20a. The voltage from the transformer enters one-capperic rectifiers on VD1-VD3 and C1-C3. Parallel inclusion of 3 diodes is necessary to reduce scattering power. Condensers ...

  • 27.01.2017

    KA78RXXC is a line of stabilizers with output voltages 3.3V, 5V, 9B, 12V and 15B and output current to 1 A. Stabilizers have a small voltage drop of 0.5 V and a shutdown function. Specifications: Output voltage (min. / Nom. / Max.): KA78R33C - 3.22 / 3.3 / 3.38 in KA78R05C - 4.88 / ...

The directory contains technical documentation in format.pdf on more than 3500 types of memory chips. All technical documentation for memory chips is sorted by the manufacturers of memory microcircuits. Each file can be downloaded separately. Download all archives file 86 KB, Format.xls Firm Manufacturers: Alliance - File size 16 MB. AMD - File size 15 MB. ATMEL - File size 30 MB. Catalyst - File size 2, 8 MB. CrossLink - file size 5, 3 MB. CYPRESS - File size 44 MB.

Electrician directory. V. I. Grigoriev. 2004

The technical characteristics of the current and new electrical equipment are given: transformers, electric motors, switching apparatuses, cable and air lines, etc. Dana information on electrical measurements, electrical materials, neutral modes, electricity quality standards, lighting devices, etc. The book is designed for engineers, technicians and masters working on the operation of power supply systems in both industry and agriculture.

Diodes and their overseas counterparts. Directory. T. 1. Khrulev A. K., Cherepanov V. P.

The first volume of the reference edition contains the electrical and operational characteristics of semiconductor diodes - rectifying diodes and pillars, diode assemblies, module blocks and matrices. Classification and designation system, basic standards for the instruments described in the directory are given. For specific types of devices, information is provided on the main purpose, dimensional and connecting sizes and labeling. The annex provides overseas analogues of semiconductor diodes placed in the directory, and the names of manufacturers.

Marking of radio components of domestic and foreign. Reference manual. Volume 2. Sadchenkov D. A.

This book is devoted to the marking of microcircuits, thyristors, display devices, sound alarm, switching and protection of electrical circuits. In addition to the marking information, typical circuits of inclusion, installation dimensions, logos and alphabetic cuts when marking microcircuits of leading foreign manufacturers are given. The useful information is presented, which in general will help determine the type and purpose of the element, pick it up with the replacement with reference to the area defined by it on the board. The book is intended for specialists to repair radio-electronic equipment, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs.

Marking of radio components of domestic and foreign. Reference manual. Volume 1. Sadchenkov D. A.

In practical work related primarily to the repair of electronic equipment, the task occurs to determine the type of electronic component, its parameters, the location of the conclusions, decide on the direct replacement or use of the analog. Most of the existing reference books provide information on individual types of radio components (transistors, diodes, etc.). However, it is not enough, and this reference manual is not available to such books. The book presented by the reader on the marking of electronic components contains, unlike the previously published editions, a greater amount of information.

Foreign transistors and their counterparts. Petukhov V.M. Directory directory. Volume 1.

In the first volume of the fivetomy reference edition, the electrical and operational characteristics of foreign low-power bipolar transistors are given. The overall sizes of the buildings are indicated in the Russian standard, indicating the tolerances according to manufacturers. The reference book also has foreign analogues of transistors (and analogs of devices taken from production) and a list of manufacturers are also placed. For the convenience of working with the reference book, a pointer of the types of instruments, according to which the reader with incredible ease will find the device you need.

Thyristors and their overseas counterparts. Directory. Cherepanov V. P., Khrulev A. K. 2002

In the second volume of the reference edition, data on the electrical parameters of the overall dimensions, the limit operational characteristics of the main functional purpose of domestic power thyristors are given by dynamic pulsed frequency temperature dependences of the parameters and the features of the use of thyristors in the RA dioelectronic equipment for engineering and technical Rabunico engaged in the development and repair of radio electronic equipment Release year: 2002

Domestic analogues of foreign microcircuits for domestic radio equipment. Directory 1992.

The data on foreign analogues of microcircuits from the wind production used in the household radio phana tour, including constructive execution and functional purpose. Contains information on more than 600 microcircuits. For experts on the repair of imported household radio air, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs. Year of release: 1992 Author: Pirogov E.V. Genre: Directory Publisher: M.: BIAR Format: DJVU Size: 1, 4 MB Quality: Scanned Pages Number of Pages: 48 Download Book \u003e\u003e\u003e Domestic Analogues of Foreign Chips for Household Radio Pharmacy Tours: Directory Reading Program: DjVureder Contents Preface Brand Signs and abbreviated designated microcircuit manufacturers 1.

Logic IC cr1533, kr1554. Directory.

The reference provides detailed information on modern logical IP; High-speed low-power TTLSH chips of the KR1533 series and high-speed CMOS chips KR1554 series KR1533 series Low-speed digital integral chips of the KPJ53S series are designed for the organization of high-speed metabolism and digital information, time and electrical signaling in computing systems. The chips of the KR1533 series in comparison with the well-known series of logical TTL chips have a minimal value of the work of a quick effect on the scattered power.

ADC microcircuits and DAC. Directory 2005.

The purpose of the publication of this reference book from the "Inchragular Chiphips series" is to provide the development of KAM and technical specialists the most complete information on the entire spectrum of the ADC microcircuits and the DAC, the terminals of the sampling and storage (UHH), data collection systems, and the voltage converters - the frequency ( PNCH) and frequency - voltage (PCH). Compared with the first release of the reference book "Mick Rosham for analog-to-digital transformation and media media", which was presented in 1996, in which the chips of the ADC series 572 and 1175 were presented, as well as their analogues, the present publication is significantly expanded.

Background data of bipolar transistors

From compiler

This reference book is an attempt to combine in one edition full of appliances coverage, compactness of information presentation, as well as the convenience of its use.

The directory is designed for a wide range of users from developers of radio-electronic devices, to radio amateurs.

The directory presents the main electrical parameters of bipolar transistors. For compactness and ease of use of this reference book, it uses a tabular form of information presentation. In addition to electrical parameters, dimensional and connecting dimensions are given in the reference book, as well as a typical area of \u200b\u200buse of bipolar transistors. The described approach made it possible to create a compact, convenient and inexpensive directory, which will bring practical benefit to its owner.

The directory contains the parameters of bipolar transistors scattered in domestic literature. Since the main principle in drawing up the reference book was the completeness of the range of nomenclature, then for some instruments only a few parameters are given (which were brought in the scientific article of the device developers). As additional information appears, it turned on in the directory.
For some devices, instead of the limit parameters are typical when information about the limit parameters is missing, and there are typical values.

How did this reference book appear? In the mid-70s, the draft directories collided in his work with the lack of a reference book that arms himself and his colleagues. Existing reference books possessed many shortcomings, the most obvious of which are described below.

1. Large redundancy:

A) Many reference books had a lot of graphs that were either quite well described by theoretical curves, or reflected noctural dependence;
b) most developers do not interest such parameters as the storage time in the warehouse and the degree of resistance of semiconductor devices against the effects of mold and fungi;
c) from 10% to 30% of the scope of reference books occupied well-known things, the conventions on electrical circuits, the classification of devices and the like were repeatedly described in the diverse literature concepts.

2. Incomprehensible, long time passes through publishers led to rapidly obsolescence of the reference book. Most of the compilers had a certain circle of semiconductor manufacturers and if the products of one manufacturer were presented quite fully, then the products of another manufacturer did not include new developments. For work, it was necessary to use several directories at the same time at the same time (especially since different compilers included a different number of parameters known for this instrument) and a number of journal articles in which new semiconductor devices were described.

3. The inconvenience of using- the majority of the compilers were injected by the reference book to parts by such criteria as the dispersion power, the operating frequency, the type of transition. In addition, very often inside the section, the material was additionally grouped by similar principles. All this greatly hampered the search for the desired device and a particularly comparison of several semiconductor devices for a number of parameters.

4. Unreliability - in the process of publication in any directory accumulated errors. If errors in the usual text are easily detected at the subtraction, then errors in numerical information even detects with difficulty.

All the described reasons prompted to compile a directory more convenient for the developer of electronic equipment. Thanks to compact form, the directory turned out to be quite cheap and satisfying most needs. If the developer will require more detailed characteristics of a product (this happens quite rarely), it can always turn either to a specialized publication or to a sectoral standard. In the everyday work, he is enough for this little little book.

The directory was drawn up in 1993, translated into HTML in 2000.

Compiler: Kozak Viktor Romanovich, Email: Kozak @ Inp.NSK.SU

For radio amateurs, download directory rates on transistors, chips, SMD components of domestic and imported production.

Directory "Microcircuits of modern TVs". This reference manual contains data on the most common integral chips, which are used in modern television techniques. The book provides background information about more than 100 microcircuits of such well-known manufacturers, as Samsung, Sanyo, Sony, Siemens, Matsushita, Philips, SGS-Thomson and others.

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Handbook "Chips for Modern Monitors". This book is a reference manual for microcircuits for modern LCD and CRT monitors. It provides comprehensive information about 150 chips leading semiconductor components for monitors.

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Directory "Domestic transistors for household, industrial and special equipment." This directory presents complete information about the nomenclature, manufacturers, parameters, housings and analogs of 5000 names of transistors!

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Collection of their 3x directories for import chips, transistors, diodes, thyristors and SMD components. Book 1 of 3x. This directory provides information on the radio electronic components of foreign manufacturers with an alphabetic index. from A to R. The characteristics, basement, analogs and manufacturers of components are given.

File size - 198MB. DjView book format. Download from Deposit Files

Imported chip, thyristors, diodes, transistors and SMD components. Book 2 of 3 . This directory provides information on the radio electronic components of foreign manufacturers with an alphabetic index. from R to Z.

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Imported chip, thyristors, diodes, transistors and SMD components. Book 3 of 3 . This directory provides information on the radio-electronic components of foreign manufacturers with a digital index. from 0 to 9 .

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Directory of active SMD components. SMD codes for 33 thousand transistors, thyristors, chips and diodes are given, type SMD microcircuits, labeling, characteristics, replacement.

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Reference "Transistors and their foreign analogues" Volume 1. In the first volume of the reference, the electrical and operational characteristics of semiconductor devices - field and bipolar transistors of low power are given. Classification and designation system, basic standards for the instruments described in the directory are given. For specific types of devices, information is provided on the main purpose, dimensional and connecting sizes, labeling, limit operational modes and working conditions. The Annex provides overseas analogues of transistors placed in the directory.

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Reference "Transistors and their foreign analogues" Volume 2. In the second volume of the reference book, information on low-frequency bipolar transistors of medium and high power indicating their foreign analogues.

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Directory "Transistors and their foreign analogues" Volume 3.In the third volume, reference information on field and high-frequency bipolar transistors of medium and high power indicating their foreign analogues.

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Handbook "Marking of radio components" Volume 1. The book provides data on the letter, color and code marking of components, according to code marking of foreign semiconductor devices for surface mounting (SMD). Recommendations are given on the use and verification of the health of electronic components.

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Handbook "Marking of radio components" Volume 2. In this book, the reader will find a lot of useful information on marking chips, some types of semiconductor devices, installation and commutation products and many other useful information.

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Directory "Marking Radioetals". The book describes the labeling system of domestic and foreign: resistors, capacitors, inductors, quartz resonators, piezoelectric and surfactants, semiconductor devices, SMD components, microcircuits. Describes the features of testing electronic components.

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Handbook of microcircuits for imported televisions.In the book in Russian, structural schemes and appointment of conclusions more than three hundred microcircuits used in European and East Asian color TVs are given. The description of each device is accompanied by functional diagrams and characteristics.

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Microcircuit Reference for Audio and Radio Parts:generators, keys and switches, unch, low-noise and pre-amplifiers, operational amplifiers, volume controls and timbre, indicator control circuits. The book presents the main features, grounds, structural circuits and typical application schemes over 300 types of microcircuits for audio engineering.

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Handbook of integrated chips for industrial electronic equipment. The book contains conventions, electrical parameters, structural schemes, functional purposes (basement) and structures of widespread foreign analog and digital microcircuits.

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Best in Europe handbook of UNG.. It summarizes and systematized information about the majority of UHCHF in the integral execution produced by world manufacturers. The most important characteristics of microcircuits are given, types of hulls, basement, appearance, analogues, manufacturers, functional purposes.

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Directory for integrated chippers for television. The book provides an overview of integrated circuits used in modern television receivers, video and audio engineering. The main parameters and characteristics of chip, block diagrams of the internal structure and typical circuits of their inclusion are given.

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