Save dwg file to pdf. How to save (translate) a drawing from Compass to PDF or Jpeg? How to convert a document from PDF to DWG using a program

Printing an electronic version of an AutoCAD drawing in dwg format into pdf format is becoming increasingly popular. This can be done in several ways, I suggest evaluating each of them.

Print command

The first, easiest way. Run the command Print (_PLOT), in the printer selection window, select the built-in printer DWG to PDF.pc3(you can also use any other virtual pdf printer)

Since the command to print on a pdf printer is similar to printing on a physical printer, all settings are the same as normal print settings. After specifying all the parameters and pressing the OK button, the system will prompt you to enter the name of the pdf file and its location.

The disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow you to print several sheets at once - each drawing will be in a separate file. But at the same time, the method is simple and clear.

Export to PDF command

The second way to convert DWG to PDF is to run the command EXPORTPDF (_EXPORTPDF). The system will prompt you to enter the file name and location, define settings

Important: if you run the command from the Model space, the system will offer to print a one-page pdf file. If you run from paper space, you can print either a separate sheet in a separate file, or make a multi-page document containing all the sheets of the drawing. For this on the list Export select Current sheet or All sheets

Publishing team

The third, most advanced method is the command Publ (_PUBLISH). The command allows you to print sheets from different dwg files or sheets from the same binder into one file. On the list Publication in select PDF, specify the sheets you need, add new dwg files if necessary, and specify the sheets they contain. If you have a binder created, you can simply point to it.

Please note that printing to pdf format can take a long time (depending on the source dwg file), the system prints in the background and displays a ready message when it is finished


Depending on the goal, each time you need to choose one of three ways of working:

  1. If you need to print one sheet of a drawing in a separate file, use the command Seal
  2. If you need to create a multi-page document from sheets of one dwg file, use the command Export to PDF
  3. If you need to create a multi-page document from sheets from different dwg files, then use the command Publication

Converting files allows you to easily change their format for reading, sending or editing. Very often you have to wonder about converting documents from PDF to DWG.

PDF is an electronic document format that was developed by Adobe Systems. The main purpose is the presentation of printed products in electronic form. It can be viewed on almost any device using a variety of programs. Editing can only be done using special software. Among the advantages of the PDF format it is worth highlighting:

  • high level of document security, the ability to configure additional protection against editing;
  • small volume of files, which is very convenient for storage;
  • versatility that we mentioned above.

DWG is a format used to store two-dimensional and three-dimensional design data. By default, it is used by programs such as AutoCAD, nanoCAD, IntelliCAD.

Important! To open files in the formatDWGThere are paid and free applications. The latter allow you to view documents and, in some cases, perform editing. Paid software opens up the widest possible possibilities: for any parameters that interest the user.

How to convert a document from PDF to DWG using a program

Browsing the Internet, you will see a large number of programs that allow you to convert a document from PDF to DWG. Select one of them, download and install on your computer. Remember that most software is paid. But its functionality is much broader.

You can choose from the following programs:

  • PDF to DWG;
  • PDF to DWG Converter;
  • ABViewer Enterprise.

After downloading the program and installing it on your computer, you will need to run it. The interface will differ depending on the selected software. The general sequence of actions looks like this:

  • select the format into which you want to convert the document;
  • specify the folder where the new document will be placed. The field may be called "Output Folder";
  • in the settings, select the AutoCAD version;
  • open the PDF file. If the program is in English, this will be the “Add PDF File” button. Select a document, indicating the path to its location;
  • start conversion.

The new file will be located at the address you specified.

How to Convert PDF to DWG Using AutoCAD

Considering versions of the program before 2017, we note that conversion here will not be possible. The file can only be used as a background, scaling it if necessary. Versions of the program 2017 and later provide the ability to import the contents of a PDF file. This is done very simply.

Open AutoCAD and click Import on the menu bar.

Select the document you want to open.

Configure import options, if required.

Click the “OK” button. This will start moving the file and opening it in the desired format.

Important! After importing, the text contained in the file may not be recognized. In this case, the reason becomes in an unsupported encoding.

Not all files can be imported using this method, but only those that were created in the appropriate programs, in particular AutoCad. If you are trying to translate a document that contains scanned images, the program will not be able to recognize them. You will see a message stating that there are no imported objects.

When importing in an earlier version of the program, you will not find the “Import” menu item. Here the sequence of actions will be slightly different.

On the top menu bar, click the "Attach" button.

In the window that opens, set the PDF format, select the file you are interested in from the desired folder.

After confirming the action, you will see the required drawing in the program.

Video - How to convert PDF to DWG

It has long been a standard for everyone working with electronic documents, design layouts, drawings, as it allows you to display exactly the same formatting on almost every device.

There are several ways to convert a PDF file to AutoCAD format.

But many users, especially beginners, have difficulties: how to convert PDF to AutoCAD or, conversely, how to transfer to DWG from PDF to AutoCAD. The answers to these and other questions will be covered below.

In order to convert a drawing from DWG to PDF, you will need to perform the following simple manipulations:

  1. Next, to save the printable area, select “Frame” in the “What to print” line, click on the button of the same name and use the mouse to place the desired object to save in the frame.

Method 2

To convert to PDF format in AutoCAD, you can use the tools of the Universal Document Converter distribution kit; by the way, it is distributed free of charge. All steps are the same as those described in “method 1”, except that you will need to specify “Universal Document Converter” in the “Printer/Plotter” list.

You can also use another method for defining the print area and instead of specifying a frame, specify “Borders,” and also set “Align drawing to center” and “Align to paper size.” Using the same distribution, you can convert the drawing and protect it with a password.

To do this you will need the following:

  1. Open "Properties" and on the "Device and Documents" tab select "Advanced Properties"
  2. An editor window will open, in which select the “Format” section
  3. In the “Standard” line, indicate “Password protection” and, accordingly, set the password you need. And in the future, users who open this document will need to enter a password, and using this section you can also set a watermark.

How to convert (convert) PDF to DWG

This feature is implemented using the “Import” function. This method is suitable for versions of AutoCAD software no older than 2010.

So, in order to convert PDF files in AutoCAD, you need the following:

  1. Open the menu section by clicking on the letter “A” and select “Import”, then select “PDF”.
  2. The file import window will open, in which click on the “Browse” button to select the downloaded file.
  3. If the downloaded object has many pages, below in the “Pages to import” block, indicate the number of the desired fragment.
  4. On the left you can see blocks with parameter settings, set the ones necessary for work and finally click “OK”.

Useful Commands and Variables

  • “EXPORT” – to save objects in another format ;
  • “EXPORTPDF” – to display the “Save to PDF” window;
  • “EXPORTEPLOTFORMAT” – to install the default extension;
  • “EXPORTMODELSPACE” – to determine the part of the drawing to be exported;
  • “PDFSHX” – serves to save text objects used in the SHX font to a PDF file in the form of comments during export.

Converting files with an extension from PDF to DWG or vice versa is also carried out using third-party converters, for example “Aide Converter” or “PDF2DWG” and others.

For novice AutoCAD users, it will be useful to learn how drawings are saved in the program, including in JPEG and PDF formats -
this is especially true when you need to print a drawing later in a print store where AutoCAD is not installed (and pdfs are printed everywhere).

So, saving is usually done through the Export command in the main menu.
You choose which format to export the file to, for example, you can convert from dwg to pdf and then the drawing can be viewed even by those users who do not have AutoCAD installed on their computer, but only have Adobe Reader. You will only need to configure the export parameters before saving - specify the boundaries, orientation of the drawing, where to save the file.

When exporting to jpeg in stdu viewer, right-click on the pdf file and select Export page as image, save the file where you want.

We save AutoCAD drawings in PDF and JPEG Also, if you don’t have AutoCAD, but have a dwg drawing, you can convert the dwg file to pdf using special programs DWG True View (look for it on the official website of the AutoCAD developer company - or PDF Creator
In the first case, to download the program for viewing, publishing and printing DWG True View, you will need to indicate your first name, last name, country in which you live, and e-mail. You will also need to enter information in the form fields about where you work or study and what industry your organization belongs to,
They may also ask for your position (if you indicated a company). Next, click the Download button and download the DWG True View English version (about 200Mb) to your computer.

To save the file as a pdf, in the main menu of the program, click Open and specify the drawing file. Then select Export and configure the export parameters approximately as in the previous video (specify Window and highlight the drawing with a frame). Next, click Save to save

Save the AutoCAD drawing file in DWG True View

To convert a model from AutoCAD - dwg to Compass - m3d, you can use the .sat format. Compass automatically reads such a file and converts it into its own.

We save AutoCAD drawings in .sat format

In AutoCAD 2009, it became possible to save DWG drawings to PDF format, which does not require any other converters, such as DWG to PDF. This article shows how to make a PDF from AutoCAD version 2016. The principle is the same as in earlier versions. 1. First you need to go to"Seal" and select a printer

2. Select the desired paper format based on the size of your drawing, check the “fit” box and use a frame to indicate the printable area for output to PDF. In the example we have A1 format. By clicking the "PDF Options" button, additional settings are available, such as the quality of vector objects, including layers in PDF, creating bookmarks, font integration, etc.

3. Having configured the settings, click OK, specify the name and location for the saved PDF file, "Save":

That's it, the PDF is ready!

If the size (format) of a drawing in AutoCAD is unknown

If you don’t know what size a drawing is drawn in AutoCAD, just look in the “object properties” window for the length of its sides. To open the properties window, click "Ctrl + 1", or right-click on a line or other object - and in the context menu "Properties" or "Fastproperties", this will be enough to obtain information about the size of the drawing format.

For example, for information about the "height" of the drawing, i.e. about the length of its vertical line, along the Y axis:

We fix the length. Then deselect the vertical line, mark the horizontal one along the X axis and look at its length value.

Knowing the dimensions of the drawing, you can make an accurate and beautiful PDF from DWG, without unnecessary fields. Or add a non-standard sheet format to AutoCAD.