Test of modern information technologies. Test on information technology in professional activities. Vector graphics are used



state budget professionaleducational institution of the Voronezh region

"Liskinsky Agricultural and Technological College"

Final test in the discipline “Information technologies in professional activities”

Compiled by:

Filatova Yulia Alexandrovna,


1. Information technology is...

2. A computer is -

a) an electronic computing device for processing numbers;

b) a device for storing information of any kind;

c) multifunctional electronic device for working with


d) a device for processing analog signals.

3. A personal computer is used for:

a) Collection of informationb) Transfer of information

C) Classification of information d) Storage of information

4. Information input devices include:

a) keyboard b) monitor c) printer

d) scanner e) modem f) mouse

5. Information output devices include:

a) printer b) modem c) monitor

d) mouse e) hard drivee) sound speakers

6. Specify the device to connect your computer to the network:

a) Modem. b)

Mouse. c) Scanner. d) Monitor.

7. Specify which devices are storage devices

Information: a) Hard magnetic disk

b) Modem

c) Printer d) Scanner

8. Indicate which of the following is the “brain” of the computera) Microprocessor

b) RAM

  1. c) Keyboard d) Operating system e) Hard drive

RAM is intended:

a) For long-term storage of information

b) To store immutable information

c) For short-term storage of information

d) For long-term storage of immutable information

10. For long-term storage of information the following is used:

A) RAM; b) processor; c) magnetic disk;

d) disk drive.

11. The main characteristic of the microprocessor isa) speed;

b) sweep frequency;

B) compactness; d) resolution;

D) capacity (size);

12. What function do peripheral devices perform?

A) information storage b) information processingc) input-output of information

d) computer control

13. Server is:

a) a computer that provides users with access to any


b) a computer with an Internet connection;c) laptop computer;

e) a computer with a modem connected to a telephone line.

14. Indicate which class (type) of software (software)

Operating systems include:

A) System software. c) Programming systems.

b) Application software. d) Unique software.

15. The basis of the operating system is:

a) operating system kernelc) RAM

b) driver d) user

16. The executable file of the program has the extension:

a) exe b) dll c) txt d) doc

17. A set of programs that are designed to manage

Computer resources and computing processes, as well as for

The organization of user interaction with equipment is called....

A) operating system c) processor

B) file system d) hard drive

18. The file is:

A) a program or data on disk that has a name;

b) unit of measurement of information; c) program;

19. The file system is:

a) a system of units of information measurement;

b) a system of programs for displaying information;

c) a program or data on disk that has a name;

G) information storage system;

20. What program is a word processor?

A) Excel b) Paint c) Access d) Word

21. Which program is a table processor?

A) Word b) Paint c) Access d) Excel

22. Which program is a graphic editor?

A) Excel b) Word c) Access d) Paint

23. Microsoft Word is designed to:

a) only for creating text documents;

b) to create text documents with graphic elements;

c) only for creating graphic images;

d) only for creating graphic images with elements


24. Using the clipboard you can:

a) insert pictures from a graphic editor into a text editor


b) duplicate fragments of text or graphics;

c) copy or move files and folders;

d) carry out all of the above actions;

25. The elementary object of a spreadsheet is...

A) sheet b) cell c) row d) column

26. A spreadsheet is:

a) an application program for processing code tables;

b) a personal computer device that manages its resources;

c) an application program designed to process

structured in the form of a table of data;

d) a system program that manages personal resources

Computer when processing tables.

27. The spreadsheet is intended for:

a) processing predominantly numerical data, structured

using tables;

b) orderly storage and processing of large arrays


c) visualization of structural relationships between data,

Presented in tables;

d) editing large graphical representations


28. Graphics formed from objects of graphic primitives and

The mathematical formulas describing them:

a) vector b) raster c) pixel d) dot

29. Any image in video memory is represented in... form.

a) raster b) vector c) combined d) linear

30. Indicate the name of the software package designed for

Database creation and maintenance:

a) DBMS. b) ACS. c) IS. d) SU.

31. Files created in MS Access have the extension:

A) .doc; b) .xls; c) .dbf; d) .mdb; d) . mрЗ.

32. The MS Access program is intended for:

a) processing graphic information;

b) processing text information;

c) making payments;

d) for storing large amounts of data and outputting the necessary


e) computer resource management.

33. A network in which computers in different countries are connected, on

Various continents.

a) Global networkb) Local networkc) Regional network

34. A network that connects computers in a room or adjacent rooms.

A) Global networkb) Local networkc) Regional network

35. A network connecting computers within a certain region.

A) Global network b) Local networkc) Regional network

36. Server location address in Internet. This is often called the whole

Web collection -pages located on the server.

A) Website b) Server c) Puncture d) Browser

37. Network node containing data and providing services to others

Computers; a computer connected to a network and used for

Information storage.

A) Website b) Server c) Puncture d) Browser

38. Electronic mail (e-mail) allows you to transmit:

A) messages only; b) files only;

c) messages and attached files;d) video image only;

39. A computer connected to the Internet must have:

a) IP address; b) WEB - server;

B) home WEB page; d) domain name;

40. A computer virus is:

a) any program created in low-level languages;

b) a program for checking and treating disks;

c) a program copied from a poorly formatted floppy disk;

d) a special small program that can

attribute itself to other programs, it has

the ability to “reproduce”;



state budget professionaleducational institution of the Voronezh region

"Liskinsky Agricultural and Technological College"

Final test in the discipline “Information technologies in professional activities”

1 option

Compiled by:

Filatova Yulia Alexandrovna,


1. Information technology is...

2. A personal computer is used for:

a) Collection of informationb) Transfer of information

c) Classification of information d) Storage of information

3. Information output devices include:

a) printerb) modemc) monitor

d) mouse e) hard drivee) sound speakers

4. Specify which devices are storage devices


Information:b) Modem

b) Modem

c) Keyboard d) Operating system e) Hard drive

RAM is intended:

a) For long-term storage of information

b) To store immutable information

c) For short-term storage of information

6. The main characteristic of the microprocessor is

11. The main characteristic of the microprocessor isa) speed;

c) compactness; d) resolution;

e) capacity (size);

7. Server - This:

13. Server is:


b) a computer with an Internet connection;

V) laptop computer; G) work station;

d) a computer with a modem connected to a telephone line.

8. The basis of the operating system is:

a) operating system kernel c) RAM

b) driver d) user

9. A set of programs that are designed to manage

computer resources and computing processes, as well as for

organizing user interaction with equipment is called....

a) operating system b) processor

b) file system d) hard drive

10. File system- This:

A) system of units of information measurement;

b) system of programs for displaying information;

V) a program or data on disk that has a name;

d) information storage system;

11. Which program is a table processor?

a) Word b) Paint c) Access d) Excel

12. Microsoft Word is designed to:

A) only for creating text documents;

b) to create text documents with graphic elements;

V) only for creating graphic images;

G) only for creating graphic images with elements


13. The elementary object of a spreadsheet is...

a) sheet b) cell c) row d) column

14. The spreadsheet is intended for:

a) processing predominantly numerical data, structured

using tables;

b) orderly storage and processing of large arrays


c) visualization of structural relationships between data,

presented in tables;

d) editing large graphical representations


15. Any image in video memory is represented in... form.

a) raster b) vector c) combined d) linear

16. Files created in the program MS Access have extension:

A) . doc ;

b) . xls ;

V) . dbf ;

a) Global networkb) Local networkc) Regional network

d) .mdb; d) . mрЗ.

17. A network in which computers in different countries are connected, onc) Regional network

different continents.

18. A network connecting computers within a certain region.

a) Global network b) Local network

19. A network node that contains data and provides services to otherscomputers; a computer connected to a network and used forc) Puncture d) Browser

information storage.

a) Website b) Server

20. A computer connected to the Internet must have:

a) IP address;

b) WEB - server;

c) home WEB page;

d) domain name;

Control test - information technology

Exercise 1

c) home WEB page;


Show in the picture a graphic editor that is not vector

Indicate the location in the image:

Task #2

When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, absolute references:

1) are transformed depending on the new position of the formula

c) home WEB page;

How many colors will there be in the palette if the color depth is 6 bits?

Write down the number:


Task #4

c) home WEB page;

Convert the hexadecimal number 5AF to binary using the conversion table and write the answer


Write down the number:


Task #5

c) home WEB page;

How to type a character in a text editor that is not on the keyboard?

1) Use special character insertion

2) Paste from a special file

3) Use drawing for this

Task #6

c) home WEB page;

How many volume levels will be available with an 8-bit audio encoding depth?

Choose one of 5 answer options:

Task #7

c) home WEB page;

Convert the binary number 101100011 to octal using the conversion table and write the answer


Write down the number:


Task #8

c) home WEB page;

For 10 seconds, sound was recorded into a computer at a sampling frequency of 10,000 kHz and a quantization depth of 8 bits. Determine the information volume of the resulting sound file in bits and write the answer.

Write down the number:


Task #9

c) home WEB page;

A picture measuring 10 by 10 pixels was proportionally enlarged 5 times. What information volume will the resulting image occupy if the palette has 256 colors, and the information volume of the original image was 100 bytes.

Choose one of 4 answer options:

3) 2500 byl

4) 5000 bytes

Task #10

c) home WEB page;

Convert the binary number 1011011 to decimal number system and write the answer

Write down the number:


Task #11

c) home WEB page;

When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, relative links:

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) are transformed regardless of the new position of the formula

2) are transformed depending on the new position of the formula

3) do not change

4) are converted depending on the length of the formula

Task #12

c) home WEB page;

The Windows-1251 table encodes 256 characters. Determine the information weight of one character (indicate the answer in bits with one number, without units of measurement)

Write down the number:


Task #13

c) home WEB page;

The formula from cell D2 was copied to cell D4.

Enter the number we should see in cell D4


Write down the number:


Task #14

c) home WEB page;

What is the name of the device for converting information from printed form on paper to digital form on a computer? (see picture)


Write down your answer:


Task #15

c) home WEB page;

What is the name of one page of a presentation?

Choose one of 4 answer options:

3) Page

4) Table

Task #16

c) home WEB page;

Specify formulas that use only absolute or mixed references, but no relative references

Select several of 5 answer options:

Task #17

c) home WEB page;

How many bits of information will be needed to encode this image (see figure)?


Write down the number:


Task #18

c) home WEB page;

When you reduce the size of a vector image, its quality...

Choose one of 3 answer options:

1) gets worse

2) improves

3) remains unchanged

Task #19

c) home WEB page;

Indicate which number systems are positional and which are not

Please select a match for all 2 answer options:

1) Positional

2) Non-positional

The quantitative value of a digit depends on its position in the number

The quantitative value of a digit does not depend on its position in the number

Task #20

c) home WEB page;

How to delete the character to the left of the cursor...

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) Press BS

2) Press Alt

3) Press Ctrl+Shift

4) Click Delete


1) (1 b.) Correct answers:

2) (1 b.) Correct answers: 2;

3) (1 point): Correct answer: 64.;

4) (1 point): Correct answer: 10110101111.;

5) (1 b.) Correct answers: 1;

6) (1 b.) Correct answers: 5;

7) (1 point): Correct answer: 543.;

8) (1 point): Correct answer: 800000;

9) (1 b.) Correct answers: 3;

10) (1 point): Correct answer: 91.;

11) (1 b.) Correct answers: 2;

12) (1 point): Correct answer: 8.;

13) (1 point): Correct answer: 11.;

14) (1 point) Correct answer: “Scanner.”

15) (1 point) Correct answers: 1;

16) (1 point) Correct answers: 1; 2;

17) (1 point): Correct answer: 360.;

18) (1 point) Correct answers: 3;

19) (1 point) Correct answers.

Details Computer science tests with answers 15 October 2015 Views: 34476

Topic 1. Informatization of society, basic concepts and definitions

Test 1. The goal of informatization of society is

1 fair distribution of material wealth;
2 satisfaction of human spiritual needs;
3 maximum satisfaction of the information needs of individual citizens, their groups, enterprises, organizations, etc. through the widespread introduction of computers and communications.

Test 2. Which law reflects the objectivity of the process of informatization of society

1. Law of diminishing returns.
2. The law of cyclical development of society.
3. The law of “necessary diversity”.
4. The law of unity and struggle of opposites.

Test 3. Data about objects, events and processes is

1 content of knowledge bases;
2 unprocessed messages reflecting individual facts, processes, events;
3 pre-processed information;
4 messages located in data stores.

Test 4. Information is

1 messages located in the computer memory;
2 messages located in data stores;
3 pre-processed data suitable for making management decisions;
4 messages recorded on machine media.

Test 5. An economic indicator consists of

1 attribute attribute;
2 graphic elements;
3 arithmetic expressions;
4 base attributes and attribute attributes;
5 props-base;
6 of one base attribute and related attribute attributes.

Test 6. Specify the correct characteristics of the basis of the economic indicator

1. The basis props determine the qualitative side of an object or process.
2. The basis requisite determines the quantitative aspect of an object or process.
3. The basis attribute determines the time characteristics of an object or process.
4. The basis attribute determines the connection between processes.

Test 7. Specify the correct characteristics of the attribute of an economic indicator

1. A props-attribute determines the qualitative side of an object or process.
2. Attribute-attribute determines the quantitative aspect of an object or process.
3. Attribute-attribute determines the temporal characteristics of an object or process.
4. The base props determine the constituent elements of the object.

Test 8. What dictated the need to isolate economic indicators from management documents in the process of setting a problem?

1 to identify structural units generating management documents;
2 the desire to correctly formalize calculations and perform logical operations;
3 the need to protect information.

Test 9. To solve the problem, the following documents are used:

1.Individual outfit for piece work.
2. Brigade outfit for piece work.
3. Tariffs for the manufacture of parts.
4. Directory of parts.
5. Calendar of working days.

Test 10. To solve the problem, the following documents are used:

1. Nomenclature-price tag.
2. Detailed operational standards for material consumption.
3. Invoice for the arrival of materials at the warehouse.
4. Invoice for the release of materials from the warehouse to the workshop.

Test 11. What human knowledge is modeled and processed using a computer

1 declarative;
2 procedural;
3 unconscious;
4 intuitive;
5 associative
6. unclear.

Test 12. What definition of an information system is given in the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”

1. An information system is a closed information loop, consisting of direct and feedback, in which, according to information technology, management documents and other messages circulate in paper, electronic and other forms.
2. An information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents (an array of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications, that implement information processes (the process of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and distributing information).
3. Information system – an organizational and technical system designed to perform information and computing work or provide information and computing services;
4. An information system is a set of external and internal direct and reverse information flows, the management apparatus of an organization with its methods and means of information processing.

Test 13. Specify the correct definition of information business

1. Information business is the production and sale of computers.
2. Information business is the provision of information and communication services.
3. Information business is the production, trade and provision of information products and services.
4. Information business is the trade in software products.

Test 14. Specify the correct definition of the information market

1. The information market refers to many manufacturers offering infocommunication services.
2. The information market refers to many entities supplying computer equipment.
3. The information market is understood as a network of trading enterprises that sell software.
4. The information market is understood as a set of business entities offering customers computers, communications, software, information and consulting services, as well as maintenance of hardware and software.

Test 15. Specify the functions performed by an enterprise information manager

1. Planning the implementation and modernization of the information system, its search in the software market.
2. Assessment of the software market using marketing tools.
3. Development of application programs.
4. Acquisition of information technologies with the necessary functions and properties.
5. Development of operating systems.
6. Organization of implementation of the information system and personnel training.
7. Ensuring the operation of the information system: administration, testing, adaptation, security organization, etc.
8. Updating the existing information system, introducing new versions.
9. Decommissioning of the information system.

Topic 2. Information systems, their structure and organization

Test 1. Indicate the principle according to which a functional-task information system can be created

1 efficiency;
2 block;
3 integrated;
4 task-based;
5 process.

Test 2. Specify the principle according to which an integrated information system is created

1 efficiency;
2 block;
3 integrated;
4 task-based;
5 process.

Test 3. Specify the enterprise management functions that modern information systems support

1 planning;
2 bonuses;
3 accounting;
4 analysis;
5 distribution;
6 regulation.

Test 4. Business process is

1 a variety of management procedures and operations;
2 many actions of management personnel;
3 a set of actions linked into a single whole, the implementation of which allows you to obtain the final result (product or service);
4 a set of works performed during the production process.

Test 5. Which information system corresponds to the following definition: a hardware and software complex capable of uniting into one whole enterprises with different functional areas (manufacturing, trading, credit, etc. organizations)

1. Information system of an industrial enterprise.
2. Information system of a trading enterprise.
3. Corporate information system.
4. Information system of a credit institution.

Test 6. What information networks are used in corporate information networks

1. Local LAN (Local Area Net).
2. Regional city scale MAN (Metropolitan Area Network);
3. Global (Wide Area Network).
4. Trading networks - ETNs (Electronic Trading Networks).
5. Automated trading networks ECN (Electronic Communication Network).
6. Railway networks.
7. Road networks.

Topic 3. Creation, implementation, evaluation and selection of information systems

Test 1. System analysis assumes:

1 description of an object using a mathematical model;
2 description of the object using an information model;
3 consideration of an object as a whole, consisting of parts and
isolated from the environment;
4 description of the object using a simulation model.

Test 2. Provide the correct definition of the system

1. A system is a set of objects.
2. A system is a set of interconnected elements or
subsystems that work together to achieve a common goal.
3. A system is elements that are not interconnected.
4. A system is a set of processes.

Test 3. An open information system is

1. A system that includes a large number of software products.
2. A system that includes various information networks.
3. A system created on the basis of international standards.
4. A system focused on rapid data processing.
5. A system designed to issue analytical reports.

Test 4. What international standards in information systems regulate

1. Interaction of information systems of various classes and levels.
2. The number of technical means in the information system.
3. Interaction of application programs within the information system.
4. The number of personnel providing information support to the management system.

Test 5. Indicate the capabilities provided by open information systems

1. Data mobility, which consists in the ability of information systems to interact.
2. Mobility of programs, which consists of the possibility of transferring application programs and replacing hardware.
3. User mobility, which consists in providing a user-friendly interface.
4. Extensibility - the ability to add (increase) new functions that the information system did not previously possess.
5. Efficiency of input of initial data.
6. Intelligent data processing.

Test 6. The standards profile is intended for

1 taking into account the specifics of the management functions served at a particular enterprise in the information system;
2 organizing the supply of software products;
3 organization of work of management personnel;
4 meeting the requirements for building open systems.

Test 7. Indicate the standard life cycle processes of an information system used in the process of its creation and operation

1. Basic production processes.
2. Basic life cycle processes.
3. Supporting life cycle processes.
4. Supporting marketing processes.
5. Organizational life cycle processes.
6. Organizational cycles of logistics.
7. Planning processes.
8. Accounting processes.

Test 8. Business reengineering is

1. Radical revision of accounting methods.
2. Radical revision of planning methods.
3. Radical revision of methods of analysis and regulation.
4. Radical redesign of the information network.
5. Radical redesign of existing business processes.

Test 9. Provide the correct definition of an ERP system

1. Information system that provides customer relationship management.
2. Information system that provides planning for the need for production capacity.
3. An integrated system that provides planning and management of all enterprise resources, its supply, sales, personnel and wages, production, research and development.
4. Information system providing supply management.

Test 10. Indicate the characteristics of the information system that can be used to evaluate and select it

1. Functionality.
2. Number of software modules.
3. Data formats.
4. Reliability and safety.
5. Practicality and convenience.
6. Database structure.
7. Efficiency.
8. Maintainability.

Topic 4. Information technologies and their basic software

Test 1. Information technology is

1. A set of technical means.
2. A set of software tools.
3. A set of organizational means.
4. Lots of information resources.
5. A set of operations for collecting, processing, transmitting and storing data using automation methods and tools.

Test 2. Indicate information technologies that can be classified as basic:

1. Word processors.
2. Table processors.
3. Transaction systems.
4. Database management systems.
5. Control software systems.
6. Multimedia and Web technologies.
7. Systems for forming decisions.
8. Expert systems.
9. Graphics processors.

Test 3. Indicate which of the listed methods for controlling the input of initial information uses compliance with the range of correct values ​​of the attribute

1. Bounds checking method (fork method).
2. Directory method.
3. Method for checking the code structure.
4. Checksum method.

Test 4. For what purpose is the data sorting procedure used?

1. For data entry.
2. For data transfer.
3. To obtain the results of various levels.
4. For data control.

Topic 5. Information resources of enterprises and organizations

Test 1. What definition of information resources of society corresponds to the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection"

1. Information resources of society are information of various types, materialized in the form of documents, databases and knowledge bases.
2. Information resources of society are individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks and other systems), created and acquired using funds from the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
3. Information resources of society are a variety of websites available on the Internet.
Test 2. Indicate existing information resources in the enterprise
1. Own.
2. External.
3. Technical.
4. Software.
5. Organizational.

Test 3. Off-machine information resources of an enterprise are

1.Management documents.
2. Databases.
3. Knowledge bases.
4. Files.
5. Data storage.

Test 4. Intra-machine information resources of an enterprise are

1. Databases.
2. Websites.
3. Knowledge bases.
4. Design documents.
5. Data storage.
6. Accounting and financial documents.

Test 5. The enterprise's own information resources are

1. Information coming from suppliers.
2. Information generated within the enterprise.
3. Information coming from clients.
4. Information coming from the Internet.

Test 6. External information resources of an enterprise are

1. Information purchased externally.
2. Information received from third parties.
3. Information received from the Internet.
4. Information generated using OLAP technologies.
5. Orders for employment.

Test 7. Choose the correct definition of the process of encoding economic information

1. Encoding is encryption.
2. Coding is the assignment of a symbol to objects of the nomenclature.
3. Coding is the search for classification characteristics.
4. Coding is the assignment of classification characteristics.

Test 8. Select the correct characteristic of the positional system for coding economic information

1. Reflects the serial numbers of the coded item.
2. Reflects the hierarchical subordination of classification characteristics
3. Reflects the series numbers of the coded item.
4. Reflects the mnemonics of the coded nomenclature.

Test 9. For what purpose is information encoding carried out?

1. Reducing labor costs when entering information.
2. Simplification of computational operations.
3. Simplification of data sorting procedures.
4. Convenience of procedures for processing management documents.
5. Simplification of data transfer procedures.

Test 10. Specify the functions of electronic document management

1. Solving applied problems.
2. Storage of electronic documents in the archive.
3. Search for electronic documents in the archive.
4. Organization of solving transactional problems.
5. Routing and transmission of documents to structural units.
6. Monitoring the implementation of orders.
7. Organization of solving analytical problems.

Test 11. Indicate common forms of in-machine representation of structured information resources

1. Databases.
2. Traditional paper management documents.
3. Knowledge bases.
4. Texts of orders entered into the computer.
5. Data storage.
6. Websites.

Test 12. Indicate the main feature of databases

1. Focus on data transfer.
2. Focus on rapid data processing and work with the end user.
3. Focus on intelligent data processing.
4. Focus on providing analytical information.

Test 13. Indicate the main feature of data warehouses

1. Focus on rapid data processing.
2. Focus on analytical data processing.
3. Focus on interactive data processing.
4. Focus on integrated data processing.

Test 14. Specify the concepts that characterize the relational database model

1. Table name (relationship).
2. File.
3. Attribute.
4. Cortege.
5. Vector.
6. Matrix.
7. Domain.

Test 15. For what purpose are database management systems created?

1. Creation and processing of databases.
2. Ensuring data integrity.
3. Data coding.
4. Data transfer.
5. Data archiving

Test 16. A centralized database is characterized by

1. Optimal size.
2. Minimum costs for data correction.
3. Maximum costs for data transfer.
4. Rational structure.

Test 17. A distributed database is characterized by

1. Optimal size.
2. Minimum data transfer costs.
3. Maximum costs for data correction.
4. Hierarchical structure.
5. Data confidentiality.

Test 18. Data in data warehouses is in the form

1. Hierarchical structures.
2. Network structures.
3. Multidimensional databases (hypercubes).
4. Data diagram.

Test 19. The semantic network of the subject area is

1 model for data presentation;
2 model for knowledge representation;
3 means for online data processing;
4 tool for solving computational problems.

Test 20. The inference tree is used to

1 obtaining new knowledge in conditions of certainty;
2 obtaining new knowledge under conditions of uncertainty;
3 obtaining new knowledge under risk conditions;
4 gaining new knowledge in confidentiality.

Test 21. The membership function is used for

1 solving equations;
2 information search;
3 reflections of fuzzy information;
4 calculations of economic indicators.

Topic 6. Infocommunication technologies of control systems

Test 1. Infocommunication technologies operate on the basis

1. Means of access to databases.
2. Information technology.
3. Networks and telecommunications equipment.
4. Data storage.

Test 2. Indicate the directions in the development of infocommunication technologies

1. Electronic business.
2. Solving economic problems.
3. Banking network payments.
4. Decision making using expert systems.
5. Distance learning and work execution.

Test 3. A virtual enterprise is

1. Hierarchical association of various enterprises.
2. Corporate association of various enterprises.
3. Networking based on electronic communications of several traditional enterprises specializing in various fields of activity.
4. Defunct enterprise.
5. Machine-building enterprise.

Test 4. How do costs change as a result of the use of information and communication technologies?

1. They increase.
2. Distributed.
3. Disappear.
4. They accumulate.
5. Declining.

Topic 7. Solving economic problems based on basic software

Test 1. Information models are designed to

1 mathematical reflection of objects;
2 mathematical reflection of the structure of phenomena;
3 reflections of information flows between objects and
relations between them;
4 meaningful reflection of relationships between objects;
5 reflection of the quality characteristics of processes.

Test 2. Indicate information models, the development of which is regulated by agreements adopted in the practice of creating information systems

1. Network models.
2. Hierarchical models.
3. Relational models.
4. Data flow diagrams.
5. Graph models.

Test 3: Identify the elements that make up data flow diagrams

1. Object.
2. Distributor.
3. Process.
4. Storage.
5. Data flow.
6. Adder.
7. Integrator.

Test 4. The graph is

1. Drawing.
2. Many unconnected points.
3. Lots of relationships.
4. Lots of connections.
5. A set of points over which relations are specified.
6. Scheme.

Test 5. The direct economic problem is characterized by

1. Parallel computing.
2. Calculations from the particular to the general.
3. Sequential calculations.
4. Calculations from general to specific.
5. Formation of information about the actual state of the enterprise.

Test 6. The inverse problem is characterized by

1. Distributed computing.
2. Sequential calculations.
3. Calculations from general to specific.
4. Issuance of operational certificates.
5. Generating information for management decisions.

Test 7. Indicate the contents of the section “Description of the algorithm for solving the problem” of the problem statement

1. Description of methods for generating the resulting
2. Sources and methods of receiving information.
3. Calculation formulas.
4. Block diagram.

Test 8. Point out the erroneous description of the data in the table describing the structure of the input or result documents

1. The workshop code is symbolic.
2. Supplier code – numeric.
3. Quantity delivered actually – numerical.

Test 9. What information is not included in the section “Organizational and economic essence of the task”

1. Name of the task.
2. The purpose of solving the problem.
3. Frequency of solving the problem.
4. Methods for controlling the input of initial information.
5. Description of the structure of the document.

Test 10. Indicate the information included in the “Description of input information” section

1. List of input documents.
2. Description of the structure of primary documents.
3. Formalized description of the algorithm.
4. Methods for controlling the input of input information.
5. Frequency of solving the problem.

Test 11. Under what conditions is a decision tree used in the decision making process?

1. In conditions of risk.
2. In conditions of uncertainty.
3. In conditions of complete certainty and information.
4. In conditions of confidentiality.

Test 12. What is not specified for the goal tree

1. Confidence factor for rule 1.
2. Confidence factor for rule 2.
3. Reliability coefficient for condition C3.
4. Reliability coefficient for condition C4.
5. Reliability coefficient for condition E12.

Test 13. What is the difference between neural network technologies and conventional expert systems

1. Do not require analytical data processing.
2. They do not require specifying priorities and restrictions.
3. They do not require programming, as they are customized to the user’s needs.

Test 14. What types of neural network training do you know?

1. “With a teacher.”
2. "Without a teacher."
3. “With a student.”
4. "Without a student."

Test 15. What needs to be done so that the neural network can help in generating a solution:

1. Specify the withdrawal rules.
2. Provide formulas for calculations.
3. Teach with examples.
4. Enter information about the situation.

Test 16. What tools are used to form a decision under conditions of uncertainty?

1. Inference tree.
2. Decision tree.
3. Tree of goals.
4. Fuzzy sets.

Test 17. What tools are used to form a decision under conditions of certainty?

1. Inference tree.
2. Decision tree.
3. Tree of goals.
4. Fuzzy sets.

Test 18. What tools are used to form a decision under risk conditions?

1. Inference tree.
2. Decision tree.
3. Tree of goals.
4. Fuzzy sets.

Test in the discipline “Information technologies in professional activities”

    What is the purpose of the said button in Word 2007?

      Changing the spacing between lines of text b. Center text alignment

V. Decrease or increase font size

    Sorting selected text

    What is the name of the software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer?

b. Browser

    Firewall Archiver

    The World Wide Web is an Internet service for:

A. Search and view hypertext documents including graphics, sound and video

b. File Transfer

V. Transmission of electronic messages

    Real-time communication using the keyboard

    Which of the following addresses is a search engine?



    http://www.narod.yandex.ru d. http://www.google.ru

    In an Excel spreadsheet, the value of the formula =SUM(B1:B2) is 5. What is the value of cell B3 if the value of the formula =AVERAGE(B1:B3) is 3?

A. 4 b. 2nd century 3 years 8

    Which of the following programs is NOT an application?

A. Antivirus programs

b. Computer-aided design systems

V. Expert systems

Geographic information systems

    In the Excel spreadsheet processor, a range of cells looks like this:

A. A1:B1 b. A1/B1 c. A1+B1 g. A1-B1

    A fragment of the database is presented below in tabular form. How many records satisfy the condition: (Gender = “m”) AND (Date of Birth = 07/01/1996 AND

What value will appear in cell C2 after cell C1 is copied to cell C2?

    The identifier of some Internet resource has the following form: http://www.olimpiada-profmast.ru/. Which part of this identifier indicates the protocol used to transfer the resource?

b. olimpiada-profmast in. http

    Given is a fragment of a spreadsheet:

Which of the following formulas can be written in cell C2 so that the pie chart constructed after the calculations based on the values ​​of the range of cells A2:D2 matches the figure?

g. =(A1+B1)/3

    Determine the name of the network if computers of the same organization are connected by information transmission channels for sharing common resources and peripheral devices and are located in the same building:

A. Regional

b. Territorial v. Local


    Select protective measures related to norms of behavior that have traditionally developed or are developing as information technology spreads in society.

A. Legal (legislative)

b. Organizational (administrative and procedural) c. Technological

d. Moral and ethical

    Data types in MS Excel spreadsheets are... a. Text, number and formula

b. Text and number

V. Constants, formulas and errors d. Number and formula

    The text was typed in a text editor:



The Find and Replace All command to correct all errors might look like this:

A. Find P, replace with RA

b. Find RO, replace with RA

V. Find ROB, replace with RAB

d. Find BROB, replace with BRAB

    What is the name of a set of programs that provides control of computer hardware, organizes work with files and execution of application programs, and performs data input and output?

A. operating system

b. Software

V. Programming system Development environment

    In the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor, the group of cells D2: E3 is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

A. 6 b. 4th century 5 g. 3

    An elementary raster graphics object is: a. What is drawn with one tool

b. Pixel


    Which of the following programs is designed for creating booklets and business cards?

A. Microsoft Office Publisher

b. Microsoft Office Word

V. Microsoft Office Access

Microsoft Office Excel

    Full name of the copied file F.txt from drive C: of the KR directory to drive D: in the SM directory of the TP directory

A. D:\TP\SM\KR\F.txt b. D:\TP\SM\F.txt

V. D:\SM\TP\KR\F.txt D:\SM\KR\TP\F.txt

    The database contains the fields “Name”, “Year of issue”, “Cost”. What will be found when searching by condition : Year of manufacture 2012 AND Cost

A. Toyota Corolla, 2011, 620,000 b. Mazda 3, 2014, 630000

V. Honda Accord, 2012, 640000 Skoda Octavia, 2014, 640000

    What fields need to be filled in to most effectively search for the Federal State Educational Standard document “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” in the “Search Card” of the “Consultant-Plus” system?

A. Title of the document and Subject b. Subject and Document Type

V. Subject, Document Type and Document Status

d. Document Title, Subject and Document Status

    In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are:

A. Typeface, size, style b. Indentation, spacing

V. Margins, orientation

g. Style, template

d. None of the above

A. Doesn't change with autofill

b. Changes when autofilling in any direction

V. Changes when autofilling down

d. Changes when autofilling to the right

    A regional computer network is...

A. Communication system connecting subscribers located in different countries

b. Communication system that connects subscribers located at a considerable distance from each other

V. Communication system that unites subscribers located within a small area

d. A set of several types of computer networks

    The main control program (set of programs) on a computer is

A. operating system

b. Application program

V. Graphics editor

d. Word processor

d. Computer network

    A network that connects computers in different countries, on different continents is...

A. Global network

b. The local network

V. Regional network

d. Computer network

    In which of the following viewing modes you cannot add text to a slide: a. Ordinary

b. Slide sorter

V. Notes Pages Slide Show

    The PC system unit includes:

A. Processor, RAM, hard disk b. Monitor, RAM, hard drive c. Keyboard, monitor, system unit

Winchester, keyboard, microprocessor, bois

    A device for outputting graphic information (drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams) from a PC on paper of various formats (up to AO) is ...

A. Printer

b. Plotter

V. Scanner

Mr. Digitizer

    Clock frequency unit: a. Megahertz

b. Kilobyte ·

V. Gigabit


    To construct a circle in the Paint graphic editor, you must press the key during construction:

    Computer performance depends on: a. Display screen size

b. Processor frequencies

V. Supply voltage

d. Keystroke speed