1C Accounting 8.3 Educational version How to work. Training versions of programs. "1C: 8 Beauty salon" - automation of beauty salon, a new business development stage

Many of the people who want to explore 1C, both from the point of view of the programmer and the user asked the question where to take this program. The fact is that typical solutions from this company, as well as a license to use the platform paid.

The company 1C supports the curiosity of people and offers to your attention five absolutely free solutions to study configurations and programming language.

Please note that for the use of curriculous products 1C you will not require licenses nor protection keys. Real accounting in these configurations you will, of course, cannot. All below, the listed versions of technological platforms will allow you to create new configurations, edit and explore existing ones. This functional is quite enough to explore the program.

With download you should not have problems. The following are described all existing ones this moment versions with relevant links. Go to the selected, and click on the "Get Product Free" hyperlink. If you have any difficulties with installing 1C, we advise you to read.

For you already prepared video instructions: where to download and how to install the program:

1C Enterprise 8.3 Education Version Programming

This package includes mobile version and version 8.3 of the 1C platform. You can try yourself as a programmer. In addition to learning programming, you can explore such configurations as "1C Accounting 8.3", "Trade and Warehouse 8.3", "UNF" and others.

Also here contains books. For example, the allowance of the developer and administrator.

Download the 1C curriculum for free and you can find out all its composition at this link.

1c enterprise 8.2 (for the Russian Federation)

Composition This package is practically no different from the composition of the previous one. Here you will not find products for creating and studying mobile applications, which is completely logical. Also, this version does not include the UNF configuration.

The books and documentation in this version are the same as in the version described above, only the version of the platform 8.2. If you are interested in this product, then go through this link to learn more about it in more detail and download absolutely free.

1c enterprise 8.2 (for Kazakhstan)

This product is absolutely identical to the above described above, only in it will be the version of 1C accounting for Russia, but for Kazakhstan. It also contains the relevant documentation. To download this version, follow this link.

Training platforms 1C.

Educational version 1c Enterprise 8.2

Part this package An alleged training technological platform 8.2 is included. It is intended for those who want to develop configurations from scratch. It is also perfect for schoolchildren and students to perform independent tasks at home. Download from office. The site of the company 1C is available at the following link.

Training Version 1C 8.3 + Mobile Platform

The archive of this version contains only the training version of the platform 8.3, as well as mobile platformwhere you can wash out your own applications for both PCs and mobile. Download This package can be.

Limitations of the training version from full

Due to the fact that these versions are educational and distributed completely free, you will come across some limitations. They are aimed at ensuring that the program cannot be used to keep records in a real company. To explore the program of the existing functionality, it is quite enough. We list the main limitations:

  • There is no possibility to carry out this accounting.
  • The inability to publish mobile applications.
  • Restriction in quantity.
  • Only file mode is available.
  • Can not use .
  • Unable to install passwords or OS authentication.
  • You can save and print on table documents only in the configurator.
  • Unable to copy several cellular document cells simultaneously.
  • At the same time, you can run only one session.
  • Lower speed.

This version was developed by 1C specially for learning. It has a number of restrictions, but on the process of mastering the platform, these restrictions do not have an even account of any influence. The most important thing is that the electronic version of the product (without box and books) is provided by 1C

You can right now download without registration and try Magazka & Magazka (NS)in action and complete glory.
All you will have no more than 15 minutes.
And I'm sure you love this wonderful program from the soul Magazka.

Order and get a training platform


Remove from the archive: (I am sure that you know how to unpack the archive - Extract files)

And launch (double click) File: Setup.exe.

Press the "Next" button

By default, "System Installations", but you can choose your language

Press the "Install" button

Press the "Finish" button
I congratulate you, you just - independently installed a training platform 1c enterprise 8.2 on your computer. Everything is ready to study.

On the newly created label on the desktop (1C: Enterprise) Click

Of course add! Press the button "Yes"

Select the second menu item

Here we write the name of your first information base (it can be any, the main thing is that you understand what we are talking about)

You hope you have already downloaded the distribution Magazka & Magazka (NS)

Select a directory with Magazka files

Attention! The path may differ (and depends on where you saved Magazka)

If everything is done correctly. Then you make such a window

Which means that you installed Magazka & Magazka (NS) yourself on your computer

Click on the "1C: Enterprise" button, what to start the program for the first time Magazka.

Password: empty leave left

How to install Magazka & Magazka (NS) for not training platform 1C: Enterprise

But follow the remembrance!

Limitations of the 2C 8.2 training platform.

  • limited the amount of data in documents, reference books, account plans, features of characteristics and other object tables;

  • limited number records in tabular parts and record sets;

  • there is no possibility of using passwords and Windows authentication for users;

  • printing and saving tabular documents are supported only in the configurator mode;

  • there are no some optimization of the execution time affecting the speed of work;

  • simultaneously with one information database, only one user can work;

  • not supported Work with Web services.

  • limited amount of data:

  • maximum number of entries in 500 accounts tables;

  • maximum number of entries in the main tables of objects 200;

  • number of entries in the table parts of objects 1000;

  • number of entries in the sets of records 1000;

  • the work is not supported in the client-server version;

  • the work of distributed information bases is not supported;

  • the COM connection is not supported;

  • there is no possibility of using passwords and authentication of the operating system for users;

  • printing and saving tabular documents are supported only in the configurator mode;

  • not supported Copying the contents of more than one cell table document in 1C mode: enterprises;

  • the speed of the training version is lower than that of the commercial version of "1C enterprise 8.2";

  • Hello colleagues. You know what I started on May 13, 2013, the company 1C on its official website put up for free download the electronic version of the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Version for learning programming" which includes 1C: Accounting 8 Training version. Of course, a boxed training version as before you can buy on the disk along with a set of books and it costs all 600 rubles.

    Download free class 1c version

    Rejoice now perfectly legally and you can download the training version of the 1C platform for free and the 8C study configuration: the company's accounting start just following the link http://v8.1c.ru/edu/

    Technological platform and configurations are constantly changing (7.7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3) new features and these possibilities are activated in applied solutions. For a training platform, updates are periodically produced so that it meets the current capabilities used in applied solutions. But now the link above download version 8.3 is impossible.

    Of course, the company 1C will soon fix it, as they say thank you, and on this. But how to be if we need to study the last release.

    There is an English-speaking site for developers, where, after registration, you can download the current version of the platform 8.3 http://1c-dn.com/

    Programming training version

    Of course, one who is not familiar with "1C: Enterprise 8. Version for training programming" It is pleasant to surprise its composition. What is part of the kit:

    • Educational platform 8.2.
    • Educational configuration "Accounting company 3.0"
    • Demonstration configurations for the book "Practical Developer's Manual"

    As well as training materials:

    • Developer's Guide
    • Administrator's Guide
    • Book 1C: Accounting 8. Training version
    • Book "1C: Enterprise 8.2. The practical manual of the developer "Edited by M. G. Radchenko
    • Glossary developer
    • As well as materials for developers of Methodical support 1C: ITS.

    The box version contains data books in paper, but in order to understand it is worth buying or not you can try to try for free.

    1C platform 8.3.

    Why do we need version 8.3, the "Taxi" interface is available on this platform. This is a new interface that appeared on the 1C platform: Enterprise 8.3 and which soon can be the basic interface in 1C programs. Taxi interface is more convenient for working with tablets and telephones. And if we take for the study of 1C, then you need to start with all new.

    It doesn't matter if you want to learn to program or want to master 1C accounting, in any case, version 1C for learning will not only be useful to you, but also help, before buying full versions of 1C.

    License agreement

    On the curriculus, you can not only learn, but also to perform commercial work on changing and refining configurations, of course not full, but still. For example, such works as: creating, refining and configuring various reports, the development of functionality that does not require a large amount of data for debugging can be safely produced.

    At the same time, of course, you need to remember that the customer must have a configuration on legally foundation, And only in this case, he can transfer it to you for familiarization and improvements. Yes, and experience shows that if the customer picks up on licensed program, then on your salary, he will also save.

    Work in the office, at home and on mobile computer Not violating the 1C license agreement is very easily solved if you use the training version of the platform.

    For real accounting on enterprises, the training version will not suit it prohibits license agreementAlso imposed limitations functional, technical and in terms of stored data.

    Free use of 1C

    Now 1C clouds are now very popular, these services are gaining their popularity and new ones appear. So look for one of these services on the Internet, for example, Virtual 1C

    When registered, we can use the full-fledged 1c program for a whole month. This is the management of trade, company accounting, as well as creating their configurations. Of course in a month, freebies will end, but someone does not prevent you from registering on a new one.

    It would be a desire to learn, and the ability to always be found.

    Thank you for your attention and please share your opinion in the comments.

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    Description Reviews (0) Screenshots

      Some of the most popular and used products software From 1C today is 1C: an enterprise and its integral part, which can be downloaded for free, 1C: Accounting - represent a system of programs and applications combined on one platform and allow you to significantly simplify the processes of accounting and management at enterprises of various fields of activity And with any type of financing, ranging from small businesses and ending with large holdings.

      Program Features 1C: Accounting

      The program system consists of their platforms and configurations based on it. You can work in two modes;

      • configurator - for checking, creating backups and correcting errors in the database; creating documents; developing new reports of reports - depends on version 1C;
      • enterprise - Wednesday to work users, i.e. Add information to the database of necessary information in a specific sequence.

      If download free program 1C Accounting for free, it will become clear that it helps to reduce costs when conducting financial statements and is created to solve certain tasks, such as:

      • tax and accounting;
      • regulated documentation.

      You can download the program 1C: Accounting for free. There is a training version of a program that has sufficiently limited possibilities, with the disk attached tutorial on theory with specific examples and their explanation, mobile app. After launching the demo version, real work is simulated in a virtually created company. Training occurs in the process of performing any actions within the competence of software, namely;

      • filing documents;
      • reporting;
      • postings.

      Pros and cons

      The advantages of the program that will be obvious if you download the program 1C: Accounting and install on PC:

      • the ability to make all types of accounts;
      • modification under the conditions of conducting a specific type of business;
      • fully meets Russian legislation, updating the program when changes in the Tax Code.


      • the need for refinement to improve the efficiency of some specific enterprises (not complete versatility);
      • complex process of finding inaccuracies made in processing reports;
      • when moving S. similar program Transfer of information of information has to do on their own;
      • development requires special knowledge.

      You can download 1C: Accounting 8.3. This enhanced version of the program has several features:

      • declarative user interface;
      • work in one database at once with several enterprises;
      • expansion of the field of application of typical solutions;
      • work with individual enterprises:
      • upgrading cost reflection function;
      • group entry of accounting wiring, which are used most often;
      • accounting for several taxation schemes.

      In order to download 1C: Accounting 8.3 for free and install on a PC, you must have a 1C platform: Enterprise.

    Any official organization regardless of its activities? This is an endless flow of "paper" work related to the compilation of numerous reports, the formation of tax returns, accounts to counterparties and other times requiring a large number of time procedures.

    Especially difficult with reporting, if we are talking About commercial companies that constantly have to deal with both their creditors, suppliers and buyers. Maintaining competently and correctly decorated document management of the company can take up to eighty-percent of its employees. In order to simplify and speed up this process, Domestic developers of specialized software have long created a practically universal software platform called "1C: Enterprise", as well as many other similar products operating on the basis of the 1C platform.

    Important: 1C: Accounting - the general name of the program membranes of the company "1C", focused on the automation of accounting processes. It is directly related to configurations based on the 1C complex: an enterprise (part). That is why, when users want to download the program 1C: Accounting, and instead they are offered 1C: Enterprise.

    One of recent versions Programs - 8.3, recently published on the market, is perfect for the compilation of the right tax and accounting reports. The program is fully staffed by all the necessary functions for conducting various forms of accounting in organizations involved in commercial activities, for example: commissions and subcommising trade, production, and the provision of various services, trade in bulk, retail and the like.

    The new version of 1C is already familiar to each entrepreneur in the country of the program fully maintained the continuity of the previous line of its predecessors, as well as absolutely relevant to the current Russian legislation. Comfortable specifics accounting Programs allows you to fix each entry of the economic operation at a time in different accounting systems: according to the desired cuts of analytical, currency and analytical accounting, as well as to enter accounting accounting accounts in the data table.

    Any user after a runaway acquaintance with the 1C program: Accounting 8.3 will be able to personally make cuts of analytical accounts, form subaccounts and the like.

    The latest version of the program is more improved compared to previous 7.7 and 8, because it includes whole six years of continuous experience of official users from a wide variety of trade and production areas. Therefore, we certainly advise you to download and install 1C accounting of the latest version.

    1C: Accounting has become a real find for many actively working companiesAfter all, all areas of its use are maximally concise and automated. Flexible configuration of this software platform makes it convenient for use by any enterprise.

    This program is specifically designed for operational management of the organization, competent budgeting, convenient account management, including currency, compilation of financial and analytical reporting, payments to employees and many other mandatory operations intended to extend the automation of management of the company.