How to send begging from MTS. How to send beggar from Biline? The most effective way to throw the beggar. Function "Trustee"

Like many others russian operators mobile communications, Tele2 company gives customers the opportunity to stay in touch even at zero balance. We are talking ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES Email Special Message, which will show another subscriber to talk to another subscriber. Naturally, the operator establishes some restrictions on the number of requests for a certain period of time.

Service "Lighthouse" or "Poprosha"

To allow the client to always stay in touch, it is proposed to use the service "Lighthouse", with which any other subscriber can send a message to call back. To throw off the "begging" of the tele2, you must perform the following simple sequence of actions:

  • Dial on the keyboard of the mobile device command * 118 * Subscriber number #, then click on the "Call".
  • The number of the called subscriber is indicated in full: 8 - three-digit prefix - seven-digit number.
  • When the shipment was executed, the subscriber will immediately delivered an SMS message with a request to call back.

Before you throw free on the TV2, you need to familiarize yourself with the limitations established by the mobile operator. The maximum allowable number of notifications may vary depending on the region in which the subscriber lives. For most regions, the condition is valid: no more than 60 "beacons" within a month. If the operator's client exhausts this limit, each subsequent notification will be paid, with a cost of 50 kopecks. And also, you can send an SMS on the TV2 anonymously and completely free of charge, how to do it, read.

Want to connect to the tariff "My conversation", read the instructions on how to do this in another article.

Control the number of beacons sent is not at all difficult - after each sending, a message will appear on the screen with the number of notifications already used for the month.

Any mobile network operator client can use the service, regardless of the residence region. A certain amount of shipments to each client is provided free of charge monthly. A big advantage is the fact that the service works not only within the body of the tele2. If necessary, a message with a request to call back can be sent to subscribers of other Russian operators.

All details of the use of the Lightachock service can be found by service number 611.

Additional ways to contact each other at zero balance

Once with zero or negative balance, it is not at all necessary to look for how to send "Poprosyku" from the tele2, because there are other solutions to the problem. An effective tool in this case is the informer whose use does not require any special actions. If due to an insufficient balance, it is not possible to call, the called subscriber thanks to the informitance still receives a call attempt notice to certain Number. The same message comes and after unsuccessful attempt send SMS. The informer service is valid for all customers of the operator and connects automatically if there is not enough funds to the call or SMS. There are other options to stay in touch:

As with the TV2, throw a lighthouse in more detail in another article on our website.

Cash by mobile device Sometimes end unexpectedly, and at the moment when you need to call. For such situations, the MTS operator provides the ability to subscribers to send a signal to a friend or a close person call back or replenish the account. For this are provided special teamssent from the phone. Consider several ways to send begging with MTS.

How to use the service "Call me back"

To do this, there is a certain procedure that does not occupy a lot of time:

After processing the command, the subscriber will receive a message with a request to call the subscriber, indicating the phone number.

How to use the service "Top My Account"

With the urgent need to replenish the phone's account, and the absence of the possibility of its independent replenishment, optimal option There will be sending begging to another subscriber. To activate the "Depraint of My Account" service, follow these steps:

The phone number can be specified in any format: without a country code or code.

The service "Top My Account" can also be used through the mobile portal. To do this, follow the steps:

After requesting the subscriber to replenish the account, the recipient's phone receives a notification asking for an account replenishment indicating the amount.

How to use the service "Ware

You can call the MTS numbers due to the called subscriber, and the subscription fee is not provided for this service. You can even call with a "minus" balance, without connecting anything. The service works in Russia and abroad.

To send begging with the help of the "Wash" service in Russia, select one of the ways:

The subscriber comes with a challenge with a proposal for its acceptance at its own expense. With the consent, the line connection will occur. If the subscriber does not agree, the connection will not be. With the unavailability or employment of the phone of the called subscriber, it will come a message that there was an incoming call.

To send Podroshka, being abroad in Russia, follow the steps:

With the consent, the connection is established and a conversation will take place. If the subscriber is not available or busy, he will receive a notice to call back. The called client may receive calls from another country only while in home network. With a list of countries in which this service is available, you can find a web resource of the MTS operator.

Conditions for the provision of services "Call me back" and "Top My Account"

There are certain conditions according to which the service is provided. "Call me back". Consider the main of them. Read more:
  • During the day you can send no more than five bears with other people.
  • After sending the beggar on the mobile device, the recipient subscriber will display a missed call.
  • When sending a beggar, the recipient's phone may turn off, or be out of the action zone. In this case, a notification is sent to his number to call back. It will indicate the date and time of the beggar.
  • The service is available to all MTS subscribers.
  • Begging can be sent to any Russian cellular networks, regardless of the location region.
Terms of Service "Top My Account":

Features and Conditions

To the conditions and features this service MTS includes the following points:

The most active subscribers often suffer from lack of funds on account. mobile phone. Permanent chatter lies balance and rapidly takes it to the zero mark. What if the money is over, but should I urgently contact any subscriber? How to send begging to MTS and ask another subscriber to call back?

Especially for this, the service "Call me back" works in the MTS operator's network. It allows you to send requests to call back, having no own funds on the score. Let's figure out how this service works, and on what conditions it is provided.

Send a bitch with MTS

* 110 * 8xxxxxxxxxx #

How to send begging on mts

In order to send a hat with MTS, you need to use the service "Call me back." This service Assigned to all network subscribers and allows you to send requests for any phones in the country. And it is very convenient, as you can not always replenish your account and not everywhere. Therefore, the ability to send a message with a request to call back will be almost the only way to maintain communication with other people, not counting the service "tolery", which allows you to call at the expense of the interlocutor.

Despite the limited number of requests per day, the service will have invaluable help to many subscribers. For example, with its help, we can contact relatives and loved ones, asking them to replenish their account (however, there is a separate service for this.offered as part of the package "Opportunities at zero"). So how to send a homeless to MTS and ask another subscriber to call you back?

To do this, use a simple USSD command * 110 * 89181234567 #. As can be seen from the command syntax, the number is entered in a 11-digit format, starting with the "eight". As the number of the called subscriber can be any number of mobile communication networks in Russia. As for foreign subscribers, sending a request to them is impossible. When specifying the recipient's number in a request to call back, we will only wait until the called subscriber receives the appropriate notification.

If the recipient's phone is turned off, it will be delivered in the form of SMS, and the caller's number will be specified as the senderthat is very convenient. Also in the message will indicate the date and time of the query. If the recipient's phone turns out to be enabled, then in the call list, the recipient will see the missing call from the caller's number.

Recall that get detailed information About missing calls when your phone has been unavailable for subscribers allows you to call MTS.

Terms of service provision

As we have already talked, send dialing with MTS each subscriber. The service is available on any tariff plans, so we can not think about whether it will work or not. In addition, there are no restrictions on the service life of the subscriber in the network - the service can be used at least from the first day of service. Any subscribers can be recipients of notifications. cellular communication in Russia. And here send a request with a request to call back the numbers of foreign operators is impossible.

By the way, if the called subscriber will be in intranet, national or international Roaming, then notice he will still receive. Now you need to talk about financial conditions Providing the service "Call me back." The fact that the service is absolutely free, will have to do with all MTS subscribers. Send requests are not charged, subscription fee absent. The service does not even need to be connected, as it is already connected to all subscribers as a basic feature.

It is upset only the restriction on maximum amount Queries per day - there may be no more than five. But this is done solely for the prevention of subscribers from extremely obsessive people who, being unable to replenish their account, annoy the constant requests to call back. Therefore, the MTS network and introduced such a limitation.

The service "Call me back" works in all Russian regions, but service conditions may differ - recognize the details on the official website of MTS.

If the balance on the mobile device is striving for zero, and the ability to replenish it in the near future, use one of the special options of biline. This operator has developed several services for its subscribers to "ask" and call, and money to a mobile account.
Of course, after the personal account, you must constantly monitor so as not to be at one moment without communication. It is convenient to do with the help of the self-service service - personal account. The system allows you to fully control your personal account and make whole line Financial operations. But, if you still undergraved, and the money on the account unexpectedly ended, you can always with the help of one of the services ask friends to replenish your account or dial your number if the conversation interrupted suddenly.

In Bilain, there are several possibilities for these cases, but in this article we will talk about two services - "Call me back" and "Top My Account." This is the official name of this cellular operator, but the subscribers have long dubbed them with "beggars". If you have zero balance, activate one of them and use all the features.

So, we will tell you how to send "Podroshajka" from the BILYNE SIM card using and one and another service.

For those who are in a hurry!

  • To use the service "Top My Account", type the following USSD request: ✶143✶abonent number # Call. For example: ✶143✶ + 89xxxxxxxxx # call.
  • To use the service "Call me back", type the following USSD request: ✶144✶abonent number # Call. For example: ✶144✶ + 89xxxxxxxxx # call.

Service "Top My Account"

As we have talked above, the "beggar" can be sent by the subscriber using two services. Choose a one that suits you more, and we will look at both. First, "Top My Account." This special bilayne option, designed for the convenience of subscribers. The service does not require activation and does not charge the use fee. All you need to make a subscriber remaining without money on a mobile device balance - send a special request. In this case, the command can be sent to any number, regardless of the telecom operator.

The service though does not require activation, but it can be turned off by a subscriber if there is no need for it. Team to shut down this: ✶143✶0 # call. But if it was necessary, it was necessary, it must be activated. To activate, type the USSD request on the smartphone keyboard: ✶143✶1 # call.

Also "begging" can be managed in your account. To do this, you must log in and go to the section with the services. We go to "" and log in.

Next, go to section "".

In this section, select the criterion "at zero balance".

From the list of services, choose "".

In the "Depraint of My Account" section, the conditions for the provision and management of the service will be indicated.

Service "Call me back"

Another similar service that subscribers also call "begging". The option is not activated (unless it was disabled individually) and it is possible to use it for free. Send request ✶144✶abonent number # The challenge will call you back if they want, of course. Your request for a call, the interlocutor can ignore or he will not be able to accept it if the service is disabled. The option "Call me back" is also called "", and we told them more detail in one of our articles.

In order to manage this service through " Personal Area", From the list of search results obtained at last steps, looking for the desired service.

Next, go to the service "".

Also here are the terms of service provision.


With a negative balance, you can use other similar services if these are ineffective (for example, if you never waited for a call from the subscriber). Try "Call at the expense of the interlocutor." Perhaps in this case everything will be successfully, and they will call you back. This service is also provided by the Operator for free and does not require activation on the mobile device (it is pre-installed on all bilan tariff plans).

To use it, in front of the subscriber number, type five digits: 05050. It looks like this: 0505079xxxxxxxxx.where X is the number numbers of the subscriber. The feature of the service is that it works only for the BILINE operator SIM cards, that is, your interlocutor should be on the same network with you. If the subscriber uses the services of other operators, this option is not available. This service can be used no more than 15 times a day.

If this service is not suitable for you, perhaps "trusting payment" is what you need. This option you can use with a negative balance. The essence of the service is that the operator replenishes your personal account on the "enyn" amount, and you agree to return the money in a certain time. To take this opportunity, type the following USSD command: ✶141 # call. Immediately after sending a request, your balance will be replenished.

How much do you get money to the account? The amount of trust payment is calculated by the operator individually, while it is taken into account how many per month you have to communicate. The amount of money outstanding in advance can and find out if you send this USSD query: ✶141✶7 # call.

Fill up an account within three days. After this time, "debt" sprinkled from the balance.