Who unsubscribed from the Instagram application. How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram. Difficulties in using such applications

Instagram is becoming more and more popular. Everyone is interested in viewing photos and sharing their own. One of the features of this social network is the ability to subscribe to updates from other users whose photos you like. But what if subscribers begin to disappear? Perhaps people are unsubscribing. On Instagram, there is no way to view the list of users who have left their account, but you can calculate them in other ways.

In order to find out who unfollowed on Instagram, it is not necessary to do this using a mobile phone. You can open special services on your computer that allow you to see such information online.

First simple method

One such site that shows you how to find out who has unfollowed you on Instagram is Unfollowers.

On this resource you need to click on the “Log in to Instagram” button. If the system requires, you need to enter your social network login and password to authorize your account.

Additional Information

For full operation, the site will request email data. You need to indicate them if you are interested in news and updates of the service. This operation can be performed at will. How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram? This information can be obtained immediately after registration. In order to view the list, you must select “New Unfollowers”. And the resource will instantly show a list of users who have unsubscribed.

Another available service

On the topic of how to find out who unfollowed on Instagram, there is another service that provides this information. Its name is Unfollowgram. The website has a “Sign in with Instagram” button. By clicking on it you can register in the system. To do this, you will need data from your Instagram account.

As in the previous method, to go through the authorization process, you must enter your Instagram login and password. The last step before the intended goal is to copy the email address into a special form.

After all authorization steps have been completed, to answer the question of how to find out who unfollowed me on Instagram, you need to select the “Who unfollowed me” function. After this, the service will show statistics of users who unsubscribed.

Method number three

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram via computer? You can use the special Play Market application, which you need to download. This is a quick and accessible way to easily answer your question. There are a large number of similar utilities. They are targeted at different mobile operating system platforms.

How to use?

In the application, you must enter a suitable search query, preferably in English. Afterwards the system will show a large number of results. You will need the top one in the “InstaFollow for Instagram” search list.

This application has won a lot of likes. Many users rated it at the highest level, which indicates the effectiveness of the program.

  • In order to view the list of unsubscribed users, you must first install the program.
  • Afterwards you need to wait a few minutes until the installation process is completed. The utility will be available both in the Play Market and on any phone.
  • You need to start the program with the "Open" button.

Only a few of the large number of possible services that will help in this matter have been listed here. You can use whatever you like.

Of course, when a lot of people unfollow, this is an unpleasant moment. You can avoid this situation with the help of high-quality and impressive photographs that are truly interesting to users.

Any Instagram blogger wants to get as many likes and subscribers as possible. But it’s equally important to retain your current subscribers. You may be wondering, “Who unfollowed me?” So how can you find out who has unfollowed you on Instagram?

Instagram doesn't offer any official way to verify your unfollowers. The only thing you can see is that the number of subscribers is decreasing, but no more.

Fortunately for you, there are enough third-party applications that will help identify profiles that have peed on you. They work as Instagram trackers of your followers and unfollowers, and will quickly show those people who no longer want to see your posts in their feed.

Difficulties in using such applications

Although these apps are the easiest way to view unfollowed profiles, there are a number of complications when using them. This is because the Instagram API seriously limits the capabilities of unofficial developers.

For example, the starting point for collecting useful data on unsubscribes will always be the moment when you first installed this application. That is, you will never know who unfollowed you earlier (before installing the application).

These apps are also not approved by Instagram, which means your account security may be at risk. If you share your account login information, you are taking on very high risks.

Additionally, these apps may stop working at any time as Instagram has a habit of changing APIs or rules without warning. Previously, several good third-party apps stopped working due to Instagram's rule change, including Unollowgram, which was one of the best Instagram apps for monitoring unfollowers.

Now that you know about the shortcomings and difficulties in the operation of such services, let's move on to their consideration.

Followmeter (Android, iOS): Best Choice

We've tested many unfollow monitoring apps, Followmeter is the best of them all. The setup process is simple, the interface is simple, and the Unfollower feature is completely free, without any catches. But again, it will only work from the moment you install it, so you won't be able to find previously unsubscribed profiles.

The dashboard shows unfollowers, new followers, profiles you follow but they don't follow back, and profiles that follow you but you don't follow them. Click on the "Unfollowers" tab to get a full list of people who have unfollowed you.

The Unfollowers list displays individual profiles and whether you are following them or not. Clicking on the profile will take you to Instagram, where you can send them a message or unfollow.

Followmeter has premium features for finding ghost followers (i.e. inactive users). They charge $3.99 for this feature. Otherwise, the application is absolutely free to use.

Are you posting too often or too infrequently?

If you post too often, your followers will quickly get tired of your photos spamming their entire feed. This is especially true for commercial accounts and brands. On the other hand, if you post too infrequently, your followers may decide that there is no point in following you.

It is difficult to determine the optimal balance. There is no golden rule regarding the number and frequency of publications. You need to find out this point from your subscribers by receiving feedback from them in some way.

Create a publishing schedule for yourself and follow the schedule clearly and regularly.

You are violating the most basic principles of Instagram

There are several other reasons why you may be losing subscribers. For example:

  • Posting information about topics that are not related to your brand;
  • Posting information about controversial topics that share the views of people;
  • Ignoring comments;
  • Publishing posts with incorrect hashtags or low-quality descriptions;
  • Posting low-quality photos without processing.

Don't be obsessed with increasing your Instagram followers

In fact, losing a subscriber does not mean that you are doing anything wrong. It's not possible that absolutely everyone will like it. Don't sweat it.

Better focus on the quality of your account and enjoy it!

Denial of responsibility: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.

How to find out who unfollowed your account on Instagram? You can notice this by the number of subscribers, which has decreased, but it is impossible to find out who exactly it was, at least in the application itself.

How to check unsubscribers from a computer

Is it possible to find out who unfollowed on Instagram? Until recently, there were many sites that allowed you to find out online who had unsubscribed, right from your computer. But due to Instagram innovations, most of these sites either stopped working or retrained, for example, as auto-posting services. This happened with the popular unfollowgram.com, which directly states on its website that the previous functionality is no longer available.

friendorfollow.com, crowdfireapp.com and other well-known sites also do not work. Our team has not yet found a secure site that allows you to find out who has unfollowed you.

Important information:no matter what third-party site or application you use to track unsubscribes, namely by entering your username and password, you are putting your account at risk. If Instagram considers such a site unsafe, your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious actions.

We have selected several applications that allow you to monitor your account and which have proven themselves well. However, we repeat, you give access to your account to any third-party applications at your own peril and risk, because this is prohibited by the official rules of Instagram.

How to check who unfollowed on Instagram using apps

We have tested and recommend such applications as FollowMe and Followers; they are available for both iPhone and Android. Followers allows you to see new followers, who unfollowed you, who you follow but who doesn't follow back, and users who have blocked you.

FollowMe is a partially paid app, but it still allows you to see who has unfollowed you. We would like to note that statistics begin to be collected the moment you enter your username and password. That is, who unsubscribed yesterday and the day before yesterday, if you installed the application only today, you will not be able to.

How to see who unfollowed on Instagram using applications from iPhone and Android? After installation, you just need to enter your account login and password, and then the application will collect the information itself.

How to unfollow someone on Instagram?

To unfollow a specific user, simply go to their page, click the “Following” button and then “Unfollow”. Ready!
Many people are interested in the question: if you unsubscribe on Instagram, will the person find out? We want to reassure you that the user will not receive a notification on the iPhone that you have unsubscribed.

How can I unsubscribe a user from my updates?

Recently, some Instagram users have the opportunity to remove a person from their list of subscribers. That is, the user will no longer be able to view your feed (if your profile is private or you have blocked it). To do this, go to the list of your subscribers, and click on the three dots on the right next to a specific user and select “Delete”.

In this case, the person will also not receive a notification that he is now unsubscribed from your feed.

When you lose followers on Instagram, the app doesn't tell you who it was or when it happened.

Not very good, right? Luckily, you have at least a few good third-party solutions.

The main way to find out who has unfollowed you on Instagram is to manually monitor your follower count and then check the following list of other users to see if they are following you or not.

Of course, this is a very long and impractical job - especially when you have a lot of subscribers and their number changes regularly.

If you notice that your subscriber count has begun to decrease and you don’t know who canceled their subscription and for what reason, there are ways to track this down to the specific user who decided to leave you. If you can find someone who has unfollowed, you can also contact them, chat, and perhaps bring them back into your fold.

Unfortunately, you can't do this using just the Instagram app. Here are three different third-party apps that connect to your Instagram account and can track and tell you exactly who clicked the unfollow button.


The simplest tool for seeing who unfollowed you on Instagram is a service created just for this. It's called Unfollowgram. All you have to do is allow connection to your account and you will immediately find out who canceled their subscription.

After connecting your Instagram account, Unfollowgram will ask you for your email address and go to its own screen with operating instructions. The app will immediately start tracking anyone who cancels their subscription, all you have to do is log into the app or click the "Check" button in the top right corner to get the latest statistics.

There is also a menu at the top that you can go to to get information about mutual subscriptions. So, in addition to seeing all those who unsubscribed, you can also find out which of your subscribers did not follow you, and which of you did not follow.

Unfollowgram is not an application, the service can only be accessed from the regular network, but the site is optimized for mobile devices, so you don’t have to go to a regular computer every time just to check who unfollowed you.


InstaFollow is an iOS app that you can install on your mobile device and connect it to your Instagram account. It is mainly used to monitor and analyze subscriber statistics for users, media outlets and advertising firms.

When you use InstaFollow to find new people to follow and get yourself followers, for example through S4S, it will show you a report of your following statistics in the main tab, including new followers, lost followers, followers who did not follow you, followers who you didn’t subscribe, and the subscribers you blocked.

If you select "Have Unfollowed Me", you'll see a detailed list of usernames and even a follow button for each, in case you decide to follow them and try to get a follow in return.

And also, if you have blocked someone and want to remove the block, this will be quite easy to do in the application.


Statusbrew is a high-end social media optimization tool that you can use for free with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other networks. All you have to do is sign up for a free account and give the tool permission to connect to your Instagram to see which users have unfollowed.

After registering and connecting to your account, you will see the main screen. Select a tab Audience, located in the field with the Instagram button and your profile photo. On the next screen you will see a panel on the left. Select an item New Unfollowers and see who disabled the subscription.

You may have noticed that when you requested an upgrade to premium, you weren't shown anything. Your free account, unfortunately, only includes basic social media optimization features, and viewing users who have unfollowed you on Instagram is not one of them.

If you decide to upgrade, you'll quickly realize that one of the coolest things about this tool is the ability to receive instant email notifications when someone unsubscribes. But only if you want to pay for the premium version.

Notifications can be configured in the settings menu accessing your settings, in the left panel select Preferences, go to the tab subscriptions and choose the monthly plan that suits you.

What to do when you find out who canceled your subscription?

Once you've identified who unfollowed you using one of the methods above, it's up to you to decide whether you try to get them back or forgive and forget about them. If you decide to get your followers back, you'll have to spend time and energy liking their posts, commenting, and maybe even following them.

For businesses, retaining subscribers and customers is usually very important. If you want to see how you can increase your Instagram followers, take a look.

Sometimes you face the problem of managing followers on Instagram. For example, you want to immediately unsubscribe from all the people who don’t read you, or view those who don’t read you back. It takes a very long time to check each friend, I would like to somehow automate this process. I recently found a great Android app called InstaFollow that does the above tasks and a few more with ease.

You can log in to InstaFollow from multiple accounts. This is very convenient if you use Instagram not just as a social network for entertainment, but also to promote your business.

The main application window looks something like this.

“Followers” ​​will allow you to view all your subscribers, “New Followers” ​​- respectively, new ones. In New Ufollowers you will see people who have recently unfollowed you.

“Following” - a list of those you follow.

“Non-Followers” ​​are people you follow who don’t read you. Maybe they stopped being friends with you recently, or maybe they've never seen your posts. This list looks like this. You can immediately unsubscribe from unnecessary people.

"Mutural Friends" - these people view your publications, and you view theirs. As the name suggests, you are friends (followers on both sides). The list is ordered by newness, with your newest friends at the top.

“Fans” are fans, those who follow you, however, for some reason you do not follow them. You can follow them right here.

In general, I don’t need the rest of the functions of the InstaFollow application for managing followers on Instagram. I'm very happy that I found a program that will help me keep track of those who unfollow me. Sometimes very unexpected people become them! I hope this app will help you too! However, there are quite a lot of advertisements here, so be careful.


How do I find out who I follow on Instagram?

In the request for how to find out who you follow on Instagram, everything is clear, but other requests may intersect with each other, so, for example, there is a question about how to find out who a person follows on Instagram, most likely implies the following. This is how to see who the user is following. In any case, we will consider all possible options, and also supplement the material with service services. Which may provide such information online through their websites.

How to find out who you follow on Instagram

The “subscriptions” tab in the application and social network Instagram is a very useful thing, because here you can see who you are following. For example, if you want to show interest in a person, you subscribe and thereby show interest in him. Based on this, a database is formed that can be viewed at any time. This is an active field, on the right side with the number of your subscriptions and the inscription, subscriptions. Here is a list of users you follow and receive, news and notifications about their publications, comments, and so on.

Your subscriptions

Let's take a closer look. You can find out all your subscriptions through your personal page. Go to the subscription section, where they are located shown in the screenshot above. This active field also displays the nth number of followers you follow.

Click the subscriptions tab

We found the subscription tab with the people you are subscribed to, now you just need to click on it. So, you can see a list of all the users you once subscribed to.

How to remove a user from your list of readers?

If you suddenly want to remove a person from among your friends, click the “subscriptions” tab next to the person’s avatar. After which a pop-up window will appear saying cancel and cancel your subscription. Select the option, unsubscribe and you will never see information about it again.

Top apps that will help you find out who recently unsubscribed from your updates

All this is done manually, but it can also be done using programs, cloud service systems for mass following and mass liking. If we are talking about how to unsubscribe from users you follow.

There are also applications and websites that provide statistics on your account, the most popular of them are:

Unfollowgram Unfollowers.com Justunfollow.com



How to see followers on Instagram

It is interesting to study subscribers both when creating a new account on Instagram, and when hundreds of people have already subscribed to your publications. For this, there are both mobile solutions and special online services.

View followers on Instagram

Log in to your Instagram account and go to the profile tab (silhouette icon). At the top of the page you will see the number of subscribers and subscriptions. Tapping the Followers link will take you to a list of your followers.

By tapping the green “Follow” button, you can unfollow anyone. Confirm the action by clicking “Cancel subscription”. To view a follower's profile, simply tap their name.

View subscribers on your computer

Instagram features are very limited on PC. You can only see the total number of followers and subscriptions, without the ability to unsubscribe or go to the follower’s profile. To view, log in through any browser to instagram.com and click on your login in the news feed at the top of the screen. Under your name you will see the number of followers.

Mobile solution

Special programs offer great opportunities for studying and managing subscriptions. As an example, let's look at Follower Tracker for Instagram.

Open Play Market and enter the name of the program in the search bar. On its page, click “Install”. Accept the requested permissions. After installation, click "Open".

Tap the “Login with Instagram” button. Enter your social network login and password. Confirm authorization by clicking the “Authorize” button.

Wait for the analysis to complete. Subscription statistics will be displayed under your avatar. Tapping "Follower" will take you to your list of followers. Here you can unfollow anyone by clicking “Unfollow” or go to their profile by selecting their name. On the profile page, under the user's photo, it will be indicated how many likes he gave you.

On the main page of the application in the “ME” tab, you can track who has not responded with a mutual subscription by clicking on the “Not Following me back” link, and unsubscribe from such people. The “I’m not Following Back” link will open a list of those you haven’t followed back. You can improve by subscribing.

Next to the subscriber information, it will be indicated who recently subscribed (New) or unsubscribed (Lost) from you. For an additional fee, quite useful functions will be unlocked: who blocked you, the history of subscriptions to you, the best followers by the number of likes and comments, etc.

Online service

Let's take the site unfollowgram.com as an example. It has similar functions to Follower Tracker. The only difference is that it is designed to work on a PC, which in some cases is preferable. After going to the site, click “Login with Instagram”, then “Authorize” and enter your e-mail address to register.

Five tools will be available on the site:

  • Who Unfollowed Me – users who unfollowed you after creating an account on Unfollowgram.
  • Who Doesn’t Follow Me Back - who did not respond with a mutual subscription, with the ability to “unhook” such users.
  • Who I Don’t Follow Back - to whom you have not responded with a mutual subscription, with the ability to subscribe by clicking on “Follow”.
  • Followers – a list of subscribers whose pages you can go to by clicking on their avatars.
  • Following is a list of those you follow. To unsubscribe, click “Unfollow”.

Don’t get too carried away by studying followers and “revenge” on those who do not respond to friendly gestures. It would be wiser to move on, make new acquaintances and focus on your own style and views, rather than looking at others.


How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram?

On one of the most popular social networks, Instagram, which is designed for viewing photos, you can subscribe to users and leave comments under their photos. But sometimes it happens that the number of subscribers begins to decrease.

Read the best ways to make money in this topic:

In the Instagram application itself, you cannot see a list of users who have left you, but you can still find out who unfollowed your account. We will talk about these methods in this article.

To track unfollowers on Instagram, you can use more than just a mobile phone. If you have a computer at hand, you can use it to access special services that provide this data online and see who has unsubscribed.

Tracking unfollowers through the Unfollowers website

When you enter this site, you first need to log into your account. To do this, click the “Log in with Instagram” button, after you are on the login page, log in using your username and password. Now you can find those who have unsubscribed from your blog.

Unsubscribe tracking steps:

  1. The service will require you to enter your email address. You can ignore this requirement if you do not want to receive newsletters from this site.
  2. If you want to immediately start viewing unfollowers, click the NewUnfollowers button.
  3. A list of followers who have unsubscribed from your channel will appear.

Finding unfollowers through the Unfollowgram service

It is also easy to find out the list of users who have unfollowed you using the Unfollowgram website. After going to it, you need to find and click “Sign in with Instagram”. After which you can log in to the site using your Instagram account.


  1. Enter your information under which you are registered on Instagram and log in to the Unfollowgram website.
  2. Enter your email address in the provided field. Click Continue.
  3. The next step is to select the Who unfollowed me statistics function. Only those users who have unfollowed you will be displayed here.

View unfollowers through the InstaFollow app

A convenient and comfortable way to check the list of those who have unsubscribed is the InstaFollow application. Before you find out about the followers who left you and start searching for them, this application must be downloaded to your mobile device through the Play Market.

How to get into the TOP-100 Instagram?

Search sequence:

Of course, it’s not very pleasant when subscribers leave you. But you shouldn’t get hung up on it and constantly track everyone who unsubscribed. Find new interesting contacts, develop them, exchange information and be active by posting interesting photos, leaving your comments and meeting new people.

Watch the video - How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram: