MIUI debugging by usb where

In many instructions when working with the device on the Android platform, you must enable USB debug mode. This option is in all gadgets of this operating system, but its location may differ depending on android version. Let's figure out how to enable or disable a USB debug mode.

What is needed by USB debug

USB debug mode allows you to use the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) service that checks the operation of each application and the system as a whole. Basically, the developers are actively used by this mode when creating new applications or improve the old. But the usual users can also be useful. What else can be done with this service:

  • copy the desired folder or section from a smartphone on a PC;
  • send a file from a PC to a smartphone;
  • install Android app;
  • to do backup applications;
  • flash smartphone;
  • restore the performance of a smartphone or tablet;
  • get root rights.

How to enable USB debug mode: step-by-step instructions

There are several ways to enable USB debugging on your device. Below will be presented by several options, they are distributed through Android versions, but there are also exceptions among the rules. For example, on Sony Xperia. M S. operating system version 4.1 is running last method. Therefore, if you did not manage to enable debugging in standard ways - use the options for other versions.

For Android versions 2.2 - 3.0

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Find there Item "Applications".
  3. Among all applications find "Development".

Android is less than 4.2 - the first way

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu
  2. Find there Item "Development" or "For Developers".
  3. Mark the "Debug on USB" checkbox.

Android is less than 4.2 - the second option

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Open the "More" item.
  3. Find the "Developer Settings".
  4. Tick \u200b\u200bthe "Debug on USB" checkmark.

Connecting debugging for Android 4.2 versions and above

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Find the "System" item. IN phones xiaomi., Samsung and LG This menu item may be called "General". If you have not found anything like that, go to the next action - in your case the operation will require one step less.
  3. Next, click on "About the smartphone / tablet / telephone."
  4. Find the "assembly number" and click on it 7-10 times (depending on the phone model, but sometimes there is a hint there, how many times you need to click). Now you are a developer and can use a more advanced phone functionality.
  5. Return to the "Settings" menu.
  6. Now you have an item "for developers" or "Functions for developers", click on it.
  7. Check the box next to "USB debugging".

Video: USB debug activation

Authorization of the computer after turning on the debug mode

This item is relevant for the versions of Android 4.2 and above. After turning on the USB debug mode, you, of course, you will need to connect a smartphone or tablet to a computer. The device identifies this computer and asks the debugging permission from this PC. In order for the debug mode earned as it was intended, you will need to allow debugging on your phone. If you want to further when connecting to this computer This request did not appear - check the box next to "Always allow this computer". But when connected to any new device, your smartphone will still request permission.

The device is not detected - why did it happen and what to do?

Lack of drivers

When you first connect the smartphone or tablet to the computer, the first thing that makes PC, it is looking for and installing the drivers for your device. Most often it is some program that has the name of the manufacturer of your gadget in the title. Looking something similar to all installed programs on PC. If such a program was not found, then use the Internet to search and install the drivers yourself.

Blocked device status

Check that the smartphone or tablet is turned on. Unlock the device if you want to enter a graphic or ordinary password.

USB port

Do not use USB 3.0, only USB 2.0 is suitable for debugging.

PTP mode

If you activate the debug mode, it will not be possible to try to lower the top information panel on your smartphone or tablet while connecting to the PC and select " USB connection" After that, change the PTP connection mode.

How to disable USB debug mode

If you have already found an option to turn on this mode, which came to you, then it will not be necessary to turn it off. Follow the same list of instructions as to enable debug mode, but instead of checking the checkbox in front of the "USB debugging" item, remove it.

USB debug mode is needed primarily to developers, but can also come in handy as possible users. There are several methods of inclusion, the choice of method depends only on the Android version and, possibly, from the manufacturer of the gadget. When connecting to a PC, the device may not determine the computer, but this problem is also easily solved by the correct settings.

After the euphoria of the first days of using the device subsides, when the hands of an insurmountable desire to change something in the device, then the Xiaomi debug mode via USB arrives at the help. It is hidden, it is not too deep in the phone, but it does not rush into the eyes. The function, useful in every sense, can not do without it.

What is this USB debug mode

Universal and only way to make changes to the phone. Tool that enjoys android program Debug Bridge (Debugging Bridge Android), short ADB. The main purpose of the bridge is to manage the smartphone operating system at a deeper level. Let us dwell on the main possibilities provided to the user by the debug mode.

  1. Getting ROOT rights. For full editing system filesInstallation of applications with advanced functionality, you need to log in with the license system.
  2. Phone firmware, as a way to optimize its work, installing custom versions of the recovery and the system itself is not possible without activating this mode.
  3. Work with backup, reservation and repair OS.
  4. Control over the functioning of the device on the hardware and software level.
  5. Making data transmission between computer and smartphone.
  6. ADB running on the computer will perform necessary actions from file system Device.

As you can see, the list contains all the most important actions with the phone, which is faced with literally every user.

If you want to be a full-fledged owner of your smartphone Siaomi, adjust and adjust it to work under it, then you just need to turn on the function in the settings.

How to enable developer settings

The first thing we need to do is become a developer.

Attention! All that then happens to the phone, what changes will affect the device, you are responsible for everything. Such is the policy developed in Xiaomi, the company removes responsibility for all those innovations that you yourself have made in your device.

Returning to the settings menu, then "Extended Settings", and we enter and see the new "for developers" option that appears.

How to enable USB debugging

It remains to activate the debugging itself. MIUI will ask you if you agree with the emerging possibility of moving system and other files from a computer and to a computer, installing applications directly with a computer and watching system magazine For errors?

If you are responsible "OK", you developer.

Enable USB debugging on smartphone Xiaomi. quite simple. But there are cases when the mode does not work.

Some simple rules Get rid of you from surprises. First, to connect always use the original USB cable. With the slightest suspicion of inoperability, mercilessly throw away. Save your time.

The next moment is associated with the port. Connect to the connectors on motherboard Computer, located behind system Blockdo not insert into front USB. They do not have direct contact with the motherboard and are used too often to rely on them. Only USB 2.0 options only.

If the phone has not been determined on the computer, make the drivers, the easiest way out is to install MipcSuite, all the necessary drivers will be installed with the program.

Finally, when you first connect the phone asks you, allow debugging by USB? We answer the affirmative.

And the most advanced, if for some reason you can't turn on the mode standard method, do not despair. I found myself universal waywhich connects absolutely everything. The description of the MYPHONEEXPLORER program will help you. And it is not necessary to torment the USB connector, as the author writes.

On Xiaomi MI MAX debugging via USB is a function that allows you to translate your smartphone to developer mode. Connecting to a computer portable gadget provides the ability to make changes to the Android system. Phone can interact with operating windows systems, Mac OS and Linux.

Enable USB debugging

IN standard settings mobile device The debug function is blocked. The manufacturer resorted to such a security solution, because the activation of the specified function, as well as the transition to the developer mode, provides the right to make fundamental changes to the system. The actions of the inexperienced user in this situation may cause malfunctions in the work of the smartphone. We will analyze how to enable USB debugging on Xiaomi Mi Max:

What does this mode need

It is necessary to remember that debugging on USB is not designed for a simple user, but per person who understands the principle of operation android systems. Therefore, after switching to mode, it is not recommended to perform actions intuitively. Debugging through the cord allows you to perform the following operations:

  • check the program created for compliance with the firmware requirements;
  • update software manually;
  • manage the file system of the smartphone through a personal computer;
  • find and eliminate malfunctions;
  • restore phone;
  • receive detailed statistics of all processes.

DEBUGGING MODE (or USB debug mode) - a simple way to get root rights (superuser). At the same time, the debug activation itself will not always allow the changes. On Xiaomi, which are released in 2015 and later (including and MI MAX) require the unlocking of the loader. The operation is performed only by interaction with the MIUI account, from which the request is received by Xiaomi. You will need to specify the reason for the activation of the bootloader. Only after that the manufacturer will decide on the execution of the application.

Brand Xiaomi creates modern devices that are equipped with the version of the Android - MIUI operating system. This is reflected on the convenience of operating the smartphone. Some standard operations are carried out otherwise, which must be taken into account.

You can enable the developer mode to get the root of the right or to modernize the assembly cores. Located all the necessary data in the setup item - about the phone. In some, more early versions Android similar settings are hidden from users. This is done in order to eliminate unlawful interference with the work of the equipment. But you can connect the debug mode via USB and another method.

How to enable USB debugging on android? Go to Settings. There, select the phone mode, and then click on the tab called "Assembly". It is necessary to do it very quickly. If everything goes successfully, the user will see the developer mode.

This menu has a special item that allows you to enable or disable debugging. This feature is necessary to flash the system or to update it to the latest version.