Is it possible to polish iphone 7 jet black. How to remove scratches from an iPhone case. Shades of Black from Apple

Next week we expect a presentation new iPhones... This means that a year has passed since the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Last year, Apple introduced smartphones in Jet Black. Glossy black seemed attractive to many, but it immediately became clear that the body of such a smartphone is easily covered with fingerprints and minor scratches. Purchase a cover for such devices. What happened to the iPhone, which spent this whole year without a case?

Our colleague at 9to5Mac admitted that he treated his Jet Black very carefully for the first few days. He even put it face down to prevent the glossy back from touching hard surfaces. Nevertheless, small scratches began to appear on the edges after a few days, which made the owner a little more relaxed about the preservation appearance devices.

After a year of use, the body of the smartphone was covered with scratches that are hard to miss. In addition, they can be easily found. Fingerprints are now less annoying, because they hide the scratches on the case. But overall, the smartphone still doesn't look attractive. The owner of the device admitted that the second time he was not ready to go for such an experiment, and instead of Jet Black, he would have chosen matte black.

In Apple's September 7 keynote, the Cupertino-based company unveiled a new color scheme for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, dubbing the final result Jet Black. The shiny black shade looks quite vibrant, and this option is catching the attention of many iPhone 7 users, which could be the reason for the increase in sales this year. However, the sales effect can be short-lived. Although the new shade looks amazing, there is a scratch problem. This was reported by the original source, referring to the specifications page.

“The mirror finish of the black iPhone 7 is achieved through the precision of nine-step anodizing and the surface polishing process is extremely complex, as is the case with other anodized Apple products. However, the polish will be sufficient to prevent scratches from everyday use on the iPhone 7.

Considering the efforts made by Apple, we can conclude that in order to achieve the finishing effect, possible force majeure situations with the release of Jet Black should be minimized. Apple has faced criticism in the past regarding the safety of new devices, as well as the performance of individual devices released with enviable regularity, not ignoring warnings and releasing solutions to solve the problem in a timely manner.

Apple says that those concerned about scratching when using iPhone 7, can remove the cover as additional protection for the smartphone. "If you are concerned about this, we recommend that you use one of the many iPhone security solutions," the company said. So if you intend to purchase Jet Black in the iPhone 7 (or iPhone 7 Plus), then keep in mind that the choice of cover is advisable. The fact that Jet Black can cause minor damage does not mean that consumers will opt for a different color. Especially considering the fact that Jet Black is only available for 128GB or 256GB models.

It's interesting to note that Apple's disclaimer does not apply to the black version of the iPhone 7. This is likely due to the device's matte finish. Regardless of the warning of susceptibility to scratches, the company believes that the Jet Black color matches the iPhone 7. It is rational to check the condition of the cover before purchasing the device to avoid unjustified investments. Jet Black finish looks presentable and no matter what the goals of the smartphone connoisseur last generation, it is worth considering the price factor and specifications. You should devote more time to a new product before making a purchase, weighing the pros and cons. The price is not an indicator of quality and it is worth focusing on the quality of the services provided, and not making a choice just because it is a recognizable brand, taking into account the reviews left after the purchase by the army of fans of the Apple company's gadgets.

Popular family iPhone phones 7 launched a series of notable product design innovations from the legendary Apple. The most recognizable, even from afar, change in the look of Cupertin smartphones has been the abundant return of black. If the previous iPhone generations were overwhelmingly light shades, all sorts of white, silvery and even golden, then, starting with the seventh series, finally, two full-fledged blacks entered the lineup: Jet Black and Black. How are these iPhone 7 colors different? Which shade of Apple night is right for you? Let's figure it out further.

Shades of Black from Apple

Why hasn't iPhones come in black before? The reason, as usual, is purely technical, but long time Apple has been able to turn a flaw in the manufacturing process into a marketing gimmick. They can do that! The point is that the real black color is difficult to apply to the metal by anodizing. Black phones from competitors are completely plastic, but the colors of the iPhone flaunt on honest aluminum. And now, when, finally, the engineers coped with the task, the dark, like the soul of a sinner, the iPhone 7 saw the light.

What do we see? The design of the antenna lines has been slightly redesigned, the camera is more visible, the 3.5 mm headphone jack has been removed, and real water resistance has appeared. But in terms of aesthetics, the biggest introduction is the two new dark body colors: Jet Black and Black. The simple black color of the iPhone 7 can still be compared with the previous gray shades of these smartphones, although it is much darker. Jet Black, on the other hand, is completely different: a shiny black aluminum finish that turns out to bring with it a ton of remarkable performance. If you find yourself having to choose between two black options, naturally they both look similar. But only at first glance.

A close acquaintance with Jet Black and Black

  • Jet Black has a glossy finish, while regular black has a matte finish. The difference to the touch is huge. The glossy color of the iPhone 7 directly "sticks" to the hands, it is so smooth, at the same time the usual black is palpably rough and not so grasping.
  • Jet Black has the ability to glare, and just look, flashes of "bunnies" jump on it, which increases the feeling of the high cost of the device and its hi-tech. The simple iPhone 7 Black behaves less flashy, shimmering dryly with diffuse reflections. It looks pretty stylish.
  • Jet Black, with all the advantages of gloss, also gets its disadvantages. Fingerprints and other stains are clearly visible on the case, and you just want to constantly wipe it. Plain Black remains pure in appearance.

  • Jet Black accumulates micro-scratches over time, even with careful use, which becomes noticeable. Black is not stronger in this respect, just scratches on its matte surface are not so noticeable.
  • In use, the glossy black and matte black colors of the iPhone 7 cases are equally durable.
  • Jet Black definitely won't be cheap when compared to others. flowers iPhone 7, including Black. After all, it is available only in versions with 128 GB and 256 GB on board, while matte Black includes the entire line, and most budget Apple iPhone 7 32 GB (Black).

That is, perhaps, the whole difference between Jet Black and Black. Have you considered any other features of the operation that eluded the editorial board? Write in the comments!

It's a shame, but you can't live with him.

This is the rarest iPhone version 7. It is very difficult to get it. At the start of sales in Russia, there will be units of such devices, and in the next 2-3 weeks a severe deficit is expected for them.

All this for a reason. Apple has focused all its efforts on promoting the glossy iPhone 7. And that's why everyone wants them, despite the obvious disadvantages.

We entered the battle with Humpback, stole one such iPhone from them and, running away, took several photos. Then they caught us and had to return everything. But a couple of hours was enough to understand what advantages and disadvantages of this building.

Do not be offended, but my personal opinion: cons more than the pluses. Let's start with the good.

Plus 1. It looks great right out of the box

In just 2 hours of testing, 4 people approached us and asked if this was the seventh iPhone. Everyone wants to hold, try, create their own impression. It is very different from everything that was released Apple latest 5 years.

Rest assured: the glossy iPhone 7 won't help to hook the chick and raise respect among the boys. But for another couple of months it will be a topic of conversation at meetings and lead to acquaintances in lines and restaurants.

In principle, you can buy it for this. The very first iPhone used to have a similar reaction.

p..ff 3. That's it, there are no more pluses.

Go minuses.

Minus 1. It scratches just incredibly easily

Immediately warning: deliberately did not scratch. Used in ideal conditions. In 2 hours we managed to leave no traces.

But there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of evidence to the contrary. Buyers put it on the table and pick it up with dots and small scratches.

iPhone 7 in Onyx Black is the first phone ever to be safer to put on a display.

This is an incredibly scratch-resistant phone that is completely unadapted to real life... The same was the old iPod with the steel back panel: it turned into fear and horror at a glance.

When you buy an iPhone 7 in onyx black, you don't have to buy a case to protect your phone. You will need a cover to hide already appeared scratches. As a result, in a month, instead of a fashionable and beautiful smartphone, you will have a broken freak, even if you use it with terry gloves. It's a shame.

Minus 2. He gets very dirty from everything in the world

Like any glossy surface, the Onyx Black iPhone 7 picks up prints even from surgically clean hands. They don't disappear anywhere. You can't take it without getting dirty or leaving at least an imperceptible mark.

After 2 minutes of use, the back panel looks much worse than the matte model. A harsh and shameful truth.

The cover can solve this problem again. But personally, we then do not understand the meaning of buying a glossy iPhone, not to mention the difficulties with finding it in stores. You take one to hide it in a case, where it will still be scratched by microscopic dust. At the very least, the corners will be erased. What is the logic then?

And last but not least.

Minus 3. You can't even wipe it normally

The glossy surface of the iPhone 7 Jet Black has collected spots and dust that can be seen from a kilometer away. Do you think that now you erase them and everything will be fine?

Nothing like this.

Any particulate matter that gets caught between the microfiber and back panel, will leave a mark on the case during cleaning. Every time you wipe such an iPhone, you risk leaving not a stain, but a scratch. That you can't erase

If you overdo it with friction, you can leave a bunch of small abrasions. This is some kind of horror, if you think about it.

The circle of hell: stained, rubbed, left a scratch, freaked out, stained, rubbed, scratched again.

Agree, this is not what the buyer of a phone for 85 thousand rubles dreams of. The argument “I don’t care” works poorly: your pipe will become unsightly very quickly and will look many times worse than the matte version, which is much easier to buy now.

In short, tin.

This is a natural question. Why did Apple make it?

Many people are interested in how to get rid of scratches on the iPhone case without extra money and time. There are many ways to do this, but we offer you the most effective and affordable. But if you are afraid of damaging your gadget, then it is still better to entrust your iPhone to a professional. Buy new building not always possible, since the price for it often wants to wait for the best. Therefore, we offer you several ways to remove damage from the iPhone case at home.

Multiple Ways to Remove Scratches from iPhone Case by Yourself

In the first method, we use toothpaste or disc polish. The composition includes elements that can remove minor damage to the paint. To do this, you need to use a small amount of paste or polish on the damaged areas of the phone and wipe it with smooth movements. Only special attention should be paid to such areas of the device as the holes of the connectors and the places where the case is connected. After all, if the paste gets into these places, then the device will most likely require disassembly, which in turn will require the intervention of a specialist.

If the damage to the case is too large and the previous means could not help you, then we offer the second method. For it, we need regular sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, but it must be used very carefully. In order not to damage the iPhone case even more, you need to use only fine grain paper and handle the case without pressing. You need to move smoothly and carefully. Our task is to polish the paint, not remove it. But this method will not work for you if paint is already absent in some areas of the phone. To remove this type of damage, we suggest the following option for removing scratches from the iPhone case.

Remove scratches from iPhone case at a service center

This is a very difficult and time-consuming method; you need to use it when the depth of the scratches has reached the body or when there is no paint at all in some places. The basis of this method is wet sanding. But in order to implement it, some adaptations are needed, which are not always found at home. As a result of this work, you will get shiny and smooth without paint on the case. But it is very difficult to carry out such a procedure at home, therefore, before starting such work, think about whether you will ruin your phone even more. For such work, it is better to find a master or give preference to buying a new case.